Voukor wrote:1People have had opinions over whether they prefered Bionicle before or after the climax in '03. There's one part I'm really curious about though, seeing as you apparently enjoyed writing Teridax the most.
2Did you prefer writing his character in 01-03 as a mysterious, ambiguous entity, or did you find him more interesting aftewards, when he was gradually being revealed more and more.
3Generally, did you prefer him when he was Sauron, or when he was Voldemort?
4I frankly did not like him 2001-2003, because he came across as someone who was constantly saying, "I am the greatest, fear me!" ... and then losing in 35 seconds. That is why I rewrote his character in Time Trap. Yes, he was mysterious in the early years ... he was also a perennial loser.
5I think a lot of people liked the early years because of the overall sense of mystery, which is completely understandable. But you cannot sustain that for years and years -- eventually, you have to give people some answers to some of the mysteries, or they will get frustrated and bail. If we had just kept doing "Toa on an island go underground to defeat a menace" on and on, BIONICLE would have been dead by the end of 2004.
1'Fair enough. I can respect that.
2Just as a character goes though, there's this impact I think Makuta had. I compare him to Sauron 'cause they were very similar. They were more like events, or simple plot-points, than characters, but they worked like that. They were a presence.
3I wouldn't say that I liked him less when he got revealed more. I would sooner say you could distinguish these examples as two different characters. But then... that's also part of what Teridax was. Perhaps the whole "godlike, mysterious enigma" deal he was pulling on Mata Nui was part of an image he wanted to spread?
4Either way, I love how this villain comes together.
GipsyDanger34M3 wrote:12 things
21. Why did you "reconnect" the old BIONICLE story part about the bohrok from "va" matoran?
32.Is there going to be any papercutz Ninjago graphic novel for 2015? If so, will you please make the books part of the story which is the episodes?
41) I don't understand your question
52) The books were side stories to the episodes and the plotlines were approved by the Ninjago story team before I wrote. Regardless, there are no plans for more books in 2015.
Wamsutta wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:Wamsutta wrote:1To further explain, if we coined the term Kanohi Korusca this would further separate the 2001-2010 BIONICLE universe from the 2015 one since the words 'Mask of Creation' are associated with the newer universe. By naming it, we would be, in a sense, losing a connection with the new version of the mask and allowing the 2015 BIONICLE story team the freedom to keep the two separate.2Here are the problems:
31) I have no idea if they are going to establish them as the same mask or not, in which case naming it ourselves would be a bad idea
42) I have no idea why Korusca was dropped - there may have been legal issues with it that I do not recall/know about
5I kind of feel too like this would be canonization for the sake of it. The story is not suffering any because this mask is not named
6Very great points; we don't know the other half of the story as to why the name is in legal limbo, and I have a feeling that the new story team will end up naming it. Also true, I can see that this could fall under the category of canonization just for the sake of it.
7I do have a question regarding Artakha, however. When you were writing Reign of Shadows why did you choose for Artakha to come into the story then? He'd always remained isolated. (He is an awesome character, by the way.)
8Time seemed right. Given the circumstances, how could he not get involved in some way?
ScribeGT6817 wrote:GipsyDanger34M3 wrote:12 things
21. Why did you "reconnect" the old BIONICLE story part about the bohrok from "va" matoran?
32.Is there going to be any papercutz Ninjago graphic novel for 2015? If so, will you please make the books part of the story which is the episodes?
41) I don't understand your question
52) The books were side stories to the episodes and the plotlines were approved by the Ninjago story team before I wrote. Regardless, there are no plans for more books in 2015.
6What I mean by question 1 is are the light matoran made into bohrok? Because some pople on the BIONICLE fourm try to "correct" me with bohrok not being rahi, and all this other stuff.
7And for question 2H! no wonder! So the books are part of the story. I get it now...and about there being no plans for 2015, Could I possably help? Because I have made graphic novels(but I did not puplish them course). For example, I am working on some mini story for Comet Cisis and it was the part where KAI fell from the cliff. And I have many other ideas. I am just offering help.
1So regarding Nova Blasts, a lot of elements are pretty obvious and have even been demonstrated (Water creates massive floods that destroy absolutely everything, Fire makes the world burn, Plantlife turns everything into a jungle or something), but many of them are very unclear, such as Iron and Stone – do they simply encase everything in a solid layer of the aforementioned elements?
2Even then, some Elements are even more unclear, such as Magnetism, Gravity, and Psionics especially. Mind clearing up some of the lesser-known elements?
1I saw some pictures from 2010 about the Mata Nui Saga audio blog but some I saw Strakk and a Skrall and one where Tahu actually had adaptive armor before Mata Nui was even put to sleep. Were any of those pictures canon? Also, does the Kindom AU time flow faster than the Main? or was it created earlier than the Main? Because it's been years since the Toa Mahri ventured down the cord in that universe but only several days in the Main.
GipsyDanger34M3 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:GipsyDanger34M3 wrote:12 things
21. Why did you "reconnect" the old BIONICLE story part about the bohrok from "va" matoran?
32.Is there going to be any papercutz Ninjago graphic novel for 2015? If so, will you please make the books part of the story which is the episodes?
41) I don't understand your question
52) The books were side stories to the episodes and the plotlines were approved by the Ninjago story team before I wrote. Regardless, there are no plans for more books in 2015.
6What I mean by question 1 is are the light matoran made into bohrok? Because some pople on the BIONICLE fourm try to "correct" me with bohrok not being rahi, and all this other stuff.
7And for question 2
H! no wonder! So the books are part of the story. I get it now...and about there being no plans for 2015, Could I possably help? Because I have made graphic novels(but I did not puplish them course). For example, I am working on some mini story for Comet Cisis and it was the part where KAI fell from the cliff. And I have many other ideas. I am just offering help.
9Sorry about the mistakes. Those mistakes I did not make for this bottom post here^. Somethings really weird with posting because this happened to me before.
bubbameister10 wrote:bubbameister10 wrote:bubbameister10 wrote:1Dear Greg,
2i was wondering if they used wheels in the MU, because when Jaller saw Umbra in Inferno, he seemed unfamilliar withthem and that they were gears. if they didnt have wheels,why not?
5As I recall, they did not. It was just a quirk the original story team decided upon, that they had never developed wheels.
GipsyDanger34M3 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:GipsyDanger34M3 wrote:12 things
21. Why did you "reconnect" the old BIONICLE story part about the bohrok from "va" matoran?
32.Is there going to be any papercutz Ninjago graphic novel for 2015? If so, will you please make the books part of the story which is the episodes?
41) I don't understand your question
52) The books were side stories to the episodes and the plotlines were approved by the Ninjago story team before I wrote. Regardless, there are no plans for more books in 2015.
6What I mean by question 1 is are the light matoran made into bohrok? Because some pople on the BIONICLE fourm try to "correct" me with bohrok not being rahi, and all this other stuff.
7And for question 2
H! no wonder! So the books are part of the story. I get it now...and about there being no plans for 2015, Could I possably help? Because I have made graphic novels(but I did not puplish them course). For example, I am working on some mini story for Comet Cisis and it was the part where KAI fell from the cliff. And I have many other ideas. I am just offering help.
91) Yes, Av-Matoran become Bokrok. Bohrok are not considered Rahi.
102) The books are not ending due to a lack of ideas, but thank you.
Derailed wrote:1So regarding Nova Blasts, a lot of elements are pretty obvious and have even been demonstrated (Water creates massive floods that destroy absolutely everything, Fire makes the world burn, Plantlife turns everything into a jungle or something), but many of them are very unclear, such as Iron and Stone – do they simply encase everything in a solid layer of the aforementioned elements?
2Even then, some Elements are even more unclear, such as Magnetism, Gravity, and Psionics especially. Mind clearing up some of the lesser-known elements?
31) Yes
42) Where I can, though a lot of these seem pretty obvious to me. Gravity, for example, is either going to radically increase gravity or lessen it so much that everyone is floating around.