GipsyDanger34M3 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:GipsyDanger34M3 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:GipsyDanger34M3 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:GipsyDanger34M3 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:GipsyDanger34M3 wrote:1Was there a book called:BIONICLE THE VISUAL DICTIONARY? If so, did it come with the original design of the KHONOHI MASK OF LIFE mask?
2If there was, I didn't write it or ever hear of it. It sounds like something DK would have published and I can't recall DK doing any BIONICLE books back then.
4What is the red star?
5The red star is a satellite that orbits whatever planet Mata Nui is on. Its purpose is to retrieve nanotech that ceases to function, download its AI into a new body, and send it back into the robot.
6That was unexpected for ME
! Was there any story of how MATORO came back to life?
7Matoro never came back to life. For the RS to work, the head at least has to be intact so that the AI can be downloaded. Nothing of Matoro's body survived his death, it was all turned into energy.
8Man, I wish he was still alive
. Who's the shadowed one?
9Leader of the Dark Hunters.
10Ok. Why couldn't TAKANUVA get through the barrier in Bionicle Legends #2 Dark destiny? Of course the tablet said that they're is no place for light, but there always is a place for light. Right??
11Uh, bit late, but Scholastic did a book called Bionicle the... Just checking...Encyclopedia. And it was actually written by you Greg, according to the cover.
tiche9999 wrote:GipsyDanger34M3 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:GipsyDanger34M3 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:GipsyDanger34M3 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:GipsyDanger34M3 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:GipsyDanger34M3 wrote:1Was there a book called:BIONICLE THE VISUAL DICTIONARY? If so, did it come with the original design of the KHONOHI MASK OF LIFE mask?
2If there was, I didn't write it or ever hear of it. It sounds like something DK would have published and I can't recall DK doing any BIONICLE books back then.
4What is the red star?
5The red star is a satellite that orbits whatever planet Mata Nui is on. Its purpose is to retrieve nanotech that ceases to function, download its AI into a new body, and send it back into the robot.
6That was unexpected for ME
! Was there any story of how MATORO came back to life?
7Matoro never came back to life. For the RS to work, the head at least has to be intact so that the AI can be downloaded. Nothing of Matoro's body survived his death, it was all turned into energy.
8Man, I wish he was still alive
. Who's the shadowed one?
9Leader of the Dark Hunters.
10Ok. Why couldn't TAKANUVA get through the barrier in Bionicle Legends #2 Dark destiny? Of course the tablet said that they're is no place for light, but there always is a place for light. Right??
11Uh, bit late, but Scholastic did a book called Bionicle the... Just checking...Encyclopedia. And it was actually written by you Greg, according to the cover.
12This was nkot a Visual Dictionary (a series by DK), and it did not come with a Khonohi Mask of Life.
keplers wrote:tiche9999 wrote:GipsyDanger34M3 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:GipsyDanger34M3 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:GipsyDanger34M3 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:GipsyDanger34M3 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:GipsyDanger34M3 wrote:1Was there a book called:BIONICLE THE VISUAL DICTIONARY? If so, did it come with the original design of the KHONOHI MASK OF LIFE mask?
2If there was, I didn't write it or ever hear of it. It sounds like something DK would have published and I can't recall DK doing any BIONICLE books back then.
4What is the red star?
5The red star is a satellite that orbits whatever planet Mata Nui is on. Its purpose is to retrieve nanotech that ceases to function, download its AI into a new body, and send it back into the robot.
6That was unexpected for ME
! Was there any story of how MATORO came back to life?
7Matoro never came back to life. For the RS to work, the head at least has to be intact so that the AI can be downloaded. Nothing of Matoro's body survived his death, it was all turned into energy.
8Man, I wish he was still alive
. Who's the shadowed one?
9Leader of the Dark Hunters.
10Ok. Why couldn't TAKANUVA get through the barrier in Bionicle Legends #2 Dark destiny? Of course the tablet said that they're is no place for light, but there always is a place for light. Right??
11Uh, bit late, but Scholastic did a book called Bionicle the... Just checking...Encyclopedia. And it was actually written by you Greg, according to the cover.
12This was nkot a Visual Dictionary (a series by DK), and it did not come with a Khonohi Mask of Life.
13Really. I've seen it and it had the Khonohi mask of life(Its true). I looked it up google and I saw it myself. And yes, it was a dk book. If you don't believe me, look it up.
keplers wrote:tiche9999 wrote:GipsyDanger34M3 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:GipsyDanger34M3 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:GipsyDanger34M3 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:GipsyDanger34M3 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:GipsyDanger34M3 wrote:1Was there a book called:BIONICLE THE VISUAL DICTIONARY? If so, did it come with the original design of the KHONOHI MASK OF LIFE mask?
2If there was, I didn't write it or ever hear of it. It sounds like something DK would have published and I can't recall DK doing any BIONICLE books back then.
4What is the red star?
5The red star is a satellite that orbits whatever planet Mata Nui is on. Its purpose is to retrieve nanotech that ceases to function, download its AI into a new body, and send it back into the robot.
6That was unexpected for ME
! Was there any story of how MATORO came back to life?
7Matoro never came back to life. For the RS to work, the head at least has to be intact so that the AI can be downloaded. Nothing of Matoro's body survived his death, it was all turned into energy.
8Man, I wish he was still alive
. Who's the shadowed one?
9Leader of the Dark Hunters.
10Ok. Why couldn't TAKANUVA get through the barrier in Bionicle Legends #2 Dark destiny? Of course the tablet said that they're is no place for light, but there always is a place for light. Right??
11Uh, bit late, but Scholastic did a book called Bionicle the... Just checking...Encyclopedia. And it was actually written by you Greg, according to the cover.
12This was nkot a Visual Dictionary (a series by DK), and it did not come with a Khonohi Mask of Life.
13I forgot to add one more thing. What about the starwars and the ninjago visual dictionaries? They had minifigures with them(its true). So the KHONOHI MASK OF LIFE was in the visual dictionary. And this question has passed already
. I've been notified once by Greg Farshety, and I don't need to be notified again, please.
GipsyDanger34M3 wrote:keplers wrote:tiche9999 wrote:GipsyDanger34M3 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:GipsyDanger34M3 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:GipsyDanger34M3 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:GipsyDanger34M3 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:GipsyDanger34M3 wrote:1Was there a book called:BIONICLE THE VISUAL DICTIONARY? If so, did it come with the original design of the KHONOHI MASK OF LIFE mask?
2If there was, I didn't write it or ever hear of it. It sounds like something DK would have published and I can't recall DK doing any BIONICLE books back then.
4What is the red star?
5The red star is a satellite that orbits whatever planet Mata Nui is on. Its purpose is to retrieve nanotech that ceases to function, download its AI into a new body, and send it back into the robot.
6That was unexpected for ME
! Was there any story of how MATORO came back to life?
7Matoro never came back to life. For the RS to work, the head at least has to be intact so that the AI can be downloaded. Nothing of Matoro's body survived his death, it was all turned into energy.
8Man, I wish he was still alive
. Who's the shadowed one?
9Leader of the Dark Hunters.
10Ok. Why couldn't TAKANUVA get through the barrier in Bionicle Legends #2 Dark destiny? Of course the tablet said that they're is no place for light, but there always is a place for light. Right??
11Uh, bit late, but Scholastic did a book called Bionicle the... Just checking...Encyclopedia. And it was actually written by you Greg, according to the cover.
12This was not a Visual Dictionary (a series by DK), and it did not come with a Khonohi Mask of Life.
13I forgot to add one more thing. What about the starwars and the ninjago visual dictionaries
? They had minifigures with them(its true). So the KHONOHI MASK OF LIFE was in the visual dictionary. And this question has passed already
. I've been notified once by Greg Farshety, and I don't need to be notified again, please.
14I was taking to Tiche, not you
GipsyDanger34M3 wrote:keplers wrote:tiche9999 wrote:GipsyDanger34M3 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:GipsyDanger34M3 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:GipsyDanger34M3 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:GipsyDanger34M3 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:GipsyDanger34M3 wrote:1Was there a book called:BIONICLE THE VISUAL DICTIONARY? If so, did it come with the original design of the KHONOHI MASK OF LIFE mask?
2If there was, I didn't write it or ever hear of it. It sounds like something DK would have published and I can't recall DK doing any BIONICLE books back then.
4What is the red star?
5The red star is a satellite that orbits whatever planet Mata Nui is on. Its purpose is to retrieve nanotech that ceases to function, download its AI into a new body, and send it back into the robot.
6That was unexpected for ME
! Was there any story of how MATORO came back to life?
7Matoro never came back to life. For the RS to work, the head at least has to be intact so that the AI can be downloaded. Nothing of Matoro's body survived his death, it was all turned into energy.
8Man, I wish he was still alive
. Who's the shadowed one?
9Leader of the Dark Hunters.
10Ok. Why couldn't TAKANUVA get through the barrier in Bionicle Legends #2 Dark destiny? Of course the tablet said that they're is no place for light, but there always is a place for light. Right??
11Uh, bit late, but Scholastic did a book called Bionicle the... Just checking...Encyclopedia. And it was actually written by you Greg, according to the cover.
12This was not a Visual Dictionary (a series by DK), and it did not come with a Khonohi Mask of Life.
13Really. I've seen it and it had the Khonohi mask of life(Its true
). I looked it up google and I saw it myself. And yes, it was a dk book. If you don't believe me, look it up.
1I was freshening up on my memory on the Melding Alternate Universe today, on BS01. And I was wondering,
21. Were Jaller, Hahli, Hewkii, etc. in this universe?
3If so,
42. Were they Toa or Matoran?
53. Can a Turaga ever become a Toa again?
6You don't have to answer this one.
74. What is your favorite Toa team?
85. Would you consider the Exo-Toa a mech or an armor
96. Can you create a mask worn by a Kiata(Mask of wisdom or Mask of Valor, for example) by carving a disk created by combining the disks required to create the masks of the Toa who are part of the Kiata?
ScribeGT6817 wrote:1Wamsutta
2Hi, sorry Greg!! First, the Red Star is scanning the Matoran Universe like it always does, but, as we know, it cannot send beings back after they have been repaired and put into new bodies by the Kestora. In this instance, the Red Star notes that the being known as Takutanuva has split apart into the something it cannot detect (Teridax's antidermis) and Takanuva. It notices that Takanuva is dead however. Since its range is 22,300 miles it begins to teleport Takanuva to the Red Star, as it was designed to do. The Red Star however, notices while Takanuva is being teleported to the Red Star that he is still alive, so mid-transfer to the Red Star, Takanuva is sent back down to Mangaia where he is greeted by the Turaga, Toa Nuva, Hahli, and Jaller.
3I don't think it would send him back mid-transfer. At the least, he would have to materialize on the RS before being sent back. But this seems a way more complicated explanation than this needs. If the teleportation system was working, why could not Takanuva have been revived on the RS and sent back?
4For Takanuva to be sent back to Mangaia, we would have to establish that he made it to the Red Star and was repaired. Okay, I can accept that, but my one caviat is that based on the Mask of Light movie, Takanuva was revived extremely quickly (within 30 seconds of dying or so). For your theory to work, we would have to assume that the Kestora can repair Takanuva in impecable time, and that the Red Star's teleportation beam was very fast as well.
keplers wrote:GipsyDanger34M3 wrote:
1If there was, I didn't write it or ever hear of it. It sounds like something DK would have published and I can't recall DK doing any BIONICLE books back then.
3What is the red star?
4The red star is a satellite that orbits whatever planet Mata Nui is on. Its purpose is to retrieve nanotech that ceases to function, download its AI into a new body, and send it back into the robot.
5That was unexpected for ME! Was there any story of how MATORO came back to life?
6Matoro never came back to life. For the RS to work, the head at least has to be intact so that the AI can be downloaded. Nothing of Matoro's body survived his death, it was all turned into energy.
7Man, I wish he was still alive. Who's the shadowed one?
8Leader of the Dark Hunters.
9Ok. Why couldn't TAKANUVA get through the barrier in Bionicle Legends #2 Dark destiny? Of course the tablet said that they're is no place for light, but there always is a place for light. Right??
10Uh, bit late, but Scholastic did a book called Bionicle the... Just checking...Encyclopedia. And it was actually written by you Greg, according to the cover.
11This was not a Visual Dictionary (a series by DK), and it did not come with a Khonohi Mask of Life.
12I forgot to add one more thing. What about the starwars and the ninjago visual dictionaries? They had minifigures with them(its true). So the KHONOHI MASK OF LIFE was in the visual dictionary. And this question has passed already. I've been notified once by Greg Farshety, and I don't need to be notified again, please.
13I was taking to Tiche, not you
14Oh, I thought you were talking to me. Sorry about what I said.
1GipsyDanger34M3 wrote:2Was there a book called:BIONICLE THE VISUAL DICTIONARY? If so, did it come with the original design of the KHONOHI MASK OF LIFE mask?
3If there was, I didn't write it or ever hear of it. It sounds like something DK would have published and I can't recall DK doing any BIONICLE books back then.
5What is the red star?
6The red star is a satellite that orbits whatever planet Mata Nui is on. Its purpose is to retrieve nanotech that ceases to function, download its AI into a new body, and send it back into the robot.
7That was unexpected for ME
! Was there any story of how MATORO came back to life?
8Matoro never came back to life. For the RS to work, the head at least has to be intact so that the AI can be downloaded. Nothing of Matoro's body survived his death, it was all turned into energy.
9Man, I wish he was still alive
. Who's the shadowed one?
10Leader of the Dark Hunters.
11Ok. Why couldn't TAKANUVA get through the barrier in Bionicle Legends #2 Dark destiny? Of course the tablet said that they're is no place for light, but there always is a place for light. Right??
12Uh, bit late, but Scholastic did a book called Bionicle the... Just checking...Encyclopedia. And it was actually written by you Greg, according to the cover.
13This was not a Visual Dictionary (a series by DK), and it did not come with a Khonohi Mask of Life.
14Really. I've seen it and it had the Khonohi mask of life(Its true
). I looked it up google and I saw it myself. And yes, it was a dk book. If you don't believe me, look it up.
- 15Ka-no-hi. Not kho-no-hi.
- 16The Ignika was released in Vezon, Ignika, Mata Nui, and Toa Mata Nui.
- 17I just looked it up, on Google. Nothing.
4There is no Visual Dictionary for BIONICLE on Amazon anywhere, although they still have all the other BIONICLE books. While it is certainly possible something like that could have been written by someone other than me, I find it very hard to believe it could have been published without my knowing anything about it since I was working closely with LEGO Licensing at that time and I reviewed a lot of stuff done by other people.
Wamsutta wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:1Wamsutta
2Hi, sorry Greg!! First, the Red Star is scanning the Matoran Universe like it always does, but, as we know, it cannot send beings back after they have been repaired and put into new bodies by the Kestora. In this instance, the Red Star notes that the being known as Takutanuva has split apart into the something it cannot detect (Teridax's antidermis) and Takanuva. It notices that Takanuva is dead however. Since its range is 22,300 miles it begins to teleport Takanuva to the Red Star, as it was designed to do. The Red Star however, notices while Takanuva is being teleported to the Red Star that he is still alive, so mid-transfer to the Red Star, Takanuva is sent back down to Mangaia where he is greeted by the Turaga, Toa Nuva, Hahli, and Jaller.
3I don't think it would send him back mid-transfer. At the least, he would have to materialize on the RS before being sent back. But this seems a way more complicated explanation than this needs. If the teleportation system was working, why could not Takanuva have been revived on the RS and sent back?
4For Takanuva to be sent back to Mangaia, we would have to establish that he made it to the Red Star and was repaired. Okay, I can accept that, but my one caviat is that based on the Mask of Light movie, Takanuva was revived extremely quickly (within 30 seconds of dying or so). For your theory to work, we would have to assume that the Kestora can repair Takanuva in impecable time, and that the Red Star's teleportation beam was very fast as well.
5Yes. And I can see where there would be flaws in my suggestion, but I haven't heard a better suggestion yet. I am open to one because I am not married to my theory.
GipsyDanger34M3 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:GipsyDanger34M3 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:GipsyDanger34M3 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:GipsyDanger34M3 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:GipsyDanger34M3 wrote:1Was there a book called:BIONICLE THE VISUAL DICTIONARY? If so, did it come with the original design of the KHONOHI MASK OF LIFE mask?
2If there was, I didn't write it or ever hear of it. It sounds like something DK would have published and I can't recall DK doing any BIONICLE books back then.
4What is the red star?
5The red star is a satellite that orbits whatever planet Mata Nui is on. Its purpose is to retrieve nanotech that ceases to function, download its AI into a new body, and send it back into the robot.
6That was unexpected for ME
! Was there any story of how MATORO came back to life?
7Matoro never came back to life. For the RS to work, the head at least has to be intact so that the AI can be downloaded. Nothing of Matoro's body survived his death, it was all turned into energy.
8Man, I wish he was still alive
. Who's the shadowed one?
9Leader of the Dark Hunters.
10Ok. Why couldn't TAKANUVA get through the barrier in Bionicle Legends #2 Dark destiny? Of course the tablet said that they're is no place for light, but there always is a place for light. Right??
11Obviously, in this case, there was not. Remember that BIONICLE does not have to follow Earth's physical laws.
ScribeGT6817 wrote:GipsyDanger34M3 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:GipsyDanger34M3 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:GipsyDanger34M3 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:GipsyDanger34M3 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:GipsyDanger34M3 wrote:1Was there a book called:BIONICLE THE VISUAL DICTIONARY? If so, did it come with the original design of the KHONOHI MASK OF LIFE mask?
2If there was, I didn't write it or ever hear of it. It sounds like something DK would have published and I can't recall DK doing any BIONICLE books back then.
4What is the red star?
5The red star is a satellite that orbits whatever planet Mata Nui is on. Its purpose is to retrieve nanotech that ceases to function, download its AI into a new body, and send it back into the robot.
6That was unexpected for ME
! Was there any story of how MATORO came back to life?
7Matoro never came back to life. For the RS to work, the head at least has to be intact so that the AI can be downloaded. Nothing of Matoro's body survived his death, it was all turned into energy.
8Man, I wish he was still alive
. Who's the shadowed one?
9Leader of the Dark Hunters.
10Ok. Why couldn't TAKANUVA get through the barrier in Bionicle Legends #2 Dark destiny? Of course the tablet said that they're is no place for light, but there always is a place for light. Right??
11Obviously, in this case, there was not. Remember that BIONICLE does not have to follow Earth's physical laws.