ScribeGT6817 wrote:Wamsutta wrote:1What if we say that the Red Star was partially working at that point in time, but it glitched again and instead of sending Takanuva to the Red Star it sent him back to Mangaia? (Because technically Mangaia is within the Mata Nui Robot, so the Red Star would search for Takanuva once he died).2I don't understand your explanation. The red star glitched and instead of sending him to the red star it sent him to Mangaia? But if he never gets sent to the red star, he can't be brought back by it.
3Hi, sorry Greg!! First, the Red Star is scanning the Matoran Universe like it always does, but, as we know, it cannot send beings back after they have been repaired and put into new bodies by the Kestora. In this instance, the Red Star notes that the being known as Takutanuva has split apart into the something it cannot detect (Teridax's antidermis) and Takanuva. It notices that Takanuva is dead however. Since its range is 22,300 miles it begins to teleport Takanuva to the Red Star, as it was designed to do. The Red Star however, notices while Takanuva is being teleported to the Red Star that he is still alive, so mid-transfer to the Red Star, Takanuva is sent back down to Mangaia where he is greeted by the Turaga, Toa Nuva, Hahli, and Jaller.
Wamsutta wrote:1Hi again, Greg!
2Since we checked that only two Kanohi Olmak are available in the Matoran Universe (this is the mask I believe that you were thinking of), can we now confirm that the last Toa Mangai of Ice wore the Kanohi Rode, as established via the BZPower poll?
3Thanks for your support!
4I believe this got buried, and has been in-the-works for a couple weeks now. Can we simply confirm this since BZPower already voted on the Kanoho Rode? Thanks very much!!
1I was freshening up on my memory on the Melding Alternate Universe today, on BS01. And I was wondering,
21. Were Jaller, Hahli, Hewkii, etc. in this universe?
3If so,
42. Were they Toa or Matoran?
53. Can a Turaga ever become a Toa again?
6You don't have to answer this one.
74. What is your favorite Toa team?
ScribeGT6817 wrote:ToaofTime4266 wrote:1You once said that you'd guess that their be less than 20 Great Beings left in Bionicle G1, did you mean their species or just the number of Great Beings that are watching over the other inhabitants of Spherus Magna?
3To my knowledge, we have never identified the GBs as being a separate species. It's more a job description than a species designation.
4But this is in contradiction to what you said there's some time, which was, The Great Beings were not from the same species as the Agori and Glatorian.
voporak1 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:ToaofTime4266 wrote:1You once said that you'd guess that their be less than 20 Great Beings left in Bionicle G1, did you mean their species or just the number of Great Beings that are watching over the other inhabitants of Spherus Magna?
3To my knowledge, we have never identified the GBs as being a separate species. It's more a job description than a species designation.
4But this is in contradiction to what you said there's some time, which was, The Great Beings were not from the same species as the Agori and Glatorian.
5From what I understand, this means that the Great Beings are from many different species, and are certain individuals from these species that work together as "Great Beings"
1Hello Mr Greg
21.The Great Spirit Robot and Red Star are they immune to the effects of solar EMP?
32.The Red Star has an ion engine? or a motor of antimatter? or a nuclear motor? or one of dark matter?
43. The gravity level of the MU is similar to that of the earth? or a little lower or higher?
54.The people of the MU have need to be recharged like robots? or they have an unlimited source of energy in them?
Gresh113 wrote:voporak1 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:ToaofTime4266 wrote:1You once said that you'd guess that their be less than 20 Great Beings left in Bionicle G1, did you mean their species or just the number of Great Beings that are watching over the other inhabitants of Spherus Magna?
3To my knowledge, we have never identified the GBs as being a separate species. It's more a job description than a species designation.
4But this is in contradiction to what you said there's some time, which was, The Great Beings were not from the same species as the Agori and Glatorian.
5From what I understand, this means that the Great Beings are from many different species, and are certain individuals from these species that work together as "Great Beings"
6Okay interesting, thank you for having enlightened me on this.
voporak1 wrote:1Hello Mr Greg
21.The Great Spirit Robot and Red Star are they immune to the effects of solar EMP?
32.The Red Star has an ion engine? or a motor of antimatter? or a nuclear motor? or one of dark matter?
43. The gravity level of the MU is similar to that of the earth? or a little lower or higher?
54.The people of the MU have need to be recharged like robots? or they have an unlimited source of energy in them?
75.Before that Pahrak Kal reaches the ground of Aqua Magna when he lost control of his plasma power would he cross the head of the GSR ?
ScribeGT6817 wrote:been605 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:Toa-Nuva-von-Mata-Nui wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:been605 wrote:been605 wrote:1How was Takanuva at the end of Mask of Light
2Sorry. Forgot a word. Ahem. How was Takanuva resurected at the end of Mask of Light.
3I wish I could give you a great answer. But the simple fact is, the people behind the making of the movie never bothered to explain just what the heck they were doing in that scene and there was nothing in the script to explain it either.
4Well, can't you/we just try to find a possible explanation for what happened, and go with that? It would be a shame if these old events would go unexplained forever.
5Just throwing another question in: For any differences between the first movie and its novelization by Hapka, which one has precedence?
61) Marvel used to do something called a "no prize." Basically,if something was wrong or left out in a story, readers were invited to provide explanations for it.
72) Movie version takes precedence. Movie novelizations are based on scripts which may not be the final version of the script, which is why you see differences.
8Okay, I think I have an explanation. The turaga were able to pool the lifeforce of everyone in the circle, and used that to resserect Takanuva, similar to how Jaller was resseected.
9I don't recall that as being the explanation for how Jaller came back, though.
10Jaller was brought back when takutanuva used a portion of his life force give life to his hau.
Wamsutta wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:Wamsutta wrote:1What if we say that the Red Star was partially working at that point in time, but it glitched again and instead of sending Takanuva to the Red Star it sent him back to Mangaia? (Because technically Mangaia is within the Mata Nui Robot, so the Red Star would search for Takanuva once he died).2I don't understand your explanation. The red star glitched and instead of sending him to the red star it sent him to Mangaia? But if he never gets sent to the red star, he can't be brought back by it.
3Hi, sorry Greg!! First, the Red Star is scanning the Matoran Universe like it always does, but, as we know, it cannot send beings back after they have been repaired and put into new bodies by the Kestora. In this instance, the Red Star notes that the being known as Takutanuva has split apart into the something it cannot detect (Teridax's antidermis) and Takanuva. It notices that Takanuva is dead however. Since its range is 22,300 miles it begins to teleport Takanuva to the Red Star, as it was designed to do. The Red Star however, notices while Takanuva is being teleported to the Red Star that he is still alive, so mid-transfer to the Red Star, Takanuva is sent back down to Mangaia where he is greeted by the Turaga, Toa Nuva, Hahli, and Jaller.
4I don't think it would send him back mid-transfer. At the least, he would have to materialize on the RS before being sent back. But this seems a way more complicated explanation than this needs. If the teleportation system was working, why could not Takanuva have been revived on the RS and sent back?
Toa-Nuva-von-Mata-Nui wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:Toa-Nuva-von-Mata-Nui wrote:Toa-Nuva-von-Mata-Nui wrote:1Hi Greg!
2This is something that I never really understood: Where did Vakama's visions come from? Well, I know that he had visions because his AI was glitched, so I should rather ask: Where did the information he saw in those visions come from? Was it all just in his mind, so did he just dream it up by himself, or was he actually "connected" somehow to Mata Nui's AI and/or other people's AIs and could receive messages/information from them?
3Hi Greg, I think this got buried.
4They were never explained in story bible.
5So, are you going to leave it that way, or would you be willing to make a choice and canonize it? I don't think there is a "right" or "wrong" answer to this - either it was all just in his head and the Toa Metru were just lucky, or Vakama indeed did receive information from other AIs. (HeroraNui also made a good point in favor of the latter, on page 622 of this topic.) However, it is an old mystery that has been unexplained for 11 years, so it would be nice to have an official explanation.
6I hear what you are saying, but I am very uncomfortable trying to provide explanations for something someone else came up with. I have no idea what was in their head or how they meant for the power to work, so my guess is any answer I give is going to wind up contradicting something somewhere along the way.
ScribeGT6817 wrote:GipsyDanger34M3 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:GipsyDanger34M3 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:GipsyDanger34M3 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:GipsyDanger34M3 wrote:1Was there a book called:BIONICLE THE VISUAL DICTIONARY? If so, did it come with the original design of the KHONOHI MASK OF LIFE mask?
2If there was, I didn't write it or ever hear of it. It sounds like something DK would have published and I can't recall DK doing any BIONICLE books back then.
4What is the red star?
5The red star is a satellite that orbits whatever planet Mata Nui is on. Its purpose is to retrieve nanotech that ceases to function, download its AI into a new body, and send it back into the robot.
6That was unexpected for ME
! Was there any story of how MATORO came back to life?
7Matoro never came back to life. For the RS to work, the head at least has to be intact so that the AI can be downloaded. Nothing of Matoro's body survived his death, it was all turned into energy.
8Man, I wish he was still alive
. Who's the shadowed one?
9Leader of the Dark Hunters.
10Ok. Why couldn't TAKANUVA get through the barrier in Bionicle Legends #2 Dark destiny? Of course the tablet said that they're is no place for light, but there always is a place for light. Right??