shadowsonic5000 wrote:1I have more Questions for you Greg
21- do things in bioncle bleed if so what do they bleed?
32-do bioncle eat?
43-can you name my toa of plantlife moc it looks like an ent with a moss stone body and a tree club
54- is it possible that ninjago and could crossover
65-has tahu transformed back into a nuva
71) No
82) BIONICLE beings absorb energy by physical contact, which they can do from fruit, fish, and other things, or from energy centers in their cities.
93) I have no official names I can hand out anymore
104) There are no plans to cross Ninjago over with anyone else.
115) Why would he have?
1Hey Greg!
2I just wanted to drop by and tell you a few things and ask you some to
3Firstly I just recently read your first book in the Bionicle series! So I do have a few questions...
6I also wanted to say that I still remember playing with I and my brother's Bionicles. The next story in line for me to read is the sixth book for the Bionicle series...I may drop by to ask you some questions then! Thanks
Mace3739 wrote:1I have a few more questions, Greg.
21) What is the natural color of an Av-Matoran?
32) I'm thinking of using a Shadow Toa in my fanfiction, and I would be honored if you would chose the name!
43) Would a Toa of Iron be able to, theoretically, morph the metal of their own body?
5That's all for now, thank you for doing this, it's like a dream come true!
61) Don't recall
72) I can't give out official names for things, I have no list anymore
83) I probably would say no, just because it basically makes him a shapeshifter and thus too much more powerful than other Toa
GOLUKE1155 wrote:1How come the Ninjago sets are different from the T.V. show? Also, will there be another series of Ninjago.
21) I'm not a set designer, so I can't answer this. I would assume it is because the sets have to be done before the show animation is finalized, so things may change in the show after the sets are designed
32) Yes
1A reboot would be fine to me. A new and fresh story, with the original characters, but in different forms. Mata Nui will be back, Makuta will be, and it will still be on Spherus Magna. However, the story will be totally different. And the sets will get different looks because of the story line. Also will the elements, mask powers and species be back. I think the greatest thing to do, would be letting it take place in a parallel universe of the original story line! It's just like transformers and DC and Marvel and TMNT, the old characters, the old worlds and places, just a new story and a fresh look! That would just be the best thing to do!
However, the old story should be finished in some way, even if it would just be a simple story conclusion of one page.
1It's quite clear that Bionicle is a complex and expansive universe. With that in mind, how do you keep all of it straight? I know it must help to be the one coming up with a lot of the storyline, but still, it's a lot to remember. It's especially apparant through all the question-answering you've done here that you still remember just about everything you've worked on, whether it be Bionicle, Ninjago, or another theme. Just how do you do it?
WhiteAlligator wrote:1Hi everyone -
2Are you sitting down?
If not, grab a chair! We don't want anyone falling over when we tell you ...
3The one, the only Greg Farshtey wants to chat with you!
4That's right, the storytelling mind behind BIONICLE and Ninjago is here on the LMBs to answer your questions.
5Please post your questions now! Greg will be visiting this topic to respond to you personally.
6While participating in this topic please remember to ...
71. Stay on topic!
No spamming. No side conversations.
82. Be patient!
Greg will answer your questions as quickly as he can.
93. Have fun!
This is an awesome opportunity! Enjoy!!
10Are you the writer for the ninjago comic book series?
a5637 wrote:1It's quite clear that Bionicle is a complex and expansive universe. With that in mind, how do you keep all of it straight? I know it must help to be the one coming up with a lot of the storyline, but still, it's a lot to remember. It's especially apparant through all the question-answering you've done here that you still remember just about everything you've worked on, whether it be Bionicle, Ninjago, or another theme. Just how do you do it?
2Well, I don't remember a lot of the BIONICLE details at this point, simply because it has not been front of mind for so many years. But when you have read comic books for 40+ years, you get used to keeping complex mythologies straight in your head.