jaybluecole wrote:WhiteAlligator wrote:1Hi everyone -
2Are you sitting down?
If not, grab a chair! We don't want anyone falling over when we tell you ...
3The one, the only Greg Farshtey wants to chat with you!
4That's right, the storytelling mind behind BIONICLE and Ninjago is here on the LMBs to answer your questions.
5Please post your questions now! Greg will be visiting this topic to respond to you personally.
6While participating in this topic please remember to ...
71. Stay on topic!
No spamming. No side conversations.
82. Be patient!
Greg will answer your questions as quickly as he can.
93. Have fun!
This is an awesome opportunity! Enjoy!!
10Are you the writer for the ninjago comic book series?
11I write the graphic novels, yes.
Lego_ninja_01 wrote:
- 1What do the 'Great Beings' actually look like? Do they look like glatorian or us?
- 2As long as the Red Star is intact are all MU basicly unkillable?
3Also thanks for carrying on the Bionicle story for a bit after the line ended.
41) I can't answer this
52) It seems that way, although we don't know exactly what condition they come back in, and right now, none of them can bet back to the MU.
shadowsonic5000 wrote:1I've even more questions for you Greg
21- Matoran/Toa/turaga and Agori/glatorian love
32- can toa learn techniques from the dragon ball universe like Kamehameha and Fusion Dance
43-what would a light element bohrok be called
5my friend may ask some more questions on my acount so look out for those
61) Matoran Universe characters are not capable of romantic love, Spherus Magna characters are.
72) No. LEGO does not have a license for Dragonball, for one thing, so we could not use anything from that universe in anything we did.
83) No idea, since one does not exist
1ScribeGT6817Greg Farshtey wrote:
2"Matoran Universe characters are not capable of romantic love, Spherus Magna characters are."
3So I'm responding with this question:
4Wait- What about Huki+Maku Hewkii+Macku? I mean, there was a romantic-like moment in the end of the Bohrok Swarms. "To Macku, with lots of love, Huki" appeared in her hut in MNoG, and as far as I was know, those were both 'canon?' Does this mean that:
5A) That part of it was not 'canon'
6B) There was a greater extent of the personality glitch between them
7C) Other
1Thanks for answering all my questions so far Greg, but I've still got more: 1) What happened to the Dark Hunter “Tyrant”? 2) Does “the Shadowed One’s” name contain “Kra”? 3) How longs will you still be doing this chat? 4) Does Bionicle stand for ‘Biological Chronicle’ or ‘Bionic Chronicle’? 5) What do you think about the low amount of purple parts available? (I’ve never seen a Toa of Gravity MOC without a purple Pakari.) 6) Did you ever think a Toa element was overpowered? 7) Why does the Dark Hunter “Eliminator” wear a Krana on his head, or isn’t that of story relevance? 8) Why did Teridax lock Mata Nui in the mask of Life, one of the legendary and most powerful masks, instead of just killing him? 9) Toas of Water are female because they are calmer, Toas of Psionics because they are more gentle and Toas of Lightning because they are more careful, is that right or not? 10) What is the right plural of ‘Toa’ and ‘Matoran’? 11) I've got a MOC named 'Listrik', this wouldn't be officially allowed because of the naming controversy, would it?
2By the way, I asked what you would feel like if Kopaka was a Vahki, because Kopaka is you favorite character to write about, and the Vahkis are your least favorite. So this would be a fun thing to think about.
ScribeGT6817 wrote:Daler99 wrote:1Is Kapara actually a Ta Matoran?
After all, he can teleport in Mnog (Which, as far as I can tell, does not contradict canon.). Also, any plans of another Hero Factory book?
2Yes, he is.
3After Dark Mirror Universe, the HF series is finished, unfortunately.
4Okay, just making sure.
5What? No! Finished for this year? Or finished for all time?
ScribeGT6817 wrote:Daler99 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:emma2000608 wrote:1Was there ever going to be a BIONICLE Graphic Novel #10?
2Had BIONICLE continued, yes, there would have been because the graphic novel series sold very well.
3Hmm. I wish that LEGO would have not cancelled BIONICLE.
Then we would have gotten more details on the journey to the maze and a story with bio-mechanical dinosaurs!
Did you have any plans on what would happen once they got to Bota Magna at the end of 2010?
4We hadn't done detailed planning for 2011 yet.
ScribeGT6817 wrote:Daler99 wrote:1I have been seriously considering making a fanfiction of BIONICLE. If I do, I would make it not contradict the story in any way.
My question is this: should the story start with a tense scene and then backtrack? Or should it start at the beginning? Again, thanks so very much for your time.
2That's your call to make, Daler. I have done it both ways.
3Okay. I'll think about it.
ScribeGT6817 wrote:MJLaubacher wrote:1Did you come up with the strange names or was that someone else? If you did, how did you do it?2I came up with some, especially toward the end, but not every name. And basically you just throw some letters together, run it through Google, see how many hits you do or don't get, and go from there. Then it has to be legally checked to make sure someone else doesn't already own it.
3Well. That's simpler than I thought it was.
MJLaubacher wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:MJLaubacher wrote:1Did you come up with the strange names or was that someone else? If you did, how did you do it?2I came up with some, especially toward the end, but not every name. And basically you just throw some letters together, run it through Google, see how many hits you do or don't get, and go from there. Then it has to be legally checked to make sure someone else doesn't already own it.
That's simpler than I thought it was.