1Mr. Farshtey I am Ninjago's biggest fan. Chould you please answer my questions:
- 2Are the PWR suits real?
- 3 Is the rumor about Zane's cousin true?
- 4 Is Ninjago season 3 released in April 2013 or December 2013?
- 5 Will season 3 be the final season?
- 6 What role will Zane have in season 3?
- 7 Will Garmadon be the purple ninja?
- 8 What is Garmadon's first name?
WhiteAlligator wrote:1Hi everyone -
2Are you sitting down?
If not, grab a chair! We don't want anyone falling over when we tell you ...
3The one, the only Greg Farshtey wants to chat with you!
4That's right, the storytelling mind behind BIONICLE and Ninjago is here on the LMBs to answer your questions.
5Please post your questions now! Greg will be visiting this topic to respond to you personally.
6While participating in this topic please remember to ...
71. Stay on topic!
No spamming. No side conversations.
82. Be patient!
Greg will answer your questions as quickly as he can.
93. Have fun!
This is an awesome opportunity! Enjoy!!
10Okay, Greg, this awesome. Do you think you'll still be writing Storylines for LEGO in like twenty years, or something? Also, do you think that you'll be giving any near upcoming, or just upcoming at all LEGO Themes Epic Storylines? I'm a fan, Greg.
11(P.S. I'm trying to write a Storyline for the history of the LU Storyline after the closing, so could you please give me some tips on writing it, and also on making it seem to stick to the canon, and not lose the LU feel, while still adding my own Storyline idea(s)?)
12(P.P.S. Were you really continuing the Bionicle Story, and telling what happened after the 2010 "Storyline" on BionicleStory.Com?:awed::all_appropriate_emoticons
13(P.P.S.S. If you could find the time, and if "LEGO" were to "bring back Bionicle," "so to speak," if you were still the one writing it, do you think that you would be able to make sure it maintained its feel and quality? Oh, and by the way, can you please tell me about some LEGO Characters that you made, but never got approved? (And Please use The Quote on at least Part of my postin your reply(ies))
14It is truly an honor, Mr. Farshtey.
15Good Bye 'til my next post!
16god bless!
ScribeGT6817 wrote:Nuukor77 wrote:1Hi Greg, I have a been a lifelong Bionicle nerd, and have some questions:
24. Could Tamaru, because of his attributes, theoretically be a Bo-Matoran?
54) Don't understand your question. His tribe has already been identified.
6What I mean is, Tamaru has green and bluish armor, is afraid of heights, and does not completely hate water 'cause he can swim. Also, because there were so many Matoran on Metru-Nui, he could have been a Bo-Matoran. The Matoran Spheres erased Tamaru's and the other Matoran's memory, and they afterwards accepted him as a Le-Matoran. Theoretically.
Nuukor77 wrote:
ScribeGT6817 wrote:Nuukor77 wrote:1Hi Greg, I have a been a lifelong Bionicle nerd, and have some questions:
24. Could Tamaru, because of his attributes, theoretically be a Bo-Matoran?
54) Don't understand your question. His tribe has already been identified.
6What I mean is, Tamaru has green and bluish armor, is afraid of heights, and does not completely hate water 'cause he can swim. Also, because there were so many Matoran on Metru-Nui, he could have been a Bo-Matoran. The Matoran Spheres erased Tamaru's and the other Matoran's memory, and they afterwards accepted him as a Le-Matoran. Theoretically.
8That's close, but presumably, Turaga Matau knew that Tamaru was a Le-Matoran - none of the Turaga had their memories erased, so there were probably no elemental mix-ups.
9Excepting Takua, I'm almost certain that there were only 6 elements of Matoran on Mata Nui.
ScribeGT6817 wrote:a5637 wrote:1It's quite clear that Bionicle is a complex and expansive universe. With that in mind, how do you keep all of it straight? I know it must help to be the one coming up with a lot of the storyline, but still, it's a lot to remember. It's especially apparant through all the question-answering you've done here that you still remember just about everything you've worked on, whether it be Bionicle, Ninjago, or another theme. Just how do you do it?
2Well, I don't remember a lot of the BIONICLE details at this point, simply because it has not been front of mind for so many years. But when you have read comic books for 40+ years, you get used to keeping complex mythologies straight in your head.
3I suppose that's true. Thanks for the answer!
alienduck wrote:1ScribeGT6817Greg Farshtey wrote:2"Matoran Universe characters are not capable of romantic love, Spherus Magna characters are."3So I'm responding with this question:
4Wait- What about
Huki+MakuHewkii+Macku? I mean, there was a romantic-like moment in the end of the Bohrok Swarms. "To Macku, with lots of love, Huki" appeared in her hut in MNoG, and as far as I was know, those were both 'canon?' Does this mean that:5A) That part of it was not 'canon'
6B) There was a greater extent of the personality glitch between them
7C) Other
81) As I said, the only place romance existed was on the web, but it is not considered a part of BIONICLE as a whole. At the time MNOG was done, no one knew BIONICLE was lasting more than a year and a lot of the rules of the universe had not been established yet.
nickvang_7_7_7 wrote:1Thanks for answering all my questions so far Greg, but I've still got more: 1) What happened to the Dark Hunter “Tyrant”? 2) Does “the Shadowed One’s” name contain “Kra”? 3) How longs will you still be doing this chat? 4) Does Bionicle stand for ‘Biological Chronicle’ or ‘Bionic Chronicle’? 5) What do you think about the low amount of purple parts available? (I’ve never seen a Toa of Gravity MOC without a purple Pakari.) 6) Did you ever think a Toa element was overpowered? 7) Why does the Dark Hunter “Eliminator” wear a Krana on his head, or isn’t that of story relevance? 8) Why did Teridax lock Mata Nui in the mask of Life, one of the legendary and most powerful masks, instead of just killing him? 9) Toas of Water are female because they are calmer, Toas of Psionics because they are more gentle and Toas of Lightning because they are more careful, is that right or not? 10) What is the right plural of ‘Toa’ and ‘Matoran’? 11) I've got a MOC named 'Listrik', this wouldn't be officially allowed because of the naming controversy, would it?
2By the way, I asked what you would feel like if Kopaka was a Vahki, because Kopaka is you favorite character to write about, and the Vahkis are your least favorite. So this would be a fun thing to think about.
31) In terms of what?42) Not answering this
53) As long as I have the free time to do this
64) Biological Chronicle
75) No opinion
86) Not really, no.
97) Because that is how the fan who designed him built him
108) Because killing him is too easy -- alive, he has to suffer knowing his universe is being dominated by Teridax.
119) The Toa are female because the tribes are female.
1210) Toa and Matoran are both singular and plural
1311) I can't canonize any names, because I have no legally approved names to use
Daler99 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:Daler99 wrote:1Is Kapara actually a Ta Matoran?
After all, he can teleport in Mnog (Which, as far as I can tell, does not contradict canon.). Also, any plans of another Hero Factory book?
2Yes, he is.
3After Dark Mirror Universe, the HF series is finished, unfortunately.
4Okay, just making sure.
5What? No!
Finished for this year? Or finished for all time?
6Scholastic has told me they don't want to do more books in the series.
GoldNinjaM wrote:1Mr. Farshtey I am Ninjago's biggest fan. Chould you please answer my questions:
- 2Are the PWR suits real?
- 3 Is the rumor about Zane's cousin true?
- 4 Is Ninjago season 3 released in April 2013 or December 2013?
- 5 Will season 3 be the final season?
- 6 What role will Zane have in season 3?
- 7 Will Garmadon be the purple ninja?
- 8 What is Garmadon's first name?
101) Is there a reason they wouldn't be?
112) What rumor?
123) Um, April 2013 already passed, didn't it?
134-6) Can't answer it
147) I am not aware of him having a first name. There isn't one mentioned in the story bible.
ClutchPowers99 wrote:
1Okay, Greg, this awesome. Do you think you'll still be writing Storylines for LEGO in like twenty years, or something? Also, do you think that you'll be giving any near upcoming, or just upcoming at all LEGO Themes Epic Storylines? I'm a fan, Greg.
2(P.S. I'm trying to write a Storyline for the history of the LU Storyline after the closing, so could you please give me some tips on writing it, and also on making it seem to stick to the canon, and not lose the LU feel, while still adding my own Storyline idea(s)?)
3(P.P.S. Were you really continuing the Bionicle Story, and telling what happened after the 2010 "Storyline" on BionicleStory.Com?
4(P.P.S.S. If you could find the time, and if "LEGO" were to "bring back Bionicle," "so to speak," if you were still the one writing it, do you think that you would be able to make sure it maintained its feel and quality? Oh, and by the way, can you please tell me about some LEGO Characters that you made, but never got approved? (And Please use The Quote on at least Part of my postin your reply(ies))
5It is truly an honor, Mr. Farshtey.
6Good Bye 'til my next post!
7god bless!
81) No idea.
92) Well, since Universe doesn't exist anymore, I am not sure you have to worry that much about sticking to canon since there is no canon to stick to now.
103) For a short time, yes
114) It's hard to say -- quality, yes, but feel could be different depending on what direction LEGO Company wanted to take the property.
125) I never created any characters that got rejected.
Nuukor77 wrote:
ScribeGT6817 wrote:Nuukor77 wrote:1Hi Greg, I have a been a lifelong Bionicle nerd, and have some questions:
24. Could Tamaru, because of his attributes, theoretically be a Bo-Matoran?
54) Don't understand your question. His tribe has already been identified.
6What I mean is, Tamaru has green and bluish armor, is afraid of heights, and does not completely hate water 'cause he can swim. Also, because there were so many Matoran on Metru-Nui, he could have been a Bo-Matoran. The Matoran Spheres erased Tamaru's and the other Matoran's memory, and they afterwards accepted him as a Le-Matoran. Theoretically.
8But he's not. He's identified offiically as a Le-Matoran.