ScribeGT6817 wrote:Keilax wrote:1Hi Mr Farshtey, I'm back with some more questions.
21) If a Toa Nui is impossible, then why was it ever thought of?
32) Everything in the MU is Protodermis in different states right? Lava is molten Protodermis, water is purified liquid Protodermis etc. and the Toa can manipulate this. So, my question is, can the Toa/Turaga manipulate the elements outside the MU (on Spherus Magna)? As they (presumably) not made of Protodermis.
43) If yes to the previous question, which type of Toa could manipulate sand? Would it be Stone or Earth? Or would it be both? Or could neither be able to control sand?
54) Could a Toa of Iron change the shape of their Kanohi?
65) Why were Toa of Iron called Toa of Iron? They can manipulate more than just iron.
76) Was Miserix the first Makuta to be created? Or was it another?
8Thank you in advance.
93) Nobody manipulates sand in G1. Sand is not a Toa element.
10i thought i remembered a scene or something in the early days where pohatu used some sand, since it's basically just a bunch of really small stones.
maletoaofwater wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:Keilax wrote:1Hi Mr Farshtey, I'm back with some more questions.
21) If a Toa Nui is impossible, then why was it ever thought of?
32) Everything in the MU is Protodermis in different states right? Lava is molten Protodermis, water is purified liquid Protodermis etc. and the Toa can manipulate this. So, my question is, can the Toa/Turaga manipulate the elements outside the MU (on Spherus Magna)? As they (presumably) not made of Protodermis.
43) If yes to the previous question, which type of Toa could manipulate sand? Would it be Stone or Earth? Or would it be both? Or could neither be able to control sand?
54) Could a Toa of Iron change the shape of their Kanohi?
65) Why were Toa of Iron called Toa of Iron? They can manipulate more than just iron.
76) Was Miserix the first Makuta to be created? Or was it another?
8Thank you in advance.
93) Nobody manipulates sand in G1. Sand is not a Toa element.
10i thought i remembered a scene or something in the early days where pohatu used some sand, since it's basically just a bunch of really small stones.
11I don't think in anything I wrote. And I can tell you there was never anything in any story bible about Pohatu controlling sand.
voporak1 wrote:1ScribeGT6817 wrote:voporak1 wrote:2Hello Mr Greg
35.If someone combines the three legendary masks he becomes omnipotent or maybe nigh omnipotent.
45) I can't think of any character in the MU -- not even Artakha -- who could wear and control that powerful of a mask.
5Not even a Makuta or Tuyet? And What would be the power of the three legendary masks combined or fused according to you? The power to realize the inner desires to one who own the mask maybe? (Although that no being in the MU could use the mask.)
61) No.
72) No idea, since such a mask has never existed.
Andrew31kbrick193 wrote:1Hey Greg, is the only time it is okay for a Toa to kill being to stop a villian from harming Matoran?
2We basically modelled the Toa code after Superman and Batman (the originals, not "Man of Steel" Superman). They don't kill, period. If an innocent life was threatened, they found a way to stop the villain without killing. If villains died, it was usually because of their own actions. Is that realistic? Probably not, but it is classic comic and it fits with LEGO values (LEGO was not going to support heroes who went around killing bad guys, and certainly not in 2001).
raymondmay11 wrote:11. In the epilogue of Hero Factory Secret mission 4: Robot Rampage, Alpha Team discussed the fact that the Evil Brains are merely tools, and that someone was using them. In the webisode, Brain Attack, there was a shadowed figure in the beginning of the episode creating the brains while saying "I've got everything I need to get my little beauties inside the Hero factory". He is credited as "Unknown Villain". Is he the creator of the brains, and the true enemy the heroes are looking for?
22. A few pages later, Karter talks on the phone to his boss. Karter states that the Heroes will go for him next. Is Karter's boss the same person as the creator of the Brains, or is he someone else?
33. If Hero Factory was not discontinued, would the "Mysterious villain" have been revealed?44. Was there reasons as to why LEGO chose to replace Hero Factory with Bionicle this year? If so, can you list some of them?
51) No idea. The HF story team told me I could not reveal who was behind the brains in my books, and they never told me the identity of who was behind them.
62) No. Karter was working for a consortium of planets and companies that did not like HF because it was essentially a privately-owned police force. They had nothing to do with the brain attack.
73) No idea. I wasn't on the HF story team\
84) I can give you some general answers. If a line gets replaced, it is usually because sales have declined. But before a decision like that gets made (in normal circumstances), the old line will get tested against a bunch of new lines to see what wins among focus groups. In this case, BIONICLE did very well with focus groups. In addition, having two similar lines, like BIONICLE and Hero Factory, out at the same time means one will cannibalize sales from the other and then neither will be successful.
1According to bs01, the island of mata nui was roughly 300 by 150 miles in length and width. However, in many forms of story media, including the second mata nui online game and some books/comics from the early years, characters are able to traverse the entire island in a very short amount of time. obviously, lots of the individual media didn't tell the full story on its own, but it still seems odd that a character could go so far in so little time - they'd have to be traveling very fast, and not all of them had a kakama. Could you perhaps provide some clarification on this?
1Hi greg, just got a few more questions about kaita:
21: Were only the toa mata capable of forming a kaita, or was it theoretically an ability of any toa?
32: Did the kaita have minds of their own, or are they jointly controlled by the 3 toa that form them?
43: If you struck a kaita with the spear of fusion, would it leave that kaita unable to seperate back into its component toa?
maletoaofwater wrote:1According to bs01, the island of mata nui was roughly 300 by 150 miles in length and width. However, in many forms of story media, including the second mata nui online game and some books/comics from the early years, characters are able to traverse the entire island in a very short amount of time. obviously, lots of the individual media didn't tell the full story on its own, but it still seems odd that a character could go so far in so little time - they'd have to be traveling very fast, and not all of them had a kakama.
Could you perhaps provide some clarification on this?
2This is one you will have to write off as artistic license. The size of the island was not decided upon until after the things you cited were written, so contradictions were inevitable.
1Hi Mr Greg
21. Even if I already know the answer, I'm curious to know if the Ignika can control aether?
32. The Ignika of the empire toa had begun his apocalyptic countdown? If so, the Ignika has stopped the countdown when Tuyet and her empire was defeated by Takanuva?
43. What is the maximum range that the mask of time could slow down or accelerate time? A target, an area, a city or a world?
54. Why Teridax wanted the mask of time how the Vahi would have been useful to his plan?
maletoaofwater wrote:1According to bs01, the island of mata nui was roughly 300 by 150 miles in length and width. However, in many forms of story media, including the second mata nui online game and some books/comics from the early years, characters are able to traverse the entire island in a very short amount of time. obviously, lots of the individual media didn't tell the full story on its own, but it still seems odd that a character could go so far in so little time - they'd have to be traveling very fast, and not all of them had a kakama.
Could you perhaps provide some clarification on this?
2Maybe they all had the powers of Kapura.
etob wrote:11. Could other To a of Light exist in the main universe, and if so, what would have to happen for this to occur?22. Name of the Makuta of Stelt?33. Is there any way that Shadow Matoran/Toa could be good?
41) It's theoretically possible. You would need to have a Matoran of Light destined to transform.
52) I can't name anything. No approved list of BIONICLE names exists.
63) No
voporak1 wrote:1Hi Mr Greg
21. Even if I already know the answer, I'm curious to know if the Ignika can control aether?
32. The Ignika of the empire toa had begun his apocalyptic countdown? If so, the Ignika has stopped the countdown when Tuyet and her empire was defeated by Takanuva?
43. What is the maximum range that the mask of time could slow down or accelerate time? A target, an area, a city or a world?
54. Why Teridax wanted the mask of time how the Vahi would have been useful to his plan?
61) That is not a living thing, so no.
72) I can't recall if we got into that in that story, or even if we specified that an Ignika existed in that universe
83) A target.
94) Because he wanted to accelerate the amount of time it would take for the Matoran to develop sufficient amnesia that they would welcome him as a savior when he got them out of the canisters