MooCowsRock wrote:1Can Varian survive in stasis in the broken Matoran Universe, seeing as she was never taken out of it?
2First off, the MU is being completely dismantled, so they would find Varian eventually. In the meantime, stasis means no air, food, etc. is required, so no reason Varian could not survive
davros1995 wrote:1Hi greg, just got a few more questions about kaita:
21: Were only the toa mata capable of forming a kaita, or was it theoretically an ability of any toa?
32: Did the kaita have minds of their own, or are they jointly controlled by the 3 toa that form them?
43: If you struck a kaita with the spear of fusion, would it leave that kaita unable to seperate back into its component toa?
61) Any Toa can
72) A Kaita is a new being. It is not three separate minds acting individually
83) Well, a Kaita already is a fusion, so what would you be fusing? It's already fused together. I am not sure you can fuse something again that is already fused.
1are you a member of bioniclesector01,as stated there?
2what do you do as a creative consultant for g2?
3the purpose of the bohrok kal was to free the bahrag,and the bahrag`s purpose was to destroy the island of mata nui,wich is vital to the survival of the matoran universe.does that mean that the bohrok kal can serve the new spherus magna society,with that particular purpose?
trashcan1 wrote:1Hi Greg,
2Just wanted to start by saying I think it's really amazing that you're still doing this so long after Gen 1 finished, so thank you for that.
3There have been a few things I've been wondering about lately I was hoping you could clarify. I've been out of touch with the community for a bit so I hope these aren't questions you've already answered.
41. Were Vakama's visions intentional from the Great Beings or more like a malfunction?
52. We know that Velika gave the inhabitant of the MU true sapience, but what about Mata Nui? Did he get it from Velika or the Great Beings?
63. Early BIONICLE branding used "in a time before time" a lot. Characters seem to use it to talk about before Mata Nui was awakened, examples being Vakama telling the story of Mata Nui and the Bohrok saying they will return the island to the "before time." To them, does time start with Mata Nui awakening or was this just a branding thing?
1I have a question:
2Since the Bionicle took place on a named planet that isn't Earth, and Ninjago also took place on its own planet, not to mention based on box art we can assume that the new Bionicle is on its own planet is it possible that they are in the same cosmos, and therefore we can have crossovers?
1Thank you so much for answering my questions. I've got a few more:
21. Where did the Turaga get the parts to rebuild the Matoran for the Rebuilding?
32. Could Teridax be turned into a Hordika?
43. Is there a limit to the amount of time a Krana can survive outside a Bohrok or can they hibernate forever?
54. Did you intend to revisit the Energized Protodermis Entity? What will happen to him (or it) now that the Matoran Universe is being disassembled?
65. Do Muaka and Kane-Ra canonically have back legs or treads as in their set form? Unless I'm mistaken I recall there were references to them having hind legs.
76. What would happen if a Toa Kaita was killed while still combined? Would its body need to be disassembled and rebuilt as Toa when teleported to the Red Star or would the Kaita automatically fall apart at the moment of death? Or would something else happen?
87. Why did the Toa Stones that Takua found function differently from the ones Lhikan made? How exactly were they linked to the Toa Canisters?
98. Did the Matoran of Metru Nui know that there were villagers living elsewhere other than their city?109. How were the Visorak able to defeat Krahka's kind when she was so resourceful and adept at surviving? Was she just the most intelligent one?
1110. How are Kraata solid when the Antidermis they're drawn from is gaseous?
fantasy1111 wrote:1are you a member of bioniclesector01,as stated there?
2what do you do as a creative consultant for g2?
3the purpose of the bohrok kal was to free the bahrag,and the bahrag`s purpose was to destroy the island of mata nui,wich is vital to the survival of the matoran universe.does that mean that the bohrok kal can serve the new spherus magna society,with that particular purpose?
41) Yes, but I don't do anything there, other than use it as a reference.
52) I'm not a consultant on G2. I read the story bible over once back in spring of 2014 and that was the extent of my involvement. I haven't had anything to do with the theme since September of 2014.
63) The Bohrok-Kal were destroyed or rendered useless in the 2003 storyline, so they are unlikely to have any involvement with Spherus Magna society.,
Johnyjo wrote:1Hello Mr. Farshtey,
2Just wondering do you know why the last 2 Exo Force books were canceled?
Thank you!
3If I recall correctly, it is because the line was ending. Publishers don't want to put a book out unless the theme is going to be on shelves at least one more year. A toy-based book with no toys out won't sell well.
ScribeGT6817 wrote:Johnyjo wrote:1Hello Mr. Farshtey,
2Just wondering do you know why the last 2 Exo Force books were canceled?
Thank you!
3If I recall correctly, it is because the line was ending. Publishers don't want to put a book out unless the theme is going to be on shelves at least one more year. A toy-based book with no toys out won't sell well.
4That's really intresting, but it makes sense. Thank you so much! ^_^
ScribeGT6817 wrote:fantasy1111 wrote:1are you a member of bioniclesector01,as stated there?
2what do you do as a creative consultant for g2?
3the purpose of the bohrok kal was to free the bahrag,and the bahrag`s purpose was to destroy the island of mata nui,wich is vital to the survival of the matoran universe.does that mean that the bohrok kal can serve the new spherus magna society,with that particular purpose?
41) Yes, but I don't do anything there, other than use it as a reference.
52) I'm not a consultant on G2. I read the story bible over once back in spring of 2014 and that was the extent of my involvement. I haven't had anything to do with the theme since September of 2014.
63) The Bohrok-Kal were destroyed or rendered useless in the 2003 storyline, so they are unlikely to have any involvement with Spherus Magna society., why did bioniclesector01 say so?
83.but the krana-kal survived,right?if they were able to come back into existance again,could they help the new society.
9and more. the melding AU,did mutran create a mini-life form that could spread truce and understanding?and if not,is it still possible?
112.why did krahka mention the matoran endangered her specie`s,when it was actually the visorak?