MooCowsRock wrote:1Mr. Farshtey:
2Rahkshi of Limited Invulnerability and the Makuta all possess the power of Limited Invulnerability, but I don't recall it ever being used in the story. What exactly does it do? Is the user completely invulnerable for a limited amount of time, or is the user only mostly invulnerable for as long as the power is active?
3Limited invulnerability essentially means you are invulnerable against some things, but not others. Superman, for example, is invulnerable to loads of things, but vulnerable to kryptonite and magic.
6CuteBoy6 wrote:1Hey Greg,
2Just curious, but can you think of a reliable (discluding biosector01 and other wikis because this is for a project) source that explains the function of Rhotuka Launchers?
3Or explain them yourself?
4I need a "reliable" source for this stupid science project thing, and (long story), but I wanted to mention ripcord launchers.
5Maybe I could contact Consumer Service...
6Well, if you do have an answer (even if you don't), thanks for taking your time to read this out of your day!
7Rhotuka are "wheels" of energy generated by beings in the Matoran universe. These are unique to each individual, but are only generated by those equipped with a Rhotuka launcher. There are two types of launchers, natural and artificial -- Rahi and Hordika usually have natural launchers as parts of their bodies.
8The energy that makes up a Rhotuka is gathered by the launcher apparatus and then fired in the shape of a wheel. The energy has sufficient mass that the wheels can be ridden upon. The power of the Rhotuka is not provided by the launcher, the launcher is simply a delivery device.
lordbio123 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:kobondo wrote:1Hi Greg i just wanted to ask can the inhabitants of the matoran universe die of old age
2Yes. They have very long lifespans, but they would wear down eventually and die.
3Couln't they just transfer their conciousness into new bodies, as a way of immortality? And then fix up the old bodies for use when their current one wears down, and go back 'n forth?
4Oh, and assuming nothing happened, can Antidermis eventually die? Like, say there was absolutely no injuries, no fires that could burn it or anything, would they essentially live forever?
51) No. They don't have that kind of tech. Consciousness transference tech is on the red star, but it's not in use in the MU itself.
62) I would say yes, it can. All substances have some kind of a natural life, even if it is really, really long.
IkukoUmetani wrote:1I was referring to the 24 toas that were still alive after teridax regin.
21. Who were the other known toa of plantlife and gravity since we don't know any of them?
32. How did teridax recreate the visorak while controlling the matoran universe? Did he use the makuta's he capture?
43. There were 40-50 toas left. So who were the ones we don't know?
54. Can anyone's else wear the mask of creation?
65. What kind of mask tridax and kojol wear?
76. Were you originally planing to include more toa of lights?
87. If the order of mata nui don't allow toas to be members, then why was krakua, toa of sonics, was a member?
98. Is there a way to turn a turaga back to a toa?
101) I can't name any characters, there are no more approved BIONICLE names for G1.
112) He's a Makuta. He would know how to make Rahi.
123) See answer to #1
134) In G1 or G2?
145) I don't think we specified masks for them.
156) No
167) Because Krakua was originally saved as a Matoran by the Order and his accession to being a Toa was assisted by the Order.
178) The Mask of Life could do it, by devolving them.
Nuvatoka wrote:1Hello there Greg Farshtey! An honor talking to you!
2I have three questions that I have been meaning to ask you for a while now.
31. I know you're not going to finish the two story serials (The Yesterday Quest and The Powers that be) that you left unfinished, but can you please at least tell us how they end? You can just come up with something that will be good enough to conclude the stories. If not, why not? Does it need to be approved by LEGO or do you just not want to do so? Anyway, I'll understand.
42. What is your current job at LEGO as of right now? I have heard that you do not write the Ninjago books anymore. If so, what do you do?
53. Who created the Agori's, Glatorian's, Skrall's, Vorox's, etc's mechanical implants? Who came up with the idea? Why did they need said implants?
6Anyway, thanks a lot for this and have a nice day!
71) I can't create story for BIONICLE, even for G1, without LEGO's approval, because I work here. And there is no interest on this end in completing G1 story, because the focus they want people to have is understandably on G2.
82) My book writing is all freelance work, it's not part of my day job. My day job is Editorial Director for the Consumer Marketing Agency within LEGO, overseeing the LEGO Club Magazines and other communications.
93) The Great Beings did. And they needed implants because it made them function better.
HarpoonJaeger wrote:1Dear Greg
21) How come whole world didn't flood when Voya Nui crashed through Great Spirit Robots walls?
32) Shouldn't Mata Nui's and Makuta's battle on Bara Magna kill everyone? They were so big that just their steps should cause giant earthquakes.
43) Did Mata Nui kill Ignika's consciousness?
54) Speaking of Ignika, why didn't it have a power to bring anyone back to life, but it had power to teleport and fly and other non-life-related stuff?
65) Why did Artakha even create Nuva Cube? It seems that there was absolutely no positive effects on the Cube (for the Toa, that is.)
76) How it is possible that LEGO theme had plot elements like massacres of Toa of Magnetism and Toa of Iron? Or the mass-killing of everyone who knew Artakha's location?
81) Because the only part of the body that was exposed to the flooding was Karda Nui. It is possible that, had Karda Nui completely flooded, it might have eventually spilled out into other parts of the body, but Karda Nui was so huge that had not happened yet.
92) You could say the same thing about any giant robot fight (or giant monster fight) in any story. But it's fiction, so it works the way the author decides it works. When Superman rips a building out of the ground and then puts it back, it should be a mess -- broken wiring, broken pipes, etc. -- but it never is, because ... fiction.
103) No. He simply overlaid it.
114) Because we didn't want to use it to bring the dead back. It would unbalance the story.
125) As I recall, the cube was a lock on the Bahrag's prison. That was its function.
136) It's possible mainly because it happened "off-screen." If I had written a massacre scene, it would have been rejected. But I didn't, I just made references to it happening elsewhere. We do Star Wars, where an entire planet and all its people was destroyed in Part IV, remember?
fantasy1111 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:fantasy1111 wrote:1are you a member of bioniclesector01,as stated there?
2what do you do as a creative consultant for g2?
3the purpose of the bohrok kal was to free the bahrag,and the bahrag`s purpose was to destroy the island of mata nui,wich is vital to the survival of the matoran universe.does that mean that the bohrok kal can serve the new spherus magna society,with that particular purpose?
41) Yes, but I don't do anything there, other than use it as a reference.
52) I'm not a consultant on G2. I read the story bible over once back in spring of 2014 and that was the extent of my involvement. I haven't had anything to do with the theme since September of 2014.
63) The Bohrok-Kal were destroyed or rendered useless in the 2003 storyline, so they are unlikely to have any involvement with Spherus Magna society., why did bioniclesector01 say so?
83.but the krana-kal survived,right?if they were able to come back into existance again,could they help the new society.
9and more. the melding AU,did mutran create a mini-life form that could spread truce and understanding?and if not,is it still possible?
112.why did krahka mention the matoran endangered her specie`s,when it was actually the visorak?
131.How do you use it as a reference?
ScribeGT6817 wrote:MooCowsRock wrote:1Mr. Farshtey:
2Rahkshi of Limited Invulnerability and the Makuta all possess the power of Limited Invulnerability, but I don't recall it ever being used in the story. What exactly does it do? Is the user completely invulnerable for a limited amount of time, or is the user only mostly invulnerable for as long as the power is active?
3Limited invulnerability essentially means you are invulnerable against some things, but not others. Superman, for example, is invulnerable to loads of things, but vulnerable to kryptonite and magic.
4What exactly, then, are users of the power in the MU vulnerable to?
1How can the ignika can devolved the turaga to toas again? They have no more toa powers?
2i meant can anyone other than artakha wear the masks of creation? I know it a legendary mask meaning nobody can control its powers, but artakha can wear it and he master it?
3how can the toa of magnesium and iron can destroy the makuta's armors?
4in the power that be, was artakha planing to be killed by veilka?
5whatever happen to toa chiara and Zaria?
6since you once work on some ninjago books, did you put some bionicle reference in some of them since in the tv series, they had some bionicle reference?
WhiteAlligator wrote:7Hi everyone -
8Are you sitting down?
If not, grab a chair! We don't want anyone falling over when we tell you ...
9The one, the only Greg Farshtey wants to chat with you!
10That's right, the storytelling mind behind BIONICLE and Ninjago is here on the LMBs to answer your questions.
11Please post your questions now! Greg will be visiting this topic to respond to you personally.
12While participating in this topic please remember to ...
131. Stay on topic!
No spamming. No side conversations.
142. Be patient!
Greg will answer your questions as quickly as he can.
153. Have fun!
This is an awesome opportunity! Enjoy!!
WhiteAlligator wrote:16Hi everyone -
17Are you sitting down?
If not, grab a chair! We don't want anyone falling over when we tell you ...
18The one, the only Greg Farshtey wants to chat with you!
19That's right, the storytelling mind behind BIONICLE and Ninjago is here on the LMBs to answer your questions.
20Please post your questions now! Greg will be visiting this topic to respond to you personally.
21While participating in this topic please remember to ...
221. Stay on topic!
No spamming. No side conversations.
232. Be patient!
Greg will answer your questions as quickly as he can.
243. Have fun!
This is an awesome opportunity! Enjoy!!
owainwc wrote:1guys i just thought id ask who greg farshtey is?
2Greg farshtey is the best writer EVER!O_OHe written tale`s of the mask`s and all BIONICLE book`s,graphic novel`s,comic`s and online story serial`s 2004-2010!He wrote exo force and ninjago book`s formerly and is also the writer for chima book`s!O_OHe is even an editor for LEGO magazine!O_O
ScribeGT6817 wrote:6CuteBoy6 wrote:1Hey Greg,
2Just curious, but can you think of a reliable (discluding biosector01 and other wikis because this is for a project) source that explains the function of Rhotuka Launchers?
3Or explain them yourself?
4I need a "reliable" source for this stupid science project thing, and (long story), but I wanted to mention ripcord launchers.
5Maybe I could contact Consumer Service...
6Well, if you do have an answer (even if you don't), thanks for taking your time to read this out of your day!
7Rhotuka are "wheels" of energy generated by beings in the Matoran universe. These are unique to each individual, but are only generated by those equipped with a Rhotuka launcher. There are two types of launchers, natural and artificial -- Rahi and Hordika usually have natural launchers as parts of their bodies.
8The energy that makes up a Rhotuka is gathered by the launcher apparatus and then fired in the shape of a wheel. The energy has sufficient mass that the wheels can be ridden upon. The power of the Rhotuka is not provided by the launcher, the launcher is simply a delivery device.
9CuteBoy, just for the record, within the Bionicle universe's lore a Rhotuka launcher is not a ripcord. That is only in the real life sets.
ScribeGT6817 wrote:HarpoonJaeger wrote:1Dear Greg
21) How come whole world didn't flood when Voya Nui crashed through Great Spirit Robots walls?
32) Shouldn't Mata Nui's and Makuta's battle on Bara Magna kill everyone? They were so big that just their steps should cause giant earthquakes.
43) Did Mata Nui kill Ignika's consciousness?
54) Speaking of Ignika, why didn't it have a power to bring anyone back to life, but it had power to teleport and fly and other non-life-related stuff?
65) Why did Artakha even create Nuva Cube? It seems that there was absolutely no positive effects on the Cube (for the Toa, that is.)
76) How it is possible that LEGO theme had plot elements like massacres of Toa of Magnetism and Toa of Iron? Or the mass-killing of everyone who knew Artakha's location?
81) Because the only part of the body that was exposed to the flooding was Karda Nui. It is possible that, had Karda Nui completely flooded, it might have eventually spilled out into other parts of the body, but Karda Nui was so huge that had not happened yet.
92) You could say the same thing about any giant robot fight (or giant monster fight) in any story. But it's fiction, so it works the way the author decides it works. When Superman rips a building out of the ground and then puts it back, it should be a mess -- broken wiring, broken pipes, etc. -- but it never is, because ... fiction.
103) No. He simply overlaid it.
114) Because we didn't want to use it to bring the dead back. It would unbalance the story.
125) As I recall, the cube was a lock on the Bahrag's prison. That was its function.
136) It's possible mainly because it happened "off-screen." If I had written a massacre scene, it would have been rejected. But I didn't, I just made references to it happening elsewhere. We do Star Wars, where an entire planet and all its people was destroyed in Part IV, remember?
142. Sorry, can't resist saying this, but... science is for chumps!
ScribeGT6817 wrote:Nuvatoka wrote:1Hello there Greg Farshtey! An honor talking to you!
2I have three questions that I have been meaning to ask you for a while now.
31. I know you're not going to finish the two story serials (The Yesterday Quest and The Powers that be) that you left unfinished, but can you please at least tell us how they end? You can just come up with something that will be good enough to conclude the stories. If not, why not? Does it need to be approved by LEGO or do you just not want to do so? Anyway, I'll understand.
42. What is your current job at LEGO as of right now? I have heard that you do not write the Ninjago books anymore. If so, what do you do?
53. Who created the Agori's, Glatorian's, Skrall's, Vorox's, etc's mechanical implants? Who came up with the idea? Why did they need said implants?
6Anyway, thanks a lot for this and have a nice day!71) I can't create story for BIONICLE, even for G1, without LEGO's approval, because I work here. And there is no interest on this end in completing G1 story, because the focus they want people to have is understandably on G2.
82) My book writing is all freelance work, it's not part of my day job. My day job is Editorial Director for the Consumer Marketing Agency within LEGO, overseeing the LEGO Club Magazines and other communications.
93) The Great Beings did. And they needed implants because it made them function better.
101. I believe what we has asking was wether or not you could just write a quick summary here of how the two serials were supposed to end. Just to give the world a vague idea of how the plot would've gone, without actually going into detail.