WhiteAlligator wrote:1Hi everyone -
2Are you sitting down?
If not, grab a chair! We don't want anyone falling over when we tell you ...
3The one, the only Greg Farshtey wants to chat with you!
4That's right, the storytelling mind behind BIONICLE and Ninjago is here on the LMBs to answer your questions.
5Please post your questions now! Greg will be visiting this topic to respond to you personally.
6While participating in this topic please remember to ...
71. Stay on topic!
No spamming. No side conversations.
82. Be patient!
Greg will answer your questions as quickly as he can.
93. Have fun!
This is an awesome opportunity! Enjoy!!
10*scream* How have I not noticed this topic yet!?!?!
Omg, I'm going fangirl!!! XD I am a huge Ninjago fan, and I'm talking to Greg!!! Omg, I'm freaking out!!!!!!! Ok, questions! Let's see... How are you so awesome!!!!
Still freaking out!!! *passes out*
mrcqm wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:Nuvatoka wrote:1Hello there Greg Farshtey! An honor talking to you!
2I have three questions that I have been meaning to ask you for a while now.
31. I know you're not going to finish the two story serials (The Yesterday Quest and The Powers that be) that you left unfinished, but can you please at least tell us how they end? You can just come up with something that will be good enough to conclude the stories. If not, why not? Does it need to be approved by LEGO or do you just not want to do so? Anyway, I'll understand.
42. What is your current job at LEGO as of right now? I have heard that you do not write the Ninjago books anymore. If so, what do you do?
53. Who created the Agori's, Glatorian's, Skrall's, Vorox's, etc's mechanical implants? Who came up with the idea? Why did they need said implants?
6Anyway, thanks a lot for this and have a nice day!71) I can't create story for BIONICLE, even for G1, without LEGO's approval, because I work here. And there is no interest on this end in completing G1 story, because the focus they want people to have is understandably on G2.
82) My book writing is all freelance work, it's not part of my day job. My day job is Editorial Director for the Consumer Marketing Agency within LEGO, overseeing the LEGO Club Magazines and other communications.
93) The Great Beings did. And they needed implants because it made them function better.
101. I believe what we has asking was wether or not you could just write a quick summary here of how the two serials were supposed to end. Just to give the world a vague idea of how the plot would've gone, without actually going into detail.
11Even that would be frowned upon, I think. There is no interest here in people having "new" old BIONICLE story to discuss when the focus is supposed to be on new BIONICLE. On top of which, I don't outline my stories ... I figure out how things will end when I reach the end.
1What role did Advance Copenhagen play in the creative process behind BIONICLE? LEGO actually owned the brand, but it seems that a lot of the design/creative work/etc was done by Advance. How large was their role, and what did/didn't they do?
2Also, Ghost did most of the CGI animation for some of the promo videos and whatnot. What other companies were involved in creating BIONICLE? (not promotional partners, but creative partners.) What companies produced the BIONICLE films?
3Thanks again!
ScribeGT6817 wrote:maletoaofwater wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:MavezIgnikari wrote:1Since Baterra communicate with sonic signals, would it be possible for a toa of sonics to communicate with them?
2If the Toa found the right frequency and could interpret what their signals meant, yes
3wouldn't just using a kanohi rau be more efficient than a toa of sonics?
4What if there is no Rau handy?
ScribeGT6817 wrote:maletoaofwater wrote:1We know that several sources of energized protodermis were destroyed during the OoMN's war with the Brotherhood and the subsequent Reign of Shadows. Considering it is sentient and able to destroy or change anything it touches, how can it be destroyed?
2Also, what determines if something is destroyed or transformed? we know that the "pilot" of the great spirit robot (either mata nui, or later, teridax) knows this, but it has also been said that is simply the ever-obscure "destiny" that determines something's fate.
31) Well, if I had to destroy something like that, I would do it the same way they destroy Lazarus pits ... blow it up or bury it so deep no one can get to it.
42) Destiny has always been our answer on this.
51. but even then it technically wouldn't be destroyed, just made inaccessible. considering teridax was the GS at the time, wouldn't he be able to unbury it, or the energized protodermis entity (EPE) be able to pull himself back together?
62. so can the great spirit robot determine someone's destiny? (in one of the serials, the toa mahri said that only the great spirit can know if someone will transform or be destroyed.)
ScribeGT6817 wrote:fighterlord wrote:1Three questions here:
21. Could there be a few "supremacists" for each tribe of Matoran? Ex. an Onu-Matoran who preaches against Ta-, Ga-, and Ko-Matoran. And could those supremacists have been responsible for the Matoran Civil War?
32. I know that Krahka cannot copy Kanohi powers. Does that change/is that different, however, when a person has a Kanohi fused to their face and can access its power, as was the case when Karzahni was mutated by Pit Mutagen?
43. Who do you think Papu and Rangi (mentioned in the MNOLG) were supposed to be? Nokama in an early version of the MNOLG speaks of how they plan the fates ("I think Papu and Rangi have plans for you that are greater than your [Takua's] stature would suggest") and Jaller (then named Jala) in the German version says they chose Ta-Koro to be the village of fire.
51) I don't think so, no. Especially in the current global climate, I don't think LEGO Company would endorse a storyline that essentially amounted to a BIONICLE version of race hatred.
62) Good question. I would have to think about it.
73) No idea. MNOLG was designed before I worked for LEGO and I had nothing to do with it, so I do not know what the designers had in mind for it.
81. on that note, it's implied that some sentiments do still linger from the matoran civil war, thousands of years later (i.e. the insult "fire-spitter" that onewa used in reference to vakama so much). while that ordeal started as a simple trade dispute, everyone eventually was dragged into it, and then it seemed to become about more than the original dispute, and escalate to a more personal level. i'd go as far as to say that this, like the genocide (aka systematic unaliving, if the mods change that word) of iron/magnetic toa by the makuta, was one of those not-so-kid-friendly things that happened "off-screen".
ScribeGT6817 wrote:fantasy1111 wrote:fantasy1111 wrote:1more question`s.
23.could the barraki breath air after the mutation?
34.did the mutated piraka retain their power?
45.are all 6 krana-kal captured by the turaga?
56.how would the bohrok-kal switch krana-kal?
66b.and where did they get their shield`s?
77.is the conciousness of the bohrok housed in the krana?
8buried along with previous post.
93) No
104) Not that I recall, but I haven't looked it up lately
115) No
126-6b) Don't recall. That was 12 years ago.
137) Bohrok do not have consciousness as such.
145.So wich one`s were not captured and why?
maletoaofwater wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:maletoaofwater wrote:1We know that several sources of energized protodermis were destroyed during the OoMN's war with the Brotherhood and the subsequent Reign of Shadows. Considering it is sentient and able to destroy or change anything it touches, how can it be destroyed?
2Also, what determines if something is destroyed or transformed? we know that the "pilot" of the great spirit robot (either mata nui, or later, teridax) knows this, but it has also been said that is simply the ever-obscure "destiny" that determines something's fate.
31) Well, if I had to destroy something like that, I would do it the same way they destroy Lazarus pits ... blow it up or bury it so deep no one can get to it.
42) Destiny has always been our answer on this.
51. but even then it technically wouldn't be destroyed, just made inaccessible. considering teridax was the GS at the time, wouldn't he be able to unbury it, or the energized protodermis entity (EPE) be able to pull himself back together?
62. so can the great spirit robot determine someone's destiny? (in one of the serials, the toa mahri said that only the great spirit can know if someone will transform or be destroyed.)
71) Arguably, Teridax could have done that, but he didn't, because he had no need of EP during his reign. Had he survived, who knows?
82) It's a good question. There is a difference between knowing something and being able to change it.
maletoaofwater wrote:1What role did Advance Copenhagen play in the creative process behind BIONICLE? LEGO actually owned the brand, but it seems that a lot of the design/creative work/etc was done by Advance. How large was their role, and what did/didn't they do?
2Also, Ghost did most of the CGI animation for some of the promo videos and whatnot. What other companies were involved in creating BIONICLE? (not promotional partners, but creative partners.) What companies produced the BIONICLE films?
3Thanks again!
4The movies were made by a company called Tinseltown Toons. As for the rest of your questions, I was not around for the actual creation of BIONICLE ... I joined the company five months before the first sets were released. So who created what and what other partners we had are not really things that I know about.
teentitans567 wrote:WhiteAlligator wrote:1Hi everyone -
2Are you sitting down?
If not, grab a chair! We don't want anyone falling over when we tell you ...
3The one, the only Greg Farshtey wants to chat with you!
4That's right, the storytelling mind behind BIONICLE and Ninjago is here on the LMBs to answer your questions.
5Please post your questions now! Greg will be visiting this topic to respond to you personally.
6While participating in this topic please remember to ...
71. Stay on topic!
No spamming. No side conversations.
82. Be patient!
Greg will answer your questions as quickly as he can.
93. Have fun!
This is an awesome opportunity! Enjoy!!
10*scream* How have I not noticed this topic yet!?!?!
Omg, I'm going fangirl!!! XD I am a huge Ninjago fan, and I'm talking to Greg!!! Omg, I'm freaking out!!!!!!! Ok, questions! Let's see... How are you so awesome!!!!
Still freaking out!!! *passes out*
11Feel free to ask whatever you would like.
Andrew31kbrick193 wrote:1Hey Greg, how come whenever they fought the Toa, the Makuta (like Teridax and the Phantoka and Mistika Makuta) haven't used their Kraata powers on them?
2Mrcqm's answer is fundamentally correct. Also consider that if the Makuta unleash 42 powers on the Toa, the Toa are most likely dead and the story is over.