ScribeGT6817 wrote:
11) Was there ever romance in the story?
2A. Yes, in some of the online games and there were hints of it in the third and fourth movies.
3I think the romantic moments that were there in Bionicle worked just fine. They weren't in-your-face so most people didn't pay much attention to it. I mean, did Macku and Hewkii's little moment in the Bohrok Online Animations hurt anything? It was a nice moment for fans who do appreciate romance but it really didn't affect the story in any way.
4I've always find it strange how young boys like the ones in the focus groups always have such a strong disgust towards romance. Maybe I was just raised differently, but when my six-year old self was watching the aforementioned scene with Macku and Hewkii I thought it was more funny and cute than anything.
5(Though if romance doesn't exist, then how was Matau able to refer to "taking a romantic ride-drive" with Nokama? How did he know what romance was in the first place? )
ShadowEmperor7 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:
11) Was there ever romance in the story?
2A. Yes, in some of the online games and there were hints of it in the third and fourth movies.
4(Though if romance doesn't exist, then how was Matau able to refer to "taking a romantic ride-drive" with Nokama? How did he know what romance was in the first place?
5I beleive that line is non-canon.
1Hey Greg!
2Would any mask carved from a legendary-level disk become a legendary-level mask? e.g. Artahka worker A gets level 9 disk from Artahka and makes it into a mask of flight. Does this mask have incredible control over flight, and the thing where if it breaks, nothing in the Matoran universe can fly anymore?
RocketRacer7235 wrote:1Hey Greg!
2Would any mask carved from a legendary-level disk become a legendary-level mask? e.g. Artahka worker A gets level 9 disk from Artahka and makes it into a mask of flight. Does this mask have incredible control over flight, and the thing where if it breaks, nothing in the Matoran universe can fly anymore?
3I think the answer is that there simply are not Legendary level discs for most powers. Legendary discs tend to deal with fundamental forces of the universe.
HeroraNui wrote:1Dear Greg,
2I'm very curious about the timeline of when certain story decisions were made, mostly so I can go back and try to find foreshadowing. Could you answer some questions I have?
31. How far in advance did the story team plan out each year's story?
42. I know that early on, BIONICLE was intended to only last one year, but then the team realized that the story needed more in order to be done right. How far ahead did that initial extention account for and were there any other points when you all realized that more story years needed to be added?
53. When did you all decide to reawaken Mata Nui?
64. Was Makuta Teridax's takeover planned at the same time too?
75. When did LEGO tell you that the line was going to be cancelled?
8Thank you
91) Hmmm, let me think. I would say about two years, normally. At that time, it was usually about two years from concept development to product release for a LEGO line. Some things, though, like the Kal, were on a more accelerated schedule.
102) Bob Thompson, who was the head of the story team in the early days, always talked about the six books of BIONICLE. He had the whole Metru Nui storyline already in his head in year one.
113) Probably 2006 sometime.
124) Of Mata Nui? Yes, it sprang out of that decision.
135) September, 2008.
iJamesusa wrote:1HI Mr. Greg, I have a question for you...
2In Doctor Who, who do like better, David Tennant, or Matt Smith
3Also, why did they reboot the Bionicle theme, but chnage the storyline. The new sets are cool, but I liked the old storyline better!!!
41) I liked them both, but I think Tennant had better stories overall. While he suffered some from the decision to try to make the Doctor a tragic romantic lead, Smith really suffered because the showrunner thinks the show is supposed to be about the companions, not the Doctor. It ended up turning into the Amy and Rory show.
52) I can't speak to why decisions got made as far as G2 goes, because I had no hand in any of them. That said ... I would not have recommended picking up where the old story left off. You would have been asking new fans (many of whom were 3 when BIONICLE ended) to catch up on nine years of story to get into it now. That's a lot to ask.
ScribeGT6817 wrote:RocketRacer7235 wrote:1Hey Greg!
2Would any mask carved from a legendary-level disk become a legendary-level mask? e.g. Artahka worker A gets level 9 disk from Artahka and makes it into a mask of flight. Does this mask have incredible control over flight, and the thing where if it breaks, nothing in the Matoran universe can fly anymore?
3I think the answer is that there simply are not Legendary level discs for most powers. Legendary discs tend to deal with fundamental forces of the universe.
4So the power matters as well as the disk being legendary?
1Hi, Mr. Farshtey.
2I was a dedicated fan of the original line for years, and I made sure to read everything you published for BIONICLE. I just rediscovered the books, and it's been a blast of nostalgia reading through them all. Those stories helped define my preteen years and led to mountains of fan fiction.
3As far as I know, all the stories were published in English either on paper or online... except the Bara Magna story about a convoy, The Crossing, which was only ever released in Polish. Yes, at least one person was dedicated enough to produce a re-translation that gets most of it across, but it's still a piece that's been translated twice.
4Since Journey's End was published on the website, I'm wondering if it would be possible for The Crossing to get a similar treatment. Would [whoever in LEGO is in charge of that decision] allow the original English text to be posted on these boards, or elsewhere?
5I'd like to read it, if only for the sake of completion. Surely other first-generation fans would feel the same way. (Sorry if this has been asked already.)
Torrhen wrote:1Hi, Mr. Farshtey.
2I was a dedicated fan of the original line for years, and I made sure to read everything you published for BIONICLE. I just rediscovered the books, and it's been a blast of nostalgia reading through them all. Those stories helped define my preteen years and led to mountains of fan fiction.
3As far as I know, all the stories were published in English either on paper or online... except the Bara Magna story about a convoy, The Crossing, which was only ever released in Polish. Yes, at least one person was dedicated enough to produce a re-translation that gets most of it across, but it's still a piece that's been translated twice.
4Since Journey's End was published on the website, I'm wondering if it would be possible for The Crossing to get a similar treatment. Would [whoever in LEGO is in charge of that decision] allow the original English text to be posted on these boards, or elsewhere?
5I'd like to read it, if only for the sake of completion. Surely other first-generation fans would feel the same way. (Sorry if this has been asked already.)
8I'm not sure what LEGO Company's position on this would be, since it is old story, not new story. But it can't be reprinted in any way without permission from AMEET, the company that published the story.
1Greg there were mainly six kinds or six beings when it came to any group of bionicles,and after i found out about the 7th toa takanuva ive just mainly been trying to think of seventh bionicles to a lot of different bionicle being groups or creatures.but the ones I've been facinating myself most about are a seventh bohrok kal and a seventh bohrok swarm.
2I even dreamed about a seventh bohrok kal set in it's canister brand new and in a toat of bionicle stuff right by my bed
3than getting up to take it out of that toat and looking at it as my own good luck charm.(Sigh)man i wish it was real.
ScribeGT6817 wrote:1I'm not sure what LEGO Company's position on this would be, since it is old story, not new story. But it can't be reprinted in any way without permission from AMEET, the company that published the story.
2Thanks for the info. Sending an email to AMEET to beg for assistance, in case this is possible.
ScribeGT6817 wrote:iJamesusa wrote:1HI Mr. Greg, I have a question for you...
2In Doctor Who, who do like better, David Tennant, or Matt Smith
3Also, why did they reboot the Bionicle theme, but chnage the storyline. The new sets are cool, but I liked the old storyline better!!!
41) I liked them both, but I think Tennant had better stories overall. While he suffered some from the decision to try to make the Doctor a tragic romantic lead, Smith really suffered because the showrunner thinks the show is supposed to be about the companions, not the Doctor. It ended up turning into the Amy and Rory show.
52) I can't speak to why decisions got made as far as G2 goes, because I had no hand in any of them. That said ... I would not have recommended picking up where the old story left off. You would have been asking new fans (many of whom were 3 when BIONICLE ended) to catch up on nine years of story to get into it now. That's a lot to ask.
6i think it could have easily been done. just look at legend of korra. that show takes place in the future of avatar the last airbender, which was the original series. it's in the same universe, a continuation of the old story, and also original enough to work as a stand-alone. the same thing really could have been done with bionicle. start in the far future with new atero, and some conflict arises with some villian. cue classic kopaka, gali, tahu, etc. go to fight the new evil. other story years would involve re-releasing the (updated) sets of the other toa. instant profit from old bionicle fans, and also instant profit from new bionicle fans as well.
1ScribeGT6817 wrote:
2maletoaofwater wrote:
32) My working assumption is that the slow down, speed up time thing would still work outside of the GSR, but I am uncertain that the "destroy it and time is wrecked forever" applies outside of the GSR, in the same way the Mask of Life countdown power does not apply outside of the GSR.
42. the only problem with that is that time, unlike life, was universal both inside and outside the robot. you can't effect time inside the robot but not effect time outside of it. of course we have the theory of relativity, but that doesn't account for the kind of time chaos that vakama was describing when he threatened to destroy it.
5True. On the other hand, do we believe that something so powerful it could affect a fundamental force in the entire universe was thrown together by a bit of nanotech inside a robot? Why would the Great Beings feel the need to make the creation of something that would affect the universe outside of the robot like that a part of Mata Nui? What need would the robot's systems have to affect time on a universal scale?
6i don't think the great beings designed it to happen that way though. like so many other things that they couldn't forsee, the mask of time just happened to come into being. (and 100,000 years after the MU launched) (sure, vakama carved it, but i don't think even he knew that merging the great disks would result in a mask of time. iirc, he just knew that what he was making was important, and after he was finished, he realized what he'd made.) plus, that bit of "nanotech" turned out to be fully sentient beings. (and the one who made the mask, vakama, seemed to be a special one with a sense for the future, even outside of his visions.)
7would melting the mask have the same effect as cracking it? we know that the process of making a mask takes away some of the power the composing disks had, so perhaps remolding the mask a time or two (excuse the pun) would get rid of the possibility to destroy time.