slipperysnakeboy wrote:1Another question; If an olde BIONICLE toa used the mask of Fusion to merge with his desired target, and then after the fusion took place his kanohi was shattered, would he be separated (as if the mask was needed for the fusion to still exist)? or stay in that form (as if the mask was needed to un-fuse)?
3My feeling is that the shattering of the mask would undo the fusion.
slipperysnakeboy wrote:lordbio123 wrote:slipperysnakeboy wrote:lordbio123 wrote:slipperysnakeboy wrote:
11: I often use the word "dupe" because the mohtrek is said to be the mask of time duplication. I know they are his past selves, and my words indicate that.
22: Don't use Biosector alone as your source, they often change his words in the "Farshtey feed" or "ask Greg" to words that fit the style and understanding of the writer. The original source (the "Farshtey feed") says that in the alternate universe the user is smashed at the point of time they were pulled from, ("Actions up until then never existed" meaning, the past selves' actions from when they were pulled up to the present never happened, since he got smashed).
3These two points are nothing more then explanations for the objections lordbio brought up. So Greg, did you catch my first post of the suggestions?
41. True, but they are more accurately not dupes.
52. Biosector is the most reliable and still, what's the real definition for a Mohtrek?
6I was asking Greg a question, not my fellow LMBer.72: If Biosector was the most reliable source, why would we need this topic?
8Then why ask for thoughts?
92. Because maybe something on Biosector isn't about Greg. What if we wanted to know his favorite food? Or something like that? It wouldn't be on there. And Biosector is the most reliable non LEGO.Com source.
10I was asking him, as I said, in responce to his request for suggestions.
112: And yet there are hundreds of questions here on the old BIONICLE and ninjago that their respective wiki's do not answer. (can we please just drop this? Its, "Chat with Greg Farshtey", not, "Chat with lordbio123 and slipperysnakeboy"
12Speaking of answering, I'm not sure if he's going to or not now. Unless I say, "We did not resolve this question yet, mind helping us Greg?"
13There's been so much back and forth on this that I don't remember what the question is.
EddyGould wrote:1Hello, Greg Farshtey!
2You stated that Mata Nui had never left the Solis Magna system, right? Are there so many planets in this system that Mata Nui explored them in 100k years? Maybe you mixed star system with the galaxy? How many planets in the SM system, how do you think?
3Keep in mind he was not just doing fly-bys. He was concealing himself on those planets for substantial periods of time to observe the culture and how they avoided conflicts (if they did) or rejuvenated their society after a conflict (if they did).
ScribeGT6817 wrote:slipperysnakeboy wrote:1I was wondering about a bionicle kanohi's powers. If Bitil summoned a past self with his Mohtrek, and that past self was smashed, then the original Bitil would disappear and an alternate timeline where he didn't exist would be created. But my question is if the original Bitil would REAPPEAR at any time or if he was permanently smashed?2Thank-you.3Not sure off the top of my head how the original Bitil would appear in the new timeline under those circumstances. Anybody got any suggestions?
4the way i remember it, it was something like this:
51. bitil, who obviously exists and therefore hasn't been unalived before, summons a version of his past self.
62. if past self is fine, then we have nothing to worry about, and the mask deactivates. however, if the past self unalives, then:
73. an alternate universe is created from the point where bitil's past self was. in that alternate timeline, bitil used to exist, then he suddenly disappeared when he was summoned to a point in the future and destroyed.
84. in the prime reality, the original bitil is fine and nothing happens, because of (1) where we saw that that it was impossible for bitil to have unalived in the current reality.
95. at that point in time that past bitil was taken from, he simply reappears as if nothing happened. we know this because there are two possibilities after he was unalived: he continues to exist in the past, and he doesn't. we know that an alternate reality is created for the second scenario where he doesn't exist after that point, so the prime reality necessarily takes on the other option, which is where he does exist as wasn't unalived. furthermore, had the prime reality taken on the possibility where he wasn't sent back due to being unalive, then there wouldn't have been a future self to summon the past self from, and we'd have a paradox.
10tl;dr: bitil summons past self, past self dies, nothing happens in this universe. another universe is created where something does.
TwistLaw wrote:
11) Since during the original run we saw many sets sharing pieces (like Brutaka using Rahskhi legs as arms), is it correct to say that the Matoran Universe has basic components used throughout itself, like we do in the real word with bones looking similar between different species? In other words, does Brutaka's arm REALLY look like a Rahskhi leg to, say, someone who managed to see both like Jaller did?
22) Did BIONICLE characters look like exactly like the set we had been sold?
33) Where are the muscles of the inhabitants of the Matoran universe? Are they "incorporated" into the pieces we saw in the toys, or are they visible and therefore "beyond" what LEGO sold us?
4i think the best representation of how they "really" look would be the movies. there you can see how the organic tissue is integrated into their armor, especially in the second one. you can see how their armor is actually an exoskeleton of sorts to the soft tissues underneath. as far as the sets go, you can kinda see how those pieces relate to what you see in the movies: the LEGO pieces closely resemble the exoskeleton, and their organic tissue would be... well, inside the pieces.
5as for whether certain body parts look like other body parts in different characters with similar set pieces, i'd say probably not. i'm going to point you toward the movies for this again. while you can't see every character in there, you can see the interpretation of each set piece based on the role it plays in that character's body. for example, gali nuva's arms and legs have the same set pieces, but they don't look exactly alike in the movie. also, kopaka nuva's left arm uses the same set piece as the vahki arms do, but in the movie, the vahkis' arms look totally different than kopaka's arm.
6hope that helps!
ScribeGT6817 wrote:OnionShark wrote:11) Do Shadow Matoran keep the natural abilities they had before being transformed (e.g heat resistence for Ta-Matoran, night vision for Onu-Matoran etc...)
22) Can the Shadow Takanuva change their body color?
33) Did Teridax learn about Takanuva's destiny?
44) Could Toa Ignika be part of a Toa Kaita?
55) How were new Kanohi made before the invention of Kanoka?
66) Where did Karzahni take the pieces he used to rebuild the Matoran from?
77) Was Velika in a good relationship with the other Gb's?
88) How much would it take for the MU to be fully evacuated?
99) Is it possible that Kapura used his ability to escape the Tower of the Cursed GB before it exploded?
1010) Who has the original story bibles of Bionicle? Is there any chance that they might get published online?
1110) Don't know, but I can't see them ever being published. One, they were not written for public view, so there are mentions of other movies and such (as points of reference) that LEGO Company does not hold rights to. There are also things in there that we later opted not to include as part of canon. So I can't see why the company, which owns them, would want to publish them.
12if i recall correctly, christian faber had a ton of old bionicle stuff in a... warehouse? somewhere in copenhagen. he was going to do a project or something that was going to be really cool with it on his faber files blog (google it, can't post links here).
13anyway, he couldn't do it because they were all to be added to some LEGO museum or something...? Mr. Farshtey, could you comment on that? Do you know/remember anything about a LEGO/bionicle exhibit anywhere? While i'm addressing this last bit to you, thank you so much for remaining on this thread for so long - to us old fans who still like a kick of nostalgia every now and then, it means a lot!
swampdiver657 wrote:
- 1Was the Muaka's taste for Rahkshi a deliberate design by whatever Makuta created the species?
- 2Will Rahi populations be sustainable without Makuta creating more of them?
- 3Are their any more species beyond Matoran/Toa/Turaga and the Skakdi that may have any one of the whole spectrum of elements?
- 4Skakdi do have the full spectrum of elements, right? Like plasma and psionics?
- 5Assuming question 11 is a yes, since the Makuta culled all the Toa of Iron and Magnetism, would they have made similar efforts among the Skakdi population? If question 10 is a yes, would the Makuta and culled those species' irons and magnetics too?
6I think this guy's ^ questions got buried (i haven't seen an answer yet and i'm reading it backwards haha) but these are definitely some good questions!
MrBlackpants wrote:1As the story is frozen where it was left off and I know you may not be able to answer this but, Were the Toa Mahri ever going to escape the control the gold skinned being had over them?
2didn't Greg say on here somewhere that when annona messed with his powers his hold on them was released and they were able to have control over their own wills again?
3if not, that'd be a pretty good explaination for wrapping that one up!
mrcqm wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:mrcqm wrote:1Recently, I have come up with a question to ask that I don't know the answer to.
2What exactly caused Wairuha and Akamai, the 2 Toa kaita of 2001, to split apart upon enterring Teridax's lair on Mata Nui?
3Since that was 15 years ago, I don't really recall what the story reason was supposed to be. The practical reason was that we wanted to promote the six individual Toa more than we did the combination models.
4So once again, set design beats logic
I see how it is. I've come up with 2 more questions somehow!
5The reason given in the story for the Kaita splitting up was that makuta was a spirit of destruction, and that unions like that can't exist around him.
6or something like that...
715 years!!! boy time flies...
ScribeGT6817 wrote:RocketRacer7235 wrote:1A question just popped into my head.
2 The Golden-skinned being grants
wishesdreams, right? So what happens if two dreams oppose eachother? E.G. 'I want the Makuta to all die permanently right now' vs 'I want the Makuta to live on forever'?3Would probably depend on the will of the dreamers. You can one person who dreams of being rich, and really, really wants it ... and someone who dreams of being famous, but only wants it ... so one dream will be much stronger than the other.
4Does the GSB have any control over that outcome? Or do you think the maddness we saw with annonna (hope i'm spelling that right) showed that he can't really control what dreams he brings to reality?