ScribeGT6817 wrote:RocketRacer7235 wrote:RocketRacer7235 wrote:RocketRacer7235 wrote:1Hey Greg. I have some questions about Hordika... And toa in general...
21. Would a toa hordika always have a rhotuka according to their element, or would it vary as with most entities using rhotuka?
32. Do toa subjected to visorak venom truly lose their elemental powers,(Barring rhotuka) or do they simply lose the mental discipline to use them properly?
4 2a. If toa hordika retain their powers, would a theoretical antidote which only reversed the mental effects of visorak venom let them use those powers in hordika form
51) A Toa Hordika would, yes.
62) They actually lose the powers.
7out of universe explanation aside where you need enough story material to fill a whole story year, why didn't the toa hordika just use remove poison kanoka to undo the mutation? were there not any around that they could find, did nobody think of it, or...
8while i'm mentioning story years, i figured the LEGO message boards would be the best place to ask where i could find the main story source for the new bionicle. for the 2015 year i know they had those videos on bionicle dotcom, but i've been unable to find anything for the new 2016 story. are there comics, books, videos...?
ScribeGT6817 wrote:MrBlackpants wrote:1You said that toa powers were th product of science,, could you explian how toa power works?
2No detailed explanation is given in any of the story bibles for specifically how these work. And I kind of feel that giving one would make the whole thing a lot less cool.
3as a huge fan of bionicle, i strongly concur. not only would that make it way less cool, it would probably be horribly inaccurate as far as science goes, and would mislead many people as to how the whole science thing actually works.
4best to leave it as they have superpowers because they have superpowers.
ScribeGT6817 wrote:MrBlackpants wrote:1If Vakama was a mask maker as a matoran, how would he not know what kind of mask he wore daily was? And in one of the books, Vakama Identified a few masks in the scrapyard.
2The moviemakers wanted the Toa figuring out what their masks were to be part of the film, so they just ignored the fact that he would probably already know.
3for an in-story explanation, i have a few tidbits to add:
41. remember that mask power is independent from mask shape, so they didn't have a way to know which powers their masks were even if they looked like a shape that's typically used for a certain power.
52. the masks that the toa metru had were typically only seen in metru nui in their noble forms, so they probably didn't recognize the great kanohi form of their masks.
ScribeGT6817 wrote:PW_3 wrote:1In your opinion, is LEGO likley to ever revisit the whole 'one year event' that they attempted with 2001? With the Mata-Nui Online Game updated monthly, and the whole emphasis on mystery and exploration that was especcially prevallent then, it made for an absolutley unforgettable year in terms of story telling. Was it because they had to pull out all the stops to survive?
2Also, was throwbots and roboriders, essentially, prototypes for Bionicle?
3And finally, my last question: who has the cancelled game now? Is it LEGO/Saffire?
51) Multi-part answer --
6a) I can't really say "yes" or "no" to this, because whether we did something like that again (with not only the story emphasis but things like the truck tour) would be a call that Marketing would make.
7b) One thing to note is that, with most of our "big" lines these days, we seem to have a TV series. That mitigates the need to do a lot of story telling in other media.
8c) The reason you saw so much investment and so many things with BIONICLE in 2001 is that it was essentially a whole new category for us -- a story-driven, buildable action figure line -- and the only way it would work would be to aggressively push it. The idea was, "Pretend this is a big movie that we are doing toys for and just get the line out there so it's everywhere you look."
9No idea if or even to whom, but if you could pass an idea to the marketing department to have a mata nui online game for the new bionicle, i'm sure that would attract a lot of attention for the new audience. they had that one game they made last year for android and ios, but an expanded game with montly updates to the play/app store similar to the original MNOG would be absolutely fantastic and a great way to expande the lore of okoto and grab the kids' interest.
10in addition, with a few non-intrusive in-app advertisments, that game could also generate a little revenue.
11just my $0.02.
MrBlackpants wrote:1Is there any specific reason why toa powers work the way they do? or ist it just something like "Magic"?
2I think i can give a pretty good answer on this one... yes, basically "magic", in the sense that that's how those laws of physics are broken.
3with that said, keep in mind that bionicle is "low fantasy". in "high fantasy", (think harry potter) that's more like "yay we have magic and can do whatever spells we want". In low fantasy stories such as bionicle it's more like "i have superpowers and this is what they can do and no more."
ScribeGT6817 wrote:BrutalBrutaka wrote:1Dear Greg,
2 1. Would a Toa of Plasma be able to re-create the effects of the Kanohi Hau, but with melting/vaporization included? Would they be able to walk through anything with that shield?
32. Who do you consider to be the current 2nd most powerful toa team in the gen 1 story?
43. When Bionicle truly ends, do you think you will be allowed to continue your serials? If not, then why?
54. Are there any surviving Toa of Plasma?
65.Do you ever get tired of answering all these questions?
75) If I did, I would just shut the board down.
8if you ever do, would that mean that the board disappears, or just that we can't post on it? because it would be tragic to loose such a wealth of citations for bs01 if it totally disappeared.
IkukoUmetani wrote:1What is the Matoran language for: creation, rahi control, growth, gaaki and pouks mask names?(sorry but I forgot what they we're called)
2What were some of the elements for antroz, chirox, mutran, tridax, spiriah, and the Makuta of stelt toa hagahs?
3and did any of them were killed or corrupted or on rouge?
4did the toa mangai of stone wore a mask of growth?
5were there any surviving toa of gravity, plasma, plantlife, and magnetism during the reformation of sphere magna?
6super old thread since im going backwards here... but all this info can be found on biosector01. don't think i can post that link yet, but just google that and you'll find the wiki.
ScribeGT6817 wrote:slipperysnakeboy wrote:lordbio123 wrote:slipperysnakeboy wrote:lordbio123 wrote:slipperysnakeboy wrote:
11: I often use the word "dupe" because the mohtrek is said to be the mask of time duplication. I know they are his past selves, and my words indicate that.
22: Don't use Biosector alone as your source, they often change his words in the "Farshtey feed" or "ask Greg" to words that fit the style and understanding of the writer. The original source (the "Farshtey feed") says that in the alternate universe the user is smashed at the point of time they were pulled from, ("Actions up until then never existed" meaning, the past selves' actions from when they were pulled up to the present never happened, since he got smashed).
31. True, but they are more accurately not dupes.
42. Biosector is the most reliable and still, what's the real definition for a Mohtrek?
5I was asking Greg a question, not my fellow LMBer.62: If Biosector was the most reliable source, why would we need this topic?
7Then why ask for thoughts?
82. Because maybe something on Biosector isn't about Greg. What if we wanted to know his favorite food? Or something like that? It wouldn't be on there. And Biosector is the most reliable non LEGO.Com source.
9I was asking him, as I said, in responce to his request for suggestions.
102: And yet there are hundreds of questions here on the old BIONICLE and ninjago that their respective wiki's do not answer. (can we please just drop this? Its, "Chat with Greg Farshtey", not, "Chat with lordbio123 and slipperysnakeboy"
11Speaking of answering, I'm not sure if he's going to or not now. Unless I say, "We did not resolve this question yet, mind helping us Greg?"
12There's been so much back and forth on this that I don't remember what the question is.
13Me neither.: p
14OK, it was if Bitil would return if a past self was smashed.
slipperysnakeboy wrote:mrcqm wrote:1Hi Greg:
2Assuming a Matoran somehow forgot he was biomechanical, would he be able to stuff food inside his mouth and swallow it?
3I love this. I hope he answers.
4Especially since it's for a fan-fic I'm imagining a universe where the Matoran had blended in so well with Agori society, they eventually forgot who they were and started acting like organics. Except, without love of course.
maletoaofwater wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:PW_3 wrote:11) Multi-part answer --
2a) I can't really say "yes" or "no" to this, because whether we did something like that again (with not only the story emphasis but things like the truck tour) would be a call that Marketing would make.
3b) One thing to note is that, with most of our "big" lines these days, we seem to have a TV series. That mitigates the need to do a lot of story telling in other media.
4c) The reason you saw so much investment and so many things with BIONICLE in 2001 is that it was essentially a whole new category for us -- a story-driven, buildable action figure line -- and the only way it would work would be to aggressively push it. The idea was, "Pretend this is a big movie that we are doing toys for and just get the line out there so it's everywhere you look."
5No idea if or even to whom, but if you could pass an idea to the marketing department to have a mata nui online game for the new bionicle, i'm sure that would attract a lot of attention for the new audience. they had that one game they made last year for android and ios, but an expanded game with montly updates to the play/app store similar to the original MNOG would be absolutely fantastic and a great way to expande the lore of okoto and grab the kids' interest.
6in addition, with a few non-intrusive in-app advertisments, that game could also generate a little revenue.
7just my $0.02.
8I doubt LEGO would design and make another game like MNOG.
91. It takes time and effort to create well thought out puzzles, let alone solve them.
102. Older fans will love and beat the game, but younger fans will tend to have no idea what they're doing and end up never beating the game (guilty. I never beat MNOG while it was around DX).
113. Most of Bionicle's budget seems to be going into set design rather than story and multimedia.
124. Bionicle is a toyline now, not an epic multimedia extravaganza. They're not going to be designing games like they used to.
mrcqm wrote:1Hi Greg:
2Assuming a Matoran somehow forgot he was biomechanical, would he be able to stuff food inside his mouth and swallow it?
3He could do that now, if he wanted to, the same way Rahi do. Any energy he was going to get from the food he would have gotten upon making physical contact with it. Matoran do not have a digestive system to process food.
maletoaofwater wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:OnionShark wrote:11) Do Shadow Matoran keep the natural abilities they had before being transformed (e.g heat resistence for Ta-Matoran, night vision for Onu-Matoran etc...)
22) Can the Shadow Takanuva change their body color?
33) Did Teridax learn about Takanuva's destiny?
44) Could Toa Ignika be part of a Toa Kaita?
55) How were new Kanohi made before the invention of Kanoka?
66) Where did Karzahni take the pieces he used to rebuild the Matoran from?
77) Was Velika in a good relationship with the other Gb's?
88) How much would it take for the MU to be fully evacuated?
99) Is it possible that Kapura used his ability to escape the Tower of the Cursed GB before it exploded?
1010) Who has the original story bibles of Bionicle? Is there any chance that they might get published online?
1110) Don't know, but I can't see them ever being published. One, they were not written for public view, so there are mentions of other movies and such (as points of reference) that LEGO Company does not hold rights to. There are also things in there that we later opted not to include as part of canon. So I can't see why the company, which owns them, would want to publish them.
12if i recall correctly, christian faber had a ton of old bionicle stuff in a... warehouse? somewhere in copenhagen. he was going to do a project or something that was going to be really cool with it on his faber files blog (google it, can't post links here).
13anyway, he couldn't do it because they were all to be added to some LEGO museum or something...? Mr. Farshtey, could you comment on that? Do you know/remember anything about a LEGO/bionicle exhibit anywhere? While i'm addressing this last bit to you, thank you so much for remaining on this thread for so long - to us old fans who still like a kick of nostalgia every now and then, it means a lot!
14No, I don't know anything about a BIONICLE exhibit anyplace.
1I was asking him, as I said, in responce to his request for suggestions.
22: And yet there are hundreds of questions here on the old BIONICLE and ninjago that their respective wiki's do not answer. (can we please just drop this? Its, "Chat with Greg Farshtey", not, "Chat with lordbio123 and slipperysnakeboy"
3Speaking of answering, I'm not sure if he's going to or not now. Unless I say, "We did not resolve this question yet, mind helping us Greg?"
4There's been so much back and forth on this that I don't remember what the question is.
5Me neither.: p
6OK, it was if Bitil would return if a past self was smashed.
7Well, if his past self gets smashed, then you have an alternate timestream created where he ceased to exist at that past point in time. However, the other timestream in which he did not still exists somewhere. So the only way I can see Bitil coming back to the now main timestream is if he somehow acquired the power to move between realities. In the new reality created old Bitil dying, current Bitil never existed and so could not appear. So it would have to be Bitil from a reality in which he still does exist.
maletoaofwater wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:BrutalBrutaka wrote:1Dear Greg,
2 1. Would a Toa of Plasma be able to re-create the effects of the Kanohi Hau, but with melting/vaporization included? Would they be able to walk through anything with that shield?
32. Who do you consider to be the current 2nd most powerful toa team in the gen 1 story?
43. When Bionicle truly ends, do you think you will be allowed to continue your serials? If not, then why?
54. Are there any surviving Toa of Plasma?
65.Do you ever get tired of answering all these questions?
75) If I did, I would just shut the board down.
8if you ever do, would that mean that the board disappears, or just that we can't post on it? because it would be tragic to loose such a wealth of citations for bs01 if it totally disappeared.
9Don't know. That would be up to the moderators, not me. I don't know how they handle that sort of thing. But I have no plans to leave at this point.