slipperysnakeboy wrote:mrcqm wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:mrcqm wrote:1Hi Greg:
2Assuming a Matoran somehow forgot he was biomechanical, would he be able to stuff food inside his mouth and swallow it?
3He could do that now, if he wanted to, the same way Rahi do. Any energy he was going to get from the food he would have gotten upon making physical contact with it. Matoran do not have a digestive system to process food.
4Does the food disapeer or does it pile up inside the Matoran until it eventually explodes?
Please tell me when you come out with the fanfict.
6It's already out. "The Matoran. A strange tale full of adventures and monsters." Or monsters and adventures, I think I got it backwards
1Updated list of the questions:
21) After the dismantling of GSR all remained there characters were saved, but what happened to the Zyglak? Did the Toa put them in the makeshift prison or something?
32) Did Conjurer came out of the coma?
43) What happened to Tyrant?
54) How Charger was transformed from Kane-ra into a sapient creature?
65) It saying "Devastator originated from the realm of Karzahni, and is reported to have emerged from a fiery crag in the barren landscape of the island". What is the actual origin of Devastator? Was he created by Karzahni?
76) What happened to Metru Nui in Toa Empire alternate universe after leaving of Takanuva and death of Tuyet?
87) Will Kopaka and Pohatu bring all revived beings from RS to Spherus Magna?
98) How the organic birds lived on Aqua Magna? There wasn't any land.
109) How the Bohroks travelled to Kumu Islets to clean them? On the boats? Or the Pahraks were creating the stone bridges through the islands?
1110) Was the flora of the Mata Nui a part of the camouflage system? If yes, under similar climatic conditions on another planet, would we saw the same plants?
1211) Did Vuata Maca grew in the Matoran Universe? Or only on the Mata Nui? And was the Vuata Maca the mandatory part of the camouflage system(you know, like Kini Nui) to provide energy for beings living there?
1312) Why Makuta evolved? Why other inhabitants of Matoran Universe didn't evolved?
1413) Will Exo-Toa be reprogrammed to serve the new society like Bohroks?
1514) How Karzahni was so distorted? Why fire provides no warmth, while the touch of ice burns, thunder makes no noise, but the sound of a gentle breeze can be deafening(or Helryx exaggerated while said this)? How the GBs provided that? My only assumption is that there are machines situated in the Karzahni dome, which "distort" the island, but who was turning Matoran into stones and reviving the stones?
1615) Can rahi dream?
1716) Are there other continents on the Spherus Magna? Or only one supercontinent?
1Mr. Farshtey,
2I have a question concerning kanoka disks and kanohi masks.
3You have specified that there are eight, primary kanoka disk powers, plus three others (increase wieght, levitation, and speed) and that kanohi masks are made by merging two or more of the base kanoka together.
4Here is my question. Provided you have merged a few kanoka disks together to form, say, an Avsa power, would you be able to, instead of molding a mask, mold another kanoka disk which would act just like a regular kanoka?
1Ok, so I just read Papercuts' "All our sins remembered" (from,like, 2009? whenever Glatorians where around), and in it the giant robot Mata Nui flies off into space "looking for other worlds so disasters like the core war won't happen again", so where was he and what was he doing this whole time? All I know is that he kinda just appeared to fight the Makuta robot, which also just kinda apeared; where did he come from? And one last thing; in the aforementioned "All our sins remembered"(btw, I highly recommend it to bionicle fans), it says the motoran were also going to build Metru Nui to be Mata Nui's brain, so does it mean that the world the island Mata Nui's on is the robot's head, and the tunnel down to Metru Nui goes into his head? If you could find time to answer these I would seriously appreciate it, thanks!
EddyGould wrote:1Updated list of the questions:
21) After the dismantling of GSR all remained there characters were saved, but what happened to the Zyglak? Did the Toa put them in the makeshift prison or something?
36) What happened to Metru Nui in Toa Empire alternate universe after leaving of Takanuva and death of Tuyet?
47) Will Kopaka and Pohatu bring all revived beings from RS to Spherus Magna?
511) Did Vuata Maca grew in the Matoran Universe? Or only on the Mata Nui? And was the Vuata Maca the mandatory part of the camouflage system(you know, like Kini Nui) to provide energy for beings living there?
614) How Karzahni was so distorted? Why fire provides no warmth, while the touch of ice burns, thunder makes no noise, but the sound of a gentle breeze can be deafening(or Helryx exaggerated while said this)? How the GBs provided that? My only assumption is that there are machines situated in the Karzahni dome, which "distort" the island, but who was turning Matoran into stones and reviving the stones?
7Just curious, what, or who or where, are the highlighted stuff?
etjpabf1011 wrote:EddyGould wrote:1Updated list of the questions:
21) After the dismantling of GSR all remained there characters were saved, but what happened to the Zyglak? Did the Toa put them in the makeshift prison or something?
36) What happened to Metru Nui in Toa Empire alternate universe after leaving of Takanuva and death of Tuyet?
47) Will Kopaka and Pohatu bring all revived beings from RS to Spherus Magna?
511) Did Vuata Maca grew in the Matoran Universe? Or only on the Mata Nui? And was the Vuata Maca the mandatory part of the camouflage system(you know, like Kini Nui) to provide energy for beings living there?
614) How Karzahni was so distorted? Why fire provides no warmth, while the touch of ice burns, thunder makes no noise, but the sound of a gentle breeze can be deafening(or Helryx exaggerated while said this)? How the GBs provided that? My only assumption is that there are machines situated in the Karzahni dome, which "distort" the island, but who was turning Matoran into stones and reviving the stones?
7Just curious, what, or who or where, are the highlighted stuff?
8GSR - Great Spirit Robot, a gigantic robot.
9Tuyet - Evil toa of water.
10RS - Red Star. Satellite that glows red.
11Vuata Maca - High-energy fruit tree.
12Helryx - Good toa of water, leader of the Order of Mata Nui.
13GB - Great Being
14There you go!
lukeloveslegos424 wrote:1Greg, as a fan of Bionicle, I have wondered, could the Kanohi Olmak create a portal around a activated Doom Box, if so, what would happen? This is considering the portal leads to one of the alternate universes.
2That's a good question. You have a couple possibilities here, depending:
31)" The Doom Box winds up in the other universe and destroys it, or ...
42) The Doom Box expands so rapidly that it absorbs the portal. If the portal is intact, at least some people would be able to escape through it before the main universe was destroyed.
HannibalChou2 wrote:1How long do the Toa, Matoran, and Turaga live and if I'm correct, is there three more Ninjago graphic novels coming this summer and is it called the Epic Trilogy?
21) Well, we know they have really long lifespans, by human standards, but there is no figure on how long they are.
32) Yes, I saw that announcement on one of the fan sites. I don't know what the official title is, but there is a trilogy coming out. The story is by LEGO Company and Little Brown, and I wrote the scripts and the extra material in the books. I am actually finishing some of that stuff off in the next few weeks.