1Hi Greg! As always, I first must thank you sincerely for taking the time out of your busy schedule to talk to us fans, it really means a lot. On to the questions!
- 2We know that all Protodermis-based lifeforms in the Matoran Universe (Matoran, Toa, Skakdi etc.) are approximately 85% mechanical and 15% organic, but how exactly are they composed? I mean, are their internal organs organic? What of the 'skin' under their external armour? Do they have muscles, or pistons?
- 3Is it possible for a Matoran (or other MU inhabitant) to 'upgrade' themselves by swapping out mechanical parts for better ones with relative ease? Or would body augmentation be more akin to human surgery, where anesthetics are applied and a specialist 'doctor' is required?
- 4Lastly, a more subjective one: If you could pick any story arc from Bionicle G1 to be made into a videogame, which would it be?
11) Personal question: who is your favorite writer? What is your favorite genre of stories?22) Can the Makuta once again "separate" the shadow Toa from Toa Nuva?
33) What will happen if the Makuta absorbs Toa Ignika?
44) Can you split the Gold-skinned being via the spear of fusion? Can the spear of fusion affect the Spherus Magna inhabitants?
55) What happened to Vultraz in the Melding alternate universe?
66) Can the Klakk affect the SM inhabitants? Can it stun them?
77) Does the color of the GSR's eyes depends of being that controlling it? I mean when Teridax took over the MU, GSR's eyes color was red. If the blue-eyed being took over the GSR, its eyes would be the same color?
88) Can you teleport to another planets via Spirit's wish?
99) How liquid protodermis interacts with the water? Is it toxic for Great Beings?
1010) Is unreleased set "Kraatu" canon? You suggested that the Kraatu could possibly be a puppet that the Matoran used for recreation, do you remember?
1111) Can you confirm that all known items(like scroll of preparation for example) were moved to Spherus Magna as wealth of the Matoran society?
1212) Will Matoran reconstruct Great Temple on the Spherus Magna?
1313) Is it possible to recreate chutes on the Spherus Magna? Can Agori or Glatorian use them?
1414) Is there any other tribes on the Spherus Magna? Tribe of Air for example?
1515) Is there any high-radiation places on the Spherus Magna?
1616) Is there oil on the Spherus Magna?
1717) Was the Mountain of Xia the Rahi or the elemental being?
1818) What was the currency of the Spherus Magna? And what will happen with widgets after all? Will Matorans abandon them?
1919) Who created the Fire Drones? What happened with them after the Great Cataclysm and so on? Are they functioning?
2020) What happened to Telluris' Skopio XV-1?
2121) Are there more Tuma's species members in the Bota Magna region?
2222) Will Tuma come to The Shadowed One's army of criminals? And Strakk, will he?
2323) What happened to Nektann's Muaka after the Battle of Bara Magna?
1Hi Greg! First off, let me just thank you sincerely for taking the time out of your schedule to talk to us fans, it really means a lot. Now, on to the questions!
- 2We know that MU inhabitants like Matoran, Toa, Skakdi etc. are comprised of approximately 85% mechanical parts and 15% organic, but how exctly are they split up? Do they have organic internal organs, like lungs and brains? What of the 'skin' under their external armour?
- 3Given that they are predominantly mechanical, could a Matoran hypothetically 'upgrade' his or herself by swapping out old parts for better ones painlessly? Or would body augmentation be more akin to human surgery, where a specialist doctor is required and anesthetics are applied to numb the pain?
- 4MU inhabitants do not need to eat in the traditional sense, since they absorb energy and/or nutrients on contact with edible items, but do they drink like humans? In one of the books, Nokama 'tastes' the sea water from around Mata Nui, remarking that it tastes different to the purified liquid protodermis from Metru Nui. So do MU inhabitants drink, perhaps to hydrate their organic parts and/or lubricate their mechanical ones?
- 5Lastly, a fun one: If you could choose any story arc from Bionicle G1 to be made into a videogame, which would it be?
ScribeGT6817 wrote:nekaTydaerlA wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:nekaTydaerlA wrote:1 You are swarmed with question after question about Bionicle. Does it have something to do with the books?
2And the comics, plus the fact that I spent years answering BIONICLE questions on a fan site. While I did not create BIONICLE, I was probably one of the more visible members of the story team and so I am identified with it (the original version, anyway).
3 ...And yet Christian Faber is the one who really got the Koli ball rolling, so why can't LEGO have a "Chat with Christian Faber" topic - or do they have one, and I missed it?
4They probably could, if they wanted to and if he was interested. But Christian is not a LEGO employee and I am. Christian worked for an outside creative agency during the time he was involved with BIONICLE. (Plus, Christian was one part of a large team that created BIONICLE -- he did not invent it himself, so it is not accurate to say he is the one who "got the ball rolling." A lot of people did.)
5 Hmm, interesting. I guess we can't credit just one person responsible for creating Bionicle. You wrote for the books and comics, Faber sketched some of the ideas, Hapka also wrote some material (sidetracking for a moment... any idea where Hapka is and what she's doing, nowadays?), and... well, several others I can't remember off the top of my head.
6 So is Gen1 pretty much summed up, or has it stopped so hastily that are there still some open-ended parts that never got finished? I'm not sure how much you are able to tell, though, so maybe it would be better if you didn't answer this question! The reason I ask is that several people are hoping that Gen2 might be a continuation, however others argue that it is a reboot. I was hoping that knowing how Gen1 ended, we might get an idea of whether Gen2 is a reboot or continuation... or maybe not.
1 Hmm, interesting. I guess we can't credit just one person responsible for creating Bionicle. You wrote for the books and comics, Faber sketched some of the ideas, Hapka also wrote some material (sidetracking for a moment... any idea where Hapka is and what she's doing, nowadays?), and... well, several others I can't remember off the top of my head.
2 So is Gen1 pretty much summed up, or has it stopped so hastily that are there still some open-ended parts that never got finished? I'm not sure how much you are able to tell, though, so maybe it would be better if you didn't answer this question!
The reason I ask is that several people are hoping that Gen2 might be a continuation, however others argue that it is a reboot. I was hoping that knowing how Gen1 ended, we might get an idea of whether Gen2 is a reboot or continuation... or maybe not.
3There are a number of people you have to take into account, including the global marketing leads, the web producer, the people who coordinated with the movie studio in 2002-2005, and countless others. BIONICLE was brought to life by an international core team plus a lot of extended team members.
4There is a lot of story that still could be told from Gen1. To my knowledge -- and please note that, because I am not on the Gen2 team -- Gen2 is intended to be a reboot, not a continuation. I believe LEGO Company has said it is a reboot. And in the brief time I was involved with Gen2, no one ever discussed it being a continuation. Briefly, nine years of BIONICLE resulted in a massive, mythic and complex storyline -- expecting all the new fans in 2015 to be able to catch up on that so we could do a continuation would be asking too much. The only real way to do it would be to do it as a reboot. The only other option would be to do a prequel or a sequel set way in the future, and they did not opt to do that.
Elchibidog wrote:1Hello, don't know if you still look at these, seeing as how posts are still relatively recent maybe you do. My main reason is that I want to know what plans were had for ending Yesterday Quest and The Powers That Be, why those never recieved an ending and could you come up with 1?
2My other reason for this is that I am a fan and have been of Bionicle the original. I do not like the design or seemingly simplistic story for the 2015 reboot. As a fan, and an aspiring animator I am begining with friends to create an animated series which will stay true to the original Bionicle, and will actually begin with why Takua was banished from Ta-Koro and go through the GBA game story before the story proper.
3I realize some of the reasons for the reboot, but would point out there are ways to rerelease and continue a story that would have been better and seen greater financial gain with less effort. Even utilizing other media like an animated series or more accurate/fun video games...
41) First off, there are no planned endings because I do not outline my stories. I let them develop as they need to. And I cannot continue these stories without permission from LEGO Company, and since they are understandably focused on promoting Gen2 BIONICLE, it does not make sense for them to put new Gen1 story out there.
52) While I am a huge fan of the old story, I understand why they pursued a reboot. The old story ended six years ago, and most of the kids who would be buying sets in 2015 would be way too young to remember it. Trying to catch them up on nine years of story would be a Herculean effort. It would be too hard for people to jump on board, especially considering there was no comic this time around, etc., to tell story. People can disagree with the execution, but I don't think there was any choice besides doing a reboot.
Nexo81 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:Nexo81 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:
1Thanks for replying!
21. So for number three, does it work if you introduce new characters over time and expand on old characters over time? Or do you have to competely describe them at the beginning?
32. Game? Like board game or video game? (Ignore this question if you want to, I didn't think adults played video games!) (unless you aren't quite an "adult" (meaning really old, like 55 years or something) in which case please don't take offense to my earlier remark)
43. My story is a very complex "universe" and is hard to explain. But since your used to this kind of stuff, I'm sure you'll understand. I'll post it in a separate post in jammers.
51) No, you don't. And I am not talking about describing them for the reader -- I am talking about you getting to know them as you write. The early part of writing a book is like pushing a sled up a hill -- once you get to the top (and you know your characters) the rest is just sliding down the hill.
62) I mainly computer game, although I have gotten back onto PS3 after a long long time of not playing with that. I don't board game because I have no one to do it with.
71. Ok!
82. Oh, that's too bad...
93. Did you see my posts in jammers? They contained my description of my story.
10I did, but have not had a chance to read over yet.
ScribeGT6817 wrote:Nexo81 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:Nexo81 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:
1Thanks for replying!
21. So for number three, does it work if you introduce new characters over time and expand on old characters over time? Or do you have to competely describe them at the beginning?
32. Game? Like board game or video game? (Ignore this question if you want to, I didn't think adults played video games!) (unless you aren't quite an "adult" (meaning really old, like 55 years or something) in which case please don't take offense to my earlier remark)
43. My story is a very complex "universe" and is hard to explain. But since your used to this kind of stuff, I'm sure you'll understand. I'll post it in a separate post in jammers.
51) No, you don't. And I am not talking about describing them for the reader -- I am talking about you getting to know them as you write. The early part of writing a book is like pushing a sled up a hill -- once you get to the top (and you know your characters) the rest is just sliding down the hill.
62) I mainly computer game, although I have gotten back onto PS3 after a long long time of not playing with that. I don't board game because I have no one to do it with.
71. Ok!
82. Oh, that's too bad...
93. Did you see my posts in jammers? They contained my description of my story.
10I did, but have not had a chance to read over yet.
11Ok, don't feel rushed! (I hate making people feel rushed. Since I don't like feeling rushed either.)
ScribeGT6817 wrote:1There is a lot of story that still could be told from Gen1. To my knowledge -- and please note that, because I am not on the Gen2 team -- Gen2 is intended to be a reboot, not a continuation. I believe LEGO Company has said it is a reboot. And in the brief time I was involved with Gen2, no one ever discussed it being a continuation. Briefly, nine years of BIONICLE resulted in a massive, mythic and complex storyline -- expecting all the new fans in 2015 to be able to catch up on that so we could do a continuation would be asking too much. The only real way to do it would be to do it as a reboot. The only other option would be to do a prequel or a sequel set way in the future, and they did not opt to do that.
2 Yes, that makes sense. A reboot would be a better way to go, seeing it from that perspective. However, I'm sure that there are plenty of people who still want it to be a continuation, regardless of whether kids will understand it all or not.
3 As I don't work at LEGO company, I guess what could be done is to try to tie up those loose ends so that we could continue the story without having to go back to Gen1. Try to imagine something like this:
4 If we were to suffice those who want this to be a continuation we could assume that Okoto may exist in another section of the Bionicle Universe entirely, apart from Spherus Magna. The six Toa heroes, who were last sent to bring back the Great Beings, have done their work, and have been summoned to this other planet where Okoto resides. There would be no reason for the heroes to remember what went on on their home planet, because they are in a new land, with new powers and abilities. We could also say that this is an alternate universe, but that may be more non-canon than the idea of a separate world entirely, because it still references to Gen1.
5 Then again, this entire thing may be non-canon! It's just an idea I came up with. What do you think, Greg?
RocketRacer7235 wrote:etjpabf1011 wrote:EddyGould wrote:1Updated list of the questions:
21) After the dismantling of GSR all remained there characters were saved, but what happened to the Zyglak? Did the Toa put them in the makeshift prison or something?
36) What happened to Metru Nui in Toa Empire alternate universe after leaving of Takanuva and death of Tuyet?
47) Will Kopaka and Pohatu bring all revived beings from RS to Spherus Magna?
511) Did Vuata Maca grew in the Matoran Universe? Or only on the Mata Nui? And was the Vuata Maca the mandatory part of the camouflage system(you know, like Kini Nui) to provide energy for beings living there?
614) How Karzahni was so distorted? Why fire provides no warmth, while the touch of ice burns, thunder makes no noise, but the sound of a gentle breeze can be deafening(or Helryx exaggerated while said this)? How the GBs provided that? My only assumption is that there are machines situated in the Karzahni dome, which "distort" the island, but who was turning Matoran into stones and reviving the stones?
7Just curious, what, or who or where, are the highlighted stuff?
8GSR - Great Spirit Robot, a gigantic robot.
9Tuyet - Evil toa of water.
10RS - Red Star. Satellite that glows red.
11Vuata Maca - High-energy fruit tree.
12Helryx - Good toa of water, leader of the Order of Mata Nui.
13GB - Great Being
14There you go!
15Thanks a TON, man!
etjpabf1011 wrote:1Ok, so I just read Papercuts' "All our sins remembered" (from,like, 2009? whenever Glatorians where around), and in it the giant robot Mata Nui flies off into space "looking for other worlds so disasters like the core war won't happen again", so where was he and what was he doing this whole time? All I know is that he kinda just appeared to fight the Makuta robot, which also just kinda apeared; where did he come from? And one last thing; in the aforementioned "All our sins remembered"(btw, I highly recommend it to bionicle fans), it says the motoran were also going to build Metru Nui to be Mata Nui's brain, so does it mean that the world the island Mata Nui's on is the robot's head, and the tunnel down to Metru Nui goes into his head? If you could find time to answer these I would seriously appreciate it, thanks!
2Does anyone know the answer to my question?
etjpabf1011 wrote:etjpabf1011 wrote:1Ok, so I just read Papercuts' "All our sins remembered" (from,like, 2009? whenever Glatorians where around), and in it the giant robot Mata Nui flies off into space "looking for other worlds so disasters like the core war won't happen again", so where was he and what was he doing this whole time? All I know is that he kinda just appeared to fight the Makuta robot, which also just kinda apeared; where did he come from? And one last thing; in the aforementioned "All our sins remembered"(btw, I highly recommend it to bionicle fans), it says the motoran were also going to build Metru Nui to be Mata Nui's brain, so does it mean that the world the island Mata Nui's on is the robot's head, and the tunnel down to Metru Nui goes into his head? If you could find time to answer these I would seriously appreciate it, thanks!
2Does anyone know the answer to my question?
3The Mata Nui Robot was sent out by the Great Beings to explore other worlds, which he did for 100,000 years. After that journey, he returned to the shattered Spherus Magna, but Makuta Teridax infected him with a virus before he could find the Great Beings, and he fell onto Aqua Magna, the water portion of Spherus Magna (now its own planet). The island of Mata Nui formed over his face, which it did every time he landed on a world, as camouflage. At this point, BIONICLE 2001-2008 occurred. In 2008, Mata Nui was reawakened, but Teridax had taken control of the robot body and sent MN's spirit to Bara Magna, where 2009 happened. Then, Mata Nui assembled the Prototype Robot--another robot the Great Beings had created that malfunctioned and exploded--and faced Teridax, which happened in 2010.
4And yes, the tunnel to Metru-Nui does go into the Mata Nui Robot's head. Metru-Nui is basically his "brain," as it sits above the robot's central processor.
5Hope this helps clarify things! If you're curious about anything else, I'd recommend BIONICLEsector01 for more info!
ScribeGT6817 wrote:Elchibidog wrote:1Hello, don't know if you still look at these, seeing as how posts are still relatively recent maybe you do. My main reason is that I want to know what plans were had for ending Yesterday Quest and The Powers That Be, why those never recieved an ending and could you come up with 1?
2My other reason for this is that I am a fan and have been of Bionicle the original. I do not like the design or seemingly simplistic story for the 2015 reboot. As a fan, and an aspiring animator I am begining with friends to create an animated series which will stay true to the original Bionicle, and will actually begin with why Takua was banished from Ta-Koro and go through the GBA game story before the story proper.
3I realize some of the reasons for the reboot, but would point out there are ways to rerelease and continue a story that would have been better and seen greater financial gain with less effort. Even utilizing other media like an animated series or more accurate/fun video games...
41) First off, there are no planned endings because I do not outline my stories. I let them develop as they need to. And I cannot continue these stories without permission from LEGO Company, and since they are understandably focused on promoting Gen2 BIONICLE, it does not make sense for them to put new Gen1 story out there.
52) While I am a huge fan of the old story, I understand why they pursued a reboot. The old story ended six years ago, and most of the kids who would be buying sets in 2015 would be way too young to remember it. Trying to catch them up on nine years of story would be a Herculean effort. It would be too hard for people to jump on board, especially considering there was no comic this time around, etc., to tell story. People can disagree with the execution, but I don't think there was any choice besides doing a reboot.
6To be honest, while it did end in terms of the big bad dying, the entire story never ended, there are loose ends with the serials.
ScribeGT6817 wrote:Nexo81 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:Nexo81 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:
1Thanks for replying!
21. So for number three, does it work if you introduce new characters over time and expand on old characters over time? Or do you have to competely describe them at the beginning?
32. Game? Like board game or video game? (Ignore this question if you want to, I didn't think adults played video games!) (unless you aren't quite an "adult" (meaning really old, like 55 years or something) in which case please don't take offense to my earlier remark)
43. My story is a very complex "universe" and is hard to explain. But since your used to this kind of stuff, I'm sure you'll understand. I'll post it in a separate post in jammers.
51) No, you don't. And I am not talking about describing them for the reader -- I am talking about you getting to know them as you write. The early part of writing a book is like pushing a sled up a hill -- once you get to the top (and you know your characters) the rest is just sliding down the hill.
62) I mainly computer game, although I have gotten back onto PS3 after a long long time of not playing with that. I don't board game because I have no one to do it with.
71. Ok!
82. Oh, that's too bad...
93. Did you see my posts in jammers? They contained my description of my story.
10I did, but have not had a chance to read over yet.
11Do you play Steam games? And if you do, would you be able to give out your username? Or a group you're in that we can join?
1777stairs wrote:2Okay, you may not remember, but a while back (page 715) I asked if you thought the species of Ancient & Tyrant and The Shadowed One and Conjurer could be combined. You said (page 735) that you personally didn't see a problem with it if if was something the community wanted. I took the idea to BZPower where a survey was taken.3Here are the results of the survey42/3rds of those who voted thought that TSO and Con should be merged in some way. Over 4/5ths of voters thought Ancient and Tyrant should be merged. However, when asked if all four creatures' species should be combined or not, half of voters (the largest category) said they shouldn't be.
5It should be noted that five people voted consistently that they felt there should be no canonization at all. If you want to see the poll and various comments, you can look up "Consolidating a Few Species" at BZP. (I tried to post a link, but this website wouldn't let me.) It's been several months, so I everyone who would vote should have.6Anyway, the largest percentages of people felt that the races of Ancient & Tyrant should be combined and the races of TSO and Con should be merged in some way, but most felt all four should not be of the same race. Given the proposal and ideas accompanying the poll, that also means7-Tyr grew tired of the ancient war and left to conquer other island/s8-Con grew tired of the ancient war and left to conquer other island/s9-At some point TSO lost his patience with Con., so he cut off Con.'s tail--which is why TSO has a tail and Conjurer doesn't.10(Also, some trivia worth mentioning is that both TSO and Con claimed/had some power over disintegration.)11So are you fine with this?