keplers wrote:1Are Great Beings from Spherus Magna, and are there alien civilizations near Spherus Magna?
21) Yes
32) Unknown. We never intended for BIONICLE to be a "travel to other planets" sci-fi kind of story, since we already had/have those kinds of playthemes (Star Wars, Space Police, etc.) So we didn't invest time in mapping out the galaxy and what alien life there might be.
ankas wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:
11) First off, there are no planned endings because I do not outline my stories. I let them develop as they need to. And I cannot continue these stories without permission from LEGO Company, and since they are understandably focused on promoting Gen2 BIONICLE, it does not make sense for them to put new Gen1 story out there.
22) While I am a huge fan of the old story, I understand why they pursued a reboot. The old story ended six years ago, and most of the kids who would be buying sets in 2015 would be way too young to remember it. Trying to catch them up on nine years of story would be a Herculean effort. It would be too hard for people to jump on board, especially considering there was no comic this time around, etc., to tell story. People can disagree with the execution, but I don't think there was any choice besides doing a reboot.
3To be honest, while it did end in terms of the big bad dying, the entire story never ended, there are loose ends with the serials.
4Yes, there are, but there's nothing that can be done about that at this point.
1Hi Mr Greg
21. Now that the Great Being cursed fled the tower that he was a prisone. What he intends to do? He intends to do evil?, good? or he goes into exile in wild lands or elsewhere?
32. This question is similar to the second question, but this time, I would like to know what Miserix intends to do now that Teridax is defeated and Spherus Magna is reformed?
43. When Karzahni has shown to Teridax what would have happened if he failed his plan and the final punishment that awaited him. What was this final punishment?
54. In the book: shadow in the sky, Mutran had tried to create a giant explosion of shadow that was the equivalent of a nova blast but the Toa has prevented Mutran to unleash his attack. So theoretically, The Makuta can make an attack just as powerful as the Nova Blast with their shadow powers. My question is whether they can make a Nova Blast attack like, but this time with their other elemental powers like lightning, magnetism, gravity and plants
65. According BS01, Other than their elemental powers of shadow, their others elemental powers such as gravity and plants of the Makuta are limited. I would like to know what is limited in their elemental powers. Is that the raw power that is limited? Or it's the extent of their powers that is limited? For example, A Toa has a very large extent of its elemental power and can do many things with it.
7 Thank you very much!
nekaTydaerlA wrote:1 Yes, that makes sense. A reboot would be a better way to go, seeing it from that perspective. However, I'm sure that there are plenty of people who still want it to be a continuation, regardless of whether kids will understand it all or not.
2 As I don't work at LEGO company, I guess what could be done is to try to tie up those loose ends so that we could continue the story without having to go back to Gen1. Try to imagine something like this:
3 If we were to suffice those who want this to be a continuation we could assume that Okoto may exist in another section of the Bionicle Universe entirely, apart from Spherus Magna. The six Toa heroes, who were last sent to bring back the Great Beings, have done their work, and have been summoned to this other planet where Okoto resides. There would be no reason for the heroes to remember what went on on their home planet, because they are in a new land, with new powers and abilities. We could also say that this is an alternate universe, but that may be more non-canon than the idea of a separate world entirely, because it still references to Gen1.
4 Then again, this entire thing may be non-canon!
It's just an idea I came up with. What do you think, Greg?
5 Did this just get buried? I'm really interested to see if anyone, especially Greg, thinks this might be a good idea.
TDYChipBiscuit wrote:1Hi Greg! First off, let me just thank you sincerely for taking the time out of your schedule to talk to us fans, it really means a lot. Now, on to the questions!
- 2We know that MU inhabitants like Matoran, Toa, Skakdi etc. are comprised of approximately 85% mechanical parts and 15% organic, but how exctly are they split up? Do they have organic internal organs, like lungs and brains? What of the 'skin' under their external armour?
- 3Given that they are predominantly mechanical, could a Matoran hypothetically 'upgrade' his or herself by swapping out old parts for better ones painlessly? Or would body augmentation be more akin to human surgery, where a specialist doctor is required and anesthetics are applied to numb the pain?
- 4MU inhabitants do not need to eat in the traditional sense, since they absorb energy and/or nutrients on contact with edible items, but do they drink like humans? In one of the books, Nokama 'tastes' the sea water from around Mata Nui, remarking that it tastes different to the purified liquid protodermis from Metru Nui. So do MU inhabitants drink, perhaps to hydrate their organic parts and/or lubricate their mechanical ones?
- 5Lastly, a fun one: If you could choose any story arc from Bionicle G1 to be made into a videogame, which would it be?
6I think this got buried. Sorry for double-posting it, I thought there was a posting error and I forgot to include #3 anyway. Thanks again!
ScribeGT6817 wrote:HannibalChou2 wrote:1How long do the Toa, Matoran, and Turaga live and if I'm correct, is there three more Ninjago graphic novels coming this summer and is it called the Epic Trilogy?
21) Well, we know they have really long lifespans, by human standards, but there is no figure on how long they are.
32) Yes, I saw that announcement on one of the fan sites. I don't know what the official title is, but there is a trilogy coming out. The story is by LEGO Company and Little Brown, and I wrote the scripts and the extra material in the books. I am actually finishing some of that stuff off in the next few weeks.
4This is an old question, but I must say: I'd imagine they're immortal.
51. Matoran were in charge of maintenance on the GSR, wether they knew it or not.
62. The Matoran were online for thousands of years by the time Spherus Magna was fixed.
73. They couldn't reproduce.
8One would imagine that not being able to reproduce would mean they'd have to live forever in order to keep the GSR running.
mrcqm wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:HannibalChou2 wrote:1How long do the Toa, Matoran, and Turaga live and if I'm correct, is there three more Ninjago graphic novels coming this summer and is it called the Epic Trilogy?
21) Well, we know they have really long lifespans, by human standards, but there is no figure on how long they are.
32) Yes, I saw that announcement on one of the fan sites. I don't know what the official title is, but there is a trilogy coming out. The story is by LEGO Company and Little Brown, and I wrote the scripts and the extra material in the books. I am actually finishing some of that stuff off in the next few weeks.
4This is an old question, but I must say: I'd imagine they're immortal.
51. Matoran were in charge of maintenance on the GSR, wether they knew it or not.
62. The Matoran were online for thousands of years by the time Spherus Magna was fixed.
73. They couldn't reproduce.
8One would imagine that not being able to reproduce would mean they'd have to live forever in order to keep the GSR running.
9@3) No, but they can build more of themselves/eachother.
RocketRacer7235 wrote:mrcqm wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:HannibalChou2 wrote:1How long do the Toa, Matoran, and Turaga live and if I'm correct, is there three more Ninjago graphic novels coming this summer and is it called the Epic Trilogy?
21) Well, we know they have really long lifespans, by human standards, but there is no figure on how long they are.
32) Yes, I saw that announcement on one of the fan sites. I don't know what the official title is, but there is a trilogy coming out. The story is by LEGO Company and Little Brown, and I wrote the scripts and the extra material in the books. I am actually finishing some of that stuff off in the next few weeks.
4This is an old question, but I must say: I'd imagine they're immortal.
51. Matoran were in charge of maintenance on the GSR, wether they knew it or not.
62. The Matoran were online for thousands of years by the time Spherus Magna was fixed.
73. They couldn't reproduce.
8One would imagine that not being able to reproduce would mean they'd have to live forever in order to keep the GSR running.
9@3) No, but they can build more of themselves/eachother.
10It would be disgusting work, and they probably wouldn't be able to stomach it.
11Besides, why make more when you can easily rebuild them? In fact, that was literally Karzahni's job.
mrcqm wrote:RocketRacer7235 wrote:mrcqm wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:HannibalChou2 wrote:1How long do the Toa, Matoran, and Turaga live and if I'm correct, is there three more Ninjago graphic novels coming this summer and is it called the Epic Trilogy?
21) Well, we know they have really long lifespans, by human standards, but there is no figure on how long they are.
32) Yes, I saw that announcement on one of the fan sites. I don't know what the official title is, but there is a trilogy coming out. The story is by LEGO Company and Little Brown, and I wrote the scripts and the extra material in the books. I am actually finishing some of that stuff off in the next few weeks.
4This is an old question, but I must say: I'd imagine they're immortal.
51. Matoran were in charge of maintenance on the GSR, wether they knew it or not.
62. The Matoran were online for thousands of years by the time Spherus Magna was fixed.
73. They couldn't reproduce.
8One would imagine that not being able to reproduce would mean they'd have to live forever in order to keep the GSR running.
9@3) No, but they can build more of themselves/eachother.
10It would be disgusting work, and they probably wouldn't be able to stomach it.
11Besides, why make more when you can easily rebuild them? In fact, that was literally Karzahni's job.
12It's already been established that Turaga can order the production of more Matoran as needed, especially if there is a project that requires more than are on hand.
nekaTydaerlA wrote:nekaTydaerlA wrote:1 Yes, that makes sense. A reboot would be a better way to go, seeing it from that perspective. However, I'm sure that there are plenty of people who still want it to be a continuation, regardless of whether kids will understand it all or not.
2 As I don't work at LEGO company, I guess what could be done is to try to tie up those loose ends so that we could continue the story without having to go back to Gen1. Try to imagine something like this:
3 If we were to suffice those who want this to be a continuation we could assume that Okoto may exist in another section of the Bionicle Universe entirely, apart from Spherus Magna. The six Toa heroes, who were last sent to bring back the Great Beings, have done their work, and have been summoned to this other planet where Okoto resides. There would be no reason for the heroes to remember what went on on their home planet, because they are in a new land, with new powers and abilities. We could also say that this is an alternate universe, but that may be more non-canon than the idea of a separate world entirely, because it still references to Gen1.
4 Then again, this entire thing may be non-canon!
It's just an idea I came up with. What do you think, Greg?
5 Did this just get buried? I'm really interested to see if anyone, especially Greg, thinks this might be a good idea.
6There's really no way for me to answer this, because what you are discussing is a particular interpretation of the Gen2 universe as it relates to Gen1. Since I have nothing to do with Gen2, I don't comment on it.
TDYChipBiscuit wrote:TDYChipBiscuit wrote:1Hi Greg! First off, let me just thank you sincerely for taking the time out of your schedule to talk to us fans, it really means a lot. Now, on to the questions!
- 2We know that MU inhabitants like Matoran, Toa, Skakdi etc. are comprised of approximately 85% mechanical parts and 15% organic, but how exctly are they split up? Do they have organic internal organs, like lungs and brains? What of the 'skin' under their external armour?
- 3Given that they are predominantly mechanical, could a Matoran hypothetically 'upgrade' his or herself by swapping out old parts for better ones painlessly? Or would body augmentation be more akin to human surgery, where a specialist doctor is required and anesthetics are applied to numb the pain?
- 4MU inhabitants do not need to eat in the traditional sense, since they absorb energy and/or nutrients on contact with edible items, but do they drink like humans? In one of the books, Nokama 'tastes' the sea water from around Mata Nui, remarking that it tastes different to the purified liquid protodermis from Metru Nui. So do MU inhabitants drink, perhaps to hydrate their organic parts and/or lubricate their mechanical ones?
- 5Lastly, a fun one: If you could choose any story arc from Bionicle G1 to be made into a videogame, which would it be?
6I think this got buried. Sorry for double-posting it, I thought there was a posting error and I forgot to include #3 anyway. Thanks again!
71) I'm not sure where the 85-15 ratio came from (if it was something I said at some point or what?) We do know they have organic lungs and need to breathe air and that they have organic muscle tissue which knits their mechanical parts together. Beyond that, we have not gotten into the details of Matoran anatomy.
82) We know the Matoran on Mata Nui rebuilt themselves to make themselves larger.
93) Not that we know of. Since Nokama swims in the sea, it would make sense she would know how purified proto tastes.
104) No idea
voporak1 wrote:1Hi Mr Greg
21. Now that the Great Being cursed fled the tower that he was a prisone. What he intends to do? He intends to do evil?, good? or he goes into exile in wild lands or elsewhere?
32. This question is similar to the second question, but this time, I would like to know what Miserix intends to do now that Teridax is defeated and Spherus Magna is reformed?
43. When Karzahni has shown to Teridax what would have happened if he failed his plan and the final punishment that awaited him. What was this final punishment?
54. In the book: shadow in the sky, Mutran had tried to create a giant explosion of shadow that was the equivalent of a nova blast but the Toa has prevented Mutran to unleash his attack. So theoretically, The Makuta can make an attack just as powerful as the Nova Blast with their shadow powers. My question is whether they can make a Nova Blast attack like, but this time with their other elemental powers like lightning, magnetism, gravity and plants
65. According BS01, Other than their elemental powers of shadow, their others elemental powers such as gravity and plants of the Makuta are limited. I would like to know what is limited in their elemental powers. Is that the raw power that is limited? Or it's the extent of their powers that is limited? For example, A Toa has a very large extent of its elemental power and can do many things with it.
7 Thank you very much!
81-2) The story is frozen where it is.
93) I would assume destruction.
104-5) I may be wrong, but I can't recall us ever saying Makuta have control over any element besides shadow. They have that plus the 42 kraata powers, but they don't control fire, plant life, etc.