Thanks Greg! It's been a very interesting read, and it's a shame this didn't make it through...

BTW, is the effect that the power source has on Mata Nui canon? I mean, in the actual storyline, can he do this things with that power?

Thanks again :)
*hallelujah chorus plays*

that. was. freakin'. AWESOME!
Things I like: Character development, locations.

Things I'm not sure about: the Skrall and how he switches sides more than once. When I read about the dinosaurs, my first thought was, "Jurassic Park!"

This sounds like it would have been a long movie.
I think this would have been an amazing movie. Maybe we could work on making a novelization; that would be interesting.

I also would have liked to see the rearmored Glatorian, like you mentioned in the beginning there.

Amazing piece of work, really. I wish this could've been the movie instead.

Perhaps this could be an alternate universe?

Also, I find it funny picturing a skrall with a bucket for a helmet. :P

I didn't cry when they announced BIONICLE was ending.

I almost cried while reading this first bit...

The characters are so well developed. I know this would be changed a little, but I would've spent 30 USD on this movie, Personally, I would've preferred this to the current story we have planned....maybe it is because I already know the ending.

Point is I loved it. I really wish Lego hadn't decided to end the line. This would've made an epic movie...except for the Dinosaur part....But blasting them to Bota Magna (I guess that is what happened) was an epic choice.

Just a quick question, is it possible we can get the Legend Reborn Treatment? Just to get an estimate how much the story changes from point A to Z?
Would've been cool, but if LEGO's original plan for 2011 was to blast Mata Nui, Kiina, and Ackar to Bota Magna where they stumble upon a lost world where dinosaurs still exist, I think they would have needed to rethink that one. :P I liked the idea of Agori fusing with plants better.

The rest, though, was great. Like the character development, though I wish the conmen got a little more.
Man, with new characters, Mecha-Saurs, and the 2010 sets, this shouldn't get the Tinseltown Toon treatment...

This should get the EPIC Peter Jackson Treatment!
I love it. Too bad Bionicle didn't continue to 2010, I would've liked to see some of those sets. The 2011 plan of dinosaurs? That's also epic. When I read it I thought of the dinobots from Transformers. I think I might make some MoCs based on this script, actually...
YES. Excellent move onto Bota Magna. This is great, Greg. I really hate Lego for dumping Bionicle now...
Earth and air comic relief... lost to the folly of cancellation :'(

Even though I really have NO idea what "Earth" even means. Is he some sort of non-Vorox sand Glatorian?


That sounds like it would've been an interesting movie. It's a shame that the Skrall turned out to be evil at the end; he's not really good about dispelling the stereotypes about his own people. :P

Well, he still redeemed himself by saving the others and then buying Mata-nui Ackar and Kiina time.

Anyways, this would have made for a pretty interesting movie. Done the right way and with a few changes here and there, it would have been great. I don't understand why Lego decided to end it when there is so much more opportunity for these movies.
:( I would've loved some Bionosaurs in 2011.

Bionosuar sets.. *sniff* *sniff.*
Looking forward to seeing the dinosaur MOCs. I hope bits of this get turned into a serial or something.
Nice ideas there, but I'll say it was only pretty good. The whole thing taking place in the maze with only those characters would kind of stale after the whole movie I think. But i still enjoyed it, it makes me VERY excited for the Graphic novel about Mata Nui going through the maze.
Are you KIDDING me!!! Why did LEGO have to cancel. This movie would have been EPIC!
Just one word to describe this... EPIC!

And only one question: Could this be considered an alternate universe? Or at least rewritten to fit. Now that would be awesome.
This seems better than the 4th movie, even though that was good too. Going to Bota Magna was a great idea.

Hopefully there will be a way to get this into canon.
Shame. This sounded like it could have been a good BIONICLE movie. But ah well, satisfied with the current plot as it is, so I'm not complaining.

I really get the feeling that if BIONICLE had been canceled last year, people would be fawning over the movie script for number 4, too XP.

But really, this was pretty sweet.

Even though this didn't happen in the continuity, is some of this info still correct? i.e. do the walls actually have the ability to move and close in on eachother, repair themselves, etc?