1Hey, guys. Got some really great stuff here. The winner of the Lesovikk contest MUST LOOK AT THIS:
27Check out no. 10. 28(And the BZPer in no. 7 was me.
2Greetings, Greg: 3Hope I'm not bothering you with this PM. 4Just a few questions here.
51. Does Hydraxon have any weapons that you have not told us about yet?
62. Does Lesovikk have a mask type that we have not seen yet?
73. Is the winner of the Lesovikk contest allowed to post the picture on Bzp?
84. Do you think you can tell me the name of one of the Toa Mahri's tools (other than Jaller's)?![]()
95. Has there ever been a Turaga Hordika?
106. What is your favorite storyline aspect of 2007?
117. Since Ta-Matoran have a slight resistance to heat, and Onu-Matoran have good night vision, how would a Matoran of Gravity's elemental power effect him? Have you thought about this sort of thing yet?
128. How did Hydraxon join the OoMN?
139. What is your favorite part of your job?
1410. Would the Av-Matoran from BL2 happen to know how to get to the WtFtW?
15Thanks in advance:16Gravitan
171) It's possible, don't recall what I have told you and what I haven't 182) I don't think so, no 193) Yes 204) Nope, too early 215) Not to my knowledge 226) That it's actually ABOUT something, not just a fight 237) Well, one BZPer suggested a resistance to extremes of gravity, like black holes, which is a fairly cool idea 248) He was recruited 259) Finishing things 2610) He knows where it is, yes, so he probably could get back there
27Check out no. 10. 28(And the BZPer in no. 7 was me.

1Some answers again, some perheps interessting
24I didn't knew the Nivawk were a foul species. Is it revealed why?
22: In you blog stood that Bionicle is going to Change, does that mean the saga will be told in a other part of the Bionicle world? 33: You get a lot of PM's, do you recognise some members names? 44: How does Karzahni know how to travel to Mahri Nui 55: I'm I correct that the Toa Lhikan and his team of Toa come from the Dome of Xia because they were very fast at Metru Nui when Dume sent the Vahki to get there help. 66: DOes that mean there is a Toa/Matoran city in the dome of Xia? 77: I read somewhere that Sidorak's species tried to reform the Visorak army, it has been confirmed that the Visorak army is reformed, can we assume that a person of Sidorak's species is the new Commander? 88: Vakama disbanded the Visorak army because he was a Commander of the Horde, is he theoraticly still a commander of the Horde? 99: Why didn't Rahaga Kualus wanted to discuss the Nivawk? 1010: Could Makuta understand the Nivawk language? 1111: Have you decided what the name of the Lessovik vehicle is? And his Maks Power? 1212: When will the online Stories be put on Bionicle.com?
132) I can't discuss this 143) Sure 154) Hasn't been revealed yet 165) No, that's not correct. There is no proof that they came from there, or that there are other inhabited islands there besides Xia. 176) See answer to #5 187) I never stated anything about anyone from Sidorak's species having anything to do with this. That is BZP rumor, not fact. 198) I would say no, because I doubt the Visorak would recognize him now that he is a Turaga 209) Because Nivawk are a foul species 2110) Yes 2211) I haven't named the vehicle yet, no 2312) That is up to the web producer, but odds are they will be up on BIONICLEstory.com, not BIONICLE.com
24I didn't knew the Nivawk were a foul species. Is it revealed why?
1Some answers again, some perheps interessting
22: In you blog stood that Bionicle is going to Change, does that mean the saga will be told in a other part of the Bionicle world? 33: You get a lot of PM's, do you recognise some members names? 44: How does Karzahni know how to travel to Mahri Nui 55: I'm I correct that the Toa Lhikan and his team of Toa come from the Dome of Xia because they were very fast at Metru Nui when Dume sent the Vahki to get there help. 66: DOes that mean there is a Toa/Matoran city in the dome of Xia? 77: I read somewhere that Sidorak's species tried to reform the Visorak army, it has been confirmed that the Visorak army is reformed, can we assume that a person of Sidorak's species is the new Commander? 88: Vakama disbanded the Visorak army because he was a Commander of the Horde, is he theoraticly still a commander of the Horde? 99: Why didn't Rahaga Kualus wanted to discuss the Nivawk? 1010: Could Makuta understand the Nivawk language? 1111: Have you decided what the name of the Lessovik vehicle is? And his Maks Power? 1212: When will the online Stories be put on Bionicle.com?
132) I can't discuss this 143) Sure 154) Hasn't been revealed yet 165) No, that's not correct. There is no proof that they came from there, or that there are other inhabited islands there besides Xia. 176) See answer to #5 187) I never stated anything about anyone from Sidorak's species having anything to do with this. That is BZP rumor, not fact. 198) I would say no, because I doubt the Visorak would recognize him now that he is a Turaga 209) Because Nivawk are a foul species 2110) Yes 2211) I haven't named the vehicle yet, no 2312) That is up to the web producer, but odds are they will be up on BIONICLEstory.com, not BIONICLE.com
24I didn't knew the Nivawk were a foul species. Is it revealed why?
25I think Nivawk were a foul species because of their cruel hunting habits. Something about it attacking and killing Le-metru flyers. Probably ate them while they were semi-alive.
1In the prologue to Bionicle Legends#6, Takadox states that he 'was there when a group of them 'annoyed' a Kanohi Dragon into submission'. How could this be, when that event occurs 76000 years in the future?
2I have a few more theories that I'd like to ask about, if you don't mind.
31. Could someone trace Toa 'heirarchy' by comparing body formats? For example, since we know Dume helped make Lhikan a Toa, and we know the Hagah were following the Metru format, could we safely assume that Dume came from the same island as one of the Hagah, and also followed the Metru body format?
42. Other than Av-, Ta-, Ko-, Onu-, and maybe Gravity Matoran, have you decided on any other traits for Matoran? Here are what I'd think would work[I'd like to see what you think of them, and if they'd work in-story. 5Le-Matoran: Hollow protodermic parts to aid flight/gliding/jumping. 6Ga-Matoran: Increased lung capacity[not by much though. 7Po-Matoran: More detailed eyesight to aid carving and sports. 8Sonics Matoran- Ability to close ears to block soundwaves from damaging hearing.
93.Voya Nui floated north, right? It now is above the Pit, which was 'south of any known island'. Does this mean the Pit was between islands and the Southern Continent, and that is what Voya Nui broke off?
104. Were there seaways into Karzahni, that are now blocked/drained? Because, otherwise, the Av-Matoran that Hewkki and Co. meet couldn't have gotten into Karzahni, because of the light-blocking arch.
11Thanks in advance, Matoran Hewkii
12-- You are forgetting that someone imprisoned the Kanohi Dragon behind an ice block BEFORE the Piraka set it free. Who do you think that was, and why could it not have taken place BEFORE the Barraki rebellion?
131) I wouldn't bother doing that, simply because how Toa look in future (as in the past) will be determined by what the set designers do, and they won't be following a story hierarchy. You will just give yourself a headache.
142) No, no point in my worrying about this until I need to for the story.
153) Can I just ask where the reference to the Pit being south of known islands comes from? Far as I know, it does not say that in BIONICLE Legends 6.
164) Yes, it states in Bionicle Legends #2 that originally it was possible to sail to Karzahni, but now the place is landlocked
2I have a few more theories that I'd like to ask about, if you don't mind.
31. Could someone trace Toa 'heirarchy' by comparing body formats? For example, since we know Dume helped make Lhikan a Toa, and we know the Hagah were following the Metru format, could we safely assume that Dume came from the same island as one of the Hagah, and also followed the Metru body format?
42. Other than Av-, Ta-, Ko-, Onu-, and maybe Gravity Matoran, have you decided on any other traits for Matoran? Here are what I'd think would work[I'd like to see what you think of them, and if they'd work in-story. 5Le-Matoran: Hollow protodermic parts to aid flight/gliding/jumping. 6Ga-Matoran: Increased lung capacity[not by much though. 7Po-Matoran: More detailed eyesight to aid carving and sports. 8Sonics Matoran- Ability to close ears to block soundwaves from damaging hearing.
93.Voya Nui floated north, right? It now is above the Pit, which was 'south of any known island'. Does this mean the Pit was between islands and the Southern Continent, and that is what Voya Nui broke off?
104. Were there seaways into Karzahni, that are now blocked/drained? Because, otherwise, the Av-Matoran that Hewkki and Co. meet couldn't have gotten into Karzahni, because of the light-blocking arch.
11Thanks in advance, Matoran Hewkii
12-- You are forgetting that someone imprisoned the Kanohi Dragon behind an ice block BEFORE the Piraka set it free. Who do you think that was, and why could it not have taken place BEFORE the Barraki rebellion?
131) I wouldn't bother doing that, simply because how Toa look in future (as in the past) will be determined by what the set designers do, and they won't be following a story hierarchy. You will just give yourself a headache.
142) No, no point in my worrying about this until I need to for the story.
153) Can I just ask where the reference to the Pit being south of known islands comes from? Far as I know, it does not say that in BIONICLE Legends 6.
164) Yes, it states in Bionicle Legends #2 that originally it was possible to sail to Karzahni, but now the place is landlocked
1Matoran Hewkii, I'm pretty sure those "Matoran characteristics" have been around since day 1...Ta-Matoran resistant to fire, Ko-Matoran resistant to ice, etc....Le-Matoran are very lithe and agile, Po-Matoran are very athletic and strong, and Ga-Matoran have extremely large lung capacity's compared to the other Matoran (see MNOG II).
1Hey Greg I got some questions about Mata Nui.
21: So by reading L#4 if Mata Nui does awake darkness will run over the land.
32: In this quote. 4Once the Toa were sufficiently blinded by their seeming success, the true plan would unfold. When it was done the Great Spirit would be allowed to reawaken... Does the Toa's success mean saving Mata Nui after his death or is it not known yet?
53: Does the Brotherhood even know that if Mata Nui dies then they will die too because of the universe ending?
64: Will we find out why they wish him dead?
75: Will Zaktan use the brotherhoods plan of awaking Mata Nui for his own game?
8Now for a piraka question.
96: When will we see the Piraka again? What year?
107: Will they come back as some other form that we can see? Or will they be changed from the inside?
118: Is the water they were in the water around Mahri Nui?
131) If the BOM's plan works, yes 142) Can't answer it 153) Yes, they do know that 164) Yes, I believe so 175) Events have sort of interfered with that, like being mutated by the water they were exposed to on Voya Nui 186) Piraka appear in Book 8 this year 197) You won't be seeing their now form, as they are only in a novel, not a comic 208) Same mutagen, yes
21: So by reading L#4 if Mata Nui does awake darkness will run over the land.
32: In this quote. 4Once the Toa were sufficiently blinded by their seeming success, the true plan would unfold. When it was done the Great Spirit would be allowed to reawaken... Does the Toa's success mean saving Mata Nui after his death or is it not known yet?
53: Does the Brotherhood even know that if Mata Nui dies then they will die too because of the universe ending?
64: Will we find out why they wish him dead?
75: Will Zaktan use the brotherhoods plan of awaking Mata Nui for his own game?
8Now for a piraka question.
96: When will we see the Piraka again? What year?
107: Will they come back as some other form that we can see? Or will they be changed from the inside?
118: Is the water they were in the water around Mahri Nui?
131) If the BOM's plan works, yes 142) Can't answer it 153) Yes, they do know that 164) Yes, I believe so 175) Events have sort of interfered with that, like being mutated by the water they were exposed to on Voya Nui 186) Piraka appear in Book 8 this year 197) You won't be seeing their now form, as they are only in a novel, not a comic 208) Same mutagen, yes
11) You stated earlier that parts of Kini Nui were not built by Matoran. Were those parts built by/or on request of the OoMN (or the Hand of Artakha if it was built that early)? I mean Mata Nui was also meant to be landing platform for the Toa Mata and Kini Nui the entrance to the tunnel system to Metru Nui. 21) No, they were built by the Great Beings. Remember, no one knew there was an island up above until the Metru Nui Matoran got there. 3Yeah we know who built Kini Nui: So the Great Beings were concerned with things on the surface world as well....
42) Was the Toa Mata canisters landing in the endless ocean instead on Mata Nui an effect of the Great Cataclysm chattering the launching system, was it an act of sabotage or was it just an accident? 52) They were supposed to land in the ocean, just not stay there for 1000 years. As far as we know now, it was simply a malfunction
63) I just wondered: So much seems to happen in BL8; does it have (slightly) more pages than other Legends books? 73) No, same word count.
84) You sometime say that the MoLi "in and of itself" cannot revive Mata Nui. Would use of the MoLi by the right person in the right place change things? 94) Can't answer it 10That says a lot, doesn't it?
115) Is the Universe Core at the same level as Metru Nui, Xia and the other underground island? Since I thought maybe universe croe might also be the core of the whole planet. 125) It's not the core of the planet 13But does that mean it really is at one level with Metru Nui?
146) Do Matoran of a certain element have a small portion of elemenal energy within them, that grants them their limited resistance against their element? 156) Not to my knowledge
167) I don't know whether that has been asked before but where the Toa Hagah assigned to Destral or where they just assigned to the Makuta of Metru Nui and spent most of their time in Metru Nui? 177) They did not spend time on Metru Nui. If they had, they would have been familiar with the city as Rahaga, and they were not.
188) The Kanohi of the Toa Hagah were meant to resemble Kanohi of great Toa heroes from the past. I know it's not really story relevant, but have you thought about what kind of Toa team that would have been and what they did? I thought the team might have been: 19a) the first Toa team ever 20b )Jovan's team 21c) the team that defeated the Kanohi dragon for the first time 228) Not something I have worried about, not relevant to the story I'm telling. Also, don't assume all the mask tributes were for Toa from the same team. Norik and Iruini, etc., did not all come from the same place, and their masks were given to them by the BOM, so they could have represented Toa anyplace.
239) In the Atlas it is said that two Matoran on Mata Nui were searching for Artakha, was that Jaller and Takua in search of the seventh Toa? Since I cannot remember we knew about Artakha back in 2003? 249) No. Two unnamed Matoran search for Artakha in the Mask of Light online game in 2003. 25BTW BS01 is wrong here: It says Takua and Jaller were searching for Artakha:::::::
2610) If those two were not Takua and Jaller, who was it? 2710) See answer to #9.
2811) Is there a date fixed in the timeline when the BoM got control over the Visorak horde? 2911) No
3012) Did the BoM create the Visorak just for their purpose to conquer island or were the Visorak an already existing Rahi species the BoM just "adopted" for their goals? 3112) Already existing
3213) Vezok has a detailed knowledge about the BoM, their bases and their tactics, since the Piraka are returning in BL8, is he willing to finally use his knowledge? 3313) Doesn't come up 34Why??
3514) Some months ago you told me that a Toa made the inscriptions on the Makoki stone about the BoM. 36a) Was that Toa assigned to Destral? 37b )are you planning to reveal more about that Toa (some time), so will he or she get some storyline importance? 3814) I don't have plans to do anything with him at this time, no room. 39No room YET for him: Well I thought maybe Lesovikk could have been that Toa but obviously not: BS01 is wrong here again, it says a team of Toa did those inscriptions:
4015) Comes at the very end you will se why:
4116) If he hid it in the Pit, I wonder how he did that since the Barraki did not take anything with them to the Pit where they could have hidden it...... except from Ehleks breathing apparatus I guess? 4216) Well, it obviously happened 43Because I thought the contract was hidden in Ehelk's breathing apparatus since the Barraki didn't have any other luggage to take with them:
4417) What had the Makuta of Metru Nui planned to do with the one Barraki who betrayed the others? Since he tried to execute them before Botar appeared, would he have spared the betrayer or would he have killed him anyway? 4517) No one knows but Makuta
4715) Has the betrayer of the Barraki hidden the contract with the BoM in the Pit for 80.000 years, or was it taken from him and stored in the Pit when they were taken into hostage? 4815) He/she hid it 49He or she? what does that mean: I wrote an PM back to Greg with my theory:
50Now the Barraki are all male and I can only come up with one especially treacherous female in Bionicle: Roodaka: 51Well you could think about Lariska, but I think Roodaka would be more likely since Xia had a contract with the League of Six kingdoms, so Roodaka probably knew about the attack of the Barraki against Mata Nui. 52By betraying the Barraki, Roodaka might have gotten in favour of Makuta, something like when she freed him from his Protodermis cage: 53I just don't know how Roodaka might have been in the Pit and hid the contract there. 54Besides: You never said that the betrayer of the Barraki in fact IS one of them.
55So am I totally wrong with that theory? 56Sorry, I am not giving away hints on who the betrayer is. You'll find out in December 57Well if he can't give hints, what is it about that He/She, the Barraki are (and were I guess) male: 58Isn't that some sort of hint???
42) Was the Toa Mata canisters landing in the endless ocean instead on Mata Nui an effect of the Great Cataclysm chattering the launching system, was it an act of sabotage or was it just an accident? 52) They were supposed to land in the ocean, just not stay there for 1000 years. As far as we know now, it was simply a malfunction
63) I just wondered: So much seems to happen in BL8; does it have (slightly) more pages than other Legends books? 73) No, same word count.
84) You sometime say that the MoLi "in and of itself" cannot revive Mata Nui. Would use of the MoLi by the right person in the right place change things? 94) Can't answer it 10That says a lot, doesn't it?
115) Is the Universe Core at the same level as Metru Nui, Xia and the other underground island? Since I thought maybe universe croe might also be the core of the whole planet. 125) It's not the core of the planet 13But does that mean it really is at one level with Metru Nui?
146) Do Matoran of a certain element have a small portion of elemenal energy within them, that grants them their limited resistance against their element? 156) Not to my knowledge
167) I don't know whether that has been asked before but where the Toa Hagah assigned to Destral or where they just assigned to the Makuta of Metru Nui and spent most of their time in Metru Nui? 177) They did not spend time on Metru Nui. If they had, they would have been familiar with the city as Rahaga, and they were not.
188) The Kanohi of the Toa Hagah were meant to resemble Kanohi of great Toa heroes from the past. I know it's not really story relevant, but have you thought about what kind of Toa team that would have been and what they did? I thought the team might have been: 19a) the first Toa team ever 20b )Jovan's team 21c) the team that defeated the Kanohi dragon for the first time 228) Not something I have worried about, not relevant to the story I'm telling. Also, don't assume all the mask tributes were for Toa from the same team. Norik and Iruini, etc., did not all come from the same place, and their masks were given to them by the BOM, so they could have represented Toa anyplace.
239) In the Atlas it is said that two Matoran on Mata Nui were searching for Artakha, was that Jaller and Takua in search of the seventh Toa? Since I cannot remember we knew about Artakha back in 2003? 249) No. Two unnamed Matoran search for Artakha in the Mask of Light online game in 2003. 25BTW BS01 is wrong here: It says Takua and Jaller were searching for Artakha:::::::
2610) If those two were not Takua and Jaller, who was it? 2710) See answer to #9.
2811) Is there a date fixed in the timeline when the BoM got control over the Visorak horde? 2911) No
3012) Did the BoM create the Visorak just for their purpose to conquer island or were the Visorak an already existing Rahi species the BoM just "adopted" for their goals? 3112) Already existing
3213) Vezok has a detailed knowledge about the BoM, their bases and their tactics, since the Piraka are returning in BL8, is he willing to finally use his knowledge? 3313) Doesn't come up 34Why??
3514) Some months ago you told me that a Toa made the inscriptions on the Makoki stone about the BoM. 36a) Was that Toa assigned to Destral? 37b )are you planning to reveal more about that Toa (some time), so will he or she get some storyline importance? 3814) I don't have plans to do anything with him at this time, no room. 39No room YET for him: Well I thought maybe Lesovikk could have been that Toa but obviously not: BS01 is wrong here again, it says a team of Toa did those inscriptions:
4015) Comes at the very end you will se why:
4116) If he hid it in the Pit, I wonder how he did that since the Barraki did not take anything with them to the Pit where they could have hidden it...... except from Ehleks breathing apparatus I guess? 4216) Well, it obviously happened 43Because I thought the contract was hidden in Ehelk's breathing apparatus since the Barraki didn't have any other luggage to take with them:
4417) What had the Makuta of Metru Nui planned to do with the one Barraki who betrayed the others? Since he tried to execute them before Botar appeared, would he have spared the betrayer or would he have killed him anyway? 4517) No one knows but Makuta
4715) Has the betrayer of the Barraki hidden the contract with the BoM in the Pit for 80.000 years, or was it taken from him and stored in the Pit when they were taken into hostage? 4815) He/she hid it 49He or she? what does that mean: I wrote an PM back to Greg with my theory:
50Now the Barraki are all male and I can only come up with one especially treacherous female in Bionicle: Roodaka: 51Well you could think about Lariska, but I think Roodaka would be more likely since Xia had a contract with the League of Six kingdoms, so Roodaka probably knew about the attack of the Barraki against Mata Nui. 52By betraying the Barraki, Roodaka might have gotten in favour of Makuta, something like when she freed him from his Protodermis cage: 53I just don't know how Roodaka might have been in the Pit and hid the contract there. 54Besides: You never said that the betrayer of the Barraki in fact IS one of them.
55So am I totally wrong with that theory? 56Sorry, I am not giving away hints on who the betrayer is. You'll find out in December 57Well if he can't give hints, what is it about that He/She, the Barraki are (and were I guess) male: 58Isn't that some sort of hint???
17: I read somewhere that Sidorak's species tried to reform the Visorak army, it has been confirmed that the Visorak army is reformed, can we assume that a person of Sidorak's species is the new Commander?
27) I never stated anything about anyone from Sidorak's species having anything to do with this. That is BZP rumor, not fact.
3Hi Greg, i just wanted to ask you something about the Q and A above. It was between you and another member. You said that Sidorak's species remaking the Horde was BZP rumor. Well in the Dark Hunters Guide, it said in Gladiator's Status that he went back to his (and Sidorak's) homeland to investigate that Sidorak's late people were trying to reform the Horde. Did you forget or were you saying that Sidorak's species was unsuccessful in reforming the Horde?
4And just two more things, you said you didn't make a name for Lesovikk's vehichle yet. So we can assume that we haven't seen it before? And did the winner of the Bionicle Trivia get to see a picture of Lesovikk and his vehichle or just Lessovikk?
5Thanks in advance. atlas
61) Go back and reread the section -- it says investigating RUMORS that Sidorak's people were trying to reform the horde. Rumors are not fact -- they are false as often as they are true.
72) Yes
83) Vehicle is included in the pic

19) In the Atlas it is said that two Matoran on Mata Nui were searching for Artakha, was that Jaller and Takua in search of the seventh Toa? Since I cannot remember we knew about Artakha back in 2003? 29) No. Two unnamed Matoran search for Artakha in the Mask of Light online game in 2003. 3BTW BS01 is wrong here: It says Takua and Jaller were searching for Artakha:::::::
5Again, clarification:
Artakha page on BS01 6During the search for the Toa of Light by Takua and Jaller, two other Matoran, whose names are unknown, began a quest of their own to find Artakha, believing that the Matoran could shelter there away from the destructive might of Makuta and his Rahkshi. They never succeeded in finding the Great Refuge, but upon arriving in Mangaia, where they met Makuta, they realized that maybe it was best to stay away from adventure.
7It cleary says two other Matoran. Unless someone has changed it since, this is what is on there. You merely misread. Not our fault here

9EDITSIES: Quote error.
1Just checking...
5And... Methinks this one be self explanatory.
2Hello, Greg. Recently you have responsed to a member's inquiry that Hydraxon was once a member of the Hand of Artakha. However, you once stated that he was not a member (Both he and Botar, actually). So, as for my question, is he a former a member or not?
3(Oh, and I apologize if this was sent twice... The forum's being glitchy right now.)
4According to Encyclopedia Vol. 2, he was a member, yes.
5And... Methinks this one be self explanatory.
6There's sort of a minor dispute going on right now as to whether or not this image is that of The Mountain on Xia. Not having the atlas myself, I cannot check to see if it specifically says that this is The Mountain. (IMO, It looks nothing like a mountain at all, more like a building. And there was a Xia skyline image in the atlas, and this particular structure can be seen in it, sooo... Plus, were this to be the official Mountain, that makes the rock-like on in comic 24 non-canon, right)
7No, it's not. I did not request an illo of the Mountain for the book, and that looks nothing like a mountain -- it looks like a man-made object
11. is interesting, and will be good in December for anyone who buys Downfall and likes posting under Bionicle art.
2Hello again, I have some recent questions for you. I sent these the other day, but I don't think they made it to you.
31. When the Piraka come back in the books, will you give a description of thier new forms?
42. How exactly does Carapar's extra claw work? Does he hold it like a weapon when he's not using his squid launcher, or does it attach to his arm or something?
53. How smart would you say Takadox is? I think of him as being like what you said about Hydraxon that he could use leverage to beat an enemy, like Carapar.
64. Do you have any of the sets with squid launchers? 74b. If you do, could you tell us what you think of them, like if you find it hard to use? 84c. Have you heard complaints about how hard it is to fire them?
95. Was there any story reason for Hewkii's (sp) chain attached to his ax?
106. From Adventures, could the Vahki always use lethal blasts from their staffs? Since they weren't programmed to, they didn't, but I would assume they always could use lethal blasts. Is this right?
117. In City of the Lost, you said all the Barraki were handsome, does this include Ehlek (sp), you said he was changed the least, so he would have looked almost exaclty the same.
128. Did or does the Brotherhood suspect anything from Botar's appearence when he took the Barraki?
139. Just curious, since this is personal, you don't have to answer, but do you have any children? 149a. If so, and they are old enough, do they follow Bionicle?
1510. I was just wondering if you think this would work in one of my stories. I wanted to ask you before I finished it. Could mud or earth with fire be molten? If you want I can give you an early quote from it if it would help.
1611. Is the trivia contest still up? I didn't hear about it until today, and by the time I got on it said there were winners. Can I still enter, or is it down?
17Thank you for your help.
181) Yes 192) He attaches it to his arm 203) Takadox has to be very smart, because he is not that strong. So I would put him somewhere around Karzahni level of intelligence. 214) No, I haven't bought the Barraki yet. I have seen things on here about people having problems, but the only experience I have with them is with the prototypes which worked well. 225) Not that I recall 236) No, they couldn't. They were able to start doing it due to the energy overload in the hives which ramped up their powers. 247) He was changed the least because he was already a water-breather, and the rest weren't. But he did not look as he does now. 258) Well, they know someone took them, obviously, but they don't if he represented someone else or was just doing it on his own. 269) No, I don't have kids 2710) Offhand, I don't think so. Molten usually refers to melted rock, which turns into a liquid. I don't think you can melt dirt the same way. 2811) Once we had winners, I took the questions down.
291. is interesting, and will be good in December for anyone who buys Downfall and likes posting under Bionicle art.
30Hello again, I have some recent questions for you. I sent these the other day, but I don't think they made it to you.
311. When the Piraka come back in the books, will you give a description of thier new forms?
322. How exactly does Carapar's extra claw work? Does he hold it like a weapon when he's not using his squid launcher, or does it attach to his arm or something?
333. How smart would you say Takadox is? I think of him as being like what you said about Hydraxon that he could use leverage to beat an enemy, like Carapar.
344. Do you have any of the sets with squid launchers? 354b. If you do, could you tell us what you think of them, like if you find it hard to use? 364c. Have you heard complaints about how hard it is to fire them?
375. Was there any story reason for Hewkii's (sp) chain attached to his ax?
386. From Adventures, could the Vahki always use lethal blasts from their staffs? Since they weren't programmed to, they didn't, but I would assume they always could use lethal blasts. Is this right?
397. In City of the Lost, you said all the Barraki were handsome, does this include Ehlek (sp), you said he was changed the least, so he would have looked almost exaclty the same.
408. Did or does the Brotherhood suspect anything from Botar's appearence when he took the Barraki?
419. Just curious, since this is personal, you don't have to answer, but do you have any children? 429a. If so, and they are old enough, do they follow Bionicle?
4310. I was just wondering if you think this would work in one of my stories. I wanted to ask you before I finished it. Could mud or earth with fire be molten? If you want I can give you an early quote from it if it would help.
4411. Is the trivia contest still up? I didn't hear about it until today, and by the time I got on it said there were winners. Can I still enter, or is it down?
45Thank you for your help.
461) Yes 472) He attaches it to his arm 483) Takadox has to be very smart, because he is not that strong. So I would put him somewhere around Karzahni level of intelligence. 494) No, I haven't bought the Barraki yet. I have seen things on here about people having problems, but the only experience I have with them is with the prototypes which worked well. 505) Not that I recall 516) No, they couldn't. They were able to start doing it due to the energy overload in the hives which ramped up their powers. 527) He was changed the least because he was already a water-breather, and the rest weren't. But he did not look as he does now. 538) Well, they know someone took them, obviously, but they don't if he represented someone else or was just doing it on his own. 549) No, I don't have kids 5510) Offhand, I don't think so. Molten usually refers to melted rock, which turns into a liquid. I don't think you can melt dirt the same way. 5611) Once we had winners, I took the questions down.
2Hello again, I have some recent questions for you. I sent these the other day, but I don't think they made it to you.
31. When the Piraka come back in the books, will you give a description of thier new forms?
42. How exactly does Carapar's extra claw work? Does he hold it like a weapon when he's not using his squid launcher, or does it attach to his arm or something?
53. How smart would you say Takadox is? I think of him as being like what you said about Hydraxon that he could use leverage to beat an enemy, like Carapar.
64. Do you have any of the sets with squid launchers? 74b. If you do, could you tell us what you think of them, like if you find it hard to use? 84c. Have you heard complaints about how hard it is to fire them?
95. Was there any story reason for Hewkii's (sp) chain attached to his ax?
106. From Adventures, could the Vahki always use lethal blasts from their staffs? Since they weren't programmed to, they didn't, but I would assume they always could use lethal blasts. Is this right?
117. In City of the Lost, you said all the Barraki were handsome, does this include Ehlek (sp), you said he was changed the least, so he would have looked almost exaclty the same.
128. Did or does the Brotherhood suspect anything from Botar's appearence when he took the Barraki?
139. Just curious, since this is personal, you don't have to answer, but do you have any children? 149a. If so, and they are old enough, do they follow Bionicle?
1510. I was just wondering if you think this would work in one of my stories. I wanted to ask you before I finished it. Could mud or earth with fire be molten? If you want I can give you an early quote from it if it would help.
1611. Is the trivia contest still up? I didn't hear about it until today, and by the time I got on it said there were winners. Can I still enter, or is it down?
17Thank you for your help.
181) Yes 192) He attaches it to his arm 203) Takadox has to be very smart, because he is not that strong. So I would put him somewhere around Karzahni level of intelligence. 214) No, I haven't bought the Barraki yet. I have seen things on here about people having problems, but the only experience I have with them is with the prototypes which worked well. 225) Not that I recall 236) No, they couldn't. They were able to start doing it due to the energy overload in the hives which ramped up their powers. 247) He was changed the least because he was already a water-breather, and the rest weren't. But he did not look as he does now. 258) Well, they know someone took them, obviously, but they don't if he represented someone else or was just doing it on his own. 269) No, I don't have kids 2710) Offhand, I don't think so. Molten usually refers to melted rock, which turns into a liquid. I don't think you can melt dirt the same way. 2811) Once we had winners, I took the questions down.
291. is interesting, and will be good in December for anyone who buys Downfall and likes posting under Bionicle art.
30Hello again, I have some recent questions for you. I sent these the other day, but I don't think they made it to you.
311. When the Piraka come back in the books, will you give a description of thier new forms?
322. How exactly does Carapar's extra claw work? Does he hold it like a weapon when he's not using his squid launcher, or does it attach to his arm or something?
333. How smart would you say Takadox is? I think of him as being like what you said about Hydraxon that he could use leverage to beat an enemy, like Carapar.
344. Do you have any of the sets with squid launchers? 354b. If you do, could you tell us what you think of them, like if you find it hard to use? 364c. Have you heard complaints about how hard it is to fire them?
375. Was there any story reason for Hewkii's (sp) chain attached to his ax?
386. From Adventures, could the Vahki always use lethal blasts from their staffs? Since they weren't programmed to, they didn't, but I would assume they always could use lethal blasts. Is this right?
397. In City of the Lost, you said all the Barraki were handsome, does this include Ehlek (sp), you said he was changed the least, so he would have looked almost exaclty the same.
408. Did or does the Brotherhood suspect anything from Botar's appearence when he took the Barraki?
419. Just curious, since this is personal, you don't have to answer, but do you have any children? 429a. If so, and they are old enough, do they follow Bionicle?
4310. I was just wondering if you think this would work in one of my stories. I wanted to ask you before I finished it. Could mud or earth with fire be molten? If you want I can give you an early quote from it if it would help.
4411. Is the trivia contest still up? I didn't hear about it until today, and by the time I got on it said there were winners. Can I still enter, or is it down?
45Thank you for your help.
461) Yes 472) He attaches it to his arm 483) Takadox has to be very smart, because he is not that strong. So I would put him somewhere around Karzahni level of intelligence. 494) No, I haven't bought the Barraki yet. I have seen things on here about people having problems, but the only experience I have with them is with the prototypes which worked well. 505) Not that I recall 516) No, they couldn't. They were able to start doing it due to the energy overload in the hives which ramped up their powers. 527) He was changed the least because he was already a water-breather, and the rest weren't. But he did not look as he does now. 538) Well, they know someone took them, obviously, but they don't if he represented someone else or was just doing it on his own. 549) No, I don't have kids 5510) Offhand, I don't think so. Molten usually refers to melted rock, which turns into a liquid. I don't think you can melt dirt the same way. 5611) Once we had winners, I took the questions down.
1Can't wait to hear what the Piraka will look like: 

1Still I think my find about the betrayer of the Barraki (who is a he or a SHE::
placed the contract in the BoM is interesting:

1Listen, I'm sorry to bother you again so soon, but I have a question.
2I'm not asking if it will happen, just if it could.
3Would it be possible for Matoro to use his Tryna to reanimate a dead body of say, Hydraxon, then for Makuta to enter the spiritless body?
4Another question for future reference. 5Would you prefer it if I ask small individual questions in different PMs, or if I send a bigger PM with more questions.
6Yes, but this would only work for as long as Matoro was using the mask -- the second he stops, the body goes back to being dead, and Makuta cannot make it move. So Makuta would be completely dependent on Matoro and Matoro would never be able to do anything else but concentrate on keeping Hydraxon up and moving. Not a very good arrangement for either side.
7Depends -- if you have six questions in a day, it is easier just to put them all in one PM. If you have two questions, and that's it that day, you might as well send them rather than wait until you have more.
8I can't believe I missed that.
1I've got some pretty good stuff here.
16So Lesovikk doesn't use Chutespeak, interesting...
2Greetings, Greg: 3I didn't send you any qestions yesterday because I *chuckles* ran out of them. Anyway, I've just got a few questions here.
41. Is the Moutain of Xia really a building? I've heard rumors about this.
52. How does it feel to know all this stuff about BIONICLE and not have to tell anyone?
63. This is one I'm quite confused about: How did the residents of Artakha know how to make the Kanohi Nuva? When the Toa Nuva fell into the Energized Protodermis, there was no telling how they would come out, let alone if they would even survive. And there was no way the Artakhans would know that quickly so as to make the masks and then place them, and how would they even know what shape to make the masks? So can Artakha predict the future or something?
74. Do the Piraka have any more plans to betray each other?
85. Does Lesovikk use Chutespeak?
9Thanks in advance: 10Gravitan
111) No, I already disproved that 122) It's nothing really new. When I worked on Torg, it was the same situation. 133) No one knows how Artakha knows how and when to do things. It's a mystery. 144) Right now, they have too many problems to worry about that 155) No
16So Lesovikk doesn't use Chutespeak, interesting...
1I've got some pretty good stuff here.
2Greetings, Greg: 3I didn't send you any qestions yesterday because I *chuckles* ran out of them. Anyway, I've just got a few questions here.
41. Is the Moutain of Xia really a building? I've heard rumors about this.
52. How does it feel to know all this stuff about BIONICLE and not have to tell anyone?
63. This is one I'm quite confused about: How did the residents of Artakha know how to make the Kanohi Nuva? When the Toa Nuva fell into the Energized Protodermis, there was no telling how they would come out, let alone if they would even survive. And there was no way the Artakhans would know that quickly so as to make the masks and then place them, and how would they even know what shape to make the masks? So can Artakha predict the future or something?
74. Do the Piraka have any more plans to betray each other?
85. Does Lesovikk use Chutespeak?
9Thanks in advance: 10Gravitan
111) No, I already disproved that 122) It's nothing really new. When I worked on Torg, it was the same situation. 133) No one knows how Artakha knows how and when to do things. It's a mystery. 144) Right now, they have too many problems to worry about that 155) No
16So Lesovikk doesn't use Chutespeak, interesting...
17Yes it is. 18And For anyone who doesn't know, Torg is "The Other Roleplaying Game." 19~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 201. Does the Mask of Life change color to the user? 21A. No
222. I'm a bit confused on the Mahri, correct me if I'm wrong: They were mutated, not by the water mutagen, they are not wearing water-suits - with they're Inika forms underneath, they cannot breath air unless they are mutated/changed back. 23A. Correct
243. How many different colors of Hydruka are there? 25A. No idea
264. Are events happening in the comics and books different in '07? Because the comics are still catching up to L6, but they have stuff in them that the books don't. 27A. They have to, otherwise why read the comics if they are just going to be rehashes of the books? Issues 6-8 parallel Book 6, issue 9 coincides with Book 7
285. Did you ever play BIONICLE Mask of Light? Beat it? 29A. Nope
306. For Time Trap, you didn't have to follow any story guidelines correct? 31A. Nope
327. What is the extent of what the mutagen mutates? Things that once breathed? It can't effect everything because rock and seaweed would mutate right etc? 33A. We have not stated that it cannot mutate inanimate matter, only that that might take longer
348. The crack in the mask of life, was it caused by the change in pressure or being in water, or the mutagen? 35A. Mutagen
369. Will the Toa Mahri's masks get cracked? 37A. Time will tell
3810. What is the stone cord like? Are there steps, or is it a tube or what? 39A. There are tunnels
1He doesn't use Chutespeak because that is slang invented by Metru Nui Le-Matoran. Some other Matoran do (Defilak does, I believe) because of trading with Metru Nui, they picked it up and liked the idea.
2Today's subject is... 3
4Toa Lesovikk:
2Today's subject is... 3

5Before the image goes public, I have a few more questions about Lesovikk, though this really has more to do with the set and story aspects.
61. Do you know if the set really comes with a stand for the vehicle?
72. Is Lesovikk's Faxon a normal Faxon?
83. Have you given a name to his silver sword? (Assuming that the silver Pridak Shark Tooth Blade that appears to be on his back is his tool.)
94. Would a speeder bike be an accurate description of the vehicle? (Think Star Wars)
105. The Cordak Blaster on the vehicle. How did he obtain it?
116a. I noticed a breathing tube attatched to the Faxon. Though, Lesovikk has been mutated. So, would these be the "gills," like in the Toa Mahri.
126b. If so, could you please explain how a tube could be called a gill? I'm still not quite getting that one.
13Thanks for your time, Greg.
141) What I have seen of the set is what you have seen of it. 152) Yes 163-4) I have not named or written info for his weapons or his vehicle yet. 175) Most likely the same way the Toa Mahri get theirs 186) Yes, and it basically falls under the heading of "cause I said so." I had a choice of making them air tubes or making them function as gills, and I chose the latter because their plight is more dramatic if saving Mata Nui means giving up the chance to go back to Metru Nui and live normal lives.
1Yay, a little bit of Lesovikk: Thanks ET, and nice Qs.
1OOOOHHHHH, can't wait to see the rest: thanks ET
1Thanks for that, ET: (As well as your topic

1ET, you little teaser-poster. 

1just some cool makuta stuff
2Hi greg just wondering 3Is makuta's physical strenght reach or surpass mata-nui's? if not does it reach or surpass a great being? if also not then on a skale of 1 to 10 where does it reach Like What ever the strongest thing in the world is to the weakest thing in the world. Oh and one last thing. Will a picture or a set of makuta's new body be relessed this year? Thanks. (sorry for bad spelling).
41) It does not equal or surpass Mata Nui's, not by a long shot 52) Since I cannot go into any kind of detail on the nature of the Great Beings, I can't answer this one 63) You'll find out what Makuta's new body is this summer, at which point your question will be answered.
7Aright thats great now last question. have we seen makuta's new body before (in past sets, storyline, and or known Summer sets like Karrzani, motoro, Hydraxon.)
8Sorry, can't answer it. You'll find out what his new body is in June-July.
2Hi greg just wondering 3Is makuta's physical strenght reach or surpass mata-nui's? if not does it reach or surpass a great being? if also not then on a skale of 1 to 10 where does it reach Like What ever the strongest thing in the world is to the weakest thing in the world. Oh and one last thing. Will a picture or a set of makuta's new body be relessed this year? Thanks. (sorry for bad spelling).
41) It does not equal or surpass Mata Nui's, not by a long shot 52) Since I cannot go into any kind of detail on the nature of the Great Beings, I can't answer this one 63) You'll find out what Makuta's new body is this summer, at which point your question will be answered.
7Aright thats great now last question. have we seen makuta's new body before (in past sets, storyline, and or known Summer sets like Karrzani, motoro, Hydraxon.)
8Sorry, can't answer it. You'll find out what his new body is in June-July.
1just some cool makuta stuff
2Hi greg just wondering 3Is makuta's physical strenght reach or surpass mata-nui's? if not does it reach or surpass a great being? if also not then on a skale of 1 to 10 where does it reach Like What ever the strongest thing in the world is to the weakest thing in the world. Oh and one last thing. Will a picture or a set of makuta's new body be relessed this year? Thanks. (sorry for bad spelling).
41) It does not equal or surpass Mata Nui's, not by a long shot 52) Since I cannot go into any kind of detail on the nature of the Great Beings, I can't answer this one 63) You'll find out what Makuta's new body is this summer, at which point your question will be answered.
7Aright thats great now last question. have we seen makuta's new body before (in past sets, storyline, and or known Summer sets like Karrzani, motoro, Hydraxon.)
8Sorry, can't answer it. You'll find out what his new body is in June-July.
9I smell Maxilos...
1um ya, hi, i was just wonderin if you could tell me gadunkas powers and/or abilities? puhleeeeeeeezeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee: 

1Here's some answers to questions I just got from GregF. 2QUOTE
3Hi. I have a few questions I'm wondering if you could answer. Thanks.
41 Is it true that Metru-Nui before the cataclysm was working under a Monarchy type system? My reasons for assuming so is because Turaga Dume appeared to have an almost complete control over every single part of the city.
52 you once told me in a previous set of questions that Vezon's cape was ripped in a battle. My question is in what battle did this occur and for that matter was Vezon the one who was fighting?
63 Why are the Matoran so important in their universe? In much of the information you've told us it says that the Matoran were chosen as the leading race and that they were the first beings to exist on their planet. So why exactly are they needed?
74 Does Lego have a reason for the Great Beings creating a universe?
85 Is part of the Toa's task in awakening Mata-Nui to bring Voya-Nui back to its original continent?
96 How powerful can a Toa eventually become on a scale of 1to 50 (Mata-Nui being a 50)?
107 Does Makuta want the universe destroyed or is he simply just making a distraction?
118 Are Krazhani's spare parts to blame in Makuta's physical body returning?
129 Will the Toa Nuva get some rare or uncommon masks from Krazhani's realm?
1310 Is the fact that the Toa Inika are leaking their life energies into the sea be the cause of Mahri-Nui coming back out of the deep? (The Mask of Life being simply a way of getting them to come)?
1411 I have asked before so I'll ask again, exactly how does the Mask of Life interact with destiny? You've said it can alter destiny, but you also have said that destiny does not change so which is right?
1512 Could it be possible for the Matoran to turn themselves into all powerful beings if they robotically modified themselve enough? If not then how power could they potentially become?
1614 Are Rahkshi Kal capable of independent thought and free will to disobey any orders Makuta may give them?
1715 What personalities are common amongst Rahkshi Kal?
18- Golden Exo-Onua
191) No, that is not true. 202) His initial efforts to tame Fenrakk 213-4) Yes, we do have reasons for all this, no, I cannot share them 225) Bringing Voya Nui back is part of saving Mata Nui's life, not awakening him 236) I prefer not to paint myself into corners like this 247) Makuta needs things to go a certain way for his plans to succeed, and at this point, one of those ways is Mata Nui's death 258) No 269) No 2710) I am totally clueless about what you mean by this question. Mahri Nui is not going to be coming back out of the deep. 2811) The Mask is an instrument of destiny. It helps to bring destiny about. 2912) No. Adding spare parts to yourself does not give you additional power, just makes you bigger. 3014-15) Are you asking about Rahkshi Kaita? Because there are no Rahkshi Kal
3Hi. I have a few questions I'm wondering if you could answer. Thanks.
41 Is it true that Metru-Nui before the cataclysm was working under a Monarchy type system? My reasons for assuming so is because Turaga Dume appeared to have an almost complete control over every single part of the city.
52 you once told me in a previous set of questions that Vezon's cape was ripped in a battle. My question is in what battle did this occur and for that matter was Vezon the one who was fighting?
63 Why are the Matoran so important in their universe? In much of the information you've told us it says that the Matoran were chosen as the leading race and that they were the first beings to exist on their planet. So why exactly are they needed?
74 Does Lego have a reason for the Great Beings creating a universe?
85 Is part of the Toa's task in awakening Mata-Nui to bring Voya-Nui back to its original continent?
96 How powerful can a Toa eventually become on a scale of 1to 50 (Mata-Nui being a 50)?
107 Does Makuta want the universe destroyed or is he simply just making a distraction?
118 Are Krazhani's spare parts to blame in Makuta's physical body returning?
129 Will the Toa Nuva get some rare or uncommon masks from Krazhani's realm?
1310 Is the fact that the Toa Inika are leaking their life energies into the sea be the cause of Mahri-Nui coming back out of the deep? (The Mask of Life being simply a way of getting them to come)?
1411 I have asked before so I'll ask again, exactly how does the Mask of Life interact with destiny? You've said it can alter destiny, but you also have said that destiny does not change so which is right?
1512 Could it be possible for the Matoran to turn themselves into all powerful beings if they robotically modified themselve enough? If not then how power could they potentially become?
1614 Are Rahkshi Kal capable of independent thought and free will to disobey any orders Makuta may give them?
1715 What personalities are common amongst Rahkshi Kal?
18- Golden Exo-Onua
191) No, that is not true. 202) His initial efforts to tame Fenrakk 213-4) Yes, we do have reasons for all this, no, I cannot share them 225) Bringing Voya Nui back is part of saving Mata Nui's life, not awakening him 236) I prefer not to paint myself into corners like this 247) Makuta needs things to go a certain way for his plans to succeed, and at this point, one of those ways is Mata Nui's death 258) No 269) No 2710) I am totally clueless about what you mean by this question. Mahri Nui is not going to be coming back out of the deep. 2811) The Mask is an instrument of destiny. It helps to bring destiny about. 2912) No. Adding spare parts to yourself does not give you additional power, just makes you bigger. 3014-15) Are you asking about Rahkshi Kaita? Because there are no Rahkshi Kal
1um ya, hi, i was just wonderin if you could tell me gadunkas powers and/or abilities? puhleeeeeeeezeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee:
2I think Greg has stated that he did not give Gadunka any power because of people complaining that the Piraka had too many powers.
3If you want to PM Greg, ultimate kardas, then use the link on the first post of the first page of this topic. 4And to save you some time, I already asked Greg about Gadunka and he confirmed that Gadunka doesn't have any powers.

11. How much do the set designers know about BIONICLE storyline generally? 2A. Lead set designer is a vital part of the story team.
32. Do you know if Lesovikk has/will have a Toa Team name? Like: Lesovikk, Toa ___ of Air. 4A: Lead set designer is a vital part of the story team.
53. Who is your favorite Mahri so far? 6A. Matoro
74. In C1, Hapka says that Tahu fits two blades together to form his sword, is that still cannon? 8A. That references stuff that is so old now I really don't remember.
95. Does Tahu have an Kanohi Nuva besides his Hau? 10A. No, they were destroyed along with Ta-Koro
116. For Time Trap, you didn't have to follow any story guidelines correct? 12A. Nope 136. Would that be a "Nope - I didn't" Or a "Nope - I had to follow guidelines"? 14A. Nope, I didn't. It was a bridge story between '05 and '06 and not part of the story bible. End of '05 story bible story was the end of Web of Shadows.
157. Can you believe that the document I keep of all our Q&As, with size ten font, takes up 21 pages:? I've only been here since the 30th of Jan: 16A. Well, you ask a lot of questions
32. Do you know if Lesovikk has/will have a Toa Team name? Like: Lesovikk, Toa ___ of Air. 4A: Lead set designer is a vital part of the story team.
53. Who is your favorite Mahri so far? 6A. Matoro
74. In C1, Hapka says that Tahu fits two blades together to form his sword, is that still cannon? 8A. That references stuff that is so old now I really don't remember.
95. Does Tahu have an Kanohi Nuva besides his Hau? 10A. No, they were destroyed along with Ta-Koro
116. For Time Trap, you didn't have to follow any story guidelines correct? 12A. Nope 136. Would that be a "Nope - I didn't" Or a "Nope - I had to follow guidelines"? 14A. Nope, I didn't. It was a bridge story between '05 and '06 and not part of the story bible. End of '05 story bible story was the end of Web of Shadows.
157. Can you believe that the document I keep of all our Q&As, with size ten font, takes up 21 pages:? I've only been here since the 30th of Jan: 16A. Well, you ask a lot of questions

1Some interesting stuff here... I wonder what created gadunka then...
2Hi greg, lots of stuff i've been thinking about:
3I have been wondering this for a long time: Is it possible for a toa's elemental powers to actually strenthen over time? Using lesovikk as my example, you said he is a very experianced fighter. Is it possible he started out only being able to make mini-cyclones, and now he can make tornados with winds of almost 350mph? Or, could he have had the potential to do this all along, and simply needed to practice alot to get to that point? This would be interesting if this applied to all toa...
4Also, after reading the book 7 preview, am I right to think pridak's curse is madness? If so, does this curse just apply to being obsesed with the mask, or would he be protective of everything? Or, is he just insane in general?
5Now, for some basic stuff:
61: You stated that gadunka has no powers, but does he have any additional abilities? Say, being immune or having resistance to something? Special armour? 71a: When the ignika gave off the flash of light, was gadunka created then, or does this come later?
82: Are manas amphibious? If Karzahni took his army underwater, they could breath then. 92a: Going along with this, does the mutagen affect amphibious beings, or not? Hydraxon seems unnafected. Or is it just in certain cases, like immunity?
103: Who would you say is more powerful: the mana-ko, or kardas? 113a: About the mana-ko, were they created by the brotherhood, or did the great beings create them? 123b: How long would you say the mana-ko in makuta's lair have been their?
134: Does lesovikk battle anyone this year, or is the story you're going to write just follow his quest?
145: When the toa nuva go to artahka, will it be before or after mata-nui goes "acck:"
156: Just making sure, does nuparu's sheil have a name, or is it just "sheild". You dont have to give me it, I just thought this might help bso1.
16Thanks a ton:
17-- I don't think the amount of energy he has to work with will change, but he certainly can learn new ways of using it. 18-- It certainly seems that way, but I think part of that is just shock.
191) No 201a) No, he is created later than that
212) Manas are amphibious, yes 222a) Hydraxon is unaffected owing to the means of his rebirth.
233) Since they've never fought, hard to say 243a) Brotherhood 253b) Oh, heck probably tens of thousands of years
264) He does battle someone, yes
275) Can't answer it
286) I am not releasing info on the equipment yet
11) The "Makuta Nui" has not shown up in the storyline so far. Did Makuta use this form some time during the 1000 years of darkness before the coming of the Toa to terrorize the Matoran? 21) At this point, it is just an alt. model, because it has not had a role in the story.
32) The Toa Metru landed on the shores of Mata Nui with the Lhikan(I/II) right?They did not use the tunnel hat ends at Kini Nui? 42) Correct.
53) If so, how did the Toa find out about the entrance to Metru Nui via Kini Nui? Did Vakama come this way after retrieving the Vahi? Or did they just find it when exploring the island? 63) Vakama's vision told him that the Makoki stones would open a way down there, which the Toa Mata used, but he did not actually know that it was an access point to Metru Nui
74) Was Lesovikk part of the BoM army that defeated the Barraki 80.000 years ago? 84) No
95) I wondered about: Makuta wanted the Mask of time so that he could speed up time and the Matoran would forget about their past and honor him as their saviour once he re-awakened them, right? Then he just tried to keep the Matoran away from Metru Nui for about 1000 years, only when the Toa arrived he undertook serious action again.
10a) His basic plan would not have worked out that way right? The Matoran were not sleeping long enough and though they did not know about Metru Nui (due to the Turaga), they knew about Makuta (also due to the Turaga, although they claimed Makuta was Mata Nui's brother) and so they would not regard him as their saviour.
11.b)If his plan did not work that way, what was his plan? He could not make the Matoran sleep again I guess, even if he had the Vahi that would not be sufficient to erase the Matoran's memories right?
12c) Whether Makuta had succeeded in his plan to put the Matoran asleep and use the Vahi or not would not have affected the master plan or is Makuta wanting the Mask of Life a reaction to his failed plan? 135) Yes, once Makuta lost the chance to make the Matoran honor him for saving them, his short-term goal was to keep them away from Metru Nui, since repopulating Metru Nui was the first step to awakening Mata Nui. And who says Makuta actually WANTS the Mask of Life? 14I thought the BL7 prologue said the Toa should get the Mask of Life for him, plus he infected the Piraka to go to Voya Nui and search for it:?
156) BTW did Makuta plan to kill all the Matoran by releasing the Bohrok swarms or would he have stepped in as a saviour this time? 166) The Bohrok would only have harmed Matoran if the Matoran got in their way. Otherwise, they would have left the Matoran alone. The Bohrok were unleashed to distract the Toa, not for any other reason.
177) I did not get that thing with the ancient evil: It was said that if the Piraka (or wrong hands) got the MoLi the ancient evil would be released. Discussion arose whether the Ancient evil was Makuta but that was not right as far as I know. 18a) so the ancient evil is an entity that would theaten the universe? 19.b)he ancient evil is already alive but can't take action correct? 20c) Might the Barraki also release that ancient evil unknowingly? 217) The ancient evil is Makuta. Remember that "unleashed" can mean a lot of things, including living up to your full potential (in this case, potential for evil).
32) The Toa Metru landed on the shores of Mata Nui with the Lhikan(I/II) right?They did not use the tunnel hat ends at Kini Nui? 42) Correct.
53) If so, how did the Toa find out about the entrance to Metru Nui via Kini Nui? Did Vakama come this way after retrieving the Vahi? Or did they just find it when exploring the island? 63) Vakama's vision told him that the Makoki stones would open a way down there, which the Toa Mata used, but he did not actually know that it was an access point to Metru Nui
74) Was Lesovikk part of the BoM army that defeated the Barraki 80.000 years ago? 84) No
95) I wondered about: Makuta wanted the Mask of time so that he could speed up time and the Matoran would forget about their past and honor him as their saviour once he re-awakened them, right? Then he just tried to keep the Matoran away from Metru Nui for about 1000 years, only when the Toa arrived he undertook serious action again.
10a) His basic plan would not have worked out that way right? The Matoran were not sleeping long enough and though they did not know about Metru Nui (due to the Turaga), they knew about Makuta (also due to the Turaga, although they claimed Makuta was Mata Nui's brother) and so they would not regard him as their saviour.
11.b)If his plan did not work that way, what was his plan? He could not make the Matoran sleep again I guess, even if he had the Vahi that would not be sufficient to erase the Matoran's memories right?
12c) Whether Makuta had succeeded in his plan to put the Matoran asleep and use the Vahi or not would not have affected the master plan or is Makuta wanting the Mask of Life a reaction to his failed plan? 135) Yes, once Makuta lost the chance to make the Matoran honor him for saving them, his short-term goal was to keep them away from Metru Nui, since repopulating Metru Nui was the first step to awakening Mata Nui. And who says Makuta actually WANTS the Mask of Life? 14I thought the BL7 prologue said the Toa should get the Mask of Life for him, plus he infected the Piraka to go to Voya Nui and search for it:?
156) BTW did Makuta plan to kill all the Matoran by releasing the Bohrok swarms or would he have stepped in as a saviour this time? 166) The Bohrok would only have harmed Matoran if the Matoran got in their way. Otherwise, they would have left the Matoran alone. The Bohrok were unleashed to distract the Toa, not for any other reason.
177) I did not get that thing with the ancient evil: It was said that if the Piraka (or wrong hands) got the MoLi the ancient evil would be released. Discussion arose whether the Ancient evil was Makuta but that was not right as far as I know. 18a) so the ancient evil is an entity that would theaten the universe? 19.b)he ancient evil is already alive but can't take action correct? 20c) Might the Barraki also release that ancient evil unknowingly? 217) The ancient evil is Makuta. Remember that "unleashed" can mean a lot of things, including living up to your full potential (in this case, potential for evil).
1Possible semi-major info on Botar:
2Hi Greg: It's been awhile since I've PM'ed. I have some questions if you don't mind.
31) BIONICLE World states that OOMN members have orders to retreat to Daxia if their postition is overrun. Now my question involves Axonn and Brutaka. Why didn't they leave Voya Nui? Besides the Great Cataclysm, 6 Skakdi have come to the island and enslaved the Matoranand the universe's most powerful team of Toa has been defeated (the 1st time with just the Piraka). I do not think "How could they get off?" wouldn't work because Brutaka has an Olmak. So he could make a portal and "pop" their at Daxia.
42) Same with Hydraxon. I know he doesn't know he died, but all the prisoners are escaped, Maxilos is evil, and the Pit is now in the hands of the Zyglak.
53) Why did Botar tie the Barraki with energy when he captured them? BL6 describes them as "brought in chains".
64) When the Barraki were captured, did they fight themselves? You told another member they didn't fight but BL6 says they fought to the last.
75) Does Botar dislike/hate Axonn? BIONICLE World says by the time he was recruited, Axonn had conquered the Southern lands. Botar is from a "savage race of the southern islands". This means Botar's land was conquered by Axonn.
86) The BIONICLE Mainland is the southern continent. You have stated that there is a northern continent. Doesn't this mean that Metru Nui is the northern continent as there are only lands south of Metru Nui?
9Thank you for your time Greg:
101) Because their position wasn't overrun. OOMN members don't flee because six bandits show up. Had Brutaka not defected, he and Axonn could have mopped the floor with the Piraka. That order relates to "overrun" in a war with the Brotherhood, not anytime someone dangerous shows up.
112) Simple. When the prisoners escaped, Hydraxon was killed. He just came back. When was he supposed to have run?
123) If you are transporting and dropping off a prisoner, do you want his hands free?
134) Yes, the same way a general fights to the last -- by making his men fight to the last.
145) No. For one thing, we haven't said anything about what Botar was doing all that time. How do you know Botar didn't hate his people and his homeland and not care what happened to them?
156) Metru Nui is not a continent, it's not big enough. To be a northern continent, you just have to be a continent somewhere north of the southern continent. Metru Nui is an island.
2Hi Greg: It's been awhile since I've PM'ed. I have some questions if you don't mind.
31) BIONICLE World states that OOMN members have orders to retreat to Daxia if their postition is overrun. Now my question involves Axonn and Brutaka. Why didn't they leave Voya Nui? Besides the Great Cataclysm, 6 Skakdi have come to the island and enslaved the Matoranand the universe's most powerful team of Toa has been defeated (the 1st time with just the Piraka). I do not think "How could they get off?" wouldn't work because Brutaka has an Olmak. So he could make a portal and "pop" their at Daxia.
42) Same with Hydraxon. I know he doesn't know he died, but all the prisoners are escaped, Maxilos is evil, and the Pit is now in the hands of the Zyglak.
53) Why did Botar tie the Barraki with energy when he captured them? BL6 describes them as "brought in chains".
64) When the Barraki were captured, did they fight themselves? You told another member they didn't fight but BL6 says they fought to the last.
75) Does Botar dislike/hate Axonn? BIONICLE World says by the time he was recruited, Axonn had conquered the Southern lands. Botar is from a "savage race of the southern islands". This means Botar's land was conquered by Axonn.
86) The BIONICLE Mainland is the southern continent. You have stated that there is a northern continent. Doesn't this mean that Metru Nui is the northern continent as there are only lands south of Metru Nui?
9Thank you for your time Greg:
101) Because their position wasn't overrun. OOMN members don't flee because six bandits show up. Had Brutaka not defected, he and Axonn could have mopped the floor with the Piraka. That order relates to "overrun" in a war with the Brotherhood, not anytime someone dangerous shows up.
112) Simple. When the prisoners escaped, Hydraxon was killed. He just came back. When was he supposed to have run?
123) If you are transporting and dropping off a prisoner, do you want his hands free?
134) Yes, the same way a general fights to the last -- by making his men fight to the last.
145) No. For one thing, we haven't said anything about what Botar was doing all that time. How do you know Botar didn't hate his people and his homeland and not care what happened to them?
156) Metru Nui is not a continent, it's not big enough. To be a northern continent, you just have to be a continent somewhere north of the southern continent. Metru Nui is an island.
1Hmm, is it a clue or did he just not think of the Botar thing when he wrote that?