1I'm already looking forward to Christmas. 

1Well, in that case, I should start saving already. I just got the Mahri, to; My Mom will think I'm insane if I start this early:
1Listen to this:
2QUOTE 3Sorry, but I forgot to ask this. You recently said that the pricing for the titans in 2008 was over $40. 4Is this true for all of them? And how much is the most expensive? $100?
5Thanks again.
6No, I didn't say that. The sets I was referring to are not the 2008 titans. The '08 titans will most likely be the same price range as this year's.
8So what are the $40 and above sets? Not the canisters, definitly. But maybe a whole new line of titans/large building sets for 2008: So we would get those, canisters, small sets, and titans all in one year:
9What an expensive year that will be... 10--BufFooN
11My wallet already hurts.
12Maybe it's playsets, but maybe not.
1hi :::
2First off, Welcome to Bzpower:
3Secondly, that post is considered spam. It's only one word, and had nothing to do with the topc. Perhaps you should take a glance at the Bzpower Rules and Guidelines, or maybe the New Member Q and A forum, I'm sure some of the kind people there would love to help.

1Hi Greg, hope your not working to hard. Have some stuff for you:
21: (Really stupid question) Could the original Maxilos talk? 31a: How smart would you put the original Maxilos at?
42: The huge sets coming out in 08; are we talking 50-70$ in price for them, since you told me they would be higher than 40$? 52a: Not sure if you can answer, but I have to ask: How many of these "Godzillas" is lego going to put out? Three, maybe?
63: Do you have any info on when the next part of Dreams of Destruction is coming out? 73a: Gali Nuva's next blog entry? 83b: The Makuta-Karzahni fight? 93c: The next part of Into the Darkness? 103d: Possibly... The Toa Mahri Movie?
11Thanks in Advance:
121) Yes 131a) Hard to say. Machines can have a lot of knowledge, but I am not sure you can compare them "smart-wise" to a living being capable of creative thought 142) Yes 152a) Can't answer it
163) The schedule as I know it for the serial, blog and podcast are a new one every two weeks. The TM movie should be pretty soon, as I understand it. And the M-K fight is part of Dreams, so it is not happening for a while as we have to get further into that story.
17He is reffering to those.

1I'm confused now. He just said a few posts back that he wasn't referring to the '08 sets. Now it looks like he was. 

1I'm confused now. He just said a few posts back that he wasn't referring to the '08 sets. Now it looks like he was.
2Well the quote you are referring to says Greg does not mean playsets (like the Toa Terrain Crawler), but Greg is referring to Bionicle SETS from 2008.
3(Neither are those the titans, so maybe we get a new type of Bionicle set in 2008?)
1I'm confused now. He just said a few posts back that he wasn't referring to the '08 sets. Now it looks like he was.
2Well the quote you are referring to says Greg does not mean playsets (like the Toa Terrain Crawler), but Greg is referring to Bionicle SETS from 2008.
3(Neither are those the titans, so maybe we get a new type of Bionicle set in 2008?)
4It looks that way, since he said in his disscussion in his Blog that we will have promotions and titans on top of this next year. He said that they will be avalible in most stores, and will not be promos, so the collection for next year just got a whole lot bigger: (If you need more info, check out his Blog)
1Hi Greg, hope your not working to hard. Have some stuff for you:
21: (Really stupid question) Could the original Maxilos talk? 31a: How smart would you put the original Maxilos at?
42: The huge sets coming out in 08; are we talking 50-70$ in price for them, since you told me they would be higher than 40$? 52a: Not sure if you can answer, but I have to ask: How many of these "Godzillas" is lego going to put out? Three, maybe?
63: Do you have any info on when the next part of Dreams of Destruction is coming out? 73a: Gali Nuva's next blog entry? 83b: The Makuta-Karzahni fight? 93c: The next part of Into the Darkness? 103d: Possibly... The Toa Mahri Movie?
11Thanks in Advance:
121) Yes 131a) Hard to say. Machines can have a lot of knowledge, but I am not sure you can compare them "smart-wise" to a living being capable of creative thought 142) Yes 152a) Can't answer it
163) The schedule as I know it for the serial, blog and podcast are a new one every two weeks. The TM movie should be pretty soon, as I understand it. And the M-K fight is part of Dreams, so it is not happening for a while as we have to get further into that story.
17He is reffering to those.Gosh, they sound awsome... Geeze, we havent had anything more than 50$ since the manas, and that was because they were remote control. Well, look for some new stuff on BIONICLEStory soon...
18What?: A Toa Mahri Movie: On bioniclestory.com? How long will the movie be?
1Hi Greg, hope your not working to hard. Have some stuff for you:
21: (Really stupid question) Could the original Maxilos talk? 31a: How smart would you put the original Maxilos at?
42: The huge sets coming out in 08; are we talking 50-70$ in price for them, since you told me they would be higher than 40$? 52a: Not sure if you can answer, but I have to ask: How many of these "Godzillas" is lego going to put out? Three, maybe?
63: Do you have any info on when the next part of Dreams of Destruction is coming out? 73a: Gali Nuva's next blog entry? 83b: The Makuta-Karzahni fight? 93c: The next part of Into the Darkness? 103d: Possibly... The Toa Mahri Movie?
11Thanks in Advance:
121) Yes 131a) Hard to say. Machines can have a lot of knowledge, but I am not sure you can compare them "smart-wise" to a living being capable of creative thought 142) Yes 152a) Can't answer it
163) The schedule as I know it for the serial, blog and podcast are a new one every two weeks. The TM movie should be pretty soon, as I understand it. And the M-K fight is part of Dreams, so it is not happening for a while as we have to get further into that story.
17He is reffering to those.Gosh, they sound awsome... Geeze, we havent had anything more than 50$ since the manas, and that was because they were remote control. Well, look for some new stuff on BIONICLEStory soon...
18What?: A Toa Mahri Movie: On bioniclestory.com? How long will the movie be?
19It's just an extended version of the mini movie. 20--BufFooN
1well you had the bahrag for 75 euro i believe. 2they will be regular ses not promos.
3so 2008: 43-6 titans[like usual 56 villains 66 heroes 73playsets[as usual 8?? matoran 9?? "$ 50-$80 sets.
10i hope they get back to 6 matoran. 11the $50-80 sets will most likely be rahi[humanoids are counted "titans" (gadunka is a warrior, keetongu has matoran thought thus not plain rahi 12or other things like mechanic stuff about the size of a manas
3so 2008: 43-6 titans[like usual 56 villains 66 heroes 73playsets[as usual 8?? matoran 9?? "$ 50-$80 sets.
10i hope they get back to 6 matoran. 11the $50-80 sets will most likely be rahi[humanoids are counted "titans" (gadunka is a warrior, keetongu has matoran thought thus not plain rahi 12or other things like mechanic stuff about the size of a manas
11) First I'd like to sum up some tings about the Toa Mata, please correct me if I am wrong (BS01 is not working right now, otherwise I would have checked it there). 2Toa Mata were created ca. 100.000 years ago at Artakha. 3Bionicle world says Daxia was the first land the Toa Mata walked on. 4The Atlas states that the Toa Mata had many adventures in the world that feeds the world. 5A picture in the chapter about Artakha shows that that Matoran there work on Toa canisters. 6A Matoran of light, who lives now at Karzahni, made or participated in making the Toa Mata's canisters. 71) Only comment is I do not recall if it was stated that he had specifically built Tahu and and company's canisters -- only that he had built canisters. That is something I would need to confirm.
82) Can you tell me when the Toa Mata entered the canisters? 92) No, not at this time
103) Was there a special reason for the chosen point of time when they entered the canisters? Was their Toa training just finished, for example? 113) Pretty much, yes.
124)Did the Toa Mata enter the canisters assembled or diassembled? 134) Assembled
145A) Is the ability to reassemble their party exclusive to the Toa Mata? 155
If yes, does this have to do with the fact that the Toa Mata were never Matoran? 165) No. Remember, the Matoran of Mata Nui were able to rebuild themselves as well.
176) Did the Toa Mata enter the canisters at the same place/on the same island, the canisters were shot from? or where the canisters transported somewhere else after the Mata entered them? 186) Same place
197) Did someone order the Mata to enter the canisters or did they decide on their own when to enter the canisters? 207) They knew when it was time
218) Is the process from creating Toa (out of whatever, not transforming Matoran into Toa) much different from creating Matoran? 228) I can't discuss this
239A) Is it still possible to create more Toa like the Toa Mata? 249
If yes, is it forbidden in some way to do so? 259C) It it a save guess that Artakha himself created the Toa Mata? 269) I can't discuss who created them, but it is highly doubtful that more would be made like that, because the process is now in place.
2710) Have the Toa Mata encountered characters we have known of the years in their old lives (I am thinking specially thinking about Lesovikk and Axxon)? 2810) No
2911) Did the old life of the Toa Mata merely have an importance to train them and to teach them about all important things they need to know to prepare them for their mission? 3011) Well, it was also important in that they were doing important work
3112) Just referring to a post in a topic about 2008: I can't remember you have ever stated that TWTFTW is the Universe Core (coz it is said there BS01 contains that information)? 3212) No, I have never confirmed that, I don't believe
3313) Did the Toa Mata know about their tasks to fulfill their mission before their unintended amnesia? So was the list placed by the Great Beings just a back-up plan, or was this information so valuabale even the Toa themselves were not told about it? 3413) It is possible they had more knowledge originally, but since their first task was to go to Metru Nui, their second was probably to retrieve the list.
3514A) Did someone on Metru Nui know that in case Mata Nui should fall, six Toa would arrive their to reawaken the Great Spirit? 3614
If yes, can you tell me who that person is/was? 3714C) If so, was he told to support the Toa with knowledge, transportation and other helpful things? 3814D) If their was not such a person, was it because it was known that if the Great Spirit fell, that would have been inevitably linked to the fact that Metru Nui would be lost and noone would be their to help the Toa Mata? 3914) The Toa Mata were a legend, so many people knew that they were supposed to come if darkness fell over Mata Nui. That is why the Turaga and Matoran of Mata Nui were waiting for them.
4015) Can you explain why and how the Toa stones brought the canisters to the shore of Mata Nui? (I mean those were the Toa stones that made Vakam and Co. Toa, so they were located at Metru Nui. as a back-up plan to gather the Toa Mata, they would have to have been taken(as they -by chance- were) up to Mata Nui, that no Matoran knew about?) 4115) No. The stones used to summon the Toa Mata did not make Vakama and co. -- they were made BY Vakama and co. on their first visit to Mata Nui and left on that island. And when Takua used them, they essentially acted as a signalling device that brought the canisters to shore.
82) Can you tell me when the Toa Mata entered the canisters? 92) No, not at this time
103) Was there a special reason for the chosen point of time when they entered the canisters? Was their Toa training just finished, for example? 113) Pretty much, yes.
124)Did the Toa Mata enter the canisters assembled or diassembled? 134) Assembled
145A) Is the ability to reassemble their party exclusive to the Toa Mata? 155

176) Did the Toa Mata enter the canisters at the same place/on the same island, the canisters were shot from? or where the canisters transported somewhere else after the Mata entered them? 186) Same place
197) Did someone order the Mata to enter the canisters or did they decide on their own when to enter the canisters? 207) They knew when it was time
218) Is the process from creating Toa (out of whatever, not transforming Matoran into Toa) much different from creating Matoran? 228) I can't discuss this
239A) Is it still possible to create more Toa like the Toa Mata? 249

2710) Have the Toa Mata encountered characters we have known of the years in their old lives (I am thinking specially thinking about Lesovikk and Axxon)? 2810) No
2911) Did the old life of the Toa Mata merely have an importance to train them and to teach them about all important things they need to know to prepare them for their mission? 3011) Well, it was also important in that they were doing important work
3112) Just referring to a post in a topic about 2008: I can't remember you have ever stated that TWTFTW is the Universe Core (coz it is said there BS01 contains that information)? 3212) No, I have never confirmed that, I don't believe
3313) Did the Toa Mata know about their tasks to fulfill their mission before their unintended amnesia? So was the list placed by the Great Beings just a back-up plan, or was this information so valuabale even the Toa themselves were not told about it? 3413) It is possible they had more knowledge originally, but since their first task was to go to Metru Nui, their second was probably to retrieve the list.
3514A) Did someone on Metru Nui know that in case Mata Nui should fall, six Toa would arrive their to reawaken the Great Spirit? 3614

4015) Can you explain why and how the Toa stones brought the canisters to the shore of Mata Nui? (I mean those were the Toa stones that made Vakam and Co. Toa, so they were located at Metru Nui. as a back-up plan to gather the Toa Mata, they would have to have been taken(as they -by chance- were) up to Mata Nui, that no Matoran knew about?) 4115) No. The stones used to summon the Toa Mata did not make Vakama and co. -- they were made BY Vakama and co. on their first visit to Mata Nui and left on that island. And when Takua used them, they essentially acted as a signalling device that brought the canisters to shore.
112) Just referring to a post in a topic about 2008: I can't remember you have ever stated that TWTFTW is the Universe Core (coz it is said there BS01 contains that information)? 212) No, I have never confirmed that, I don't believe
4Once again to dig out the long explanation:
5We did get confirmation from Greg about this a long long long time ago -- and it was partially edited into the BS01 Wiki page and such. The next day or so, Swert got a PM back from him (in trying to confirm that the two were the same), and Greg expressed people not wanting to know that. Thusly, BS01 did its part on both BS01 and BZP to try to wipe out and evidence that the two had been confirmed to be the same.
6All was well until the day(s) we learned about the Av-Matoran, the Matoran of Light. Learning that they were able to disguise themselves, people started to ask Greg if that builder of the Toa Canisters in Karzahni was such. He confirmed it.
7Now, because that Matoran referred to the World That Feeds The World as the place where these canisters were made, people started to assume that that's where he lived (logically, right?). Well, if the Av-Matoran homeland was the Universe Core, then obviously people would make the connection and start having theories. Swert did them one better, and realizing that people probably would make the connection, he resurfaced the old edits we had hiden before, merging the WTFTW page into the the Universe Core, saying in his summary that if Greg wanted it to be taken down, he could simply ask.
8But at this point in time, it's been up so long that there's no point to take it down anymore

9But it is true -- don't worry 'bout that. If I really need to, I can whip out that quote right now.

1I asked Greg about Larsika and the MOLI.
2Q. What is Larsika's species? 3A. I haven't identified her species.
4Q. Will It ever appear in the storyline? 5A. No.
6Q. Will there ever Be a Larsika Set? 7A. There are no plans for a set of her at this time.
8Q. Will there ever be the Barraki movie form of the MOLI out? 9A. MOLI will be out in plastic beginning of next year. 10Very Interesting..... 11HM546 12P.S. I will get the new MOLI ASAP:
2Q. What is Larsika's species? 3A. I haven't identified her species.
4Q. Will It ever appear in the storyline? 5A. No.
6Q. Will there ever Be a Larsika Set? 7A. There are no plans for a set of her at this time.
8Q. Will there ever be the Barraki movie form of the MOLI out? 9A. MOLI will be out in plastic beginning of next year. 10Very Interesting..... 11HM546 12P.S. I will get the new MOLI ASAP:
1Maybe it comes out with a small set or something, or else a winter titan (like Nocturn).
1I asked Greg about Larsika and the MOLI. 2Q. Will there ever be the Barraki movie form of the MOLI out? 3A. MOLI will be out in plastic beginning of next year. 4Very Interesting..... 5HM546 6P.S. I will get the new MOLI ASAP:
7it will probably be included in the winter canister sets (like the bohrok-kal and the wmkk/sskk)
1I asked Greg about Larsika and the MOLI. 2Q. Will there ever be the Barraki movie form of the MOLI out? 3A. MOLI will be out in plastic beginning of next year. 4Very Interesting..... 5HM546 6P.S. I will get the new MOLI ASAP:
7it will probably be included in the winter canister sets (like the bohrok-kal and the wmkk/sskk)
8Yes, but that would mean there would either be one in each of the six canister sets, or else it would be unbalanced.
1I asked Greg about Larsika and the MOLI. 2Q. Will there ever be the Barraki movie form of the MOLI out? 3A. MOLI will be out in plastic beginning of next year. 4Very Interesting..... 5HM546 6P.S. I will get the new MOLI ASAP:
7it will probably be included in the winter canister sets (like the bohrok-kal and the wmkk/sskk)
8You mean like in every canister, or more like the shadow Kraata (limited number)? 9--BufFooN
1I asked Greg about Larsika and the MOLI. 2Q. Will there ever be the Barraki movie form of the MOLI out? 3A. MOLI will be out in plastic beginning of next year. 4Very Interesting..... 5HM546 6P.S. I will get the new MOLI ASAP:
7it will probably be included in the winter canister sets (like the bohrok-kal and the wmkk/sskk)
8You mean like in every canister, or more like the shadow Kraata (limited number)? 9--BufFooN
10I dunno, but it brings me back to those years....As long as this isn't a Target-exclusive thing again...I have no Targets around...
11. OoMN members have their minds shielded. is this why Brutaka was strenghened, but not enslaved by Antidermis?
22. Aside from being good, what are the prerequisites for being recruited into the OoMN?
31) No. It was simply a quirk of his particular species
42) A willingness to leave your friends and homeland behind ... a willingness to do whatever is asked of you ... and sufficient power to do it.
112) Just referring to a post in a topic about 2008: I can't remember you have ever stated that TWTFTW is the Universe Core (coz it is said there BS01 contains that information)? 212) No, I have never confirmed that, I don't believe
4Once again to dig out the long explanation:
5We did get confirmation from Greg about this a long long long time ago -- and it was partially edited into the BS01 Wiki page and such. The next day or so, Swert got a PM back from him (in trying to confirm that the two were the same), and Greg expressed people not wanting to know that. Thusly, BS01 did its part on both BS01 and BZP to try to wipe out and evidence that the two had been confirmed to be the same.
6All was well until the day(s) we learned about the Av-Matoran, the Matoran of Light. Learning that they were able to disguise themselves, people started to ask Greg if that builder of the Toa Canisters in Karzahni was such. He confirmed it.
7Now, because that Matoran referred to the World That Feeds The World as the place where these canisters were made, people started to assume that that's where he lived (logically, right?). Well, if the Av-Matoran homeland was the Universe Core, then obviously people would make the connection and start having theories. Swert did them one better, and realizing that people probably would make the connection, he resurfaced the old edits we had hiden before, merging the WTFTW page into the the Universe Core, saying in his summary that if Greg wanted it to be taken down, he could simply ask.
8But at this point in time, it's been up so long that there's no point to take it down anymoreAnd as thus, either due to the fact that Greg didn't want people to know, or that this happened so long ago (few months... that's long enough
) he's forgotten/won't say that he confirmed it.
9But it is true -- don't worry 'bout that. If I really need to, I can whip out that quote right now.![]()
11Well Utopia there is no need to have a deep sigh everytime I post something to Greg. 12I know Greg had never stated, when the terms WTFTW and Universe Core arose, that those are the same things and I had posted him earlier the same question and he said "he can't answer that". That's why I was so much astonished when one person in a recent topic states BS01 says they actually are the same: 13So I wanted to clarify this thing for me: 14If you have some privileged or better information about all this than that's fine for you. But than you should make it public at BS01 or wherever it can be accessed by most people. And I think replying to a post in the OGD does no good, since not so many people visit this topic:
15If you know better it's fine, but it is certainly no reason to sigh: And in this case the information policy seems to be a bit odd. 16Although I had always suspected both places to be the same I knew Greg never confirmed it. Maybe it is time to clarify it:
3So, are all the Mahri-toran gunna die or something?1Some Atlas and Prisoners of the Pit stuff. 2I sent these the other day but I don't think you got them, so here they are again.Hello, I just read the Atlas and Prisoners of the Pit, and I have some questions from them.1. First off, for posting should I put these in spoilers? I don't know if they are allowed yet, so I thought I'd ask you, if you don't know, that's fine.2. So when they became Mahri, Kongu had no weapon right?3. In the Atlas it says that if the Dark Hunters go after the Mask of Life, the Order would step in or something like that. So they would reveal themselves and attack, or would it be like sending two agents, like Axxon and Brutaka for example to take care of it?4. When Kongu summoned that giant creature, it never said what happened there, it just skipped that part, so what happened?5. What happened to Spinax in Prisoners of the Pit? Was he at the Pit while Maxxilos/Makuta was gone?6. Could Kongu theoreticly summon a Barraki, or aren't they considered sea creatures?7. When Takadox told Pridak to stay in control, did he mean not to give into the curse or something?8. Couldn't Matoro have defeated Maxxilos/Makuta when Pridak attacked with his sharks, or during a different time, or would he have stopped Matoro or something?9. Is Maxxilos made like the Vahki with the mechanisms?10. If the cord is severed, how would the Mahri-toran die? Would Voya Nui crush Mahri Nui?11. How would the Voya-toran die? Wouldn't they mutate first before drowning?12. So Gadunka always looks like the set, just smaller right?Thank you. 1) Yes, please put in spoilers2) Or he simply chose to swap it for an extra blaster3) They would send agents. 4) It frightened off the Barraki5) No, he was with Maxilos, but since he wasn't doing anything important, no reason to mention him in the scene6) They are not considered native sea life7) Or just not act like such a madman8) Keep in mind Maxilos has more than 40 Makuta powers -- no one Toa is going to beat him, unless maybe it's a Toa of Light9) Most likely clockwork mechanisms, yes10) Yes11) Nope. Because Matoran can't hold their breath as long as Toa, etc., can so they would drown before they could be turned into water breathers12) Yes
6Yeah, your right. Oh, now I get it. Wait, Not that, a quote on this page. The really long one, abou the Jaller/Zaktan fight. Anyway, thanks for that, it explains alot. I have two theories: 1. Axonn will fight them, and somehow get them far out in the ocean, so they can't get back out.2. I saw some where on this page that Voya Nui could come crashing down on Mahri Nui, so maybe if that happens they'll get mutated. 46) The BL9 quote you had last week: "You just saw our technique. We laugh in the face of danger. But sometimes danger doesn't get the joke" . Can you tell me whether the members of this group are known to us or whether this group is a new faction/organisation?6) No, I can't discuss thatmhm so who can it be? Piraka? Barraki? Makutas? so many options.....5I read on ether wikipedia, or bs01wiki that the piraka will come back, mutated bythe waters of the pithttp://www.biosector01.com/wiki/index.php?title=Piraka
T01, OUT:
1I asked Greg about Larsika and the MOLI.
2Q. What is Larsika's species? 3A. I haven't identified her species.
4Q. Will It ever appear in the storyline? 5A. No.
6Q. Will there ever Be a Larsika Set? 7A. There are no plans for a set of her at this time.
8Q. Will there ever be the Barraki movie form of the MOLI out? 9A. MOLI will be out in plastic beginning of next year. 10Very Interesting..... 11HM546 12P.S. I will get the new MOLI ASAP:
13Sweet...I wonder how intricate the pattern of the person on the face of the mask will turn out.
1A few questions for you GregF.
21. Is the Toa Mahri's Terrain Crawler a reative of Voya Nui's Lava/Caravan Crawlers?
32. On a scale of 1-10 how strong is TSO before and after his fight with Makuta?
43. Would the Krahka be able to use Kanohi?
54. Would a being wearing a Mask of Water Breathing be immune to the Pit Mutagen?
65. Do you like Lost the TV series?
76. Which is your favorate Toa Inika?
87. Would a Toa of Solar Energy be possible?
98. Why would Vezon want the MoLi back after what happened the first time he tried to take it?
109. Will the MoLi change the Toa Mahri back into the Inika, or change them into another form next year?
1110. Was the Hand of Artakha more like the Toa (where they acted as public defence) or like the OoMN (where they act from the shadows)?
1211. Will the Krahka encounter the Kardas Dragon on her way back to Metru Nui (after all, she will have to head to Mata Nui before she can get to Metru Nui).
1312. Is the Kanohi Dragon part of a species?
151) No 162) I really hate doing these kinds of rankings 173) Good question. She can gain knowledge from duplicating others, but can she actually gain mental discipline? I tend to think not. 184) No. The mutagen works on you by physical contact with any part of your body. It has nothing to do with whether you breathe water or not -- remember, Ehlek breathes water, always has, and was still mutated. 195) Yes 206) Matoro 217) What would he be able to do that a Toa of Fire or a Toa of Light cannot do now? "Toa of the Sun" is a neat name, but if his powers aren't really different from existing Toa, not much point in doing one. 228) Why do you want anything or anyone back that has rejected you? Because the rejection is an affront to your ego. 239) Cannot discuss future storyline 2410) They were more like the Toa 2511) If she sees him, I doubt she will linger, she has nothing to gain by fighting him 2612) I think it's likely
1Listen to this: ![]()
2QUOTE 3Sorry, but I forgot to ask this. You recently said that the pricing for the titans in 2008 was over $40. 4Is this true for all of them? And how much is the most expensive? $100?
5Thanks again.
6No, I didn't say that. The sets I was referring to are not the 2008 titans. The '08 titans will most likely be the same price range as this year's.
8So what are the $40 and above sets? Not the canisters, definitly. But maybe a whole new line of titans/large building sets for 2008: So we would get those, canisters, small sets, and titans all in one year: [img]http://www.bzpower.com/forum/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.gif[/img]
9or a playset.
1Listen to this: ![]()
2QUOTE 3Sorry, but I forgot to ask this. You recently said that the pricing for the titans in 2008 was over $40. 4Is this true for all of them? And how much is the most expensive? $100?
5Thanks again.
6No, I didn't say that. The sets I was referring to are not the 2008 titans. The '08 titans will most likely be the same price range as this year's.
8So what are the $40 and above sets? Not the canisters, definitly. But maybe a whole new line of titans/large building sets for 2008: So we would get those, canisters, small sets, and titans all in one year: [img]http://www.bzpower.com/forum/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.gif[/img]
9or a playset.
10No, I'm pretty sure Greg said the sets he was talking about were Bionicle in his blog.
1is kongu the hot head of the mahri?
1I asked Greg about Larsika and the MOLI. 2Q. Will there ever be the Barraki movie form of the MOLI out? 3A. MOLI will be out in plastic beginning of next year. 4Very Interesting..... 5HM546 6P.S. I will get the new MOLI ASAP:
7it will probably be included in the winter canister sets (like the bohrok-kal and the wmkk/sskk)
8You mean like in every canister, or more like the shadow Kraata (limited number)? 9--BufFooN
10With the bohrok-kal only a very small percentage had wmkk and sskk in them. I believe it was somthing like 500 sskk and 5000 wmkk, so they were pretty rare. I hope it's more like the case of the vahki and the vahi, they all came with the mask.
1Perhaps the one that uses it will come with it.
1Listen to this: ![]()
2QUOTE 3Sorry, but I forgot to ask this. You recently said that the pricing for the titans in 2008 was over $40. 4Is this true for all of them? And how much is the most expensive? $100?
5Thanks again.
6No, I didn't say that. The sets I was referring to are not the 2008 titans. The '08 titans will most likely be the same price range as this year's.
8So what are the $40 and above sets? Not the canisters, definitly. But maybe a whole new line of titans/large building sets for 2008: So we would get those, canisters, small sets, and titans all in one year: [img]http://www.bzpower.com/forum/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.gif[/img]
9or a playset.
10No, I'm pretty sure Greg said the sets he was talking about were Bionicle in his blog.
11There are BIONICLE playsets you know. Like Toa Terrain Crawler to name one.
12Perhaps the one that uses it will come with it.
13Welcome to

1Hi, I just have 5...
21. Did Ehlek rule Zakaz?
32. Is Hydraxon's homeland Xia? It says on BIONICLE.com that the Cordak blaster was invented on Xia, and you said that Hydraxon and Maxilos created the Cordak blasters...
43. Can the new Hydraxon breathe air?
54. I recall you saying that one of the Barraki was a Rahi. Which one?
6Now for the last and most interesting...
75. My imported BIONICLE: Facts and Figures Activity Book says that the Mask of Life is also known as the Kanohi Korusca. Is this the name originally given to it by the BIONICLE Story Team, from an outdated story bible?
91) No. Ehlek's people are water breathers and they lived in the ocean around Zakaz, not on Zakaz. 102) No, I don't believe I ever said Hydraxon made the blasters. 113) No 124) No, I never said that either. 135) Korusca was a name originally considered for the Mask of Light, not Life
1Hi, I just have 5...
21. Did Ehlek rule Zakaz?
32. Is Hydraxon's homeland Xia? It says on BIONICLE.com that the Cordak blaster was invented on Xia, and you said that Hydraxon and Maxilos created the Cordak blasters...
43. Can the new Hydraxon breathe air?
54. I recall you saying that one of the Barraki was a Rahi. Which one?
6Now for the last and most interesting...
75. My imported BIONICLE: Facts and Figures Activity Book says that the Mask of Life is also known as the Kanohi Korusca. Is this the name originally given to it by the BIONICLE Story Team, from an outdated story bible?
91) No. Ehlek's people are water breathers and they lived in the ocean around Zakaz, not on Zakaz. 102) No, I don't believe I ever said Hydraxon made the blasters. 113) No 124) No, I never said that either. 135) Korusca was a name originally considered for the Mask of Light, not Life
14Interesting info. 15I liked number five. Korusca, huh?
16But Hydraxon only designed the Cordaks. Nobody ever said he actually built them.
1Hi, I just have 5...
21. Did Ehlek rule Zakaz?
32. Is Hydraxon's homeland Xia? It says on BIONICLE.com that the Cordak blaster was invented on Xia, and you said that Hydraxon and Maxilos created the Cordak blasters...
43. Can the new Hydraxon breathe air?
54. I recall you saying that one of the Barraki was a Rahi. Which one?
6Now for the last and most interesting...
75. My imported BIONICLE: Facts and Figures Activity Book says that the Mask of Life is also known as the Kanohi Korusca. Is this the name originally given to it by the BIONICLE Story Team, from an outdated story bible?
91) No. Ehlek's people are water breathers and they lived in the ocean around Zakaz, not on Zakaz. 102) No, I don't believe I ever said Hydraxon made the blasters. 113) No 124) No, I never said that either. 135) Korusca was a name originally considered for the Mask of Light, not Life
14Interesting info. 15I liked number five. Korusca, huh?
16But Hydraxon only designed the Cordaks. Nobody ever said he actually built them.
17Hmm, it's been confirmed that Hydraxon isn't a Vortixx. And it's been confirmed that Ehlek ruled the sea around Zakaz, so I thought why not Zakaz itself?
18Anyway, it's a good thing that I know people in the UK who I can get things from Amazon.co.uk through, huh?
1Ya know, I thought Hydraxon was a Vortixx.
'Cuz he sure looks like one; here's why:
21. He is thin, lean, and covered in weapons, witch appears to be the Xia dress code. (LOL
32. He has black and silver armour, another part of the dress code.
4Annnndd, that's about it.
5" Hydraxon... Hydraxon... Hydraxon..."
: #1 Bionicle fan

21. He is thin, lean, and covered in weapons, witch appears to be the Xia dress code. (LOL

32. He has black and silver armour, another part of the dress code.
4Annnndd, that's about it.
5" Hydraxon... Hydraxon... Hydraxon..."