1Thank you in advance for taking the time out to answer these questions
21. If given a choice and the ability to, would Takanuva rather join the Toa Nuva (I know he's considered an unofficial member of the Toa Nuva already) or the Toa Mahri?
32. Do all the other Toa Nuva officially consider Tahu as their leader?
43. Same question, but with the Toa Mahri and Jaller
54. In terms of ability and advantages, would it be accurate to compare the Miru to a hellicopter and the Kadin to an airplane?
65. Just for official word on this, the Volitak doesn't make you completly invisible like the Huna does, right?
76. Are there any plans to release a Great Kiril or the real form of a Great Pehkui?
87. Can Hahli use her Faxon to use Nocturn or Ehlek (since Ehlek originally was a sea creature)'s powers?
98. Why is it that the mutagen doesn't continue to mutate Matoran who's personal air bubbles run out?
109. Would a Kanohi of Fire be called a Kanohi Tahu (since Tahu means fire)? So and and So forth for ice, air, stone, water, and earth.
111) Right this moment, he would join the Mahri, since they need his help more than the Nuva do. 122) Yes 133) Yes 144) That's not far off, I guess 155) Correct 166) No, not at this time 177) Nocturn's only power is his strength, and that's not really the kind of power I am letting her use. She could use Ehlek's power, because it the same power as an electric eel 188) It would, if they did not get into another one fast enough. 199) Actually, we have never said Tahu meant fire. We have said that "Ta" is a Matoran prefix meaning fire.
20Darn it, I thought I was on to something with number 9.
21. If given a choice and the ability to, would Takanuva rather join the Toa Nuva (I know he's considered an unofficial member of the Toa Nuva already) or the Toa Mahri?
32. Do all the other Toa Nuva officially consider Tahu as their leader?
43. Same question, but with the Toa Mahri and Jaller
54. In terms of ability and advantages, would it be accurate to compare the Miru to a hellicopter and the Kadin to an airplane?
65. Just for official word on this, the Volitak doesn't make you completly invisible like the Huna does, right?
76. Are there any plans to release a Great Kiril or the real form of a Great Pehkui?
87. Can Hahli use her Faxon to use Nocturn or Ehlek (since Ehlek originally was a sea creature)'s powers?
98. Why is it that the mutagen doesn't continue to mutate Matoran who's personal air bubbles run out?
109. Would a Kanohi of Fire be called a Kanohi Tahu (since Tahu means fire)? So and and So forth for ice, air, stone, water, and earth.
111) Right this moment, he would join the Mahri, since they need his help more than the Nuva do. 122) Yes 133) Yes 144) That's not far off, I guess 155) Correct 166) No, not at this time 177) Nocturn's only power is his strength, and that's not really the kind of power I am letting her use. She could use Ehlek's power, because it the same power as an electric eel 188) It would, if they did not get into another one fast enough. 199) Actually, we have never said Tahu meant fire. We have said that "Ta" is a Matoran prefix meaning fire.
20Darn it, I thought I was on to something with number 9.
1actually nocturn has massive strength and regenerative powers
1Got some VERY interesting stuff on the Toa Mata here...
2Hello: I've been reminiscing about the old days, and some questions came to mind.
31) First, I remember you saying that the Av-Matoran homeland used to be guarded, but no longer is. I also know that their homeland, the Universe Core and the World that Feeds the World are all the same place, so this was referring to the Toa Mata leaving to get into their canisters, correct?
42) Did the Toa Mata ever know Takua when he was still with the other Av-Matoran?
53) Something that's been nagging me for a while -- the atlas stated that the Mata had a number of adventures in the WTFTW. I also remember back in 2001, multiple Toa had disturbing dreams before awakening: 6Kopaka said his dreams had been dark ones; Lewa said that his dreams were dark and chaotic; Gali said she had fragments of images that had seemed urgent. Basically, what kind of things did they do? Cause they hint at things that seem worse than some of the things that we've seen in the story. If you can't answer, do you know when we'll find out?
74) The atlas also said that Daxia was the first Toa they walked upon. Was there any particular reason they were there?
85) Was Tahu still the leader back when they were in the WTFTW?
96) Is there any particular story reason why whoever named them (Artakha, I assume) named them after the Matoran prefixes for their matching elements?
10That's all I can think of at the moment. Thanks in advance:
111) We know the Av-Matoran colonized the core -- but you don't colonize your homeland, right? So not sure where you get the idea the homeland and the core are the same? 122) No 133) The dreams they were having related to events that were going on while they were asleep, not events they experienced before that. You will learn something of their early adventures soon, though 144) Yes 155) Yes 166) Cause it made sense -- they had not been Matoran, they were avatars of their elements, so why not name them after them?
17For #1, I know that the Universe Core and the WTFTW are the same, and that the Av-Matoran colonized it. Not their homeland, per se, but bascially were the Mata their protection that left to get inside their canisters?
18Oh, and #3... So, were the dreams during the 999 years of Makuta harassing the Matoran, or before that (since I know they were actually in the canisters for a long while before being launched)?
191) Have you considered the possibility that the Matoran left there, and it was their protection elsewhere that later left? 203) During the 999 years
1You will learn something of their early adventures soon, though

3Hello Mr. Farshtey, I got some questions, hope you can answer them....
41.-Who won, Matoro´s army or Pridak´s?
52.-Where does exactly Into the Darkness happens? (We thought that between BL7 & BL8, Downfall continues right where Prisoners ended.)(Maybe after the Matoro/Pridak conflict?)
63.-I read in another website that Sard&Idris were mutated by the mutagen, is this true?
74.-If you could choose, how long would each book be?
85.-Where did Lesovikk got his Cordak?
96.-Is it true that Tuyet will have a minor role in Into the Darkness?
107.-If you don´t mind, could you please share with us something new about the 2ndEncyclopedia?
118.-Are there plans for a new Bionicle TCG? (because some friends and I like the idea and were planning somethings)
129.-When do you think you will start BL10?
13That´s all, thank´s in advance Mr. Farsthey
141) Follow the story 152) Correct, after the Matoro-Pridak conflict 163) Again, follow the online serial and see 174) Whatever length would sell the best. 185) Odds are he picked it up in his travels before he ever came to the Pit 196) As a corpse, yes 207) Sorry, I don't really have the time right now 218) Not that I know of 229) In another week or so
1Are there any more titans coming this year?
1hi greg i have two questions
21.How/Do bionicles eat?
32.Do they have blood?because I was reading wikipedia and it said that they are biomehcanical so they have lungs and muscles as well as gears etc.But what would be the point of having lungs when you have no blood?
5<Toa Alperx>
61) They can absorb energy by making physical contact with certain kinds of things, like fish and fruit. They don't need to chew and digest like we do.
72) You're assuming that because they have lungs, they have to have a system like we do. They don't. They're not human and never were, so their system works differently than ours does.
21)Where did the Nuva cubes come from?
3a ) Why did it say that the turaga feared the cubes?
42)You and the stry team were planning on startigna new BIONICLE story.
5a ) Does this mean that the Mata Nui awakening/ death be soon?
6b ) Is this change going to happen at the end of this arc, or later later?
7c ) if BIONICLE was rebooted, how big would it be? (New island, new race of matoran, new non-toa heroes?)
83) Say Mata Nui didn't die, but he's asleep and nobody is trying to do any harm to him, would the universe still crumble?
9a ) Does wakening Mata Nui have anything to do with defeating the Makuta?
101) Artakha 111a) Where does it say that? 122) I can't discuss future storyline plans 133) No. Mata Nui has been asleep 1000 years and the universe hasn't crumbled. It crumbles if he dies. 143a) Well, since putting Mata Nui to sleep allowed Makuta free reign with no one more powerful than he is able to stop him, yes.
15Just me clearing up some stuff...
1Here are some intersesting answers from GregF:
21. Which book are you currently working on?
32. If you have time, could you please give us a quote from BL8. I'll understand if your too busy.
43. When will we find out about some of the Toa Mata's early adventures?
54. Can you tell us anything about the Staff of Artakha?
61) I'm on break at the moment 72) Sorry, don't have time to go quote searching right now 83) In the coming year 94) The Nuva think it's on Odina -- but it's not.
1Great Tahu:Master Of Fire: If the Staff it's not on Odina, where is It? Destral?...
2EDIT: Just some random staff... Witha good one
2EDIT: Just some random staff... Witha good one
3Hi Greg, how It's going? I have some questions today:
41) If the Mahri use the mask to be Air-Breathers again, they'll be in their Mahri Forms correct?
52) Exactly, what's the difference of power between a Great Komau and a noble one? I'm guessing that a Great one is able to look at the memories of the "target" while with a noble you just can give him an order.
63) The great tragedy that will haunt the Toa forever is something easy to guess at this time, or mostly hard?
74) You said that in the new Encyclopedia will be explained what has been doing Lesovikk all of this years. It will be a Timeline or text?
85) Not sure If you can answer this last ones: Does the title Shadows In The Sky mean something in the book?
96) I'm not sure If you can anwser this one: There will be an explanation in next year story for the relase of the Ignika at beggining of next year, and not later?
111) Most likely 122) More likely, it is a question of duration -- you can control someone for longer with a Great Mask than with a Noble Mask 133) Impossible for me to answer, I don't know how good a guesser you are. 144) Text 155) The phrase does not get used in the text of the book, it's just the title 166) I don't understand your question. Why would we release something in plastic beginning of the year and then not put it in story until later?
17For six I was meaning that the Mask will be relased early 2008, but I'm guessing It's gonna be used at the end of the year right?
18And another one that I hope you can answer: Do you know why Lego first made two versions of the Mahri Movie with different musics, but then they just used Chris Daughtry one?
191) I can't discuss future storyline 202) Sorry, I have nothing to do with the mini-movies or the music used in them. All of that is handled by our creative agency in Copenhagen
1Yep, more lovley, lovley questions. 21A. Just to make absolutly sure, Takanuva's staff is not the staff of Arthaka, right? 31B. Or the Staff that was left behind with Makuta's body? 42. I understand if you can't confirm this, but is the staff of Arthaka not hidden on an Island we know of yet? 53. Do the OoMn know about Karzahni's corruption, or have evidence to sugest it? 64. Where do you/the team get all the names of Bionicle from? 75. Is there any point in asking about the Piraka's mutations? (I can't get the books where I live, and I heard that they were to be mutated in one of the books.) 8Thanks for the time.
91) Definitely not 101b) Definitely not 112) Not hidden on an island? It's not hidden a lot of places, because it's only hidden one place 123) They do now, yes 134) We make them up 145) Sorry, I don't want to release Book 8 plot spoilers four months before the book comes out
11. do we ever get to see the barraki before there mutation 22. does krakura come before or after toa nuva and toa marhi/inika become turaga or die. 33. does the bom have a body ready for makuta
4You have to PM Greg, the link is on the first page, but I can answer them.
51. No. 62. They may not die or become Turaga, but he comes later. 73. I doubt it.
1actually i think "maybe" if they think hes dead..... its no, if they know hes alive, yes
1Hello Greg
2As many, I have questions for you. Please forgive my poor english, I'm French.
31 Do you get power enhancement when you join the Hand of Arthaka? 42 Same question for the Order 53 BS01 says Shadow Stealer prepares for confrontation with TSO. Does it means he prepares a coup? 64 As Shadow Stealer comes from the Hand like Axonn and Brutaka, he can beat up TSO in one-to-one fight, correct? 75 But TSO has bodyguards and protection. So is Shadow Stealer recruiting an army? 86 Why does TSO want Takanuva dead? Takanuva is Makuta's worst fear:
97 Are the following facts about Kanohi correct? 10a. There are species that need a Kanohi. 11b. If they lack a Kanohi, the stronger are awakened (Toa, Axonn, Makuta, Umbra...), the weak fall into a coma 12c. Some species can use Kanohi with powers. They are not necessary the same as the ones who need a Kanohi. 13d. Some can use only noble (Turaga), some can use noble and great (Toa, Makuta) some can use noble, great and nuva (Toa Nuva)
148 If a regular Toa wears a Hau Nuva, does it acts like a regular Hau or like a powerless mask? 159 In the French version of the first movie, Makuta said "my duty is to keep the mask of shadow". Is it a correct translation?
16Thank you:
181) Sometimes, not always 192) Same answer 203) Or simply wants to defeat TSO 214) Not necessarily. Not every member of the Hand was a powerhouse, some were members with other skills 225) No. The more people you involve in a conspiracy, the better the chance your target will find out about it 236) Cause Takanuva is all that stands between the Dark Hunters and seizing Metru Nui
247a) Correct 257b) Did you mean the stronger are weakened by not having a Kanohi? That's correct. 267c) We do not know that there are any beings who can use Kanohi who would not be weakened by losing it. 277d) Turaga, Toa and others like Makuta can use Noble and Great Masks, only Toa Nuva can use Nuva masks 288) He wouldn't be able to make it work 299) No. What he said in English was "my duty is to the Mask of Shadow" -- basically to what the mask stands for
2As many, I have questions for you. Please forgive my poor english, I'm French.
31 Do you get power enhancement when you join the Hand of Arthaka? 42 Same question for the Order 53 BS01 says Shadow Stealer prepares for confrontation with TSO. Does it means he prepares a coup? 64 As Shadow Stealer comes from the Hand like Axonn and Brutaka, he can beat up TSO in one-to-one fight, correct? 75 But TSO has bodyguards and protection. So is Shadow Stealer recruiting an army? 86 Why does TSO want Takanuva dead? Takanuva is Makuta's worst fear:
97 Are the following facts about Kanohi correct? 10a. There are species that need a Kanohi. 11b. If they lack a Kanohi, the stronger are awakened (Toa, Axonn, Makuta, Umbra...), the weak fall into a coma 12c. Some species can use Kanohi with powers. They are not necessary the same as the ones who need a Kanohi. 13d. Some can use only noble (Turaga), some can use noble and great (Toa, Makuta) some can use noble, great and nuva (Toa Nuva)
148 If a regular Toa wears a Hau Nuva, does it acts like a regular Hau or like a powerless mask? 159 In the French version of the first movie, Makuta said "my duty is to keep the mask of shadow". Is it a correct translation?
16Thank you:
181) Sometimes, not always 192) Same answer 203) Or simply wants to defeat TSO 214) Not necessarily. Not every member of the Hand was a powerhouse, some were members with other skills 225) No. The more people you involve in a conspiracy, the better the chance your target will find out about it 236) Cause Takanuva is all that stands between the Dark Hunters and seizing Metru Nui
247a) Correct 257b) Did you mean the stronger are weakened by not having a Kanohi? That's correct. 267c) We do not know that there are any beings who can use Kanohi who would not be weakened by losing it. 277d) Turaga, Toa and others like Makuta can use Noble and Great Masks, only Toa Nuva can use Nuva masks 288) He wouldn't be able to make it work 299) No. What he said in English was "my duty is to the Mask of Shadow" -- basically to what the mask stands for
1Okay, after reading Dreams of Destruction, Part 1, The Many Deaths of Toa Tuyet, and Bionicle Update, I had a lot of questions.
21. Toa Tuyet wore a Mask of Intangibility. Is there a reason why you use the word 'Intangibility' instead of something like 'Phasing', where if you go out of phase you can pass through any object?
32. When did we hear about Devastator? Was it in a BrickMaster magazine, by any chance (I don't get those magazines, only Lego).
43. The Dark Hunter who mimicked Keetongu, have we heard of him before? (I don't recall any DH with chameleon powers, but what about someone like Triglax..)
54. When did the Tuyet story happen in relation to the DH war and the Kanohi Dragon incident?
65. Are there now two Toa of Water on Lhikan's team, because one was still around to run for reinforcements in the DH/Toa War?
76. After Tuyet's death, how many Toa were there when the Dark Hunters came calling in their war? Because if all eleven stayed around, that would make ten, but I thought that some of them left aftere the Kanohi Dragon problem...
87. If Lhikan and Nidhiki failed to stop Tuyet, would the OoMN's operative have showed up and promptly 'removed' Tuyet and the Nui Stone? I know they were aware of the situation because of Botar...
98. In Dreams of Destruction Part 1, Sarda at first has no clue who Lesovikk is. But then, he doesn't dare hope the newcomer is in fact Toa Lesovikk. So when did he remember? When he heard the voice and quote 'Knowledge is a sharper weapon then the sword'?
109. The Turaga say that there are only fourty-two kratta powers. My question is, could there be more, since you say that each Makuta has fourty-plus powers, rather then fourty-two?
111) "Phasing" is really more of a pop culture term for this power, used mostly in X-Men. It's really not a scientific term for intangibility. 122) Yes, it was in BrickMaster 133) Made him up for the story 144) After KD, before DH war. I haven't fixed the timing more exactly than that. 155) Yup 166) Probably around 7 177) But Botar did not get involved until she had been captured, and had Nidhiki and Lhikan failed there, it would have been too late. A Toa with the power of dozens, maybe hundreds of other Toa would have been too much for any one OOMN member to handle. 188) Yes, the quote tipped him off, because Jovan used to say that 199) I say 40 because you 42 natural powers plus a varying number of mask powers they can access based on which mask a given Makuta is wearing
206. Around seven? Were any of the four Ice Toa still around? 217. What? But there were only two Toa near Tuyet at the time. If the OoMN member had the strength of, say Axonn or Brutaka, who could take two Piraka to pieces, then why would the powers of three Toa prove a challenge? 227a. What would have happened then? Would the OoMN have revealed itself directly in challenge to Tuyet? Or would the Brotherhood have taken things into their own hands (Rahkshi, Visorak, Exo-Toa, etc., supplemented by BoM members)? 238. Are you saying that the only reason Sarda remembered Lesovikk was because his memory was so mixed up he thought that Jovan was Lesovikk (Or something like that?) And he remembered someone he knew saying that quote, and remembered the name Lesovikk? 248a. Did Jovan tell Lesovikk that knowledge was a sharper weapon then the sword? Or are the two connected somehow else?
256) Some were, some weren't 267) But she hadn't yet absorbed all the power yet, and the attack caught her by surprise. Once she had fully absorbed the power, you wouldn't have been able to attack her like that. 277a) Odds are the Brotherhood would have gone after her first, since it was their job. Order would have revealed itself only if she used her powers for evil. If she, for example, wiped out the DH, why would the Order care? 288) No. I am saying that hearing Jovan's words sparked a memory in Sarda of his past, and so he remembered Lesovikk, who was part of that past. 298a) Jovan did tell him that, and he told other people that too.
307a. You mean, if all Tuyet did was destroy the evil beings in the universe, the Order would have just left her alone till the Brotherhood defeated her? 317b. Would they have sent her to the Pit then with Botar (Although, Makuta might recognize Botar and get suspicious...) 328a. How were Jovan and Lesovikk connected? Were they on the team that used the Ignika? 338b. Did Jovan tell them that when he was a Turaga or a Toa?
347a) Sure. Tuyet would have been preserving order, which is what the Order is all about. And I am not so certain the Brotherhood would have defeated her. 357b) You are assuming Botar would have come for her when Makuta was around. 368a) No. Lesovikk spent time as a Toa on the continent. 378b) Sarda would have heard it as a Turaga, because he never knew Jovan as a Toa.
38These are from a long, long time ago. I may have posted them here, but after a week and a half of inactivity, I can't remember. Anything interesting at all? (Suspects nothing)
1Yes, actually -- the fact that Jovan told Lesovikk that knowledge quote is new to us: Thanks: 

1I think we learned the Jovan thing about a week ago, but the thing about the Lhikan's team having onl 7 members in the DH War was new:
1Just one really quick question: Are the Toa Nuva going to retrieve Lhikan's Hau only to respect the former hero? There isn't another reason for retrieving it, right?
2What they're doing isn't about Lhikan. It's about Jaller.
3Nothing big, but maybe a bit interesting.
4Yeah, the Toa Nuva never knew Lhikan... 5--BufFooN
1Just one really quick question: Are the Toa Nuva going to retrieve Lhikan's Hau only to respect the former hero? There isn't another reason for retrieving it, right?
2What they're doing isn't about Lhikan. It's about Jaller.
3Nothing big, but maybe a bit interesting.
4Yeah, the Toa Nuva never knew Lhikan... 5--BufFooN
6But the knew about him and respected him.
1Just one really quick question: Are the Toa Nuva going to retrieve Lhikan's Hau only to respect the former hero? There isn't another reason for retrieving it, right?
2What they're doing isn't about Lhikan. It's about Jaller.
3Nothing big, but maybe a bit interesting.
4Yeah, the Toa Nuva never knew Lhikan... 5--BufFooN
6But the knew about him and respected him.
7Nuva only knew him through the Turaga though...
1Just one really quick question: Are the Toa Nuva going to retrieve Lhikan's Hau only to respect the former hero? There isn't another reason for retrieving it, right?
2What they're doing isn't about Lhikan. It's about Jaller.
3Nothing big, but maybe a bit interesting.
4Yeah, the Toa Nuva never knew Lhikan... 5--BufFooN
6But the knew about him and respected him.
7Nuva only knew him through the Turaga though...
8Doesn't mean they can't honor and respect him; they know what he did.
1Just one really quick question: Are the Toa Nuva going to retrieve Lhikan's Hau only to respect the former hero? There isn't another reason for retrieving it, right?
2What they're doing isn't about Lhikan. It's about Jaller.
3Nothing big, but maybe a bit interesting.
4Yeah, the Toa Nuva never knew Lhikan... 5--BufFooN
6But the knew about him and respected him.
7Nuva only knew him through the Turaga though...
8Doesn't mean they can't honor and respect him; they know what he did.
9I agree with you, but I believe it was Tahu's decision to go there Greg said. Since it involves Jaller maybe Tahu wants the mask of one of his Matoran back.
1Some new things
2Hello Mr. Farshtey, I hope you're doing great. 3I hope you can answer these...
41.-Can Kongu actually do what he does in his game?(use his empty Cordak to give him impulse with air)
52.-Greg, with all respect and admiration , I think you made a mistake. When you introduced Lesovikk to the story, you revealed that the Voya Nui Matoran know him. But that is not possible, because those Matoran in particular were tricked by the Piraka and had never met a real Toa before the Nuva. Could you please explain this issue?
63.-Where did Toa Lesovikk meet Turaga Jovan? In the mainland?
74.-How could that happen?, Lesovikk met Jovan and didn´t met his Matoran friends?
85.-When Voya Nui rocketed to the "surface world", it did leave a hole in the "ceiling", right?
96.-The hole that Voya Nui made is still there, leaking water?
107.-When Voya Nui returns to the mainland, will it make a new hole, or will it return through the old one?
118.-I read that some squids are able to impulse themselves through a "valve" thing, can Kalmah, or his squid do that?
129.-Could you please give us a clue about the Metru Nui civil war? (political, economic or social causes), or a Matoran ambition that was too evil for their own good an the universe´s?
1310.-How could Lesovikk and Karzahni be so...sloppy...to just go into the sea if they ignored the existence of the Mutagen?
1411.-Is the experimentation with Kraata something new or old for the BoM?
1512.-How is it seen between members?(something revolting, innovating)
1613.-Is the Terrain Crawler unique in its kind?
1714.-How could a chamber be created in the Cord (for the TTC) if it was made from a lava leak?
1815.-And how did the TTC get into it?
1916.- (And more important perhaps) How did Axonn know of its existence?
2017.-Why does Karzahni doesn´t want light to go into his realm?, or was someone else who put the barrier 21anti-light?
2218.-Can Dekar be considered a Vezon Hydraxon?
2319.-How could the Power Sword be tempered to withstand xtreme temperatures and the AquaWarblade be designed for a master warrior if they were made by the Ignika?
24That´s all, thank you in advance. I hope you can answer all of them
251) Not something I've thought much about. I suppose if the designers are working on the assumption that the Cordak uses compressed air to fire its missiles, then arguably you could make a case for it being a means of propulsion.
262) Actually, no, I didn't do that. Let's go over what has actually been stated in text: 27-- The Matoran present on Voya Nui when the Piraka attacked had not seen Toa before. 28-- Sarda (and Idris) have met one before, Lesovikk. 29-- Lesovikk knew Jovan at some point.
30So is there a contradiction here? No, and her's why:
31It has been stated previously that Turaga from a number of different islands sent Matoran over the years to Karzahni -- this includes the mad Turaga from Lesovikk's land who dispatched Sarda, Idris and others. Sarda and Idris and a number of others, including the Voya Nui Matoran, all wound up being shipped from Karzahni to the mainland - but they did not ORIGINATE in the same place. That's important. Garan, Balta, etc. originally came from a land where there were no Toa -- Sarda and Idris came from a place guarded by Lesovikk. They all wound up in Karzahni and then all wound up on the mainland together, but they were not native to the same place.
32Lesovikk obviously met Jovan, but it is never stated he met him when he was a Turaga -- far more likely he met him when Jovan was a Toa.
33Are/were there other Matoran besides Sarda and Idris who knew Lesovikk? Yes, some in Mahri Nui. There were also Matoran who died in Karzahni, died when Voya Nui broke off and died when Mahri Nui sank, so how many of Lesovikk's original Matoran still survive at this point is unknown. Note that when Defilak first meets the Mahri, he indicates that he knows what Toa are, but never mentions Lesovikk or having seen one before.
343) He never met Jovan as a Turaga. He met him when he was a Toa before Jovan was on the mainland.
354) See answer to #3. Lesovikk quotes something Jovan said to him once, he never says he heard it from a Turaga. Sarda heard Jovan repeat it as a Turaga.
365-6) Yes and yes
377) Follow the story and find out.
388) I don't know what it is you're referring to.
399) Not something I have bothered to flesh out at this point.
4010) Two answers -- how would they know of it? If there is a dangerous substance in the water at the beach, can you tell with your naked eye? And even if you assume they did know, do heroes and villains routinely shy away from their goals because the environment they have to go into is dangerous?
4111) New
4212) Necessary.
4313) Unique in its modifications
4414) Why do you assume that a rock formation formed by a lava leak couldn't have a chamber form naturally? All rock formations, including tunnels, caverns etc. in our world formed naturally.
4515) Axonn put it there
4616) See answer to #16. Axonn obviously knew of the cord, since he opened it for the Toa, and he knew of Mahri Nui, and he knows what has to be done to return Voya Nui where it belongs. So it makes sense he would know what was in the cord as well.
4717) I do not see Karzahni as constructing that. I see it as more likely the OOMN did that to keep Matoran of Light out of Karzahni's realm.
4818) I suppose
4919) If you accept the Ignika made them, why do you have a hard time with the idea it made them well?
1Thanks Thirdview, now we know that Lesovikk met Jovan when he was a Toa. I want the Encyclopedia to know more:
1Some important info on the Swamp of Secrets:
2Hello again, Greg. I just have one question for you.
3Recently, this picture was seen in the loading sequence for the command center in bioniclestory.com. Many believe it to be the first picture of 2008 location, AKA the "swamp of secrets". Could you explain exactly what it is and how it got there?
4Thank you once again for your time.
5~Shadow Rahkshi
6Not an 08 pic to my knowledge. The first swamp images have just been completed, I saw them last week, and they did not look like that. They looked more like the Louisiana bayou or the Everglades. That could just as easily be an underwater shot with sunlight coming down through the water, given the color of the background.
1I got a rather interesting answer when I asked Greg if every species had their own language...
2Some do have their own dialects, yes, but Matoran is sort of like a universal language -- sort of the way all EU countries have their own languages, but most people you meet when you travel there are also able to speak English.
1Did Greg just confirm next year's location as a swamp?
(Not that we hadn't already guessed from the Swamp of Secrets title, but that didn't mean that it was the final location...)
2Intentional or otherwise (I think the latter), this is pretty sweet. (And I'm really lookin' forward to it based upon the description.)
3EDIT: Ehlek The Chain Lord, what are you talking about? Two locations? Not once have I seen that stated (particularly the "inside a larger one" portion).
4EDIT2: Yeah, umm... I'm going to have to disagree. I'm a moderator at BS01, and that definitely wasn't on there. So what you heard was probably just a fan prediction/a not-so-well-informed member trying to act informed.

2Intentional or otherwise (I think the latter), this is pretty sweet. (And I'm really lookin' forward to it based upon the description.)
3EDIT: Ehlek The Chain Lord, what are you talking about? Two locations? Not once have I seen that stated (particularly the "inside a larger one" portion).
4EDIT2: Yeah, umm... I'm going to have to disagree. I'm a moderator at BS01, and that definitely wasn't on there. So what you heard was probably just a fan prediction/a not-so-well-informed member trying to act informed.
11. What was Maxilos doing the 1,000 years after the Pit flooded?
22. Can the MoLi choose not to curse someone (even if they're not destined to have it), or does it automaticlly curse them (even if the mask knows the being is trying to defend it)?
33. Will Karzahni only be appearing online this year, like Lesovikk?
44. Is there any special reason Artakha (the being) doesn't want others to see him?
55. Would a Toa of Crystle be possible?
66. Why is Botar immune to the Pit Mutagen? Is it a natural immunity, or is because he stays for half a second?
77. Does a Toa Tool have to be specialy made to be able to focus its user's elemental powers, or will just about any tool do the job?
91) Hunting escapees 102) Yes but it doesn't -- it lashes out by reflex 113) Yes 124) I'm sure there is, yes 135) I don't know, how powerful is a Toa who can create glass going to be? 146) He's not immune. He simply never is there long enough for it to work on him 157) Doesn't have to be specially made
1Did Greg just confirm next year's location as a swamp? (Not that we hadn't already guessed from the Swamp of Secrets title, but that didn't mean that it was the final location...)
2Intentional or otherwise (I think the latter), this is pretty sweet. (And I'm really lookin' forward to it based upon the description.)
3EDIT: Ehlek The Chain Lord, what are you talking about? Two locations? Not once have I seen that stated (particularly the "inside a larger one" portion).
4EDIT2: Yeah, umm... I'm going to have to disagree. I'm a moderator at BS01, and that definitely wasn't on there. So what you heard was probably just a fan prediction/a not-so-well-informed member trying to act informed.
5Actually ET, is in the Official New Bionicle Books Topic:
62008 actually occurs in two settings within one larger one...
1Sent this to greg a bit ago, I got an interesting answer
4That got me curious. Who could he have been in debt too? The BoM? If so that would make an interesting journey for the Nuva.
2I read in the OGD that the staff of Arthaka is not on Odina. Does this mean that it was stolen from TSO or lost in a conflict with the BOM. Or is it that TSO is hiding the staff from the other Dark Hunters?
3TSO used it as payment for a debt
4That got me curious. Who could he have been in debt too? The BoM? If so that would make an interesting journey for the Nuva.
1Hi Greg, just thought you could answer some questions:
21a Where their any non major elements in Lhikan's Team? ex: Plasma 31b If so What Element? 42 Would it be possible for a Toa of Metals? 53 Does Zakaz have an important role in the storyline? 64 How many rounds of Cordak Rockets would it take to destroy the Cord? 75 How Many things are there on the List the Toa Nuva have? 86 Can Vezok fix the spear of Fusion? 97 This is what the discriptions of the Toa Terrain Crawler says; 10"Returning from saving the Matoran of Mahri Nui in their Toa Terrain Crawler, the Toa Mahri are ambushed by the evil Barraki: Will the Toa Mahri survive or has their quest for the Mask of Life come to a horrible end?" 11I would assume the bold part has some thing to do with the Zaktan/ Jaller Quote you released right? 128a Does the story team have an exact number of Islands? 138b If so, How many? 149 Is it possible to make a Great Mask in a simpler shape like a Rau?
161) I haven't sketched out his entire team because I haven't had any need to 172) I suppose so 183) It gave us the Piraka, so it already has had 194) A lot 205) Hasn't been revealed - it's going to come down to how many things I can fit into the 10 chapters 216) Time will tell, at this point, I'm not doing much with him 227) Yes 238) No, we make them up as we need them 249) I guess, why?
25So now we know a possible element and a slight overview of Downfall