1If Makuta have elements, then what is MOMN's element?
1That Lesovikk destiny thing is good, that pretty much proves he'll be in 08, I hope he will and it won't be via flashback or something.
1Bunch of Great info: I hope this isn't old news to you guys: 2Hi Greg: I have some questions I can hoping you would answer:
31. Can Av-Matoran change how their mask shape looks like by reflecting the light? Can they also change how their body looks like?
42. Is it possible for a Makuta to take a body and then shapeshift and then leave the body so that the body is a new form?
5Thanks: 6[=-PoI-=
71) They can change the color of their body or mask, but not their perceived shape. 82) No. Makuta can only shapeshift when they are in Makuta armor.
9Hey Greg. I sent you a reply some time ago, but it seems the server ate it up. So Here I go again:
101. Connecting of your reply...Makuta can change and the three Phantuka are "weakened" or not at full power. Also in the back of the new comic there was a pic of Antroz and Raidak. They're face looks very similar except the Antroz has sharper teeth. Did Antroz change form to suit the mutated Av-Matoran?
11Same goes for Lewa and Tanma, their masks look the same, especially in the teaser. Did Tanma change his mask form to suit Lewa's?
122. So there is special armor for Makuta? Where is it made? And if a Makuta in Makuta armor shapeshifts and leaves it, will it revert to its original form, or will it stay shape-shifted?
133. In Bionicle World it states that the Coliseum is cracking, and it is related to Mata-Nui's health. No since Mata-Nui is alive again, did it fix itself?
14And since the Ignika is also conneted to Mata-Nui (clor cange) is the Coliseum related to the Ignika?
154. What happened to Matoro's Tryna? Is it in the Universe Core? Or did it also change into energy?
16Thanks. 17[=-PoI-=
181) No. Antroz could care less about making the Matoran feel better about his appearance. 19Tanma can't do that. He can change how you perceive his color, he is not a shapeshifter.
202) It was originally made on Artakha out of protosteel. And it would stay shapeshifted, most likely.
213) That gets dealt with in Chapter 9 of the Toa Nuva Blog
224) It also changed into energy, along with his armor and weapons.
23Well since I read the new updates (Best so far I think, so much infoA few more questions...
241)...Hmmm...is there a reason why the Mutated Av-Matoran look similar to their Makuta counterparts (set-wise)? 25And can the mutated ones still change color? 26And the same for Tanma... is the color change completely coincidental?
272) Mutran. I was shocked when I heard another Makuta in ItD 8. You also said that there is a Makuta that has the specialty of mutation. Mutran seems to have derived from mutate and transform. Is this the Makuta with the specialty of mutation?
283) Although you can't probably answer this, is Mutran the other titan of January 2008?
294) Well the Ignika was still falling down the waterfall to the core... And so technically since the Swamp of Secrets is so big and it's only a swamp... I'm guessing the mask fell to the swamp?
305) Someone saw Matoro with the Ignika. Is this person "Good", "Bad" or neutral?
316) Is there any specific reason the Nuva split into these groups (Lewa, Pohatu, Kopaka in one and Tahu, Gali, Onua in another)? Or was it just Tahu's whim?
327) Does Metru-Nui know anything about the Nuva's new task about the Universe Core, or are the member of the OoMN the only ones?
338) Ehlek wore a breathing apparatus while he was with the other Barraki on land. Was Nocturn Ehlek's Lieutenant back then? If he was, did he wear a similar apparatus or is he Amphibious? If he is amphibious, couldn't he technically walk out onto land and be free?
34Loads of Thanks Greg. Keep up the serials: It keeps the interest running and it's easier to wait for the comics and books:[=-PoI-=
351) It's how they were made by the set designers. You want Matoran who are going to look right attached to the larger figures. 362) One of two 373) I don't know if you can call him that, because he is not alone in his set, he comes with another character you have not heard of yet 384) Good guess 395) I don't want to reveal that yet, though people should know within a month or so 406) Well, you definitely want Lewa in a team that is fighting in the air ... since Tahu and Kopaka are both good tactical leaders, it makes sense to split them up ... you want Gali where there is going to be water ... and you want Onua where there will be earth/mud. So the only question is whether you have Tahu or Kopaka stay upstairs while the rest go down, and we opted for Kopaka as a January launch, so that made the decision for us. 417) No, no one in Metru Nui would have any way of knowing that. The Mahri have not seen the Nuva since they departed Voya Nui. 428) No, Nocturn did not become Ehlek's lieutenant until after the escape from the original Pit. And I believe it has been stated someplace that Nocturn is amphibious, so yes, he could live on land. But I think his atttitude is, and do what? He doesn't mind where he is -- plenty to eat, no one really bothering him all that much (outside of Pridak) -- last time he was on land, he got hunted down and sent to the Pit, so why risk that again?
43Yes that means Mutran is a set. And he is good at mutation. Mutran sounds like a pretty cool guy.
1Some very useful Toa of Iron things
2I just need a clarification on some things regarding the Toa of Iron...
31. Considering Protodermis is pretty much the staple "Metal" in the Bioniverse, Iron seems like a bit of a rare, oddball material to devote a whole element to. Is there something about Iron in the Bioniverse that is special and unique?
42. Does "Iron" refer to Iron specifically or is it just a blanket term for all Bioniverse metals? As a physical element, "Iron" control seems a bit too limited to be useful, while control over metal in general (As opposed to protodermis) would be more effective as an element.
53. How, exactly, would the powers of a Toa of Iron work?
64. Would the powers of a Toa of Iron be much different from those of a Toa of Magnetism?
7Thanks a bunch
81) No, I just like the term iron better than I like the term metal, so I used it -- it refers to metallic protodermis. 92) The latter 103-4) A Toa of Iron can create and control metallic protodermis (the same way a Toa of Fire can create and control fire -- and note that a Toa of Magnetism can only affect metal already present in the area, he cannot CREATE new metal.) So examples might be -- caging a Rahi by creating metal bars around it out of thin air ... blocking an attack by creating a thick metal shield ... shooting iron spikes at enemies ... tearing open a thick metal door ... strengthening armor of himself or allies, or weakening that of enemies ... etc., etc.
1Hmmmmm... interesting. well, for me.
2Hello Greg, it's me again. i just have one question that always puzzels me. 31. You've always said that there isn't any Toa of Darkness because darkness is evil. But then you've always said that darkness is only evil because the Makuta wield it for evil use. so really, i don't see why there can't be Toa of Darkness, seeing as before the Makuta rebelled, darkness wasn't an evil element.
4Thanks in advance. Yubel
5Well, there is another reason for this as well -- there are no Matoran of Shadow. Shadow was a power largely restricted to the Makuta, although it is possible to train others, like Roodaka, in its use. With no Matoran of Shadow, you can't have a Toa of Shadow.
1I got some stuff from Greg earlier today. Reading through the latest answers, a few of them are now old news, but they're pretty interesting, I think.
21The first two were just for Bioniclepedia, the Wikia Bionicle wiki. The rest I was just curious about, especially number 7, which I've been wanting to know since I first saw the Hahli Mahri set earlier this year.
2Hi, Greg.Just curious about some things you may or may not have said about the 2008 characters because of what someone put on Bioniclepedia. And I have a few other random questions.
31. Have you said who the leader of the 2008 good Matoran are (and if not, could you say)? 41a. The leader of the Makuta (Antroz, Vamprah and Chirox, specifically, and whoever else is part of that team)
52. Have you said anything about their personality? For example, someone wrote on Bioniclepedia that Tanma is the strongest.
63. The Toa Nuva aren't rebuilt at the end of the year; they just put on new armor that can be removed. Their old forms are still underneath. Am I correct?
74. The nine-foot warrior in the Toa Nuva Blog wasn't the leader of the Order of Mata Nui, correct? 84a. If not, is he at least of a high rank in the Order?
95. You've said that Shadow was only recognized as an evil element after the corruption of the Brotherhood, but when asked if there could be a Toa of Shadow, you've said that it was an evil element and thus not an element for a hero to control. So couldn't Toa of Shadow have seemed normal before the Brotherhood's corruption, or is it just not a Toa element?
106. Is Mutran the one winter Makuta who we haven't heard of yet, or is he/she even a set this year?
117. Hahli still has her wing-fins, correct? If so, could she achieve limited flight with them?
12That's all for now. Thanks in advance, and hopefully this message will get through to you without any trouble.
131) No, I haven't commented on either and it might as well wait until at least the sets are out for sale. 142) No, that is someone making stuff up. I have not discussed the Matoran's personalities or powers at all, beyond the standard Matoran of Light ability to change how you perceive their color. 153) Correct 164) Correct 174a) No 185) It's also not a Toa element because it's not a Matoran element -- there is no Matoran of Shadow tribe, so no one to turn into a Toa of Shadow. 196) Yes, he is a set in 2008 207) I don't think so, no -- if you had a fish with fins like that, it would not be able to fly.
21The first two were just for Bioniclepedia, the Wikia Bionicle wiki. The rest I was just curious about, especially number 7, which I've been wanting to know since I first saw the Hahli Mahri set earlier this year.
1Hi Greg. 2I have only two little questions. 31) Makuta's masks can be worn by the toa Nuva? 42)In the storyline (different from the sets), all the Makuta have the same height or they keep the differents of the sets? 5Thanks, Kaxix.
61) Yes 72) Makuta are shapeshifters, so their heights can vary as they need them to. In 2001, we saw a Makuta who was the size of a Matoran, and in 2004, we saw the same one as a big titan and the size of a Turaga.
82) Yes, so maybe the dimensions are as the sets.
1Got who Mutran is right.The Nuva armour's pretty neat.
1I've been collecting these for a while, so I thought I should post them. Some may be old news, and I deleted the inconclusive ones.

21) How do you pronounce the following names?
3Reysa 4Kyrehx 5Defilak 6Dekar
71) RAY-sa 8KI (pronounced like "eye")-wrecks 9Deh-FILL-lack 10DAY-kar
11Cool. I wasn't expecting Defilak's, but oh well.
122) Why didn't Makuta use the Rahi on Mata Nui to steal the Toa Mata Kanohi for himself? Why did he just guard them? I know he wouldn't do much with them but at least it would render the Toa weaker.
132) You are assuming he wanted the Toa Mata well and truly stopped. He didn't. If he did, he could have killed them when they invaded Mangaia in 2001. Makuta's plan has less to do with stopping the Toa from what they want to do as controlling how and when they do it.
153) Why didn't Vakama get visions as a Hordika?
163) Because his mind was clouded by the bestial side of himself -- he couldn't focus.
17Makes sense.
184) Will we learn what Jovan's team did with the Ignika next year?
194) No, more likely you will piece it together this year.
20Do we know what they did yet? I haven't heard anything.
215) Exactly how big is Nocturn's island? About how many of his kind were on it? And how exactly do you break an island that's rooted to the ground?
225) You break the root as well. It was a decent sized island, probably slightly smaller than Metru Nui, with a few thousand of his people on it (pretty densely populated).
246) Are we going to learn where Voya Nui got its lava from and how it floated in the water for 300 years? And what stopped the lava flow after the cord was formed?
256) The flow did not stop, hence the fact that you had additional land being formed over time. The shape of Voya Nui is not its original shape. As for why it floated, why wouldn't it? And no, I don't plan on going into where the lava comes from. I think revealing every little bit of everything ruins BIONICLE's mystique.
266) It should sink because rock = heavier than water.
276) The Queen Mary is heavier than water, too, and it floats.
286) How did Mahri Nui sink then?
296) Simple. The original mass of Voya Nui was not in the same shape it is in now. The land Mahri Nui was on was formed by cooling lava after Voya Nui broke off and so was not necessarily the same substance as what kept the island buoyant. Therefore, when that weaker land mass broke off, it sank.
30Makes sense now.
317) Are Hewkii Mahri's chains and shoulder blades part of him or are they detachable?
327) Detachable.
33I heard they were part of him, which got me worried. Glad they're not.
348) Why don't the Mahri Nui Matoran weapons have powers? They were on Voya Nui, so I'd assume they were from Karzahni as well. Unless they malfunctioned after Mahri Nui sank?
358) You answered your own question. They weren't designed for immersion in water.
36Thought so.
379) Would everything the Ignika has done be undone if it was destroyed?
389) I would say no. If it was destroyed, the force of Life would be unleashed on the universe, though, which would bring about a cataclysmic disaster.
39Dear oh dear...![]()
4010) Is it safe to assume that since Hydraxon trained the Toa Mata that he made the weapons the sets have?
4110) No, it's not safe to assume that. They had the weapons before they started training with him. Artakha made their weapons.
4311) Is Balta a Ta-Matoran?
4411) Yes.
45Thought he might have been an Av-Matoran, nevermind.
4612) Is Kalmah blind in his left or right eye?
4712) Neither, it was his top eye.
48Huh, I read something about his "blind side" in Legends #6...
4912) Why did Pridak ruin it?
5012) Because Kalmah was acting out, and Pridak was enforcing discipline.
51Of course.
5213) Which book will reveal Makuta Metru's new host/body?
5313) Who says he has one?
5413) Doesn't he need a body to survive?
5513) He does indeed, but he can survive a few weeks without one if need be. We know at least some time passed between his armor being shattered in B1 and the crystal vat being constructed on Voya Nui.
5714) There will be five Makuta in January, correct?
5814) I believe so, yes.
59Antroz, Chirox, Vamprah, Mutran and Icarax.
6015) Will the conqueror of the Visorak be in the January three or the July three?
6115) Summer set.
62So not necessarily a canister set.
6316) About the Mahri, what of the Cordak blasters? Will they discard them once they run out of rockets, since there aren't any more around? Will Kongu keep his to channel his air power through, since he has no other weapon?
6416) Kongu could certainly get another weapon crafted for him in the forges of Ta-Metru, if need be, and as long as they have one piece of ammo left, the Matoran could probably duplicate the ammo. The weapons were built by Matoran to start with.
6617) In Prisoners of the Pit, Jaller says something along the lines of "This is bad. Our weapons are gone..." etc. Their weapons didn't disappear, did they? Is that an error? If not, where did they get them?
6717) Their old weapons were gone, replaced by new ones, and the old ones were the ones they were used to with the energy powers.
68Oh, I get it. Kinda confusing.
6918) Is Hydraxon going to repair Maxilos? Will he succeed?
7018) I tend to doubt it, Maxilos is pretty trashed and Hydraxon is not an Artakha-level scientist. He also has pretty much nothing in terms of tools or machinery to work with.
71Oh right, didn't think of that.

1Hey. I have one question for you.
2Do you know what the first toa has been doing in between the construction of metru nui and the current saga that's taking place in mahri nui? If you can't answer it yet, i'll understand.
3P.S. I already sent it via P.M., but i decided to post the question on here too.
4Read the Toa Nuva Blog on http://bioniclestory.com.
5Why should he do that?![]()
6Maybe it's coming up?![]()
7From what I heard, I don't think the Nuva Blog will explain any of that. Do youhave a source, Calc84Maniac?
9I think he's talking about the Nuva, but who knows. I mean, they ARE referenced as the First Toa by members a lot, not neccesarily here...
10Okay, guys. I got the official word on the First Toa and the Nuva Blog:
11Hey, Greg. In the OGD, someone said that the Nuva Blog will explain what the First Toa has been doing during the current saga. Is this true? I don't recall you saying that.
13No, the Nuva blog does not do that. BIONICLE Legends #10 does that.
14There's you're answer.15~CN
16Yeah, I misread that and thought he was talking about the Mata/Nuva.

17By the way, I think the female voice might actually be the leader of OOMN. I remember someone saying to Greg in a PM that it would be cool if the leader was female, and Greg said that he liked the suggestion. Unless I misread that too.

1That female should be the leader of the OoMN.
1Questions normal, answers bold.
21. I think you mentioned somewhere that Lesovikk seemed more willing to kill Karzahni than a Toa would normally be, because he does not think he is worthy of the title. That seems reasonable, but why are Sarda and Idris helping him then?
31) Simple. Sarda and Idris are not Toa, they don't live by that code. Matoran have killed in the past to defend their villages from attack, and certainly they killed in the Matoran Civil War way back when. It's really no different from the fact that say, a soldier in a war might kill an enemy, but Superman would not kill that same enemy -- just capture him -- because he is more powerful than an average human and has a code not to kill.
42. How does a Toa of Iron's power differ from that of a Toa of Magnetism?
52) I have been getting this question a lot, and I'm not sure why -- a Toa of Iron can create and control metal. A Toa of Magnetism can create and control magnetic force -- they're not the same thing. If you are charging at Toa of Iron, he can cause a solid wall of metal to block your war, or iron bars to surround you like a jail cell.
6Put simply, a Toa of Magnetism can affect existing metal in the area, but cannot create any on his own. A Toa of Iron can affect existing metal in the area AND create his own, the same way a Toa of Fire can work with any fire nearby and create fire on his own.
72. But that is a bit of an overlap. Basically, a Toa of Iron can do anything a Toa of Magnetism can, but not vice versa, it seems.
82) Nope -- far from it. A Toa of Magnetism can shape and manipulate magnetic fields -- a Toa of Iron cannot. He can make a force field out of magnetic force -- a Toa of Iron cannot. He can also use magnetic fields to fly. A Toa of Iron cannot.
1phoenix of ice great info about mutran being the unknown titan. hes gonna come with another set just like maxilos&spinax.
1Here's the reason why Greg chose iron instead of metal and also take a look at 3
2Hi Greg
3Some questions
41- I've heard that the phantoka makuta have one of kind masks, is this correct?
52- Is Ahkmou still working for MoMN?
63- Could more than 6 (like 7) different toa elements still create a protodermis shield?
74- Can masks also been forged in other shapes, like a mask in the shape of hydraxon's face?
85- Are there differences between the personalitys between a female and male toa of light?
96- Also the closest thing a female and male matoran /toa can have is close friendship?
107- Can there be toa (like a toa of fire) that has shadow charged attacks? (just like the inika)
118- What do you think is the best color for lighting? (I don't mean 'what's the official color')
129- Do all av-matoran have extra powers?
1310- Can a toa of light create a solid illusion?
14Also in my opinion toa of metal souns better because: iron is metal so it sounds like it could only control one metal instead of all 15But that is my opinion
16That's all for now
171) Actually, I think my answer to that had been that I hadn't decided 182) No, because as far as he knows, MoMN died during the events of Mask of Light 193) You would end up with something else being created, not solid protodermis 204) Yes 215) Yes, there are always differences in personalities between males and females 226) Yes. We don't do romance in BIONICLE 237) No, shadow is not a Toa ability 248) No idea. I am not a visual person, I think in words, so I don't imagine how things look 259) Yes 2610) No, though it is something he is trying to learn to do
27But "Iron Man" sounds a lot cooler than "Metal Man," in my opinion.
2Hi Greg
3Some questions
41- I've heard that the phantoka makuta have one of kind masks, is this correct?
52- Is Ahkmou still working for MoMN?
63- Could more than 6 (like 7) different toa elements still create a protodermis shield?
74- Can masks also been forged in other shapes, like a mask in the shape of hydraxon's face?
85- Are there differences between the personalitys between a female and male toa of light?
96- Also the closest thing a female and male matoran /toa can have is close friendship?
107- Can there be toa (like a toa of fire) that has shadow charged attacks? (just like the inika)
118- What do you think is the best color for lighting? (I don't mean 'what's the official color')
129- Do all av-matoran have extra powers?
1310- Can a toa of light create a solid illusion?
14Also in my opinion toa of metal souns better because: iron is metal so it sounds like it could only control one metal instead of all 15But that is my opinion
16That's all for now
171) Actually, I think my answer to that had been that I hadn't decided 182) No, because as far as he knows, MoMN died during the events of Mask of Light 193) You would end up with something else being created, not solid protodermis 204) Yes 215) Yes, there are always differences in personalities between males and females 226) Yes. We don't do romance in BIONICLE 237) No, shadow is not a Toa ability 248) No idea. I am not a visual person, I think in words, so I don't imagine how things look 259) Yes 2610) No, though it is something he is trying to learn to do
27But "Iron Man" sounds a lot cooler than "Metal Man," in my opinion.
1I've been collecting these for a while, so I thought I should post them. Some may be old news, and I deleted the inconclusive ones.
21) How do you pronounce the following names?
3Reysa 4Kyrehx 5Defilak 6Dekar
71) RAY-sa 8KI (pronounced like "eye")-wrecks 9Deh-FILL-lack 10DAY-kar
11Cool. I wasn't expecting Defilak's, but oh well.
122) Why didn't Makuta use the Rahi on Mata Nui to steal the Toa Mata Kanohi for himself? Why did he just guard them? I know he wouldn't do much with them but at least it would render the Toa weaker.
132) You are assuming he wanted the Toa Mata well and truly stopped. He didn't. If he did, he could have killed them when they invaded Mangaia in 2001. Makuta's plan has less to do with stopping the Toa from what they want to do as controlling how and when they do it.
153) Why didn't Vakama get visions as a Hordika?
163) Because his mind was clouded by the bestial side of himself -- he couldn't focus.
17Makes sense.
184) Will we learn what Jovan's team did with the Ignika next year?
194) No, more likely you will piece it together this year.
20Do we know what they did yet? I haven't heard anything.
215) Exactly how big is Nocturn's island? About how many of his kind were on it? And how exactly do you break an island that's rooted to the ground?
225) You break the root as well. It was a decent sized island, probably slightly smaller than Metru Nui, with a few thousand of his people on it (pretty densely populated).
246) Are we going to learn where Voya Nui got its lava from and how it floated in the water for 300 years? And what stopped the lava flow after the cord was formed?
256) The flow did not stop, hence the fact that you had additional land being formed over time. The shape of Voya Nui is not its original shape. As for why it floated, why wouldn't it? And no, I don't plan on going into where the lava comes from. I think revealing every little bit of everything ruins BIONICLE's mystique.
266) It should sink because rock = heavier than water.
276) The Queen Mary is heavier than water, too, and it floats.
286) How did Mahri Nui sink then?
296) Simple. The original mass of Voya Nui was not in the same shape it is in now. The land Mahri Nui was on was formed by cooling lava after Voya Nui broke off and so was not necessarily the same substance as what kept the island buoyant. Therefore, when that weaker land mass broke off, it sank.
30Makes sense now.
317) Are Hewkii Mahri's chains and shoulder blades part of him or are they detachable?
327) Detachable.
33I heard they were part of him, which got me worried. Glad they're not.
348) Why don't the Mahri Nui Matoran weapons have powers? They were on Voya Nui, so I'd assume they were from Karzahni as well. Unless they malfunctioned after Mahri Nui sank?
358) You answered your own question. They weren't designed for immersion in water.
36Thought so.
379) Would everything the Ignika has done be undone if it was destroyed?
389) I would say no. If it was destroyed, the force of Life would be unleashed on the universe, though, which would bring about a cataclysmic disaster.
39Dear oh dear...![]()
4010) Is it safe to assume that since Hydraxon trained the Toa Mata that he made the weapons the sets have?
4110) No, it's not safe to assume that. They had the weapons before they started training with him. Artakha made their weapons.
4311) Is Balta a Ta-Matoran?
4411) Yes.
45Thought he might have been an Av-Matoran, nevermind.
4612) Is Kalmah blind in his left or right eye?
4712) Neither, it was his top eye.
48Huh, I read something about his "blind side" in Legends #6...
4912) Why did Pridak ruin it?
5012) Because Kalmah was acting out, and Pridak was enforcing discipline.
51Of course.
5213) Which book will reveal Makuta Metru's new host/body?
5313) Who says he has one?
5413) Doesn't he need a body to survive?
5513) He does indeed, but he can survive a few weeks without one if need be. We know at least some time passed between his armor being shattered in B1 and the crystal vat being constructed on Voya Nui.
5714) There will be five Makuta in January, correct?
5814) I believe so, yes.
59Antroz, Chirox, Vamprah, Mutran and Icarax.
6015) Will the conqueror of the Visorak be in the January three or the July three?
6115) Summer set.
62So not necessarily a canister set.
6316) About the Mahri, what of the Cordak blasters? Will they discard them once they run out of rockets, since there aren't any more around? Will Kongu keep his to channel his air power through, since he has no other weapon?
6416) Kongu could certainly get another weapon crafted for him in the forges of Ta-Metru, if need be, and as long as they have one piece of ammo left, the Matoran could probably duplicate the ammo. The weapons were built by Matoran to start with.
6617) In Prisoners of the Pit, Jaller says something along the lines of "This is bad. Our weapons are gone..." etc. Their weapons didn't disappear, did they? Is that an error? If not, where did they get them?
6717) Their old weapons were gone, replaced by new ones, and the old ones were the ones they were used to with the energy powers.
68Oh, I get it. Kinda confusing.
6918) Is Hydraxon going to repair Maxilos? Will he succeed?
7018) I tend to doubt it, Maxilos is pretty trashed and Hydraxon is not an Artakha-level scientist. He also has pretty much nothing in terms of tools or machinery to work with.
71Oh right, didn't think of that.
74Cool the vhisorak concurer will be a set. Is that new, or have I just not heard it. Wonder what he'll look like...

1You just haven't heard it; that's old news that the Visorak conquerer is going to be a set.
1Oh thanks. I knew he would be in Bionicle Legends 10, but I hadn't heard of him being a set.
1Mr. F, I have a few questions I hope you can answer.
21) Who is Mutran?
32) Does the Bionicle planet have latitude like we do? Like, in Norway, its dark for half the year because we are so close to the polls, but the day length on the equator is the same as the night?
43) How do Makuta feel pain, they are animated armor, but have no "brain" to feel pain with. That means no nerves connect their corporeal bodies to their minds.
54) What exactly would Mata-Nui do to the Makuta, you claimed that killing them would be to nice, but subjecting them to eternal torture seems like the no-violence policy would prohibit. 64a) Does the Plan involve what ever would happen to the Makuta actually happening. Like the Water Wraith analogy?
75) What time of year will we learn the OoMNs name (Winter, Spring, Summer?)
86) If the OoMN reveals itself, will another faction take its place?
9Last one
107) As an aspireing writer, what do you do when you get writers block?
11Thanks 12~Leviathen
131) He's a Makuta 142) Well, the Matoran universe does not. As for whether the planet does, this is unknown because we haven't gone into how big the planet actually is, which would dictate this sort of thing. 153) This is how I see it. Since we know they can shapeshift, and we know the shapeshifting affects their armor, they must be psychically linked to their amor to be able to that. So if their armor gets damaged, there is a psychic backlash that feels to them as pain would feel to us. 164) I can't go into the Plan's parameters, and as for what Mata Nui would do, that will or won't come up in future storyline. Keep in mind, though, that things can happen in a story that I don't actually have to SHOW, and therefore don't violate any violence policy. If I had, say, a Dark Hunter dragged off by The Shadowed One and later you heard a scream, I haven't shown any violence or violated any policy -- but you still know something bad just happened. 175) Do you mean the leader's name? Probably summer, I think, pretty sure that is when Book 10 comes out. 186) No 197) I try to do something other than write, usually. The "muscle" in your brain you use to write is just like any other muscle in your body -- it can get tired if you overuse it. So you spend your time on something else -- reading, gaming, going for a walk, chores, etc. -- and give it a break.
20Another big key that I talk about a lot is to make sure you are letting your characters tell you the story, not the other way around. The worst blocks I have ever had have come when I was trying to force a story and its characters to go a certain way, and that way did not really match who those characters were. Because I was having them act against their natures, it became really hard to plan what they would do or say next. So what I try to do is create good characters and then just put them in situations and let them run with the story -- if I do my job right and I know these people the way I would know my friends, then I can predict what they would do or say or think and the writing flows much faster.
21About question six: Matoran did know about The Hand of Artahka, correct? So they where not like the OoMN (secret, eliet etc.) and simply superceided by them? There existance was common knowlage?
22(I asked the question because I assumed the the HoA was secret, and the OoMN was a replacement)
23Thank you for your time (and the advice on writers block) 24~Leviathen
25If the Order reveals itself, it's going to be because they have to -- at that point, things are so dire that there's no other choice. At that point, it is them or the BOM -- and if they win, their secrecy is no longer so essential because the main entity they were concealing themselves from will be gone.
1Could we please give Greg today off guys?
1Some stuff I got...
15I got this back last night, we should probably give Greg Thanksgiving off.
2Ok, some questions fer ya... 31) Will Lesovikk, Sarda, and Idris be stuck in the pit? (I'm expecting an "I can't answer that one") 42) Is there any way, other than the Ignika, to reverse the mutagen? 53) Could the MoLi make Zaktan one being again? 64) Are Radiak, Galva, and Kirop willingly serving the Makuta? 75) Is it possible that we will see a web serial about the Pit next year? 86) (complete speculation
) Is it possible that the Hannah crab will become Lesovikk's pet now that Jaller is gone?
91) Can't discuss future storyline 102) Not that we know of right now 113) It could possibly evolve him to a point where he was, yes 124) I can't discuss this, it's 2008 story 135) I don't have one planned. Outside of the Barraki hanging around down there, there's not much going on there. The Matoran are all gone, after all. 146) I doubt it very much.
15I got this back last night, we should probably give Greg Thanksgiving off.
1Yah, Greg should get the day off, surprised though that the forums are actaully up today, on Christmas I know its down, but I thought it would for Thanksgiving as well.
1^Yeah I know, Greg and them should
1Yeah our curiosty can wait until tomorrow. Greg deserves a break. 2Happy Thanksgiving everyone: ![]()
3He does actually deserve a break with so many PM's 4Also where I come from we don't celebrate thanksgiving but I know what it is so 5Happy Thanksgiving for everyone 6 ![]()
7I agree. And yes, HAPPY THANKSGIVING:
1OK, it has been established that he needs a break, please use the talkback for Happy Thanksgiving wishes.
11. Without giving away anything, what was your opinion of the movie script you reviewed?
22. Are all-transparent masks such as Great Raus and Kaukaus made of crystalline protodermis or metallic?
33. I read on BS01 that Toa Canisters can turn intangible. Is this true? 43a. If so, what's the point of being able to burrow?
54. Are the Prisoners of the Pit contest winners canon?
61) I haven't finished reviewing it yet, and most likely it will change in some respects based on the reviews of the rest of the story team and set design changes as we go through focus groups. The core story I like (since I wrote it) 72) They are made of purified liquid protodermis, just as all other masks are. They most likely come out differently due to some aspect of the forging process. 83) Yes, it is 93a) Well, burrowing creates a tunnel that others can follow if they are not in canisters, which may prove useful at some point. Also, let's say you are after something that is sealed in solid rock far below -- you can't go intangible and then materialize near it, because you would materialize inside solid rock and die. So you have to burrow down to it. 104) No. They're not appearing anywhere in story and that wasn't part of the prizing for that contest. Had we used them for a Scholastic guide, then they would have been, but we're not.
1Yeah, I misread that and thought he was talking about the Mata/Nuva. ![]()
2By the way, I think the female voice might actually be the leader of OOMN. I remember someone saying to Greg in a PM that it would be cool if the leader was female, and Greg said that he liked the suggestion. Unless I misread that too.
3Accualy, there's a chance he did take your advise. I think he might've done that with me once, but I'll never know until he finds my messages that probably got eaten anyway.

5EDIT: Quotes reduced to save bandwith and old PC's MBs.

1Yeah, I misread that and thought he was talking about the Mata/Nuva. ![]()
2By the way, I think the female voice might actually be the leader of OOMN. I remember someone saying to Greg in a PM that it would be cool if the leader was female, and Greg said that he liked the suggestion. Unless I misread that too.
3Accualy, there's a chance he did take your advise. I think he might've done that with me once, but I'll never know until he finds my messages that probably got eaten anyway.![]()
5EDIT: Quotes reduced to save bandwith and old PC's MBs.![]()
6Ha, you misread my post too. There must be an a virus going around...

1Here's some stuff I got within the last week or so, but was too lazy to post.
2Hello, Greg. These are just various questions I was wondering about.
31) Do the phantoka makuta still have all 42 rahkshi powers? 42) Are the phantoka makuta's kanohi like normal masks? I just can't picture a toa wearing one of those. 53) Are the evil '08 matoran wearing noble versions of the makuta's masks? 64) Can the phantoka nuva still share mask powers? 74A) If yes, couldn't Lewa and Pohatu just combine their mask powers to fly, and then share it with the others? 85) After the Nuva, would the Inika be the second most powerful toa (because of their organic masks and lighting-infused elements)? 96) Just a refresher, did the matoran civil war take place only on Metru Nui? 107) Can rahkshi of darkness fire shadow bolts? Just since my screenname's Shadow Rahkshi, and all. 118) was the toa Ignika ever a matoran? I understand if you can't anwser this. 129) Another refresher, were do kanoka get their powers? 1310) Storyline-wise, are kratta and sea squid about the same size?
14Thank you for your anwsers:
15~Shadow Rahkshi
161-4) All of these are 2008 questions, so not answering them now. 174a) If the others are in close proximity. But what if they aren't? What if the Makuta split up and come from three totally different directions, instead of staying close together? Then what? The Toa can't split up to fight them, because they all have to stay close to Lewa and Pohatu. Not very practical, is it? 185) I am not sure having organic masks made them any more powerful. Certainly the lightning was nice, though they couldn't control it, it was just there. 196) Yes 207) I don't think so, no 218) Can't answer it 229) From the purification process 2310) I suppose, never thought about it
24This reply is a little late, I tried to send one before but it didn't work. I have some questions on your anwsers.
254a) Wouldn't it still help, though? 265) Wasn't it that by having organic masks, they could acess their mask powers more quickly, easily, and controllably? 277) Just based off that, how do rahkshi of darkness and other rahkshi without harmful powers (healing, invulnerability,ETC.) fight?
28...And some additional questions.
291) What might the Barraki be doing now that the Mahri have left and the MoLi is gone? 302)How would you describe the enviornment of 2008? 313) If the toa Ignika is a toa of life, can it A: create life forms of its own or B: instantly kill any enemy? 324) In the latest Ignition comic, how did Matoro's Mask power combine with the MoLi's if he had to take off the Tryna in order to put on the MoLi? 335) Will the mutated Zaktan still be made of protodites? 345a) If yes, will he be able to use them?
35Thanks again, Greg:
36~Shadow Rahkshi
374a) Again, only if they are in close proximity. What if you had jet planes that could only fly if they were close to each other? Wouldn't that be kind of dangerous? 385) Didn't help their control. Basically, what it did was enable them to start using the powers before they really knew how, since the masks acted off their thoughts initially. But in terms of power level, the masks were no more powerful than standard Great Masks. 397) Well, a Rahkshi with a healing power or an invulnerability power would use the power on itself. How are you going to hurt an invulnerable Rahkshi or one who can heal itself during the battle?
401) Not a lot they can do. They can't get back to the surface and they can't alter their mutation. 412) I wouldn't, because it's not 2008 yet. 423) You'll find out in 2008 434) I never said anything about his mask power combining with that of the Ignika. What combined with the Ignika was Matoro's life energy, not his mask power. 445) Yes
46Hello, Greg. The BionicleStory updates were fantasitc, and I have some questions on them.
471) In ItD chapter 8, a makuta named Mutran is mentioned. Is this makuta going to be a 2008 set? 482) In the Lesovikk/Karzahni web story, They said that a member of Lesovikk's team was a toa of iron. wouldn't they have the same general powers as a toa of magnetism? 493) What can the mask of possibilities do? 504) Are the other Nuva's missions going to be described in later chapters of the Gali Nuva blog? 515) Is the nine-foot tall warrior the leader of the OoMN? 526) Is the MoMN's grand scheme all going according to plan? 537) What are Manutri?
54Thank you for the anwsers:
55~Shadow Rahkshi
561) You'll find out in 2008 572) No. Can a Toa of Magnetism create metal? A Toa of Iron can. If a Toa of Magnetism uses a nova burst, do shards and spikes or metal fly from his body, or does magnetic force fly from his body? 583) Alters probability 594) Yes 605) No 616) So far, yes 627) Manutri are flightless Rahi birds, featured in a combination model in the US November LEGO Magazine.
63Nothing new.
2Hello, Greg. These are just various questions I was wondering about.
31) Do the phantoka makuta still have all 42 rahkshi powers? 42) Are the phantoka makuta's kanohi like normal masks? I just can't picture a toa wearing one of those. 53) Are the evil '08 matoran wearing noble versions of the makuta's masks? 64) Can the phantoka nuva still share mask powers? 74A) If yes, couldn't Lewa and Pohatu just combine their mask powers to fly, and then share it with the others? 85) After the Nuva, would the Inika be the second most powerful toa (because of their organic masks and lighting-infused elements)? 96) Just a refresher, did the matoran civil war take place only on Metru Nui? 107) Can rahkshi of darkness fire shadow bolts? Just since my screenname's Shadow Rahkshi, and all. 118) was the toa Ignika ever a matoran? I understand if you can't anwser this. 129) Another refresher, were do kanoka get their powers? 1310) Storyline-wise, are kratta and sea squid about the same size?
14Thank you for your anwsers:
15~Shadow Rahkshi
161-4) All of these are 2008 questions, so not answering them now. 174a) If the others are in close proximity. But what if they aren't? What if the Makuta split up and come from three totally different directions, instead of staying close together? Then what? The Toa can't split up to fight them, because they all have to stay close to Lewa and Pohatu. Not very practical, is it? 185) I am not sure having organic masks made them any more powerful. Certainly the lightning was nice, though they couldn't control it, it was just there. 196) Yes 207) I don't think so, no 218) Can't answer it 229) From the purification process 2310) I suppose, never thought about it
24This reply is a little late, I tried to send one before but it didn't work. I have some questions on your anwsers.
254a) Wouldn't it still help, though? 265) Wasn't it that by having organic masks, they could acess their mask powers more quickly, easily, and controllably? 277) Just based off that, how do rahkshi of darkness and other rahkshi without harmful powers (healing, invulnerability,ETC.) fight?
28...And some additional questions.
291) What might the Barraki be doing now that the Mahri have left and the MoLi is gone? 302)How would you describe the enviornment of 2008? 313) If the toa Ignika is a toa of life, can it A: create life forms of its own or B: instantly kill any enemy? 324) In the latest Ignition comic, how did Matoro's Mask power combine with the MoLi's if he had to take off the Tryna in order to put on the MoLi? 335) Will the mutated Zaktan still be made of protodites? 345a) If yes, will he be able to use them?
35Thanks again, Greg:
36~Shadow Rahkshi
374a) Again, only if they are in close proximity. What if you had jet planes that could only fly if they were close to each other? Wouldn't that be kind of dangerous? 385) Didn't help their control. Basically, what it did was enable them to start using the powers before they really knew how, since the masks acted off their thoughts initially. But in terms of power level, the masks were no more powerful than standard Great Masks. 397) Well, a Rahkshi with a healing power or an invulnerability power would use the power on itself. How are you going to hurt an invulnerable Rahkshi or one who can heal itself during the battle?
401) Not a lot they can do. They can't get back to the surface and they can't alter their mutation. 412) I wouldn't, because it's not 2008 yet. 423) You'll find out in 2008 434) I never said anything about his mask power combining with that of the Ignika. What combined with the Ignika was Matoro's life energy, not his mask power. 445) Yes
46Hello, Greg. The BionicleStory updates were fantasitc, and I have some questions on them.
471) In ItD chapter 8, a makuta named Mutran is mentioned. Is this makuta going to be a 2008 set? 482) In the Lesovikk/Karzahni web story, They said that a member of Lesovikk's team was a toa of iron. wouldn't they have the same general powers as a toa of magnetism? 493) What can the mask of possibilities do? 504) Are the other Nuva's missions going to be described in later chapters of the Gali Nuva blog? 515) Is the nine-foot tall warrior the leader of the OoMN? 526) Is the MoMN's grand scheme all going according to plan? 537) What are Manutri?
54Thank you for the anwsers:
55~Shadow Rahkshi
561) You'll find out in 2008 572) No. Can a Toa of Magnetism create metal? A Toa of Iron can. If a Toa of Magnetism uses a nova burst, do shards and spikes or metal fly from his body, or does magnetic force fly from his body? 583) Alters probability 594) Yes 605) No 616) So far, yes 627) Manutri are flightless Rahi birds, featured in a combination model in the US November LEGO Magazine.
63Nothing new.
1QUOTE 2Hi Greg, I have several questions:
31. Why did you kill off your favorite Toa Mahri (and mine too):
42. What will now happen to the Barraki, Piraka, and Bohrok?
53. What will happen to Kardas.
64. Would a Toa of Poison be possible?
75. Who is your favorite new matoran?
86. You listed the Toa of Iron because of BZpower, right?
97. Do you ever read fan comics?
101) Because my feeling was that the being who would sacrifice himself would have to be the greatest hero of all -- and in my mind that is Matoro. 112) Well, Bohrok go back to sleep once their job on Mata Nui is done; Barraki are now stuck where they are; and the fate of the Piraka gets dealt with in Book 8 123) Kardas is now recuperating on Mata Nui 134) I can't see that as being a Toa element, no 145) Don't really have one 156) And other fan sites and fan letters which also asked for a Toa of Metal. BZP is not the only site I check out. 167) No, I am not allowed to read fan fiction
17I just thought I'd get these down here...
31. Why did you kill off your favorite Toa Mahri (and mine too):
42. What will now happen to the Barraki, Piraka, and Bohrok?
53. What will happen to Kardas.
64. Would a Toa of Poison be possible?
75. Who is your favorite new matoran?
86. You listed the Toa of Iron because of BZpower, right?
97. Do you ever read fan comics?
101) Because my feeling was that the being who would sacrifice himself would have to be the greatest hero of all -- and in my mind that is Matoro. 112) Well, Bohrok go back to sleep once their job on Mata Nui is done; Barraki are now stuck where they are; and the fate of the Piraka gets dealt with in Book 8 123) Kardas is now recuperating on Mata Nui 134) I can't see that as being a Toa element, no 145) Don't really have one 156) And other fan sites and fan letters which also asked for a Toa of Metal. BZP is not the only site I check out. 167) No, I am not allowed to read fan fiction
17I just thought I'd get these down here...
1QUOTE 2Hi Greg, I have several questions:
31. Why did you kill off your favorite Toa Mahri (and mine too):
42. What will now happen to the Barraki, Piraka, and Bohrok?
53. What will happen to Kardas.
64. Would a Toa of Poison be possible?
75. Who is your favorite new matoran?
86. You listed the Toa of Iron because of BZpower, right?
97. Do you ever read fan comics?
101) Because my feeling was that the being who would sacrifice himself would have to be the greatest hero of all -- and in my mind that is Matoro. 112) Well, Bohrok go back to sleep once their job on Mata Nui is done; Barraki are now stuck where they are; and the fate of the Piraka gets dealt with in Book 8 123) Kardas is now recuperating on Mata Nui 134) I can't see that as being a Toa element, no 145) Don't really have one 156) And other fan sites and fan letters which also asked for a Toa of Metal. BZP is not the only site I check out. 167) No, I am not allowed to read fan fiction
17I just thought I'd get these down here...
18Number 1 was interesting. In a sense I agree with Greg. Still, we'll miss Matoro.
1Same... I just said that exact thing to Greg...
1Just something that was troubling me.
2If there are Av Matoran, would it be so far-fetched for there to be Shadow Matoran somewhere? And I really don't expect a flat-out yes, but is it possible? Ta Matoran's opposite is Ga Matoran, and Darkness is equally important to life as Light, in my standards. I know we haven't seen Shadow Matoran before, and heck I don't expect to anytime soon, if there are any, and I'm not a huge fan of a Toa of Shadow (interesting concept, but predictable situation), but I just wanted a definite answer of 3A. No, there is no such thing or 4B. Possibly.
5And what are your thoughts on Shadow Matoran, if you were to consider them? Would they autimatically be evil? Would they be shunned? Misunderstood? Similar powers to Av-Matoran, but with obvious opposites?
7BTW, have you written the last updates to BStory.com, and they haven't put them up yet, or have they not be written down yet? Really looking foward to them, you've done an excellent job of orchestrating them throughout this last six months.
81) Currently, there is no such thing. The only way one could exist, since there is no such thing in nature, is for an existing Matoran to be drained of all light, which would corrupt him/her.
9I have written the last chapter of the Nuva blog, have to do the other two this weekend.
10Wasn't expecting that kind of answer, but boy is that interesting.
11Maybe that's why those three wierd Matoran are riding the Makuta Phantoka: They're corrupted into Shadow Matoran:
12I'm gonna reply back to Greg later asking how exactly this corruption happens and what causes it.
1Yes that is DEFINITELY a hint how the Matoran are made to follow the Makuta.
2They drain all light out of them. Since Light can harm the Makuta that's the most efficient way. By doing so the Makuta would also make a potential new Toa of Light among the Matoran powerless.
3But does that mean that takanuva is also susceptible to that light drain?
2They drain all light out of them. Since Light can harm the Makuta that's the most efficient way. By doing so the Makuta would also make a potential new Toa of Light among the Matoran powerless.
3But does that mean that takanuva is also susceptible to that light drain?
1Yes that is DEFINITELY a hint how the Matoran are made to follow the Makuta.
2They drain all light out of them. Since Light can harm the Makuta that's the most efficient way. By doing so the Makuta would also make a potential new Toa of Light among the Matoran powerless.
3But does that mean that takanuva is also susceptible to that light drain?
4Probably not, as he has more light in him than the Matoran. I would say it would be like emptying a vial of acid as opposed to a large vat of acid. Which would be easier?
6I suppose it could be possible but, as you said, it would be harder to do.