1Mr. Farshtey I've got a "few" questions, some that have been bugging me for some time
21) what is the possibilities of a mask of...
3a) self-detonation? 4duplication? 5c) power-negation?
62) I've noted some simerlarities between some of the the 2004 characters and characters from Richard Adams book 'Watership Down'
7Vakama-Fiver/Hazel 8Nokama-Blackberry 9Onewa-Bigwig 10Matau-Kehaar/Hawkbit 11Whenua-Blackaver 12Dume-Thearhrah 13Makuta-General Woundwort
143) I've noted that Avak leans more towards being an anti-hero than the other Piraka, please can you fully explain this?
15(in the case of "Power Play") I mean wouldn't it just be easier to let Hakaan and Thok kill off the Inika first then after breaking out, use the zamor sphere on the two.
164) where do you get your humour from?
175) how would you describe the shadow matoran 18- As evil minions like Count Olaf's Acting troupe 19- Or as Annoying mischeif makers to the Toa Nuva (like Lock, Shock and Barrel from "the nightmare before christmas")
206) Would you compare Tanma to Sweeny Todd (Sondheim musical version) without the singing) or close to him 21- On an off topic question have you heard about the Movie adaptation of the Sweeny Todd musical
227) please can you explain a bit about Photoks personality?
238) There was a quote I heard that goes around these lines 24- I have discovered a new way to force someone to shapeshift and do so permentnently, grab me again and you'll be living out the rest of your life as and angry frost beetle, with a broken leg' 25a) is this canon 26I presume Chirox and Mutran said this am I warm?
279) is there some reason behind Antroz's honor? 28a) could you compare him to Pohatu?
2910) looking forward to christmas?
3011)What are the chances of a character with a habit of break the forth wall
3112) Is there a chance of us being able to see BIONICLE mythology
3213) What does it mean by the bionicle motto "Find the power, live the legend"
33thank you if you can answer these
34Peace on earth and good will to all men
35Vidkid, you have to get ten posts and PM your questions to Greg via the link on the first page.

11) Does Takanuva have an Adaptive Armor form?
22) Could Mata Nui be residing underneath Metru Nui? 32a) If not, will we find out the location of it in '08?
43) Could you give an example of a Light Nova Blast?
54) Why are the '08 matoran's heads completly see-through? 64a) Could this be a factor of av-Matoran, like you see in those movies where light spurs out of their mouth and eyes?
75) Are you going to give powers to the Shadow Matoran's masks?
86) I've had this theory about Takanuva, the Sundial, and the bladeburrowers:
9Blade Burrowers building a gate 10Sundial is like a key 11Takanuva is like a key to use the key
12(if this is true) to get to..?
141-2) I can't answer this 15Hmmm... That's... cool:::
163) A big flash of light 17Kinda disappointing...
184) I'm not a set designer, so I can't answer this 19no comment
205) No, Matoran cannot use mask powers 21Could be a powerless version...
226) No 23awwww...
24The big flash of light could probably blind anyone who even had their eyes closed, which could allow taka to defeat them easily. and Greg confirmed that a light nova blast can hurt beings, though wether this is limited to makuta only is unknown.
11) Does Takanuva have an Adaptive Armor form?
22) Could Mata Nui be residing underneath Metru Nui? 32a) If not, will we find out the location of it in '08?
43) Could you give an example of a Light Nova Blast?
54) Why are the '08 matoran's heads completly see-through? 64a) Could this be a factor of av-Matoran, like you see in those movies where light spurs out of their mouth and eyes?
75) Are you going to give powers to the Shadow Matoran's masks?
86) I've had this theory about Takanuva, the Sundial, and the bladeburrowers:
9Blade Burrowers building a gate 10Sundial is like a key 11Takanuva is like a key to use the key
12(if this is true) to get to..?
141-2) I can't answer this 15Hmmm... That's... cool:::
163) A big flash of light 17Kinda disappointing...
184) I'm not a set designer, so I can't answer this 19no comment
205) No, Matoran cannot use mask powers 21Could be a powerless version...
226) No 23awwww...
24The big flash of light could probably blind anyone who even had their eyes closed, which could allow taka to defeat them easily. and Greg confirmed that a light nova blast can hurt beings, though wether this is limited to makuta only is unknown.
25Didn't Greg said that it would incinerate everything in the area?
1hi greg has this been anserd yet if no could you please anser is there a combiner for the 2007 titans?
1Mr. Farshtey I've got a "few" questions, some that have been bugging me for some time
21) what is the possibilities of a mask of...
3a) self-detonation? 4duplication? 5c) power-negation?
62) I've noted some simerlarities between some of the the 2004 characters and characters from Richard Adams book 'Watership Down'
7Vakama-Fiver/Hazel 8Nokama-Blackberry 9Onewa-Bigwig 10Matau-Kehaar/Hawkbit 11Whenua-Blackaver 12Dume-Thearhrah 13Makuta-General Woundwort
143) I've noted that Avak leans more towards being an anti-hero than the other Piraka, please can you fully explain this?
15(in the case of "Power Play") I mean wouldn't it just be easier to let Hakaan and Thok kill off the Inika first then after breaking out, use the zamor sphere on the two.
164) where do you get your humour from?
175) how would you describe the shadow matoran 18- As evil minions like Count Olaf's Acting troupe 19- Or as Annoying mischeif makers to the Toa Nuva (like Lock, Shock and Barrel from "the nightmare before christmas")
206) Would you compare Tanma to Sweeny Todd (Sondheim musical version) without the singing) or close to him 21- On an off topic question have you heard about the Movie adaptation of the Sweeny Todd musical
227) please can you explain a bit about Photoks personality?
238) There was a quote I heard that goes around these lines 24- I have discovered a new way to force someone to shapeshift and do so permentnently, grab me again and you'll be living out the rest of your life as and angry frost beetle, with a broken leg' 25a) is this canon 26I presume Chirox and Mutran said this am I warm?
279) is there some reason behind Antroz's honor? 28a) could you compare him to Pohatu?
2910) looking forward to christmas?
3011)What are the chances of a character with a habit of break the forth wall
3112) Is there a chance of us being able to see BIONICLE mythology
3213) What does it mean by the bionicle motto "Find the power, live the legend"
33thank you if you can answer these
34Peace on earth and good will to all men
35Vidkid, you have to get ten posts and PM your questions to Greg via the link on the first page.![]()
36Urr Mr T. um please can you elaborate on that?
11) Does Takanuva have an Adaptive Armor form?
22) Could Mata Nui be residing underneath Metru Nui? 32a) If not, will we find out the location of it in '08?
43) Could you give an example of a Light Nova Blast?
54) Why are the '08 matoran's heads completly see-through? 64a) Could this be a factor of av-Matoran, like you see in those movies where light spurs out of their mouth and eyes?
75) Are you going to give powers to the Shadow Matoran's masks?
86) I've had this theory about Takanuva, the Sundial, and the bladeburrowers:
9Blade Burrowers building a gate 10Sundial is like a key 11Takanuva is like a key to use the key
12(if this is true) to get to..?
141-2) I can't answer this 15Hmmm... That's... cool:::
163) A big flash of light 17Kinda disappointing...
184) I'm not a set designer, so I can't answer this 19no comment
205) No, Matoran cannot use mask powers 21Could be a powerless version...
226) No 23awwww...
24The big flash of light could probably blind anyone who even had their eyes closed, which could allow taka to defeat them easily. and Greg confirmed that a light nova blast can hurt beings, though wether this is limited to makuta only is unknown.
25Didn't Greg said that it would incinerate everything in the area?
26hey greg.
27about takanuva's powers:
281) would he be able to create holographic projections of himself? 29a) somebody else?
302) could he bend light around him making him invisible[like in starcraft (2) but you still can see that light is bent around something as around the edges its "blurry"?
313)can he alter his appearance[in shape by bending light? 32a) nd his color?
334) what would a nova blast of a toa of light be? a massive flash of light incinerating things and blinding everyone?
345) could he make a tiny laser to cut through any metal with ease? and a very large one?
356) would a ToL be able to produce a small weak laser to pinpoint an attack or to mark an opponent for his fellow toa?[or anyone else
367) about takanuva trying out increased speed and solid holograpgic projections: is a ToL capable of doing so, is takanuva capable of doing so, and has takanuva succeeded?
37thanks in advance and good luck with the books, comics and web serials.
381) Possibly insubstantial ones, yes, with training 392) No 403) Yes 414) Yes 425) Yes 436) Yes 447) Since he hasn't had any success doing either yet, we don't know that he is capable of it
1Ok. I have a few more questions![]()
21) Does the Toa Ignika have a spirit? Since its only a body created by the mask.. 32) When will you release info on Gavla, Mutran, and Vican? 43) What do the Piraka look like, now that they've been transformed?
5Thats all I got.Thanks in advance
61) I consider it to, because it has a consciousness. It's sapient. 72) Gavla is already in the blog, as of yesterday, the others I am waiting a bit on. 83) Like spines with heads
9So.. spines with heads huh

1Ok. I have a few more questions![]()
21) Does the Toa Ignika have a spirit? Since its only a body created by the mask.. 32) When will you release info on Gavla, Mutran, and Vican? 43) Bionicle Legends#8 Spoilers removed
5Thats all I got.Thanks in advance
61) I consider it to, because it has a consciousness. It's sapient. 72) Gavla is already in the blog, as of yesterday, the others I am waiting a bit on. 83) Bionicle Legends#8 Spoilers removed
9Didn't eletric turakh said this already? Not to be rude but,
11~Exo Guardian~
1QUOTE 2hi greg: great ending to 2007, that was possibly the best story twist ever: ok i have a few questions:
31.) can you give us an approx release date for the new movie?
42.)if the toa metru used airships to transport the matoran to mata nui, and then used parts of the airships to build the koro, what happened to all the kanoka disks?
53.) what happened to the piraka?
64.) will the toa hagah make another appearance?
75.) what will happen to the dark hunters now their fortress has been destroyed?
8thank you for your time Greg
91) 2009 is the best I can do right now, because an exact momth/date has to come from the studio. 102) More than likely, their powers were used up over the 1000 years before the Toa Mata got there. 113) Axonn took them someplace where they can be interrogated by the OOMN. 124) Possibly in web serials, but it hasn't been decided yet 135) They will have to rebuild
14Thanks again Greg:
31.) can you give us an approx release date for the new movie?
42.)if the toa metru used airships to transport the matoran to mata nui, and then used parts of the airships to build the koro, what happened to all the kanoka disks?
53.) what happened to the piraka?
64.) will the toa hagah make another appearance?
75.) what will happen to the dark hunters now their fortress has been destroyed?
8thank you for your time Greg
91) 2009 is the best I can do right now, because an exact momth/date has to come from the studio. 102) More than likely, their powers were used up over the 1000 years before the Toa Mata got there. 113) Axonn took them someplace where they can be interrogated by the OOMN. 124) Possibly in web serials, but it hasn't been decided yet 135) They will have to rebuild
14Thanks again Greg:
1Official GregF Discussion Message 2(Disciplinary action may take place whether you read this or not.)
3For the past two days, I have been fighting a vicious battle against spam in this topic. People are posting about things that do not belong in the OGDT. I don't know how often this sort of posting was let rampant and wild in GD, but since this topic is now in S&T, it the responsibility of the mods here to keep in a moderately formal conditions. So here's the deal: this topic is for posting the Q&A's you have with GregF and for commenting directly on those questions and/or answers. Nothing more. Questions about the storyline should NOT be posted here. Use the S&T Forum (in a different topic) for that. Asking for GregF to give more info or planning on how to petition him does NOT belong here. You can pester him through PM or in his blog if you like, but GregF doesn't read this topic on a normal basis, and the planning is better off done in your PM messaging system. (And even then, I would suggest against a petition... that's a little accosting, and GregF is much more approachable than that.)
4If I have to keep on deleting such spam, then proto energy might have to drop. I don't like doing that, so please don't make me.
5I'm sorry. This is mostly my fault. I'm new to this kind of forum.
6Anyway, on this (I'm copying this from someone else's post; it's not mine, I'm just commenting on it):
7QUOTE 8QUOTE 9hey greg.
10about takanuva's powers:
111) would he be able to create holographic projections of himself? 12a) somebody else?
132) could he bend light around him making him invisible[like in starcraft (2) but you still can see that light is bent around something as around the edges its "blurry"?
143)can he alter his appearance[in shape by bending light? 15a) nd his color?
164) what would a nova blast of a toa of light be? a massive flash of light incinerating things and blinding everyone?
175) could he make a tiny laser to cut through any metal with ease? and a very large one?
186) would a ToL be able to produce a small weak laser to pinpoint an attack or to mark an opponent for his fellow toa?[or anyone else
197) about takanuva trying out increased speed and solid holograpgic projections: is a ToL capable of doing so, is takanuva capable of doing so, and has takanuva succeeded?
20thanks in advance and good luck with the books, comics and web serials.
211) Possibly insubstantial ones, yes, with training 222) No 233) Yes 244) Yes 255) Yes 266) Yes 277) Since he hasn't had any success doing either yet, we don't know that he is capable of it
281. Dang: 292. This could be important later on... 303. Whoa: This could become very storyline relevent: 314. We already knew this, but I'm glad it finally got cleared up. 325-6. These I didn't expect 337. Hmm...
1Hi Greg: Here are some questions I would like to be answered.
21. Does every being in the Bionicle Universe have a destiny? 31b. If so, is it always completed before they die? 41c. Do they have an option of doing it? 51d. Can they change their destiny? 62. Before Gadunka was enlarged, what did he look like? Exactly like the large one, just, smaller?73. When the crazy Av-Matoran in Karzahni told the to-be Toa Inika to watch their heads, and the ceiling was at least a good six feet above them, was he just crazy or did he somehow know they were going to become Toa? 84. If TSO respects Takanuva's power for defeating Makuta, why does he want him eliminated? So he won't become a major threat to the DH? 95. Will the Blade Burrowers ever play an important part in future storyline? 105b. The Blade Burrowers ARE in the Archives, correct? 116. Where is Dweller currently? In the Archives? 126b. If so, why didn't he wipe out Lewa Nuva when he was there? 136c. Has Dweller come across any Rahi, such as..mm..I dunno...a Blade Burrower? XD 147. Which 2008 sets have you seen that BZPower hasn't seen/known of yet? 158. How intelligent are Blade Burrowers? 169. Is the Universe Core located underneath Metru Nui? 1710. Are the Blade Burrowers digging something, or building something? 1811. Could Takanuva create a shape out of light, and animate it? 1911b. If so, would it have light powers? (Bolts, beams, nova, etc)
20Thanks for your time. By the way, if this went through twice, my apologies.
221) I think so -- I think every being in our universe does, too 231B-1D) I see their destiny as what is meant to happen to them. It may be something good, like saving the universe, or something bad, like becoming a shadow Matoran. They may get to their destiny in totally different ways that no one would expect. And if they die before achieving the task they are on, guess what? Their destiny was to die before completing the task. 242) Yes, a lot smaller 253) No, he was just crazy 264) Because he is the only Toa guarding Metru Nui, which TSO has always coveted. 275) They are, and I can't discuss future storyline 286) He is, and his job is not to wipe out Lewa Nuva. If he does that, then everyone else comes and investigates, finds him, and probably captures or kills him. Then he has failed his mission. 297) All the summer sets 308) Not hugely intelligent 319) No 3210) Can't answer it 3311) He can create a holographic projection, he cannot animate it 3411b) No. It would be like the Princess Leia hologram in the first Star Wars movie.
351) Interesting.. 361B-1D) o.O 377) I wonder what they look like.

39I'm PMing him again, with new questions. Expect them soon.

11) Does Takanuva have an Adaptive Armor form?
22) Could Mata Nui be residing underneath Metru Nui? 32a) If not, will we find out the location of it in '08?
43) Could you give an example of a Light Nova Blast?
54) Why are the '08 matoran's heads completly see-through? 64a) Could this be a factor of av-Matoran, like you see in those movies where light spurs out of their mouth and eyes?
75) Are you going to give powers to the Shadow Matoran's masks?
86) I've had this theory about Takanuva, the Sundial, and the bladeburrowers:
9Blade Burrowers building a gate 10Sundial is like a key 11Takanuva is like a key to use the key
12(if this is true) to get to..?
141-2) I can't answer this 15Hmmm... That's... cool:::
163) A big flash of light 17Kinda disappointing...
184) I'm not a set designer, so I can't answer this 19no comment
205) No, Matoran cannot use mask powers 21Could be a powerless version...
226) No 23awwww...
24The big flash of light could probably blind anyone who even had their eyes closed, which could allow taka to defeat them easily. and Greg confirmed that a light nova blast can hurt beings, though wether this is limited to makuta only is unknown.
25Didn't Greg said that it would incinerate everything in the area?
26Yes, he did. I wonder if Takanuva could do the same thing to beings like the Ignika did to the Phantuka... Also, this is making my Mata Nui under Metru Nui theory more...LIFELIKE::: Also, it would be cool to see Takanuva in Adaptive Armor:
1Mr.F,I have some questions: 21)Since tanma is the source for lewa's midak skyblaster,does it effect him in any way? 31a)If yes,then how?
42)How many Shadow leeches do the BOM have?
53)Could one Makuta in the universe core use rhkshi,or would they use Shadow leeches?
64)How exactly could a Makuta create a shadow leech when in the universe core?The Pit mutagen?
75)What exactly does the Mask of silence do?
86)Could Lewa use his miru if his jets got destroyed?
97)Because Antroz likes to fight fairly,could this be an advantage to the nuva?
108)Could Hydraxon 2 breathe both air and water?
119)Does a Makuta weaken when they use too much Kraata?
121) No 132) Enough 143) There is no EP in the core so no way to make Rahkshi 154) Gets revealed next year 165) Robs a foe of hearing and speech 176) Yes but only for going up and down -- it's not a mask of flight 187) We'll see 198) No 209) Yes
21-------------------- 22Not interesting,but 9 and 5 are.
1Mr. Farshtey I've got a "few" questions, some that have been bugging me for some time
21) what is the possibilities of a mask of...
3a) self-detonation? 4duplication? 5c) power-negation?
62) I've noted some simerlarities between some of the the 2004 characters and characters from Richard Adams book 'Watership Down'
7Vakama-Fiver/Hazel 8Nokama-Blackberry 9Onewa-Bigwig 10Matau-Kehaar/Hawkbit 11Whenua-Blackaver 12Dume-Thearhrah 13Makuta-General Woundwort
143) I've noted that Avak leans more towards being an anti-hero than the other Piraka, please can you fully explain this?
15(in the case of "Power Play") I mean wouldn't it just be easier to let Hakaan and Thok kill off the Inika first then after breaking out, use the zamor sphere on the two.
164) where do you get your humour from?
175) how would you describe the shadow matoran 18- As evil minions like Count Olaf's Acting troupe 19- Or as Annoying mischeif makers to the Toa Nuva (like Lock, Shock and Barrel from "the nightmare before christmas")
206) Would you compare Tanma to Sweeny Todd (Sondheim musical version) without the singing) or close to him 21- On an off topic question have you heard about the Movie adaptation of the Sweeny Todd musical
227) please can you explain a bit about Photoks personality?
238) There was a quote I heard that goes around these lines 24- I have discovered a new way to force someone to shapeshift and do so permentnently, grab me again and you'll be living out the rest of your life as and angry frost beetle, with a broken leg' 25a) is this canon 26I presume Chirox and Mutran said this am I warm?
279) is there some reason behind Antroz's honor? 28a) could you compare him to Pohatu?
2910) looking forward to christmas?
3011)What are the chances of a character with a habit of break the forth wall
3112) Is there a chance of us being able to see BIONICLE mythology
3213) What does it mean by the bionicle motto "Find the power, live the legend"
33thank you if you can answer these
34Peace on earth and good will to all men
35Vidkid, you have to get ten posts and PM your questions to Greg via the link on the first page.![]()
36Urr Mr T. um please can you elaborate on that?
37I can send the questions to Greg for ya.

1can anyone ask greg about how the shadow matoran mutated. did the leeched do it or did they become shadow matoran and march to mutran and chiirox to be mutated into flying forms? thanks
1can anyone ask greg about how the shadow matoran mutated. did the leeched do it or did they become shadow matoran and march to mutran and chiirox to be mutated into flying forms? thanks cause my ****** PM's are duffed up.
2Please be careful of language:
3EDIT: Sorry for the spam, I'll fix it. We know that radiak was mutated, but we don't know about the rest.
4-Shardwing Prime-
1can anyone ask greg about how the shadow matoran mutated. did the leeched do it or did they become shadow matoran and march to mutran and chiirox to be mutated into flying forms? thanks cause my ****** PM's are duffed up.
2Please be careful of language:
3EDIT: Sorry for the spam, I'll fix it. We know that radiak was mutated, but we don't know about the rest.
4-Shardwing Prime-
5Actually, Greg stated that Mutran mutated them because he was "in a bad mood"
1can anyone ask greg about how the shadow matoran mutated. did the leeched do it or did they become shadow matoran and march to mutran and chiirox to be mutated into flying forms? thanks cause my ****** PM's are duffed up.
2Please be careful of language:
3EDIT: Sorry for the spam, I'll fix it. We know that radiak was mutated, but we don't know about the rest.
4-Shardwing Prime-
5Actually, Greg stated that Mutran mutated them because he was "in a bad mood"
7Actually actually, Greg said RADIAK had four legs because Mutran was in a bad mood

1can anyone ask greg about how the shadow matoran mutated. did the leeched do it or did they become shadow matoran and march to mutran and chiirox to be mutated into flying forms? thanks cause my ****** PM's are duffed up.
2Please be careful of language:
3EDIT: Sorry for the spam, I'll fix it. We know that radiak was mutated, but we don't know about the rest.
4-Shardwing Prime-
5Actually, Greg stated that Mutran mutated them because he was "in a bad mood"
7Actually actually, Greg said RADIAK had four legs because Mutran was in a bad mood8TNN
9oh. well i'm pretty sure he said that he mutated the others as well.
1Me 2The server has eaten this twice so i'm sending it again.
31.)Makuta as Maxilos has all his powers but shapeshifting right? 41a.)Can he stil make kratta? 52.)Did lego use the same mold for mutran and chirox's masks 62a.)Do they have the same power? 73.)You said the mask of gravity could be used to moon jump but biosecter says you can't use it on oneself i'm confused. 84.)Can Makuta as Maxilos breath air or just water? I thought I read he could both but I just wanted to make shure. 95.)Last time I used a bad example so here we go. In bionicle movies toa make some major jumps (Gali jumps up a tower, Lhikan jumps from clif edge to clif edge,etc...) what is the max jump the avrege toa regularly can make? 106.)Last time you said lava can't be made by earth and fire but in mask of light Ouna and Tahu did so how did they do this or was it a mistake? 117.)Can a toa of air with just a mask of levatation by pushing oneself along? would this work if another toa was using a nuva mask of levatation on a toa of air? if not why? 128.)Can the great mask of mind control work on rahi? 139.)Could a mask of mind reading be used to telepathicly talk to rahi? 1410.)Gali made a telepathic link to Tahu can all toa do this? If not what ones can?
15Thanks: 16Ps great job: I look forword to your next comic. 17ewpw
18Greg 191) There are other powers he does not have as well, like heat and cold resistance -- those are purely physical powers and he's not in his own body anymore. 201a) Yes 212) I am not a set designer so I don't have this info. I have not even seen the Mutran set in person yet. 223) Moon jump? When did I say that? 234) Neither. Maxilos is a robot, he doesn't need to breathe. He's a machine. 245) No idea. We don't lock ourselves down on stuff like that because we have no need to do so and it just restricts us later. 256) It would make more sense to have Pohatu and Tahu do that, so if that happened in the movie, the moviemakers screwed up. I didn't write the movie or have any involvement in it. Look up lava -- it's melted rock, not melted dirt. 267) I don't understand your question 278) Most Rahi do not have much of a mind to control 289) See answer to #8. Things like Krahka and the Kikanalo are an exception, most Rahi don't think the way a Toa or Matoran does, and they certainly wouldn't think in the Matoran language 2910) Can you give me some context? When did she do that? 30
31.)Makuta as Maxilos has all his powers but shapeshifting right? 41a.)Can he stil make kratta? 52.)Did lego use the same mold for mutran and chirox's masks 62a.)Do they have the same power? 73.)You said the mask of gravity could be used to moon jump but biosecter says you can't use it on oneself i'm confused. 84.)Can Makuta as Maxilos breath air or just water? I thought I read he could both but I just wanted to make shure. 95.)Last time I used a bad example so here we go. In bionicle movies toa make some major jumps (Gali jumps up a tower, Lhikan jumps from clif edge to clif edge,etc...) what is the max jump the avrege toa regularly can make? 106.)Last time you said lava can't be made by earth and fire but in mask of light Ouna and Tahu did so how did they do this or was it a mistake? 117.)Can a toa of air with just a mask of levatation by pushing oneself along? would this work if another toa was using a nuva mask of levatation on a toa of air? if not why? 128.)Can the great mask of mind control work on rahi? 139.)Could a mask of mind reading be used to telepathicly talk to rahi? 1410.)Gali made a telepathic link to Tahu can all toa do this? If not what ones can?
15Thanks: 16Ps great job: I look forword to your next comic. 17ewpw
18Greg 191) There are other powers he does not have as well, like heat and cold resistance -- those are purely physical powers and he's not in his own body anymore. 201a) Yes 212) I am not a set designer so I don't have this info. I have not even seen the Mutran set in person yet. 223) Moon jump? When did I say that? 234) Neither. Maxilos is a robot, he doesn't need to breathe. He's a machine. 245) No idea. We don't lock ourselves down on stuff like that because we have no need to do so and it just restricts us later. 256) It would make more sense to have Pohatu and Tahu do that, so if that happened in the movie, the moviemakers screwed up. I didn't write the movie or have any involvement in it. Look up lava -- it's melted rock, not melted dirt. 267) I don't understand your question 278) Most Rahi do not have much of a mind to control 289) See answer to #8. Things like Krahka and the Kikanalo are an exception, most Rahi don't think the way a Toa or Matoran does, and they certainly wouldn't think in the Matoran language 2910) Can you give me some context? When did she do that? 30

1Out of curiosity, how did the whole Blade Burrowers thing come up? Last I heard of them was in the Rahi Guide in 2005. What's so important now?
1Well, it started when we found out about Takanuva having a new form. Then we started talking about Dweller who is hunting Takanuva. Then we asked about the Blade Burrowers and asked what they're building and he said Can't answer it which is giving us a little insight about '08
1Well, it started when we found out about Takanuva having a new form. Then we started talking about Dweller who is hunting Takanuva. Then we asked about the Blade Burrowers and asked what they're building and he said Can't answer it which is giving us a little insight about '08
2Dude, he's been saying that about them ever since the Rahi Guide came out. This is nothing new.
1Well, it started when we found out about Takanuva having a new form. Then we started talking about Dweller who is hunting Takanuva. Then we asked about the Blade Burrowers and asked what they're building and he said Can't answer it which is giving us a little insight about '08
2Not really. I don't understand why people keep thinking that "Can't answer it" means "It will definitely have a role in the plot next year." It just means that Greg doesn't want to reveal that info right now.
1Mr. Farshtey I've got a "few" questions, some that have been bugging me for some time
21) what is the possibilities of a mask of...
3a) self-detonation? 4duplication? 5c) power-negation?
62) I've noted some simerlarities between some of the the 2004 characters and characters from Richard Adams book 'Watership Down'
7Vakama-Fiver/Hazel 8Nokama-Blackberry 9Onewa-Bigwig 10Matau-Kehaar/Hawkbit 11Whenua-Blackaver 12Dume-Thearhrah 13Makuta-General Woundwort
143) I've noted that Avak leans more towards being an anti-hero than the other Piraka, please can you fully explain this?
15(in the case of "Power Play") I mean wouldn't it just be easier to let Hakaan and Thok kill off the Inika first then after breaking out, use the zamor sphere on the two.
164) where do you get your humour from?
175) how would you describe the shadow matoran 18- As evil minions like Count Olaf's Acting troupe 19- Or as Annoying mischeif makers to the Toa Nuva (like Lock, Shock and Barrel from "the nightmare before christmas")
206) Would you compare Tanma to Sweeny Todd (Sondheim musical version) without the singing) or close to him 21- On an off topic question have you heard about the Movie adaptation of the Sweeny Todd musical
227) please can you explain a bit about Photoks personality?
238) There was a quote I heard that goes around these lines 24- I have discovered a new way to force someone to shapeshift and do so permentnently, grab me again and you'll be living out the rest of your life as and angry frost beetle, with a broken leg' 25a) is this canon 26I presume Chirox and Mutran said this am I warm?
279) is there some reason behind Antroz's honor? 28a) could you compare him to Pohatu?
2910) looking forward to christmas?
3011)What are the chances of a character with a habit of break the forth wall
3112) Is there a chance of us being able to see BIONICLE mythology
3213) What does it mean by the bionicle motto "Find the power, live the legend"
33thank you if you can answer these
34Peace on earth and good will to all men
35Vidkid, you have to get ten posts and PM your questions to Greg via the link on the first page.![]()
36Urr Mr T. um please can you elaborate on that?
37I can send the questions to Greg for ya.38Antroz
39THANKS ANTROZ you are as honerable as your namesake::::::::
1Hey Greg::: 2Here are a few questions.
31]What are the Barraki(minus carapar and takadox) doing now? 41aHave the remaining barraki started to look for there allies (or do they not even care)? 51bHow were takadox and carapar chosen to join OOMN and be apart of brutakas team?
62]How is brutaka on land now that he has been mutated?
73]When are next years web serials starting?
84]Do you like The Rolling Stones(I know I do)?
9Happy X-mas Greg: 10Arcton
111) What can they do? They are stuck where they are 121a) They probably just assume they're dead 131b) Wait for 2008 142) Fine 153) January 164) Not particularly, no. I listen mainly to jazz
17Heres some stuff. Number two doesn't make much sense

1I guess he's fine becuase he using an aparratus(?), arcton
1Heres some interesting news of Vican
2Was Vican the leader of the Av-Matoran?
3No. Vican was never an Av-Matoran
4I always thought he was one of Mutran's Rahi.![]()
5Oh... somebody should change BSO1 then. That's really interesting. I wonder what kind of matoran Vican was.
6mmm, maybe he was a Le-Matoran, but nobody knows, yet...

1Some interesting stuff here, I think.
21) I've been hearing 2009 toted about a lot as things like a reboot, or that it's supposed to be a lot like 01 in some way. If I remember correctly, when Bionicle began, there were 9 story arcs or story bibles or what have you planned for the series, but due to the success of the series, this has since changed, right? Have these rumors about 09 started in some way because of those statements? Also, concerning 09, can you lay to rest for certain that it will NOT be a reboot or a return to 01 in some strange and incomprehensible way?
32) Can you say whether or not the Bohrok will ever play another role in the story?
43) I know sets aren't exactly your area of work, but I've always wondered about the translucent pieces that hook up to some set's heads and make the eyes. Are these pieces meant to be the brains of the set? Are Matoran brains external?
54) You've said that Matoran at least have lungs, and possibly other organs, how does this fit into things like when the Toa Mata assembled themselves on the shores of Mata Nui or during the Rebuilding of the Matoran on Mata Nui? What becomes of the lungs contained in such pieces?
66) A Matoran can become a Toa, and then a Turaga. Would you say this means that Toa and Turaga could all be classified Matoran? (I think I may have asked this before.) 7cool.gif If so, do the Toa Nuva count as Matoran, too, despite having never been villagers/workers?
87)If the Mask of Light provides control over the element of Light, could it be used by a non-Light Toa to change their colors?
98)You've said Vezon's being on the Strike Force is because no Makuta has yet seen him in action. While I do agree that this is a sound idea, what happens after the first encounter with Vezon? Then they know he has no powers, and the element of surprise is gone.
109)The Masks that the Makuta carry are so far rather negative, it seems. Can you comment at all on how the Makuta have obtained masks such as Corruption and Shadows? They didn't carry such tools when they were serving Mata Nui, did they?
1110) When a Makuta shape shifts, can it change color, as well? If so, could a Makuta assume the form of, say, Takanuva and use this power to fool the Matoran?
1211) Visions have from time to time appeared as an ability in the Bionicle Universe. Vakama and Gali have both had them. Is there a common explanation for the source of these visions, or not?
1312) If the Bohrok are not innately evil as we once assumed, then why did Le-Koro become possessed by Krana? This hardly seems to fit in with the task of demolition.
1413)What mask did Icarax wear prior to taking the MoMN's Kraakhan?
1514)Are there more than one of the Kraakhan and Avhokii?
1616)Were disks used in the creation of the Kanohi Nuva, Kraakhan, Avhokii or Ignika?
1717)Can Matoran still win Copper Masks of Victory in Metru Nui?
1818) Now that the Mahri are home, how exactly will the Matoran handle the Turaga having wished to keep the end of Mata Nui's life from them?
1919) Do Matoran hold funerals? If so, will Matoro have one?
2020)Are you planning to show the effects of Matoro's death on those who knew him well? For instance, when Captain America died, many characters in the Marvel Universe mourned him in different ways.
2121) It's beyond the power of the Ignika to restore life, correct? 22A) Takutanuva was able to do this though, right? So can anyone else do this, like Mata Nui or the Great Beings?
2322)You've compared the Ignika's Countdown plan to taking apart a Lego set that was built incorrectly so you could put it back together properly. But a Lego set isn't made up of things which think, feel, and have emotions, hopes, and dreams? Are the Great Beings unaware of this, does it not matter to them, or is the evil in the world simply so great that the few good lives cannot outweigh all the bad ones?
2423)We've seen Takanuva's reaction to what it was like to be fused with Makuta, but what was it like for Makuta to be fused to him?
2524) Makuta has claimed to have planned a lot of things out, apparently able to even account for the Toa Nuva encountering energized protodermis and survive it. This suggests he has an incredible amount of foresight or an understanding unlike any one else's. Was he prepared for turning into Takutanuva? What about the events in the Toa Nuva blog? Was he prepared for the theft of the Heart of the Visorak and the Staff of Artahka?
26That's all I can think of for now, but I'm sure I'll probably stumble into more later. Thank you in advance for taking time out of your day to answer all this: I hope someday I'm a respectable author who can take time to answer his fans' questions, too:
271) I cannot discuss 2009. 282) I can't say no, they will never reappear, but I can't see them having a prominent role simply because 1) their job is done and 2) they are six year old sets. 293) Not a set designer, so can't answer this 304) When the Toa Mata built themselves, their torsos were intact -- one piece -- and that's where their lungs are housed. They were putting arms and legs on. 316) Toa are an evolution of the Matoran species 326b) No. They were never Matoran, so they are not an evolution of that species. 337) Yes 348) Maybe all they need him for is one encounter. This is not a prolonged war they are fighting, this is a single, suicide mission they are on. 359) I can't discuss this 3610) He can assume the form of Takanuva, but he would not have Takanuva's power. A Makuta does not get the power of its new form, still retains his own. 3711) Well, Gali's came from a blow to the head, so no, she does not share a common thread with Vakama. 3812) Because the Le-Matoran got in their way. Absorbing them into the swarm was more merciful and efficient than killing them would have been. Remember -- when the Bohrok were created and programmed, it was assumed no one would ever be living on Mata Nui, so the idea there might be an intelligent civilization there was not considered. 3913) Hasn't been revealed 4014) Not that we are aware of, no 4116) No 4217) Sure, why not? 4318) The Matoran found out what was going on after Jaller and his crew left, so this is old news for them. 4419) There is a reference to a memorial being held for him in Book 8 4520) I really don't see where I am going to have room to do that. Story does not spend much time on Metru Nui this year. 4621) By itself, yes 4721a) I can't answer this, but if your question is related to the idea of Matoro coming back at some point, he's not coming back. That's already been decided. 4822) In the end, it doesn't matter to them. If you have a pet, it has hopes, feelings and dreams too (at least, I think it does) -- but what if it turns savage and starts attacking small children? What's going to happen? The vets will put it down as a menace and you will get a new dog. The GBs do not consider Matoran, Toa etc. as their equals -- they are beings they created, and therefore have the right to eliminate if their universe poses a threat to the rest of reality. 4923) Nauseating 5024) Takutanuva, no -- neither was he factoring in his armor being crushed. As for HoV and SoA, he knew those instances could go either way and neither object was critical to his plans.
51I especially liked 23.
52And for the record, I wasn't interested in Matoro coming back, just knowing whether or not other beings could do the revification deal. Some people are getting kinda Aerith over the whole Matoro thing, if the allusion will be allowed.
21) I've been hearing 2009 toted about a lot as things like a reboot, or that it's supposed to be a lot like 01 in some way. If I remember correctly, when Bionicle began, there were 9 story arcs or story bibles or what have you planned for the series, but due to the success of the series, this has since changed, right? Have these rumors about 09 started in some way because of those statements? Also, concerning 09, can you lay to rest for certain that it will NOT be a reboot or a return to 01 in some strange and incomprehensible way?
32) Can you say whether or not the Bohrok will ever play another role in the story?
43) I know sets aren't exactly your area of work, but I've always wondered about the translucent pieces that hook up to some set's heads and make the eyes. Are these pieces meant to be the brains of the set? Are Matoran brains external?
54) You've said that Matoran at least have lungs, and possibly other organs, how does this fit into things like when the Toa Mata assembled themselves on the shores of Mata Nui or during the Rebuilding of the Matoran on Mata Nui? What becomes of the lungs contained in such pieces?
66) A Matoran can become a Toa, and then a Turaga. Would you say this means that Toa and Turaga could all be classified Matoran? (I think I may have asked this before.) 7cool.gif If so, do the Toa Nuva count as Matoran, too, despite having never been villagers/workers?
87)If the Mask of Light provides control over the element of Light, could it be used by a non-Light Toa to change their colors?
98)You've said Vezon's being on the Strike Force is because no Makuta has yet seen him in action. While I do agree that this is a sound idea, what happens after the first encounter with Vezon? Then they know he has no powers, and the element of surprise is gone.
109)The Masks that the Makuta carry are so far rather negative, it seems. Can you comment at all on how the Makuta have obtained masks such as Corruption and Shadows? They didn't carry such tools when they were serving Mata Nui, did they?
1110) When a Makuta shape shifts, can it change color, as well? If so, could a Makuta assume the form of, say, Takanuva and use this power to fool the Matoran?
1211) Visions have from time to time appeared as an ability in the Bionicle Universe. Vakama and Gali have both had them. Is there a common explanation for the source of these visions, or not?
1312) If the Bohrok are not innately evil as we once assumed, then why did Le-Koro become possessed by Krana? This hardly seems to fit in with the task of demolition.
1413)What mask did Icarax wear prior to taking the MoMN's Kraakhan?
1514)Are there more than one of the Kraakhan and Avhokii?
1616)Were disks used in the creation of the Kanohi Nuva, Kraakhan, Avhokii or Ignika?
1717)Can Matoran still win Copper Masks of Victory in Metru Nui?
1818) Now that the Mahri are home, how exactly will the Matoran handle the Turaga having wished to keep the end of Mata Nui's life from them?
1919) Do Matoran hold funerals? If so, will Matoro have one?
2020)Are you planning to show the effects of Matoro's death on those who knew him well? For instance, when Captain America died, many characters in the Marvel Universe mourned him in different ways.
2121) It's beyond the power of the Ignika to restore life, correct? 22A) Takutanuva was able to do this though, right? So can anyone else do this, like Mata Nui or the Great Beings?
2322)You've compared the Ignika's Countdown plan to taking apart a Lego set that was built incorrectly so you could put it back together properly. But a Lego set isn't made up of things which think, feel, and have emotions, hopes, and dreams? Are the Great Beings unaware of this, does it not matter to them, or is the evil in the world simply so great that the few good lives cannot outweigh all the bad ones?
2423)We've seen Takanuva's reaction to what it was like to be fused with Makuta, but what was it like for Makuta to be fused to him?
2524) Makuta has claimed to have planned a lot of things out, apparently able to even account for the Toa Nuva encountering energized protodermis and survive it. This suggests he has an incredible amount of foresight or an understanding unlike any one else's. Was he prepared for turning into Takutanuva? What about the events in the Toa Nuva blog? Was he prepared for the theft of the Heart of the Visorak and the Staff of Artahka?
26That's all I can think of for now, but I'm sure I'll probably stumble into more later. Thank you in advance for taking time out of your day to answer all this: I hope someday I'm a respectable author who can take time to answer his fans' questions, too:
271) I cannot discuss 2009. 282) I can't say no, they will never reappear, but I can't see them having a prominent role simply because 1) their job is done and 2) they are six year old sets. 293) Not a set designer, so can't answer this 304) When the Toa Mata built themselves, their torsos were intact -- one piece -- and that's where their lungs are housed. They were putting arms and legs on. 316) Toa are an evolution of the Matoran species 326b) No. They were never Matoran, so they are not an evolution of that species. 337) Yes 348) Maybe all they need him for is one encounter. This is not a prolonged war they are fighting, this is a single, suicide mission they are on. 359) I can't discuss this 3610) He can assume the form of Takanuva, but he would not have Takanuva's power. A Makuta does not get the power of its new form, still retains his own. 3711) Well, Gali's came from a blow to the head, so no, she does not share a common thread with Vakama. 3812) Because the Le-Matoran got in their way. Absorbing them into the swarm was more merciful and efficient than killing them would have been. Remember -- when the Bohrok were created and programmed, it was assumed no one would ever be living on Mata Nui, so the idea there might be an intelligent civilization there was not considered. 3913) Hasn't been revealed 4014) Not that we are aware of, no 4116) No 4217) Sure, why not? 4318) The Matoran found out what was going on after Jaller and his crew left, so this is old news for them. 4419) There is a reference to a memorial being held for him in Book 8 4520) I really don't see where I am going to have room to do that. Story does not spend much time on Metru Nui this year. 4621) By itself, yes 4721a) I can't answer this, but if your question is related to the idea of Matoro coming back at some point, he's not coming back. That's already been decided. 4822) In the end, it doesn't matter to them. If you have a pet, it has hopes, feelings and dreams too (at least, I think it does) -- but what if it turns savage and starts attacking small children? What's going to happen? The vets will put it down as a menace and you will get a new dog. The GBs do not consider Matoran, Toa etc. as their equals -- they are beings they created, and therefore have the right to eliminate if their universe poses a threat to the rest of reality. 4923) Nauseating 5024) Takutanuva, no -- neither was he factoring in his armor being crushed. As for HoV and SoA, he knew those instances could go either way and neither object was critical to his plans.
51I especially liked 23.
52And for the record, I wasn't interested in Matoro coming back, just knowing whether or not other beings could do the revification deal. Some people are getting kinda Aerith over the whole Matoro thing, if the allusion will be allowed.
1QUOTE 2Hey Greg, I just have a question or two, and if you can't answer them that's okay 31) I found a question on the greg topic that was answered that you have seen the summer 08 sets. Are they definately something to look forward to? 41.a) If you can answer this, what is your favorite summer nuva so far?( I'm trying oh so hard to be safe as possible with these questions ) 52) Have you started the new web serials for this coming year? About how far are you in the book series? 63) When you write the books and everything, how do you see the characters? Do you see them looking like the sets, or in another way?
71) Well, since I work for the company that is going to be trying to sell them, what do you think my answer is going to be? 81a) Don't have one. 92) No, not yet, and I am starting Book 11 103) I don't picture them in my head. I think in words, not pictures
1Few questions I got from Greg.
2Few questions I got from Greg.
3Good day Greg.I hope you are enjoying the holidays.Do you mind answering these?
41:Since Brutaka is biomechanical, can he detach his spikes and dorsal fin?
52:What will the OoMN think of Hydraxon 2?Will they recruit him into the Order when he has completed his task?
63:Can Makuta use their sonic ability like a form of echolocation?
74:Who would you say is the least happy about joining the OoMN strike force?
85:Who would you say is the most experienced good Av Matoran fighter?
96:If the Makuta just see Matoran as they are with no special ranks, then why is Gavla leader?Did the corrupted Matoran elect her?
107o you have a favorite Av Matoran?
118oes Radiak dislike his new quadreped appearence?
129o Soleks power rely on his will?For example, If he made a boulder out of light to drop on Kirop, and Gavla hits him with a shadow bolt.Will the boulder dissapear?
139(b)Does the size of the object he's creating make it more difficult?
1410:This is a question about set design.Do you look at the next years sets, and then base the storyline around them, or do you give set designers the info about the certain year and they create sets to suit the enviroment etc?
15Thank you.
161) No 172) At this point, they don't even know about him. 183) No, it's too powerful. 194) Since I haven't started writing the serial yet, impossible for me to say 205) None of them have vast combat experience, but I would probably give Tanma an edge 216) LOL, like Makuta would care about a Matoran election -- do you think they believe in democracy? They made her leader because she was turned first, and because she disliked the other Matoran even before she was corrupted. 227) Nope 238) Vanity isn't one of his faults 249) Yes 2510) The set designers usually know in general what sort of environment we will have in a given year -- undersea, in the air, on an island, etc. Then they design the sets, and then we build the story around the sets.
11.How did MoMN attacked mata nui when he didn't know where he is?
22.Voya nui rocketed from the southern continent but how did it create a hole in karda nui?
33.Has the sundial have something to do with these? 4a. Transportation / teleportation 5b. Mutation 6c.Others
71) Can't answer it 82) Because the southern continent is the roof of the dome containing Karda Nui. 93) You'll find out in 2008
10Number 1 seems interesting...
11~Exo Guardian~
1PMed him yesterday:
2Hey Greg, 3Sorry to trouble you, but I have a few questions that have been bugging me:
41. Was Takua able to change his colors, but just didn't know he could do it?
52. Are all types of Matoran (i.e. fire, water) able to turn into shadow matoran? 62a. Is Vican one of those?
73. Can Takanuva change his colors?
84. I noticed that all of the Phantoka Toa Nuva have gray as their secondary colors, while the Makuta have black. Does this have any plot significance, or was it the whim of the set designers?
101) Yes, because he didn't remember he was an Av-Matoran, so he was changing his color unconsciously 11Wait, does that mean that his color was adjusting itself? A little weird if you ask me. 122) Yes 13Hmm...So Vican most likely is a Le-matoran... 143) Yes 15We might be seeing a pink and black Takanuva XD. 164) Set designers 17K, so that didn't mean anything.
18Hope this brings some insight:
2Hey Greg, 3Sorry to trouble you, but I have a few questions that have been bugging me:
41. Was Takua able to change his colors, but just didn't know he could do it?
52. Are all types of Matoran (i.e. fire, water) able to turn into shadow matoran? 62a. Is Vican one of those?
73. Can Takanuva change his colors?
84. I noticed that all of the Phantoka Toa Nuva have gray as their secondary colors, while the Makuta have black. Does this have any plot significance, or was it the whim of the set designers?
101) Yes, because he didn't remember he was an Av-Matoran, so he was changing his color unconsciously 11Wait, does that mean that his color was adjusting itself? A little weird if you ask me. 122) Yes 13Hmm...So Vican most likely is a Le-matoran... 143) Yes 15We might be seeing a pink and black Takanuva XD. 164) Set designers 17K, so that didn't mean anything.
18Hope this brings some insight: