1Guys, the problem with the idea about a mainland surface island is that the pit and mahri nui (what's left of it) are on top of the mainland.
1Guys, the problem with the idea about a mainland surface island is that the pit and mahri nui (what's left of it) are on top of the mainland.
2Actually, the Pit and mainland domes are on the same level, with the Pit being farther north of the mainland. None of these domes are known to jut above sea level.
1Well here is some questions I asked Greg yesterday, I find number one to be a cool and interesting answer.
2Hey Greg hope your holidays were well and over them I thought of a few questions:
31.Can any Toa Nuva use the Av-Matoran's abilities? 4Like for example can Lewa use Photok's speed ability
52.Is there a reason Tridax Pods are orange?
63.How does Kopaka fly with just wings when he has no kind of engine to move him around?
71) If Photok was mounted on him, yes 82) Cause the set designers made them that way 93) The power is in the wings
2Hey Greg hope your holidays were well and over them I thought of a few questions:
31.Can any Toa Nuva use the Av-Matoran's abilities? 4Like for example can Lewa use Photok's speed ability
52.Is there a reason Tridax Pods are orange?
63.How does Kopaka fly with just wings when he has no kind of engine to move him around?
71) If Photok was mounted on him, yes 82) Cause the set designers made them that way 93) The power is in the wings
1Ok, guys, I didn't want to bother greg with this but mabe you can help me understand. ok, voya nui, when it goes back down to where itwas, it seals the crack. but then wouldn't the surface of the island be underwater? how will axon and the voya nui matoran survive if they can't go to the surface? similarly, if they try to go out the bottom, they fall the height of the dome: i'm really confused about this:
1Ikk- The pit is right next to the hole in the top of the mainland's dome. The pit is on the bottom of the surface ocean, and therefore on top of the mainland dome.
2EDIT: Cytua- The mainland is so huge that even after a milenium of water flooding down on to it, it is still only a fraction flooded. Voya Nui is in the middle, and not flooded
2EDIT: Cytua- The mainland is so huge that even after a milenium of water flooding down on to it, it is still only a fraction flooded. Voya Nui is in the middle, and not flooded
1Ok, guys, I didn't want to bother greg with this but mabe you can help me understand. ok, voya nui, when it goes back down to where itwas, it seals the crack. but then wouldn't the surface of the island be underwater? how will axon and the voya nui matoran survive if they can't go to the surface? similarly, if they try to go out the bottom, they fall the height of the dome: i'm really confused about this:
2You've got something wrong there. Voya Nui was originally part of the south continent, not the dome. When they go through the hole in the roof of the dome, the Staff of Artakha will repair the hole. Voya Nui will go on the southern Continent, and axxon Voyoran will be on the surface of the air. 3Hope I explained it good enough
4Edit: Takuamaster beat me to it.
1Ikk- The pit is right next to the hole in the top of the mainland's dome. The pit is on the bottom of the surface ocean, and therefore on top of the mainland dome.
2EDIT: Cytua- The mainland is so huge that even after a milenium of water flooding down on to it, it is still only a fraction flooded. Voya Nui is in the middle, and not flooded
3thats not what i meant, but i just realized what had happened.
1Cytua, the flooding is in the Core, not on the mainland. 

1Does anyone if Greg is on a break over New Years? 

1Takuamaster, this is basically how I see it -- Underground overlook. 'course, correct me if I'm wrong, but it's all based on info Greg's given.
2Sorry for the poor pictorial quality.
3EDIT: Okay, I think I confused the locations of the two domes. Just imagine the picture reversed... left righted and vice versa.

2Sorry for the poor pictorial quality.

3EDIT: Okay, I think I confused the locations of the two domes. Just imagine the picture reversed... left righted and vice versa.

1Cap'n Ikki- I'm pretty sure the Mainland should be a lot bigger and Karda Nui should be a lot smaller.
1Wow- one small question by Cytua sparks a whole discussion about the islands. I agree with the maps
1Greg's going on a vacation until the third so he won't update his blog.Do NOT PM him.
2Hi Greg,I have one question:
3What is the difference between Tanma shooting a light bolt and him firing his Midak light through his tool.
4Thank you.Merry Christmas
5I think you're a little confused. Tanma does not carry a Midak Skyblaster, Lewa does. In terms of the energy itself, there is no difference. The difference lies in the fact that Lewa does not have to draw light from the environment to power his Midak, so using it does not make the core any darker than it already is. Since darkness helps the Makuta, that's a good thing.
6But couldn't Tanma focus Midak light with his power blade? Also is Midak a container for the light or solid light?
7He can focus light through his blade, yes, but he also provides energy for Lewa's weapon. And Midak is an adaptable Toa weapon, it is not made of light.
8Is the ammo made out of solid light?
9It's spheres of white light, but not solid ones, as far as I remember.
10When are you going to release some info on the Nuva,Av-Matoran,Icarax,Mutran & Vican?
11Also when will BL10 and BL11 be released?
121) I am on vacation until the 3rd, so not updating my blog during this period. 132) Bionicle Legends 10 is out next summer, Bionicle Legends 11 is out toward the end of the year
14Have a great vacation.
15In one of 2008 serial is it about the BoM or MoMN?
16In the 2008 Biocast will it feature Takanuva with his new form?
17For the Matoran and Toa combination can the Matoran jump off (in the story)?
181) Both, it's a flashback 192) Can't discuss this 203) Sure
1Ooh, a flashback... Interesting...
1Hi, I will only take up 2-questions-worth of your time.21: If there was a Rahi that had very basic control over water, could Lesovikk copy it's power and create a "water bubble" around himself to breathe on land?
32: Can a wearer of a Faxon keep the powers he/she copies? Or do the powers only last a limited period of time?
61) Depends. We are letting the Faxon copy powers, but not natural abilities like breathing, etc. -- so if it was a power, yes. 72) Limited period of time
1Some thinks I asked Greg
2Hi Greg
3I hope you have had a very good holliday
4Some new questions:
51- Was Tuyet really evil or insane?
62- If Takanuva (or a other toa of light) has got a midak blaster, could he use light powers as ammo for the blaster?
73- Could a makuta create plants, gravity or magnetism?
84- could the SoA be used to repair damage that a jutlin caused?
95- About the kanohi Shelek, couldn't a toa of sonics do the same things?
106- What happens to a makuta if his light is sucked out?
11All for now
121) I am not sure "evil" really applies -- she wanted power, and she was willing to do very bad things to get it, but she wanted it so she could defeat villains like the Brotherhood of Makuta and the Dark Hunters. I would definitely say she was mentally unbalanced, though. 132) Yes 143) No 154) If it had a piece of the original item to work with, yes. If it is all rotted away and gone, no. 165) By removing all sound in an area, basically, yes. But there is no Toa of Sonics in Karda Nui and certainly none that would help a Makuta, so the question is moot. 176) Makuta have no light to be removed.
1Ikk- The pit is right next to the hole in the top of the mainland's dome. The pit is on the bottom of the surface ocean, and therefore on top of the mainland dome.
2EDIT: Cytua- The mainland is so huge that even after a milenium of water flooding down on to it, it is still only a fraction flooded. Voya Nui is in the middle, and not flooded
3No the pit is far awax from the mainland. Remember that when Voy Nui broke off it drifted north for I belive 600 years. And when Voya Nui returned to the Mainland in made a turn inside the ocean and "fell" south, it didn't just fall down into the ocean.
1The probem with the theory that there is an island on top of the mainland is that Matoro swam on top of the the dome to enter it.
1Ikk- The pit is right next to the hole in the top of the mainland's dome. The pit is on the bottom of the surface ocean, and therefore on top of the mainland dome.
2EDIT: Cytua- The mainland is so huge that even after a milenium of water flooding down on to it, it is still only a fraction flooded. Voya Nui is in the middle, and not flooded
3No the pit is far awax from the mainland. Remember that when Voy Nui broke off it drifted south for I belive 600 years. And when Voya Nui returned to the Mainland in made a turn inside the ocean and "fell" north, it didn't just fall down into the ocean.
4Vice-versa. It drifted north then went back south when the cord was cut.
1Hi, Greg: Hope you had a great Holiday: Now on to the questions...
21. Did Mutran say the Frost Beetle quote? Sounds like something he'd say... 32. Is Vican the Igor to Mutran's Dr. Frankenstien? 43. On S@H, it says that Mutran and Vican guard the Shadow Leech vats. Is this canon? 54. Who created the Tridax/Shadow Leeches? My guess is is Mutran or Chirox. 65. Why does Mutran have a staff AND a sword? Kinda seems like an overkill to me... 76. Who's your favorite '08 makuta? Mine's Mutran.
91) Hasn't been revealed yet 102) Basically, yes 113) Yes 124) Mutran did 135) Because that is what the set designers gave him. Story does not determine what weapons the characters carry, the set designers do. 146) One of the summer ones
1Hi again Greg, I do hope you had a Merry Christmas. Just a few questions I'm built up for you. 21) If a Jutlin is used to begin rotting something, but the user's concentration was broken, would the object be restored to it's original state, or be left at the state of corrosion the user left it at? 32) Is there any possibility at all that we will discover the Shadowed One's real name eventually? 43) I understand completely if you can't answer this, I guess I just have a hunch. Is the reason the Summer Makuta do not have Kraata powers because of some form of punishment? 54) Can it be assumed that the OoMN and BoM has a quicker way to kill Makuta than the usual "break the armor, disperse the Antidermis"? I'm just wondering since the Makuta of Artahka was killed, as well any Makuta who didn't agree with the master plan. 65) What is the better description of Karzahni's current mental state, no sanity left at all, or a step above mental vegetable? 76) I heard an unconfirmed report that the MoMN will have his own serial next year. Is this true? 8Thanks: My apologies if some of the questions are a little ambiguous. 9-Ax-
101) The latter 112) Right now, I don't see it as being relevant to the story. 123) No 134) Well, light works well, if the OOMN have access to that -- it's doubtful the BOM would use that as a weapon 145) No sanity left at all 156) No plans for that, no
16There they be, just some stuff I was wondering. 17-Ax-
1QUOTE 2Hiya, Greg: If you're not too busy, do you mind answering some questions?
31. If six Toa went Nova at the same time, would the result be a gigantic wave of protodermis (as they combine elemental attacks?) 42. Say there was a TOa of Protodermis (that can make crystalline protodermis). Do six Toa uniting their elements provide enough energy to match one Toa of Protodermis or six? 53. The Kraahkan can induce fear into others. Does that count as a Mental attack? Can an OOMN member block that? For that matter, could they block non-physical attacks (sleep, silence, confusion, etc?) 64. Was Makuta/Maxilos really close to death when Matoro froze him? Seems kidna wimpy for a Makuta to be nearly killed by one toa... or is Matoro more powerful or is Makuta physically weaker in Maxilos? 75. What are the chances of the DH's and BoM making up, ending their war, if say, they were offered a large amount of cash? Or do the DH's have a strong sense of warriors' honor? 86. COuld the Toa Ignika go Nova? If so, what would it be? All inanimate objects turn to life? 97. Could the Ignika, hypothetically, give another mask life, and ergo, sentience? And then, could the mask be given a body (like Dekar to Hydraxon)? 108. If Hydraxon somehow made it to land, would his fellow OOMN members think he was the real one, or know that he was false? 119. What saga is the fourth movie going to cover? 06? 07?
12Thanks for your time.
131) It would be a gigantic mass of solid protodermis. 142) I can't answer hypothetical questions, sorry. I have too many real ones I have to answer on here to spend the time. 153) We know the OOMN is shielded against telepathy, but whether that applies to every mental attack in existence at every power level has not been revealed. 164) If you freeze Makuta's energy, he is going to go into suspended animation, the same as any other being. Makuta did have powers he could have used to get free, but whether he would have had time to use them is debatable. 175) This isn't about money or treasure. It's about precedent. If the DH starts allowing their clients to hire agents and then murder them, pretty soon they will have no agents left. 186) It would pretty much be the same result as destroying the mask. 197) If it was destroyed and its power unleashed, yes. As it stands now, the mask mainly has influence over things that have organic molecules, which masks do not. 208) Most of his fellow members do not know Hydraxon I died, so would have no reason to think he was a second one. 219) If it comes out in 2009 as scheduled, it will cover 2009. It doesn't benefit LEGO any to do a movie that features sets we are no longer selling.
31. If six Toa went Nova at the same time, would the result be a gigantic wave of protodermis (as they combine elemental attacks?) 42. Say there was a TOa of Protodermis (that can make crystalline protodermis). Do six Toa uniting their elements provide enough energy to match one Toa of Protodermis or six? 53. The Kraahkan can induce fear into others. Does that count as a Mental attack? Can an OOMN member block that? For that matter, could they block non-physical attacks (sleep, silence, confusion, etc?) 64. Was Makuta/Maxilos really close to death when Matoro froze him? Seems kidna wimpy for a Makuta to be nearly killed by one toa... or is Matoro more powerful or is Makuta physically weaker in Maxilos? 75. What are the chances of the DH's and BoM making up, ending their war, if say, they were offered a large amount of cash? Or do the DH's have a strong sense of warriors' honor? 86. COuld the Toa Ignika go Nova? If so, what would it be? All inanimate objects turn to life? 97. Could the Ignika, hypothetically, give another mask life, and ergo, sentience? And then, could the mask be given a body (like Dekar to Hydraxon)? 108. If Hydraxon somehow made it to land, would his fellow OOMN members think he was the real one, or know that he was false? 119. What saga is the fourth movie going to cover? 06? 07?
12Thanks for your time.
131) It would be a gigantic mass of solid protodermis. 142) I can't answer hypothetical questions, sorry. I have too many real ones I have to answer on here to spend the time. 153) We know the OOMN is shielded against telepathy, but whether that applies to every mental attack in existence at every power level has not been revealed. 164) If you freeze Makuta's energy, he is going to go into suspended animation, the same as any other being. Makuta did have powers he could have used to get free, but whether he would have had time to use them is debatable. 175) This isn't about money or treasure. It's about precedent. If the DH starts allowing their clients to hire agents and then murder them, pretty soon they will have no agents left. 186) It would pretty much be the same result as destroying the mask. 197) If it was destroyed and its power unleashed, yes. As it stands now, the mask mainly has influence over things that have organic molecules, which masks do not. 208) Most of his fellow members do not know Hydraxon I died, so would have no reason to think he was a second one. 219) If it comes out in 2009 as scheduled, it will cover 2009. It doesn't benefit LEGO any to do a movie that features sets we are no longer selling.
1OHH, I forgot about the staff of artaka, so voya nui went into the core, and the staff sealed the opening:
11. Of the three good Av-Matoran, which one does Galva hate the most? Kirop? Raidek? 22. Why does Gavla hate her race so much? 33. When were the Shadow Matoran created: Before or after the Phantoka were blinded?
41) I don't think there is any measurable difference. 52) Because she had no friends and the Matoran were kind of cold toward her, because they saw her as always having her nose in the air. 63) Before, though others have been created since
7I think this is some valuable info...
8So they brought their own doom upon them, in a sense.
9QUOTEQuick question: Is the aqua blaster blade the weapon that nuparu is holding in at least one of the playsets?
10Not to my knowledge. It is a weapon the original set had in the prototype which was dropped from the final set
11That's interesting.
1I wonder if greg has a picture of the blade?
1Evening, GregF. Been quite a while since I pmed you, no thanks to high school and the recent snowstorm. For tonight, just some questions.
2Storyline 31. Mahri Nui and Voya Nui had been recently destroyed. However, Umbra's fate was unknown. Would the most likely circumstance-since he rarely, if ever, leaves his chamber-be that he was killed when the islands returned to the mainland? However, I could be wrong, since the giant can transform into light.
42. While 2008 has yet to begin, is it likely to go smoother than how this year has gone by due to the canceled Invaision?
53. Have you and the team ever considered creating characters who have no powers whatsoever, but are able to survive using their wits and natural strength?
64. As the Toa Mahri have been traumatized by Matoro's sacrifice, have their personalities grown more serious?
75. Onto Toa Lesovikk's side of the story, will he most likely remain with the Mahri Nui Matoran?
86. Since Takadox and Carapar(as I recall) are being assembled into the most unlikely team possible, how do the other Barraki feel about it?
9Misc. 101. When(well, if seems more appropriate) you have time to kill, what do you normally do on BZP or in general?
112. Has the recent snowstorm struck your local area?
12That's it. Thanks in advance, and happy holidays:
141) Mahri Nui has been destroyed. Voya Nui has not been. Voya Nui has returned to its place in the mainland. 152) The cancellation of Invasion really didn't affect this year all that much, since it was going to be side story to start with. The story of how the Inika got to Mahri Nui wasn't critical to 2007. 163) No, because most 8 year olds have no interest in characters who can't do much of anything besides think fast. 174) Yes 185) He is going to remain with Sarda. The rest of the Mahri Nui Matoran are on Voya Nui 196) The other Barraki think the two of them are dead
201) Most of time on BZP is spent working -- either answering questions or responding in forums. I don't kill time here. 212) Yes
1Deep in the heart of a vast hive, evil Makuta Mutran and his servant Vican guard the shadow leech vats. With claws, blades, spears and armored wings, they are prepared to fight off any attack.
21) Is that info correct?
32) Have you revealed what type of Matoran Vican is yet?
43)Is the BoM's curse effecting their master plan?
61) Yes 72) No 83) No
1Three things i want to know: 2When will we find out about the curse 3Where is this this "hive" 4And where is this snowstorm?
5You have to PM Greg here , he nearly never visits this topic.

71) If you mean the BoM curse, he couldn't answer that. 82) Presumably where the Shadow Leeches are stored/created. 93)

13- Could a makuta create plants, gravity or magnetism?
23) No
3Hey Greg. Those are Rahkshi powers, so can you elaborate? Thanks:
4You are correct on gravity and magnetism -- however, the Rahkshi power for plant is plant control, not plant creation. So a Makuta can control existing plants, he cannot create new ones.
5So I guess he can create gravity and magnetism. Suprised he forgot those fairly major Rahkshi powers.
1The snowstorm is in where Greg lives.
1does anyone know what happened to nocturn after his battle with hydraxon????
13- Could a makuta create plants, gravity or magnetism?
23) No
3Hey Greg. Those are Rahkshi powers, so can you elaborate? Thanks:
4You are correct on gravity and magnetism -- however, the Rahkshi power for plant is plant control, not plant creation. So a Makuta can control existing plants, he cannot create new ones.
5then how did momn create the morbusakh and kharzani plant?
6They weren't created using a power, they were created the same way Rahi are created (which gets revealed in 2008)
7this seems interesting think its new
1Well, magnetism and gravity arent really that important rahski powers. 2i know that the hive is where the leeches are created and held, but is it in Karda Nui?
3PS: I know i hav to PM him, i was just putting them out ther since he's on vacation.
4he wasnt on vacation when i pmed him about a hour ago took him about 5 mins to answer
1Well, magnetism and gravity arent really that important rahski powers. 2i know that the hive is where the leeches are created and held, but is it in Karda Nui?
3PS: I know i hav to PM him, i was just putting them out ther since he's on vacation.
4We don't know where the hive is, but it probably is in or near Karda-Nui. And also, if you have questions not for Greg, you can ask them in BionicleFanNuva's questions topic.