1Hello Greg. I have some more things to ask you.
21) What exactly are the Matoran of Artakha doing? When the Nuva went to Artakha they saw "Matoran hard at work building structures, then taking them apart and rebuilding them,". What's the point?
32) Why would Karzahni be chosen to run a school........I honestly can't think of anyone less likely to be keeping order? I also can't see him taking orders from someone else.
43) Takanuva states that he's going to search for something that's underneath the archives that was mentioned in the Turaga's tales. The only person that fits this is Krahka but why would he ask her for help? Why would he even think that she would help? Wouldn't Keetongu be a better choice?
54) Just to make sure I understand Takanuva's powers...he can currently fire blast's of light and shadow energy and can do other things to control those elements that any other Toa could do with their elements, plus he could be taught to use the Av-Matoran powers and the Shadow Matoran powers...is all of this correct?
65) Could Takanuva learn to control his inner darkness and his "dark impulses" or is he doomed to forever (assuming he doesn't get cured) be plauged by dark thoughts?
76) Could a shadow blast damage a Makuta? Obviously it wouldn't be nearly as affective as any other type of blast but I've seen people assume that it wouldn't hurt them at all or that it might even heal them. I doubt it because fire can still harm a Toa of Fire...but I figured I'd ask you and conferm it.
8Thanks again in advance...we all really apreciate it.
91) Why do LEGO builders build models, then take them apart and rebuild them? To make them better. 102) You are forgetting that this is Karzahni in a world dominated by Toa. The BOM never bothered with or cared about Karzahni. The Toa, on the other hand, made it very clear -- do what we tell you or you will be considered an enemy and eliminated. And Karzahni's original job WAS to fix ailing/poor working Matoran. So if the point of the re-ed is to do that as well, why wouldn't he be a good choice? 113) But why would Keetongu be anywhere around? Keetongu was on Metru Nui because the Visorak killed his people. But the Visorak were unleashed by the BOM, and the BOM is not a threat in this universe. So even if the Visorak did still kill his people, the Toa wiped the Visorak out ages ago and there was no reason for him to hide out on Metru Nui. 124) The latter is the most problematic. Simply because none of the Matoran know how their powers work, only that they do, so they really wouldn't be able to teach him how to use them. 135) It's not something you can control, it's something you just deal with every day. 146) It wouldn't do a ton of damage to a Makuta, no. It wouldn't heal them, they don't feed on shadow. But it would be like tossing water at Gali -- sure, enough might do some damage, but you would still do a lot better with fire.
15Thank you very much...but I have a few responces and more questions. 161) Well I got the impression that as soon as they made a structure they took it apart...don't they ever take the time to enjoy their creations? Did I just read something into it that I shouldn't have? 172) I still can't see him taking orders from others. 183) So does that mean that it is Krakha? 194) Well the worlds first ever masters of anything obviously didn't learn from anybody (otherwise they wouldn't be the first ) so it's not impossible...difficult but not impossible.
207) Would a Toa of Sonic's be able to create a feild of sound that was vibrating so fast that anything that entered it would vibrate so fast that it would burn up (and possibly melt or instantly dehydrate)? 218) Do other beings besides Makuta have weaknesses to certain elements? For example, since water cunducts electricity well, would a Toa of Water be particularly vulnerable to an electric bolt? 229) Takanuva's size change...since he can't possibly become a Turaga (I believe you said that he would still be a Toa anyways) and because I doubt that anyone would like a Takanuva that looks weaker then normal, I'm going to assume he gets bigger...right?
23Once again...thank you very much .
241) Again, if you don't like how a model came out, do you sit back and admire it or do you take it apart? 252) You're basing your opinion, though, on Karzahni as you saw him in present day, not on Karzahni whose realm was conquered 3000 years before this story. 263) You'll find out in Chapter 3 274) It's impossible in this case. 287) I would think shatter rather than burn up. 298) Yes, or to fire. 309) I don't understand your question. Since you admit he had a size change, obviously he gets bigger. What's your question?
311) SO THEN THEY NEVER STOP WORKING . . . Okeydokey .

1Well it will actually be Mirror Matoro, so he might not be the same Matoro that we all knew and loved.
2You realize he would be a Matoran, right? Since Mata Nui's life isn't threatened in this dimension, there is no need for a Toa to sacrifice himself. That is, unless alt-Matoro has a different destiny but still becomes a Toa.
1Some useless Q's i wanted answered
8would like to know if #2 ever will be revealed
2will the Kanohi of Elemental Energy ever pay a role in the canon bionicle universe 3(ive been read in BS01 a lot)
4No. That was a power-up for a video game, and that's the only use it will ever have in story, most likely.
5why was the green belt sustained on Voya-nui? some have said it was 6't the Ignika, which was it, if not then what?
7Has yet to be revealed.
8would like to know if #2 ever will be revealed
11. Did Antroz, Vamprah, Chirox, Icarax and Mutran shape-shift their armor to have wings?
22. Did Antroz, Vamprah, Chirox, Icarax and Mutran (and any other Makuta that may have them) shape-shift their armor to be able to hold Tridax Pods?
33. Can you tell me the name of the first Level 3 reader?
44. Will the MOMN be in some kind of set form this year?
55. When we learn the MOMN's real name, will he be referred to by that name all the time?
66. I heard that the Makuta that conquered the Visorak for the BOM to use would be a set this year, is this true?
77. I notice that (the set) Icarax's Kraahkan is black while, (the set) MOMN's Kraahkan is gray. Is this just in the sets? Or is it because the Kraahkan was in the sliver sea for so long (as the same thing happened to the Vahi (gold to orange))?
91-2) Yes 103) I suggested naming it "The Journey of Takanuva," but I don't know if they are going with that name or not. 114) No. 125) When the Makuta discuss him, yes. 136) Yes, it is 147) Just a designer thing, not a story thing
164. But the MOMN will be appearing this year, right?
176. Is his name Mazeka?
18New Questions:
191. About this "Makuta Contest", the winner gets to appear in Bionicle story, in what book will the winners Makuta be in, The Final Battle?
202. Will there be any new mask powers in the summer besides the canister Makuta's?
213. Before you wrote the books for Bionicle, you just wrote the comics, right?
234) I can't discuss future storyline 246) No. Mazeka is not a Makuta. 251) Most likely it will be in web serials. The book has to be finished in two weeks, and we won't even have all the entries in by then. 262) Not to my knowledge, no 273) Yes, and some of the web content
296. Is this Makuta (who conquered the Visorak) one of the canister Makuta?
302. So there will only be six new mask powers this year?
31New Questions:
321. Is the Makuta who took out Krekka's eye a canister Makuta?
332. What is the series name for the Level 3 reader books?
343. Will all the Toa Nuva be together in The Final Battle?
366) Yes 372) Far as I know off the top of my head, yes. 381) Yes 392) There isn't one that I am aware of. They don't really need one, since they are already differentiated from the normal books by their size (the readers are only 1500 words long, max) and would be shelved in a different area. 403) Yes
426. Which Makuta is it? The white, green or yellow?
431. Which Makuta is it? The white, green or yellow?
45I can't discuss the summer sets, DTS. You'll find out when they are closer to coming out.
46Oh well, I tried.A few more questions here:
471. Will we learn where the Pit mutation came from this year?
482. "Mislika" is that the summer canister's name? If your gonna say what I think your gonna say, don't even bother answer this question.
493. Have Ancient and Voporak found where the Mask of Time is yet?
504. I can't find where, but a while ago you said to me in a PM that since you didn't know if Mutran had a new mask or the Shelek, so Mutran didn't use his mask power in the books. Has that changed now?
515. Are you going to tell us what lands Icarax, Antroz, Chirox, Vamprah, and Mutran ruled?
531) Doubt it - it's really not relevant to the 2008 story. I can tell you it is related to the Great Cataclysm, and it was not created or released on purpose by anyone. 542) Okay, I won't553) Nope 564) Mutran really wasn't going to be using his mask power in the early going anyway. 575) Yes, eventually.
591. So it was just a result of the GC?
605. Do you already know what lands they ruled?
61New Questions:
621. 2009-2011, is it all one saga? Like 2006-2008 was?
632. I don't get it, why doesn't Bionicle Adventures 1, 2 and 3 get mentioned in the movie?
643. Will we be seeing more about the Order of Mata Nui in the future?
65Thanks for all the questions you have answered for me Greg.![]()
671) Indirectly, yes 685) I have a rough idea 691) Can't answer this 702) Simple answer, but a long one -- let's take 2004 as our example. Okay, you have a movie in the fall of '04, and six comics and six books during the course of the year. You can't tell movie story starting in January, because you will have revealed most of it before you ever get to the movie, so that is why you need what we call an "out of season" story -- a different story you can tell in the first half of the year. That can't get crafted until after the movie is written, because we have to know what is going to happen in the film before and after it. And to then try to fit the out of season story into the movie would make the movie too long and expensive to make.
71(Same thing happened in 2003 -- first half of the year was all about the Bohrok-Kal, but they never get mentioned in Mask of Light.)
723) Yes
745. (I know I keep asking but) Do you know when you'll reveal that?
752. And will the same thing in next year?
763. In 2009 perhaps?
77New Questions:
781. What kinda work are you doing now?
792. Do you buy some Bionicles?
803. When do you think you'll get the 2009 book schedule?
81Thanks again.![]()
835) When I have time and room 842) Pretty much, yes. Unlike 2004 or 2005, we won't be starting the year with the beginning of the movie, then cutting to another story, then going back to movie story. First half will be a separate story that leads into movie story, so we won't start getting into movie-related plot until July, under the current plan. 853) No, 2008 861) I'm working on BIONICLE comic 13, BIONICLE Legends #11, the BIONICLE 2009 story bible, and the US, German, English, Dutch, Norwegian, Swedish and BrickMaster May-June magazines. 872) Yes, some, also Indy and Batman sets 883) Should be within a couple months, since the book I am on now is the last for 2008
903. Will we be seeing anymore Order of Mata Nui members this year?
91New Questions:
921. My teacher was wondering what you would say to encourage students in their creative writing. (He likes Bionicle too.)
932. Do you know what the '09 book series will be called? Or do you wait to name to the series 'till you start writing them?
943. Will there still be a team of six Toa next year?
954. What happened to the rest of the Krana-Kal?
973) It's very possible 981) I always give two pieces of advice -- one, read, a lot, especially people who write better than you do. Second, when you are writing, try to think of your characters as if they are real people. Once he's created, a character has a natural way of behaving, talking, and feeling, and recognizing that will make it easier for you to get the answer to, "What would he do in this situation?" If you start trying to force characters to behave the way YOU want them to, instead of how they would naturally, your story can grind to a halt. 992) Hasn't been decided yet. 1003) I can't discuss 2009 1014) Those that weren't destroyed were captured by the Turaga
1031. My teacher says thanks, and now he's gonna make me write like that.
1044. All the Krana-Kal that weren't destroyed were taken by the Turaga?
1064) Well, not all, there's one down in the core of the planet and one stll in orbit as I recall
1084. But besides that, all of them?
1104) Yes
111New Questions:
1121. What color would a Toa of Gravity's armor be?
1132. Will there be more books like BA#3 and BA#10 in 2009?
1143. Will there be a novelization for next year's movie?
1154. I know you don't know what the book schedule is next year yet, but how many books do you think there will be next year?
1165. Is there going to be another guide book next year?
1176. The Final Battle comes out in September, will there be a book another in December?
1191) No idea, that would be up to a set designer 1202) I don't have a publishing schedule for 2009, but my understanding is that the chapter books will be shorter, so either there will be less room for side stories or the books will mainly consist of side stories. I don't know yet. 1213) Yes 1224) No idea. 1235) It's possible 1246) TFB is the last book of the 2008 storyline. I have no idea what the schedule for '09 is yet.
17. I notice that (the set) Icarax's Kraahkan is black while, (the set) MOMN's Kraahkan is gray. Is this just in the sets? Or is it because the Kraahkan was in the sliver sea for so long (as the same thing happened to the Vahi (gold to orange))?
27) Just a designer thing, not a story thing
4What do you mean? I can't say about Icarax, but MoMN's Kraahkan is black.
1Just some extra questions, mainly on Phantoka
21For #1, I believe he ment that the Makuta remember the chambers and hall ways of the Hive.
22-Makuta Krakan, the only noble makuta
2Sorry for the bold print, but I needed to catch your attention. About a month ago, I sent you a Pm on some "Phantoka Questions". You still haven't replied. I don't know why, it could be a mistake on my part. I'm sorry if your booked with Pm's, but it has been a long time since I sent them. Please reply.
3I have a few phantoka questions
41. How can the makuta travel through the shadow leach hive if the're blind?
52. Can makuta chirox still perform experiments in his blind state?
63. Is it true that tanma, solek, and photok are the only av-matoran in karda nui?
74. How can vezon aid the team in feaderation of fear if he has no powers?
85. Is the upcoming brickmaster exclusive toy a rahi? 95a. If so, is it native to karda nui?
106. Are the karda-makuta's masks transformed for a more bat-like appearance? Or are they always like that?
11Thanks .
12-Makuta krakan, the only noble makuta
13Thank you for reading.
141) How does a blind person find their way through a room or a building? 152) Not without Matoran to help him see, no, but he isn't being called upon to do that here. Mutran is handling that. 163) No, it's not. They are just the only ones we have sets of. 174) Well, think about it -- who is the only member of the team that the Makuta know absolutely nothing about? Vezon. Who could bluff them into thinking he has some ultimate power that could destroy them? Vezon. 185) Yes 195a) No 206) Transformed
21For #1, I believe he ment that the Makuta remember the chambers and hall ways of the Hive.
22-Makuta Krakan, the only noble makuta
1They probably use their seeing-eye Matoran, just like when they go anywhere else. Their dependence on their Shadow Matoran is a great weakness.
1Hello Greg, I'd like to ask some questions.
21) What is Makuta armour made of? 32) Could the canister Phantoka Makuta shapeshift into something that can see? 43) Where are the Hagah right now? 54) When will the next "episode" of Dark Mirror be online? 65) Whatever happened to Karzahni? 76) Why was Carapar chosen to be part of the Federation of Fear team? 87) If Vezon was fused together with Vezok right now, would Vezok get his body back? 98) Where is the Heart of the Visorak right now? 109) You've stated that you are not revealing anything about the leaked summer set pics. Does that mean you know if they're real or not? 1110) How far in the future do you have storyline for? 1211) What are the "super titans"? 1312) Where is Kardas now? 1413) What is that Re-Education place from Dark Mirror? 1514) Just wondering, how many languages do you speak?
16Thanks in advance .
181) Protosteel 192) No 203) Xia 214) Chapter 3 is scheduled for Feb. 11 225) Karzahni is a prisoner on Daxia 236) Process of elimination. Pridak and Kalmah won't take orders, Mantax won't work with Takadox, and Ehlek is too alien to care about this mission. Carapar is not that bright and used to taking orders. 247) No 258) On Daxia, not in use 269) Yes, I do 2710) 2011 2811) I can't discuss summer sets 2912) Mata Nui 3013) It's a place where bad Matoran workers are taught that it's a good idea to shape up 3114) One
321) Makes sense. 332) Makes sense. 343) Makes sense. 354) Earlier than I expected (yay, not "Makes sense."). 365) Makes sense (D'oh .). 376) Never would have thought of that (end of the "Makes sense."'s). 387) Drat . 398) Everything ends up with the OoMN. 409) TELL US IF THEY'RE REAL . 4110) "The future ." 4211) Aaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwww . 4312) Still? And on a barren wasteland? 4413) Takua's really that bad? 4514) English, obviously.

1Haldo .
21. Are we allowed to enter more than one Makuta into the Brickmaster contest?
32. There were about a gajillion minerals and materials introduced in VNOLG (Airstone, etc.) that I remember you confirming as canon some time ago. I can't find a quote, though, so I just wanted confirmation: They are canon, correct?
41) Yes 52) I believe so, yes
17. I notice that (the set) Icarax's Kraahkan is black while, (the set) MOMN's Kraahkan is gray. Is this just in the sets? Or is it because the Kraahkan was in the sliver sea for so long (as the same thing happened to the Vahi (gold to orange))?
27) Just a designer thing, not a story thing
4What do you mean? I can't say about Icarax, but MoMN's Kraahkan is black.
5I think the MOMN's Kraahkan might be a bit lighter then Icarax's (or so I've been told).
17. I notice that (the set) Icarax's Kraahkan is black while, (the set) MOMN's Kraahkan is gray. Is this just in the sets? Or is it because the Kraahkan was in the sliver sea for so long (as the same thing happened to the Vahi (gold to orange))?
27) Just a designer thing, not a story thing
4What do you mean? I can't say about Icarax, but MoMN's Kraahkan is black.
5I think the MOMN's Kraahkan might be a bit lighter then Icarax's (or so I've been told).
7Ah, okay. Still, that doesn't change the fact that it's black. And to tell the truth, I don't think the difference in the Kraahkan is that significant. You can't get enough of a difference between different black shades to say it's a mask with a different color.
17. I notice that (the set) Icarax's Kraahkan is black while, (the set) MOMN's Kraahkan is gray. Is this just in the sets? Or is it because the Kraahkan was in the sliver sea for so long (as the same thing happened to the Vahi (gold to orange))?
27) Just a designer thing, not a story thing
4What do you mean? I can't say about Icarax, but MoMN's Kraahkan is black.
5I think the MOMN's Kraahkan might be a bit lighter then Icarax's (or so I've been told).
7Ah, okay. Still, that doesn't change the fact that it's black. And to tell the truth, I don't think the difference in the Kraahkan is that significant. You can't get enough of a difference between different black shades to say it's a mask with a different color.
8It is black, it's just that the promotional image was edited to make his mask and armor look silver-gray.
17. I notice that (the set) Icarax's Kraahkan is black while, (the set) MOMN's Kraahkan is gray. Is this just in the sets? Or is it because the Kraahkan was in the sliver sea for so long (as the same thing happened to the Vahi (gold to orange))?
27) Just a designer thing, not a story thing
4What do you mean? I can't say about Icarax, but MoMN's Kraahkan is black.
5I think the MOMN's Kraahkan might be a bit lighter then Icarax's (or so I've been told).
7Ah, okay. Still, that doesn't change the fact that it's black. And to tell the truth, I don't think the difference in the Kraahkan is that significant. You can't get enough of a difference between different black shades to say it's a mask with a different color.
8It is black, it's just that the promotional image was edited to make his mask and armor look silver-gray.
9I remember asking GregF if the Kraahkan changed in the silver Sea and he said no, so they're probably using a richer quality of plastic.
17. I notice that (the set) Icarax's Kraahkan is black while, (the set) MOMN's Kraahkan is gray. Is this just in the sets? Or is it because the Kraahkan was in the sliver sea for so long (as the same thing happened to the Vahi (gold to orange))?
27) Just a designer thing, not a story thing
4What do you mean? I can't say about Icarax, but MoMN's Kraahkan is black.
5I think the MOMN's Kraahkan might be a bit lighter then Icarax's (or so I've been told).
7Ah, okay. Still, that doesn't change the fact that it's black. And to tell the truth, I don't think the difference in the Kraahkan is that significant. You can't get enough of a difference between different black shades to say it's a mask with a different color.
8It is black, it's just that the promotional image was edited to make his mask and armor look silver-gray.
9I remember asking GregF if the Kraahkan changed in the silver Sea and he said no, so they're probably using a richer quality of plastic.
10I have a pre-Icarax Kraahkan, and believe me--it's black

1I have one too, and if you hold it up to any other black piece, you can see it is about three shades lighter. It's not gray, it's just lighter black. It's not a significant difference, but it might be for collectors. It is for me at least. I prefer the darker black.
1Something has been a thorn in my side:
2Krahka is a shapeshifter; Makuta are shapeshifters; is there any relations between them? Is Krahka a Makuta that opposed MoMN and had her memory erased, then dumped in the Archives?
3No, Krahka is a Rahi. She is not a Makuta. If she had been a Makuta who opposed MOMN, she would be dead now.
4So she coincidently shares the shapeshifting power with the Makuta? I mean, after all, it was you who said "There are very few coincidences in Bionicle". Also, where's her home land? Anywhere we know or will learn about?
5But there are multiple beings that share similar powers -- for example, Tahu has heat resistance, so do the Makuta. Kopaka has cold resistance, so do the Makuta. The Makuta have more than 40 powers, so the odds are good they will share powers with other beings in the universe.
6Krahka's homeland was overrun by the Visorak a long time back, so it's really not relevant to the story. Nothing much is going on there.
7People are saying 'The only thing in the Archives we know of that would still be there is Krahka' (About Taka going to the Archives); she isn't in the Archives then since the Visorak never overrun her home island then, is she?
8The Visorak would not have done that under BOM orders, but they might well have just done it on their own. Visorak are nasty little beasts and live to conquer.
9So the Visorak are just naturally invasive, not nessacarily needing a leader?
10Correct. They followed Sidorak because Sidorak gave them new lands to conquer. If he had stopped doing that, they would have abandoned him.
11Some interesting stuff about Krahka and the Visorak.
3me likey the useless info, nice new Krana info though1I was reading BS01 and it mentioned a book called "BIONICLE Legends: Invasion " was supposed to be the seventh book, and had info about Krana,could you tell us that info sinde the book was cancelled?(if you could, send me a copy of the book, even if its through e-mail)2The book was never finished, but the info you spoke of was released to the public. Look up "zyglak" on BS01 and see what the origin of them was, and that will give you the krana info that was going to be in the book.
1Just a quick question (that I hope you haven't been asked yet, for the sake of repeating):
21. You've stated that Mata Nui has a physical form, that it can be not so difficult to find, but the problem is recognizing when one's found it. If his physical form were found (I'm assuming not; he'd be hidden away so he couldn't be stumbled upon, right?), would someone be able to wake him up? Not so much on a matter of if its their destiny, but would it be possible to do something that would alter his state and wake him up?
31a. If so, or even if not, would Mata Nui be capable of being moved to a different location without damaging the universe?
4Thanks ahead of time. ^^
51) No. You can only wake him up in a limited number of ways and from one location. 61a) That might be possible, yes.
7Just some interesting info that I don't know if's been discussed.
14. All the Krana-Kal that weren't destroyed were taken by the Turaga?
34) Well, not all, there's one down in the core of the planet and one stll in orbit as I recall
4That's very interesting. I wonder if the one in the core has been mutated by the mutagen. That would be really cool to see a mutated Bohrok-Kal, but I doubt that it would happen. Maybe it will be a swamp creature Tahu's team encounters.
5why was the green belt sustained on Voya-nui? some have said it was 6't the Ignika, which was it, if not then what?
7Has yet to be revealed
8Even more interesting. Probably has something to do with Jovan's team. Wow. I can't believe that we haven't asked about that for 2 years.
1sorry leetle missunderstanding
1Toa of air forever, you need to PM your questions to Greg. He rarely even glances at this topic.
1There's supposedly a Matoran term "Hold your Rahi". On BS01, people keep speculating what it means. This problem has gotten out of hand, and I'm tired of reverting all this speculation. So, what does "Hold your Rahi" mean?
4The same as the English phrase, "Hold your horses" -- it means to slow down. So if someone is saying something like, "We have to go right now, we have to do this ." someone else might say, "Wait a minute, hold your Rahi, what are you talking about?"
5Confirmation at last .

6~Doc C.
1From Greg

2I send it this last week, but I think the server ate it, sorry if you got it again. 3Hi Greg it's me again, I was wondering some questions
41)Can a Makuta be knocked unconscious while in their armor?
52)Is Toa Ignika a threat to the Makuta because he doesn't follow the Toa code for no killing? 62a) Is it also because he can use his life powers to kill the Makuta completely, by killing the antidermis of the makuta?
73)Might we see the name of MoMN in the next chapter of the Mutran Chronicles?
84)Is it hard for the Phantuka to try not to kill the Toa Nuva?
95)During what time does Dark Mirror takes place, after or before BL10?
106)Is the Makuta who poked Krekka's eye out a summer makuta?
11Thanks In advance . smile.gif
121) I tend to doubt it 132) He's a threat to the Makuta because he is wearing a Legendary mask 143) I haven't written that yet, so don't know 154) Yes 165) After 176) Yes
185) So he goes to the Mirror Dimension, then goes back to SoS making an appearance at the end of BL10?
195) No. He leaves our universe in Bionicle Legends #10, which takes place at roughly the same time as Bionicle Legends #9. He then travels into the first Level 3 reader (which, while canon, is not necessary to read to follow main story), and then from there into the DM serial, and then to Karda Nui in Bionicle Legends #11.
20Oh ok, thanks .![]()
21Just one more thing 221) In BL11 since the Nuva are united, where will it take place, in the sky or in the swamp?
23Swamp, mostly
1Hey Makuta Krakan, i think Greg gave us a hint about what Vezon will do in the serial with question #4.
1We haven't known, it's just a guess. 

1Cool . Takanuva returns from DM in Bionicle Legends#11 . Don't know how, but at least he's returning. 

1We knew that.
1Hi, Mr. Farshtey. I have two questions for you today:
21) Would you consider Toa superheroes? Because I have always seen Matoran as civilians while Toa are like Superman, protecting the Matoran while they work, plus they share some similarities with superheroes as well. Like they don't kill their enemies and stuff like that.
32) Are there any characters that you wish you could write about again, that you thought didn't get enough time to shine?
42b) If so, then who would you want to come back to write about again?
5Thanks for taking time off your job to answer the questions of BIONICLE fans like me .
71) I think you can make that comparison, yes 82) Oh, sure. 92b) Krahka. Karzahni. Lariska, definitely, really any of the DH
10Just some questions.
14. All the Krana-Kal that weren't destroyed were taken by the Turaga?
34) Well, not all, there's one down in the core of the planet and one stll in orbit as I recall
4That's very interesting. I wonder if the one in the core has been mutated by the mutagen. That would be really cool to see a mutated Bohrok-Kal, but I doubt that it would happen. Maybe it will be a swamp creature Tahu's team encounters.
5It's in the core of the planet, not core of the universe.
1hi. I tryed to pm greg but it says i am not allowed. Why? can you help. 

1Just a quick question (that I hope you haven't been asked yet, for the sake of repeating):
21. You've stated that Mata Nui has a physical form, that it can be not so difficult to find, but the problem is recognizing when one's found it. If his physical form were found (I'm assuming not; he'd be hidden away so he couldn't be stumbled upon, right?), would someone be able to wake him up? Not so much on a matter of if its their destiny, but would it be possible to do something that would alter his state and wake him up?
31a. If so, or even if not, would Mata Nui be capable of being moved to a different location without damaging the universe?
4Thanks ahead of time. ^^
51) No. You can only wake him up in a limited number of ways and from one location. 61a) That might be possible, yes.
7Just some interesting info that I don't know if's been discussed.
8Interesting. So if Mata Nui was found then it's possible for him to be moved, without damaging the universe? If that's true, then he pobobly isn't Karda Nui or the Matoran universe, as some people think he is.
1this might be off topic, but this seems to be the place to ask it:
2What is the appropriate waiting period before sending a repeat PM to Greg? 3I sent one on January 17th, and i have not recieved a reply. 4Should i assume the server ate it and resend it?
5A week is enough time to wait before re-sending.

1this might be off topic, but this seems to be the place to ask it:
2What is the appropriate waiting period before sending a repeat PM to Greg? 3I sent one on January 17th, and i have not recieved a reply. 4Should i assume the server ate it and resend it?
5A week is enough time to wait before re-sending.![]()
6right, thanks