11a. Lets say a Matoran has been stabbed and it is extremly likely he will die. COuld the mask of possibilities make it extremely unlikely to happen? 21b. If no, why not?
4Mask doesn't work that way. It cannot change something that's already happened, and it cannot heal the damage that Matoran has suffered. So how does it then prevent him from dying? What it could do is make the knife strike miss anything vital, but it can't do anything once the wound is made. It's not a Mask of Healing or a Mask of Undeath.
5So, maybe of the the Toa Hagah's masks could be a Mask of Undeath.![]()
7I like the idea of a mask of healing. 8It could be made from the Kanoka Regeneration &Remove Poison.
1Hi Greg, hope you're doing well.
21 question for you - who was the Zivon created by? The BoM, maybe? And if it wasn't created by them, how did it come into existance?
5BOM, like most Rahi
6Ah, K. Did they put it in the Zone of Shadows then, seeing how dangerous and destructive it is? And, might we see it again in the OoMN - BoM war? That'd be awsome.
7Thanks again,
9No, it just wound up there, and yes, might see it again
10Sorry, would have put this with my last post, but I didn't get this reply until later. Anywho, we might see the Zivon again . Yay .![]()
11It might be in the OoMN-BoM serial.
12Maybe Brutaka "accidently" summons it on Destral . O yeah I forgot the mana ko are going to be fighting against the Bom .

1I'm sure this is the wrong place, but I'm pretty confident GregF blocked me for some stupid reason. I've sent him three pms within the last month, all of them with minimal questions, and he hasn't got back to any of them. Yet he seems to be answer all of yours. I didn't insult him or anything, I even said happy birthday to him. Is he being lazy, did he block me, or is he just EXTREMELY busy and not have time for my questions? o.O He's been on the board quite frequently, too.
2Mata Nui in the fall...schweet.
2Mata Nui in the fall...schweet.
1Sketch of the MU, where can I see it?
3It's going to be in a promotional book(let?) in Europe.
4will that include England?
6Englands a part of Europe, so yes, we should get the promotional book.
7I'm sorry to disappoint you, but Greg says on his blog, that the book will only be released in Poland.
1Nothing really new, but here:
21. Who told Artakha to make Rockoh, Jetrax, and Axalara?
32. Since you are starting to write the summer serials today, and they will be up soon, could you please give us the title of at least one of them?
41) Whether he was told by someone or just knew to do it is unknown, but I would definitely say the Great Beings were involved in some way, shape or form 52) I haven't done titles for any of them yet
11. What is Helryx's mask? Is it one we've seen before? What is her weapon? 21a. If "can't answer it", when will it be revealed? 32. In TK, you said Karda Nui Was sealed off. Then how did they get the Av-Matoran out? 43. Is Karda Nui flooded in TK universe? 54. In TK, did Artakha and the Artakha-toran evacuate? 65. 7In TK, the Zyglak refused help, and were trapped in the mutagenic 8waters. However, they are amphibious and are immune to mutagen. Are 9they still down there? Could they pose a potential threat to TK's 10residents? 116. Could a Toa of Plant Life control fungus? 127. (off topic) Do you like the Indiana Jones Movies? Have you seen the new one? 138. What Bionicle book that you wrote is your favorite and why? 149. What do you like most about your job? 1510. 16In BL9, you said that Teridax was "setting about his final work" in "a 17place where no Makuta had ever been before". Could he be in the Codrex? 18Also, will he die?
201) Most likely gets revealed in summer web serial 212) Western portal 223) Yes 234) Yes 245) No, because even they needed heat and light to live 256) Probably 267) I do like the movies, haven't seen the new one 278) BA #10 289) The creative freedom 2910) No, he is not in the Codrex or anywhere in Karda Nui, and as for your second question, I cannot discuss future storyline
201) Most likely gets revealed in summer web serial 212) Western portal 223) Yes 234) Yes 245) No, because even they needed heat and light to live 256) Probably 267) I do like the movies, haven't seen the new one 278) BA #10 289) The creative freedom 2910) No, he is not in the Codrex or anywhere in Karda Nui, and as for your second question, I cannot discuss future storyline
30Some more questions:
31Some more questions for you, Greg. 321. What trials would someone have to pass to join the OOMN? I was thinking the member-to-be would have to undergo a mind scan and fight one of the OOMN in a skills test. 332. Do some Makuta know about the OOMN? 342a. If so, which ones? 353. What is Icarax's former mask? 363a. If "can't answer it", then when will it be revealed? 373b. Have we seen it before? 383c. Does it have any significance? 394. Tren Krom can't move, but could he expand his range by extending his tentacles like the Morbuzakh or Karzahni (plant)? 405. Does meeting Tren Krom cause insanity? 415a. If so, did Karzahni meet Tren Krom? 426. Is there a Makuta of Destral? 436a. If so, is it Miserix? 446b. Is there a Makuta of Daxia? 456c. Of Odina? 466d. Of Artidax? 476e. Of Mata Nui? 486f. Of Karda Nui? 497. Are the Acid Falls on the Tren Krom Peninsula? 507a. If so, are they where Gorast's lair is? 518. Why does Vamprah have a Tridax Pod if his mask can do the same thing? 529. If the 6 canister Makuta got new armor, would they be uncrippled? 539a. If so, is there an extra suit of Makuta armor somewhere that the Jetrax Antroz uses? 5410. Do the Nynrah Ghosts have a leader? 5510a. If so, what type of Matoran are they? 5611. Where did the Av-Matoran go when they left Karda Nui? 5712. What do "Mahri" and "Karda" mean? 5813. What does "Manas zya" mean? 5914. Does the OOMN have a way to turn Matoran into Toa? 6015. You said that Toa wouldn't normally wear Makuta masks, but would Shadow Toa?
621) Probably varies 632) No, none of them do 643) I have no plans to reveal it, because it's not important to story 654) Not really, no 665) Seeing him can, yes. Brutaka met him and didn't go insane, because he didn't look at him. 675a) Karzahni's current insanity was the result of a Makuta attack. His previous mental state was natural, it was not caused by Tren Krom 686) There isn't one officially assigned there, they all have responsibility for it 696a) Um, Miserix has been imprisoned for thousands of years, kind of pointless to have him be in charge of anything. 706b) No. The Makuta don't even know Daxia exists. 716c) Most likely, there is a Makuta assigned to that region 726d) Yes 736e) Yes, Teridax 746f) No. They didn't know about Karda Nui until a few days ago 757) Yes 767a) No 778) Well, with a Tridax pod, I can nail four Matoran at once and I don't have to focus my willpower to do it. If I then use the mask, I can turn five Matoran at once. 789) The Phantoka in new armor would no longer be blind. The mutations of the swamp affected the Mistika's antidermis as well, so not as easy to fix their problems 799a) No 8010) Probably 8110a) No idea. 8211) To caverns below the southern continent 8312) Haven't been assigned Matoran meanings 8413) Monster attack 8514) Not a foolproof way, no. They know what kind of things can trigger a transformation, but they also know it can't happen until it is destined to happen 8615) Yes, but no shadow Toa exist.
1Wait, so has it been confirmed that Mata Nui isn´t the Matoran Universe?
2I assume you're curious from the below quote...
31.) How big would you say the Matoran Universe is in feet.
51) No idea
6Another great proof that Mata Nui is not the MU.
7No it isn't proof at all... Greg simply said that he didn't know of the Universe's size in feet -- that's all.![]()
9Actually, I got the idea from a quote on the previous page:10'Ello, Greg. I have a question about Mata Nui's whereabouts. I hope you can answer it.
11We all know that Mata Nui isn't the Matoran Universe, or any of the islands. We know that he is close to 700,000 feet tall, which, oddly enough, is about the same size as the island of Mata Nui. Another answer you gave is that he has no power on the surface, but you never said if he was there or not. And of course, Mata Nui(island) is to be flat and unihabited.
12How do you know 'that we all know' that Mata Nui isn't the Matoran Universe. I'll tell you one thing I know, it's that Mata Nui isn't on the Island Mata Nui, and I have a feeling that you know that... 13Anyway, no more discussing about Mata Nui.
15I could have sworn Greg said he wasn't the MU a while back. And anyway, as stated here, Mata Nui is not in a form we have seen before. Since we've seen the MU, then we'd have seen his form before, wouldn't we?"
16And I a few posts after I posted that theory disproved it. I freely admit that.

17The sketch of the MU is for a promotional book in Poland. It's in Greg's blog.
18Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho . 19

1I'm sure this is the wrong place, but I'm pretty confident GregF blocked me for some stupid reason. I've sent him three pms within the last month, all of them with minimal questions, and he hasn't got back to any of them. Yet he seems to be answer all of yours. I didn't insult him or anything, I even said happy birthday to him. Is he being lazy, did he block me, or is he just EXTREMELY busy and not have time for my questions? o.O He's been on the board quite frequently, too.
2Mata Nui in the fall...schweet.
3This could be the answer:
4Also -- if you send me a PM, please make sure your settings are set up to get messages back. Lately, people have sent me lists of questions and when I respond, I get a message that they have chosen not to be contactable by Messenger. As a result, I waste my time answering and they can't get their answers.
1I wonder if the new serials will be up today since greg wrote them yesterday?
1More questions, Mr. Farshtey .
21. Why didn't Matoro become enslaved when Vezok shot a Zamor shere at him?
32. Can two Toa naturally merge? I mean, not like what happened to Prototype?
43. How is Vican's name pronounced?
54. Can Skakdi, Vortixx, and Botar's species wear and activate masks?
65. This more of a silly question, but who chose the voice actor for Onua Nuva in Bionicle: The Game? He sounds like Arnold Schwartzenegger(sp?)
7Thanks .
81) Because the lightning energy in the Inika's bodies protected them from the antidermis in the spheres. 92) Not that we have seen, but doesn't mean it's impossible. We know three Toa can naturally merge. 103) Vie-kan 114) Skakdi, no; Vortixx, possibly; and Botar's species we do not know enough about yet, we have only ever seen one member of the species. 125) I would assume the game company does the voice casting.
131. What does that have to do with it? 142. Good, that helps my epic... 153. WE CAN FINALLY KNOW . . 164. Just curious. 175. Really, he does...
1No, my PMing system is fine. I've been PMing people a lot lately, and it's fine. So Greg is probably just uber-busy, he blocked me, or just doesn't like my questions. 

1Just something random.
2Say if a Matoran, like Sarda, was injured almost beyond repair (his body was damaged, but his head and mind are okay) would it be possible to replace his body with mechanical parts, or a new, robotic body all together? I ask/say this because Lariska has a mechanical arm, so I figured a mechical body as well for the most part.Here's another way to put it. Say, Sarda was injured by Pridak. He's near death, and needs replacement parts. Lesovikk and Hydraxon try to fix/save him. In the end, they replace/encase his body in Maxilos robot. Is this possible?3Yes and no. He is biomechanical, so if his arm got blown off, you could put another mechanical part there and organic tissue will grow to link it to his body. You cannot completely replace his body with a robot body, because there would be no way to transfer his mind and spirit to it. If he were a Toa, and was wearing Matoro's mask from 2006, he could reside temporarily in a robot body but would eventually have to go back to his old one or cease to exist. And this wouldn't work at all for a Matoran, since Matoran can't use mask powers.Greg
1A follow up of something.
2Say if a Matoran, like Sarda, was injured almost beyond repair (his body was damaged, but his head and mind are okay) would it be possible to replace his body with mechanical parts, or a new, robotic body all together? I ask/say this because Lariska has a mechanical arm, so I figured a mechical body as well for the most part.
3Here's another way to put it. Say, Sarda was injured by Pridak. He's near death, and needs replacement parts. Lesovikk and Hydraxon try to fix/save him. In the end, they replace/encase his body in Maxilos robot. Is this possible?
4Yes and no. He is biomechanical, so if his arm got blown off, you could put another mechanical part there and organic tissue will grow to link it to his body. You cannot completely replace his body with a robot body, because there would be no way to transfer his mind and spirit to it. If he were a Toa, and was wearing Matoro's mask from 2006, he could reside temporarily in a robot body but would eventually have to go back to his old one or cease to exist. And this wouldn't work at all for a Matoran, since Matoran can't use mask powers.
6Yes, but couuldn't they encase the body for a permanent sort-of fix? It would be like a exo-matoran suit, but only permanent. By putting him in the Maxilos, it would/might keep his body and mind alive, right?
7No. If your body is wounded, taking your body and sticking it inside a metallic shell is not going to keep it alive. This is not Iron Man.
1I hope they put scans on BS01 cause I live in the U.S. ![]()
2If they don't, you can order the book off of amazon.co.uk.
3Yeah but I dont order off internet much . Idk, maybe someone can trade or I will buy it off ebay .

11.Hi, I was wondering, did you say that one of the NUVA would regain the Nuva's memory of the past, or did you say one TOA. If you said one TOA, could it possibly be Takanuva, since he has seen the past, and didn't like it might since the energy storm might incinirate the Nuva? 2Thank you .
31.I said Toa, but it did not refer to Takanuva.
4Darn I thought I was on to something there...
1He blocked Rho.
1Hey guys, some interesting stuff.
2Hi Greg, just some questions I wanted to know:
31) As you know, all matoran have a special power involving their element. Ko-matoran resistant to cold, Onu-matoran good at see in the dark etc. Well, you have said that Po-matoran are physically stronger, AND can sense weak points in stone, making them expert carvers. You have also said that Fe-matoran are physically stronger, and that is it. Seeing how iron is usually stronger than stone, are Fe-matoran, even if just by a little, stronger than Po-matoran?
42) What do the visors lewa and pohatu have do? Do they call Axalara and Rockoh remotely?
51) Fe-Matoran are not stronger, but do have more endurance 62) They act as targeting HUD
2Hi Greg, just some questions I wanted to know:
31) As you know, all matoran have a special power involving their element. Ko-matoran resistant to cold, Onu-matoran good at see in the dark etc. Well, you have said that Po-matoran are physically stronger, AND can sense weak points in stone, making them expert carvers. You have also said that Fe-matoran are physically stronger, and that is it. Seeing how iron is usually stronger than stone, are Fe-matoran, even if just by a little, stronger than Po-matoran?
42) What do the visors lewa and pohatu have do? Do they call Axalara and Rockoh remotely?
51) Fe-Matoran are not stronger, but do have more endurance 62) They act as targeting HUD
1Hey guys, some interesting stuff.
2Hi Greg, just some questions I wanted to know:
31) As you know, all matoran have a special power involving their element. Ko-matoran resistant to cold, Onu-matoran good at see in the dark etc. Well, you have said that Po-matoran are physically stronger, AND can sense weak points in stone, making them expert carvers. You have also said that Fe-matoran are physically stronger, and that is it. Seeing how iron is usually stronger than stone, are Fe-matoran, even if just by a little, stronger than Po-matoran?
42) What do the visors lewa and pohatu have do? Do they call Axalara and Rockoh remotely?
51) Fe-Matoran are not stronger, but do have more endurance 62) They act as targeting HUD
7Wow, #2 is pretty cool .
8I know this is weird, but what is a HUD?
1Hey guys, some interesting stuff.
2Hi Greg, just some questions I wanted to know:
31) As you know, all matoran have a special power involving their element. Ko-matoran resistant to cold, Onu-matoran good at see in the dark etc. Well, you have said that Po-matoran are physically stronger, AND can sense weak points in stone, making them expert carvers. You have also said that Fe-matoran are physically stronger, and that is it. Seeing how iron is usually stronger than stone, are Fe-matoran, even if just by a little, stronger than Po-matoran?
42) What do the visors lewa and pohatu have do? Do they call Axalara and Rockoh remotely?
51) Fe-Matoran are not stronger, but do have more endurance 62) They act as targeting HUD
7Wow, #2 is pretty cool .
8I know this is weird, but what is a HUD?
9HUD - head-up display. 10Read it, bro, and you'll love it.
1hello Greg,you'd enjoy your birthday.
2I was wondering if you can answer these questions.
31)will we meet more makuta in the serials 41)probably
52)are trinuma's ghost blaster made from protosteel? 62)Don't think so,no need for them to be,they're not melee weapons
73)will we find out why vultraz has a fued with mazeka? 83) I can tell you that right now -- Mazeka is in the Order of Mata Nui and Vultraz works for the Brotherhood.
9More makuta,HOORAY . . .

1Oooo- More Makuta. But from TMC, it sounded like only the Makuta that are now in the Core sided with Teridax. But I wonder if the fued between Vultraz and Mazeka just involves their jobs- is there anything personal in it, too?
1The klakk is the cure for Takanuva .
2Hi GregF,
3Just some quick questions:
41a.What would Takanuva do with his Kanohi Avokhii if he would turn into a Toa of Shadow? I could imagine a Toa of Shadow doesn't like wearing a Mask of Light?
51b. Would it even work?
62a. Could the Ignika "cure" Takanuva's Shadow problem? (By devolving him back or something like that.)
72b. If so, are they any other "cures" known?
83. Not counting red sets, white sets sell the best, right? I mean, we've had some white sets as leaders (Pridak, (Kopaka), Krika) and they seem to get more attention when it comes to promotioning.
9Thanks for your time.
101) He wouldn't like it, but might not have the option of changing it depending on where he was 111b) Yes 122a) No, because getting leeched is not a natural evolution. 133) I don't believe so, no. White usually sells someplace in the middle.
142a) Are there any cures known anyway?
152a) Yes, there will be a cure.
16Hi GregF,
173 quick questions:
181. Can you tell me anything about the cure (see quote above)? Like when will we found out what it is?
192. I recall a member asking you: "Why did Gali "underestimate" Gorast?" and you answered: "As far as she knows, Takanuva beat an other Makuta pretty easiliy." But then again, all Toa Nuva were beaten pretty easily by Icarax, so, doesn't she recall that?
203. Have you finished writing the first chapters of the Summer serials?
21Thanks for your time.
221) Book 11 and November comic 232) But she then cleaned his clock pretty well with a nova blast, even if he did get away. She forced him to flee. 243) I finished part one of the podcast
25Hi GregF,
261) Can you tell me at least if it's a what or a who, please? 272) OK, and does Takanuva now (because of visit to Kingdom universe) know that Teradix is still alive? 283) Do you already know how many chapters each respective serial will have?
29Thanks in advance.
301) It's the klakk 312) No. The fact that Teridax was alive in The Kingdom doesn't mean anything to our universe -- in that universe, Mata Nui was dead, but he's not in ours. 323) Yes. Podcast has nine, text serials have 10, like always
1Just one quick thing... If one of the Toa Mata were to die, would the Plan fail? Or could another team of Toa awaken Mata Nui?
3Waking him is their destiny, not some other Toa team's, so another Toa team could not do it. And note they are Toa Nuva now, not Mata.
4Lol, I called them Mata because I had just posted a short story where they were still Toa Mata.
5Good to know, though. Furthers the plot in my pocket dimension...
1The klakk is the cure for Takanuva .
2Hi GregF,
3Just some quick questions:
41a.What would Takanuva do with his Kanohi Avokhii if he would turn into a Toa of Shadow? I could imagine a Toa of Shadow doesn't like wearing a Mask of Light?
51b. Would it even work?
62a. Could the Ignika "cure" Takanuva's Shadow problem? (By devolving him back or something like that.)
72b. If so, are they any other "cures" known?
83. Not counting red sets, white sets sell the best, right? I mean, we've had some white sets as leaders (Pridak, (Kopaka), Krika) and they seem to get more attention when it comes to promotioning.
9Thanks for your time.
101) He wouldn't like it, but might not have the option of changing it depending on where he was 111b) Yes 122a) No, because getting leeched is not a natural evolution. 133) I don't believe so, no. White usually sells someplace in the middle.
142a) Are there any cures known anyway?
152a) Yes, there will be a cure.
16Hi GregF,
173 quick questions:
181. Can you tell me anything about the cure (see quote above)? Like when will we found out what it is?
192. I recall a member asking you: "Why did Gali "underestimate" Gorast?" and you answered: "As far as she knows, Takanuva beat an other Makuta pretty easiliy." But then again, all Toa Nuva were beaten pretty easily by Icarax, so, doesn't she recall that?
203. Have you finished writing the first chapters of the Summer serials?
21Thanks for your time.
221) Book 11 and November comic 232) But she then cleaned his clock pretty well with a nova blast, even if he did get away. She forced him to flee. 243) I finished part one of the podcast
25Hi GregF,
261) Can you tell me at least if it's a what or a who, please? 272) OK, and does Takanuva now (because of visit to Kingdom universe) know that Teradix is still alive? 283) Do you already know how many chapters each respective serial will have?
29Thanks in advance.
301) It's the klakk 312) No. The fact that Teridax was alive in The Kingdom doesn't mean anything to our universe -- in that universe, Mata Nui was dead, but he's not in ours. 323) Yes. Podcast has nine, text serials have 10, like always
33Sweet...the Klakk rule. 34I hope the podcast will come soon since he's finished the first chapter.
1Nice job MB, you squeezed out the klakk's importance.
1I remember something in the LEGO magazine (the Brickmaster ad, I think) saying the Klakk had a "secret power" that will "change the course of Bionicle history." So that's the cure for the shadow leeches... Why would a Makuta make a Rahi that could do that?
1Some miscellanious stuff here
2QUOTE 31.About Miserix. Can we assume that he couldn't use Rahi control power because they are Immune? 41.A. Miserix seemed much darker in FoF than in MC. Was he always like that at heart, or was that from the imprisonment.
52. Why did Mata Nui give the Makuta so many powers if they are only meant to create Rahi? Couldn't he have made a Matoran-llike race instead?
63. Does Mata Nui know that the Makuta attacked him?
7Some Geography questions
84. How much of the Bionicle Planet is filled with domes? Like one half? Do the reach the poles?
95. Metru Nui is the northernmost point on the map Right?
106. Is it close or far from Bionicle's equator?
117. Northern or Southern Hemisphere?
128. Is Metru Nui the only dome with a Sun Hole? 138a. A day 14ight cycle? I ask this one since the S. Continent is lit with lightstones, but those might be "solar powered", and have a Day 15ight cycle.
169. 2009 Does take place on the Bionicle planet right?
1710. What does Bionicle Mean in the Matoran Language? In my opinion it either means Intelligent life, of the name of the Planet.
181) He was weakened by the chains 191a) Seems like a pretty obvious answer, doesn't it? You try being chained up for tens of thousands of years and see how your mood is after. 202) Because a Matoran race with no powers wouldn't be able to control the Rahi they created. 213) Yes 224) I can't discuss this 235) Yes 246-7) Not something I have worried about, because not relevant to story 258) Yes 268a) Other places have a day 27ight cycle as well 289) All I have said is it does not take place in the domed universe. 2910) "Biological chronicle." It is not the name of the planet. The Matoran were never meant to live there, and until the Metru Nui Matoran went to Mata Nui, they never even knew what was outside the domes. So why would they name it? 30QUOTE
31and some stuff on Takanuva here.
32QUOTE 33I'm not sure if others have asked you these exact questions, and i'm sorry if i wasste your time,
341. I read on BS01, that when takanuva uses his light power, it will not regenerate, is this true? 351.A. if it is, then that means that when he uses a Nova blast, then he will be left as a Toa of Shadow? 361.B. While the Avhokhi can't enhance his preexisting light powers, could Taka use it as a substitute so he doesn't waste light power?
372. Since the shadow leech attack was incomplete, the shield preventing light is incomplete correct? 382. A. Does this mean in time, his light will be restored? 392. B. If not, will it let in light that he has channeled, like, say he uses half of his light power, leaving him 25% light, 75% shadow, he would slowly absorb light so he's 50-50, right?
403.I read on Taka's Bio in Bionicle.Com, that his light HAS been diminished, I know i read in an ogd that you said he has the same amount as light, just that he controls shadow as well, which is canon? 413.A. Could you say that he can control light and shadow the same as any other toa, but say he fought an actual toa of shadow, he wouldn't have as much power over shadow as him, so the elemental shadows around taka, would respond to the Toa of Shadow. Could it be like that?
424. Journey of Takanuva tells us how Taka looks like a Yeti yes? 434.A. The order is kingdom, journey of taka, ane then DM, right? 444.B. If this order is correct, then how come the Toa of DM, didn't say, "AAAHH YETI . . ." (just as an example.) 454.C. If this order is correct, is it just a coincidence that Tuyet opened a portal to Karda Nui, or did she do it on purpose.
465. If shadow has no moral connotations, then how come that beings use corrupt morals such as anger and hate to channel shadow? Is it because that in peoples minds shadow is bad? 475.A. Say that Makuta were light wielders, would it be the the other way around?
486. Can Matoran channel Shadow?
49thank you for taking time in your busy schedule to answer these trivial, unimportant, questions, that are coming from an annoying 15 year old.
501) Correct 511a) IF he used a nova blast, yes, but Toa very rarely ever do that 521b) Yes 532) No. The shield is the first effect of an attack 542a) Not unless something is done to reverse what the leech did. 552b) No 563) BIONICLE.com is -- he can't have 50% shadow and still be 100% light 573a) He wouldn't have the skill with shadow that a Toa of Shadow would have because he isn't used to using it. 584) A Yeti? I don't understand you 594a) No. It's JOT, Kingdom, then DM 604b) I still don't get you. Takanuva looks nothing like a Yeti. 614c) She didn't open a portal to Karda Nui. She opened a portal to interdimensional space, through which Takanuva journeyed to get to Karda Nui. 625) Where did I say shadow has no moral connotations? 635a) Moot point, since they're not. Sorry, but I have too many people asking questions to spend time on hypotheticals 646) Normal, non-Matoran of Light have no access to any elemental ability. 65QUOTE
66I Replied to the taka questions, but i've yet to have a response. Just thought i should add this.
2QUOTE 31.About Miserix. Can we assume that he couldn't use Rahi control power because they are Immune? 41.A. Miserix seemed much darker in FoF than in MC. Was he always like that at heart, or was that from the imprisonment.
52. Why did Mata Nui give the Makuta so many powers if they are only meant to create Rahi? Couldn't he have made a Matoran-llike race instead?
63. Does Mata Nui know that the Makuta attacked him?
7Some Geography questions
84. How much of the Bionicle Planet is filled with domes? Like one half? Do the reach the poles?
95. Metru Nui is the northernmost point on the map Right?
106. Is it close or far from Bionicle's equator?
117. Northern or Southern Hemisphere?
128. Is Metru Nui the only dome with a Sun Hole? 138a. A day 14ight cycle? I ask this one since the S. Continent is lit with lightstones, but those might be "solar powered", and have a Day 15ight cycle.
169. 2009 Does take place on the Bionicle planet right?
1710. What does Bionicle Mean in the Matoran Language? In my opinion it either means Intelligent life, of the name of the Planet.
181) He was weakened by the chains 191a) Seems like a pretty obvious answer, doesn't it? You try being chained up for tens of thousands of years and see how your mood is after. 202) Because a Matoran race with no powers wouldn't be able to control the Rahi they created. 213) Yes 224) I can't discuss this 235) Yes 246-7) Not something I have worried about, because not relevant to story 258) Yes 268a) Other places have a day 27ight cycle as well 289) All I have said is it does not take place in the domed universe. 2910) "Biological chronicle." It is not the name of the planet. The Matoran were never meant to live there, and until the Metru Nui Matoran went to Mata Nui, they never even knew what was outside the domes. So why would they name it? 30QUOTE
31and some stuff on Takanuva here.
32QUOTE 33I'm not sure if others have asked you these exact questions, and i'm sorry if i wasste your time,
341. I read on BS01, that when takanuva uses his light power, it will not regenerate, is this true? 351.A. if it is, then that means that when he uses a Nova blast, then he will be left as a Toa of Shadow? 361.B. While the Avhokhi can't enhance his preexisting light powers, could Taka use it as a substitute so he doesn't waste light power?
372. Since the shadow leech attack was incomplete, the shield preventing light is incomplete correct? 382. A. Does this mean in time, his light will be restored? 392. B. If not, will it let in light that he has channeled, like, say he uses half of his light power, leaving him 25% light, 75% shadow, he would slowly absorb light so he's 50-50, right?
403.I read on Taka's Bio in Bionicle.Com, that his light HAS been diminished, I know i read in an ogd that you said he has the same amount as light, just that he controls shadow as well, which is canon? 413.A. Could you say that he can control light and shadow the same as any other toa, but say he fought an actual toa of shadow, he wouldn't have as much power over shadow as him, so the elemental shadows around taka, would respond to the Toa of Shadow. Could it be like that?
424. Journey of Takanuva tells us how Taka looks like a Yeti yes? 434.A. The order is kingdom, journey of taka, ane then DM, right? 444.B. If this order is correct, then how come the Toa of DM, didn't say, "AAAHH YETI . . ." (just as an example.) 454.C. If this order is correct, is it just a coincidence that Tuyet opened a portal to Karda Nui, or did she do it on purpose.
465. If shadow has no moral connotations, then how come that beings use corrupt morals such as anger and hate to channel shadow? Is it because that in peoples minds shadow is bad? 475.A. Say that Makuta were light wielders, would it be the the other way around?
486. Can Matoran channel Shadow?
49thank you for taking time in your busy schedule to answer these trivial, unimportant, questions, that are coming from an annoying 15 year old.
501) Correct 511a) IF he used a nova blast, yes, but Toa very rarely ever do that 521b) Yes 532) No. The shield is the first effect of an attack 542a) Not unless something is done to reverse what the leech did. 552b) No 563) BIONICLE.com is -- he can't have 50% shadow and still be 100% light 573a) He wouldn't have the skill with shadow that a Toa of Shadow would have because he isn't used to using it. 584) A Yeti? I don't understand you 594a) No. It's JOT, Kingdom, then DM 604b) I still don't get you. Takanuva looks nothing like a Yeti. 614c) She didn't open a portal to Karda Nui. She opened a portal to interdimensional space, through which Takanuva journeyed to get to Karda Nui. 625) Where did I say shadow has no moral connotations? 635a) Moot point, since they're not. Sorry, but I have too many people asking questions to spend time on hypotheticals 646) Normal, non-Matoran of Light have no access to any elemental ability. 65QUOTE
66I Replied to the taka questions, but i've yet to have a response. Just thought i should add this.
1Some stuffs:
21) We know that Plasma can incinerate a Makuta's essence, but can Fire?
32) Did Helryx mean what she said when she said: "I would recruit Dark Hunters and Pit Prisoners if I thought it would bring the Makuta down."?
43) So, do you think we could see some Dark Hunters, and a few Pit Prisoners? (Or Lesovikk, Sarda, and Hydraxon II?)
54) Do you think a Mask of Adaptation would be a possible power?
65) Do you think we could see Kardas in the serials?
76) Could Karzahni's mind be restored?
87) Will we see the Niazesk anytime soon?
98) I asked this before: At the end of Bionicle Legends #10, when Krakua and Helryx were talking, what did they mean by "Should we have told him about what was going to happen to him, and about his true destiny?"
109) Will we see Tren Krom again?
1110) Do you think Brutaka, Miserix, Axonn, and Trinuma will be in the OoMN/BoM serials.
1211) Krika's special power is intangibilty, Gorast's is her light-draining stinger (I think), so what is Bitil's?
131) If it's hot enough, yes 142) Yes. This is war. 153) I haven't decided yet, but keep in mind Lesovikk and Hydraxon can't breathe air, so won't be of much use. 164) It's possible, sure 175) I doubt it 186) Who would want to bother? 197) They aren't going to play a big role, no 208) It means they have a pretty good idea of what could happen and how bad it is going to be 219) I have no plans for him right now. 2210) See answer to #3 2311) Krika's special power is not intangibility -- all Makuta can control their density. And Bitil's hasn't been revealed yet, mainly because it isn't going to figure into story.
24Okay, thanks . But I need these cleared up:
253) But Brutaka, Carapar, and Takadox were all water-breathers, but they were given breathing apparatus', so can't the same be done for those three?
2611) Ok, was Krika's the enviromental drain, which was why it was so cold around him?
273) Possibly, yes, but I have to keep control of how many characters I cram into this serial. 2811) Krika's is the entire draining of energy thing, including the environment, which he has to do to keep from going permanently intangible.
29Not much, but #2 is interesting.
21) We know that Plasma can incinerate a Makuta's essence, but can Fire?
32) Did Helryx mean what she said when she said: "I would recruit Dark Hunters and Pit Prisoners if I thought it would bring the Makuta down."?
43) So, do you think we could see some Dark Hunters, and a few Pit Prisoners? (Or Lesovikk, Sarda, and Hydraxon II?)
54) Do you think a Mask of Adaptation would be a possible power?
65) Do you think we could see Kardas in the serials?
76) Could Karzahni's mind be restored?
87) Will we see the Niazesk anytime soon?
98) I asked this before: At the end of Bionicle Legends #10, when Krakua and Helryx were talking, what did they mean by "Should we have told him about what was going to happen to him, and about his true destiny?"
109) Will we see Tren Krom again?
1110) Do you think Brutaka, Miserix, Axonn, and Trinuma will be in the OoMN/BoM serials.
1211) Krika's special power is intangibilty, Gorast's is her light-draining stinger (I think), so what is Bitil's?
131) If it's hot enough, yes 142) Yes. This is war. 153) I haven't decided yet, but keep in mind Lesovikk and Hydraxon can't breathe air, so won't be of much use. 164) It's possible, sure 175) I doubt it 186) Who would want to bother? 197) They aren't going to play a big role, no 208) It means they have a pretty good idea of what could happen and how bad it is going to be 219) I have no plans for him right now. 2210) See answer to #3 2311) Krika's special power is not intangibility -- all Makuta can control their density. And Bitil's hasn't been revealed yet, mainly because it isn't going to figure into story.
24Okay, thanks . But I need these cleared up:
253) But Brutaka, Carapar, and Takadox were all water-breathers, but they were given breathing apparatus', so can't the same be done for those three?
2611) Ok, was Krika's the enviromental drain, which was why it was so cold around him?
273) Possibly, yes, but I have to keep control of how many characters I cram into this serial. 2811) Krika's is the entire draining of energy thing, including the environment, which he has to do to keep from going permanently intangible.
29Not much, but #2 is interesting.
1WOW 6 seconds.....
71) Yes 81b) No. When you get attacked by a shadow leech, a psychic shield is put in place which keeps light from returning to you -- that's why shadow Matoran stay shadow Matoran instead of turning back to Av-Matoran. So light will not come to replace shadow that's been used
9Somebody post this on BIO
2Hello Greg, Doing good?
31) You said that using too much of Takanuva's light would cause him to be fully shadow, correct? 41b) But say he uses allhis shadow power's, does he go alll light?
5´Thanks in advance, 6Koro .
71) Yes 81b) No. When you get attacked by a shadow leech, a psychic shield is put in place which keeps light from returning to you -- that's why shadow Matoran stay shadow Matoran instead of turning back to Av-Matoran. So light will not come to replace shadow that's been used
9Somebody post this on BIO