1'Ello, Greg. I have a question about Mata Nui's whereabouts. I hope you can answer it.
2We all know that Mata Nui isn't the Matoran Universe, or any of the islands. We know that he is close to 700,000 feet tall, which, oddly enough, is about the same size as the island of Mata Nui. Another answer you gave is that he has no power on the surface, but you never said if he was there or not. And of course, Mata Nui(island) is to be flat and unihabited.
3Okay, let's put the facts together. My theory is that he sort of 'sat' on the island of Mata Nui as he watched over the universe. That would explain why it was to be flat and uninhabited. He could then get up and walk through the ocean across the length of the Matoran Universe. When the Makuta virus got to him, he toppled over and crashed into the ocean floor. The resulting shake from his weight could be the equivalent of a universe-wide earthquake.
4I would love to know if this theory is at least warm, if not exactly spot-on. Thanks for your time.
6Two things --
71) What I said at the library was "closer to 700,000 feet than 100,000 feet" -- which can also mean way, way more than 700,000 feet. 82) Even if 700,000 feet was an accurate size for him, Mata Nui would not be the same length as the island of Mata Nui -- a kio equals 4500 feet, which makes the island of Mata Nui 1.6 million feet (357 x 4500)
91. Uh, okay... 102. That's what I get for using someone else's measurements.Either way, he didn't disprove my theory.
11Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho . 12![]()
13It makes your argument unfalsifiable. It cannot be proven wrong, but it cannot be proven right either. So there is the fallacy with your hypothesis.
14How so, old chap? The bigger the island and/or Mata Nui is, the better my theory gets.
15Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho . 16![]()
17I can see what you are inferring, but there is no correlation between the two other than the name. The island is big. Mata Nui is big. Therefore the island must be Mata Nui himself. Not much of an argument there my friend.
18Ah, I see the problem here. You misinterpreted what I said. I didn't say Mata Nui (being) was the island; it's been stated he's humanoid. I said the the being lived on the island, and got up and walked around occasionally to check on specific things. The Makuta send out a virus and boom, he falls over (probably more toward the south, seeing as that was where the most damage was), and the crash shakes all the domes, in effect an earthquake.
19Does that make sense?
20Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho . 21

1'Ello, Greg. I have a question about Mata Nui's whereabouts. I hope you can answer it.
2We all know that Mata Nui isn't the Matoran Universe, or any of the islands. We know that he is close to 700,000 feet tall, which, oddly enough, is about the same size as the island of Mata Nui. Another answer you gave is that he has no power on the surface, but you never said if he was there or not. And of course, Mata Nui(island) is to be flat and unihabited.
3Okay, let's put the facts together. My theory is that he sort of 'sat' on the island of Mata Nui as he watched over the universe. That would explain why it was to be flat and uninhabited. He could then get up and walk through the ocean across the length of the Matoran Universe. When the Makuta virus got to him, he toppled over and crashed into the ocean floor. The resulting shake from his weight could be the equivalent of a universe-wide earthquake.
4I would love to know if this theory is at least warm, if not exactly spot-on. Thanks for your time.
6Two things --
71) What I said at the library was "closer to 700,000 feet than 100,000 feet" -- which can also mean way, way more than 700,000 feet. 82) Even if 700,000 feet was an accurate size for him, Mata Nui would not be the same length as the island of Mata Nui -- a kio equals 4500 feet, which makes the island of Mata Nui 1.6 million feet (357 x 4500)
91. Uh, okay... 102. That's what I get for using someone else's measurements.Either way, he didn't disprove my theory.
11Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho . 12![]()
13It makes your argument unfalsifiable. It cannot be proven wrong, but it cannot be proven right either. So there is the fallacy with your hypothesis.
14How so, old chap? The bigger the island and/or Mata Nui is, the better my theory gets.
15Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho . 16![]()
17I can see what you are inferring, but there is no correlation between the two other than the name. The island is big. Mata Nui is big. Therefore the island must be Mata Nui himself. Not much of an argument there my friend.
18Ah, I see the problem here. You misinterpreted what I said. I didn't say Mata Nui (being) was the island; it's been stated he's humanoid. I said the the being lived on the island, and got up and walked around occasionally to check on specific things. The Makuta send out a virus and boom, he falls over (probably more toward the south, seeing as that was where the most damage was), and the crash shakes all the domes, in effect an earthquake.
19Does that make sense?
20Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho . 21![]()
22But then, how could Mata Nui have lived on the island when Tren Krom had to be in Karda Nui to power the UC and what not. I'm sure Mata Nui would also have to be, most likely, near the UC or someplace like that. Besides, if he's watching over the universe on the flatness of Mata Nui, he'd be looking at the endless ocean. Isn't that outside of the Matoran Universe? All that plus isn't your whole theory a bunch of speculation anyways??

23Anyways, time to get back on topic...
1I really hoped you enjoyed your birthday.
21. What is this energy spike? 32. If the Codrex does not protect the Toa Nuva from the energy storm and that there is no Toa Canisters inside, then why would they enter the Codrex?
4Thanks. Again, enjoy.
51) Can't reveal it 62) Because that's where they need to go to awaken Mata Nui
1Thanks, Greg
2A few new questions:
31) At the end of BL9, Teridax was described to be at a heavily guarded place. Later, you mentioned that as of BL10, he knows the location of Mata Nui. First, did Teridax know of that location before hand, or had he simply chanced upon it? (Must have been a tremendous turn of luck if it were the latter )
41b) Could we assume that Teridax's current location is, if not close to, the location of Mata Nui?
52) Does the Island of Mata Nui play a significant storyline role in the near future? (This fall)
63) I found a quote from BL8 describing the what happened when Matoro donned the Ignika:
7"The merged energies of Toa and Kanohi mask exploded in the core of the universe, flooding it with light. Streams of golden power flowed into every part of this realm and then beyond it, until it had touched every place where the Great Spirit had once reigned."
8From this quote, may we assume that Mata Nui was not at a fixed point of the universe all this while, but moved from place to place?
93b) Did the blast of energy released when Matoro donned the Ignika exceed the boundaries of the Matoran Universe?
104) Regarding the Blade Burrower's map, does it cover the 2009 location?
11Thanks, 12pirakahakann
131) He deduced it by process of elimination and known facts 142) No - it's barren, no one lives there, so why would it? 153) No. That refers to the entirety of the Matoran universe, all of which he had reigned over when he was alive. 163b) No, it did not. 174) Sorry, can't discuss this.
18Thanks yet again 19From previous questions: 201) Will we be able to do the same? 212) So, it will not appear again in the main story this year? 224) Have the Blade Burrowers ever left the Matoran Universe before?
23New questions: 241) A little risky, isn't it? Teridax creates a plan which direly requires knowledge of the location of Mata Nui, a location unknown to anyone at all? Had they not found Mata Nui's location, would the plan still have a potential for success? 252) Teridax isn't in Karda Nui, is he?263) Regarding the energy storms of Karda Nui, is it basically an event that occurs whenever Mata Nui channels this... energy that sustains the Universe, energy channeled through the core to the Universe. Hence, when Mata Nui was in comatose, this energy flow was halted; the storms stopped, and the universe plunged into darkness. When Mata Nui awakes again, the power flow continues, and the energy storms return. Is this plausible, or rather, true?
274) When did you reveal that Mata Nui was over 700 000 Feet tall? Amazing info, though. 285) Do the Toa Nuva have to access the location of Mata Nui, or physically contact him to awake him? 296) The beings of 2009, judging by what you said about the sets not deviating much from that of 01 to now, are biomechanical as well, right? 307) Had Mata Nui died, the Universe of 2009 would have survived, right? 318) Would it have been possible for the Matoran to access the 2009 Universe? 328b) Has anyone we know actually done so? 338c) Has anyone we know actually gone out of the Matoran Universe? (Other than those of the 2001-2003 story arc)
34Thanks a lot, Greg . 35pirakahakann
361) Doubt it, you don't know all the facts he does 372) Doubt it 384) No, never
391) Had Mata Nui not gotten the information from Tren Krom via Mutran, he never would have launched the Plan. That was what gave him the knowledge he needed to pull it off. 402) No, he is not 413) Pretty close 424) At the Willimantic Library last week 435) No 446) I can't discuss this 457) Yes 468) Possibly via Olmak, yes 478b) No 488c) And the VN and MN Matoran, Barraki, Hydraxon, Toa Mahri, Toa Inika, since all were outside of the domes
91) Would mean he would have been mutated before reaching Karda Nui 102) Such as what? 113) No plans for one. He's dead, so there's no big need for a set of him. 124) No, she wasn't, and the being who was isn't someone you know 135) Well, we know Tahu and Kopaka met her during their training.
2Hello Greg,
31) If Bitil pulled a pre-swamp version of him from the timeline, and it mutated like he did would it mess up the timeline?
42) Will the Universe Map show us anything about Mata Nui (you said the layout of islands is important)?
53) Could there be a Kojol-Combiner ?
64) Was Helryx the leader of the Hand of Artakha? (if not who was?)
75) Did any of the toa who came after her know Helryx personally?
91) Would mean he would have been mutated before reaching Karda Nui 102) Such as what? 113) No plans for one. He's dead, so there's no big need for a set of him. 124) No, she wasn't, and the being who was isn't someone you know 135) Well, we know Tahu and Kopaka met her during their training.
1Just some answers I got. They have some pretty big BL10 and I believe one Kingdom spoiler.
161) Well...thought I was onto something. 172) I thought it might tell you exactly how much time you had before the energy storm went off or something (assuming that it takes them a couple seconds to get going) 183) Uh...okay. 194) So combine that with his increase in physical strength and his power inhancing lance and you sort of have a semi-supercharged Toa. Cool . 205) Well alright then.
2Hello Mr. Farshty, I have a few new questions for you and one small theory that you probably can't answer.
31) You have said multiple times that Mata-Nui is not in the Universe Core, though Tren Krom was. Despite that the energy storm, which I can only assume is from Mata-Nui's power only appears in the Universe Core. I didn't see how this could work at first, after all one would assume that the energy that comes from him would appear around or next to him. But then I had an idea. Is Mata-Nui perhaps underneath the UC, thus explaining why the energy storms are only there? You probably can't answer this but I figured there is no harm in giving it a shot.
42) Is the sundial something like a timer? Lets you know how much time you have left before so and so happens?
53) How did Helryx "pin" Takanuva to the wall with water daggers? Water isn't solid enough to do that unless it was way bigger then the size of daggers and had a lot of constant force behind it.
64) Would Takanuva's size increase also make his armor a bit thicker?
75) Artakha invented the Midak blasters right in the main universe right? 85a) If so, then is the fact that he was able to invent the Midak so many years (I think it was 1000 but I can't remember) before the Nynrah did the same in The Kingdom meant to show how much better of an inventor he is then them?
9Thank you very much for your time.
101) No 112) No 123) It is in our universe 134) Mass would increase as well, yes 145) Yes 155a) No. The Nynrah make what they are hired to make. Artakha makes whatever he feels like making.
161) Well...thought I was onto something. 172) I thought it might tell you exactly how much time you had before the energy storm went off or something (assuming that it takes them a couple seconds to get going) 183) Uh...okay. 194) So combine that with his increase in physical strength and his power inhancing lance and you sort of have a semi-supercharged Toa. Cool . 205) Well alright then.
1hey greg.
2ive been thinking. and ive concluded one thing: the only possible and logical location for mata nui to be is simple: 3under karda nui. if a dome is like an egg, and you turn the egg upside down, then you notice, that the upperside looks alot like a dome. if everything under the widest point is filled with dirt, then there is plenty of space for mata nui to be, both lying down under the mud, and standing up. there would be plenty of room for mata nui to be, and to work. not just that, its also the safest place to be. seeing as the core was intended to be safe, and only accessable when mata nui is unconcious, to awake/revive him, this means its the safest place in the universe to be. the island of MN is accessable at all time, and the only reason i can see it to be there, is to be a landing spot for the nuva. its essentially a mark for the nuva to go. after all, even from space, a massive island in the form of metru nui isnt hard to miss, and they could get there, go down, and do their job. besides, using the universe is a nuclear reactor analogy, its equal to the roof being covered in plants and crowding with animals, and you have a gardener keeping the roof clean, as the emergency crew arriving by helicopter should land there. 4not just that, the plant's operator would be in a place, close to the core, where there is sufficient room for him, and some other stuff, but usually its not that big. also, from underneath the core, mata nui could easily manipulate the core's energy to sustain the universe, and also fits within the fact that TK maintained the universe from within the core, and thus mata nui would HAVE to be close to it. underneath the core, there would be a big cave with mata nui in it. but if you look at it, it would just be a massive cave, with a central spire or so, as mata nui is too big to know that you found him. after all: "its not hard to find mata nui, the problem is knowing you found him". if he either lay down or stood within the above mentioned cave, all it would be is a mass, and you would need to be flying high, high above it to see its actually him.
5and it would explain "its right under your noses", something you answered to a member asking about MN's location, and the fact you need to be in the core, and why the storm rages there, and why the codrex is there. the orbs around the picture representing mata nui on the codrex, would mean mata nui is "in the middle" , essentially the core, and the core being underneath the mainland, as a way of saying, he is underneath it. also, would you be looking for annother massive space under a massive space you found? you'd need alot of time to explore the first, in the first place
6so my question is,
7is this in any way close to the truth
1I think that the four-page pull out will be a map of the universe, because of the theory that Mata Nui is the Matoran Universe. Besides, who would waste four pages on just a big body? What would they write on it?
2EDIT: Hey, you know that Vezok's harpoon shot water daggers too, right?
4Yeah, honestly, why do they even have posters of sports athletes? What a waste.
5They are already making a map of the matoran universe, no need to do it twice.
1Hey, just had a long back and forth with Greg about the Mutagen... could've sworn this was revealed, but couldn't find it on BS01.
11So yeah. If it's new woohoo, if not, eh. Oh well.
2Hey Greg, I just had a really quick question about the Pit Mutagen:
3I thought you had said this, but I couldn't find it on BS01... Is the Pit Mutagen a byproduct of the energies made in Karda Nui?
4Among other places, yes
5So is it a byproduct of some other energies as well, or are the Karda Nui energies made elsewhere?
6No, simply that the KN energies exist in lesser amounts in other places.
7Ah, so do they constantly produce the mutagen?
8Not normally, no -- the same way a nuclear power plant does not normally spill radiation out into the air
9Okay, is it the energies themselves that produce the Mutagen, or does whatever is making the energies also make Mutagen, sort of as a side effect?
10The energy makes the mutagen
11So yeah. If it's new woohoo, if not, eh. Oh well.
1I think that the four-page pull out will be a map of the universe, because of the theory that Mata Nui is the Matoran Universe. Besides, who would waste four pages on just a big body? What would they write on it?
2EDIT: Hey, you know that Vezok's harpoon shot water daggers too, right?
4Uh, Greg confirmed a long time back that he isn't the Matoran Universe. Not to mention the fact that he has a physical body that can move, and is humanoid in shape.
5A few of the above posts disprove my theory. Bummer.
6Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho . 7

1Partially in response to OOMN Chronicler: If Mata Nui is the Matoran universe... he could control the gravity within himself so that people don't roll around inside him when he stands up. Also, the pattern of the Matoran universe could easily be... well, see below.
2However, this can't be confirmed or denied, as seen in my latest question to Greg -
7That's what I was expecting... either a denial or a can't answer it.
2However, this can't be confirmed or denied, as seen in my latest question to Greg -
3Thought I should ask this, just in case. Is this the shape of the Matoran universe?
6Sorry, can't discuss the nature of the universe. It gets dealt with in future storyline.
7That's what I was expecting... either a denial or a can't answer it.
1EDIT: Hey, you know that Vezok's harpoon shot water daggers too, right?
3Yeah but no-one ever described those water daggers as being able to "pin" someone to the wall as if they were solid. A high speed, high pressure, but small blast of water would cut through you like a dagger and that is what I always figured Vesok's harpoon to do.
1EDIT: Hey, you know that Vezok's harpoon shot water daggers too, right?
3Yeah but no-one ever described those water daggers as being able to "pin" someone to the wall as if they were solid. A high speed, high pressure, but small blast of water would cut through you like a dagger and that is what I always figured Vesok's harpoon to do.
4Well after 100,000 years, I think Herlyx can do some tricks with water.
1Some things were troubling me that i couldn't guess.
16OT: Edited.
2Hi Greg, i have a few questions that may be a little out of the box. I could be wrong though
31) If Krakua was a matoran, what did he believe Toa to look like when he transformed? Helryx? (From a storyline perspective)
42) At the end of this arc, will we meet more Makuta? (In which case my mocs will be more fun than i thought xD)
53) So if Krika showed mercy on Miserix, does that mean he is still loyal to him?
63b) If so, who else could be? .
74) Did the Makuta acquire Shapeshift from Mata Nui?
84b) Can he shapeshift as well?
9Thanks for your time.
111) No, whatever Toa he met as a Matoran. He never met Helryx
122) Probably in the web serial 133) No, because he also put him on an island where if there was a volcanic eruption, Miserix would die 144) Yes 154b) No
16OT: Edited.
1I think that the four-page pull out will be a map of the universe, because of the theory that Mata Nui is the Matoran Universe. Besides, who would waste four pages on just a big body? What would they write on it?
2EDIT: Hey, you know that Vezok's harpoon shot water daggers too, right?
4Uh, Greg confirmed a long time back that he isn't the Matoran Universe. Not to mention the fact that he has a physical body that can move, and is humanoid in shape.
5A few of the above posts disprove my theory. Bummer.
6Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho . 7![]()
8Umm... when did Greg ever say that Mata Nui was not the Matoran Universe? He has said where he is not, not what he is not.
9Let's say for instance the Mata Nui is in fact that Matoran Universe. Mata Nui controls that gravity that takes place inside of the domes, so him moving around really would not have an effect.
1Just some qestions but i left out number 1 because it was nothing new. 2Does Teridax know about the energy storms in karda-nui? 3If yes to above did he tell the mistika and phantoka mukuta about them.
42) Yes 53) No
63) that intresting why not?Crazy theory but is teridax trying to kill off makuta?
7Follow the story, all will be made clear 8(thats a new one
) 9mabe teridax is killing makuta but at least we'll find out soon
42) Yes 53) No
63) that intresting why not?Crazy theory but is teridax trying to kill off makuta?
7Follow the story, all will be made clear 8(thats a new one

1Hi Greg, hope I'm not interrupting anything. I got me some questions.
21-Have Roodaka and Vezon been imprisoned yet?
32-would the Order use any of their captives (Piraka, Karzahni, Dweller) in the upcoming war?
43-Will we learn of Takadox or Tyrant soon?
5Thanks, sorry for bothering you.
71) Serial just ended, so no 82) What good would the Piraka or Karzahni be? All are water-breathers, and the war isn't being fought underwater, and Karzahni is nuts. And if they wanted to use Dweller, they would have to send him back to Odina. 93) I don't have plans for Tyrant at all at this point, and haven't decided on Takadox
1Just putting in my 2 cents here. 2They have the mask of life on there side. 3Last time I checked, the mask of life is able to teleport people (example: the Mahri) 4Maybe they can get out that way after waking up him, that is, if nothing happens to the Toa Ignika 5I'll ask greg about it. 6-SK
7This was an earlier theory, but it was shattered by something I found interesting.
8Greg, 9One question. 10Could the toa ignika teleport the Toa Nuva out of Karda Nui( Kind of like the mahri, when matoro used the Ignika)? 11Thanks, 12-SK13No, Ignika is going to be busy
14What do you think he will be busy with? 15-SK
1Hi Greg
2I've got some questions:
31- Was Helryx the female voice in TNB?
42- What does TSO think about the dissapearance of Dweller?
53a- So the Mahri, Miserix, Brutaka, Lariska, DH spy, Trinuma, Helryx and Botar's replacement are all going to appear in the OoMN-BoM serial, correct? 63b- Will Vezon appear in it too or will he be jailed? 73c- Same for Roodaka? 83d- Will Hydraxon appear in it too?
94- Will we see Lesovikk back this year?
105- What will the Hagah-serial be about?
116- Is Mirror Lesovikk still alive? 126b- Same for Kingdom Lesovikk
137- Did you already decide wich Makuta watches over wich region?
148- Nidhiki came from an island where Toa weren't thought very highly of and since the Tren Krom Peninsula is ruled by Gorast and Makuta and Toa aren't such good friends. Could it be possible that Nidhiki came from the Tren Krom Peninsula?
15All for now
161) Yes 172) He doesn't know about it. Dweller's job was to kill Takanuva, then report back, not make reports while he was there. So TSO has no idea anything has happened to him. 183) I won't know for sure who will be in it until I write it. 194) I don't have plans for him right now 205) The Hagah216) If you didn't see them get killed, then they're alive. 227) I have a rough idea 238) No. You answered your own question when you said the word "island." A peninsula is not an island.
1Greg, 2One question. 3Could the toa ignika teleport the Toa Nuva out of Karda Nui( Kind of like the mahri, when matoro used the Ignika)? 4Thanks, 5-SK6No, Ignika is going to be busy
7What do you think he will be busy with? 8-SK
9Well, the Ignika has to be used to awaken Mata Nui, right?
10No, the Nuva think it does, but it doesn't have to be used.
1Greg, 2One question. 3Could the toa ignika teleport the Toa Nuva out of Karda Nui( Kind of like the mahri, when matoro used the Ignika)? 4Thanks, 5-SK6No, Ignika is going to be busy
7What do you think he will be busy with? 8-SK
9Well, the Ignika has to be used to awaken Mata Nui, right?
10No, the Nuva think it does, but it doesn't have to be used.
11There are several ways of awakening Mata Nui though.

1Greg, 2One question. 3Could the toa ignika teleport the Toa Nuva out of Karda Nui( Kind of like the mahri, when matoro used the Ignika)? 4Thanks, 5-SK6No, Ignika is going to be busy
7What do you think he will be busy with? 8-SK
9Well, the Ignika has to be used to awaken Mata Nui, right?
10No, the Nuva think it does, but it doesn't have to be used.
11There are several ways of awakening Mata Nui though.![]()
12And how do you know any of them require the mask of Life?
1Greg, 2One question. 3Could the toa ignika teleport the Toa Nuva out of Karda Nui( Kind of like the mahri, when matoro used the Ignika)? 4Thanks, 5-SK6No, Ignika is going to be busy
7What do you think he will be busy with? 8-SK
9Well, the Ignika has to be used to awaken Mata Nui, right?
10No, the Nuva think it does, but it doesn't have to be used.
11There are several ways of awakening Mata Nui though.![]()
12And how do you know any of them require the mask of Life?
13I'm sure I saw a quote in here about it, I'll try to find it.
3Not really. I just checked in BL10, and there was no mention of OoMN. Remember, even if Helryx was the one who sent them, she was in other organizations (Hand of Arthaka) before the OoMN.
1Actualy, I read BL10 and the OoMN was active before Mata Nui awoke.
1I sent a question to Greg and haven't gotten a reply. I sent it to him this morning. What should I do? Resend it?
1I sent a question to Greg and haven't gotten a reply. I sent it to him this morning. What should I do? Resend it?
2No, it normaly takes days for him to answer. If you have alot of quetions it make take him over a week to get to it.
3Is seven alot?![]()
4That's not to many, so he'll probably get to it soon.
1I sent a question to Greg and haven't gotten a reply. I sent it to him this morning. What should I do? Resend it?
2No, it normaly takes days for him to answer. If you have alot of quetions it make take him over a week to get to it.
3Is seven alot?![]()
4look, the man has a lot to do, so give him time, he may never get back to you, or you sent questions already answered. don't pm him the same questions again because it gives him just that much more to do
1I sent a question to Greg and haven't gotten a reply. I sent it to him this morning. What should I do? Resend it?
2No, it normaly takes days for him to answer. If you have alot of quetions it make take him over a week to get to it.
3Is seven alot?![]()
4look, the man has a lot to do, so give him time, he may never get back to you, or you sent questions already answered. don't pm him the same questions again because it gives him just that much more to do
5I've sent him a PM 7 months ago with no response, so be REALLY patient.