1Breaking away from the Mata Nui=Matoran Universe discussion there, I got a couple of interesting answers from Greg mostly involving light and shadow which may or may not be well known by now; this topic's been notoriously difficult to search for specifics before, so I suppose there's no harm in sharing what I found out.
8My thoughts: Ah, so not only is light an element; but it can also be considered to be the positive aspects of any being's...er...being in that respect.
11My thoughts: While I'm not familiar with termites, the idea of an tiny little Miserix is adorable.
2Q: If six Toa (let's say of Fire, Water, Ice, Air, Stone and Earth) were to create a Toa Seal, would any other six Toa (of Lightning, Sonics, Gravity, Iron, Magnetism and Plant-Life, for example) be able to undo the seal or does it have to be undone by the same six elements that it was created with? 3A: Same elements are needed.
4Q: If a Toa (for example, a Toa of Fire) were to be partially drained of their light by a Shadow Leech and the psychological barrier that stopped the Toa from recovering his light remained intact, if he continued to use up his own fire energy until there was none of it left, would he then become a Toa of Shadow fully and no longer be a Toa of Fire and Shadow? 5A: Good question. Answer's no, he would most likely have access to fire only. Takanuva can control shadow as well because he was already controlling light, and the two are similar (two sides of the same coin). But using up fire is not the same as using the light that is in you, which is what Takanuva taps into.
6Q: If any Toa were to be partially drained of their light (as Takanuva was) and the barrier remained intact, if their personality was affected by this drain would that be a side affect of the means in which they gained their shadow element (Shadow Leech, Avsa, etc) rather than the actual element itself as the BS01 wiki states that, originally, shadow had no moral connections and was no more good or evil than any other element? 7A: Light is your "good" side if you will -- if you have less of it, you will be less "good".
8My thoughts: Ah, so not only is light an element; but it can also be considered to be the positive aspects of any being's...er...being in that respect.
9Q: If Mata Nui were to exact vengeance upon the Brotherhood of Makuta upon awakening, as Makuta saw in Karzahni's vision in Into the Darkness, would Miserix be spared as he had opposed Teridax's plan or has Teridak condemned his species as a whole? 10A: No. Think about it -- if you have termites in your house, when you call the exterminator, do you worry if maybe one termite had a bad stomach and never ate part of your house? Or do you kill all of them?
11My thoughts: While I'm not familiar with termites, the idea of an tiny little Miserix is adorable.
12Q: It's said, again on the BS01 wiki, that the Makuta once had a small amount of light within them and that that light was only forced out of them after they made the decision to go against Mata Nui; does this mean that Miserix still has some light left in him? 13A: No, all Makuta, for one reason or another, rejected the light that was in them.
14Q: Now that the element of shadow is seen as evil because of the Brotherhood's corruption, even if Miserix were to do some heroic deeds during his hunt for Teridax (i.e. save the odd Matoran village), would those he saved only consider his power to be evil and his character a hero or would he still be seen as evil as a whole, regardless, because of his element? 15A: Basically, put it this way -- let's say a neo-Nazi came to your town and circumstances led him to save a child from a runaway bus. Would you now consider him a good neo-Nazi -- or still consider him evil because he IS a neo-Nazi?
1Uh, guys, you probably should start a new topic or just get back to this topic's subject. 2Anyways, just a small Vican question.
9No. Remember, some of the land on Voya Nui was added on as a result of lava flowing during the years it was floating on the ocean, so it is not the same shape in 2006 story as it was on the continent.

3Hey Greg, just a question about Vican.
4On BS01 it says Vican is from a lake in the center of the Southern Continent. 5My first question is, was there a lake where Mahri Nui was (Voya Nui Bay) on Voya Nui when it was on the continent? 6And if that is true, then is Vican from that lake, or one nearby?
7Thanks, 8
9No. Remember, some of the land on Voya Nui was added on as a result of lava flowing during the years it was floating on the ocean, so it is not the same shape in 2006 story as it was on the continent.

1QUOTE2QUOTE3QUOTE4Hello Mr. Farshtey I have one question:
51. In the story it said that Av-Matoran have a higher rate of becoming Toa than do others. (said in Shadows in the Sky) How is that when only one Toa of Light exists while there have been thousands of others of the other elements? If anything isn't it less likely an Av-Matoran will become a Toa.
6Okay, but how do you know that in 1000 years there might not be 100 Toa of Light, and in 5000 years, 500 Toa of Light? More likely to become Toa does not mean "more likely today" -- it means more likely overall, which encompasses the future too.
7How do they figure that when the past shows only one? Did they use a Mask of Clairvoyance? But past record shows many others.
8Because the Great Beings made them to have a higher possibility of becoming Toa, and since the Makuta have Tren Krom's knowledge of the workings of the universe, they know that.
1Hey Greg. I was wondering...
21. Is the source of the "incredible" power of the vehicles such as Jetrax's the same as that of the lightstones? 32. If so, what is it? Is it Mata Nui's life force? 43. If not, does it have anything to do with 2009? 54. If so, what?
81) Yes 92) Can't answer it 103) No


11. Could the Codrex transport anyone in it to another place (maybe another universe?)
22. Could the energy storm help?
33. Could the Codrex tell where Mata Nui is?
44. Can Mata Nui change his size?
55. How large is the Codrex?
6Thanks .
71) No 82) No 93) No 104) No 115) Very large
12Why so negative?

1Sorry if these questions are bothering you, but I just need clarification on number 1. I should have said: Can you answer to when Mata Nui was created in relation to the MU? On the BS01 Wiki Timeline, it says Great Beings began creating the MU 100,000+ years ago, and Mata Nui was awakened 100,000 years ago. Would this mean Mata Nui was created after the MU?
2Means his creation was not finished until after the MU existed.
3Follow up to my questions before... Seems to me like Greg is sneaking his way around a direct answer.
1I sent these to Greg ages ago, and never posted them here.
2Hi, Greg . 3I just have one question this time. 4Can a Rahkshi be affected by Hordika venom? 5Thanks in advance, 6-Gravitic Ghost Rider.
7A Rahkshi is just a suit of armor, so no. The kraata inside could be affected, though, if it was attacked directly
8Sorry to keep bothering you , Greg. 9I need one last question answered. 101a. Could you turn a Kraata Hordika into a Rahkshi? 111b. If so, would the rahkshi be different from a normal Rahkshi? 121c. If yes to 1b, in what way(s) would it be different? 13Again, sorry to bug you, I just find the concept of Kraata/Rahkshi affected by Hordika venom extremely interesting. 14-GGR
15No, for the same reason you can't change a Toa Hordika into a Turaga. Once it's infected by venom, it's not the same creature anymore
1Why has everyone dropped the "Mata Nui is in the location Teridax is" theory in place of the "MN/MU" theory? I personally would go with the former; it's legendary, is heavily guarded, and is larger than even Teridax had thought possible.
2Topic relevance:
7None of the people who PMed him bothered to post it here, so I figured I would. I wonder how many votes he would have gotten if they hadn't been part of the entry...
8Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho . 9

2Topic relevance:
3Hi there Greg. Over on BS01, there's been some debate over the canonization of the Toa Mangai Nihu and Motara. You gave your approval to the Nihu-Motara Energy Siphon Blade in a PM, and it recently won the Art: Handrawn category. In the description, it refered to a Toa Mangai of Water, Nihu, and a Toa Mangai of Stone, Motara. Now that it has won, are they officially canon? I wouldn't ask, but it needs to be in the OGD for everybody to accept it.
4Thank you for your time.![]()
6No, they're not. I told Electric Turahk when he PM'd me that I can approve the entry, but not the names. I don't want to be constantly reusing 2001 location names, and two, if they named every geographic feature after a Mangai, why is nothing named Lhikan? Makes no sense.
7None of the people who PMed him bothered to post it here, so I figured I would. I wonder how many votes he would have gotten if they hadn't been part of the entry...
8Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho . 9

1Why has everyone dropped the "Mata Nui is in the location Teridax is" theory in place of the "MN/MU" theory? I personally would go with the former; it's legendary, is heavily guarded, and is larger than even Teridax had thought possible.
2Topic relevance:
3Hi there Greg. Over on BS01, there's been some debate over the canonization of the Toa Mangai Nihu and Motara. You gave your approval to the Nihu-Motara Energy Siphon Blade in a PM, and it recently won the Art: Handrawn category. In the description, it refered to a Toa Mangai of Water, Nihu, and a Toa Mangai of Stone, Motara. Now that it has won, are they officially canon? I wouldn't ask, but it needs to be in the OGD for everybody to accept it.
4Thank you for your time.![]()
6No, they're not. I told Electric Turahk when he PM'd me that I can approve the entry, but not the names. I don't want to be constantly reusing 2001 location names, and two, if they named every geographic feature after a Mangai, why is nothing named Lhikan? Makes no sense.
7None of the people who PMed him bothered to post it here, so I figured I would. I wonder how many votes he would have gotten if they hadn't been part of the entry...
8Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho . 9![]()
10That cuause Greg said Mata-Nui isn't where Teridax is.
1Why has everyone dropped the "Mata Nui is in the location Teridax is" theory in place of the "MN/MU" theory? I personally would go with the former; it's legendary, is heavily guarded, and is larger than even Teridax had thought possible.
2Topic relevance:
3Hi there Greg. Over on BS01, there's been some debate over the canonization of the Toa Mangai Nihu and Motara. You gave your approval to the Nihu-Motara Energy Siphon Blade in a PM, and it recently won the Art: Handrawn category. In the description, it refered to a Toa Mangai of Water, Nihu, and a Toa Mangai of Stone, Motara. Now that it has won, are they officially canon? I wouldn't ask, but it needs to be in the OGD for everybody to accept it.
4Thank you for your time.![]()
6No, they're not. I told Electric Turahk when he PM'd me that I can approve the entry, but not the names. I don't want to be constantly reusing 2001 location names, and two, if they named every geographic feature after a Mangai, why is nothing named Lhikan? Makes no sense.
7None of the people who PMed him bothered to post it here, so I figured I would. I wonder how many votes he would have gotten if they hadn't been part of the entry...
8Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho . 9![]()
10That cuause Greg said Mata-Nui isn't where Teridax is.
11May I have the quote?
12Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho . 13

1are images of the matoran universe only going to be shown in the polish thing? 2It'll probably show up on bs01 or b-shelf but I just thought I'd check
4The map will only be in the Polish guidebook, yes, because they are the ones who paid to have it produced.
6I tried to be a bit sneeky but either
7mn=/=mu and he didn't notice that I said images instead of map
9mn=mu and he did notice and said map deliberately because of the picture of mn we'll be getting
10proving nothing again, and to the person who said mn=/=mu people were clutching at straws, I don't see you pulling anything out of the bag
1are images of the matoran universe only going to be shown in the polish thing? 2It'll probably show up on bs01 or b-shelf but I just thought I'd check
4The map will only be in the Polish guidebook, yes, because they are the ones who paid to have it produced.
6I tried to be a bit sneeky but either
7mn=/=mu and he didn't notice that I said images instead of not map
9mn=mu and he did notice and said map deliberately because of the picture of mn we'll be getting
10proving nothing again, and to the person who said mn=/=mu people were clutching at straws, I don't see you pulling anything out of the bag
11Or there simply maybe no "images" of the Matoran Universe, and thus Greg directly answered your question believing you're asking about the map, as that would be what everybody's asking.

12~ Bioran
1are images of the matoran universe only going to be shown in the polish thing? 2It'll probably show up on bs01 or b-shelf but I just thought I'd check
4The map will only be in the Polish guidebook, yes, because they are the ones who paid to have it produced.
6I tried to be a bit sneeky but either
7mn=/=mu and he didn't notice that I said images instead of map
9mn=mu and he did notice and said map deliberately because of the picture of mn we'll be getting
10proving nothing again, and to the person who said mn=/=mu people were clutching at straws, I don't see you pulling anything out of the bag
11Or there simply maybe no "images" of the Matoran Universe, and thus Greg directly answered your question believing you're asking about the map, as that would be what everybody's asking.![]()
12~ Bioran
13but if mata nui is the matoran universe we'll see images of him and thus there will be images of the matoran universe, you simply re-worded the first option, I guess I should have made it clearer
14edit: @ taka toa of twilight, we're just discussing some answers I got from greg
1are images of the matoran universe only going to be shown in the polish thing? 2It'll probably show up on bs01 or b-shelf but I just thought I'd check
4The map will only be in the Polish guidebook, yes, because they are the ones who paid to have it produced.
6I tried to be a bit sneeky but either
7mn=/=mu and he didn't notice that I said images instead of map
9mn=mu and he did notice and said map deliberately because of the picture of mn we'll be getting
10proving nothing again, and to the person who said mn=/=mu people were clutching at straws, I don't see you pulling anything out of the bag
11Or there simply maybe no "images" of the Matoran Universe, and thus Greg directly answered your question believing you're asking about the map, as that would be what everybody's asking.![]()
12~ Bioran
13but if mata nui is the matoran universe we'll see images of him and thus there will be images of the matoran universe, you simply re-worded the first option, I guess I should have made it clearer
14edit: @ taka toa of twilight, we're just discussing some answers I got from greg
15That's what everyone keeps saying, but a picture of me from the outside is not going to show another world on the inside of me. Mata Nui pic will not show the MU, and the MU map will show Mata Nui from the inside, given Mata Nui is the MU.
1Some new Q&A to interrupt the constant discussion about things that don't need to be discussed here.....
21) Vultraz discovered the Western portal to Karda Nui some time ago and I guess the Makuta passed the Gate before the Staff of Artakha undid all damage the GC had caused. Still the portal must be open, since Icarax had entered Karda Nui after the use of the SoA.
3a ) Now if the portal was no effect of the GC, was it caused by something we will learn in "Brothers in Arms"?
4b ) If the portal is still open, is it a problem once the energy storm starts? I mean Karda Nuis walls are so thick for a reason. So would the dome lying beyond the portal be affected by the storm? 51) The portal has always existed, but it's not sitting there open -- it opens when you go through it and then closes, so energy storm won't be an issue. 6Cool, so the portal is liek a real gate with doors .. that's new isn't it?
7c) I once heard Destral was anchored near the Western portal. Is this (still) true? 81c) Yes 9And that brings together the main story, Brothers in Arms and Destiny War to a very small region of the universe....
102) Does the fact that with Helryx the first Toa ever (as a public protector of Matoran) being a Toa of Water have any relevance for Mata Nui or was the choice of element random? 112) I chose it because I like the idea of waters being created first
123a ) The Codrex was created by the Great Beings but what about the Keystones? 13b )Who carved the old Matoran dialect into the Keystones? 143a-3b ) GBs
154a ) How and when was Artakha capable of teleporting the T-series into the Codrex? I mean how did he come past the force-field? 164a) Force field did not exist yet at that point
174b ) Does/did he have means to contact the Great Beings? The way the T-series was revealed in "endgame" it even seemed like the Great beings had integrated them into the architecture of the Codrex. They were not just standing around there but placed into these silver spheres. 184b ) No
19The next few questions will deal with yet unsolved mysteries. Maybe you could just say whether these will get answered this year, some time in the future (so 2009 or beyond), or will stay mysteries.
205) We know now how Bohrok come into existence and we know how the first Krana were made. 215) Keep in mind that we only have a couple months left this year, we are not in the MU next year, and I have no idea whether or not we are coming back to the MU or not, and if so, when -- so it is very hard for me to predict what we may answer down the line. So even the "no's" are not firm -- they are based on what we are doing 2008-2010
22a ) Will we learn what objects and liquid substance the Bahrag use to create new Krana? 23a ) No
24b ) Do the Bahrag themselves create these objects and/or the liquid or do they just keep an eye on how many Bohrok of each type are equipped with the right Krana species? 25b ) Where the Bahrag get the materials they need is not something we are going to deal with
26c ) My guess is that the Bahrag were created by the Great Beings and not by Mata Nui or even the Makuta. Is that correct? 27c ) Correct 28I think that has not been stated before, has it?
29d ) For that instance: Any plans to reveal how Bohrok and Krana Kal are created? 30d ) No
316a ) Any plans to reveal what Toa wrote the inscriptions on the Makoki stone and what had hapened to them? 32a ) No
33b ) With Vezok imprisoned (and now seeing that Zaktan was "freed" due to his knowledge) will he tell the Order the secret of the Makoki stone? 34b ) I'm not sure there is anything on the stones the Order wouldn't already know
357 ) Can you confirm that we will actually see the five remaining Toa Mahri again this year? 367 ) In serial, yes. 37I already missed them when the summer Serials started....
388a ) Will we learn ANYTHING more about the red star in 2008? 39a ) No
40b ) We know the Red Star is not as old as the Matoran universe, but how much younger is it? For that instance: He did not come into existence when the GC occurred right? 41b ) Came into being shortly after Mata Nui did 42Now that is new, isn't it?
43c ) The Red Star has never been part of the Matoran universe. Is that correct? 44c ) Correct 45Disproves one of my theories...
469) Does Vakama have visions these days about what is going on in the universe or what will happen in the near future (if yes, does he share them with anyone)? 479) He does still have visions, yes
4810)Now just one more question about the Graphic Novels: I know four issues are planned, convering the story of 2001-2005. Do you have at least the option to do a fifth issue covering the Ignition comics from 2005-2008. That would be really cool, since you would not leave the first BIONICLE legend incomplete (as far as the comics are concerned). 4910) The graphic novels are being done by Papercutz, and I believe they have at least a three year license with us. But what they are going to do or not do is not something I am involved in. These are not being produced by LEGO Company. 50I really hope they do, since you would have an complete edition of all BIONICLE comics then.
21) Vultraz discovered the Western portal to Karda Nui some time ago and I guess the Makuta passed the Gate before the Staff of Artakha undid all damage the GC had caused. Still the portal must be open, since Icarax had entered Karda Nui after the use of the SoA.
3a ) Now if the portal was no effect of the GC, was it caused by something we will learn in "Brothers in Arms"?
4b ) If the portal is still open, is it a problem once the energy storm starts? I mean Karda Nuis walls are so thick for a reason. So would the dome lying beyond the portal be affected by the storm? 51) The portal has always existed, but it's not sitting there open -- it opens when you go through it and then closes, so energy storm won't be an issue. 6Cool, so the portal is liek a real gate with doors .. that's new isn't it?
7c) I once heard Destral was anchored near the Western portal. Is this (still) true? 81c) Yes 9And that brings together the main story, Brothers in Arms and Destiny War to a very small region of the universe....
102) Does the fact that with Helryx the first Toa ever (as a public protector of Matoran) being a Toa of Water have any relevance for Mata Nui or was the choice of element random? 112) I chose it because I like the idea of waters being created first
123a ) The Codrex was created by the Great Beings but what about the Keystones? 13b )Who carved the old Matoran dialect into the Keystones? 143a-3b ) GBs
154a ) How and when was Artakha capable of teleporting the T-series into the Codrex? I mean how did he come past the force-field? 164a) Force field did not exist yet at that point
174b ) Does/did he have means to contact the Great Beings? The way the T-series was revealed in "endgame" it even seemed like the Great beings had integrated them into the architecture of the Codrex. They were not just standing around there but placed into these silver spheres. 184b ) No
19The next few questions will deal with yet unsolved mysteries. Maybe you could just say whether these will get answered this year, some time in the future (so 2009 or beyond), or will stay mysteries.
205) We know now how Bohrok come into existence and we know how the first Krana were made. 215) Keep in mind that we only have a couple months left this year, we are not in the MU next year, and I have no idea whether or not we are coming back to the MU or not, and if so, when -- so it is very hard for me to predict what we may answer down the line. So even the "no's" are not firm -- they are based on what we are doing 2008-2010
22a ) Will we learn what objects and liquid substance the Bahrag use to create new Krana? 23a ) No
24b ) Do the Bahrag themselves create these objects and/or the liquid or do they just keep an eye on how many Bohrok of each type are equipped with the right Krana species? 25b ) Where the Bahrag get the materials they need is not something we are going to deal with
26c ) My guess is that the Bahrag were created by the Great Beings and not by Mata Nui or even the Makuta. Is that correct? 27c ) Correct 28I think that has not been stated before, has it?
29d ) For that instance: Any plans to reveal how Bohrok and Krana Kal are created? 30d ) No
316a ) Any plans to reveal what Toa wrote the inscriptions on the Makoki stone and what had hapened to them? 32a ) No
33b ) With Vezok imprisoned (and now seeing that Zaktan was "freed" due to his knowledge) will he tell the Order the secret of the Makoki stone? 34b ) I'm not sure there is anything on the stones the Order wouldn't already know
357 ) Can you confirm that we will actually see the five remaining Toa Mahri again this year? 367 ) In serial, yes. 37I already missed them when the summer Serials started....
388a ) Will we learn ANYTHING more about the red star in 2008? 39a ) No
40b ) We know the Red Star is not as old as the Matoran universe, but how much younger is it? For that instance: He did not come into existence when the GC occurred right? 41b ) Came into being shortly after Mata Nui did 42Now that is new, isn't it?
43c ) The Red Star has never been part of the Matoran universe. Is that correct? 44c ) Correct 45Disproves one of my theories...
469) Does Vakama have visions these days about what is going on in the universe or what will happen in the near future (if yes, does he share them with anyone)? 479) He does still have visions, yes
4810)Now just one more question about the Graphic Novels: I know four issues are planned, convering the story of 2001-2005. Do you have at least the option to do a fifth issue covering the Ignition comics from 2005-2008. That would be really cool, since you would not leave the first BIONICLE legend incomplete (as far as the comics are concerned). 4910) The graphic novels are being done by Papercutz, and I believe they have at least a three year license with us. But what they are going to do or not do is not something I am involved in. These are not being produced by LEGO Company. 50I really hope they do, since you would have an complete edition of all BIONICLE comics then.
1Hello mr. Farshtey.
2On bionicle.com, it says that Takanuva is currently helping the matoran to get out of Karda Nui. Does that include the shadow matoran in the villages? And if he does evacuate them, how? I bet they won't follow a toa voluntarily.
3Thanks in advance for anwering my question. 4------------------------------------------------------
5He has to make sure they're cured first 6------------------------------------------------------
7But how does he make sure? He doesn't know the klakk are the cure. And I bet he has no time to wait for a solution. 8------------------------------------------------------
9But he's going to find out the klakk is the cure 10------------------------------------------------------
11Sorry I did not put this in quote boxes, but I think this is a mildly interesting tidbit.
2On bionicle.com, it says that Takanuva is currently helping the matoran to get out of Karda Nui. Does that include the shadow matoran in the villages? And if he does evacuate them, how? I bet they won't follow a toa voluntarily.
3Thanks in advance for anwering my question. 4------------------------------------------------------
5He has to make sure they're cured first 6------------------------------------------------------
7But how does he make sure? He doesn't know the klakk are the cure. And I bet he has no time to wait for a solution. 8------------------------------------------------------
9But he's going to find out the klakk is the cure 10------------------------------------------------------
11Sorry I did not put this in quote boxes, but I think this is a mildly interesting tidbit.
1Mirror Lesovikk, We may not know, based on the pic, as it may be MN's Humanoid form, and, the domes could be inside him like organs (that's what the theory says). But, I agree with you, and we will know even sooner than November, as Bionicle Legends #11 comes out in october . .
3We wont see a picture of him in the book, it has no pictures. And Greg never said MN has a huminiod body .

1Mirror Lesovikk, We may not know, based on the pic, as it may be MN's Humanoid form, and, the domes could be inside him like organs (that's what the theory says). But, I agree with you, and we will know even sooner than November, as Bionicle Legends #11 comes out in october . .
3We wont see a picture of him in the book, it has no pictures. And Greg never said MN has a huminiod body .
4That probably came from the humanoid representation of Mata Nui on the Codrex and on the Ignika. It is correct that Greg hasn't confirmed it.
1Mirror Lesovikk, We may not know, based on the pic, as it may be MN's Humanoid form, and, the domes could be inside him like organs (that's what the theory says). But, I agree with you, and we will know even sooner than November, as Bionicle Legends #11 comes out in october . .
3We wont see a picture of him in the book, it has no pictures. And Greg never said MN has a huminiod body .
4He did say that the humanoid shape on the Ignika represented Mata Nui. If Mata Nui was not humanoid, why else would the shape that represented him be humanoid?
1Mirror Lesovikk, We may not know, based on the pic, as it may be MN's Humanoid form, and, the domes could be inside him like organs (that's what the theory says). But, I agree with you, and we will know even sooner than November, as Bionicle Legends #11 comes out in october . .
3We wont see a picture of him in the book, it has no pictures. And Greg never said MN has a huminiod body .
4Um.......yeah he did........

11 if the toa mata were mat-nui personal guard does that mean that they saw him? 22 are the T veichels just veichels or do they have an important porpose apart from transport and weponary ? 33 is kardas just going to be in a closet in the archives and be lost from the story or will it return at soem point? 44 are there plans for a new legendary mask? 55 i remember you spoke abaut and actuall map of the domed universe can you say wene will it be done? 65.1 do you know were it will be relesed? (megazin internet canisters etc) 76 what maight happen if the ignika isent repaired from the craking the mutagen caused? 87 i have heard of the cordex producing the energy that causes mutagen this menans the water on the swamp is more toxic than the one one mahri nui? 97.1 are there othe sources of energy that have this effect? 108 would you say that the barrier in the av matoran is like the renal calculus disis(sorry if it isent the name i dont no it in english) in which you need to be putted to ultrasaund to eliminate the particules? 118.1 if so a toa of sonics is avilavle to destroy the barrier that bloks light in the sadow matoran matoran? 128.2 is the barrier on the sadow matoran like the barrier which no light can pass that jaller &co found on thir way to 13karazahini?
141) They were never his personal guard. That's not their job. Their job is to awaken him if he falls asleep. And their whole history from creation to going to sleep in their canisters is contained in BIONICLE Legends #10. 152) Follow the story and find out 163) We only have three four months left in 2008, after which we are not in the Matoran universe, so I doubt Kardas will be returning again this year 174) No. Again, we are not in the MU after this year for the foreseeable future. 185) It is done, and will be published in the fall in a BIONICLE guidebook in Poland 196) Depends on how much the cracking progresses 207) No 217.1) No 228) No idea what you're referring to 238.1) He would have to know the proper frequency, and might well kill the target while trying to find it 248.2) No
25well they werent the ansewer i was hopping for and it isent too much info eather but somthing is smothing
141) They were never his personal guard. That's not their job. Their job is to awaken him if he falls asleep. And their whole history from creation to going to sleep in their canisters is contained in BIONICLE Legends #10. 152) Follow the story and find out 163) We only have three four months left in 2008, after which we are not in the Matoran universe, so I doubt Kardas will be returning again this year 174) No. Again, we are not in the MU after this year for the foreseeable future. 185) It is done, and will be published in the fall in a BIONICLE guidebook in Poland 196) Depends on how much the cracking progresses 207) No 217.1) No 228) No idea what you're referring to 238.1) He would have to know the proper frequency, and might well kill the target while trying to find it 248.2) No
25well they werent the ansewer i was hopping for and it isent too much info eather but somthing is smothing
1QUOTE 2Hello Greg it's been a long time since I've pm'd you.
31) I got the new lego magazine in the comic did jetrax get supercharged by hitting the lightstone?
42) Why aren't mutran and icarax in the scene with the battle?
5non-comic question.
63) Does the order refer to ancient by that codename or his real name?
81) Yes 92) Because they are January sets, and the emphasis needed to be on summer sets 103) They call him Ancient
31) I got the new lego magazine in the comic did jetrax get supercharged by hitting the lightstone?
42) Why aren't mutran and icarax in the scene with the battle?
5non-comic question.
63) Does the order refer to ancient by that codename or his real name?
81) Yes 92) Because they are January sets, and the emphasis needed to be on summer sets 103) They call him Ancient
1Some stuff. I'm not sure about spoilers yet, so...
2Is the Codrex bigger on the inside, like the TARDIS? Or is it something else?
3Why were the T-Vehicles made?
4Why were they put in the Codrex?
5What are the massive lightstones for? What do they do? Why are they there? Who made them?
61) Seems to be 72-4) All of this gets dealt with in future story
1Hey Greg, I have some questions regarding the Skakdi:
21)Since the Skakdi are capable of wielding the original six elements, can some types also wield the other elements? Lightning, Iron, Plant life etc?
32) Are there any elements they can't wield? 42a) Like Light and Shadow?
5Thanks Greg
61) Yes 72) There are no known Skakdi of light or shadow
8Better go edit BS01

11. If Ignika sacrifices himself to awaken Mata Nui, what would the effect be? Would he just lose his body and retain sentience, or would he become an inanimate object? Or even worse, would it be as if the Ignika were destroyed, and it sends out Life energy and causes stuff to come alive? Perhaps something else?
22. Was the suggestion of Ignika waking up Mata Nui on the Keystones, or was it implanted in his mind at creation?
33. Ignika waking up Mata Nui is akin to a defibrillator, correct?
44. Couldn't Matoro have awakened Mata Nui if he wasn't dead at the moment? Or would he be awake, but at the edge of death?
5Thanks for your time, 6~~
71) We'll see if it ever happens. If it doesn't happen, then the question's irrelevant. 82) Neither one. The keystones say nothing about having the Ignika do it. 93) In what way? 104) No, he couldn't. It was not Matoro's destiny to do that.
113. I was thinking it would be giving Mata Nui a "shock" of Life energy. Oh well.
1Just something i thought i'd post.
2Sorry to bother you,
3Would it be possible for Mata nui to turn into say, antidermis, energy, or split part's of his body off?
4If so, would it be possible for MN to hide himself in a dome, island, person,or building?
5Thank's for your time.
61) No, no, and no 72) No
1If the Makuta were to die in the core, would that stop the countdown?
2Would probably depend on the status of things elsewhere. If they all die in the core, but things get infinitely worse somewhere else -- like, let's say, Metru Nui -- then the universe would still be out of balance
3Is the universe out of balance anywhere as of now?
4Somewhat, in a lot of places
2Would probably depend on the status of things elsewhere. If they all die in the core, but things get infinitely worse somewhere else -- like, let's say, Metru Nui -- then the universe would still be out of balance
3Is the universe out of balance anywhere as of now?
4Somewhat, in a lot of places
1Some Powerlink stuffs from greg.
2I noticed in the sets that you can link up a Toa and another toa or Toa+Makuta.
3Q1: Would it be possible to do that in the storyline, say if another toa was hurt and he needed to be carried, etc?
4Q2: If you decided to make this possible, would the AA adapt to fit the Makuta or Toa linkup?
5Q3: Would this be Set based, or Storyline?
6Thank you for your time Greg.
7In 2008 sets? No, the links are only for Makuta and Matoran or Toa and Matoran in story
8But would this be possible in the future?
9No, all of 2008 Karda Nui storyline is done and finished, and we are not in the Matoran universe after this year.
1Hi. Two questions for you:
21. When (If?) Mata Nui is awakened, will he replace the BoM after destroying them? Someone else to create Rahi?
32. I had always assumed it was like this, but after seeing that BS01 makes no mention of it, I'm unsure. Now I'm wondering: Is the Pit War Tortoise actually a turtle, or were they originally regular land-dwelling tortoises that became sea-creatures when Mahri Nui sunk and they were affected by the Mutagen?
41) Unknown at this point 52) The latter