1I'd like to say I'd disproved the MU=MN theory wrong, but I haven't. Greg's second last answer (bolded) is sort of interesting though, since he almost says that he can move around inside the MU.
13And with that, I think we should limit our Mata Nui discussion to the Official Mata Nui topic. That is what its for, no?
2I was hoping you could clarify this quote from the OGD:32.Can Mata Nui create universes? 4b.Travel to other universes?
52b) Mata Nui can travel outside of the domed universe, yes, but he cannot travel to different dimensions the way an Olmak user can. He can travel in the universe that is outside of the domed Matoran universe.
6From one perspective, it seems you're saying Mata Nui can go in and out of the MU, while from another, it only seems like you said he could travel outside (which technically is all you said). So, which perspective would you say is true? If you can't answer, I understand.
7Thanks .
8But if he travels outside the domed universe, he is going to another universe. The MU is only the areas inside the domes, it doesn't include the planet outside, etc.
9So when you say "travel outside the domed universe", you mean he can get up and leave the universe whether it be by some sort of portal, or gate, or what have you? Not just that he can move around outside the domed universe?
10Isn't it the same thing? If he is moving around outside the domed universe, then he isn't IN the domed universe at the same time, right?
11You're right, but what I'm trying to get is whether or not Mata Nui is the MU, just, without asking you that directly, because I know you wouldn't answer to something like "Is Mata Nui the Matoran universe?". That's why I asked; if Mata Nui could get up and leave the MU and walk around outside it, he obviously isn't the MU, since he could move around inside it.
12No point in trying to get at this indirectly either, since I am not allowed to discuss it. His nature will be known in two months or so, so you guys will get your answers then.
13And with that, I think we should limit our Mata Nui discussion to the Official Mata Nui topic. That is what its for, no?
1Unfortunately, that proves nothing. The planet is not the Matoran Universe, so the Universe (MN) could leave the planet, if that theory is correct.
2Nice try, DG. Guess we'll have to wait.
3But this isn't the place to discuss this. Unless you want the OGD closed, I suggest we move to the Official Mata Nui topic.
4On topic, has the server been eating a lot of PMs this week? I sent a PM twice, and Greg still hasn't answered, though it usualy takes him about two days to get back.
5Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho . 6

2Nice try, DG. Guess we'll have to wait.
3But this isn't the place to discuss this. Unless you want the OGD closed, I suggest we move to the Official Mata Nui topic.
4On topic, has the server been eating a lot of PMs this week? I sent a PM twice, and Greg still hasn't answered, though it usualy takes him about two days to get back.
5Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho . 6

1What I meant was, Greg said that he figured the two things mentioned above it would be the same thing. He may have misinterpreted it though, but I thought it was clear. I agree, we should discuss it elsewhere, so I'll post the same quote in the Mata Nui topic.
1QUOTE 2A small name idea for a Makuta, I know you don't want to be flooded with possible titbits of theories, but seeing as you are running out of BIONICLE names, I thought this might help.
3We have seen a Makuta who a Dark Hunter tried to absorb, one who had his armor cracked during the GC, and more recently a Makuta who interrogated Vezon (I think, haven't heard the podcast yet, but I saw that on BS01) Similar to how the Nektann were named after Nektann, I am thinking that Tridax could be this Makuta's name. He could have worked on the Shadow Leech project, and the design for the pod could have been invented by him, or he could have taken credit for it. If you don't approve, that's okay, I just think this could help conserve names.
4Also a small question: 51. Where was the Heart of the Visorak located? My guess is the Tren Krom peninsula, since it is Gorast's assigned location, and the Matoran are certainly afraid of the Makuta, so they definately wouldn't want her army of spiders. 62. Did Helryx know of Takanuva's shadow leech attack? Her comment about "One who walks on both sides" or something along those lines, is kinda suspicious.
7Thank you for taking your time for these.
9I think that's a very good idea.
101) Yes 112) Did she know about it when?
13YESS . . Cool . Glad i could be of some use.
142. Pervious to the attack, I mean she went to Metru Nui to get Taka, and then recovered him after the attack, and when Taka asked why they needed him, she said the thing about walking on both sides. 153. One more thing, since Makuta don't have lungd now, how do they talk? I assume they use a powered down version of their power scream or sonics power.
17I can't believe I did it. I hope for a reply on the talking Makuta question.
3We have seen a Makuta who a Dark Hunter tried to absorb, one who had his armor cracked during the GC, and more recently a Makuta who interrogated Vezon (I think, haven't heard the podcast yet, but I saw that on BS01) Similar to how the Nektann were named after Nektann, I am thinking that Tridax could be this Makuta's name. He could have worked on the Shadow Leech project, and the design for the pod could have been invented by him, or he could have taken credit for it. If you don't approve, that's okay, I just think this could help conserve names.
4Also a small question: 51. Where was the Heart of the Visorak located? My guess is the Tren Krom peninsula, since it is Gorast's assigned location, and the Matoran are certainly afraid of the Makuta, so they definately wouldn't want her army of spiders. 62. Did Helryx know of Takanuva's shadow leech attack? Her comment about "One who walks on both sides" or something along those lines, is kinda suspicious.
7Thank you for taking your time for these.
9I think that's a very good idea.
101) Yes 112) Did she know about it when?
13YESS . . Cool . Glad i could be of some use.
142. Pervious to the attack, I mean she went to Metru Nui to get Taka, and then recovered him after the attack, and when Taka asked why they needed him, she said the thing about walking on both sides. 153. One more thing, since Makuta don't have lungd now, how do they talk? I assume they use a powered down version of their power scream or sonics power.
17I can't believe I did it. I hope for a reply on the talking Makuta question.
1QUOTE 2A small name idea for a Makuta, I know you don't want to be flooded with possible titbits of theories, but seeing as you are running out of BIONICLE names, I thought this might help.
3We have seen a Makuta who a Dark Hunter tried to absorb, one who had his armor cracked during the GC, and more recently a Makuta who interrogated Vezon (I think, haven't heard the podcast yet, but I saw that on BS01) Similar to how the Nektann were named after Nektann, I am thinking that Tridax could be this Makuta's name. He could have worked on the Shadow Leech profect, and the design for the pod could have been invented by him, or he could have taken credit for it. If you don't approve, that's okay, I just think this could help conserve names.
5I think that's a very good idea.
6What...how? . *shakes uncontrolably*
7I might resend the PM, but I'm still a little unsure. I do have one thing that's interesting in a prior PM. Hang on...
8Hi Greg. Just came up with another question for a theory that you will probably shrug off as a suggestion; please answer anyway.![]()
91. Have any of the Turaga of Mata Nui, especially Matau, heard of Ehlek's species?
10Thank you for your time.
12It's possible they may have heard of them
13Okay, thanks. Now, I know you're sick of the 01 names being overused, but the Turaga had to get their names from somewhere, so they are either names from abroad or words in Matoran. Currently, I was thinking about the Fao Swamp, and how it was filled with dangerous Rahi and carnivorous plants. It reminded me slightly of Zakaz, and I created two theories for the name -
141. Fao means "dangerous," or something similar, in Matoran, as Matau hated that swamp and got lost in it the first time he was on Mata Nui; or
152. It reminded him of Zakaz, and after learning what creatures moved to it, decided that Ehlek's species would be right at home there, and named it after them.
16I mean this as a question, not a suggestion. The question being, is Fao either a word in Matoran or the name of Ehlek's species? (I hope the latter.)
17Thank you for your time.
19It's a word in Matoran. The Turaga heard of the species, but had no real interaction with them -- they primarily knew who they were because they knew of Ehlek, though they never met him. Ehlek's species would not have made any impact on their lives, so it would make no sense for them to name anything after them. It would be like someone in Wyoming naming a lake Piranha ... they know what piranha are, but they have never dealt with any, and there are none where they live, so why name a lake after them?
20Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho . 21

1QUOTE 2A small name idea for a Makuta, I know you don't want to be flooded with possible titbits of theories, but seeing as you are running out of BIONICLE names, I thought this might help.
3We have seen a Makuta who a Dark Hunter tried to absorb, one who had his armor cracked during the GC, and more recently a Makuta who interrogated Vezon (I think, haven't heard the podcast yet, but I saw that on BS01) Similar to how the Nektann were named after Nektann, I am thinking that Tridax could be this Makuta's name. He could have worked on the Shadow Leech profect, and the design for the pod could have been invented by him, or he could have taken credit for it. If you don't approve, that's okay, I just think this could help conserve names.
5I think that's a very good idea.
6What...how? . *shakes uncontrolably*
7I might resend the PM, but I'm still a little unsure. I do have one thing that's interesting in a prior PM. Hang on...
8Hi Greg. Just came up with another question for a theory that you will probably shrug off as a suggestion; please answer anyway.![]()
91. Have any of the Turaga of Mata Nui, especially Matau, heard of Ehlek's species?
10Thank you for your time.
12It's possible they may have heard of them
13Okay, thanks. Now, I know you're sick of the 01 names being overused, but the Turaga had to get their names from somewhere, so they are either names from abroad or words in Matoran. Currently, I was thinking about the Fao Swamp, and how it was filled with dangerous Rahi and carnivorous plants. It reminded me slightly of Zakaz, and I created two theories for the name -
141. Fao means "dangerous," or something similar, in Matoran, as Matau hated that swamp and got lost in it the first time he was on Mata Nui; or
152. It reminded him of Zakaz, and after learning what creatures moved to it, decided that Ehlek's species would be right at home there, and named it after them.
16I mean this as a question, not a suggestion. The question being, is Fao either a word in Matoran or the name of Ehlek's species? (I hope the latter.)
17Thank you for your time.
19It's a word in Matoran. The Turaga heard of the species, but had no real interaction with them -- they primarily knew who they were because they knew of Ehlek, though they never met him. Ehlek's species would not have made any impact on their lives, so it would make no sense for them to name anything after them. It would be like someone in Wyoming naming a lake Piranha ... they know what piranha are, but they have never dealt with any, and there are none where they live, so why name a lake after them?
20Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho . 21![]()
22Honestly my legs are weak right now at the prospect of what i have done. I thought you had to be a BZ, BS01 veteran to get this stuff approved, but I DID IT . . . . . . . .
23I meant this as an actual suggestion, not a theory to be proved, not a way to get something canon, but as a way to help Greg, since he is running out of names, I thought "Why waste one?", and after seeing the one who interrogated Vezon, I thought for sure we would get at least one more Makuta name, and this one makes logical sense, since the Pods and Makuta are DIRECTLY RELATED.
1There might be a problem on that BoM spy thing.
2What's a Necrofinch?
3Will we find out why the Hagah have to destroy the Coliseum in the next DID?
4Will we find out who the spy is in the BoM?
5Will we find out the system that transports Destral?
61) It's a bird 72) Yup 83) If there really is one .. how do you know Vezon was telling the truth? 94) Only if it becomes necessary that you do.
1something interesting on Mata nui
2Hi Greg
3i have just one quick question can Mata nui travel inside the matoran universe?
4thanks for your time
5He has no real need to, as his awareness extends throughout the universe, and he does not physically intervene in the goings on there, so no real reason to travel about in it.
7"What a boring world it would be if we had answers for all our questions." -- Thomas Raith
2Hi Greg

3i have just one quick question can Mata nui travel inside the matoran universe?
4thanks for your time

5He has no real need to, as his awareness extends throughout the universe, and he does not physically intervene in the goings on there, so no real reason to travel about in it.
7"What a boring world it would be if we had answers for all our questions." -- Thomas Raith
11. Is the plural of Glatorian the standard non-'s' form, or is it 'Glatorians'? 22. Is Glatorian capitalized, as Phantoka and Mistika were, or is it lowercase like krana and kraata?
3Just curious about these, and I understand if you cannot answer them at this point.Thanks either way .
51) Standard non-s 62) Don't know at this time
1Hi. 2I just read Destiny War 3 and it's shaping up to be my favorite serial. The Necrofinch was unnerving and funny. 3Two questions on it:
41. Though probably baseless, I was wondering- Is there any connection between Nektann's Muaka and the spiky-armored Muaka mutated by Teridax? The one the Metru found?
52. Now that we're on Metru Nui, is there any possibility the Turaga will play a part in the serial?
61) Yes, there is 72) I really don't know. I am writing them as I go, so I pretty much decide who is going to show up on the fly
8Number one is big.
1something interesting on Mata nui
2Hi Greg![]()
3i have just one quick question can Mata nui travel inside the matoran universe?
4thanks for your time![]()
5He has no real need to, as his awareness extends throughout the universe, and he does not physically intervene in the goings on there, so no real reason to travel about in it.
7"What a boring world it would be if we had answers for all our questions." -- Thomas Raith
8So does that mean that Mata Nui currently isn't in the MU? If so, it's defiantly pro MN=MU stuff.

1Hi. 2I just read Destiny War 3 and it's shaping up to be my favorite serial. The Necrofinch was unnerving and funny. 3Two questions on it:
41. Though probably baseless, I was wondering- Is there any connection between Nektann's Muaka and the spiky-armored Muaka mutated by Teridax? The one the Metru found?
52. Now that we're on Metru Nui, is there any possibility the Turaga will play a part in the serial?
61) Yes, there is 72) I really don't know. I am writing them as I go, so I pretty much decide who is going to show up on the fly
8Number one is big.
9Niiice, knew I heard spiky armored Muaka somewhere. Bionicle Legends#6, right? I'm looking forward to that connection...
1something interesting on Mata nui
2Hi Greg![]()
3i have just one quick question can Mata nui travel inside the matoran universe?
4thanks for your time![]()
5He has no real need to, as his awareness extends throughout the universe, and he does not physically intervene in the goings on there, so no real reason to travel about in it.
7"What a boring world it would be if we had answers for all our questions." -- Thomas Raith
8So does that mean that Mata Nui currently isn't in the MU? If so, it's defiantly pro MN=MU stuff.![]()
9Okay, the thing is, he didn't say he CAN"T, he said there is no need to. This proves almost nothing, if anything, it proves more that he is not. From the way I read it, it sounded like he was saying he can, but won't or won't need to.It is definately pro nothing, if not pro (not) MN=MU. Let's pretend for a second that he is the MU (Yeah right). Why doesn't Greg just say "no", it reveals less than that. So lets read it subsitiuted by you theory. Black is Greg, red is what I put in: 10Mata Nui has no real need to travel inside himself, as his awareness extends throughout himself, and he does not physically intervene in the goings on inside himself, so no real reason to travel about inside himself.
11Starting to sound a little fishy, isn't it?
1Hi. 2I just read Destiny War 3 and it's shaping up to be my favorite serial. The Necrofinch was unnerving and funny. 3Two questions on it:
41. Though probably baseless, I was wondering- Is there any connection between Nektann's Muaka and the spiky-armored Muaka mutated by Teridax? The one the Metru found?
52. Now that we're on Metru Nui, is there any possibility the Turaga will play a part in the serial?
61) Yes, there is 72) I really don't know. I am writing them as I go, so I pretty much decide who is going to show up on the fly
8Number one is big.
9Nice catch .

1That Muaka . The one that told the Toa Metru to turn back .
1dear greg
2i have 1 question :
3who spread the nuva masks on mata-nui ? 4and why?
5They were teleported there by Artakha, and may have been distributed widely on purpose (as with the original masks, to make sure only worthy Toa found them) or (less likely) by accident, since they were being teleported from within the Matoran universe to outside of it.
6thank you , i have another question if you don't mind :
7how did arthakha knew the mata wher changed into nuva ?
8(sorry for spelling , i'm dutch)
9thank you for your time
10Artakha is pretty wired in as far as what is going on in the universe.
11thank you ,
12where came the noble kanohi from the toa mata had ?
13Same place the Great Masks they found came from, Metru Nui. The Toa Metru brought them to the island when they moved there.
2i have 1 question :
3who spread the nuva masks on mata-nui ? 4and why?
5They were teleported there by Artakha, and may have been distributed widely on purpose (as with the original masks, to make sure only worthy Toa found them) or (less likely) by accident, since they were being teleported from within the Matoran universe to outside of it.
6thank you , i have another question if you don't mind :
7how did arthakha knew the mata wher changed into nuva ?
8(sorry for spelling , i'm dutch)
9thank you for your time
10Artakha is pretty wired in as far as what is going on in the universe.
11thank you ,
12where came the noble kanohi from the toa mata had ?
13Same place the Great Masks they found came from, Metru Nui. The Toa Metru brought them to the island when they moved there.
1not much this time...
21. When were the last Matoran shipped from Karzahni to Voya Nui?
32. What are the Bahrag doing now?
43. Is the Great Disruption just another name for the Matoran Civil War?
54. Could Naho be the Toa who wore the Kakama that TSO discovered in Time Trap? Because Naho is a known Toa with an unknown mask, and all we know about the other Toa is its mask. Could you combine them to tie up this loose end?
6Thank you so much,
7Toa Domrisc
81) Long, long ago 92) Nothing much 103) The GD was the name given to the weakening of Mata Nui caused by the Civil War 114) I see no reason that every single loose end needs to be tied up. Who wore the Kakama and how they lost it is great fodder for fan fiction -- it stops being that if I identify who wore it
1There might be a problem on that BoM spy thing.
2What's a Necrofinch?
3Will we find out why the Hagah have to destroy the Coliseum in the next DID?
4Will we find out who the spy is in the BoM?
5Will we find out the system that transports Destral?
61) It's a bird 72) Yup 83) If there really is one .. how do you know Vezon was telling the truth? 94) Only if it becomes necessary that you do.
10Isnt the spy the mana ko? 11And thats cool about the Muaka thing even though the metru books were the only ones I didnt read, and I guess thats why he would be a 30 dollar set because he has a steed .
1Is the Endless Ocean part of the Matoran Universe? 2Also, what exactly are the limits of the MU?
3No. The Matoran universe is everything that is inside the domes. Anything outside the domes is not considered part of the Matoran universe.
4And ALL of that is one the Bionicle Planet? 5Man, the terminology is switched there . 6A Universe within a planet 7Or should that be plural? 8Universes?
9Well, think about it. If you were born and lived your entire life inside a series of domes -- with "stars" above -- and you had no idea there was anything outside of them, wouldn't you see that as your universe?
10I suppose when i was young, but i am a mind of science, thus i know it is my Planet 11And you didn't answer my second Q 12Are there more than one 'Universe' in the Bionicle Planet?
13No. There is only one domed universe on this world. In fact, there is no evidence there is even any land on this world other than the island of Mata Nui.
14Confirming what you guys told me
1Hi Greg, 2just one question today. 3I was looking through the BIONICLE World Atlas and wondered:
41) Will the Giant Hau the Matoran of Artakha were building play a part in this year's storyline? Does ist have a "real" purpose or is it just a symbol for the fight of the Order against the Brotherhood for the sake of the Great Spirit? 51) Far as I know, it does not play a role in story
41) Will the Giant Hau the Matoran of Artakha were building play a part in this year's storyline? Does ist have a "real" purpose or is it just a symbol for the fight of the Order against the Brotherhood for the sake of the Great Spirit? 51) Far as I know, it does not play a role in story
11. BoM have spies/covert ops on Zakaz?
22. If Mata-Nyi knows the destiny ,somewhat, of the things he created, why didn't he stop Teridax?
33. Was Teridax surprised overall, when he figured out where Mata-Nui was? Or amused?
44. Does any of OoMN know what Mata-nui looks like, and where he is?
55. If the Ignika was destroyed, would that be bad for Mata-Nui?
66. Can Toa, instead of focusing all their elemental energy into all around blast, focus it into single powerful beam? Like a Nova Beam or something?
71) Doubtful. Skakdi hate Makuta. 82) Well, if your destiny was to, say, go to Spain -- how can I stop you? It's your destiny, it's what's going to happen. Also, keep in mind that Makuta may well have been doing what he was supposed to do, simply not at the time or in the way he was supposed to -- intriguing thouight, right? 93) Neither. 104) No 115) Something that screwed up the Matoran being able to work would affect Mata Nui 126) No
22. If Mata-Nyi knows the destiny ,somewhat, of the things he created, why didn't he stop Teridax?
33. Was Teridax surprised overall, when he figured out where Mata-Nui was? Or amused?
44. Does any of OoMN know what Mata-nui looks like, and where he is?
55. If the Ignika was destroyed, would that be bad for Mata-Nui?
66. Can Toa, instead of focusing all their elemental energy into all around blast, focus it into single powerful beam? Like a Nova Beam or something?
71) Doubtful. Skakdi hate Makuta. 82) Well, if your destiny was to, say, go to Spain -- how can I stop you? It's your destiny, it's what's going to happen. Also, keep in mind that Makuta may well have been doing what he was supposed to do, simply not at the time or in the way he was supposed to -- intriguing thouight, right? 93) Neither. 104) No 115) Something that screwed up the Matoran being able to work would affect Mata Nui 126) No
1A reply.
2What's a Necrofinch?
3Will we find out why the Hagah have to destroy the Coliseum in the next DID?
4Will we find out who the spy is in the BoM?
5Will we find out the system that transports Destral?
61) It's a bird 72) Yup 83) If there really is one .. how do you know Vezon was telling the truth? 94) Only if it becomes necessary that you do.
101. What knid of bird? Any specifics about it, other than it sings when it's deceased?
111) It's a finch -- that is a kind of bird, on our planet. And no, this is one of those things I throw in there for fan fiction writers to play with.
1Is it me or does it seem Greg has been giving fan fiction writers more and more lately?
1There might be a problem on that BoM spy thing.
2What's a Necrofinch?
3Will we find out why the Hagah have to destroy the Coliseum in the next DID?
4Will we find out who the spy is in the BoM?
5Will we find out the system that transports Destral?
61) It's a bird 72) Yup 83) If there really is one .. how do you know Vezon was telling the truth? 94) Only if it becomes necessary that you do.
10Isnt the spy the mana ko? 11And thats cool about the Muaka thing even though the metru books were the only ones I didnt read, and I guess thats why he would be a 30 dollar set because he has a steed .
12ye ur right, the mana ko is a spy. its on BS01
11. Hey Greg. I've noticed that there's seems to be a running theme of a connection between a Toa Team's name and a location. We've seen Toa named after where they protect (Toa Metru), where they've had their greatest adventures (Toa Mahri), or locations later named after a team (Toa Mangai). Now, given that Jovan's Toa Team had to travel to Voya Nui, may have spent time their as a Toa, and Jovan served as a Turaga of the area, could Jovan's Toa team have been named Toa Voya?
22. Would the OoMN recruit members of the Barraki's species to be members of the OoMN?
33. Is Matoro's statue in his Matoran, Toa Inika, or Toa Mahri form?
44. Would you say Jaller is the most effected by Matoro's death?
55. Seeing as they were his bodyguard for many years, did the Toa Hagah have significant interaction with Teridax, and if so, will that play a part in DiD?
66. Being the first orange set, how did Pohatu sell?
71) Wouldn't make sense. They were on Voya Nui all of 35 seconds. They didn't spend time there as a Toa team, they went to get the mask and came back to bring it back, and that's it. Remember, the VN Matoran had never seen a Toa, so obviously there wasn't a Toa team based there. 82) Yes 93) Toa Mahri 104) Jaller and probably Hahli 115) They had some, but it was about as much as a bodyguard ever has with a client -- they don't sit around and have lunch together 126) No idea, I don't have the figures on that.
22. Would the OoMN recruit members of the Barraki's species to be members of the OoMN?
33. Is Matoro's statue in his Matoran, Toa Inika, or Toa Mahri form?
44. Would you say Jaller is the most effected by Matoro's death?
55. Seeing as they were his bodyguard for many years, did the Toa Hagah have significant interaction with Teridax, and if so, will that play a part in DiD?
66. Being the first orange set, how did Pohatu sell?
71) Wouldn't make sense. They were on Voya Nui all of 35 seconds. They didn't spend time there as a Toa team, they went to get the mask and came back to bring it back, and that's it. Remember, the VN Matoran had never seen a Toa, so obviously there wasn't a Toa team based there. 82) Yes 93) Toa Mahri 104) Jaller and probably Hahli 115) They had some, but it was about as much as a bodyguard ever has with a client -- they don't sit around and have lunch together 126) No idea, I don't have the figures on that.
1No. There is only one domed universe on this world. In fact, there is no evidence there is even any land on this world other than the island of Mata Nui.
2Confirming what you guys told me
3What about the organic birds and where they flew from?
4The organic birds may have something to do with the red star, 2009, GB, and all that other stuff.