1Don't the Toa Mahri recognize the Toa Hagah's names?
2In BIONICLE, there are just one-of-a-kind name if I am right (not like here where many people can be named Bob). So Norik is Norik, Matoran, Rahaga or Toa, it's just Norik, right? And didn't the Rahaga meet the Metru Nui Matoran when they returned from Mata Nui? So wouldn't they recognize their names?
3The last the Mahri knew, Roodaka was presumed dead and the Rahaga were Rahaga. Why, then, would they have any reason to believe these Toa are the ex-Rahaga, especially after they have announced they have come to destroy the Coliseum? My first thought would be "Makuta in disguise ..."
4Oh, well, that makes sense.
1Check this out: the Mother of all Quotes, that I think pretty much tells us what's going to happen at the end of 08:
2Sorry to bother you Greg, but these questions have been bugging me all afternoon.
31). Do masks run out of energy eventually? 42). Can the Ignika run out of energy? 52a) If yes, will something bad happen if the Ignika runs out of energy or will nothing particularly amazing happen? 63). Vahi? 74). You know you said that we are going to see Mata Nui this year, are we going to see him in the CGI that has been on the front of Bionicle.com, or through some other way?
8Thank you very much Greg.
101) Yes 112) Yes 122a) I don't think anything horrible would happen, no 133) Yes 144) I don't know about the CGI, I do know he will be in the comic and in BrickMaster

1Hello Greg, hope you're doing well.
2Just some questions,
31)Have you started writing DiD yet? 42)If you reveal Trinuma or Helryx's mask power, will you be giving them bionicle names? 53)Why did Icarax doesn't want to go to Karda Nui in the first place? 64)Is Krakua's homeland is a place we know of? 75)Are there any other beings at Teridax location besides himself?
8That's my questions for now.
91) No 102) Don't know, I have very few approved names left 113) Because he doesn't like other people telling him what to do and where to go. 124) Yes 135) No
145)I thought I was on to something here.
1wow. masks can lose energy? that's new i think. come on ignika, keep using your power .
1probably. that seems kinda strange though. i thought greg said earlier that jetrax was his eyes. oh well.
1Check this out: the Mother of all Quotes, that I think pretty much tells us what's going to happen at the end of 08:
2Sorry to bother you Greg, but these questions have been bugging me all afternoon.
31). Do masks run out of energy eventually? 42). Can the Ignika run out of energy? 52a) If yes, will something bad happen if the Ignika runs out of energy or will nothing particularly amazing happen? 63). Vahi? 74). You know you said that we are going to see Mata Nui this year, are we going to see him in the CGI that has been on the front of Bionicle.com, or through some other way?
8Thank you very much Greg.
101) Yes 112) Yes 122a) I don't think anything horrible would happen, no 133) Yes 144) I don't know about the CGI, I do know he will be in the comic and in BrickMaster
16Are you thinking the Ignika is going to just run out of energy and the universe won't die?
1QUOTE 2Hello, Mr.Farshtey. I have a quick question for you.
3How can the Jetrax T6, a machine, act as eyes for Antroz?
4Thanks .
5How do airline pilots fly in the dark or in fog?
6I presume the Jetrax had proximity sensors and/or cameras that mentally feed information to Antroz.
7That sounds reasonble. But, since it was made by Artahka, it is probably much more advanced.

9Edit: Spelling
1Hello, Greg, I have a couple questions:
21. Recently a member asked you about the preparation scroll with regard to its knowing why the volcanoes on Artidax were needed to be quelled. I was wondering -- is it possible that the Great Beings made the scroll able to change what is written on it according to world circumstances?
32. Do you see being able to recycle one of the Mata Nui location names for the previous Turaga of Metru Nui, i.e. Dume's predecessor?
4Thank you for your time.
61) No 72) No, I am not in the market to reuse Mata Nui location names. Most of those names are Maori words, so I prefer not to haul them out again
8Looks like the fun's over RE the Mata Nui location names.
9For what it's worth, I thought it was a cool idea.

11) Since Phantoka means 'Spirits of the Sky' and Mistika means 'Spirits of the Mist', and 'ka' (which is part of both names, Mistika and Phantoka) is an Egyptian word for spirit, is it safe to say the Matoran word for 'spirit' is 'ka'?
22) Toa can control, manipulate, create and absorb their element right? So if a Toa of Water has a tidal wave coming at her and she absorbs it, will she lose elemental energy or get recharged by the tidal wave's power?
31) Yes 42) She would gain a large amount of elemental power, but would have to release it almost immediately because it would be too much for her body to handle
5Yay . A new Matoran word . So Kongu's Gukko's name means spirit.
1Number 1 is interesting.
1Ah, but doesn't mata stand for spirit? Now, a more appropriate question would be concerning the usage of the words. Mata could be used to describe a being of great power and/or status, whereas Ka could be used as a way to honour a being. Never really know, do you?
1Ah, but doesn't mata stand for spirit? Now, a more appropriate question would be concerning the usage of the words. Mata could be used to describe a being of great power and/or status, whereas Ka could be used as a way to honour a being. Never really know, do you?
2"Spirit" can have more than one meaning, even in English. Although I am unsure if Greg confirming that "it would be reasonable" qualifies for BS01. For all we know, "Mata" could mean something else, anyway-- just because Mata Nui is the only one treated as a Great Spirit doesn't mean his name means that specifically.
1Hello again Greg, just some questions
21)Is mata nui(being) at a place we know of? 31a)Are there any other beings other than mata nui's location besides himself? 42)Will the Turaga of Metru Nui make an appearance in DiD? 53)Is Krakua at the center of the southern continent? 63a)Voya Nui(before the great cataclysm)? 73b)Nynrah? 84)Has nocturn been captured yet? 95)Will the matoran of Voya Nui make an appearance in any of the web serials? 106)Will the OoMN attempt to find Takadox? 117)In DW chpt 3. Was Zaktan with the Toa Hagah?
12That's my questions for now. Thanks in advance.
131) I can't discuss his location 141a) See answer to #1 152) I don't know yet 163) Again, haven't decided yet 174) Yes 185) I don't see why they would -- with the Ignika not there, their land is strategically insignificant 196) Maybe when the war is over, right now, he is a small fish 207) Yes
214)Off to the wiki .
1Ah, but doesn't mata stand for spirit? Now, a more appropriate question would be concerning the usage of the words. Mata could be used to describe a being of great power and/or status, whereas Ka could be used as a way to honour a being. Never really know, do you?
2"Spirit" can have more than one meaning, even in English. Although I am unsure if Greg confirming that "it would be reasonable" qualifies for BS01. For all we know, "Mata" could mean something else, anyway-- just because Mata Nui is the only one treated as a Great Spirit doesn't mean his name means that specifically.
3Ah, but isn't Toa Mata translated to 'Spirit Warrior', or something similar? I seem to recall Mata being the translation for Spirit a while ago; whether that has since changed I'm not entirely certain. Considering that it hasn't really been put into print though, the point is up for change by the storyline team. Oh well.
1We have different words for spirit to, Mata could be a distinction concerning the Great Spirit, while Ka could be another way of saying beings, but in a more...airy sense, like phantoms.
1Personally, I think Mata means spirit in the sense of benevolent entity (don't want to get too religious), where as Ka means spirit as in "personification of."
2Two PMs back from Greg.
17Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho . 18

2Two PMs back from Greg.
3Hi Greg.
41. I noticed that on BS01, on the elements pages, Skakdi aren't added for those powers that haven't been seen officially in the story. In fact, when they've been added, the edits were reverted. So, can you confirm that there are Skakdi with the following elemental affinities? Lightning, magnetism, plasma, gravity, sonics, plant life, and iron. 52. You never did get back to me on Fau. Since it's a word in Matoran, what does it mean? Dangerous? Foul?
6Thank you for your time.
81) Can't see why not 92) We have no Matoran translation for it, as we don't for many of the MN terms
102) This really isn't something I have spent time thinking about, and I'm afraid that bogged down as I am with 2009-2010 it's really not something I have the time to ponder. I am basically swamped, stuck in Club meetings all this week and off in two weeks to Denmark for a BIONICLE story team meeting.
11Darn.Do you know when you won't be so busy, then? I'd like to go over it then.
121. A little confusion on the Metru Nui page on BS01. It originally said that the Kanohi Dragon appeared 4000 years ago, that Tuyet betrayed the Toa Mangai 1500 years later, and that the Toa/Dark Hunter War was 3000 years ago. That means that Tuyet betrayed the Toa 500 years after the T/DHW. But everywhere I look, Tuyet's betrayal is mentioned as happening first. Which timeline is correct?
13Thank you for your time.
15October, at the earliest.
162) Tuyet's betrayal was 3500 years ago, not 2500 years ago
17Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho . 18

1Hello Mr.Greg. I hope all's going well. I have a lot no three questions.
21) Does Mata Nui need to breathe? 32) A mask question. Does every great mask have the same range of activity or it depends? 43)Can the Makuta make a Kaita? Or it's just a toa special ability?
5Thank you for the time .
61) Can't answer it 72) Sometimes it varies based on the willpower of the user 83) Yes, but they never would, as it involves giving up individual identity
9Yes, I didn't think how are the Makuta.

1Ah, but doesn't mata stand for spirit? Now, a more appropriate question would be concerning the usage of the words. Mata could be used to describe a being of great power and/or status, whereas Ka could be used as a way to honour a being. Never really know, do you?
2"Spirit" can have more than one meaning, even in English. Although I am unsure if Greg confirming that "it would be reasonable" qualifies for BS01. For all we know, "Mata" could mean something else, anyway-- just because Mata Nui is the only one treated as a Great Spirit doesn't mean his name means that specifically.
3Ah, but isn't Toa Mata translated to 'Spirit Warrior', or something similar? I seem to recall Mata being the translation for Spirit a while ago; whether that has since changed I'm not entirely certain. Considering that it hasn't really been put into print though, the point is up for change by the storyline team. Oh well.
4Not sure. It was widely speculated to mean such, but not sure if Greg has confirmed it. Check BS01-- if he has, it'll be on the page for the Matoran language.
11. Who was original meant to awaken the Bohrok swarms?
22. The signal that Teridax used to awaken the Bohrok, did he learn how to do this from Mutran who learned it from Tren Krom? 32a. What kind of signal is it? Sonic?
43. If the Toa Nuva hadn't reawaken the Bohrok, would something really bad happen when Mata Nui awakens?
54. Is Helryx sort of like a prototype for other Toa?
65. Antroz is Teridax's lieutenant, right? 75a. If the Plan succeeds and Teridax dies, would Antroz take over?
86. On BS01, it says on Bitil's page that his assigned region is a chain of islands south of the Southern Continent. Is this true? 96a. Is that chain of islands the southern island chain?
107. Have you decided on Antroz's, Vamprah's, Chirox's, and Krika's locations yet?
118. Is it possible to walk on the island of Mata Nui when Mata Nui is awake?
129. The Midak Skyblasters on the T-series vehicles are actually "energy cannons" that are sort of prototypes of the MS, correct?
13Thanks again Greg .
141) The signal is not sent by an individual, it's sent automatically 152) Yes 162a) Yes 173) I don't know that I would call it really bad, no 184) Helryx was the first Toa, and I guess the first of anything is a prototype for what comes later 195) No, he is the assigned commander of this operation in KN 205a) No. The Makuta with the best plan would take over. 216) Yes 226a) There are numerous island chains below the southern continent 237) No, no time 248) Yes 259) I always refer to them as blaster cannons, myself
262a. Then did Teridax just use the right frequency with his sonic power?
276a. Sorry, I meant to ask if Bitil was assigned to the southern island chain that has Botar's homeland.
287. Well, could maybe us fans do it? Like do a poll and you approve the winner?
299. But the blaster cannons are Midak prototypes, right?
30(New Questions) 1. Did Artakha later make the MS? Or did maybe the Nynrah ghosts later revise them?
312. Do you call them blaster cannons in BL11?
323. Is there a Makuta of Nynrah?
33Thanks Greg.
342a) No, he used the actual signal. 356a) No 367) No, thanks 379) I don't believe it's been identified what they are 381) Artakha made the original designs, the Nynrah modified them 392) Don't recall 403) I am sure there is a Makuta who oversees the region Nynrah is in, yes
41A question though: Can you stand on a giant's face while he's standing up?

11. Who was original meant to awaken the Bohrok swarms?
22. The signal that Teridax used to awaken the Bohrok, did he learn how to do this from Mutran who learned it from Tren Krom? 32a. What kind of signal is it? Sonic?
43. If the Toa Nuva hadn't reawaken the Bohrok, would something really bad happen when Mata Nui awakens?
54. Is Helryx sort of like a prototype for other Toa?
65. Antroz is Teridax's lieutenant, right? 75a. If the Plan succeeds and Teridax dies, would Antroz take over?
86. On BS01, it says on Bitil's page that his assigned region is a chain of islands south of the Southern Continent. Is this true? 96a. Is that chain of islands the southern island chain?
107. Have you decided on Antroz's, Vamprah's, Chirox's, and Krika's locations yet?
118. Is it possible to walk on the island of Mata Nui when Mata Nui is awake?
129. The Midak Skyblasters on the T-series vehicles are actually "energy cannons" that are sort of prototypes of the MS, correct?
13Thanks again Greg .
141) The signal is not sent by an individual, it's sent automatically 152) Yes 162a) Yes 173) I don't know that I would call it really bad, no 184) Helryx was the first Toa, and I guess the first of anything is a prototype for what comes later 195) No, he is the assigned commander of this operation in KN 205a) No. The Makuta with the best plan would take over. 216) Yes 226a) There are numerous island chains below the southern continent 237) No, no time 248) Yes 259) I always refer to them as blaster cannons, myself
262a. Then did Teridax just use the right frequency with his sonic power?
276a. Sorry, I meant to ask if Bitil was assigned to the southern island chain that has Botar's homeland.
287. Well, could maybe us fans do it? Like do a poll and you approve the winner?
299. But the blaster cannons are Midak prototypes, right?
30(New Questions) 1. Did Artakha later make the MS? Or did maybe the Nynrah ghosts later revise them?
312. Do you call them blaster cannons in BL11?
323. Is there a Makuta of Nynrah?
33Thanks Greg.
342a) No, he used the actual signal. 356a) No 367) No, thanks 379) I don't believe it's been identified what they are 381) Artakha made the original designs, the Nynrah modified them 392) Don't recall 403) I am sure there is a Makuta who oversees the region Nynrah is in, yes
41A question though: Can you stand on a giant's face while he's standing up?
43Ah, but who says that Greg meant standing? Awake =/= Standing.
15. Did the organic birds seen in 2001 and 2004 originate on the planet? 25) Yes 35a. If they did, can you confirm the existence of at least one other landmass on the planet at some point in time? 45a) This gets dealt with later in story
58. Is it possible to walk on the island of Mata Nui when Mata Nui is awake? 68) Yes
7Ah, two perfect answers to support my theory. Now I need to ask GregF just when exactly the organic birds arrived on Mata Nui...

1Mata Nui controls gravity.
1Ah, but doesn't mata stand for spirit? Now, a more appropriate question would be concerning the usage of the words. Mata could be used to describe a being of great power and/or status, whereas Ka could be used as a way to honour a being. Never really know, do you?
2"Spirit" can have more than one meaning, even in English. Although I am unsure if Greg confirming that "it would be reasonable" qualifies for BS01. For all we know, "Mata" could mean something else, anyway-- just because Mata Nui is the only one treated as a Great Spirit doesn't mean his name means that specifically.
3Mata does not mean spirit. Mata Nui does not means "Great Spirit", Mata Nui -is- a Great Spirit. The "Great Spirit Mata Nui" is not the "Great Spirit Great Spirit", nor is he "Mata Nui Mata Nui".
1Hello, Greg, just one question:
2In the new Battle for Power game, there is a power-up called a "Ki Nui," which is a spinning, gold Vitruvian Man figure. Does this mean that the shape on the Ignika is called the Ki Nui?
5Thank you for your time.
7I have nothing to do with the online games, so I can't answer questions about them. All web questions should be directed to Binkmeister.
1Hi Greg. I'm sorry to send you yet another PM, but I have to know:
2Mistika means 'spirits of the mist'.
3Phantoka means 'spirits of the air'.
4You said:
51) Since Phantoka means 'Spirits of the Sky' and Mistika means 'Spirits of the Mist', and 'ka' (which is part of both names, Mistika and Phantoka) is an Egyptian word for spirit, is it safe to say the Matoran word for 'spirit' is 'ka'?
61) Yes
7Does this mean phanto is another word for air and misti means mist?
8Again I'm sorry to be bothering you. 9Thanks in advance.
11Or some variation of those terms does, yes
12I'm that good.

1Hello Greg, how are you? 2I would like to ask you some questions and clarification about the Barraki if i may.
31a) Could you say that Takadox is alive or dead? 41b) If Takadox was found qwould the Order or Hydraxon take him? 51c) Kalmah is captured correct? 61d) Ehlek too? 71e) Nocturn is captured aswell? 81f) Is Pridak captured, if no were is he hiding? 91g) Is Mantax captured, if not how will Hydraxon after his life sapping? 101h) If not how will they capture Nocturn?
11Thanks in advance, 12Koro
131) Alive 141b) Right now, no one is worrying about him too much, there's war on 151c) Yes 161d) Don't recall 171e) Yes 181f) In the ocean 191g) Don't recall -- any captures will have been mentioned somewhere, most likely in serials
1Hi Greg. I'm sorry to send you yet another PM, but I have to know:
2Mistika means 'spirits of the mist'.
3Phantoka means 'spirits of the air'.
4You said:
51) Since Phantoka means 'Spirits of the Sky' and Mistika means 'Spirits of the Mist', and 'ka' (which is part of both names, Mistika and Phantoka) is an Egyptian word for spirit, is it safe to say the Matoran word for 'spirit' is 'ka'?
61) Yes
7Does this mean phanto is another word for air and misti means mist?
8Again I'm sorry to be bothering you. 9Thanks in advance.
11Or some variation of those terms does, yes
12I'm that good.![]()
14Don't forget about the prefix Le-. I'd assume that would be part of the word for air.

15Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho . 16

1well i was thinking about the standing on mata nui's face when he was awake if matat nui is mata nui's face. well greg just said you could stand on it, he didn't say you would stand on it the sam way. just imagine if gravity was pullign the other way and you had villiges on a cliff side.
1Hello, Mr. Farshtey. I hope all is well. If you can, may you please answer my question?
2If the Kardas Dragon is going to end up in The Archives, wouldn't it explode? In Inferno, Vezon said that if he does not constantly blast energy, it will build up so much that the Dragon would explode and die. In statis, it can not blast things.
3In stasis, the energy also cannot build up rapidly. Stasis means your life processes are slowed almost to a stop.
4Ok, I just wanted to know the Kardas Dragon won't die.
2If the Kardas Dragon is going to end up in The Archives, wouldn't it explode? In Inferno, Vezon said that if he does not constantly blast energy, it will build up so much that the Dragon would explode and die. In statis, it can not blast things.
3In stasis, the energy also cannot build up rapidly. Stasis means your life processes are slowed almost to a stop.
4Ok, I just wanted to know the Kardas Dragon won't die.
1Hi Greg. I'm sorry to send you yet another PM, but I have to know:
2Mistika means 'spirits of the mist'.
3Phantoka means 'spirits of the air'.
4You said:
51) Since Phantoka means 'Spirits of the Sky' and Mistika means 'Spirits of the Mist', and 'ka' (which is part of both names, Mistika and Phantoka) is an Egyptian word for spirit, is it safe to say the Matoran word for 'spirit' is 'ka'?
61) Yes
7Does this mean phanto is another word for air and misti means mist?
8Again I'm sorry to be bothering you. 9Thanks in advance.
11Or some variation of those terms does, yes
12I'm that good.![]()
14Don't forget about the prefix Le-. I'd assume that would be part of the word for air.![]()
15Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho . 16:T![]()
17Possibly, maybe something like

20But I was thinking maybe it was a variation of the word, or it meant something like wind. Remember, we now have two translations of the word spirit (Ka and Iden).
1Hi Greg. I'm sorry to send you yet another PM, but I have to know:
2Mistika means 'spirits of the mist'.
3Phantoka means 'spirits of the air'.
4You said:
51) Since Phantoka means 'Spirits of the Sky' and Mistika means 'Spirits of the Mist', and 'ka' (which is part of both names, Mistika and Phantoka) is an Egyptian word for spirit, is it safe to say the Matoran word for 'spirit' is 'ka'?
61) Yes
7Does this mean phanto is another word for air and misti means mist?
8Again I'm sorry to be bothering you. 9Thanks in advance.
11Or some variation of those terms does, yes
12I'm that good.![]()
14Don't forget about the prefix Le-. I'd assume that would be part of the word for air.![]()
15Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho . 16:T![]()
17Possibly, maybe something like18Lephanto19nevermind, that sounds like elephant.![]()
20But I was thinking maybe it was a variation of the word, or it meant something like wind. Remember, we now have two translations of the word spirit (Ka and Iden).
21Three . Mata, Iden and Ka
1Yeah, but they probably are specific meanings. Like...
2Mata - being that is a spirit with significant power (like holy spirit) 3Ka - beings that are called spirits for some other reason 4Iden - a being's spirit
5Not really sure about the second... but I think it makes more sense than just having three words for the same thing.
2Mata - being that is a spirit with significant power (like holy spirit) 3Ka - beings that are called spirits for some other reason 4Iden - a being's spirit
5Not really sure about the second... but I think it makes more sense than just having three words for the same thing.
1Hey Greg, hope you're doing well.
2My question is: Do you have access to the entry pics for Phantom and the Rock Lion? If so, could you put them on BZPower? I ask this because we have no pictures for these two and having their pictures would be great.
3Thanks for your time .
5No, I don't. That contest was years ago, and we are legally required to destroy anything like that six months after they're received.
6Oh well. I tried.
1Not much new Stuff, I think...
101. Okay, that's what I thought. 112. Again, that's what I thought. Besides it being a Coloring Mistake...
123. I think this might be new...
2Hi, Greg. I hope you're doign okay whenever you get to this PM. I have some Questions. I hope you can answer them.![]()
31. If Artahka were to create more T Vehicles, would they be able to be Super Charged as well, or is there somethign special in the T Vehicles the Nuva have?
42. When the Jetrax turned blue again in the Comic, was that the Super Charge wearing out?
53. When Gavla told Tanma that being Shadow Leeched didn't hurt, but Takanuva was in agonizing pain, was Gavla just lying, was it Artistic Lisence, or did it cause Takanuva to be hurt more because he was a Toa of Light?
6Thanks, Greg, I hope you can Answer these. Thanks in advance, and thank you for your time.
71) If they impacted a giant lightstone, they could be, sure 82) Yes 93) It hurt Takanuva because he is a Toa who wields the power of light, so it was like having his essence drained. Gavla never had anywhere near as much light as he did.
101. Okay, that's what I thought. 112. Again, that's what I thought. Besides it being a Coloring Mistake...