1since umbra is considered a servant of OoMN but his mind is not shielded, does he know of the orders existence 2if yes how can they allow his mind to be unshielded
3is he really a servant?
4There's really no reason he needs to know. He doesn't go to OOMN meetings or ever leave his post, or need to take orders from the OOMN since his original orders supercede theirs.
5interesting... 6even umbra doesnt know about the order
4Well I didn't mean specifically the sound it itself would make, but more like a generalized imitation of a loud sound.1Hi. 2I've heard a lot of complaints about the Klakk's name, but I've always thought it sounded very logical for a creature that controls sound. Might I suggest that the name "Klakk" is an onomatopoeia?
3No, that doesn't make sense to me. I don't see the noise he makes as being "klakk klakk." I hear a lot of complaints about pretty much everything on here, I stopped worrying about that long ago.
61. Where do locations like Xia and other domed islands (Besides Metru Nui) get their daylight from? Sun-holes? Some sort of particularly strong form of the fake stars above Metru Nui? A giant light-stone?
72. Before Makuta struck him down, did Mata Nui ever sleep at night as other beings do? 82a. Uhh... Did he have a bed or other structure on which to sleep, or just the ground?
91) But an onomatopoeia is supposed to be a word that sounds like the sound it is describing -- so if it is not describing the sound the klakk makes -- if the loud sound does not sound like "klakk" -- then it's not an onomatopoeia.
101) Lightstones 112) No. Mata Nui has no need to sleep.
1Guys, you're thinking too hard. Think of from the perspective of a Matoran. The domed universe is the MU, so anything outside of the domed universe is another universe to them, even if the thing they are on top of is actually part of their Universe, because it is outside of their universe. It's a matoran perspective thing, not a whole Geological thing.
1Some questions I sent Greg a few days ago; just got the reply.
33I'm a little surprised about Tridax...
Aqua I 
2Hello, Greg. Thanks for answering my last few questions, I have a few more than last time.
31a) Some recent expanding on our article on BS01 for the The Legend Continues game featured on MaskofLight.com has brought up some issues. It was initially said to be completely canon, is this still true? 41b) If so, are the two Matoran Ta-Matoran (as the things they say, they're locations and what others say suggests) or a Po-Matoran and an Onu-Matoran (as their colouring suggests)? 52a) I hate to keep pushing the Acid subject, but something else occured to me: Is it possible for a Skakdi have control over Acid? 62b) In either case, can a being be mutated to, or is it possible that a species we don't know of can control Acid? 73) How does Rahi Control differ from Insect Control? Are there some insects that aren't Rahi, or maybe Rahi Control doesn't cover insects? 84) Will Dwellers In Darkness pick up where Destiny War left on, or start before that and explain why they have to destroy the coliseum?
9Also, I've been asked to send you the following questions by a BS01 member who does not have a BZP account: 101. Is Tridax the Makuta of Xia, or is he the Makuta of a different region? If so, which region was he assigned to? 112. Is he going to be released as a set? I don't just mean 2009, I mean ever going to be released as a set. 123. Where has Takadox got to? Has he gone to this place Makuta Teridax is? 134. How many Skakdi warlords exist and, are you going to reveal any of their names? 145. What element does Nektann have control over? 156. Are female Skakdi more like Roodaka, intelligent plotters, like Gorast, stupid Rahkshi-heads who crush everything they see, or Helryx, hot-headed and easy to anger? 167. Do other members of Sidorak's species have different appearances to Sidorak, for example: different colors, different weapons etc.? 178. Finally, why are the Toa Hagah going to destroy the Coliseum? The coliseum isn't that important a place to Teridax, or is it?
18Thank you .
191) Yes 201b) I really don't remember what I wrote them as, that was five years ago 212) No 222b) Outside of Bohrok, no. 233) Rahi control is a much broader power. Insect control is much more specific. 244) Haven't decided
251) I haven't even confirmed there will be a Makuta named Tridax, only that I think naming one that would be a good idea. So too early to ask questions about him. 262) Um, no. He is a serial character only. 273) No one knows, and no, that would be the last place Takadox would want to go. 284) About a half dozen, and probably not, because I don't have that many approved names left 295) I haven't decided 306) They are actually more vicious and destructive than male Skakdi 317) Different weapons, sure 328) Follow the story and find out
33I'm a little surprised about Tridax...

1Some questions I sent Greg a few days ago; just got the reply. 2Hello, Greg. Thanks for answering my last few questions, I have a few more than last time.
31a) Some recent expanding on our article on BS01 for the The Legend Continues game featured on MaskofLight.com has brought up some issues. It was initially said to be completely canon, is this still true? 41b) If so, are the two Matoran Ta-Matoran (as the things they say, they're locations and what others say suggests) or a Po-Matoran and an Onu-Matoran (as their colouring suggests)? 52a) I hate to keep pushing the Acid subject, but something else occured to me: Is it possible for a Skakdi have control over Acid? 62b) In either case, can a being be mutated to, or is it possible that a species we don't know of can control Acid? 73) How does Rahi Control differ from Insect Control? Are there some insects that aren't Rahi, or maybe Rahi Control doesn't cover insects? 84) Will Dwellers In Darkness pick up where Destiny War left on, or start before that and explain why they have to destroy the coliseum?
9Also, I've been asked to send you the following questions by a BS01 member who does not have a BZP account: 101. Is Tridax the Makuta of Xia, or is he the Makuta of a different region? If so, which region was he assigned to? 112. Is he going to be released as a set? I don't just mean 2009, I mean ever going to be released as a set. 123. Where has Takadox got to? Has he gone to this place Makuta Teridax is? 134. How many Skakdi warlords exist and, are you going to reveal any of their names? 145. What element does Nektann have control over? 156. Are female Skakdi more like Roodaka, intelligent plotters, like Gorast, stupid Rahkshi-heads who crush everything they see, or Helryx, hot-headed and easy to anger? 167. Do other members of Sidorak's species have different appearances to Sidorak, for example: different colors, different weapons etc.? 178. Finally, why are the Toa Hagah going to destroy the Coliseum? The coliseum isn't that important a place to Teridax, or is it?
18Thank you .
191) Yes 201b) I really don't remember what I wrote them as, that was five years ago 212) No 222b) Outside of Bohrok, no. 233) Rahi control is a much broader power. Insect control is much more specific. 244) Haven't decided
251) I haven't even confirmed there will be a Makuta named Tridax, only that I think naming one that would be a good idea. So too early to ask questions about him. 262) Um, no. He is a serial character only. 273) No one knows, and no, that would be the last place Takadox would want to go. 284) About a half dozen, and probably not, because I don't have that many approved names left 295) I haven't decided 306) They are actually more vicious and destructive than male Skakdi 317) Different weapons, sure 328) Follow the story and find out
33I'm a little surprised about Tridax...
34Aqua I
35I first thought that Greg means that's that place is the worst place Ever

1Again, from BS01:
3To use TPTI's analogy, what everybody else is saying is that if you are standing on the egg shell, you're not actually standing on the egg, because the Universe (egg) itself doesn't include the Domes (shell). Which it does, and since Mata Nui is the roof of Metru Nui's dome (also stated on BS01), it should be part of the Universe. I'm going to have to clear this up with Greg.
4As for Tridax, I thought it was a little wierd that he simply said "I like that idea," and everybody jumped as if he had said "yes" to the whole thing...
5Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho . 6

2Anything outside the Domes is not part of the Matoran Universe.
3To use TPTI's analogy, what everybody else is saying is that if you are standing on the egg shell, you're not actually standing on the egg, because the Universe (egg) itself doesn't include the Domes (shell). Which it does, and since Mata Nui is the roof of Metru Nui's dome (also stated on BS01), it should be part of the Universe. I'm going to have to clear this up with Greg.
4As for Tridax, I thought it was a little wierd that he simply said "I like that idea," and everybody jumped as if he had said "yes" to the whole thing...
5Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho . 6

1Some stuff from Greg:
12Off to the Wiki .
2Hey, I was just wondering: 31)Is an Arthron always on at a low level? 42)Is a Sanok always on at a low level? 53)Does a Volitak-user cast a shadow? 64)Who does Gorast use her Felnas on? 7Thanks in advance.
81) Yes 92) Yes 103) Yes 114) Follow the story and find out.
12Off to the Wiki .
Me 1I have a few questions about Metru Nui's Construction process, among other things... 21) When Helryx and the Matoran built Metru Nui, did they work off any schematics (I.E Similar buildings in Artakha)? 31a.) If so, then did they destroy the schematics once the construction finished, or are they stored in some OOMN Archive? 42) Say the matoran were never brainwashed, Would any matoran remember Metru Nui's construction phase? 53) When Voya Nui sunk to the mainland, Wouldn't the matoran have been exposed to the Pit mutagen? 63a) Was there a Hole produced when voya-nui went floating up to the surface world? if so, wouldn't the domes have started flooding from seawater pouring down the hole? 73b) If there wasn't a hole, then did voya-nui produce one heading back down? if not, how did it get back to the Bionicle mainland?
8Thanks, M'aiq
GregF 91) No idea, since I am not telling a story about the building of Metru Nui, haven't worried about it. 102) Yes 113) No, because they were in an airtight chamber, otherwise they all would have drowned. 123a) Seawater did pour down through the hole, and then through the hole into Karda Nui. So Karda Nui got flooded (hence the swamp) not the southern continent
13Forgot about that little detail at 3)

14Also, the reason i asked about #1 is that if there were schematics of the colusiem (or however you spell it), it probably would have mentioned the hidden room.
1Some questions I sent Greg a few days ago; just got the reply. 2Hello, Greg. Thanks for answering my last few questions, I have a few more than last time.
31a) Some recent expanding on our article on BS01 for the The Legend Continues game featured on MaskofLight.com has brought up some issues. It was initially said to be completely canon, is this still true? 41b) If so, are the two Matoran Ta-Matoran (as the things they say, they're locations and what others say suggests) or a Po-Matoran and an Onu-Matoran (as their colouring suggests)? 52a) I hate to keep pushing the Acid subject, but something else occured to me: Is it possible for a Skakdi have control over Acid? 62b) In either case, can a being be mutated to, or is it possible that a species we don't know of can control Acid? 73) How does Rahi Control differ from Insect Control? Are there some insects that aren't Rahi, or maybe Rahi Control doesn't cover insects? 84) Will Dwellers In Darkness pick up where Destiny War left on, or start before that and explain why they have to destroy the coliseum?
9Also, I've been asked to send you the following questions by a BS01 member who does not have a BZP account: 101. Is Tridax the Makuta of Xia, or is he the Makuta of a different region? If so, which region was he assigned to? 112. Is he going to be released as a set? I don't just mean 2009, I mean ever going to be released as a set. 123. Where has Takadox got to? Has he gone to this place Makuta Teridax is? 134. How many Skakdi warlords exist and, are you going to reveal any of their names? 145. What element does Nektann have control over? 156. Are female Skakdi more like Roodaka, intelligent plotters, like Gorast, stupid Rahkshi-heads who crush everything they see, or Helryx, hot-headed and easy to anger? 167. Do other members of Sidorak's species have different appearances to Sidorak, for example: different colors, different weapons etc.? 178. Finally, why are the Toa Hagah going to destroy the Coliseum? The coliseum isn't that important a place to Teridax, or is it?
18Thank you .
191) Yes 201b) I really don't remember what I wrote them as, that was five years ago 212) No 222b) Outside of Bohrok, no. 233) Rahi control is a much broader power. Insect control is much more specific. 244) Haven't decided
251) I haven't even confirmed there will be a Makuta named Tridax, only that I think naming one that would be a good idea. So too early to ask questions about him. 262) Um, no. He is a serial character only. 273) No one knows, and no, that would be the last place Takadox would want to go. 284) About a half dozen, and probably not, because I don't have that many approved names left 295) I haven't decided 306) They are actually more vicious and destructive than male Skakdi 317) Different weapons, sure 328) Follow the story and find out
33I'm a little surprised about Tridax...
34Aqua I
35Looks like we'll be seeing some destructive female Skakdi...
11. When it says that Mutran learned why the universe works, does it mean why it was created or why it manages to hold together and continue to work? 2b. Will we learn what Mutran learned from Tren Krom? 3c. Are these secrets of the universe applicable to other universes (well some of them)?
41) He does not know why it was created, no, no one does (other than the story team, and eventually, you) 51b) Some of it, yes 61c) No
7Was it created because the Great Beings need to create universes? Is it something beyond that even?
8Sorry, can't answer this
41) He does not know why it was created, no, no one does (other than the story team, and eventually, you) 51b) Some of it, yes 61c) No
7Was it created because the Great Beings need to create universes? Is it something beyond that even?
8Sorry, can't answer this
1Again, from BS01:
2Anything outside the Domes is not part of the Matoran Universe.
3To use TPTI's analogy, what everybody else is saying is that if you are standing on the egg shell, you're not actually standing on the egg, because the Universe (egg) itself doesn't include the Domes (shell). Which it does, and since Mata Nui is the roof of Metru Nui's dome (also stated on BS01), it should be part of the Universe. I'm going to have to clear this up with Greg.
4As for Tridax, I thought it was a little wierd that he simply said "I like that idea," and everybody jumped as if he had said "yes" to the whole thing...
5Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho . 6![]()
7I already did. Greg's definition of the MU has always been "what's inside the domes", you're not going to be able to convince him otherwise. I don't think it's that complicated or hard to accept. I'd like to see his response regardless.
1Hey Greg
2I just have some quick questions:
31a. As a Matoran, did Krakua live in a place that we know of?
4b. Did that place have any Toa?
52. It's been said that the OoMN was involved with Krakua becoming a Toa; Did Helryx create the Toa Stone that transformed Krakua?
6On another note:
73. Was Lhikan's Toa armor (Metru body) based off of Dume's? It would make sense, as Toa Dume knew Matoran Lhikan.
91) Yes 101b) No 112) I can't answer this 123) Not that I know of, Lhikan met a lot of Toa in his life.
131. Did Krakua live on: 14a. Stelt 15b. Xia
163a. Lhikan came from an island with numerous Toa, then?
17b. About how many Toa were there?
181) No 193A) Or simply various Toa during his life as a Matoran. Doesn't mean they were all stationed in his homeland
1Hey Greg
2I just have some quick questions:
31a. As a Matoran, did Krakua live in a place that we know of?
4b. Did that place have any Toa?
52. It's been said that the OoMN was involved with Krakua becoming a Toa; Did Helryx create the Toa Stone that transformed Krakua?
6On another note:
73. Was Lhikan's Toa armor (Metru body) based off of Dume's? It would make sense, as Toa Dume knew Matoran Lhikan.
91) Yes 101b) No 112) I can't answer this 123) Not that I know of, Lhikan met a lot of Toa in his life.
131. Did Krakua live on: 14a. Stelt 15b. Xia
163a. Lhikan came from an island with numerous Toa, then?
17b. About how many Toa were there?
181) No 193A) Or simply various Toa during his life as a Matoran. Doesn't mean they were all stationed in his homeland
20Basing my opinion on what Greg has just said above, I think that Krakua was from Voya-nui region of the continent.
1Hey Greg
2I just have some quick questions:
31a. As a Matoran, did Krakua live in a place that we know of?
4b. Did that place have any Toa?
52. It's been said that the OoMN was involved with Krakua becoming a Toa; Did Helryx create the Toa Stone that transformed Krakua?
6On another note:
73. Was Lhikan's Toa armor (Metru body) based off of Dume's? It would make sense, as Toa Dume knew Matoran Lhikan.
91) Yes 101b) No 112) I can't answer this 123) Not that I know of, Lhikan met a lot of Toa in his life.
131. Did Krakua live on: 14a. Stelt 15b. Xia
163a. Lhikan came from an island with numerous Toa, then?
17b. About how many Toa were there?
181) No 193A) Or simply various Toa during his life as a Matoran. Doesn't mean they were all stationed in his homeland
20Basing my opinion on what Greg has just said above, I think that Krakua was from Voya-nui region of the continent.
21I figured he was from the Tren Krom Peninsula.
1Or nynrah
11. Where did the Avohkah come from? 21a. Did the beings of the red star create them?
32. Do the beings of the Red Star know anything about the Blade Burrowers?
51) They came from Karda Nui 61a) No 72) No
8Thanks for getting to this so fast. I have 1 follow-up, and 1 new question.
91a. Who created them? 10-------------------------------- 111. Is there a way to create universes, other then have the GB's do it?
121a) Can't answer it 131) Well, the GBs did not create the universe the planet is in, just the domed universe.
14Just a few thoughts.
1Some pretty interesting stuff about the Makuta, and my attempt at disproving the MN=MU theory is making it seem more likely that the theory is true.
2Hi Mr. Farshtey, I sent these questions about a week ago and didn't recieve an answer, so I figured I'd send them again.
31. I recall that a while ago you said that we haven't seen Mata Nui's form, does this mean he isn't a previously seen species (Toa, Matoran, Skakdi, etc.) or that we have never seen/know about his form?
42. Would it benefit Teridax to be the last surviving Makuta?
53. Similar to if any tribe of Matoran were completely wiped out, would it hurt Mata Nui if all the Makuta were exterminated? 63a. If so, is Mata Nui aware of it?
74. If/when Mata Nui wakes up, would he exterminate all Makuta immediately?
85. If/when Mata Nui wakes up, will he be able to locate Teridax's island?
96. Do the Makuta in Karda Nui know of the energy storms?
101) Can't answer it 112) Depends on what his circumstances are at the time 123) No, Mata Nui may well wipe them out himself if he wakes up 134) Pretty close to immediately, unless he decrees some other fate for them 145) Sure. 156) No
16Once again, it seems the server ate my questions. If you already recieved these, I apologize. 172,4,6. So, if the Makuta in the core are unaware of the energy storms, and if/when Mata Nui wakes up he wipes out the other Makuta, would this somehow benefit Teridax? 18a. Could he somehow find a way to avoid being destroyed/found by Mata Nui? 19b. Does he want to avoid being found? 20c. Is any of this somehow related to the master plan? 21d. if so, is it a major factor?
221. Did Teridax find out where Mata Nui is at his location at the end of BL9? 23a. was that the only reason he went there? 24b. Is he still there?
252. How much does Miserix know about the plan?
262, 4, 6) Again, it would depend on Makuta's circumstances at the time. If Mata Nui is awake, aren't all the Makuta in trouble anyway? 27a-d) Can't answer it 281) Can't answer it

2Hi Mr. Farshtey, I sent these questions about a week ago and didn't recieve an answer, so I figured I'd send them again.
31. I recall that a while ago you said that we haven't seen Mata Nui's form, does this mean he isn't a previously seen species (Toa, Matoran, Skakdi, etc.) or that we have never seen/know about his form?
42. Would it benefit Teridax to be the last surviving Makuta?
53. Similar to if any tribe of Matoran were completely wiped out, would it hurt Mata Nui if all the Makuta were exterminated? 63a. If so, is Mata Nui aware of it?
74. If/when Mata Nui wakes up, would he exterminate all Makuta immediately?
85. If/when Mata Nui wakes up, will he be able to locate Teridax's island?
96. Do the Makuta in Karda Nui know of the energy storms?
101) Can't answer it 112) Depends on what his circumstances are at the time 123) No, Mata Nui may well wipe them out himself if he wakes up 134) Pretty close to immediately, unless he decrees some other fate for them 145) Sure. 156) No
16Once again, it seems the server ate my questions. If you already recieved these, I apologize. 172,4,6. So, if the Makuta in the core are unaware of the energy storms, and if/when Mata Nui wakes up he wipes out the other Makuta, would this somehow benefit Teridax? 18a. Could he somehow find a way to avoid being destroyed/found by Mata Nui? 19b. Does he want to avoid being found? 20c. Is any of this somehow related to the master plan? 21d. if so, is it a major factor?
221. Did Teridax find out where Mata Nui is at his location at the end of BL9? 23a. was that the only reason he went there? 24b. Is he still there?
252. How much does Miserix know about the plan?
262, 4, 6) Again, it would depend on Makuta's circumstances at the time. If Mata Nui is awake, aren't all the Makuta in trouble anyway? 27a-d) Can't answer it 281) Can't answer it
1A couple questions. Non-question parts of the message are left out.
2What is the chronological order of these events: the Toa Mahri subdue the Kardas Dragon, Takanuva disappears and the Toa Mahri search for him?
3That's the correct order
4Did all of the Toa, including Takanuva, participate in the fight against Kardas?
5Takanuva did not. You don't throw every Toa you have into one fight when you are supposed to be guarding a city, because what if Kardas' attack was just a diversion?
11. If someone using a mask of intangibility put their arm into a wall would and deactivated their power would it sever their arm or make a hole in the wall?
22. Is Nektann's spiky Muaka significant? 32a. If so will we find out in Destiny War?
43. How long does the supercharging of the Jetrax last?
51) The molecules of their arm would fuse with those of the wall and they would probably die from shock. 62) Significant in what way? 73) Not very long
8Some stuff I was wondering. 9~

22. Is Nektann's spiky Muaka significant? 32a. If so will we find out in Destiny War?
43. How long does the supercharging of the Jetrax last?
51) The molecules of their arm would fuse with those of the wall and they would probably die from shock. 62) Significant in what way? 73) Not very long
8Some stuff I was wondering. 9~

11. When it says that Mutran learned why the universe works, does it mean why it was created or why it manages to hold together and continue to work? 2b. Will we learn what Mutran learned from Tren Krom? 3c. Are these secrets of the universe applicable to other universes (well some of them)?
41) He does not know why it was created, no, no one does (other than the story team, and eventually, you) 51b) Some of it, yes 61c) No
7Was it created because the Great Beings need to create universes? Is it something beyond that even?
8Sorry, can't answer this
92009 storyline maybe? Or we're going to be told soon. Very interesting though.
11. Hey Greg. I've noticed that there's seems to be a running theme of a connection between a Toa Team's name and a location. We've seen Toa named after where they protect (Toa Metru), where they've had their greatest adventures (Toa Mahri), or locations later named after a team (Toa Mangai). Now, given that Jovan's Toa Team had to travel to Voya Nui, may have spent time their as a Toa, and Jovan served as a Turaga of the area, could Jovan's Toa team have been named Toa Voya?
22. Would the OoMN recruit members of the Barraki's species to be members of the OoMN?
33. Is Matoro's statue in his Matoran, Toa Inika, or Toa Mahri form?
44. Would you say Jaller is the most effected by Matoro's death?
55. Seeing as they were his bodyguard for many years, did the Toa Hagah have significant interaction with Teridax, and if so, will that play a part in DiD?
66. Being the first orange set, how did Pohatu sell?
71) Wouldn't make sense. They were on Voya Nui all of 35 seconds. They didn't spend time there as a Toa team, they went to get the mask and came back to bring it back, and that's it. Remember, the VN Matoran had never seen a Toa, so obviously there wasn't a Toa team based there. 82) Yes 93) Toa Mahri 104) Jaller and probably Hahli 115) They had some, but it was about as much as a bodyguard ever has with a client -- they don't sit around and have lunch together 126) No idea, I don't have the figures on that.
15sigh. i thought jaller and hali mostly but had some debate over jaller or matoro until my topic bionicle couples got one post: Greg has stated and restated that there is no romance in the bionilce universe. topic closed. *runs off crying then watches mask of light and breaks the tv yelling "you lied to me ." at the long goodbye part. then relize that the tv cost more than my colledge fund and the disk is still unharmed.*
16wait, when did i become a turaga? now i'm some weak, yoda, old guy . i still wanna be a tohungu . (what ever that is)
17we know.that was my piont.through the emoticons.
18Its not a romance situation its just Ga-matoran or water toa put more feelings into things . Especially for their brothers and sisters, they knew Matoro and he was a member of their team . Jaller feels really bad because he now sees they lost a brother and a hero, and Hahli feels bad for the same reason . Jaller could also feel more responsible for it because hes the leader . It has nothing to do with romance .
19i was commenting on the emoticons. but also i think it has to do with the fact that as a matoran Jaller refered to matoro as a great freind and they seemed close. but when they became toa as with all toa of ice and fire the started drifting apart. now that matoro is gone *cries* Jaller feels guilty and remorse more than the other toa due to that. also with jaller and hali or matoro and hali i noticed osmething fo rmatoro and hali people. hali cried both of the times matoro died but she didn't when jaller died.
20Ok, Jaller was getting mad from Matoro kinda trying to take his place as the leader, he now feels bad about him dieing . Hahli was greatly upset as well when Jaller died, she had his mask and then gave it to Takanuva . It doesnt mean anything, im sure Ga-matoran/water toa get really upset when someone or someone they knew dies . 21And yes I used to think there was romance after seeing bohrok videos but I guess theres not anymore .
22People,please .Whoever made the BOA,obviously there was romance at the time.Now that Greg is in charge there is none.Although they are not even considering to review the past matoran-feelings(which is important)we need to deal with it.But remember,at home you can change the story aspects and parts at home.Now, my snapping could clear things up.

1A while ago I was reading the OGD and I saw that somebody asked you what the 4-armed giant OoMN member's color scheme was, and you said that you saw him as deep shades of crimson and purple. Now to quote BS01 quoting Destiny War:
2The Makuta who came to greet him wore armor of purple and crimson.
3Is there a connection here?
4Thanks again,
5BT (Owned)
6Nope, just do lots of purple because I know BZPers like purple
7Although I do like purple, I am disappointed.
1A while ago I was reading the OGD and I saw that somebody asked you what the 4-armed giant OoMN member's color scheme was, and you said that you saw him as deep shades of crimson and purple. Now to quote BS01 quoting Destiny War:
2The Makuta who came to greet him wore armor of purple and crimson.
3Is there a connection here?
4Thanks again,
5BT (Owned)
6Nope, just do lots of purple because I know BZPers like purple
7Although I do like purple, I am disappointed.
9I like purple.

10Anywho, I gave Greg a "Mata Nui(island) should be part of the MU" analogy, and he gave me one back. Will post when I get a reply to my reply.
11Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho . 12

1I have been denied.
9EDIT: Wow, 3 posts on one page. I think that's a new record.
2Sorry to be PMing you so soon after you replied to my last one, but I remembered a thought:
3The Mask of X-Ray Vision is called Akaku, and the Mask of Night Vision is called Ruru. These are the only two masks that end in 'u' and 'vision'.
4Is it that the Matoran word for vision is 'u', X-ray is akak, and night is rur? I know it sounds strange, but the Matoran would probably think 'Vision? What kind of a word is vision?'![]()
5Just curious, again, I'm very sorry.

9EDIT: Wow, 3 posts on one page. I think that's a new record.
1Okay, now I've got a confusing question here about the Codrex. In Endgame and the Codrex animation, the Keystones are used to open the Codrex's door, but in BL10, it is used to lower the shield while floating in midair, not the Vitruvian Man, so what exactly is it used for? Thank you.
2My concept is that it is used to lower the field and the door then opens automatically once the field is down.
1Hey Greg, Hope that you're having a great day,
2Just wanted to ask a question:
3Will 2009's set lineup be like 2008's (i.e. 3 "Good Guys" and 3 "Bad Guys")?
4Thanks .
5Should be the same number of sets overall, but the divisions are probably not 3 and 3.
6Think this is new stuff.
7That's strange, I thought that the new release divisions would have been successful. I liked it anyway. It put a greater variety into the sets.
1Well, here's a big theory I've spent a lot of time on, only for Greg not to have time for. Let me piece the PMs together...
31Well, what do you think? If you guys don't mind, could you not trample over my theory to get one on the same subject approved? I plan on resending this sometime when he's not busy. ... And for the record, don't try to get the name Tiro used either. Yeah, you may see where this was going.
32Just a little space. That's all I'm asking for.
41I didn't get a return answer on the last one.
42Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho... 43

2Hi Greg.
31. Which is the Tahtorak of Metru Nui's homeland, Keetongu's homeland or Zakaz? 42. I believe it was once stated that before Vezok, Reidak, and Avak released the Kanohi Dragon, Metru Nui had had no need for Toa to protect it. So, then, why were there Toa on Metru Nui the first time it appeared? Did they come specifically to fight it, or were they there to begin with?
5Thank you for your time.
61) Probably Zakaz 72) They were there visiting -- remember, Metru Nui was a major trading port in those days, a lot of different people passed through.
8Okay, thanks.
91. Is there a chance that someone on Zakaz might recognize Brutaka, as he was there previously? 102. Would you say they (the Toa who fought the Kanohi Dragon the first time) were a team, or just a bunch of Toa visiting at the same time?
11Thank you for your time.
121) That was a really long time ago, though 132) Probably was a team visiting.
151. When were the Toa Metru created as Matoran? 162. It wasn't exactly said where in relation to Metru Nui the cave it was imprisoned in was. Would you say it was part of the island itself, on the bottom of the Silver Sea, or in the Great Barrier?
17Thank you for your time.
181) No idea, haven't pondered it 192) In the barrier
202. Perfect. We're getting there. Now, here's what I was thinking. First, a confirmation. The Kanohi Dragon was sealed in a cave, under the water line in the Great Barrier, behind a forty-foot thick wall of ice, and a giant boulder. Now, that would signify that the team consisted of at least one Toa of Ice, Stone, and Water, and maybe a Toa of Earth. Now, the theory I have requires that there be only one Toa of Stone. So far so good, right? 212a. Now, here's what the Toa of Water's for. The team defeats the Kanohi Dragon. They decide it needs to be sealed inside the Great Barrier. How do they get it there? The Toa of Stone gets an idea. He raises two giant walls of stone out of the Silver Sea, running parallel from Metru Nui to the Great Barrier. The Toa of Water drains all the water from the stone corridor, and they have a safe passage to the Barrier. You like so far? 222b. So, the Toa of Earth digs the cave, they place the Kanohi Dragon in it, the Toa of Ice freezes it in, and the Toa of Stone places a boulder in front of it. They get back to Metru Nui, the walls go down, and bingo. Totally covered.
23So, what do you think? Here are the two questions:
241. Confirmation: There was at least one Toa of Stone, Ice, and Water on the team, correct? 251a. Do you think there was a Toa of Earth there as well, or not? 261b. How many Toa of Ice do you think would be needed to make a forty-foot thick wall of ice? 272. Do you approve of the method? I've been working on this theory for a good solid month, and I really hope you like it.
28I'll get to the reason behind only having one Toa of Stone if you approve of this so far. And it involves having the Toa Metru around then. You answered someone a while back that before the memory-wipe (courtesy of Teridax), just about all of the Metru Nui Matoran could recall the creation-period of the island. Why would the Turaga be any different?
29Thank you sooooo much for your time.![]()
302) This really isn't something I have spent time thinking about, and I'm afraid that bogged down as I am with 2009-2010 it's really not something I have the time to ponder. I am basically swamped, stuck in Club meetings all this week and off in two weeks to Denmark for a BIONICLE story team meeting.
31Well, what do you think? If you guys don't mind, could you not trample over my theory to get one on the same subject approved? I plan on resending this sometime when he's not busy. ... And for the record, don't try to get the name Tiro used either. Yeah, you may see where this was going.
32Just a little space. That's all I'm asking for.
33Hi Greg. Sorry to send multiple PMs at a time, but there's a discussion in the OGD I'd like to clear up.
34You recently said that the Matoran Universe is only what is inside the domes. I've been argueing, however, that the domes, and therefore, Mata Nui (which is described on BS01 as the "roof" of Metru Nui's dome), should be included in what is considered the Matoran Universe, as they are the structure of it.
35Here's an analogy: you have a house. There are three people inside the house, and one on the roof. A virus somehow gets inside of the house, and it kills everyone inside the house. The person on the roof, however, isn't inside the house, so he doesn't get killed. He is not inside the house, but is still on the house, as the roof is still part of the house.
36Now, convert that to Bionicle. You have Metru Nui and Mata Nui. The Ignika goes off, killing everyone inside the Matoran Universe, including Metru Nui. There is, again, one Matoran who was on Mata Nui. He was not in the Matoran Universe, so the Ignika didn't kill him. However, he was standing on Mata Nui, which is part of the structure of the Matoran Universe. So, arguably, Mata Nui is part of the Matoran Universe, but anyone on it is still not inside the universe, because they are standing on the Universe, not in it.
37Am I correct on this? Thank you for your time.
38Inside of the domes, yes. Outside of the domes, no. Remember, we have said multiple times that the Matoran were never meant to be living on the island of Mata Nui -- they are meant to live in their universe.
39Here's my analogy -- you live in an undersea base. If you go outside the base and sit on the dome, are you still in the base? No. On it, but not in it, and so you drown. On it is not the same as in it.
40That is exactly what I'm saying. But, answer me this: do you still consider the dome you're sitting on part of the base? What I'm getting at is, Mata Nui is part of the MU, but anyone and anything on it isn't.
41I didn't get a return answer on the last one.
42Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho... 43

1Q: When Mutran said to Chirox "Stop breathing on my creation," was he sort of talking him down, since only lesser beings need to breathe?
2A: Yes.
3Q: Was the organic stone linking Mutran's cavern to the ceiling of Karda Nui a variant of the Xian rock he made? I suppose it's a no-brainer but yeah.
4A: Yes.
5Q: Now that I think of the word "Xian," do you have to legally clear this separately from "Xia?"
6A: Yes.
7Q: I suppose having had as much free time as she has had, Helryx would have gone through phases? In the scene with the swamp strider she seemed to be in an inventing mood, but not so much during any other part of the book. It would make sense, you're not going to stay the same for a hundred millennia.
8A: Right, plus as your responsiblities change, so does the time you have to do things.
9Q: I'm a little confused about the Nektann thing, he's the one who actually built and designed the launchers and mechanoids, right? A Skakdi naming something they made after anyone but themselves would seem off, since they're so self-centered, so I'm guessing they were his doing and not anyone else's.
10A: Or they were made under his auspices -- if you go to more dictatorial countries, a lot of things are named after the dictator because it's not healthy to do anything else.
11Q: On a side note, if you spell a BIONICLE term wrong in a book, and the incorrect spelling, by coincidence, is trademarked by another company, are they able to take legal action or will "It's just a typo" stand up in court?
12A: No idea, don't work in Legal.
13Q: How does the Order of Mata Nui learn of beings' destinies, such as Krakua's and allegedly Takanuva's? Reading the stars? If so, why isn't, say, Nuju able to learn of such things?
14A: Different people have different skill levels at this sort of thing.

1Hey, Greg, I know you're busy, so I'll make my visit quick . I'm making a Stop-Motion Movie, and Mazeka is in it. I also have a couple of other questions that, really, don't have much of a Bionicle link.
2Does the Mobile-Turret that Mazeka rides have a name, or is it also called "Mazeka"?
3What book are you writing now? OR, Are you writing a book of the 2009 Era?
4How do you picture the events in your book as you write them?
5Did you enjoy writing Shadows in the Sky, Swamp of Secrets, and Final Battle?
6So, that's all . Have fun .
81) Swamp Strider 92) First chapter book for 2009 103) I don't. I think in words, not pictures. 114) If I didn't, I would have turned down the contracts.
121- Oh, yeah . I remember dat . 132- Kay... 143- Interesting. 154- True that .

16-Em 17-----Tales of Xioc Nui I---MOC's-----
1Hello again Greg, sorry if I sent this two times already
2just some questions,
31)Have you started writing DiD yet? 42)Is it possible for Hydraxon(duplicate) to unlock the memory's of dekar? 53)Why did Mutran wanted to create a klakk in karda nui? 64)Will you be making Makuta Tridax official? 75)How fast would you say Jetrax can go?(mph) 86)In OGD, you said Teridax place is the last place in the MU where Takadox wanted to go. Are you assuming he knows the place?
9Thanks in advance.
101) No, I have to get the Jasnuary comic book done first 112) Doubtful 123) To harry the Toa 134) 90% likely 145) I don't have this info 156) No, I am assuming Takadox doesn't want to be around Teridax, considering what Teridax did to him in Mahri Nui
16Thought I was on to something here.
1Hello again Greg, sorry if I sent this two times already
2just some questions,
31)Have you started writing DiD yet? 42)Is it possible for Hydraxon(duplicate) to unlock the memory's of dekar? 53)Why did Mutran wanted to create a klakk in karda nui? 64)Will you be making Makuta Tridax official? 75)How fast would you say Jetrax can go?(mph) 86)In OGD, you said Teridax place is the last place in the MU where Takadox wanted to go. Are you assuming he knows the place?
9Thanks in advance.
101) No, I have to get the Jasnuary comic book done first 112) Doubtful 123) To harry the Toa 134) 90% likely 145) I don't have this info 156) No, I am assuming Takadox doesn't want to be around Teridax, considering what Teridax did to him in Mahri Nui
16Thought I was on to something here.
17Well, I certainly hope Greg makes Tridax official - even if it is just like Teridax.
1Hello again Greg, sorry if I sent this two times already
2just some questions,
31)Have you started writing DiD yet? 42)Is it possible for Hydraxon(duplicate) to unlock the memory's of dekar? 53)Why did Mutran wanted to create a klakk in karda nui? 64)Will you be making Makuta Tridax official? 75)How fast would you say Jetrax can go?(mph) 86)In OGD, you said Teridax place is the last place in the MU where Takadox wanted to go. Are you assuming he knows the place?
9Thanks in advance.
101) No, I have to get the Jasnuary comic book done first 112) Doubtful 123) To harry the Toa 134) 90% likely 145) I don't have this info 156) No, I am assuming Takadox doesn't want to be around Teridax, considering what Teridax did to him in Mahri Nui
16Thought I was on to something here.
17Well, I certainly hope Greg makes Tridax official - even if it is just like Teridax.
18Well, the two Brothers, Tridax and Teridax

1Hello again Greg, sorry if I sent this two times already
2just some questions,
31)Have you started writing DiD yet? 42)Is it possible for Hydraxon(duplicate) to unlock the memory's of dekar? 53)Why did Mutran wanted to create a klakk in karda nui? 64)Will you be making Makuta Tridax official? 75)How fast would you say Jetrax can go?(mph) 86)In OGD, you said Teridax place is the last place in the MU where Takadox wanted to go. Are you assuming he knows the place?
9Thanks in advance.
101) No, I have to get the Jasnuary comic book done first 112) Doubtful 123) To harry the Toa 134) 90% likely 145) I don't have this info 156) No, I am assuming Takadox doesn't want to be around Teridax, considering what Teridax did to him in Mahri Nui
16Thought I was on to something here.
17Well, I certainly hope Greg makes Tridax official - even if it is just like Teridax.
18Well, the two Brothers, Tridax and Teridax, and I think that Mutran is stupid for making a Klakk on Karda Nui....
19He's insane, what you'd expect.

1It's not stupid for Mutran to create a Klakk. They need a Rahi to give the Nuva some trouble, and that Rahi has to have wings so it can fly above the swamp. It also has to be powerful so they can't just ignore it. And bear in mind that he doesn't know that it can reverse the leeching
1It's not stupid for Mutran to create a Klakk. They need a Rahi to give the Nuva some trouble, and that Rahi has to have wings so it can fly above the swamp. It also has to be powerful so they can't just ignore it. And bear in mind that he doesn't know that it can reverse the leeching
2Plus, it doesn't count when Mutran does foolish things, because he is insane.

3But, yeah, the Makuta aren't aware of the barrier breaking effect, and other than that effect, Klakks are good things right?
1QUOTE 2Dear Greg,
31. How can Umbra have any darkness? He's completely devoted to his job and where does the darkness go when he turns into light? 42. (Going out on a limb) Does the fact that bohrok had jungle and not air powers have any thing to do with the 2009 elements? 53. Are visorak tried to the element they're colored as at all? 64. Is there some thing that keeps ko-metru cold or is it just naturally like that?
7thats all the questions I have now, thank you
81) Darkness in this case is spiritual in nature, not physical 92) The green Bohrok were swamp, not jungle 103) Don't think so, they have no elemental abilities 114) Naturally like that 12-------------------------------------------------- 13Just some things I was wondering about. Umbra seemed like the perfect canidate for somebody without darkness. I don't want to send another one so could somebody possibly ask about the dark hunters seeing zaktan on the ship?
31. How can Umbra have any darkness? He's completely devoted to his job and where does the darkness go when he turns into light? 42. (Going out on a limb) Does the fact that bohrok had jungle and not air powers have any thing to do with the 2009 elements? 53. Are visorak tried to the element they're colored as at all? 64. Is there some thing that keeps ko-metru cold or is it just naturally like that?
7thats all the questions I have now, thank you
81) Darkness in this case is spiritual in nature, not physical 92) The green Bohrok were swamp, not jungle 103) Don't think so, they have no elemental abilities 114) Naturally like that 12-------------------------------------------------- 13Just some things I was wondering about. Umbra seemed like the perfect canidate for somebody without darkness. I don't want to send another one so could somebody possibly ask about the dark hunters seeing zaktan on the ship?
1QUOTE 2Dear Greg,
31. How can Umbra have any darkness? He's completely devoted to his job and where does the darkness go when he turns into light? 42. (Going out on a limb) Does the fact that bohrok had jungle and not air powers have any thing to do with the 2009 elements? 53. Are visorak tried to the element they're colored as at all? 64. Is there some thing that keeps ko-metru cold or is it just naturally like that?
7thats all the questions I have now, thank you
81) Darkness in this case is spiritual in nature, not physical 92) The green Bohrok were swamp, not jungle 103) Don't think so, they have no elemental abilities 114) Naturally like that 12-------------------------------------------------- 13Just some things I was wondering about. Umbra seemed like the perfect canidate for somebody without darkness. I don't want to send another one so could somebody possibly ask about the dark hunters seeing zaktan on the ship?
14Is it only me, or the green bohrok, lehvak, were acid, not swamp?