1If you mean that the Great Beings created them, it's most likely true.
1Hiya Greg,its so awesome to write to you, could you please answer a couple of questions for me? 2Thanks 3RED STAR
41) Are the beings in the red star as same as the Energised Protodermis Entity?
52) Do they have a purpose?
6Bara Magna
71) What kind of "crimes" does Vastus feel guilty about?
82) Is Gelu part of Mata Nui's team?
93) When is raid on vulacnus coming out?
10Thanks for taking your time to read and answer these
111) No 122) All living things have a purpose 131) What he did in the war 142) Gelu is not in the movie, if that helps answer your question 153) Probably in stores sometime this month
16I thought i had something
41) Are the beings in the red star as same as the Energised Protodermis Entity?
52) Do they have a purpose?
6Bara Magna
71) What kind of "crimes" does Vastus feel guilty about?
82) Is Gelu part of Mata Nui's team?
93) When is raid on vulacnus coming out?
10Thanks for taking your time to read and answer these

111) No 122) All living things have a purpose 131) What he did in the war 142) Gelu is not in the movie, if that helps answer your question 153) Probably in stores sometime this month
16I thought i had something
1Hey GregF, just four questions. 22. Did the Shattering occur in the dimension that Vezon travelled to? 33. Is the planet Vezon is on Bara Magna or Spherus Magna? 44. If the Shattering did occur and Spherus Magna exists now, does this mean the Shattering was reversed? 5Thank you.
62) Yes, it did.
73) Spherus Magna.
84) Yes
94. Was the Shattering reversed by Mata Nui?
104) In that reality, yes
114. Is that his destiny in the core universe also? Or at least that was his original mission was in the core universe?
12Can't discuss what his mission is here.
1Hmm....I think there may be some truth to MN's destiny being to reverse the Shattering, judging from Erebus's post.
1He can still complete his mission, if that were his mission. He would just have to rebel against Teridax somehow and continue to do what he has to. 

1Hmm....I think there may be some truth to MN's destiny being to reverse the Shattering, judging from Erebus's post.
2But isn't it too late for that in the main universe?
3Well, to do so he'd have to put a planet back together. Details are sketchy, but a robot the size of a small moon would be quite effective at putting together planets.
1Hi, Mr. Farshtey
2I have some questions, and I would greatly appreciate it if you would answer them (unless they would spoil the storyline or haven't been thought of yet.)
31. Are the things living in the Red Star the Great Beings? 41b. If you can't answer now, will you reveal what they are later on? 52. What part of the Matoran Universe did Antroz rule? 63. What part did Vamprah rule? 74. What part did Tridax rule? 85. Did some Makuta work as assistants and lieutenants to others? 96. How old was the civilization on Spherus Magna 107. What Brutaka said about the Shattering,
11"Spherus Magna, the Shattering. The three that must be one; the two that must make them one. He must remember, he must be made to see, or the journey of 100,000 years will be for nothing. He hides beneath, preparing to meet his destiny. We must go there, we must right the wrong. So many wrongs before the Shattering can end."
12is the one who "hides beneath" someone we have never heard of? 138. This is from wikipedia,
14"It is also known that there is an entity or number of entities even more powerful than the Great Beings who created the Bionicle Planet for the Great Beings to create universes in."
15Is this still valid? 169. Do any of the following know how to make an Olmak? 179a. Artakha 189b. Mata Nui 199c. Teridax (or any of the other Makuta) 2010. Is the Matoran Language different from the Agori language? 2111. Does the Ignika's failsafe work outside the Matoran Universe?
22Sincerely, 23N.T.D.R.
241) No 252-4) Not something I ever had time to determine 265) No 276) Very old 287) Can't answer it 298) It was never valid. The idea of "greater beings" came about from the fact that I said the Great Beings did not create Spherus Magna, which is true. But I never said there were intelligent beings who made it, or that there weren't. Whether there were or not is completely irrelevant to the story, in the same way how you believe Earth was made is irrelevant to the last Spider-Man movie. 309) Most likely all three would, now 3110) Yes, in the same way that computer programming language is different from the English language 3211) No. Has no effect on the universe outside of the robot.
335. Kind of suprising there. They probably worked on Destral. 346. Makes perfect sense. A civilization that can build a 40 million foot robot must have had millions of years to practice. 357. I think there is more to this world than meets the eye (you can say that again . . . ) 369. Yeah, that makes sense. I wonder what the Kanoka combination is? 3710. <KANOKA> 38<CODE="169"> 39</KANOKA> 40Programming, Great Being style

1Neat bit of trivia here:
8Cool, huh?
2Hi Greg,
3In the BIONICLE World atlas, Toby Dutkiewicz illustrated Artkha and Karzahni. Was it Tobduk who researched those locations for the Order's in-story atlas? It would make sense with him, given that he personally killed nearly everybody who knew where Artakha was.
4Also, I ask the same for the other two artists in the book, did their in-universe charcters research the places they illustrated for the atlas? (John McCormack did Daxia and Destral, Jeremy Brazeal did Xia and Zakaz)
5Thanks, 6Jalaguy
8Cool, huh?
1Considering that Vulcanus has two vehicles and vehicle pilots, and I would assume the other tribes do too, do they use a system similar to that of the prime and secondary Glatorian, where one vehicle does most of the matches and another focuses on the less important? It would just be kind of cool. (ex. Prime: Perditus, Secondary: Crotesius)
2It's certainly possible, but since we only have two vehicle sets from one village in the assortment, I really haven't thought about it. Basically, we don't know that other villages have more than one vehicle because no such sets exist.
2It's certainly possible, but since we only have two vehicle sets from one village in the assortment, I really haven't thought about it. Basically, we don't know that other villages have more than one vehicle because no such sets exist.
1PMed about the latest news. I'll tag it just in case.
4So yeah, now we know one thing about the news. Greg wasn't in on it. -Swert
21) So, according to the news article and the link, there's to be an Extended Ending entitled "Metus' Revenge." Now, I'll assume this is non-canon, but would be considered canon?
31) I have, in all honesty, absolutely no idea what this refers to, Swert. It's not something I wrote or was in the original script or that I ever saw. It could be some kind of parody piece, maybe.
31) I have, in all honesty, absolutely no idea what this refers to, Swert. It's not something I wrote or was in the original script or that I ever saw. It could be some kind of parody piece, maybe.
4So yeah, now we know one thing about the news. Greg wasn't in on it. -Swert
1Dear Greg 2Hopefully you're having a great start to summer. I have a few questions that are to put ease to some things I've been confused about lately 3Matoran Universe 41. a) In the Toa of Anarchy universe, the Toa Mahri still transformed into the Inika even though the virus was not spread within Mata Nui. Did the Toa Metru still undergo their transformations? 5If not, does that mean that Toa Lhikan is still alive? 62. At what point did Makuta purge all their light? During the Cataclysm? 7Bara Magna 81. Does Gresh have a larger role in the movie than the other winter sets? He appeared in the trailer concept art and you mentioned that he develops his laidbacknees by spending time with Kiina. 92. Would you describe the skrall as evil? Several people seem to believe that they are antagonistic, however they're really just trying to conquer an area to put an end to the baterra. I don't think they're main goal is to inflict fear and opression onto the agori. 103. The traitor for 2009 cannot be an element lord, due to the last minute decision to put them into 2009. The script was (I'm assuming) done before this decision was made. Am I correct?
11Thank you in advance, I appreciate you taking time to view all these BZP Pm's 12Tuquieii
131) Yes 141b) Not necessarily. He may still be dead, simply in a different manner. 152) No, way pre-Cataclysm
161) He does appear more than some other winter sets, yes 172) Their goal is basically to survive and carve out an empire. However, they could do that by negotiating with the Agori and offering to protect them from the baterra. Instead, they are conquering, destroying and murdering. Do the ends justify the means? 183) The traitor is exposed in the movie. There are no ELs in the movie.
19Well not much new info, but at least the Metru still got their toaness. I still the Skrall are not antagonistic by choice. It's just Tuma being a (due to lack of a better word because of filters) meanie 8(
11Thank you in advance, I appreciate you taking time to view all these BZP Pm's 12Tuquieii
131) Yes 141b) Not necessarily. He may still be dead, simply in a different manner. 152) No, way pre-Cataclysm
161) He does appear more than some other winter sets, yes 172) Their goal is basically to survive and carve out an empire. However, they could do that by negotiating with the Agori and offering to protect them from the baterra. Instead, they are conquering, destroying and murdering. Do the ends justify the means? 183) The traitor is exposed in the movie. There are no ELs in the movie.
19Well not much new info, but at least the Metru still got their toaness. I still the Skrall are not antagonistic by choice. It's just Tuma being a (due to lack of a better word because of filters) meanie 8(
1Hi Greg. I just have one question for you.
2It was said that Strakk came from up north. Did anyone else come with him, like Metus?
3Thanks in advance. Atlas
4All of the residents of Iconox originally lived up north, pre-Shattering.
5I just got this. To help further the claim that Metus is the traitor.
1Hey GregF, just a few questions. 21. Was the lightning that struck the 6 Matoran generated by the Red Star itself? 32. Does the Red Star have red Protodermis platings on the outside of the "star"? 43. Was the Red Star discharging the lightning on purpose or was it on accident that it happened? 5Thanks.
6Too early to discuss
7I tried.
1About Metus's weapon-- a week or two ago I asked if it was truly called an ice axe or if it was a sword, citing this picture of an axe that more resembles Metus's tool than our conventional understanding of an axe. You told me that Electric Turahk had asked you not to answer questions that directly affect the BS01 Wiki.
2I just asked ET about the issue, and he responded as follows:3My quote was lost, and with it the basis for my argument. So I just stopped pressing the issue. Change it for all I care anymore.
4I don't want to bother him again about this issue, so I can't ask him to ask you himself. But I think it would be wrong to add this to the wiki as he requests without getting confirmation. So, for the record, can its official name still be considered "Ice Axe", as BIONICLE.com calls it?
5Thanks in advance for your help.
6That is what BIONICLE.com is calling it, so that makes it official, Aanchir.
1That's better than the answer I posted above. 

1hello Mr. Farshety i have questions i have been waiting to ask you
2spherus magna: 31 is Bara Magna+EOP+?=spherus magna? 4Matanui: 5these are for a fanfic i am making 62 when he returns to his body, will he bring the bara magnans to live in him? 73 how would he feel about every one knowing that they are inside of him? 84 would he erase their memories of this fact? 94a if not, will he interact with his inhabitants? 105 can he turn matoran into toa, toa into turaga, and turaga into toa?
11thank you for answering.
121) Can't answer it 132) No. The Bara Magnans would have no desire or need to live inside him. They are not nanotech like the Matoran are, it is not their world. 143) I doubt he would care. They should know what their role is, after all. 154) No 164a) He never did before, not sure he would or not 175) Only in the sense that if he creates a Matoran, he can determine his or her destiny. But if a Matoran is not destined to become a Toa, Mata Nui cannot make him one.
181 what i mean is, we know that bara magna is the biggest of the three pieces, but is EOP the second? 192 doesn't matanui have enough resources for them? there are barely any resources on Bara magna 204a i mean, like, talking to them, getting nuparu to put special devices on the out side of him(making him have one of the things on his eye that many toa of ice have) etc. 215 what about turaga to toa (or at least making turaga so they could do the things that they could as toa)?
221) Not something I have worried about yet 232) Not a question of resources. It's a question of them not being meant to live inside of a machine. Would you want to live inside a machine? 244) No, not likely 255) Only the Ignika can turn a Turaga back into a Toa. Otherwise, it cannot be done. And you cannot give a Turaga a Toa's power, because the Turaga's body would not be able to handle it.
1Mr. Farshtey,
2I have a question about the Olmak and going to alternate dimensions in general. See, in the first chapter of Reign of Shadows:3One moment, he was out in the sunshine, seeing Matoran and Dark Hunters working together in perfect harmony (granted, they were building a giant cannon, but they were still getting along well). The next moment, everything had shifted and he was in a quite different place. Here, a group named the Great Beings had built a 40 million foot tall mechanical being they named Makuta. Unfortunately, his brother, Mata Nui, was plotting a rebellion against him.
4But in the fifth chapter:5Anyway, here he was. He was here. Which, of course, begged the question – where was "here," this time? The Kanohi Olmak that had become fused to his substance opened dimensional gates the way Matoran open gift boxes on Naming Day, and it was impossible to predict where one might end up.
6So, my question is this:
7How is it that while Vezon was only in the dimensions mentioned in the first quote for a moment, but he already knew that there were:
81. Great Beings 92. They had built a 40 million foot all robot 103. They named him Makuta 114. There was also a being named Mata Nui 125. Mata Nui was called Makuta's brother 136. Mata Nui was planning a rebellion against Makuta
14But in the fifth chapter, he no idea where he was or who was there, and the rest of the fifth chapter is him finding out all this.
15So how can Vezon know so much about one dimension when he's been there only a moment while he spends five/ten/twenty minutes in another but doesn't know anything about it?
16Thanks for your time,
18Ah, go back and read the paragraph again -- in the first universe, he is there for a moment, and he sees Matoran and Dark Hunters working together. In the next moment, he is somewhere else -- does it say he spent only a moment in the second universe?
19So he spent more time in the second one? How much longer, would you say?
21Hours, most likely
22Would you say that he was most likely with Mata Nui, since he knew of the planned rebellion? Also, would you say that Mata Nui is "evil" in this dimension, that the rebellion he is planning is only for his own gains?
24He doesn't have to have been with Mata Nui, simply be around someone who had heard rumors.
25Some new stuff.

1Hey GregF, just one question. 2Is the Endless Ocean Planet relatively the same size as Bara Magna? 3Thanks.
4Don't know, relative planet sizes is not something relevant to my story right now
5The EOP isn't a "moon" of another planet, correct?
6Define what you mean by "moon."
7Basically, a natural satellite of a planet. One that orbits a planet.
8That I will have to discuss with the team. I know what my answer is, but Billund may have a different answer and there's no point in my contradicting them.
1I was wondering, when did "Click" and Mata Nui meet? Did he find him on his journey through space, or on Bara Magna? Do other people on Bara Magna have something like Click? How does Click communicate with Mata Nui? 2.:Meiko: Legendary Glatorian:.
3GregF doesn't reply this topic. You would need to send him a PM. You can send him a message by clicking here.
4Although, I could answer one of your questions. Mata Nui meets Click on Bara Magna, just when Mata Nui gets a body, I believe.
1Hey sir, I just have some questions.Is there any sets left that we might not have seen it?Is there any exclusive sets for comic-con this year,like last year starwars and indiana jones exclusive set only for comic-con 2008?Is there any recolour vehicles for tgis year like prevoius year yellow supercharged Jetrax T6?
21) No 32) Yes 43) Not that I am aware of
5For Q.2.
6Do you mean Bionicle exclusive sets for comic-con 09 only?
7Sorry, I thought you were asking about exclusive sets in general. I know there are exclusives, I don't know what they are or for what line. I know they were discussing a con exclusive something for BIONICLE, but I don't know if they went ahead with it.
1Nothing too interesting, but...
2Hello. Can you answer some questions, please?
31) You told ~Bitil~ that the Red Star appears red from the surface of the planet. Does that mean it is not actually red? 42) We are going to find out who the Red Star people are, right? 53) So, I need to catch up a bit. Two out of three planets that make up Spherus Magna are Bara Magna and the Endless Ocean, and we don't know the third? 64) I heard somewhere that Teridax would go to Bara Magna in 2011, but have not heard it since. Is it true? 75a) Are Glatorian and Agori and Skrall etc. more like us, in armor? 85b) Do they reproduce the same way? 96) How are Skrall, Bone Hunters, and Agori related to Glatorian?
10Thank you for your time.
111) I didn't say it wasn't red, I just said it looks red to the people below. 122) Depends on if it becomes relevant to the story in the near future or not. 133) Yes 144) Nobody online knows anything about what is planned past 2009, so I would ignore anything you hear like that. 155a) They are certainly more organic in nature than Matoran are 165b) Why does this matter? Are you planning a Glatorian daycare center? 176) Well, Skrall are close to them in terms of species. Bone hunters and Agori are not related to them, they're separate species.
1Nothing too interesting, but...
2Hello. Can you answer some questions, please?
31) You told ~Bitil~ that the Red Star appears red from the surface of the planet. Does that mean it is not actually red? 42) We are going to find out who the Red Star people are, right? 53) So, I need to catch up a bit. Two out of three planets that make up Spherus Magna are Bara Magna and the Endless Ocean, and we don't know the third? 64) I heard somewhere that Teridax would go to Bara Magna in 2011, but have not heard it since. Is it true? 75a) Are Glatorian and Agori and Skrall etc. more like us, in armor? 85b) Do they reproduce the same way? 96) How are Skrall, Bone Hunters, and Agori related to Glatorian?
10Thank you for your time.
111) I didn't say it wasn't red, I just said it looks red to the people below. 122) Depends on if it becomes relevant to the story in the near future or not. 133) Yes 144) Nobody online knows anything about what is planned past 2009, so I would ignore anything you hear like that. 155a) They are certainly more organic in nature than Matoran are 165b) Why does this matter? Are you planning a Glatorian daycare center? 176) Well, Skrall are close to them in terms of species. Bone hunters and Agori are not related to them, they're separate species.
18Day care center, that's gold . haha.

1At least we know for sure that the EOP is one of BM's moons. And part of BM. This is huge IMO. Perhaps that's why there's little water on BM. And maybe Bara Magna will remind Mata Nui of this.
1Hey GregF, just one question. 2You answered in another question that the Endless Ocean Planet was part of Spherus Magna. Is this in fact true or was it an accidental slip? 3And does this mean that the EOP and Bara Magna are two of the three pieces of Spherus Magna? 4Thanks.
5Yes, it is true, and yes to your second question as well
1So can this possibly mean EOP is the Great Sea?
1Hi Greg . I just read EotS, and had a thought on the separation of the Skrall:
2I get the feeling it has to do with the females requiring the males to put down their weapons and live peacefully rather than live like they are still at war. But of course, the Skrall being as they are, this arrangement could never be-so the Skrall left their sisters. And knowing what we now know of the Baterra, the females had the right idea all along. Tuma has rather led his people on a very unnecessary destructive path. several Agori and Glatorian dead to the Skrall's conquest to get back at the Baterra- all because the Skrall are too hard-headed to just put down the sword and live normally.
3Is this close to the situation? I find all of this incredibly interesting.
4Nope -- Skrall women are not lovers of peace. They are, if anything, nastier than the males are, but they go about things in different ways and their goals are different. Tuma and the Skrall are pretty much "in your face" ... the women are subtle and more likely to manipulate into destroying yourself than attack your city by force of arms.
1Well, I don't get it, Woud that mean EOP is near Bara Magna or could it be that EOP is one of the necessary pieces to help re-build the original planet(sorry I forgot the name)
1Hey GregF, just few questions. 2Could we have a name of the planet now that we know it was part of Spherus Magna? 3Was there a name for this ocean at one time? 4Was this the Great Sea in Spherus Magna? 5Thanks.
61) Aqua Magna 72) Yes 83) Yes
9After eight and a half years, we finally learn the name of the Endless Ocean Planet.
1Hey GregF, just few questions. 2Could we have a name of the planet now that we know it was part of Spherus Magna? 3Was there a name for this ocean at one time? 4Was this the Great Sea in Spherus Magna? 5Thanks.
61) Aqua Magna 72) Yes 83) Yes
9After eight and a half years, we finally learn the name of the Endless Ocean Planet.
10That's the name I used for the EOP for five years D:
11Greg, it is not copyrighted you know .
1Hey GregF, just few questions. 2Could we have a name of the planet now that we know it was part of Spherus Magna? 3Was there a name for this ocean at one time? 4Was this the Great Sea in Spherus Magna? 5Thanks.
61) Aqua Magna 72) Yes 83) Yes
9After eight and a half years, we finally learn the name of the Endless Ocean Planet.
10That's the name I used for the EOP for five years D:
11Greg, it is not copyrighted you know .
12GAH, NONONONONONO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ANYTHING BUT THAT NAME . . . Its horrible, Please anything but that.
1Hey GregF, just few questions. 2Could we have a name of the planet now that we know it was part of Spherus Magna? 3Was there a name for this ocean at one time? 4Was this the Great Sea in Spherus Magna? 5Thanks.
61) Aqua Magna 72) Yes 83) Yes
9After eight and a half years, we finally learn the name of the Endless Ocean Planet.
10Why did I have a feeling that was the name?