1Well, we know they are not in Aqua Magna, so that leaves one other suspect...
2Um..."Aqua Magna"?
3What is that, if I may ask?
5The EOP.
6I'm wondering, perhaps 2010 will be on the other moon? I mean, now that you think about it the story has never actually left Bara Magna; we just didn't know it at the time.
7Maybe the Sahmad/Telluris tribe rules the 3rd moon? That could be true.
8I wonder if they plague has anything to do with the EP.
9I believe you meant Spherus Magna, Bara Magna is a part of Spherus Magna.1Well, we know they are not in Aqua Magna, so that leaves one other suspect...
2Um..."Aqua Magna"?
3What is that, if I may ask?
5The EOP.
6I'm wondering, perhaps 2010 will be on the other moon? I mean, now that you think about it the story has never actually left Bara Magna; we just didn't know it at the time.
7Maybe the Sahmad/Telluris tribe rules the 3rd moon? That could be true.
8I wonder if they plague has anything to do with the EP.
1Right, yeah. Sorry for the typo. I was in a bit of a rush.
1Well, we know they are not in Aqua Magna, so that leaves one other suspect...
2Um..."Aqua Magna"?
3What is that, if I may ask?
5The EOP.
6I'm wondering, perhaps 2010 will be on the other moon? I mean, now that you think about it the story has never actually left Bara Magna; we just didn't know it at the time.
7Maybe the Sahmad/Telluris tribe rules the 3rd moon? That could be true.
8I wonder if they plague has anything to do with the EP.
9Well we spent 8 years on Aqua Magna, 2 of them being flashback years. Possibly 2010 is a flashback year of the core war, and the shattering.
10So i think 2011 is the year we go to moon #2
1Well, we know they are not in Aqua Magna, so that leaves one other suspect...
2Um..."Aqua Magna"?
3What is that, if I may ask?
5The EOP.
6I'm wondering, perhaps 2010 will be on the other moon? I mean, now that you think about it the story has never actually left Bara Magna; we just didn't know it at the time.
7Maybe the Sahmad/Telluris tribe rules the 3rd moon? That could be true.
8I wonder if they plague has anything to do with the EP.
9People are speculating too much about that tribe. There was a plague, and they were almost all wiped out. That's all there is to it it seems.
111)Is the dust in this image: 1213from the shattering of Spherus Magna?
14I can't discuss that image, as it's from the movie.
1Wait a minute...if the EL of Water ruled the Great Sea, would it be possible that he/she is still on the EOP?
1SM is made up of three parts the first is a desert, the second is an ocean, so i am guessing the third is where there is a lot of plant life
1Hi Greg,
2some questions about Aqua and Bara Magna today:
31.) The EL of Water ruled the Great Sea, right? 41a.) If yes, would it be possible for him to still be alive on Aqua Magna? 52.) Many people assumed it, but I've seen no proof for this. Is Aqua Magna one of Bara Magna's moons? 63.) Is Aqua Magna one of "The Three that must be One"? 74.) Is Bara Magna one of them? 84a.) If yes, is it only the planet itself, or is it the whole Bara Magna planet system (BM+ 2 moons + dust rings, or whatever)? 95.) Could the third piece of the three pieces in which Spherus Magna split contain the Northern Frost? 105a.) If yes, could Glacius Magna be the name of it (glacies=ice)? Because the latin word for frost is gelu, and I don't think that'd fit...
111) Yes 121a) No. The only living things on Aqua Magna are birds, fish and other sea creatures, and the inhabitants or natives of the Mata Nui robot. 132) I have not discussed the cosmology of the universe with the story team yet 143-4) Can't answer it 155a) No
1Hey Greg . I just have a few questions...
2About the Hero Agori...
3One: Would it be possible if you could feature the Hero Agori in one of the serials or anywhere else in story?
4Two: If not or if so, do you think you could provide his/her name?
5And Three: Could he have a canon BZPower contest to give him a name?
6Then for Baterra/ Skrall...
7One: Is it possible that the Baterra were built with a operation as the bohrok, mainly being able to activate or attract them by a certain sonic pitch or something?
8Two: Are the "Sisters of the Skrall" the only female Skrall or are they just the only organized group of Skrall females?
9And three: Have the female Skrall ever participated in the Core War like Roodaka did in the Dark Hunter/Brotherhood War?
10Finally for the rest of Bara Magna...
11One: Do the Glatorian have the light/ dark tendencies like beings of MU (like would they become evil from having light sucked out of them by a Shadow Leach)?
12Two: Since it is unlike other masks, could the Ignika adapt itself to allow a Glatorian to activate/use it?
13Three: Before the Shattering, were the Vorox ever participating in the war or did they remain nuetral?
14Four: Were the Vorox regarded by the Glatorian like the Indians were for their nomatic lifestyles (were they sort of looked at like freaks for their nomatic lifestyle)?
15And Five: Did the Great Beings conduct experiments on the other Glatorian as well? B. Was this done with volunteers (although that would be sort of strange )?
16Thanks .
17-Toa Deserok
181) I have no plans to, no 192) I don't have names available for this 203) I already got asked about this. The problem is, for a name to be canon, it has to be official ... for it to be official, it has to get approved by Legal here. About 75% of the names we suggest don't get approved, which means the odds of one from you guys getting approved aren't good. And no one has the several thousand dollar budget to get your contest name run through Legal.
211) No 222) Only female Skrall 233) No
241) All beings have light/dark in them, but shadow leeches work on nanotech, there is no proof they would work on standard living beings. 252) What would more likely happen is the mask would act on its own, without conscious direction from the Glatorian. It's irrelevant, anyway, because that won't be happening. 263) They did participate,yes 274) I don't think so, no. 285) Beyond the implants, not that we know of
1Perhaps Greg was referring to the unnamed species that the Glatorian belong to. There may be Glatorian-in-training or wandering Glatorian who are younger than Gresh, but he is still the youngest being to serve as a village Glatorian.
1Indeed, Gresh is the youngest Glatorian in that a Glatorian is the Prime and Secondary Glatorian. We do, after all, refer to the trainees as such, though we do think of them as Glatorian.
1To Mr. Farshtey,
2First off, thanks for providing the info about Aqua Magna, and for telling us that it was originally part of Spherus Magna. However, this raises a very strange question about Mata Nui's actions during the past 100,000 years:
3First off, we know that Mata Nui was created 100,000 years ago on Spherus Magna. From there, he went on a trip around the Universe, observing planets for the next 99,000 years.
41,000 years ago, Mata Nui was passing by Aqua Magna when Teridax's virus claimed him, causing him to fall asleep and crash into the Endless Ocean.
5However, if Aqua Magna was originally a part of Spherus Magna that shattered away from the rest of the planet, that means that Aqua Magna wasn't far away from Spherus Magna's original position.
6Thus, a strange conclusion is revealed: Mata Nui has just gone on a 100,000-year-long round trip around the universe .
7Can you confirm this conclusion?
8Thank you so much for your time, 9Shyyrn Luxury-Yacht
10Yes, and for good reason. It's what he was told to do by the Great Beings.
11-Shyyrn Luxury-Yacht
1Maybe Mata Nui was suppposed to bring something back. Something SM needs.
1Maybe Mata Nui was suppposed to bring something back. Something SM needs.
2Interesting deduction, Grevious.
3This is interesting, why Go around the universe when if Aqua Magna and the other planet Are right where you came from, hhmmm
4Maybe he needed to find something to reverse the Shattering.. A device of somesort ?
1Maybe Mata Nui was suppposed to bring something back. Something SM needs.
2Interesting deduction, Grevious.
3This is interesting, why Go around the universe when if Aqua Magna and the other planet Are right where you came from, hhmmm
4Maybe he needed to find something to reverse the Shattering.. A device of somesort ?
5Right, right. But either he failed or he has it. We don't know if he's failed, so let's assume he has it. He's not carrying anything, so it has to be something in him.
6HOLY COW.....what if it's the Makuta? We know he created them, not the GBs, and they know his destiny, or should. Maybe antidermis is from another planet .
1Maybe Mata Nui was suppposed to bring something back. Something SM needs.
2Interesting deduction, Grevious.
3This is interesting, why Go around the universe when if Aqua Magna and the other planet Are right where you came from, hhmmm
4Maybe he needed to find something to reverse the Shattering.. A device of somesort ?
5Right, right. But either he failed or he has it. We don't know if he's failed, so let's assume he has it. He's not carrying anything, so it has to be something in him.
6HOLY COW.....what if it's the Makuta? We know he created them, not the GBs, and they know his destiny, or should. Maybe antidermis is from another planet .
7Now THAT is interesting, Brutaka did state that Teridax's Real destiny he forgot. Maybe , but do we know when he created the makuta as in erlly in his mission or in recent cenutries, or we might have been heading back to the 3 that must be one, when the makuta beacame energy, because he had his devise. This theory is very intriging
1Maybe Mata Nui was suppposed to bring something back. Something SM needs.
2Interesting deduction, Grevious.
3This is interesting, why Go around the universe when if Aqua Magna and the other planet Are right where you came from, hhmmm
4Maybe he needed to find something to reverse the Shattering.. A device of somesort ?
5Right, right. But either he failed or he has it. We don't know if he's failed, so let's assume he has it. He's not carrying anything, so it has to be something in him.
6HOLY COW.....what if it's the Makuta? We know he created them, not the GBs, and they know his destiny, or should. Maybe antidermis is from another planet .
7Now THAT is interesting, Brutaka did state that Teridax's Real destiny he forgot. Maybe , but do we know when he created the makuta as in erlly in his mission or in recent cenutries, or we might have been heading back to the 3 that must be one, when the makuta beacame energy, because he had his devise. This theory is very intriging
8Well, we know antidermis is counteraffected by EP maybe it works the other way around also...
1Just something, but my opinion on MN studying other planets is that he needs to know what a whole planet is composed of. Just my thoughts.
1Maybe Mata Nui was suppposed to bring something back. Something SM needs.
2Interesting deduction, Grevious.
3This is interesting, why Go around the universe when if Aqua Magna and the other planet Are right where you came from, hhmmm
4Maybe he needed to find something to reverse the Shattering.. A device of somesort ?
5Right, right. But either he failed or he has it. We don't know if he's failed, so let's assume he has it. He's not carrying anything, so it has to be something in him.
6HOLY COW.....what if it's the Makuta? We know he created them, not the GBs, and they know his destiny, or should. Maybe antidermis is from another planet .
7Now THAT is interesting, Brutaka did state that Teridax's Real destiny he forgot. Maybe , but do we know when he created the makuta as in erlly in his mission or in recent cenutries, or we might have been heading back to the 3 that must be one, when the makuta beacame energy, because he had his devise. This theory is very intriging
8I doubt it. He made the Makuta yes, but he make them almost as soon as he took off. For him to have just found them and then returned to Aqua Magna, they would have had to have been made somewhere around the middle point of his journy, around 50,000 years ago, because he would have had to go out and find the materials to make them, and then make the return trip. It makes no sence.
9I figure that Mata-Nui is either searching for something or somebody that was blasted out into space during the shattering, which (if it were a person) have the knowledge to bring Spherus Magna back together, or (if it were an item) has the power to do so. Some sort of intergalactic glue. Then after he finds it, he needs to return to bring the three back together. I figure that they must have had it on Spherus Magna because otherwise how would they know what to look for?
10Either way, we are getting off topic, and this should be moved into some other place.
1QUOTE 2Hi Greg . I have a few Qs for you:
31: How big is a Great Being? 41a: Could it fit inside a domed city? (You know, in the MU?) 51b: Could it fit down a sunhole? 62: When a Toa dies, what happens to his/her Toa Power? 73: I'm a bit confused about domes. 83a: Does the Metru Nui dome have the same area as Metru Nui? Or is it bigger? 93b: Domes are connected by canals, right? 103c: How did people sail between Mata Nui and Metru Nui (at the beginning and end of the dark time)? How do yu sail 'up' or 'down'? 113d: If you sailed too far in the MU, would you bump into a wall? 124: What could and couldn't a Noble Sanok do? 135: Do you ever get tired of these questions?
141-1b) Can't answer it 152) Nothing happens to it, it dies with him. 163) It would have to be bigger, because it also cover the ocean around Metru Nui. 173b) They are connected by sea gates. 183c) Same way they survive when Mata Nui is standing up -- artificial gravity and stabilizers. 193d) You would come up against "rock," yes 204) Since I never had one in story, I never worried about it. 215) If I do, I take a break from them
22Nothing much new here, I'm afraid.
31: How big is a Great Being? 41a: Could it fit inside a domed city? (You know, in the MU?) 51b: Could it fit down a sunhole? 62: When a Toa dies, what happens to his/her Toa Power? 73: I'm a bit confused about domes. 83a: Does the Metru Nui dome have the same area as Metru Nui? Or is it bigger? 93b: Domes are connected by canals, right? 103c: How did people sail between Mata Nui and Metru Nui (at the beginning and end of the dark time)? How do yu sail 'up' or 'down'? 113d: If you sailed too far in the MU, would you bump into a wall? 124: What could and couldn't a Noble Sanok do? 135: Do you ever get tired of these questions?
141-1b) Can't answer it 152) Nothing happens to it, it dies with him. 163) It would have to be bigger, because it also cover the ocean around Metru Nui. 173b) They are connected by sea gates. 183c) Same way they survive when Mata Nui is standing up -- artificial gravity and stabilizers. 193d) You would come up against "rock," yes 204) Since I never had one in story, I never worried about it. 215) If I do, I take a break from them
22Nothing much new here, I'm afraid.
21. Recently you revealed to a member that Mata Nui was sent by the Great Beings on a round-trip across the universe/galaxy, eventually to return to the remains of Spherus Magna. I remember that earlier this year, you also told us that when Mata Nui crash-landed on Aqua Magna, he had been en route to a location critical to his mission. So tell me if I'm right on this: Mata Nui's journey was about to come to its end/completion when Teridax struck, and his destination was the remains of Spherus Magna. 31) Yes
42. Also, which fragment of Spherus Magna was he traveling to in particular: Bara Magna or the third planet? 52) I don't want to discuss this yet
7Antidermis was created by the Great Beings and then used by Mata Nui, as he was programmed to do, to create the Makuta 100,000 years ago, right when he took off from Spherus Magna. He did not make the trip to acquire the Makuta.
21. Recently you revealed to a member that Mata Nui was sent by the Great Beings on a round-trip across the universe/galaxy, eventually to return to the remains of Spherus Magna. I remember that earlier this year, you also told us that when Mata Nui crash-landed on Aqua Magna, he had been en route to a location critical to his mission. So tell me if I'm right on this: Mata Nui's journey was about to come to its end/completion when Teridax struck, and his destination was the remains of Spherus Magna. 31) Yes
42. Also, which fragment of Spherus Magna was he traveling to in particular: Bara Magna or the third planet? 52) I don't want to discuss this yet
7Antidermis was created by the Great Beings and then used by Mata Nui, as he was programmed to do, to create the Makuta 100,000 years ago, right when he took off from Spherus Magna. He did not make the trip to acquire the Makuta.
1Hey Greg. I hope you are doing well.
2After thinking about it for some time after the revelation of Aqua Magna, I had a question about how the Shattering actually occured.
3Which of the following is more accurate to how it occured:
41. It broke apart with each piece being like a piece of a jigsaw puzzle (like smashing a cookie if that helps). Like if somehow they came together it would look vaguely like Spherus Magna. It may be this option because of the crater found on Bara Magna
52. It was some sort of de-fusion. (Such as seperating the the Oxygen molecule out of H2O to form H2). It may be this option because it could be hard to just seperate a ocean from a planet without water floating everywhere.
6If I am not making the options clear enough, just let me know and I'll be glad to try and elaborate further.
7Thanks, Greg .
81. And while the concern you raise in 2 is legit, keep in mind this is science fantasy -- it follows the rules we set for it, not the rules of Earth physics.
1Hi GregF, I have some questions to you. First of all, I want to thank you revealing info about Aqua Magna. I started to wonder some things about the Shattering:
21) Spherus Magna broke into three pieces, right?
32) So what are the pieces? 4a. Bara Magna, Aqua Magna and Aqua Magna's moon 5b. Bara Magna and Bara Magna's moons. 6c. Bara Magna, Aqua Magna and piece we haven't seen yet.
7Then some other things:
83) Could you please describe personality of Perditus?
94) Do any set vehicle pilots of this year appear in Raid on Vulcanus (Crotesius, Perditus etc.)?
105) Are all the Agori we know of at least 100 000 years old so they remember the Shattering?
11That's all.
121) Yes 132) Can't discuss it 143) I really don't have time right now 154) I don't believe so, no 165) Yes
17Not much here. Just confirmations about known Agori's ages.
1Hi, I have a few new questions for you. 2*Was Mata Nui a back-up plan that the GB used when everything went real wron ? 3(Shattering of Spherus Magna as an example) 4*When Spherus Magna shatterd, what happend to the EP that was on it ? 5*Is Mata Nui supossed to bring something back from his journey ?
6Thanks for answering .
71) No, I wouldn't say that. 82) Floated out into space and froze, most likely 93) Not something physical, no
1Hi, I have a few new questions for you. 2*Was Mata Nui a back-up plan that the GB used when everything went real wron ? 3(Shattering of Spherus Magna as an example) 4*When Spherus Magna shatterd, what happend to the EP that was on it ? 5*Is Mata Nui supossed to bring something back from his journey ?
6Thanks for answering .
71) No, I wouldn't say that. 82) Floated out into space and froze, most likely 93) Not something physical, no
10I think we've got our wavy fields around BM. 11A thought just occured to me... what if the fields are the "two that must make them one"? I sent that to Greg, but it got eaten by the Inbox monster.
11. Did Ackar train any of the Glatorian we know (besides Mata Nui)?
22. In MLN BIONICLE Campaign, there is an item called Quick Silver Flux, depicted as a silvery liquid. Could this be liquid Protodermis remaining from the Great Beings' experiments?
33. Did the Great Beings work with Energized Protodermis socially (like Teridax did)?
44. I'm a bit confused. BS01 cites the Kaxium's main cycle's rider as "Kirbraz". S@H cites it as "Kibraz" (no "r"). Could you double-check or clarify which is the correct spelling?
55. In 2002, the weapon on the Exo-Toa's left arm was described as an Electro-Rocket. Does this refer to the blaster itself or its ammo?
65b. Is this weapon actually laced with electrical power?
71) I am sure he helped to train Malum 82) I had very little to nothing to do with the MLN story, so I really can't comment on this 93) Socially? I don't understand your question 104) The correct spelling is Kirbraz, but I will double check for you 115) Ammo 125b) As I recall, it did give off a surge of electrical energy when used against the Bahrag
133. What I mean is, when Teridax and EP experimented in Mangaia, they acted almost as partners (obviously, neither thought of the other as an equal, but nevertheless they worked together to satisfy their mutual curiosities). Was the GB's relationship with EP similar, or did they merely use it as a tool and avoid working together with it?
14Also, some more questions:
151. Were the female Skrall still affiliated with the Rock tribe, or were they affiliated with a different tribe?
162. Does "Aqua Magna" literally mean "Great Sea" in story?
173. In real life (outside the BIONICLE storyline) Umbra takes his name from Latin. Many 2009 place- and character-names are also derived from Latin Within a story context, is Umbra's name in the Agori rather than Matoran language?
184. Makuta's Guide to the Universe says The Shadowed One and Ancient are of the same species. Since Ancient has what looks to be a prehensile tail, can you confirm that TSO's apparent "third leg" is also a prehensile tail?
195. Is TSO's native land also the native land of his species?
206. Makuta's Guide to the Universe calls Tahu's Toa Tool "Rotating Fire Blades". Can this be considered the tool's official name? (The BS01 Wiki currently calls them "Rotating Blades", the same name used for Brutaka's weapon.)
213) The GBs did not know EP was sentient 221) They were really never affiliated with any tribe, since the males dealt with the rock tribe and didn't want the females around 232) Yes 243) Not that I am aware of, no 254) I would need to ask the model designer what he had in mind 265) Yes 276) Sure
28I've asked a follow-up question for #3 with my next batch of questions, so I hope to get an answer soon. Some of this stuff should be useful, though.
29EDIT: Follow-up and second batch now included. #3 of the first batch had an interesting result...
30EDIT2: And for the record...
31Just wanted to clarify two (probably self-evident) things so I don't accidentally start assuming things that are just speculation.
321. Is Aqua Magna composed primarily of Spherus Magna's Great Sea region, the same way the Bara Magna region became the Bara Magna planet?
332. Can Aqua Magna be considered the official name of Spherus Magna's Great Sea?
341) Yes 352) Yes
1well, my suspisions were correct
1Hey Greg I was reading Aqua Magna's page on BS01 and I was wondering some things
21 The page says that Aqua Magna has a moon is this Bara magna's other moon or another part of Spherus Magna?
32 Lehvak-kal and a swarm of Tahnok are in orbit around Aqua Magna, are these going to be important
41) I have not discussed the cosmology of the universe with the story team as yet 52) No, I have no plans to reintroduce them.
6Thanks ., I have some other questions,
73 In another question you said that the EP probably floated out into space and froze, are the two swoshes around Bara Magna and its moons the EP?
84 which part of Bara Magna and its moons is the Great Beign's fortress on?
93) No. 104) What fortress are you referring to?
11That was in an alt. universe, though, so you don't know that fortress even exists in the main timeline.
124 The one they live in in Brothers in arms
1Hi, Greg. I have a question for you.
21. On Bionicle.com, in the Bios-section, they count Telluris as a Glatorian. Is this right, or a misconception?
4Bink checked the set and the figure is Glatorian-sized. He is not a Glatorian in the sense of holding that job, but he is not an Agori.
5Yes . I actually got something .
1Hello, Greg. These are some questions:
21. If Mata Nui was sent on an interstellar voyage by the Great Beings to collect information or to obtain something and take it Spherus Magna, and it not being physical, is it possible for that "it" to be some type of special power or energy? 31a. If so, is it the same power that is sent through the Valley of the Maze described in Reign of Darkness? 41b. If it's not energy or power, is it knowledge?
52. Whatever he had to return, is it correct to assume (in the main universe) that he has obtained already 62a. If so, is it correct to assume that he obtained it 50,000 years before The Shattering, bearing in mind that it would take him another 50,000 years (in other words, the corrent time) to return to his starting point? (This is to complement timelines)
73. Is this objective located on a specific planet? Is this why he had to collect information from the planets Mata Nui visited?
84. Is this "it" strange in the universe or is it something upon what the integrity of a planet and its inhabitants (apart from Spherus Magna) depend on?
95. If the prototype robot was built before the emergency phase of The Shattering and it wasn't designed to house bio-nanotechnology, is it possible for it to be a weapon for the Great Beings to use to expand their conquest of other worlds with intentions of them learning, investigating and governing?
10Thanks, Kanohi Zatth
111) It's knowledge 122) Yes 132a) No. The Shattering happened 100,000 years ago. He left just before it happened. 143) No 154) No 165) No. The GBs are not conquerors.
1Dunno if you got this, so I'm resending.
2Hello, Greg. This is my first time asking you questions, and I have 8.
31.a. Did the GBs know that EP is sentient? 41.b. If so, did they Tell EP how to power MU? 51.c. Either way, does EP know how to shut down the MU? 61.d. Would being shut down kill Teridax? 71.e. Would it kill the MU inhabitants?
82. Will we ever learn the name tthe GBs gave to the baterra, or will they stay baterra?
93.a. Did the GBs create the red star inhabitants (RSI)? 103.b. If so, are they made of protodermis?
114. On SM, what glats do when not soldiering?
125. On SM, in times of peace, would agori and glats wear clothes instead of armor?
136. Out of the winter and summer sets, which are getting speaking roles in the movie?
147. Was maze Valley a GB fortress?
158. Out of curiosity, what kind of music do you listen to?
161) No 171c) No 181d) Yes 191e) Yes, same as Mata Nui's death would have
202) I don't plan to assign them two names, it would make things too confusing
213) Would make sense that they did 223b) Yes
234) Same thing an army does in a time of peace
245) No.
256) Mata Nui, Raanu, Berix, Metus, Kiina, Ackar, Strakk, Vastus, Tarix, Tuma, Gresh, and various unnamed Agori who are not sets
267) Can't answer it
278) Jazz, mostly
28Some new stuff for my first time asking.
1Hm, I wonder who is doing Tarix and Vastus's voices?