1So if there were inhabitants on Bots Magna, they would be called Agori?
2There are, and they are.
3I think this is new . Greg hasn't actually confirmed yet that there are Agori survivors on Bota Magna.
4We new that there were some other plague tribe survivors there but other than that...
5He never told us that there were survivors on the planet. he said it was possible. he has confirmed it now. also we will see the EL's i hope they are moddeled after sets that would be so awsome. and Mata Nui-Kiina wouldn't be very cool. I mean any romance in Bionicle isn't that cool but Gresh-Kiina would be better. If mata nui felt left out then, he could go to the Sisters of the Skrall .

1but mata nui still is the youngest glatorian on the planet
1No.....Gresh is if im correct
1Can we please discuss this elsewhere and get back to the Greg answers? 

1Welcome to the new 2Official Greg Discussion Topic3Official Greg Dialogue Topic . This topic is to serve as a centralized hub where members post quotes they received through Private Messaging with Greg Farshtey, the writer of the BIONICLE series. Questions are to be PMed to him, and when he replies, you may post the response here. You can send him a message by clicking here.
4As the name suggests, this topic is for discussing the information Greg provides through PMs. This means that:[list] 5[*]You post his replies in this topic. 6[*]You can comment on his answers.
7Ah hem. See the second one on the list.
1Can't comment that much, though.
1Welcome to the new 2Official Greg Discussion Topic3Official Greg Dialogue Topic . This topic is to serve as a centralized hub where members post quotes they received through Private Messaging with Greg Farshtey, the writer of the BIONICLE series. Questions are to be PMed to him, and when he replies, you may post the response here. You can send him a message by clicking here.
4As the name suggests, this topic is for discussing the information Greg provides through PMs. This means that:[list] 5[*]You post his replies in this topic. 6[*]You can comment on his answers.
7Ah hem. See the second one on the list.
8It's true you can comment on his answers. However, when you start replying to other people's comments, you've taken it too far. As a general rule of thumb, ten posts without any answers from Greg is considered too much.
1Luckily for you guys, I have some. Some Core War contest stuff.
21. In my story I have someone die. He dies because he gets hit by a barrage of energy bolts from a thornatus. Would this be all right (there's no blood or anything, just singes and dents)?
32. The Character that dies, Shooter, is a sniper. Did they have snipers in the war, or is it all right if he stays a sniper?
41) Yes 52) It's possible they did, yes
1Welcome to the new 2Official Greg Discussion Topic3Official Greg Dialogue Topic . This topic is to serve as a centralized hub where members post quotes they received through Private Messaging with Greg Farshtey, the writer of the BIONICLE series. Questions are to be PMed to him, and when he replies, you may post the response here. You can send him a message by clicking here.
4As the name suggests, this topic is for discussing the information Greg provides through PMs. This means that:[list] 5[*]You post his replies in this topic. 6[*]You can comment on his answers.
7Ah hem. See the second one on the list.
8It's true you can comment on his answers. However, when you start replying to other people's comments, you've taken it too far. As a general rule of thumb, ten posts without any answers from Greg is considered too much.
9I would say that 5-8 posts discussing one topic, not just 10 posts without a question. For example if 11 people see something and put there own opinion, that would be okay, but when a few people start discussing something back and forth for 5-8 posts, then it should get it's own topic. 10Sorry if I was not clear on that.
11On another note, how do you put a line through a sentence, like in Official Greg Discussion
1Welcome to the new 2Official Greg Discussion Topic3Official Greg Dialogue Topic . This topic is to serve as a centralized hub where members post quotes they received through Private Messaging with Greg Farshtey, the writer of the BIONICLE series. Questions are to be PMed to him, and when he replies, you may post the response here. You can send him a message by clicking here.
4As the name suggests, this topic is for discussing the information Greg provides through PMs. This means that:[list] 5[*]You post his replies in this topic. 6[*]You can comment on his answers.
7Ah hem. See the second one on the list.
8It's true you can comment on his answers. However, when you start replying to other people's comments, you've taken it too far. As a general rule of thumb, ten posts without any answers from Greg is considered too much.
9I would say that 5-8 posts discussing one topic, not just 10 posts without a question. For example if 11 people see something and put there own opinion, that would be okay, but when a few people start discussing something back and forth for 5-8 posts, then it should get it's own topic. 10Sorry if I was not clear on that.
11On another note, how do you put a line through a sentence, like in Official Greg Discussion
12Well, what you say has less impact.
13Also, use the tags "s" and "/s" (but obviously in brackets).
1Well I beleive that what he said would be a better rule of thumb, and what I said would make a better official rule.
1And then look how many posts we wasted debating this. See?
1I have only 2 questions this time, in search of answers to a couple of arguments:
21) Matoran wearing a Mask of Undeath When a Mask of Undeath is reanimating a body, the user's eyes are supposed to be empty and black. So, is the Matoran in this picture being reanimated by a Mask of Undeath? 32) Does the Bara Magna Element of Jungle include Air powers?
4That's all I have now, and I really appriciate the work you put into TLR movie.
51) There are no official pictures related to a mask of undeath, no. 62) No. Gresh was given air powers because, to Mata Nui, green is identified with the element of air
71) Okayyyyy.....that doesn't make sense... 82) Hah, I was right.
1Some people might find this one interesting... ![]()
2For my Core War Contest entry, would I be able to insinuate that two characters like each other, but not directly mention it? They would not be characters that you have created, and would be of the same species (Vorox).
3Yes, because romance can exist on Bara Magna, Bota Magna or Spherus Magna.
4wow . just dosent work in the MU. but i cant help but wonder how Agori and Glatorian are ''Brought into being'', ive asked greg this question, but he never answered.

1Hello Greg. As you probably assumed by the title, I only have one question.
2A while back you canonized that Vastus extract the venom for his weapon from a species of snake commonly found around Tesera. This is also the snake that Vastus models his armor after. This snake is also shown to have a talon-shaped growth on the tip of it's tail. 3In raid on Vulcanous Vastus is described as weilding a "Snake Venom Talon", however snakes do not actually have talons,but this snake has that talon shaped blade on it's tale, 4So would Talon-Snake be a good &reasonable name for this species of snake?
5Thank you so much, Redge the bat.
6And since it is my birdthday and I am feeling generous, take this evil bunny: 7(\_/) 8(O.o) 9(><)
11OH SNAP . I have now created a species of snake commonly found in tessera called the talon snake. The talon snake has a large talon like blade on the tip of it's tail, as well as venom powerful enough to paralyze a full-grown Glatorian. The Glatorian called Vastus extracts venom from Talon snakes to use in his weapon.
12I owned .
13Some of you may notice that I accidentally posted this in the TLR topic a while ago. my apologies.
4dude it was just a minor thing get over it 3OH SNAP . I have now created a species of snake commonly found in tessera called the talon snake. The talon snake has a large talon like blade on the tip of it's tail, as well as venom powerful enough to paralyze a full-grown Glatorian. The Glatorian called Vastus extracts venom from Talon snakes to use in his weapon. I owned .Some of you may notice that I accidentally posted this in the TLR topic a while ago. my apologies.1Hello Greg. As you probably assumed by the title, I only have one question.A while back you canonized that Vastus extract the venom for his weapon from a species of snake commonly found around Tesera. This is also the snake that Vastus models his armor after. This snake is also shown to have a talon-shaped growth on the tip of it's tail.In raid on Vulcanous Vastus is described as weilding a "Snake Venom Talon", however snakes do not actually have talons,but this snake has that talon shaped blade on it's tale,So would Talon-Snake be a good &reasonable name for this species of snake?Thank you so much, Redge the bat.And since it is my birdthday and I am feeling generous, take this evil bunny2Sure\_/)(O.o)(><)

8dude it was just a minor thing get over it 7OH SNAP . I have now created a species of snake commonly found in tessera called the talon snake. The talon snake has a large talon like blade on the tip of it's tail, as well as venom powerful enough to paralyze a full-grown Glatorian. The Glatorian called Vastus extracts venom from Talon snakes to use in his weapon. I owned .Some of you may notice that I accidentally posted this in the TLR topic a while ago. my apologies.5Hello Greg. As you probably assumed by the title, I only have one question.A while back you canonized that Vastus extract the venom for his weapon from a species of snake commonly found around Tesera. This is also the snake that Vastus models his armor after. This snake is also shown to have a talon-shaped growth on the tip of it's tail.In raid on Vulcanous Vastus is described as weilding a "Snake Venom Talon", however snakes do not actually have talons,but this snake has that talon shaped blade on it's tale,So would Talon-Snake be a good &reasonable name for this species of snake?Thank you so much, Redge the bat.And since it is my birdthday and I am feeling generous, take this evil bunny6Sure\_/)(O.o)(><)

4dude it was just a minor thing get over it 3OH SNAP . I have now created a species of snake commonly found in tessera called the talon snake. The talon snake has a large talon like blade on the tip of it's tail, as well as venom powerful enough to paralyze a full-grown Glatorian. The Glatorian called Vastus extracts venom from Talon snakes to use in his weapon. I owned .Some of you may notice that I accidentally posted this in the TLR topic a while ago. my apologies.1Hello Greg. As you probably assumed by the title, I only have one question.A while back you canonized that Vastus extract the venom for his weapon from a species of snake commonly found around Tesera. This is also the snake that Vastus models his armor after. This snake is also shown to have a talon-shaped growth on the tip of it's tail.In raid on Vulcanous Vastus is described as weilding a "Snake Venom Talon", however snakes do not actually have talons,but this snake has that talon shaped blade on it's tale,So would Talon-Snake be a good &reasonable name for this species of snake?Thank you so much, Redge the bat.And since it is my birdthday and I am feeling generous, take this evil bunny2Sure\_/)(O.o)(><)
8dude it was just a minor thing get over it 7OH SNAP . I have now created a species of snake commonly found in tessera called the talon snake. The talon snake has a large talon like blade on the tip of it's tail, as well as venom powerful enough to paralyze a full-grown Glatorian. The Glatorian called Vastus extracts venom from Talon snakes to use in his weapon. I owned .Some of you may notice that I accidentally posted this in the TLR topic a while ago. my apologies.5Hello Greg. As you probably assumed by the title, I only have one question.A while back you canonized that Vastus extract the venom for his weapon from a species of snake commonly found around Tesera. This is also the snake that Vastus models his armor after. This snake is also shown to have a talon-shaped growth on the tip of it's tail.In raid on Vulcanous Vastus is described as weilding a "Snake Venom Talon", however snakes do not actually have talons,but this snake has that talon shaped blade on it's tale,So would Talon-Snake be a good &reasonable name for this species of snake?Thank you so much, Redge the bat.And since it is my birdthday and I am feeling generous, take this evil bunny6Sure\_/)(O.o)(><)
9... someone took my post a little to seriously...
10In other words, "That was a joke..."
1I also seem to recall someone asking if he got the Venom from Dune Snakes, and he said yes. So yeah.
1I asked that a while ago, and he said no.
1Or if Metus is poisonous.
1I once asked Greg if the snakes on Vastus' armor were Dune-snake, and he seemed to poo-poo the idea. This means I'm going to have to re-write my story for that comp, now, because I'd sorta assumed that those were dune snakes. Oh well, I'm pretty happy with the name 'Talon Snake'. Confirmation would be cool, Dorek.
11) How much of the EM spectrum do Toa of Light cover? 21b) If a Toa of Light can't control the whole spectrum, could a Toa of Radiation exist? 32) Would radiation such as Gamma rays or X-rays cause illness to MU inhabitants (being made of Proto and all)?
41) Haven't thought about it 51b) I don't intend to introduce anything like that. 62) Unknown.
1Hi Greg, just saw the movie and I enjoyed it, I also liked the dialogue and little jokes in it too.
21) When the villages united, would they bother to let Malum back in? After all, he helped Ackar and Gelu in Raid on Vulcanus. 31a) Would Malum actually want to live there? 42) There are many jungle Agori in the movie who look exactly like Tarduk. Can you confirm one of them was Tarduk? 53) There are also many Elite Skrall who look exactly like Stronius. Can you confirm one of them was Stronius? 64) Does Sahmad and Telluris appear in the next comic?
7Thanks for reading.
81) No. He wouldn't come in without the Vorox, anyway, and they would never allow that for the same reason you wouldn't let someone move into your house with a pack of hyenas 91a No 102) No, one of them was not Tarduk 113) Likely 124) Sahmad does, Telluris does not
13About the first question; I just wanted to know if Malum would live with them.
1Hey Greg . Thanks for not killing off Tuma .![]()
2Just two questions today:
31) Iff (if and only if) Tuma had died, who would have become leader of the remaining Skrall? Stronius, Branar? Another named Skrall? 41b) Or is it possible they would have fallen upon each other and destroyed themselves?
52) According to BS01, Zesk can speak a broken version of Agori (language), is this canon?
81) Well, Tuma might as well be dead, since no one is going to follow him now. And the tribe has fragmented, with some operating on their own, some following Stronius, and no doubt some following other elite Skrall. 92) Yes. You see it in MLN.
10Thanks . Just a couple followups and one new question, and I'll be out of your hair![]()
111) Are/will The Fragmented (that an ok nickname?) (be)at war? 121b) And Tuma is too arrogant/stubborn/afraid to beg/ask the United Tribes for a place with them, am I right?
133) What 3 words would you describe Metus with? I say: Arrogant, greedy, audacious.
141) I don't think so, no. They have no reason to be. 151b) Oh, please, if he approached them, they would execute him. He's not that stupid. 163) I would probably say arrogant, ambitious, and deceitful
17Perhaps a description of Metus for BS01 when they allow TLR Spoilers?
1Hello Mr. Farshtey. (don't let the message title scare you)
21.) How ya' doin'?
32.) Where did Malum get his flame claws? I read on Bs01 that he only had a sword prior to his exhile.
43.) How do you put up with our endless questions?
54.) Why didn't Carapar kill Takadox? You'd think that he'd have gotten tired of being used as a puppet all the time...
65.) What were Takadox's plans for Kyhrex in Bionicle Legends 6#, City of the Lost? 75a.) Did these plans amount to anything.
86.) Who were the order agents sent to rig the volcano on Artidax?
97.) If it came to hand-to hand combat, how would the toa that we know of fair? (Against, say, Vortixx pirates with melee weapons)
108.) Could a toa throw a bamboo disk further than a matoran?
119.) In the books, characters are described as "hurling" disks from kanoka launchers. Does this mean that disks are scooped inot the laucher and hurled as if from a kohlii staff, or are they just fired from them and this is a misunderstanding? 129a.) Why did you write it that way?
1310a.) Who was the Dark Hunter sent to spy on the Dark Hunter "Vanisher?" 1410b.) Who was the second one sent to spy on both? 1510c.) Was "Vanisher" ever really working fro the B.O.M.?
1611.) Was the Dark Hunter Mimic ever reunited with his companion?
1712.) Why hasn't Shadow Stealer come to confront the Shadowed One yet?
1813.) What was Shadow Stealer's mission?
1914.) Why is Berix almost never seen with his Sword and shield in the comics? (He never has it in the movie)
2015.) Why is Metus's sword thing referred to as an "Ice-Axe?"
2116.) Why dosn't Metus have his Snowflake shield in the movie?
2217.) In the movie, Vastus and Tarix are holding their Thornax Launchers in their hands. But in the sets, the lauchers are attached to the weapons. Why is this so?
2318.) How was Malum occupying his time during the events of TLR? Let me guess, playing tick-tack-toe in the sand with a Vorox.![]()
24Well, I hope you can answer my questions, and I guess you did have to fear the message title.![]()
25Sincerely, Trimuma the bane of spam.
261) Good, but a I'm a little tired. 272) Salvaged them 283) If I am not in the mood for them, I don't come here. 294) Carapar was, by nature, a follower. Followers tend to be easy to manipulate. 305) Since the Barraki lost, I would have to say no, they didn't amount to anything 316) Not beings you know 327) Impossible to predict the outcome of a fight, too many potential variables 338) Yes, because a Toa is physically stronger. 349) Because LEGO would not have been as comfortable with the word "fired," since it makes it sound like a gun. 3510a-10b) Not characters we named in story 3610c) Hasn't been revealed 3711) No 3812) Hasn't found him, in the wake of all the chaos post-2008 3913) It's been years since I wrote anything about him, so I don't recall it off the top of my head 4014) Because he wasn't drawn with it. 4115) Cause that is the name it was given by the BIONICLE team in Denmark 4216) Most likely because that piece was not designed yet when the movie was being made. 4317) I'm not a set designer, so I can't speak to this 4418) Doing what he always does -- seeing to the safety and health of his people. When you live in a desert, you are fighting for survival every day.
45Well, that was...full of almost no new info.

46Trimuma, the bane of spam.
1Well, we saw Strakk carrying Metus' shield, so the piece was designed. The simplest answer is that he was never in any situations during the movie in which he needed to carry a shield.
1Hello Greg just some varied questions, mainly on TLR 21 Can you predict when the next EOS chapter is going to be released? 32 the EL of rock commanded the rock tribe, wouldn't he realise the shield is a map for the valley of the maze (assuming it is) take one and use it?
43 Why did you pick metus to be the traitor? 54 Before the final battle did metus tell tuma the secret to bet a baterra? 65 In TLR noone seems to remember the core war, is there a reason? 76 in TLR Mata Nui gives the glatorian powers by touching their weapons, not the glatorian yet it is the glatorian who have the powers, why is this? 87 where will the skrall go after the movie, will they stay in the desert or go north? 98 are the rock agori still loyal to the skrall or will they attempt to be part of the new city?
101) Hopefully this week 112) He may well have tried to do so at some point, GB.
123) Cause I felt he fit. He was a deal-maker, by nature, and deal-makers are often people who have to look out for themselves, who work angles, who think a few steps ahead. Someone like that would look at the Skrall, figure they were going to win, and start thinking about how to cut himself in. 134) Nope 145) Because the name of the war and the history of it did not yet exist when we made the movie. I invented all that later on. 156) Because he didn't need to physically touch them to give them power. The Ignika can work at a distance. 167) Mostly scattered in the desert -- to the north are the baterra, after all 178) Rock Agori would not be welcomed in the new city.
19"If you're wondering how he eats and breathes, and other science facts/Just repeat to yourself, "It's just a show, I should really just relax." -- MST3K
15. It seems like most of the elemental tribes on Spherus Magna resided on Bara Magna. I believe that before the Shattering, three tribes lived on Bota Magna. I recall the Rock Tribe, Jungle Tribe, and the Plague Tribe. Is this correct? Basically, I am asking which tribes were living on the Bota Magna part of Spherus Magna. 26. Before the Shattering, which tribes were living on the Bara Magna part of Spherus Magna? 37. The tribes seemed to live near the elements they represent. Was this the same case for the Plague Tribe on Bota Magna?
45) You have to remember that even tribes whose main village was not in a certain area still had outposts there, in many cases. Tajun, for example, was not the main city of the water tribe, but it was an outpost for them in Bara Magna. 56) Fire, water and sand, definitely. 67) Since we haven't identified their element, no way to say
1I spoke to greg a lot, very indirectly, about 2010. 2This is the best I got.
3which character would be able to make the best guess as to what's going to happen next year?
5Tren Krom?
7Mata Nui?
8the Great beings?
10please give the best answer you can
11Brutaka has a pretty good idea of what will happen if things don't change.
1Hi Greg.
2With the recent confirmation that Glatorian can love -Or Bara Magnians, Can't remember- I was wondering of Gresh and Kiina. 3In the movie Kiina was worried about Gresh after the attack on Tajun. Even not letting Berix "touching Gresh" when the Agori offered to help Gresh.
4Here's my question, does Gresh have feelings for Kiina, or the other way around?
5Thank you.
6Neither. They're friends. Kiina looks at Gresh more as a little brother.
7Daaaaaaaaaaarn 8No Kiina x Gresh ;.;