1An old Q&A from Greg I never posted.
2QUOTE 3Hi Greg,
4I have a few questions about Bara Magna.
51. Does the majority of the Glatorian population work for the villages?
62. Was the Skopio (creature) created by the GBs?
7And some questions about the Core War:
81. Were there any battle that involved thousands of warriors?
92. Were some Glatorian-species (aside from the ELs) ever actually generals?
103. Did the ELs always personally lead their troops?
114. Did the tribes have chroniclers?
125. Were the Bone Hunters involved in the Core War?
136. Were fortresses built and used during the Core War? 146a. If so, were sieges conducted?
15Thanks in advance .
161) On Bara Magna, yes 172) No 181) Hundreds, probably, not thousands 192) No 203) No. Generals do not charge forth in battle, they stay behind the lines and give orders. 214) No 225) Only as scavengers. 236) No. The only piece of land that mattered was where the EP spring was, and you couldn't build a fortress on top of it because the EP would transform the stone or destroy it.
2QUOTE 3Hi Greg,
4I have a few questions about Bara Magna.
51. Does the majority of the Glatorian population work for the villages?
62. Was the Skopio (creature) created by the GBs?
7And some questions about the Core War:
81. Were there any battle that involved thousands of warriors?
92. Were some Glatorian-species (aside from the ELs) ever actually generals?
103. Did the ELs always personally lead their troops?
114. Did the tribes have chroniclers?
125. Were the Bone Hunters involved in the Core War?
136. Were fortresses built and used during the Core War? 146a. If so, were sieges conducted?
15Thanks in advance .
161) On Bara Magna, yes 172) No 181) Hundreds, probably, not thousands 192) No 203) No. Generals do not charge forth in battle, they stay behind the lines and give orders. 214) No 225) Only as scavengers. 236) No. The only piece of land that mattered was where the EP spring was, and you couldn't build a fortress on top of it because the EP would transform the stone or destroy it.
3I have watched it. It means nothing, as for all we know the entire story after the movie will be fixed in the last comic this year, and they start again next year. It's just nice to have some confirmation.
1There's been quite a buzz in the TLR Topic about a reply you sent to a member after he had asked about the new BM romance issue and Kiina. While you said Kiina "wouldn't date Berix on a bet", you said that Kiina has feelings for Mata Nui.
2Now, do you mean actual, romantic feelings? I understand that if this is true, it couldn't be looked into in the story, since most of the target audience is not into that kind of thing, but I expect it would please a lot of Bionicle romance fans and fanfic writers.
3Just wanting to clear that up.
4That is what I meant, yes. Doesn't mean they will be acted upon, but they will be implied in the 2010 novel.
5Kiina and Mata Nui/sittin' in a tree/K-I-S-S-I-N-G
6Comence "eww"ing.

1Hey guys, wanna use spoiler tags? 2Kiina barely appears in 2010.
3Great. (Obiously taht's sarcasm) but, how do you know? I mean, not fair .
4Hi Greg. Recently a member in the offical TLR topic posted a captured image from his messanger that contained an answer from you saing that Kiina and Mata Nui would have a romance in 2010. Myself and the other members now belive this to be fake but I wanted to ask you and make sure if the image was edited or not. 5I would post the image, but either brickshelf is down or it was removed so I can't.
6I never said they would "have a romance" -- Kiina barely appears in 2010. The person who asked me was suggesting she was going to have a thing with Berix, which is ridiculous, and I said if she had feelings for anyone, it would be Mata Nui.
7PM I sent Gre yesterday. i put it in TLR topic but forgot to put it here.
1But...they barely even talk in the movie.
1Okay, can we please stop talking about who might fall in love with whom? Especially since it won't really come up in story.
1Hello Greg, just some questions:
21)When Mata Nui upgraded Vastus' weapon, does Vastus still have the venom on it? 31a)If so, did he triggered the venom when fighting the skrall in the movie? 42)Can the glatorians use their powers without the weapons or do they need them? 53)Even though he never made an appearance in the movie, did he took part in the fight with the skrall? 64)If Mata Nui upgraded the Skrall's weapons would they have elemental powers too? 74a)Same with Vorox? 85)2011 will have a movie, correct? 96)In the OGD, a member wrote that was the sand EL was a vortixx. You said yes, did you meant vorox?
10That's all. Thanks in advance .
111) Yes, and there is no mention in the script of him using the venom in the final battle 122) They use them as a focus, same as the Toa always did 133) Who? 144) It wasn't about upgrading their weapons so much as it was about granting them elemental powers, so yes, he could have done that. 154a) Yes 165) I cannot discuss anything beyond 2009 176) Yes
18Added spoilers just in case.
1Hello Greg, just some questions:
21)When Mata Nui upgraded Vastus' weapon, does Vastus still have the venom on it? 31a)If so, did he triggered the venom when fighting the skrall in the movie? 42)Can the glatorians use their powers without the weapons or do they need them? 53)Even though he never made an appearance in the movie, did he took part in the fight with the skrall? 64)If Mata Nui upgraded the Skrall's weapons would they have elemental powers too? 74a)Same with Vorox? 85)2011 will have a movie, correct? 96)In the OGD, a member wrote that was the sand EL was a vortixx. You said yes, did you meant vorox?
10That's all. Thanks in advance .
111) Yes, and there is no mention in the script of him using the venom in the final battle 122) They use them as a focus, same as the Toa always did 133) Who? 144) It wasn't about upgrading their weapons so much as it was about granting them elemental powers, so yes, he could have done that. 154a) Yes 165) I cannot discuss anything beyond 2009 176) Yes
18Added spoilers just in case.
206- Yeah, that was a mistake on my pardon

1But...they barely even talk in the movie.
3Mata Nui and Kiina, most likely.
4-makuta of xhini nui-
5I've seen the movie. They talk a lot.
6Not to each other. Not beyond their opening meeting, which was more about "wow you're from space" than anything else. Mata Nui develops a relationship with Ackar, and Kiina develops a relationship with Berix, but beyond that first scene, they barely communicate.
1Hi Greg,
2Thanks so much for your extremely helpful answers to my most recent line of questioning. I have a couple more, if you don't mind.
31) Do you think the name "Stinger Sword" would be appropriate for Mata Nui's weapon? It's a hot button issue for those fans who see this weapon as an important piece of story, supporting Mata Nui's ability to "create." Do you have a personal preference for the name?
42) Leva Bay is a geographic feature of the former island of Mata Nui, located on the northern shore of Po-Wahi. There is a lot of activity in the Mata Nui Online Game (which I know you weren't involved with) dealing with traveling to and from an unspecified shoreline in Po-Wahi. I understand that you are sick of retconning ancient storyline, but this matches perfectly and does not affect or change any other element of storyline. If you could approve this shoreline being the Leva Bay coastline, that would solve a lot of controversy on BS01 about our Leva Bay article.
5Thank you for your time, it is GREATLY appreciated.
6Triggy 7BS01 Staff
81) I really have no preference, we had no plans ever to name it. 92) Fine, go ahead


1But...they barely even talk in the movie.
3Mata Nui and Kiina, most likely.
4-makuta of xhini nui-
5I've seen the movie. They talk a lot.
6Not to each other. Not beyond their opening meeting, which was more about "wow you're from space" than anything else. Mata Nui develops a relationship with Ackar, and Kiina develops a relationship with Berix, but beyond that first scene, they barely communicate.
1Hey Greg . Thanks for not killing off Tuma .![]()
2Just two questions today:
31) Iff (if and only if) Tuma had died, who would have become leader of the remaining Skrall? Stronius, Branar? Another named Skrall? 41b) Or is it possible they would have fallen upon each other and destroyed themselves?
52) According to BS01, Zesk can speak a broken version of Agori (language), is this canon?
81) Well, Tuma might as well be dead, since no one is going to follow him now. And the tribe has fragmented, with some operating on their own, some following Stronius, and no doubt some following other elite Skrall. 92) Yes. You see it in MLN.
1So MataxKiina. Whut?
1So MataxKiina. Whut?
2Wow Another person who loves WALL-E .![]()
Be my friend?
3off topic 4Whatever
5I love Wall-e too .
6Here's something you guys might find interesting.
7Hi Greg, just wondering if you could answer this question.
8On the map of Bara-Magna which is available to print off Bionicle.com, there are two areas, the first of which is called "Gatherers Ridge" and is located inbetween the Black Spike Mountains and Tesara. The other is closer to Roxtus and is called the "Gatherers Hideout" and is located in a cave under the Dark Falls.
9So, who are these "Gatherers," and will they be an important part in the story?
10Thanks .
11Gatherers was the original name was kicked around for the bone hunters.
12This could be old news but I'm not sure.
1I like Gatherers.
1So MataxKiina. Whut?
2Wow Another person who loves WALL-E .![]()
Be my friend?
3off topic 4Whatever
5I love Wall-e too .
6Here's something you guys might find interesting.
7Hi Greg, just wondering if you could answer this question.
8On the map of Bara-Magna which is available to print off Bionicle.com, there are two areas, the first of which is called "Gatherers Ridge" and is located inbetween the Black Spike Mountains and Tesara. The other is closer to Roxtus and is called the "Gatherers Hideout" and is located in a cave under the Dark Falls.
9So, who are these "Gatherers," and will they be an important part in the story?
10Thanks .
11Gatherers was the original name was kicked around for the bone hunters.
12This could be old news but I'm not sure.
13I asked about that a while ago.
1There's been quite a buzz in the TLR Topic about a reply you sent to a member after he had asked about the new BM romance issue and Kiina. While you said Kiina "wouldn't date Berix on a bet", you said that Kiina has feelings for Mata Nui.
2Now, do you mean actual, romantic feelings? I understand that if this is true, it couldn't be looked into in the story, since most of the target audience is not into that kind of thing, but I expect it would please a lot of Bionicle romance fans and fanfic writers.
3Just wanting to clear that up.
4That is what I meant, yes. Doesn't mean they will be acted upon, but they will be implied in the 2010 novel.
5Kiina and Mata Nui/sittin' in a tree/K-I-S-S-I-N-G
6Comence "eww"ing.
1Hey Greg, I have a question. How do you put up with all of us and our incessant babbling?
1You have to PM him, he does NOT visit this topic.
1... I feel weird. I didn't ask anything about the BIONICLE Storyline. And I'm only going to show the questions here.
25He hasn't seen his own movie? . He must be REALLY busy. Oh, and I would like to be an author someday if I can't reach my other dream job, so I was curious about how much he earned. I didn't want to be rude.
26Zippy: TOL'ning
21. First off, how are you?
32. What's your favourite colour?
43. Have you seen the Legend Reborn yet? 53a. If so, were you happy with it? Personally, I loved it and so did my little brother.
64. What would be your favourite era of BIONICLE?
75. Do you ever get bugged by the constant critisism BIONICLE gets?
86. How much do you earn, salary wise? (I don't mean to be rude, I'm just curious)
97. What's your favourite song at the moment?
108. Do you know if there are any plans for a Brick-Con in Australia? I feel really left out when it's mentioned. 118a. On that note, do you have any plans to visit Australia in the future?
129. Have you written any other stories? (As in, not BIONICLE-related)
1310. What's the most common question you're asked?
141) Kinda tired 152) Blue 163) No, not yet, been too busy 174) 2004, only because that is when I got to start writing novels. 185) Not really. I wish everyone loved everything, but that's not going to happen. And I keep in mind that the criticism I see is mainly being done by teenagers -- and the line is not aimed at teenagers. It's being aimed at 9 year olds, so of course there are things teens won't like about it. 196) I see no reason to share this, it's personal 207) "Window Washing Cowboy" by Da Vinci's Notebook 218) No idea, but that's not my area of the company. I don't oversee events. 228a) I wish I could, but if I do, it would probably be on my own, not for LEGO. 239) Yes. I had three novels published and wrote or co-wrote over 35 roleplaying game books before I came to LEGO. 2410) These days, stuff about 2010
25He hasn't seen his own movie? . He must be REALLY busy. Oh, and I would like to be an author someday if I can't reach my other dream job, so I was curious about how much he earned. I didn't want to be rude.

26Zippy: TOL'ning
1There's been quite a buzz in the TLR Topic about a reply you sent to a member after he had asked about the new BM romance issue and Kiina. While you said Kiina "wouldn't date Berix on a bet", you said that Kiina has feelings for Mata Nui.
2Now, do you mean actual, romantic feelings? I understand that if this is true, it couldn't be looked into in the story, since most of the target audience is not into that kind of thing, but I expect it would please a lot of Bionicle romance fans and fanfic writers.
3Just wanting to clear that up.
4That is what I meant, yes. Doesn't mean they will be acted upon, but they will be implied in the 2010 novel.
5Kiina and Mata Nui/sittin' in a tree/K-I-S-S-I-N-G
6Comence "eww"ing.
7Ew .
8Anyway, this is pretty interesting. I wonder what the scene will look like?
10But I doubt Mata Nui would feel the same way. But...
11Makuta: Mata and Kiina sitting in tr-
12Mata Nui: SHUT UP . . . . .
11. You named the forested planet Bota Magna right? 22. The Northern Frost is there. Are there any mountains, volcanos, etc.? 33. What is the name of the forest that the Element Lord of the Jungle ruled? 44. Do the Element Lord's have their own forms? In The Riddle of the Great Beings, they appear as what their environment is. Like the Element Lord of the Jungle is made out of sticks, vines, and leaves. 55. Are Matoran the same thing as Agori just called different things on different planets?
6Thanks, 7Gresh9696
81) Yes 92) Mountains, yes. Volcanoes, no. 103) We haven't named it in story 114) Yes, they do, which will be shown in Papercutz' BIONICLE graphic novel 125) No. Agori are natives of Spherus Magna who are mainly organic with some mechanical implants. Matoran are primarily mechanical and are artificially constructed nanotech designed to live inside the Mata Nui robot.
13So if there were inhabitants on Bots Magna, they would be called Agori?
14There are, and they are.
6Thanks, 7Gresh9696
81) Yes 92) Mountains, yes. Volcanoes, no. 103) We haven't named it in story 114) Yes, they do, which will be shown in Papercutz' BIONICLE graphic novel 125) No. Agori are natives of Spherus Magna who are mainly organic with some mechanical implants. Matoran are primarily mechanical and are artificially constructed nanotech designed to live inside the Mata Nui robot.
13So if there were inhabitants on Bots Magna, they would be called Agori?
14There are, and they are.
1There's been quite a buzz in the TLR Topic about a reply you sent to a member after he had asked about the new BM romance issue and Kiina. While you said Kiina "wouldn't date Berix on a bet", you said that Kiina has feelings for Mata Nui.
2Now, do you mean actual, romantic feelings? I understand that if this is true, it couldn't be looked into in the story, since most of the target audience is not into that kind of thing, but I expect it would please a lot of Bionicle romance fans and fanfic writers.
3Just wanting to clear that up.
4That is what I meant, yes. Doesn't mean they will be acted upon, but they will be implied in the 2010 novel.
5Kiina and Mata Nui/sittin' in a tree/K-I-S-S-I-N-G
6Comence "eww"ing.
7Ew .
8Anyway, this is pretty interesting. I wonder what the scene will look like?
10But I doubt Mata Nui would feel the same way. But...
11Makuta: Mata and Kiina sitting in tr-
12Mata Nui: SHUT UP . . . . .
13Do you all know what you have done? You have made another lame love fad for the Short Stories Forum.
14I'm sort of wondering where the GBs took refuge after the Shattering.
1There's been quite a buzz in the TLR Topic about a reply you sent to a member after he had asked about the new BM romance issue and Kiina. While you said Kiina "wouldn't date Berix on a bet", you said that Kiina has feelings for Mata Nui.
2Now, do you mean actual, romantic feelings? I understand that if this is true, it couldn't be looked into in the story, since most of the target audience is not into that kind of thing, but I expect it would please a lot of Bionicle romance fans and fanfic writers.
3Just wanting to clear that up.
4That is what I meant, yes. Doesn't mean they will be acted upon, but they will be implied in the 2010 novel.
5Kiina and Mata Nui/sittin' in a tree/K-I-S-S-I-N-G
6Comence "eww"ing.
7Ew .
8Anyway, this is pretty interesting. I wonder what the scene will look like?
10But I doubt Mata Nui would feel the same way. But...
11Makuta: Mata and Kiina sitting in tr-
12Mata Nui: SHUT UP . . . . .
13Do you all know what you have done? You have made another lame love fad for the Short Stories Forum.
14I'm sort of wondering where the GBs took refuge after the Shattering.
15They went to a motel.
17Thats interesting. For the first time in about 10 years, the concept of romance will be introduced (canon-wise).
1Oh ...great....STOP THE MATA KIINA and lets get somewhatback on topic. Half of the last 3 pages are filled with matxkiina.
1You guys are missing the big picture here. Element Lords in the graphic novel? Heck yeah . I thought it would only be the Baterra that would be visualized.
1Yeah, that makes GN #8 sooo much higher up on my list of awesomeness. I also want to see Malum totally owning the Vorox leader though.