1Dear Greg,
21. What are the statuses of the stasis-contained toa and mimic's friend now that Odina is overrun?
32. What happened to the Piraka now that Daxia is under Teridax's control?
51) Unchanged 62) Hasn't been revealed yet, but Teridax has no real reason to want to harm them, they are no threat to him. They are sea snakes at this point.
1Dear Greg,
21. What are the statuses of the stasis-contained toa and mimic's friend now that Odina is overrun?
32. What happened to the Piraka now that Daxia is under Teridax's control?
51) Unchanged 62) Hasn't been revealed yet, but Teridax has no real reason to want to harm them, they are no threat to him. They are sea snakes at this point.
7At this point? Could Greg be thinking of bringing back the Piraka into the story??? YAY .
1Here is some kind of confirmation about BIONICLE 5 being an alternate universe:
15Somebody could ask him full confirmation.
16EDIT: Nevermind, I already sent the question by myself.
22I understand him.
2Dear Greg, as we all know, you recently released the treatment of cancelled BIONICLE 5. In one comment, you said that the sotry could take place in an alternate universe. here's the quote:GregF
3Personally, I love the bio-mechanical dinosaurs, they were my favorite thing about the picture.
4To those saying the movie should be made, etc., sadly it wouldn't make sense to do -- because the way first half 2010 events shape up, none of this could have happened. So at best it's an alt. universe story now.
5Wrinkledlion -- Not to my knowledge. That does not mean "no," it simply means that if the set designers had done any work toward 2010 along these lines, I was not made aware of it.
6So my question is, could the story be about events in an alternate universe? So all in the story is canon except the names?
7If answer to the question is no, ignore these questions.
81) What was the breaking point in this AU? The moment when Mata Nui sent his companions back to desert in main reality but not here?
92) Berix and Gresh still later returned to mega-city, right?
103) Did Teridax left the Aqua Magna at the same moment as in the main universe or did he stay?
11Yes, that is a possibility, Gahlok.
121) There are a number of them. Kiina and Ackar did not get new armor in main universe, for one. But the big one is that Mata Nui decides to proceed to the volcano alone rather than bringing them with him. 132) Yes 143) He probably would have left somewhat later than he did in main universe.
15Somebody could ask him full confirmation.
16EDIT: Nevermind, I already sent the question by myself.
18So my question is, could the story [BIONICLE 5 treatment] be about events in an alternate universe? So all in the story is canon except the names?
19Yes, that is a possibility, Gahlok.
20Now I ask you: can you confirm the BIONICLE 5 treatment as an canon alternate universe with new character names being non-canon? Or do you want until we have seen the Great Volcano elsewhere in the story?
21I'd rather wait until later
22I understand him.
1I feel like we never really got to know the Matoran culture very well... so I have a few questions that I hope will clear things up for me 2Most of these questions relate to pre-Cataclysm Metru-Nui, which I assume is a pretty standard example of Matoran life. I'd appreciate it if you highlighted points where it was different, though.
31. Do Matoran often leave their Metru, whether on vacation, business, or a trip to see a friend? 42. Matoran are built to work... do they have hobbies outside their work? 53. Do they have free time, or is most of their day occupied by their work? 64. Are Matoran compensated for their work? (i.e. do they trade their results with other Matoran, or do they just do it because it's their duty?) 75. Does a Matoran choose his own occupation, or is it chosen for him by someone else (maybe the Turaga?) 86. Can a Matoran change occupations?
97. Post-Mask of Light Metru Nui now... do they still play Kohlii?
101) Yes, that happens, more for some than others. 112) Yes 123) They must have some free time, or they could not have played/attended akilini matches 134) Yes, in widgets 145) It's generally chosen for him. 156) If they show a real aptitude for something else, then yes, the Turaga are willing to consider to that. 167) They really have had no time to do that on Metru Nui, between rebuilding the city and then being conquered by Teridax.
17Thank goodness... for some reason I thought that Turaga were communists...
1Its been a long time since I sent you a message. I have a single question to ask you thats been on my mind.
2Setwise, both Ackar and the original Tahu Mata sets have the same bright red colors, a color that has not really been been on sets for a long time. Both are great heroes and both carry a flame sword. Now this maybe a sheer coincidence in terms of sets, but I have an idea that might give a little story insight upon it.
3Would it be possible that when the Great Beings were influencing the creation of the Mata, they used Ackar's appearance and design in particular as inspiration in making an appearance for Tahu? It could be possible that during the Core War, a Great Being saw Ackar's passion and courageous heart and thought of using it for an important hero the MU might need someday.
4Is this okay with you?
5I'd rather not get that specific with it. The GBs would have been unlikely to be inspired by the actions of someone fighting in a war that they abhorred.
6Hmm, makes sense. How about this, instead of being inspired by his actions, the Great Beings simply saw Ackar, liked his armor design, so they thought they would use it for Tahu.
7Would that be okay?
8Thanks in advance.
9I am okay with that.
10Connects old fans with newer ones.
11Thanks GregF.
1Do consider, the Great Beings probably are the ones who built Ackar's armor in the first place.
1That's a ridiculous connection @_@ The Great Beings probably didn't create Ackar's armor, anyway. His tool, possibly, but there's nothing special about his armor that says the GB's made it.
1Wait, didn't Artakha create Tahu? If so, how would he know about Ackar?
1Didn't Artakha design them?
3We know Artahka built the Toa Mata... but then again, thousands of kids around the world build their favorite bionicle... doesn't mean they designed them at the start.
4I'm inclined to believe that Artahka built them off of blueprints... seeing as he needed the parts from the Great Beings to make them.
1Didn't Artakha design them?
3We know Artahka built the Toa Mata... but then again, thousands of kids around the world build their favorite bionicle... doesn't mean they designed them at the start.
4I'm inclined to believe that Artahka built them off of blueprints... seeing as he needed the parts from the Great Beings to make them.
5Well, the blueprints would be Helryx, not Ackar.
1Well, the Artakha article on BS01 says: 2"The Great Beings provided Artakha with the necessary materials to create a team of Toa that would awaken Mata Nui and prevent the universe from dying." 3Assuming this is correct, they indeed were able to make sure the Toa Mata would end up with specific colors.
1So far we have seen two Toa or Turaga Kaita, and one Matoran nui, but no Toa/Turaga nui or Matoran Kaita. This led me to a few questions:
21. Is the process of forming a Toa/Turaga Nui different or more difficult than for a Kaita?
3Thank you very much for your time . 4-Kehuri
51) First off, there is no such thing as a Toa Nui. As for a Turaga Nui, we have never shown one because I do not believe we ever did a combo model of all six Turaga
6I admit I'm a little disappointed that there's no such thing as a Toa Nui...
7Sorry to dig this up but, I highly remember a Turaga Nui...Sorry if it had been answered already, I didn't go thru the following 2 pages. 8http://biosector01.com/wiki/images/d/d8/Set_Turaga_Nui.png 9I remember it cause there was no instructions and I had to do it by sight, just like the weird Moltoran combos

1That reminds me... I wonder if it could be that Kiina's spirit and skill inspired the Great Beings to create the first Toa, Helyrx, and make all Water types like her female.
11) If the Toa Nuva had never awakened Mata Nui, could he have survived indefinitely in a comatose state?
22)How rare would you say are the Masks of Reanimation?
33)I read that the Mask of Life was turning black because of lack of balance in the MU, but what exactly was the cause of this lack of balance?
44) We know that all beings in the BIONICLE reality have a destiny (including those not in the MU). My question is if a "higher destiny" exists as well as destinies Mata Nui gives to MU inhabitants. Are the MU destinies just purposes that Mata Nui gives to his people, while they could really have a different "higher destiny?" For example, Mata Nui gives the Toa Nuva the destiny to awaken him if needed, but what if they die before accomplishing this task? Would dying be their "higher destiny?"
51) I would say no. I would think eventually his power source would run down. 62) Quite rare 73) The Makuta being in Karda Nui 84) Interesting question. I would need to think about it. I think it deserves more than quickie answer.
22)How rare would you say are the Masks of Reanimation?
33)I read that the Mask of Life was turning black because of lack of balance in the MU, but what exactly was the cause of this lack of balance?
44) We know that all beings in the BIONICLE reality have a destiny (including those not in the MU). My question is if a "higher destiny" exists as well as destinies Mata Nui gives to MU inhabitants. Are the MU destinies just purposes that Mata Nui gives to his people, while they could really have a different "higher destiny?" For example, Mata Nui gives the Toa Nuva the destiny to awaken him if needed, but what if they die before accomplishing this task? Would dying be their "higher destiny?"
51) I would say no. I would think eventually his power source would run down. 62) Quite rare 73) The Makuta being in Karda Nui 84) Interesting question. I would need to think about it. I think it deserves more than quickie answer.
1I never post any Questions to Greg, so tell me how do i do it ?
1Yay . We get to see the Mahri again .
1i have a couple Questions about the new book coming in 2010
21 will there be new Characters in the new book ? 32 who is your fav Character in 2010 sets ? 43 will the book be longer than raid on vulcanus ? 54 in the book will we see jaller and co ? 65 is malum evil becuse in raid on vulcanus he gives me the massage that he is Mentally Unstable ? 76 will the bone hunters side with Teridax 87 will kiina play a large or minor role in 2010 ? 98 will malum be in the new book in 2010 ?
10thanks lord of ice
111) Only the Stars characters 122) I don't really have one 133) No 144) No 155) Malum has anger management issues. I don't consider him evil, after all, he helped Ackar against the Bone Hunters 166) No. Teridax doesn't need anyone from Bara Magna to "side" with him. 177) Minor in the first half, and I don't know about the second half 188) No. New book focuses mainly on the Stars and on Mata Nui and Makuta.
21 will there be new Characters in the new book ? 32 who is your fav Character in 2010 sets ? 43 will the book be longer than raid on vulcanus ? 54 in the book will we see jaller and co ? 65 is malum evil becuse in raid on vulcanus he gives me the massage that he is Mentally Unstable ? 76 will the bone hunters side with Teridax 87 will kiina play a large or minor role in 2010 ? 98 will malum be in the new book in 2010 ?
10thanks lord of ice
111) Only the Stars characters 122) I don't really have one 133) No 144) No 155) Malum has anger management issues. I don't consider him evil, after all, he helped Ackar against the Bone Hunters 166) No. Teridax doesn't need anyone from Bara Magna to "side" with him. 177) Minor in the first half, and I don't know about the second half 188) No. New book focuses mainly on the Stars and on Mata Nui and Makuta.
1So my question is, could the story [BIONICLE 5 treatment] be about events in an alternate universe? So all in the story is canon except the names?
2Yes, that is a possibility, Gahlok.
3Now I ask you: can you confirm the BIONICLE 5 treatment as an canon alternate universe with new character names being non-canon? Or do you want until we have seen the Great Volcano elsewhere in the story?
4I'd rather wait until later
5I understand him.
6Due, anything's possible in any infinite number of random alternate universes. That'd be almost like canonizing a universe where Mata Nui is actually a flying potato man.
1i have a couple Questions about the new book coming in 2010
21 will there be new Characters in the new book ? 32 who is your fav Character in 2010 sets ? 43 will the book be longer than raid on vulcanus ? 54 in the book will we see jaller and co ? 65 is malum evil becuse in the book it gives me the massage that he is Mentally Unstable ? 76 will the bone hunters side with Teridax 87 will kiina play a large or minor role in 2010 ? 98 will malum be in the new book in 2010 ?
10thanks lord of ice
111) Only the Stars characters 122) I don't really have one 133) No 144) No 155) Malum has anger management issues. I don't consider him evil, after all, he helped Ackar against the Bone Hunters 166) No. Teridax doesn't need anyone from Bara Magna to "side" with him. 177) Minor in the first half, and I don't know about the second half 188) No. New book focuses mainly on the Stars and on Mata Nui and Makuta.
19You know... "Malum" means "evil" in Latin. Oh yeah it can also mean "apple".
1Hey, I just want to ask, we know that Mata Nui's destiny is to pull Spherus Magna back together right? If so, is there any particular reason why the MU was created inside of him. Because if the Great Beings wanted Mata Nui to pull SM back together, why did they need to make an entire universe inside him?
2Well, let me ask one back to you -- your destiny is to be, say, rich and famous. Inside you, there are organs, blood, bacteria floating around, some good, some bad -- why do you need all that?
3MN is a giant robot, and the islands, continents, etc. are his organs. The Matoran and the rest are nanotech there to make him run efficiently. Their AI is such that they developed an emotional life and a programming glitch altered their sense of what they were and where they were, so that they remembered Mata Nui as a Great Spirit to be honored and not a robot they were inside of.
4Just thought i'd post that, so it was a glitch that caused the Matoran etc to develop emotions.
1Spoilers about comic 6
101) Click is not a factor at all in first half 2010 story, and Tahu and Nektann are not in there because Tahu as not arrived yet by the time that issue ends -- he is behind Takanuva -- and I wanted to focus on the Rahkshi initially. 112) Bingo, go to the head of the class. 123) Yes 133b) Well, we shall see in the second issue 144) Nope. I have no names on my approved name list that make sense for a Rahkshi. There was a name being kicked around in Denmark that did not get chosen and so far as I know was never legally approved for use.
151.- Interesting 162.- Yeah . . I knew it . . (Well, all of us knew it) 173.b.- Yeah . . The Ignika will appear . . . 184.- Ahh, that hurts
2Hi Greg
31.- Why Click, Tahu and Nektann not appear in the comic? 42.- In one part of comic, Mata Nui says: "The Great Beings intended for us to work together to safe this planet." Does this mean the phrase that Brutaka said: "the two that must make them one" refers to Mata Nui and Teridax? 53.- Now that Mata Nui is no longer in the Ignika, is the Ignika's mind is back? 63.b.- If so, perhaps the Ignika take part in the final battle? 74.- You has already decided what the Matoran name for the Rahkshi of Heat Vision?
8That's all 9Bye . .
101) Click is not a factor at all in first half 2010 story, and Tahu and Nektann are not in there because Tahu as not arrived yet by the time that issue ends -- he is behind Takanuva -- and I wanted to focus on the Rahkshi initially. 112) Bingo, go to the head of the class. 123) Yes 133b) Well, we shall see in the second issue 144) Nope. I have no names on my approved name list that make sense for a Rahkshi. There was a name being kicked around in Denmark that did not get chosen and so far as I know was never legally approved for use.
151.- Interesting 162.- Yeah . . I knew it . . (Well, all of us knew it) 173.b.- Yeah . . The Ignika will appear . . . 184.- Ahh, that hurts
1Bionicle Comic Writer 2

3Group: Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens 4Posts: 5552 5Member No.: 581 6Joined: 25-March 02

141) I'm not sure I understand your question -- a Toa of Lightning could create bolts of electricity, the same way Tahu creates fireballs 152) Yes 163) They were destined to become Toa. Mata Nui altered things so that Makuta would think they were not destined. If they hadn't been destined, then they never could have become Toa. 174) I can't speak to the casting, I had nothing to do with it. I know the first actress to do Kiina had a heavy Russian accent and it was decided that it wouldn't work.
18-------------------- 19"If you're wondering how he eats and breathes, and other science facts/Just repeat to yourself, "It's just a show, I should really just relax." -- MST3K20

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11.Would a toa of lightning be able to stick a staff in the air and and use a bolt to shock someone? 21.(A) If not, would that be a way to charge elemental energy? 32. Would a toa of lightning be able to use any electricity? 43. If the toa of metru nui weren't destined to become toa, why would mata nui allow this?I mean, i know makuta changed it but ... 53.(A) And how did their mission be sucessful if the weren't destined? 64.Why did kiina have such a weird voice in tlr? Or was that just because you couldn't find anyone to suit kiina's "personality"?
71) I'm not sure I understand your question -- a Toa of Lightning could create bolts of electricity, the same way Tahu creates fireballs 82) Yes 93) They were destined to become Toa. Mata Nui altered things so that Makuta would think they were not destined. If they hadn't been destined, then they never could have become Toa. 104) I can't speak to the casting, I had nothing to do with it. I know the first actress to do Kiina had a heavy Russian accent and it was decided that it wouldn't work.
11So the first actress to do Kiina had a Russian accent? Interesting... Imagine Kiina with Russian accent......
1Spoilers about comic 6 2Hi Greg
31.- Why Click, Tahu and Nektann not appear in the comic? 42.- In one part of comic, Mata Nui says: "The Great Beings intended for us to work together to safe this planet." Does this mean the phrase that Brutaka said: "the two that must make them one" refers to Mata Nui and Teridax? 53.- Now that Mata Nui is no longer in the Ignika, is the Ignika's mind is back? 63.b.- If so, perhaps the Ignika take part in the final battle? 74.- You has already decided what the Matoran name for the Rahkshi of Heat Vision?
8That's all 9Bye . .
101) Click is not a factor at all in first half 2010 story, and Tahu and Nektann are not in there because Tahu as not arrived yet by the time that issue ends -- he is behind Takanuva -- and I wanted to focus on the Rahkshi initially. 112) Bingo, go to the head of the class. 123) Yes 133b) Well, we shall see in the second issue 144) Nope. I have no names on my approved name list that make sense for a Rahkshi. There was a name being kicked around in Denmark that did not get chosen and so far as I know was never legally approved for use.
151.- Interesting 162.- Yeah . . I knew it . . (Well, all of us knew it) 173.b.- Yeah . . The Ignika will appear . . . 184.- Ahh, that hurts
19Just so you know, Bink said the name they were considering was "Zirahk." It's not canon, but at least we know it.
1Spoilers about comic 6 2Hi Greg
31.- Why Click, Tahu and Nektann not appear in the comic? 42.- In one part of comic, Mata Nui says: "The Great Beings intended for us to work together to safe this planet." Does this mean the phrase that Brutaka said: "the two that must make them one" refers to Mata Nui and Teridax? 53.- Now that Mata Nui is no longer in the Ignika, is the Ignika's mind is back? 63.b.- If so, perhaps the Ignika take part in the final battle? 74.- You has already decided what the Matoran name for the Rahkshi of Heat Vision?
8That's all 9Bye . .
101) Click is not a factor at all in first half 2010 story, and Tahu and Nektann are not in there because Tahu as not arrived yet by the time that issue ends -- he is behind Takanuva -- and I wanted to focus on the Rahkshi initially. 112) Bingo, go to the head of the class. 123) Yes 133b) Well, we shall see in the second issue 144) Nope. I have no names on my approved name list that make sense for a Rahkshi. There was a name being kicked around in Denmark that did not get chosen and so far as I know was never legally approved for use.
151.- Interesting 162.- Yeah . . I knew it . . (Well, all of us knew it) 173.b.- Yeah . . The Ignika will appear . . . 184.- Ahh, that hurts
19Okay, I have to say I'm surprised at Greg's response to #2. Pretty much everything has had that theory pretty much since we first found out about the prototype.
1i have new info about comic 6 and TOL and a Theory about the great beings
181. well at least we know why
192. guess i knew this would happen
203. same thing here ow well
214. cool
225. i think this is new info
236. didnt know that
2sir i have some Questions about past and new Characters
31. why did the Skakdi side with Teridax ?
42. will the great beings Appear in 2010 ?
53. are the great beings organic if not skip 3b ?
63b. are the great beings humans ?
74. now that the skall are gone has malum got his old Sword back ?
85. about how many glatoran are on bara magna ?
96. now that mata nui is fighting Teridax in a robot body what will become of the mask of life ?
10thanks for your time
11lord of ice out
121) Well, the Skakdi, as you know, hate Makuta. But Teridax is now the power in the entire universe -- he could sink their whole island and drown them all for a laugh. So they have two choices, in their minds -- fight him, which would be like you trying to defeat a volcanic eruption with a stick -- or side with him. Now, not every Skakdi has allied with Teridax, but Nektann and his forces did. 132, 4) I don't want to discuss future story plans 143) Not allowed to discuss 154 If it survived the battle and if Malum was able to find it. 165) Oh, not that many -- I would say less than 100. 176) MOL is inside the Mata Nui robot body.
31. why did the Skakdi side with Teridax ?
42. will the great beings Appear in 2010 ?
53. are the great beings organic if not skip 3b ?
63b. are the great beings humans ?
74. now that the skall are gone has malum got his old Sword back ?
85. about how many glatoran are on bara magna ?
96. now that mata nui is fighting Teridax in a robot body what will become of the mask of life ?
10thanks for your time
11lord of ice out
121) Well, the Skakdi, as you know, hate Makuta. But Teridax is now the power in the entire universe -- he could sink their whole island and drown them all for a laugh. So they have two choices, in their minds -- fight him, which would be like you trying to defeat a volcanic eruption with a stick -- or side with him. Now, not every Skakdi has allied with Teridax, but Nektann and his forces did. 132, 4) I don't want to discuss future story plans 143) Not allowed to discuss 154 If it survived the battle and if Malum was able to find it. 165) Oh, not that many -- I would say less than 100. 176) MOL is inside the Mata Nui robot body.
181. well at least we know why
192. guess i knew this would happen
203. same thing here ow well
214. cool
225. i think this is new info
236. didnt know that

1Hi Greg . I know you are busy so I will keep it short.
21. What would happen if a toa of psionics became an inika? I can't figure out how the lightning would entwine with their power.
32. If Arhtaka tried harder and practiced more, do you think that Arhtaka would be able to create rahi, or would he just never get the hang of it?
41) Basically, his mental energy would manifest itself as lightning. 52) Impossible to predict.
6I wouldn't want to be a toa inika of psionics.
1Hi Greg . I know you are busy so I will keep it short.
21. What would happen if a toa of psionics became an inika? I can't figure out how the lightning would entwine with their power.
32. If Arhtaka tried harder and practiced more, do you think that Arhtaka would be able to create rahi, or would he just never get the hang of it?
41) Basically, his mental energy would manifest itself as lightning. 52) Impossible to predict.
6I wouldn't want to be a toa inika of psionics.
7That would actually be pretty cool. I seriously want to see a Toa Inika of Psionics now.
. how do you pm greg?

1There is a link in the first post.
1Hi Greg . I know you are busy so I will keep it short.
21. What would happen if a toa of psionics became an inika? I can't figure out how the lightning would entwine with their power.
32. If Arhtaka tried harder and practiced more, do you think that Arhtaka would be able to create rahi, or would he just never get the hang of it?
41) Basically, his mental energy would manifest itself as lightning. 52) Impossible to predict.
6I wouldn't want to be a toa inika of psionics.
7That would actually be pretty cool. I seriously want to see a Toa Inika of Psionics now.
8She'd have to run after people shooting lightning at them just so she could read their minds. That'd have to be inconvenient.
1My point exactly.
1I have a few questions about Bara Magna's astronomy. Sorry for the horrible numbering tongue.gif
21. Does Bara Magna have seasons like summer, winter, fall, etc.? 32. Does Bara Magna orbit a star? 42a. Did the Great Beings create that star? 52a1. If not, who did? 62b. Do other planets orbit that star? 72b1. Did the Great Beings create those planets? 82b2. Are those planets inhabited? 92b2a. Did the Great Beings make those inhabitants? 102b2a1. If not, who did? 112b2b. Will the story ever move to those planets?
12Thanks you for your time.
131) Yes 142) Yes 152a) No 162a1) Irrelevant to our story. If you are watching a Spider-Man movie, and Spider-Man is swinging through NYC on a sunny day, do you stop to worry how the sun was created? No, neither do I. 172b) Not that I know of, but it's not impossible 182b1) No. The GBs do not create planets 192b2) No idea 202b2a) Highly doubtful, since they did not create the inhabitants of Spherus Magna. They made nanotech that could live inside a robot. 212b2a1) See answer to 2a1 222b2b) No idea.
231. Interesting. I'd like to see the Skrall in a snowball fight242. Figured. 252a. Hmm.... 262a1. Good point. 272b. Well, he said not impossible..... 282b1. Then...... who did? . 292b2. I hope they are. 302b2a. Interesting. 312b2a1. I'd like to know who did...... 322b2b. I hope it does.
33The Spherus Magna star probably formed as most other stars do, nothing special. And I don't see why Bara Magna would be the only planet around the star.