1Hey GregF, just eight questions. 21. What was the Toa Mangai's destiny? 32. You have said ultimate destiny a couple times as opposed to destiny. What is the difference between ultimate destiny and destiny? 43. Is Tahu destined to wear the Golden Armor? 54. Can one being have two possible destinies and can he choose which destiny to fulfill? Is that situation even possible? 65. What was that that silver box Mata Nui was carrying? I know it was the power source, but what is it exactly? 76. Is there any storyline explanation yet on how Takanuva can understand Gresh even if they both speak different languages? 87. Are there two destinies for the Jaller, one when he was a Matoran, the other when he was a Toa? Or was his ultimate destiny to save Mata Nui's life along with the other Toa Mahri? 98. Is ultimate destiny and individual destiny different among Toa Teams? Like the Toa Nuva awakening Mata Nui, but Tahu is destined to wear the Golden Armor? Or the Toa Mahri saving Mata Nui's life, but Matoro is destined to sacrifice his life energy? 10Thanks.
111) Well, we know what Tuyet, Nidhiki, and Lhikan's destinies were, and most of the rest were killed by Teridax. 122) You would need to give me the context of the statements. 133) I can't discuss 2010 story 144) No 155) If GN #10 gets published, that gets revealed there 166) Most likely, Mata Nui made that possible offscreen, since he speaks both languages 177) You don't get a destiny as a Matoran and a separate one as a Toa. 188) It is much more likely that individuals have destinies than that teams have destinies. in my view. A team is an artificial construct. If a team has a destiny, it is because the individual members share that destiny.
191. Er... What exactly were Tuyet's and Nidhiki's destinies?202. This is the context:
214. Okay, so the Toa Nuva did awake Mata Nui. But was it also Toa Ignika's destiny? Or just Toa Nuva's?
224) It was Ignika's destiny to play a part in it, yes, but I think you can argue whether it was its ultimate destiny or not, or whether objects have ultimate destinies or not. I tend to think they do, but others can disagree.
234. What would GN#10 have been about besides Mata Nui's journey to the Valley of the Maze? 246. Did Mata Nui teach the Agori and Glatorian the Matoran Language, then? 257. So then it was Jaller's destiny from the start that he would have to save Mata Nui's life? 269. Was his destiny to become a Toa and his ultimate destiny save Mata Nui's life? 2710.28To those saying the movie should be made, etc., sadly it wouldn't make sense to do -- because the way first half 2010 events shape up, none of this could have happened. So at best it's an alt. universe story now.
29Is BIONICLE 5 as an alternate dimension a canon and official story now? 3011. What was the planned name of the movie? 3111a. If not, what would you have named it as? 3212. BZP considers Acid a non-Toa element, but BS01 considers it a power because you said back in 2006 that, and I quote, you "don't consider something to be an element unless there has been a Toa of it." Would you say both BZPower and BS01 are correct?
331) Tuyet hasn't achieved hers yet, Nidhiki's was to mutate, join the DH, and die. 344) Like I said, he was a part of it, but that doesn't mean that was his destiny, it may simply have been something he did on the way to his destiny. The fact that you help with an an action that was someone else's ultimate destiny does not mean it is yours. 354) GN #10 is about how Mata Nui finds the power source for the prototype robot. 366) He made it possible for them to understand each other. 377) Yes 389) You are off a little on your terms. See #4. When I say "ultimate destiny" in that context, I am referring to the fact that we sort of see "destiny" as an endpoint - that it is the major thing you have to do in your life. But Ignika's actions in KN were not its ultimate endpoint. Nor was becoming a Toa Jaller's endpoint. 3910) I have said if people want to feel it is "official," then it would work as an alt. universe story. I haven't done more than that because I see no need to. Arguably, any piece of fan fiction could be considered an alt. universe too. That's the beauty of alt. universes. 4011) There wasn't one, and I wouldn't have been the one naming it, the studio would. 4112) How can both be correct?
4210. Okay, so are you fine with BS01 adding the alternate universe story to several bios like Ackar and Mata Nui? Because BS01 is a canon-content wiki. 4312. Well, BS01 goes with your old saying that elements can only elements if they are Toa-controlled. And it's just simply easier to understand that way, because many people keep asking you if Acid can be a Toa-controlled element instead of just an element. 4413. (in relation to question 10) What decision in the main universe did the alternate dimension branch off of? 4514. Seeing as the studio cannot name it now, what would name BIONICLE 5 just in case BS01 wishes to add a page about it?
4610) As long as it's made clear it is alt. universe, yes 4712) Makes sense to me 4813) Good question. There are actually a number of places things differ -- for example, Tarduk never made a second trip in the alt. -- but the biggest one that jumps out to me is that Mata Nui brings Ackar and Kiina with him in the alt., whereas he sends them back and goes on alone in the main. 4914) I'd have to think about it.
5013. Well, if Tarduk never made a second trip, then wouldn't that be the starting point, which resulted in Mata Nui bringing Ackar and Kiina for some reason or another?
5113) A more logical starting point would be this. At some time during the events of TLR, Mata Nui meets Tarduk. He hears the story of Tarduk's jounrey, and also learns that Tarduk wants to go back a second time. Mata Nui talks Tarduk out of going, but realizing just how many dangers there are on the journey, resolves that he will not go alone but will bring allies with him (assuming they win the fight with the Skrall).
52Uhhh.... That makes perfect sense. I think.
1In the Official Elements Topic, an idea for the color representing the element Plasma has been tossed around. The color most people decided on was orange. I ask here, could orange be the official color for Plasma?
3-It's similar to red, which represents fire, and the brown of Pahrak-Kal, who used plasma. Both of these colors are connected with plasma in some way. 4-It's easily MOCable, thanks to sets like Pohatu Phantoka. 5-It feels right and has been used for most MOCs of Plasma Toa.
6So what do you think?
7Okay by me, but do you think there should be a secondary color for it as well?
9Not that big of a deal, but whatever. I'm sending a follow-up on the secondary color.
1White . Ask for white .
1Rock steeds? Dinosaurs? Awesome.
2Wait, would that mean that the rock steads are biomechanicle then? I thought that the treatment specifically said "biomechanical" dinosaur.
3Yes, they're biomechanical. In early 2009 Greg stated that beings outside the Matoran Universe were fully organic, but after some discussion with the rest of the story team he revised that statement. Now the official word is that Bara Magna's beings (including Rock Steeds, Glatorian, Agori, etc.) are still biomechanical, but with fewer mechanical parts and more organic parts than Matoran Universe beings have.
1They said that they had implants, like how Luke Skywalker had a mechanical hand. So where the Bota Magna Dinosaurs truely biomechanical or just had implants?
2This discussion should be moved to life processing topic as well.
3On another note, If you look back at my conversation with Greg, he calls the Toa of Psionics a he.
2This discussion should be moved to life processing topic as well.
3On another note, If you look back at my conversation with Greg, he calls the Toa of Psionics a he.
1Umm... I thought of red or Keetorange... but I can always fix that.
2EDIT: Original follow-up deleted, new one sent asking him to choose between red, Keetorange, or white. Actually, this should be a poll...
3Yeah, I'm working on this, just by the way. Still need to work out the details with ER.
4Rock steeds? Dinosaurs? Awesome.
5Wait, would that mean that the rock steads are biomechanicle then? I thought that the treatment specifically said "biomechanical" dinosaur.
6Yes, they're biomechanical. In early 2009 Greg stated that beings outside the Matoran Universe were fully organic, but after some discussion with the rest of the story team he revised that statement. Now the official word is that Bara Magna's beings (including Rock Steeds, Glatorian, Agori, etc.) are still biomechanical, but with fewer mechanical parts and more organic parts than Matoran Universe beings have.
7They're not really biomechanical in the same sense that the Matoran are, just that they have mechanical implants.
8They said that they had implants, like how Luke Skywalker had a mechanical hand. So where the Bota Magna Dinosaurs truely biomechanical or just had implants?
9This discussion should be moved to life processing topic as well.
10On another note, If you look back at my conversation with Greg, he calls the Toa of Psionics a he.
11Since (in theory, we haven't seen this story go down yet) the Agori are also part plant, it's possible that the dinosaurs found a way to sort of... fuse themselves with machinery, making them legitly biomechanical.
12Also, Greg makes mistakes sometimes. Official word is that Ce-Matoran and other such variations are female.
1I know. I just found it funny.
1Hi . How are you doing today? How is your winter holiday going? I hope you don't mind answering some of these questions (and possibly suggestions).
21.) Is the cube Mata Nui found related to the Nuva cube? 3a.) Where is the energy used inside the Prototype body? 4b.) Did it bind the components of the bot together? They didn't seem properly connected in the movie...
52.) Did something Mata Nui view trigger his lost memories, or did he simply remember? 6a.) (stupid question) Did Teridax suffer from brain damage when Miserix attacked his inner mechanisms?
73.) Are the hatches in very concealed locations? 8a. If so, were the Rahkshi only able to find it due to communications with Makuta? 9b. Were Takanuva and Tahu were chasing them and discovered it?
104.) How long did it take for the Agori to complete the Mega-City?
115.) Was that blast from Teridax's hand a warning or a simple miss? It seemed abnormally small...
126.) Was the battle of Mata Nui and Makuta always planned? Did it simply happen early due to cancellation of BIONICLE?
137.) If the dinosaurs on Bota Magna can be canonised, is it possible that Rock Steeds were a type dinosaur that were trapped on Bara Magna after The Shattering? They do look like raptors after all.
148.) Are Agori bigger than Matoran in size? Is there a size difference between the inhabitants of the MU and the inhabitants of Spherus Magna?
159.) It seemed that Mata Nui was pulling the moons together himself alright. Why is Makuta needed? 16a. How would the 3 merge?
1710.) Is Tahu's destiny to use the Golden Armour, or is it simply part of what he believes is duty?
18Thanks .
191) No 201A) In the head 211b) Yup 222) Something he viewed 232a) No 243) No, they're not, but they aren't in places people normally are going. I mean, for someone from Stelt, for example, the hatch would be way up in the "sky" 254) You mean drag all the pieces together? Days, easily 265) It was more in the line of rattling Mata Nui by threatening his friends 276) Yes, it was meant to take place at the end of 2011 originally 287) Possible 298) I don't see there as being one 309) Mata Nui does not have sufficient power to do it himself 3110) Tahu's destiny was to awaken Mata Nui, but the golden armor was originally designed with the leader of the Toa Mata in mind
32Some interesting information here...
34It was designed for Tahu? Now I am curious. Maybe it has Great Spirit-rivaling powers?
1That would be a bit omnipotent for a Toa-wielded device.
1Just a few Qs
21) Is the LEGO description for Skrall gaining shadow power by Makuta canon?
32) The green Stars Skrall is the same class as the red Skrall set, correct?
43) Was Mata Nui built standing up, or laying down? 53a) If he was built standing up, is that the reason there is a door in his foot?
64) Is there anything inside the prototype robot?
75) In the newest comic, did Mata Nui put Spherus Magna back together, or was he interrupted?
86) Was the prototype created for the same reason as Mata Nui was?
91) No, it's not. That is just Shop At Home getting something wrong. 102) Yes 113) Standing up, and there are hatches throughout the body so that workers and the GBs and their creations could get in and out. 124) You mean like a universe? Not like the Makuta robot, as there was no nanotech in the prototype design. 135) No, he has not put it back together yet. He doesn't have sufficient power in that body to be able to do it. 146) No. The prototype was just an experiment to see if they could do it. It was made long before MN was.
15I think GregF just confirmed that the Great Beings are average zized. TakaNuva and the Rahkshi were able to exit through the latch, so if the GBs went in, they'd have to be normal sized.
16Yeah, also i remember in a story (forgot which) two of em go down the 777 stairs to place the Ignika...so if they fit then they must be average sized
1Hey Greg, caught up in all the element shenanigans, so...
2Can kinetics be considered an element? (By your canon, or otherwise.)
3I don't think so, but it sounded interesting.
5I tend to doubt the average 8-9 year old would get what this meant, but that aside -- explain it to me. What does a Toa of Kinetics do? What's his power or powers? If he's in a fight, how does this power help him? I am really not looking to add more new elements, but I am also don't want to rule something out completely until I am sure I understand what the questioner has in mind.
6So, what powers would a Toa of Kinetics have that could help him fight...?
1Hey Greg, caught up in all the element shenanigans, so...
2Can kinetics be considered an element? (By your canon, or otherwise.)
3I don't think so, but it sounded interesting.
5I tend to doubt the average 8-9 year old would get what this meant, but that aside -- explain it to me. What does a Toa of Kinetics do? What's his power or powers? If he's in a fight, how does this power help him? I am really not looking to add more new elements, but I am also don't want to rule something out completely until I am sure I understand what the questioner has in mind.
6So, what powers would a Toa of Kinetics have that could help him fight...?
8Well, if he/she is hit physically by an object or energy, he/she should get stronger or more poweful by said attack. He/she could absorb kinetic energy of course. Simply put they have the Power of Motion. The power that Vezon once had when the Ignika was fused to him.
1So, what powers would a Toa of Kinetics have that could help him fight...? 2-Pyro
3Probably something along the lines of controlling the speed of an object. I can't think of it much further than that, someone else would have to take over from there.
4EDIT: Not meaning to encourage discussion here, of course. It should be in a separate topic.
5And yes, I've seen TheShadowedOne1's suggestion, and that's good, too.
1Hey Greg, caught up in all the element shenanigans, so...
2Can kinetics be considered an element? (By your canon, or otherwise.)
3I don't think so, but it sounded interesting.
5I tend to doubt the average 8-9 year old would get what this meant, but that aside -- explain it to me. What does a Toa of Kinetics do? What's his power or powers? If he's in a fight, how does this power help him? I am really not looking to add more new elements, but I am also don't want to rule something out completely until I am sure I understand what the questioner has in mind.
6So, what powers would a Toa of Kinetics have that could help him fight...?
8Well, if he/she is hit physically by an object or energy, he/she should get stronger or more poweful by said attack. He/she could absorb kinetic energy of course. Simply put they have the Power of Motion. The power that Vezon once had when the Ignika was fused to him.
9Well, yes, but that was barely featured. And you know why? Because it made little sense and only stood to make Vezon undefeatable by conventional means.
10The only real "power" he could have is to increase or decrease the speed of motion of objects around him. To a further (and, due to the nature of Bionicle, improbable) extent, he could liquify, solidify, or turn into a gas (not scientific name, but I forget all those) all materials. However, that might not help much. For all intents and purposes Gravity seems to have this covered; altering terrain and maneuverability are the broad categories the powers they control would encompass.
1Hey GregF, just eight questions. 21. What was the Toa Mangai's destiny? 32. You have said ultimate destiny a couple times as opposed to destiny. What is the difference between ultimate destiny and destiny? 43. Is Tahu destined to wear the Golden Armor? 54. Can one being have two possible destinies and can he choose which destiny to fulfill? Is that situation even possible? 65. What was that that silver box Mata Nui was carrying? I know it was the power source, but what is it exactly? 76. Is there any storyline explanation yet on how Takanuva can understand Gresh even if they both speak different languages? 87. Are there two destinies for the Jaller, one when he was a Matoran, the other when he was a Toa? Or was his ultimate destiny to save Mata Nui's life along with the other Toa Mahri? 98. Is ultimate destiny and individual destiny different among Toa Teams? Like the Toa Nuva awakening Mata Nui, but Tahu is destined to wear the Golden Armor? Or the Toa Mahri saving Mata Nui's life, but Matoro is destined to sacrifice his life energy? 10Thanks.
111) Well, we know what Tuyet, Nidhiki, and Lhikan's destinies were, and most of the rest were killed by Teridax. 122) You would need to give me the context of the statements. 133) I can't discuss 2010 story 144) No 155) If GN #10 gets published, that gets revealed there 166) Most likely, Mata Nui made that possible offscreen, since he speaks both languages 177) You don't get a destiny as a Matoran and a separate one as a Toa. 188) It is much more likely that individuals have destinies than that teams have destinies. in my view. A team is an artificial construct. If a team has a destiny, it is because the individual members share that destiny.
191. Er... What exactly were Tuyet's and Nidhiki's destinies?202. This is the context:
214. Okay, so the Toa Nuva did awake Mata Nui. But was it also Toa Ignika's destiny? Or just Toa Nuva's?
224) It was Ignika's destiny to play a part in it, yes, but I think you can argue whether it was its ultimate destiny or not, or whether objects have ultimate destinies or not. I tend to think they do, but others can disagree.
234. What would GN#10 have been about besides Mata Nui's journey to the Valley of the Maze? 246. Did Mata Nui teach the Agori and Glatorian the Matoran Language, then? 257. So then it was Jaller's destiny from the start that he would have to save Mata Nui's life? 269. Was his destiny to become a Toa and his ultimate destiny save Mata Nui's life? 2710.28To those saying the movie should be made, etc., sadly it wouldn't make sense to do -- because the way first half 2010 events shape up, none of this could have happened. So at best it's an alt. universe story now.
29Is BIONICLE 5 as an alternate dimension a canon and official story now? 3011. What was the planned name of the movie? 3111a. If not, what would you have named it as? 3212. BZP considers Acid a non-Toa element, but BS01 considers it a power because you said back in 2006 that, and I quote, you "don't consider something to be an element unless there has been a Toa of it." Would you say both BZPower and BS01 are correct?
331) Tuyet hasn't achieved hers yet, Nidhiki's was to mutate, join the DH, and die. 344) Like I said, he was a part of it, but that doesn't mean that was his destiny, it may simply have been something he did on the way to his destiny. The fact that you help with an an action that was someone else's ultimate destiny does not mean it is yours. 354) GN #10 is about how Mata Nui finds the power source for the prototype robot. 366) He made it possible for them to understand each other. 377) Yes 389) You are off a little on your terms. See #4. When I say "ultimate destiny" in that context, I am referring to the fact that we sort of see "destiny" as an endpoint - that it is the major thing you have to do in your life. But Ignika's actions in KN were not its ultimate endpoint. Nor was becoming a Toa Jaller's endpoint. 3910) I have said if people want to feel it is "official," then it would work as an alt. universe story. I haven't done more than that because I see no need to. Arguably, any piece of fan fiction could be considered an alt. universe too. That's the beauty of alt. universes. 4011) There wasn't one, and I wouldn't have been the one naming it, the studio would. 4112) How can both be correct?
4210. Okay, so are you fine with BS01 adding the alternate universe story to several bios like Ackar and Mata Nui? Because BS01 is a canon-content wiki. 4312. Well, BS01 goes with your old saying that elements can only elements if they are Toa-controlled. And it's just simply easier to understand that way, because many people keep asking you if Acid can be a Toa-controlled element instead of just an element. 4413. (in relation to question 10) What decision in the main universe did the alternate dimension branch off of? 4514. Seeing as the studio cannot name it now, what would name BIONICLE 5 just in case BS01 wishes to add a page about it?
4610) As long as it's made clear it is alt. universe, yes 4712) Makes sense to me 4813) Good question. There are actually a number of places things differ -- for example, Tarduk never made a second trip in the alt. -- but the biggest one that jumps out to me is that Mata Nui brings Ackar and Kiina with him in the alt., whereas he sends them back and goes on alone in the main. 4914) I'd have to think about it.
5013. Well, if Tarduk never made a second trip, then wouldn't that be the starting point, which resulted in Mata Nui bringing Ackar and Kiina for some reason or another?
5113) A more logical starting point would be this. At some time during the events of TLR, Mata Nui meets Tarduk. He hears the story of Tarduk's jounrey, and also learns that Tarduk wants to go back a second time. Mata Nui talks Tarduk out of going, but realizing just how many dangers there are on the journey, resolves that he will not go alone but will bring allies with him (assuming they win the fight with the Skrall).
52Uhhh.... That makes perfect sense. I think.
53Takanuva and Gresh speak different languages?? I always thought the GBs programmed the Agori language into the MU so they wouldn't have to make a new language for the MU.
1Beginning of a PM, will post rest when I get it.

2Hey, Greg I have two questions. One is more clarification and the other is something I was wondering if you'd be willing to include in the story.
31) You have referred to the Matoran Universe inhabitants as being "nanotech", yet this doesn't seem to be the right term. From the few appearances that we have seen of them, the creators of the Matoran Universe inhabitants are roughly the same size as they are and from what you have said have a set form. So when the Great Beings made their creations, they wouldn't have been creating nanotech, they'd just be making creations. It's not that the Matoran Universe inhabitants are on a nano scale, it's just that the Matoran Universe and Mata Nui were huge and massive.Were you just using the word to help explain the concept of size and scale in this regard, or do you have another view on the matter?
42) In the story, would you consider having a single being with two conflicting destinies? As in when the being was created, it's creator for some wacked out reason gave the being the two paths it could follow, creating a conflict for the character to choose which to follow. I personally think it'd make for really interesting story having a being with two ultimate purposes and only being able to fulfill one. What are your thoughts on that idea in general?
5Thanks .
61) My view of nanotech is little devices that operate inside a much larger thing. Hence the application of the term to the MU inhabitants who are far smaller than Mata Nui is. 72) I think that would get very confusing, particularly since the odds are that the character would not know what either one of his destinies was. It's exceedingly rare that one ever learns that.
1destiny takes personality in account. therefore, conflicting destiny is impossible as the great scheme of things will always make the circumstances such, that the person chooses his destiny.
2the idea of destiny blows Free Will out of the water, although Bionicle destiny is more like an Ultimate Purpose than the entire lifeline of a being
2the idea of destiny blows Free Will out of the water, although Bionicle destiny is more like an Ultimate Purpose than the entire lifeline of a being
1Hello, Mr. Farshtey. This is the first time I'm asking you questions. I hope you're doing well. You've been a great author and made the BIONICLE universe more complex and interesting than it has ever been. Thank you for that .
2And now for my first questions ever:
31) Is the "Makuta" in "Brotherhood of Makuta" plural? 42) Could the Skakdi language be described as having lots of consonants (since all of the known Skakdi's names, and the names "Irnakk" and "Skakdi", have)? 53) Does "Irnakk" mean something in the Skakdi language or is it just a name? 64) In All That Glitters..., when Mata Nui told Teridax he's nothing, was that a reference to the Mata Nui Online Game? 75) I don't know if this is true, but sometime last year I read that the concept of Kanohi would be dealt with in 2009. It was, if I remember right, an official BZP topic. Was this concept supposed to be dealt with, and if it was, what happened to it?
8Thank you in advance.
91) Singular and plural, because there used to be more Makuta. 102) I guess, haven't thought about it 113) Translated, it would be equivalent to the "boogeyman" in our language 124) Nope. 135) No, I am not sure where you read that. They don't have Kanohi in Bara Magna, so there would really have been no way to address the issue in main story. We already have explained all about how Kanohi are created, etc., back in 2004 story.
141) I asked this for translation purposes, since in Finnish plurals are usually marked even if the English equilavents aren't. I meant that did the "Makuta" refer to the leader of BoM or its members? I suppose it's the latter, which would make it plural. Correct?
15Again, thanks in advance.
16Correct, VT
17My comments:
181) You know, we here in Finland have always said it as singular (sort of "Brotherhood of [a] Makuta"), not as plural ("Brotherhood of [many] Makuta"). I once had a doubt about that being right so I decided to ask. This really causes some changes over here. 192) "Yes" would've been better, but it's good that the answer was positive. 203) That was funny... 214) Disappointment. 225) Yeah, I wasn't sure at all.
11) For the wiki, what's your definition of the Mask of Mutation? 22) What made the Makuta transform into Antidermis at the same time? 33) If Mata Nui was pulling together Aqua Magna and Bota Magna when Teridax attacked him, wouldn't that mean the two planets are falling towards Bara Magna?
41) I haven't had time to think about it much. 52) They were all created at the same time and all evolved at the same rate 63) Moving toward it, yes, but remember that MN does not have enough power to get them all the way there on his own
7I guess the crashing isn't inminent...
1Its been a long time since I sent you a message. I have a single question to ask you thats been on my mind.
2Setwise, both Ackar and the original Tahu Mata sets have the same bright red colors, a color that has not really been been on sets for a long time. Both are great heroes and both carry a flame sword. Now this maybe a sheer coincidence in terms of sets, but I have an idea that might give a little story insight upon it.
3Would it be possible that when the Great Beings were influencing the creation of the Mata, they used Ackar's appearance and design in particular as inspiration in making an appearance for Tahu? It could be possible that during the Core War, a Great Being saw Ackar's passion and courageous heart and thought of using it for an important hero the MU might need someday.
4Is this okay with you?
5I'd rather not get that specific with it. The GBs would have been unlikely to be inspired by the actions of someone fighting in a war that they abhorred.
6Hmm, makes sense. How about this, instead of being inspired by his actions, the Great Beings simply saw Ackar, liked his armor design, so they thought they would use it for Tahu.
7Would that be okay?
8Thanks in advance.
9I am okay with that.
10Hey GregF,
11Sorry to bug you about this again, but BS01 is not fully accepting the subject matter. The following is now considered canon, correct?
12During the war, a Great Being(s) saw Ackar. They liked the look of his armor and his color scheme, so they drew inspiration from Ackar's looks when influencing Artakha when he was creating Tahu.
13If you are okay with this explanation, can you confirm that these events did happen and are now apart of the canon?
14Yes, I can confirm that is now canon.
16BS01 was having issues with accepting the idea, so I needed to get a direct confirmation from GregF.
1Just trying to figure out what to get and I have a few questions about the books:
21) Are there any plans to release a mega box set or anything containing all the books, or several collections of each era of books etc...?
32) Are there going to be more graphic novel box sets, or was that only for the first four?
4Thanks, I just need help figuring out my purchases.
51) No. They stopped doing the books because they weren't selling, so no reason to think a big box set would. 62) No idea. I haven't heard anything about anything like that, but I wouldn't necessarily.
1Takanuva and Gresh speak different languages?? I always thought the GBs programmed the Agori language into the MU so they wouldn't have to make a new language for the MU.
2No, Matoran is different from Agori the same way programing languages are different from English.
3This is strange. Then how are they able to communicate in Comic #6
1Takanuva and Gresh speak different languages?? I always thought the GBs programmed the Agori language into the MU so they wouldn't have to make a new language for the MU.
2No, Matoran is different from Agori the same way programing languages are different from English.
3This is strange. Then how are they able to communicate in Comic #6
4They didn't. Gresh was talking to himself the whole time, Takanuva threatened Gresh when he was attacked, but neither of them responded to the other, or even acknowledged that something was spoken. 5Read the comic again... an MU inhabitant never speaks to a BM inhabitant and is understood.
1On a previous topic, you responded with this quote: 2"MN is a giant robot, and the islands, continents, etc. are his organs. The Matoran and the rest are nanotech there to make him run efficiently." 31.) Does that mean that theoretically, however unlikely, if all the Matoran left the MU and the functions of the cities were destroyed, then Teridax's body would cease to function and he would no longer be able to fight back? 42.) On a smaller scale, could all of Metru Nui be evacuated and destroyed to the point of shutting off Teridax's 'brain' or making him need to find a new body?
51) Yes. That is why the Matoran have to work, they keep the body running. That is why Metru Nui had to be repopulated before MN could be awakened, because without them, there is no brain function. 62) Yes, except that as soon as the Matoran tried to do that, Makuta would slaughter them one by one in horrible ways until they went back. And keep in mind, if Makuta dies, the MN robot dies, and if that happens, all the Matoran are dead within three days.
7Kind of interesting, even though it is impossible.
51) Yes. That is why the Matoran have to work, they keep the body running. That is why Metru Nui had to be repopulated before MN could be awakened, because without them, there is no brain function. 62) Yes, except that as soon as the Matoran tried to do that, Makuta would slaughter them one by one in horrible ways until they went back. And keep in mind, if Makuta dies, the MN robot dies, and if that happens, all the Matoran are dead within three days.
7Kind of interesting, even though it is impossible.
1Hey Greg,
2I have a couple quick questions for you. Thanks for answering them.
31) We know that Aqua Magna is covered in water all the way around. Obviously this is going to create a problem when it fits back in to Spherus Magna. This will create a giant flood. Now, I have read from a catalogue that the Golden Armor is being used for Tahu to fight Makuta. However, it also said the Skrall had shadow powers, and we know that this is not true. So would I be correct in assuming that the Golden Armor's purpose is to help Tahu stop the flood?
42) Obviously, the hatches on Teridax's robot are not big enough or reachable enough to let all the MU inhabitants out, especially not when there's a battle. So it would be logical to assume that one of the Star sets will take over Teridax's body, yes? 52a) If so, is it Takanuva?
6I realize you won't be able to answer these (well, #1 could possibly be answered, but #2 I know you won't). However, I wanted to ask anyway.
7Oh, and if you do celebrate Christmas, Merry Christmas, and if you celebrate Hanukkah, Happy late Hannukah, and if neither then have a wonderful day anyway.
81) No, the golden armor has nothing at all to do with flooding. You are correct that by Earth science, this would be a problem, but Earth science does not apply in BIONICLE. 92) Sorry, no, that is not going to happen.
10I'm surprised. He outright denied that anyone will take over the MU. I guess Terry is going to have to have a change of heart.
1All he said was that Tahu, Takanuva, Gresh, Nektann, Rahkshi, or the Skrall won't be taking over the MU.
1QUOTE 2Okay, this is the very last question thing I am going to send you (for as long as I can resist):
31. What is the thing that Takanuva discovered at the Makuta's headquarters on Destral in Takanuva's blog? 4ANSWER: Hasn't been revealed yet
52. Is Marvah dead for sure, because in BIONICLE:Rahi Beasts it says he "apparently" perished. Could I get some confirmation on this? 6ANSWER: He's dead.
73. Also, in Rahi Guide, it says Toa Norik a couple of times, on the Furnace Salamander page and another page. This is just a typo, right? 8ANSWER: That book was written so many years ago that I really don't remember what it says and doesn't say. That was like five or six years ago.
94. Have you finally seen TLR yet, and if yes, did you like it? 10ANSWER: Haven't seen it yet.
115. How (in the story) did Gresh change armor? 12ANSWER: Found new. That's how these guys get new armor, they salvage
136. Why does Takanuva have twin staffs of light now? 14ANSWER: Again, found them in the MU.
157. Why does Nektann choose to ally with Makuta? 16ANSWER: Well, Teridax controls the air he breathes, the heat, the water, the ground he walks on -- so I would say Nektann is a pragmatist. In his eyes, opposing someone who basically controls the entire universe is suicide. Nektann is not a hero, he's out for himself and his troops, and he sees no percentage in fighting Teridax.
178. Since in the 5th comic it is stated Makuta crushed all rebellion inside of him, does that mean he took care of Tuyet and Light Teridax and everyone else? 18ANSWER: Means he has an idea of where they are, what they're doing, and how much of a problem they are likely to be.
199. Did the Makuta of Stelt have a Toa Hagah team? 20ANSWER: Yes
2110. Can you give us your opinion on how the new BIONICLE sets coming in 2010 compare to the current ones, or have you not seen them yet? 22ANSWER: I don't consider myself the best person to ask this of. First of all, I work for LEGO, so you know I am only going to say positive things about new sets. Secondly, I only pay attention to sets as much as I need to for story.
2311. Is it only heat vision Rahkshi that were involved in the Bara Magna assault, or were they the only ones featured because it was advertising the Stars? 24ANSWER: They are the only ones who will be shown, but it is possible that others are involved as well.
2512. Was Tahu devolved before or after Mata Nui entered the Prototype Robot? 26ANSWER: After. He does not get devolved until he reaches Bara Magna.
2713. Can the Elementally powered Glatorian create a Nova Blast and/or Protodermis Cages when 6 of them activate their powers? 28ANSWER: No on protodermis, yes on nova, but it would kill them to do it.
2914. Since Mata Nui changed the Glatorian's weapons and not the Glatorian themselves, could, say Ackar, still channel his new powers through, say, Kiina's tool? 30ANSWER: He did change the Glatorian, he just didn't tell them that was what he had done.
3115. On an unrelated note, are you writing any new non-BIONICLE books currently? 32ANSWER: Off and on, yes
33Thanks, and have a great day Mr. Farshtey. 34UNQUOTE 35See answers above, 36Greg
37QUOTE 38Quick Follow-up.
3914. Why would it kill them? 40UNQUOTE 41Because they are primarily organic, not primarily mechanical like Toa are. Their bodies were not designed to handle nova blasts
31. What is the thing that Takanuva discovered at the Makuta's headquarters on Destral in Takanuva's blog? 4ANSWER: Hasn't been revealed yet
52. Is Marvah dead for sure, because in BIONICLE:Rahi Beasts it says he "apparently" perished. Could I get some confirmation on this? 6ANSWER: He's dead.
73. Also, in Rahi Guide, it says Toa Norik a couple of times, on the Furnace Salamander page and another page. This is just a typo, right? 8ANSWER: That book was written so many years ago that I really don't remember what it says and doesn't say. That was like five or six years ago.
94. Have you finally seen TLR yet, and if yes, did you like it? 10ANSWER: Haven't seen it yet.
115. How (in the story) did Gresh change armor? 12ANSWER: Found new. That's how these guys get new armor, they salvage
136. Why does Takanuva have twin staffs of light now? 14ANSWER: Again, found them in the MU.
157. Why does Nektann choose to ally with Makuta? 16ANSWER: Well, Teridax controls the air he breathes, the heat, the water, the ground he walks on -- so I would say Nektann is a pragmatist. In his eyes, opposing someone who basically controls the entire universe is suicide. Nektann is not a hero, he's out for himself and his troops, and he sees no percentage in fighting Teridax.
178. Since in the 5th comic it is stated Makuta crushed all rebellion inside of him, does that mean he took care of Tuyet and Light Teridax and everyone else? 18ANSWER: Means he has an idea of where they are, what they're doing, and how much of a problem they are likely to be.
199. Did the Makuta of Stelt have a Toa Hagah team? 20ANSWER: Yes
2110. Can you give us your opinion on how the new BIONICLE sets coming in 2010 compare to the current ones, or have you not seen them yet? 22ANSWER: I don't consider myself the best person to ask this of. First of all, I work for LEGO, so you know I am only going to say positive things about new sets. Secondly, I only pay attention to sets as much as I need to for story.
2311. Is it only heat vision Rahkshi that were involved in the Bara Magna assault, or were they the only ones featured because it was advertising the Stars? 24ANSWER: They are the only ones who will be shown, but it is possible that others are involved as well.
2512. Was Tahu devolved before or after Mata Nui entered the Prototype Robot? 26ANSWER: After. He does not get devolved until he reaches Bara Magna.
2713. Can the Elementally powered Glatorian create a Nova Blast and/or Protodermis Cages when 6 of them activate their powers? 28ANSWER: No on protodermis, yes on nova, but it would kill them to do it.
2914. Since Mata Nui changed the Glatorian's weapons and not the Glatorian themselves, could, say Ackar, still channel his new powers through, say, Kiina's tool? 30ANSWER: He did change the Glatorian, he just didn't tell them that was what he had done.
3115. On an unrelated note, are you writing any new non-BIONICLE books currently? 32ANSWER: Off and on, yes
33Thanks, and have a great day Mr. Farshtey. 34UNQUOTE 35See answers above, 36Greg
37QUOTE 38Quick Follow-up.
3914. Why would it kill them? 40UNQUOTE 41Because they are primarily organic, not primarily mechanical like Toa are. Their bodies were not designed to handle nova blasts
110. Can you give us your opinion on how the new BIONICLE sets coming in 2010 compare to the current ones, or have you not seen them yet? 2ANSWER: I don't consider myself the best person to ask this of. First of all, I work for LEGO, so you know I am only going to say positive things about new sets. Secondly, I only pay attention to sets as much as I need to for story.
3TRANSLATION: 4Do you like the new sets?
5No. 6

1just one quick question - in the lower right corner of this comic scan (linked below), is the brown matoran supposed to be velieka? apologies for the large file size.
3I really can't tell anything from that scan. What prompts the question?
4down at the bottom right corner, there are two matoran, an (apparently) ko-matoran and an (apparently) po-matoran, who resembles velika
5this guy
6just conformation, yes or no, is the matoran in question velika?
7here's the matoran cropped out.
9Mask is the right shape, but coloration seems off. Without knowing what is going on in that portion of the story, I can't say for certain, but those six Matoran were the main ones active in 2006 story. Is this from a 2006 comic?
10this is from the newest (Jan 09) comic. the frame is when teridax says to mata nui (in the prototype robot) "attack me, and those inside me die as well" (or something like that)
11since pop mahn did this, not stuart sayger, its bound to be different....
12i linked to the full page scan up above, here it is again: 13http://www.majhost.com/gallery/serpent042/...neusJunk/10.jpg
14this link gives the whole page, it might take a moment to load, though.
15can you now confirm yes or no to my question?
16I can tell you that the script did not call for him to draw Velika, just generic Matoran. Whether he had Velika in mind, I don't know, and since the coloration is wrong, I can't confirm it's Velika.
17*sigh* does he EVER say yes?
15) I don't know if this is true, but sometime last year I read that the concept of Kanohi would be dealt with in 2009. It was, if I remember right, an official BZP topic. Was this concept supposed to be dealt with, and if it was, what happened to it?
25) No, I am not sure where you read that. They don't have Kanohi in Bara Magna, so there would really have been no way to address the issue in main story. We already have explained all about how Kanohi are created, etc., back in 2004 story.
3When Greg said that, he meant the concept of the Mask of Power would play a big part--that is, the Ignika.
1like it says up there im trying to write a story and would like to know some things2hope you can answer .
31) i read that the iron tribe lived on bota magna. did they live in camps on the ground or in the trees? 42) did they have an army even though they were not in the core war?(i would make sense wouldn`t it?) 52b) if so would they have been trained when they were young(like spartans)? 63) what caused the plage? 74) did they call them selves the iron tribe because of a large deposit near by? 84b) if not why? 95)did they have energized weapons? 105b) what would they be like?
11thankyou for any help you can be of .
121) In the mountains 132) They had warriors, yes 142b) No idea 153) No one knows. If they knew, they could have stopped it 164) Because that is the element they were tied to, same as the fire tribe works with fire and the water tribe with water 175) Yes 185b) They would have hurled bolts of metal
19i think this is all(mostly) new

1Hey Greg 2As you may remember, when TLR first came out you where bombarded with questions regarding if Gelu or Perditus had gotten elemental power. Mata nui, during the time he stayed with the agori and the glatorian, never actually had the time to meet them, considering that after the events of the movie he left to the Valley of the Maze. Now, in theb latest comic, we can see he returned safely to the mega-city, where the aformentioned Gelu and Perditus where residing, the comic later implies that Mata Nui said his good-byes to friends and villagers. 3So, my question is: 4Did Mata Nui grant elemental powers to Gelu and/or Perditus when he returned? 5Please? It would make many people happy, considering we don't have Ice-powered glatorian.
6Thank you 7Mosqueton
8Let me think about it. I have to decide if it makes sense that he would take the time to do that, given the imminent threat to the planet.
9A maybe is better than a no right?

1no, as it just makes you unsure as it is neither a no or yes.
1I honestly don't think we would have. He had more important things to do. If I had to take over a giant robot, I wouldn't stop to help them.