1What? What Legions of Anarch ?
2It's only a saying of the Legion that Nektann and Tuma will build now that they have met.
3Uh...no. Nektann and Tuma have not met. Look at what GregF said again:
44) Would there be any chance that Nektann could meet Tuma now that they are both wandering Spherus Magna.
54) Sure
6He only confirmed that there is a possibility that the two could have met.
1What? What Legions of Anarch ?
2It's only a saying of the Legion that Nektann and Tuma will build now that they have met.
3Uh...no. Nektann and Tuma have not met. Look at what GregF said again:
44) Would there be any chance that Nektann could meet Tuma now that they are both wandering Spherus Magna.
54) Sure
6He only confirmed that there is a possibility that the two could have met.
7Well I just pmed Greg asking if he could make it canon that Tuma and Nektann met, even if they didn't do anything. But still go League Anarchy.
1No, I asked if he had a cybernetic eye, and Greg said no.
11. In JE, it is noted that the rahkshi are "upgraded" by Teridax, in what ways are they upgraded?
21) Better armor
3Looks like Greg has come up with a reason why these Rahkshi sets look different. A minor detail, but a nice one.
4It got my hopes up, but I dont want to get that debate going again. maybe you should ask greg this.
1destiny per definition can not be cheated. Destiny is what you're meant to do. which means that you're meant to think your destiny is to become a turaga and your destiny is to commit suicide to prevent it. destiny is what's going to happen regardless of what you think or want. though in Bionicle destiny is more about what your magnus opus is, instead of every little detail you're gonna do. magnus opus being your purpose in life, like teridax' destiny being taking over the MU, and the Mata's being awakening mata nui.
2Actually, I'm Pretty sure Teridax's Destiny was to reunite Spherus Magna, and taking over the MU was Ironically just a step towards achieving this... After all, Mata Nui would never make someone's destiny to dethrone him . So really, in a weird way, Makuta achieved his Destiny .3Just thought someone should Know that. A little food for thought .
4We kinda already knew that, I think.
6Ya dude, that was the entire central theme of 2010
7But was his destiny originally intended to be that?
8Teridax would still be able to help combine the moons with Bara Magna if he was still inside Mata Nui, being the chief Makuta and all.
1destiny per definition can not be cheated. Destiny is what you're meant to do. which means that you're meant to think your destiny is to become a turaga and your destiny is to commit suicide to prevent it. destiny is what's going to happen regardless of what you think or want. though in Bionicle destiny is more about what your magnus opus is, instead of every little detail you're gonna do. magnus opus being your purpose in life, like teridax' destiny being taking over the MU, and the Mata's being awakening mata nui.
2Actually, I'm Pretty sure Teridax's Destiny was to reunite Spherus Magna, and taking over the MU was Ironically just a step towards achieving this... After all, Mata Nui would never make someone's destiny to dethrone him . So really, in a weird way, Makuta achieved his Destiny .3Just thought someone should Know that. A little food for thought .
4We kinda already knew that, I think.
6Ya dude, that was the entire central theme of 2010
7But was his destiny originally intended to be that?
8Teridax would still be able to help combine the moons with Bara Magna if he was still inside Mata Nui, being the chief Makuta and all.
9No, he had no robot body, so not enough power. Greg already said it: The GB intended for Teridax to take over while Mata Nui got another robot body, since one wouldn't have had enough power. And in the end, they did it together, since Mata Nui started the process, then Makuta finsihed it.
1Some new stuff about the BS01 hosted contest.
2Hi Greg,
3I have some questions about the BS01 hosted contest called Sleeping Awake.
41)Are we allowed to use any of the Piraka in the story?
52) Are we allowed to use one of the Toa Mangai in the story, seeing as that team has hasn't created at the date set of the story?
63) Can people have one toa from the Mangai and Hagah on a team with the Stasis trapped toa?
73a) If yes to #3. I understand Tuyet can't be on a team with either Bomonga or Pouks seeing as see never recongized them in Regin of Shadows, but are any of the other Toa Hagah fair game seeing as it isn't stated otherwise in ROS?
84) Can Sentrakh, Krekka, or Amphibax be featured in the story?
95) Can the Nui Stone or Staff of Artahka be featured in story?
106) Can we feature places that are known about, but have never been featured as a setting in the Bionicle Story? Ex. Nocturn's Homeland, The Shadowed One's Homeland, etc
117) Did Nocturn destroy/split his island before or after the set date for the contest, 7,000 years prior to the events of 2006? Need to know for my story.
12Thanks, 13Filis
141) Yes, as long as you stick to where they would have been during the time your story is set 152) I don't understand your question. 163) No. The Mangai was a set team. It wasn't made up of past Toa from other teams. 174) Sure 185) As long as you are consistent with its history. 196) Again, as long as you are consistent -- Nocturn's island, for example, has a history. 207) Before
1Filis, the Piraka as Dark Hunters doesn't fit the timeline for the contest. Neither does Piraka as Piraka. As regular Skakdi, I suppose that's fine. 2Anyways...
17For the contest, if you choose to have the Stasis Toa on a Toa Team, you are allowed to name it the Toa Xia, as long as that Toa Team was guarding Xia at one point. So for example, if you assign the Stasis Toa to Jovan's Team and they guarded Xia, you can name the team the Toa Xia. Also, Xia is the only one that will work. No other location will work, at least not Odina, Artidax, Destral, Daxia, Stelt, or Zakaz.
3Hey GregF, just a couple of questions. 43. Do all Toa Team names have a meaning, including ones we have never heard of, or could it be just a random name, random like Lhikan or John or etc.?
53) Toa are normally named after the region they are guarding.
63. So are the Toa Mata, the Toa Hagah, and the Toa Inika exceptions to this? Or would Toa Mata be okay seeing as they guarded Mata Nui? 74. Did Jovan's Team guard a region before or after they used the Mask of Life? 85. Were there Toa on Nynrah at any point? In Phantom's biography in the Encyclopedia, it's stated that the Matoran of Nynrah felt that there was a need for a hero, seeing as the island had no Toa, and that's why Phantom was transformed. But was this the case for 100,000 years? 96. Were there ever Toa on Xia or Stelt? 108. Were all Matoran of Nynrah actually Nynrah Ghosts? 11Thanks.
123) Yes. The Hagah were special Toa, the Inika were not in charge of protecting any one place, and the Mata were protecting Mata Nui. 134) Before. 145) Yes [GregF meant yes, there were no Toa ever on Nynrah] 156) On Xia, yes, most likely. Stelt is more like Tortuga during the days of the pirates -- the law is not welcome there. 168) No
17For the contest, if you choose to have the Stasis Toa on a Toa Team, you are allowed to name it the Toa Xia, as long as that Toa Team was guarding Xia at one point. So for example, if you assign the Stasis Toa to Jovan's Team and they guarded Xia, you can name the team the Toa Xia. Also, Xia is the only one that will work. No other location will work, at least not Odina, Artidax, Destral, Daxia, Stelt, or Zakaz.
1Greg's answers in bold.
2Hi again, Greg. I have a few questions to ask you. Feel free to skip any Qs you don't feel like answering.
3Thanks in advance for answering, Greg. Sorry for so many questions.
4Thanks again, TheSkeletonMan939
51. It'd be pretty tough to evacuate a universe in only three days. I assume that not all MU residents escaped? Unless, when Teridax fell, the impact made a bunch of other holes all around his body, giving more escape routes.
61) There already are multiple ways out. Remember the hatch Tahu and Takanuva used to reach Bara Magna? Those exist all over, since they were needed when the robot was being built.
71a. Will a Toa of water actually take the water and liquid protodermis from the MU robot? Because that would mean Lesovikk, Sarda, and Hydraxon would get out of the MU, and those all are interesting characters.
81a) The alternative would be that all water-breathing Rahi would die, which wouldn't be very nice
91b. Did all the MU residents we know of get out? (MNOG2 Matoran, Metru Nui Matoran, Vortixx, etc.)
101b) All named characters will get out. Some others probably won't.
113. Say that Power of the Great Beings doesn't come out. Now, does Papercutz still own the story, or can you release it on BZP because the book is cancelled? (I ask because of the BIONICLE toy line's cancellation and GN8's constant delays make it seem like this one won't make it to the stands)
123) Papercutz paid for the portion of the script that was done, which was about one-third of the book, so they own it.
134. In Swamp of Shadows, Helryx and Krakua discuss Takanuva's true destiny. Now, was his destiny to help Tahu find the Golden Armor, or not? I guess that if not, then it would be covered in be future story.
144) Not
155. Out of curiosity, about how many entries for the Who am I contest on the back of Rebirth have you gotten?
165a. Now, I assume we're talking hundreds (possibly thousands) so does a team filter through the entries and give the good ones to you, or do you look through all of them?
175-5a) Don't know. All contest entries go through our intern, who processes them and does the first cut. I see the finalists. She also keeps count of how many entries we receive. Since there is an essay involved, we will probably get fewer entries than if it were just building.
18Number three is a little interesting.
2Hi again, Greg. I have a few questions to ask you. Feel free to skip any Qs you don't feel like answering.
3Thanks in advance for answering, Greg. Sorry for so many questions.
4Thanks again, TheSkeletonMan939
51. It'd be pretty tough to evacuate a universe in only three days. I assume that not all MU residents escaped? Unless, when Teridax fell, the impact made a bunch of other holes all around his body, giving more escape routes.
61) There already are multiple ways out. Remember the hatch Tahu and Takanuva used to reach Bara Magna? Those exist all over, since they were needed when the robot was being built.
71a. Will a Toa of water actually take the water and liquid protodermis from the MU robot? Because that would mean Lesovikk, Sarda, and Hydraxon would get out of the MU, and those all are interesting characters.
81a) The alternative would be that all water-breathing Rahi would die, which wouldn't be very nice
91b. Did all the MU residents we know of get out? (MNOG2 Matoran, Metru Nui Matoran, Vortixx, etc.)
101b) All named characters will get out. Some others probably won't.
113. Say that Power of the Great Beings doesn't come out. Now, does Papercutz still own the story, or can you release it on BZP because the book is cancelled? (I ask because of the BIONICLE toy line's cancellation and GN8's constant delays make it seem like this one won't make it to the stands)
123) Papercutz paid for the portion of the script that was done, which was about one-third of the book, so they own it.
134. In Swamp of Shadows, Helryx and Krakua discuss Takanuva's true destiny. Now, was his destiny to help Tahu find the Golden Armor, or not? I guess that if not, then it would be covered in be future story.
144) Not
155. Out of curiosity, about how many entries for the Who am I contest on the back of Rebirth have you gotten?
165a. Now, I assume we're talking hundreds (possibly thousands) so does a team filter through the entries and give the good ones to you, or do you look through all of them?
175-5a) Don't know. All contest entries go through our intern, who processes them and does the first cut. I see the finalists. She also keeps count of how many entries we receive. Since there is an essay involved, we will probably get fewer entries than if it were just building.
18Number three is a little interesting.
11. In JE, it is noted that the rahkshi are "upgraded" by Teridax, in what ways are they upgraded?
21) Better armor
3Looks like Greg has come up with a reason why these Rahkshi sets look different. A minor detail, but a nice one.
4Well, if it is the reason for the set difference, that would be cool.
1How did Tarduk enter the Great Volcano?
2That is supposed to be revealed in graphic novel #10, if it ever gets published.
3I see... 4Also, more questions, if I can dare.
51. What of Umbra? Has he got out of the MU to where the Ignika is kept, or will he remain inside forever? 62. How did Tahu get his firesword back? If I recall correctly it got transformed into his Magma swords, which are now lost or destroyed...did the Ignika transform his rotating blades into the sword? 73. Are the Zyglak still inside the MU? And I bet they have no will to get out... 84. Will we find out if the Barraki and/or the Dark Hunters escape the MU in RoS? 95. I recently found that Gresh's helmet is similar to that of Jaiko from Knights' Kingdom, also they're both rookies: did you developed Gresh's character after Jaiko's?
10Thank you.
111) He will depart the MU as well 122) His weapon is adaptive, so when he became a Mata again, it went back to something he would familiar with 133) They most likely will have to leave or perish. I don't know how long they can survive with no heat or fresh air. 144) They do. No named characters died when Teridax died. 155) Not to my knowledge, no. I did not work on KK and do not own the sets, nor did I know what Gresh would look like when I created the character.
1I hope the Zyglak leave the MU. They have alot of potential for future plots.
1How did Tarduk enter the Great Volcano?
2That is supposed to be revealed in graphic novel #10, if it ever gets published.
3I see... 4Also, more questions, if I can dare.
51. What of Umbra? Has he got out of the MU to where the Ignika is kept, or will he remain inside forever? 62. How did Tahu get his firesword back? If I recall correctly it got transformed into his Magma swords, which are now lost or destroyed...did the Ignika transform his rotating blades into the sword? 73. Are the Zyglak still inside the MU? And I bet they have no will to get out... 84. Will we find out if the Barraki and/or the Dark Hunters escape the MU in RoS? 95. I recently found that Gresh's helmet is similar to that of Jaiko from Knights' Kingdom, also they're both rookies: did you developed Gresh's character after Jaiko's?
10Thank you.
111) He will depart the MU as well 122) His weapon is adaptive, so when he became a Mata again, it went back to something he would familiar with 133) They most likely will have to leave or perish. I don't know how long they can survive with no heat or fresh air. 144) They do. No named characters died when Teridax died. 155) Not to my knowledge, no. I did not work on KK and do not own the sets, nor did I know what Gresh would look like when I created the character.
16You know, that AA is pretty powerful. I mean, couldn't it of just turned into the golden armour, or like, armour with a giant canon comming out of his chest or something? Or a light lazer that is fueled by sand?
17And on 4: lol, no named characters died when a named character died.
1How did Tarduk enter the Great Volcano?
2That is supposed to be revealed in graphic novel #10, if it ever gets published.
3I see... 4Also, more questions, if I can dare.
51. What of Umbra? Has he got out of the MU to where the Ignika is kept, or will he remain inside forever? 62. How did Tahu get his firesword back? If I recall correctly it got transformed into his Magma swords, which are now lost or destroyed...did the Ignika transform his rotating blades into the sword? 73. Are the Zyglak still inside the MU? And I bet they have no will to get out... 84. Will we find out if the Barraki and/or the Dark Hunters escape the MU in RoS? 95. I recently found that Gresh's helmet is similar to that of Jaiko from Knights' Kingdom, also they're both rookies: did you developed Gresh's character after Jaiko's?
10Thank you.
111) He will depart the MU as well 122) His weapon is adaptive, so when he became a Mata again, it went back to something he would familiar with 133) They most likely will have to leave or perish. I don't know how long they can survive with no heat or fresh air. 144) They do. No named characters died when Teridax died. 155) Not to my knowledge, no. I did not work on KK and do not own the sets, nor did I know what Gresh would look like when I created the character.
16You know, that AA is pretty powerful. I mean, couldn't it of just turned into the golden armour, or like, armour with a giant canon comming out of his chest or something? Or a light lazer that is fueled by sand?
17And on 4: lol, no named characters died when a named character died.

19EDIT: I got it now: adaptive armor

1Hello, Mr.Farshtey. I hope you are well.I just had a few questions.
21. Teridax getting hit and killed by a fragment of Aqua Magna is the canon death for him, right?
32. How many people in Metru Nui died?
43. Will we ever find out the fate of the Vahi, Mask of Time? Last time we saw it Voporak had stolen it.
54. When should the post-Mata Nui Saga story start?
65. Are the Battle for the Golden Armor Stop-Motion videos canon? Because the fights in it are similar to the ones shown in the comics and Journey's End Novels.
7That's it for now . Thanks .
81) It's the one that makes most sense. 92) No idea 103) Well, assuming Voporak makes it out of the MU, he will still have it 114) Technically, it has, since Sahmad's Tale is now post Mata Nui saga 125) Yes
1Good to know that the stop-motion videos are canon. They are pretty cool.
1theve got rahkshi coming out of a hatch in a rock, not in makutas foot.
1Hello sir a few questions I thought up.
21. taking into consideration that mata nui gave gresh air powers as he assumed that green meant that was his tribe, if for some reason he saw a member of the fire tribe as blue instead of read (maybe after a hit on the head or something) could he give it water powers, basically if he focused could mata nui chose what elemental power he gave glatorian?
32. This is a bit random but what were the symbols on the top of the bohrok-kal heads, as a youngster I assumed that they were a map of an undiscovered island but where they actually supposed to represent anything at all?
43. Do you watch doctor who?
54. now that the MU inhabitants have migrated onto spherus magna, agori/glatorian join villages of elements thaat weren't on spherus magna ,such as gravity, would they wear new coloured armour to match the rest of the villagers?
61) Yes 72) No idea, not a set designer 83) Yes 94) Where would the Agori and Glatorian get this armor from? They can't wear Matoran or Toa armor, as it's designed for beings who are mostly mechanical, not for organic beings
10I think number one is quite interesting.
1I also used to think the head symbol of the Kal represented something.
1Hi Greg thanks for answering my questions now if you don´t mind I´ve got some new ones. 21.- Before you there was another Bionicle writer: C.A Hapka, I just wanted to know if she got fired in order to hire you or something? 32.-I know the Toa Nuva´s weapons are adaptive so If the Toa Phantoka went to the swamp would their weapons become nynrah ghostblasters? and if the Toa Mistika went to the villages would their weapons become Midak skyblasters? 43.- I don´t understand very well about that "dome islands" of Metru Nui and Voya Nui, are they realy inside domes or what? 54.-Do you already have the name for the Toa on the BS01 #5 contest? 65.- If Teridax had succeded in conquering Metru Nui then what would he have done when the great spirit died? 76.-how did Takanuva changed from a super cool titan size to an av-matoran size on 2010? 87.-A Rode can detect If I am lying right? 98.-Could Takanuva use his powers to reload his Midak skyblaster? 109.-If Toa Mata Pohatu became a turaga would his mask be like Photok´s mask? 1110.- how much time would you say a Toa can survive without a mask on his/her face? 1211.- Is there any ability that Glatorian have and Toa don´t? 1312.-Can a Krana affect a Glatorian face or anyone´s face which doesn´t wear a mask normally like a Barraki, or a Skakdi? 1413.-Are all the Skakdi the same height of Nektann cause I believe the DH maybe made the Piraka higher? 1514.-If any Glatorian can be female why to choose one with blue armor like any Toa of water? 1615.-If Pridak died who would lead the Barraki? 1716.-where my questions interesting? 18thanks again and I hope you have a great day
191) No. Cathy just chose to move on to other projects. If you look her up on Amazon, you will see she has a long list of books she has done. She keeps very busy. 202) It's possible, yes 213) The interior of the robot is made of a series of interlocking domes. In the case of Metru Nui, it is inside the dome that serves as the robot's skull. There is then a sea gate that links the skull to the neck, through which it is possible for Matoran to pass through in a boat, thus traveling into a different dome. 224) No. 235) At the time Teridax was trying to conquer Metru Nui, he didn't know Mata Nui was going to die. All he had done was put him to sleep. 246) Once he gets out of Karda Nui, his size reverts to what it was in 2003. The 2010 set sizes are not canon. The Toa and Glatorian are the same sizes they were in previous years. The sets are just smaller so we could sell them at a lower price. 257) Yes 268) More likely, he would have simply channeled his power through it the way he can through any Toa tool. 279) I don't recall us saying that Photok's mask was shaped like a Noble version of Pohatu's. 2810) Toa don't die if they take their masks off. They simply get weakened and lose the ability to use any mask. 2911) Yes. Glatorian can eat like we do, Toa cannot. Glatorian can reproduce biologically, Toa cannot. Glatorian can love romantically, Toa cannot. 3012) No. Krana cannot affect someone from outside the MU. It's designed to override programming, and Bara Magna residents do not have programming. 3113) No, heights vary, the same way they do in humans. Also remember that all the 2010 sets are small and not meant to represent the true height of the character. 3214) Because BIONICLE fans are used to blue standing for female heroes. 3315) Probably Kalmah 3416) All questions are interesting, because they tell me what you don't know
35Comments 362.- yes, I knew it 375.-but Mata Nui wasn´t only sleeping, he was dying so if Makuta had conquered Metru-Nui he would someday discover that his brother was dying don´t you think? 386.-very interesting 399.- but I thought Tanma, Solek and Photok had noble versions of the Toa Phantoka´s masks 4010.-But somewhere I read that if they don´t wear a mask fot too long then they fall into a coma-like state 4111.- so is it true thet Kiina loves Gresh? 4214.-o.k 4315.- yeah I was thinking on him and also I belive that if Kalmah died then Takadox would be their leader, what do you think? 4416.-very well
455) But Makuta did not know that. It was 1000 years after Mata Nui was put to sleep that anyone figured out he was dying. 469) I don't recall saying that and it's not in their BS01 entries. I am pretty sure we purposely did not identify those masks at the time. 4710) No, that is not accurate for Toa. It's Matoran who do that. 4811) No, Kiina has a thing for Mata Nui, not Gresh 4915) I doubt if anyone would trust Takadox to lead anything. If Kalmah and Pridak both died, then the alliance would simply shatter. How can Takadox lead it when Mantax is out to kill him, and his best "ally," Carapar, is dead?
50New comment 51But kiina was VERY worried about Gresh when they arrivd in Tajun, Kiina didn´t want Berix to repair Gresh even touch him . and after the battle with the Skrall Kiina hughed Gresh. The only reason I would see for Mata Nui would be that he promised to take kiina out of Bara Magna.
52Her feelings for Gresh were more like big sister, little brother. If you have been reading Journey's End, it's made pretty clear she has feelings for Mata Nui.
191) No. Cathy just chose to move on to other projects. If you look her up on Amazon, you will see she has a long list of books she has done. She keeps very busy. 202) It's possible, yes 213) The interior of the robot is made of a series of interlocking domes. In the case of Metru Nui, it is inside the dome that serves as the robot's skull. There is then a sea gate that links the skull to the neck, through which it is possible for Matoran to pass through in a boat, thus traveling into a different dome. 224) No. 235) At the time Teridax was trying to conquer Metru Nui, he didn't know Mata Nui was going to die. All he had done was put him to sleep. 246) Once he gets out of Karda Nui, his size reverts to what it was in 2003. The 2010 set sizes are not canon. The Toa and Glatorian are the same sizes they were in previous years. The sets are just smaller so we could sell them at a lower price. 257) Yes 268) More likely, he would have simply channeled his power through it the way he can through any Toa tool. 279) I don't recall us saying that Photok's mask was shaped like a Noble version of Pohatu's. 2810) Toa don't die if they take their masks off. They simply get weakened and lose the ability to use any mask. 2911) Yes. Glatorian can eat like we do, Toa cannot. Glatorian can reproduce biologically, Toa cannot. Glatorian can love romantically, Toa cannot. 3012) No. Krana cannot affect someone from outside the MU. It's designed to override programming, and Bara Magna residents do not have programming. 3113) No, heights vary, the same way they do in humans. Also remember that all the 2010 sets are small and not meant to represent the true height of the character. 3214) Because BIONICLE fans are used to blue standing for female heroes. 3315) Probably Kalmah 3416) All questions are interesting, because they tell me what you don't know
35Comments 362.- yes, I knew it 375.-but Mata Nui wasn´t only sleeping, he was dying so if Makuta had conquered Metru-Nui he would someday discover that his brother was dying don´t you think? 386.-very interesting 399.- but I thought Tanma, Solek and Photok had noble versions of the Toa Phantoka´s masks 4010.-But somewhere I read that if they don´t wear a mask fot too long then they fall into a coma-like state 4111.- so is it true thet Kiina loves Gresh? 4214.-o.k 4315.- yeah I was thinking on him and also I belive that if Kalmah died then Takadox would be their leader, what do you think? 4416.-very well
455) But Makuta did not know that. It was 1000 years after Mata Nui was put to sleep that anyone figured out he was dying. 469) I don't recall saying that and it's not in their BS01 entries. I am pretty sure we purposely did not identify those masks at the time. 4710) No, that is not accurate for Toa. It's Matoran who do that. 4811) No, Kiina has a thing for Mata Nui, not Gresh 4915) I doubt if anyone would trust Takadox to lead anything. If Kalmah and Pridak both died, then the alliance would simply shatter. How can Takadox lead it when Mantax is out to kill him, and his best "ally," Carapar, is dead?
50New comment 51But kiina was VERY worried about Gresh when they arrivd in Tajun, Kiina didn´t want Berix to repair Gresh even touch him . and after the battle with the Skrall Kiina hughed Gresh. The only reason I would see for Mata Nui would be that he promised to take kiina out of Bara Magna.
52Her feelings for Gresh were more like big sister, little brother. If you have been reading Journey's End, it's made pretty clear she has feelings for Mata Nui.
1Thats new. Krana can only take over programing, not lorganic inhabitants.
19.-If Toa Mata Pohatu became a turaga would his mask be like Photok´s mask?
29) I don't recall us saying that Photok's mask was shaped like a Noble version of Pohatu's.
39.- but I thought Tanma, Solek and Photok had noble versions of the Toa Phantoka´s masks
49) I don't recall saying that and it's not in their BS01 entries. I am pretty sure we purposely did not identify those masks at the time.
5Well, I do recall him saying that, and it is in their BS01 entries... 6http://biosector01.com/wiki/index.php/Tanma => Mask: Miru 7http://biosector01.com/wiki/index.php/Solek => Mask: Akaku 8http://biosector01.com/wiki/index.php/Photok => Mask: Kakama 9xD
1Or Greg thought you meant Nuva masks, since the Av-Matoran masks are noble standard Kanohi, not noble Kanohi Nuva.
1Hey Greg,
21. I came up with a small theory regarding the Krana. You stated that Krana were used to override the programming of only MU inhabitants. My theory is that the Krana were to override an MU person if he/she somehow managed to wander onto the island of Mata Nui/camoflauge thing when Mata Nui was observing a certain world. The Krana would then take control of the person, perhaps when Mata Nui's preparing to rise and has unleashed the Bohrok to clean the island, and return the person safely to the inside of the MU. Am I right or completely off target?
32. A question about the substance used to create the Bohrok-Kal. How common is it? Teridax had to have been able to find it to create Kraata-Kal so it has to be somewhat common, even if it's still rare.
4I guess that's it.
61) You're mostly right. The controlled person would have wound up in the Bohrok nest with the Bohrok. 72) How can something be rare yet somewhat common? It can't be both.
8I think I figured out what the Krana are for... or did we know that already?
1When the Toa Metru were Matoran, they wore powerless masks in the shape of their corresponding Great shapes, right?
2They were wearing powerless masks, yes. Outside of Jaller in 2001-2003, Matoran do not wear Great or Noble masks, as it would be a waste of a powered mask.
3Just an old 2004-related question I wanted some clarification on.
1QUOTE 2QUOTE 3QUOTE 4Good afternoon, mr. Greg.
51. Empire of the Skrall seems to show baterra are programmed to follow instructions from unarmed agori, or at least are open to suggestion when no targets are available. Does this property of their programming allow agori/glatorian to direct them to perform limited tasks (like krana-less bohrok), higher-impact tasks (go here, kill that guy) , or do they only respond to "go away, nothing to see here,"?
62. How long would it have taken the Baterra to reach the bara magna desert, had Mata Nui not impeached Tuma?
73. This is really hypothetical, so I'll understand if you decline to answer it: an unarmed glatorian is fighting an unarmed skrall, and they both know Baterra are around. The glatorian gets the Skrall to pick up a weapon, senses a baterra about to stab the skrall (like vastus' movement-sense), and grabs the baterra's blade so it looks like he (the glatorian) performed the kill, and not the baterra, for the purpose of deception. Would the baterra still peceive this the same as the glatorian arming himself?
84. In relation to the first question, would Vastus enhanced senses allow him to sense the movements of nearby Baterra? On that note, about how far would you say his air-current sense extends?
95. Just a couple more questions, on a different subject. In the Kindgom pocket dimension, what would the Sisters of the Skrall have done after their journey to the Valley of the Maze: go home and scheme, attack the Skrall, or leave that to the Baterra?
106. Are the sisters the power-hungry conquerors their brothers are? 116a. if allowed revenge on the Skrall, would they take their place in trying to conquer Bara Magna?
121) They're not going to take orders to do tasks -- they only have one task, that's destroy armed beings. That's all they are willing to do. 132) Tuma's defeat doesn't really change anything. They are still headed for the Bara Magna desert. 143) Yes. He would kill the Glatorian, because he's armed. 154) He probably would have a better chance than someone else would 165) I'm a little confused -- did we reference that they went there in the Kingdom story? 176) No 186a) Probably not, no
192. That could be an issue for Tahu and his band. anyway, About how long will it take them, regardless? or are you not allowed to discuss this yet? 205. It's for an epic Im writing. What happened to Bara Magna in the Kingdom reality. Anyway, I just assumed they did go in that reality, since Matoro's hesitation was the pebble that started off the ripple effect. And up until the point where the Ignikia didn't land on Bara magna, everything else should have been the same, right?
217. Generally speaking, how would you describe the persona of the SotS as opposed to Tuma's merry men?
222) Simple answer is, since I'm the writer, it is going to take as long as I need it to take. 235) At this point, we don't know what they did after their journey in our reality, so not sure how we can know what they did after it in another reality. 247) I see them as being more serious and thoughtful ... certainly capable of destruction, but it's more directed at a goal rather than "let's just conquer everything." They don't have the same motivation Tuma did, because the baterra are no threat to them. So it's more a, "Let these different groups fight it out and then we will pick up the pieces" mentality.
51. Empire of the Skrall seems to show baterra are programmed to follow instructions from unarmed agori, or at least are open to suggestion when no targets are available. Does this property of their programming allow agori/glatorian to direct them to perform limited tasks (like krana-less bohrok), higher-impact tasks (go here, kill that guy) , or do they only respond to "go away, nothing to see here,"?
62. How long would it have taken the Baterra to reach the bara magna desert, had Mata Nui not impeached Tuma?
73. This is really hypothetical, so I'll understand if you decline to answer it: an unarmed glatorian is fighting an unarmed skrall, and they both know Baterra are around. The glatorian gets the Skrall to pick up a weapon, senses a baterra about to stab the skrall (like vastus' movement-sense), and grabs the baterra's blade so it looks like he (the glatorian) performed the kill, and not the baterra, for the purpose of deception. Would the baterra still peceive this the same as the glatorian arming himself?
84. In relation to the first question, would Vastus enhanced senses allow him to sense the movements of nearby Baterra? On that note, about how far would you say his air-current sense extends?
95. Just a couple more questions, on a different subject. In the Kindgom pocket dimension, what would the Sisters of the Skrall have done after their journey to the Valley of the Maze: go home and scheme, attack the Skrall, or leave that to the Baterra?
106. Are the sisters the power-hungry conquerors their brothers are? 116a. if allowed revenge on the Skrall, would they take their place in trying to conquer Bara Magna?
121) They're not going to take orders to do tasks -- they only have one task, that's destroy armed beings. That's all they are willing to do. 132) Tuma's defeat doesn't really change anything. They are still headed for the Bara Magna desert. 143) Yes. He would kill the Glatorian, because he's armed. 154) He probably would have a better chance than someone else would 165) I'm a little confused -- did we reference that they went there in the Kingdom story? 176) No 186a) Probably not, no
192. That could be an issue for Tahu and his band. anyway, About how long will it take them, regardless? or are you not allowed to discuss this yet? 205. It's for an epic Im writing. What happened to Bara Magna in the Kingdom reality. Anyway, I just assumed they did go in that reality, since Matoro's hesitation was the pebble that started off the ripple effect. And up until the point where the Ignikia didn't land on Bara magna, everything else should have been the same, right?
217. Generally speaking, how would you describe the persona of the SotS as opposed to Tuma's merry men?
222) Simple answer is, since I'm the writer, it is going to take as long as I need it to take. 235) At this point, we don't know what they did after their journey in our reality, so not sure how we can know what they did after it in another reality. 247) I see them as being more serious and thoughtful ... certainly capable of destruction, but it's more directed at a goal rather than "let's just conquer everything." They don't have the same motivation Tuma did, because the baterra are no threat to them. So it's more a, "Let these different groups fight it out and then we will pick up the pieces" mentality.
1Hey Greg,
21. I came up with a small theory regarding the Krana. You stated that Krana were used to override the programming of only MU inhabitants. My theory is that the Krana were to override an MU person if he/she somehow managed to wander onto the island of Mata Nui/camoflauge thing when Mata Nui was observing a certain world. The Krana would then take control of the person, perhaps when Mata Nui's preparing to rise and has unleashed the Bohrok to clean the island, and return the person safely to the inside of the MU. Am I right or completely off target?
32. A question about the substance used to create the Bohrok-Kal. How common is it? Teridax had to have been able to find it to create Kraata-Kal so it has to be somewhat common, even if it's still rare.
4I guess that's it.
61) You're mostly right. The controlled person would have wound up in the Bohrok nest with the Bohrok. 72) How can something be rare yet somewhat common? It can't be both.
8I think I figured out what the Krana are for... or did we know that already?
9No we didn't.
10About the Kal thing: Maybe he just got in the Nest and got some for him, or who knows, maybe it's synthetized?
11Actually, I think we've known that since late 2007 / early 2008, when we were told what the Bohrok were supposed to do.
1Hello, just one question, but i think its important,
2Now that we know Teridax's destiny was to take over the MU to undo the shattering, could it be that the other Makuta, in addition to designing rahi, were meant to replace Teridax in case he was killed prior to Mata Nui's Return.
3Thank you.
4You're misunderstanding destiny -- if Teridax's destiny is to do what he did, then that is what has to happen. If he dies prior to that, then his destiny was to die prior to doing that, not to take over the MU.
5Fair enough, but what if, in an alternate reality in which Teridax did die, could another Makuta have taken his place??
6thanks for your time
7Virtually anything is possible in an alternate reality, S. That's what makes it "alternate"
1Hello, Mr. Farshtey. I sent you a similar pm earlier last week, but I think it got lost in the mail, so to speak (Drat the server .)
2I have but two questions. The conflict of Takanuva and Makuta Teridax was in the form of a mock kohlii match. My question is: How did Makuta become such a rad Kohlii player?
3Also, a member by the name of DarkLordBane154 recently came up with the following theory, and we both wanted to know what you thought about it.
4Well as you all know, Voya Nui was ejected from the Matoran Universe during the Great Cataclysm, and this is a mystery which has left many of us wondering for years. After thinking about it for a while though, I think I have come up with a pretty valid idea as to how this happened, so here it goes.
5We all know that Makuta shot the Mask of Life out from his chest all the way from the Codrex. If you look at the Great Spirit robot, you can see a small circle on its chest where the mask was shot from, so obviously things can leave the robot from there. We know that the mask was inside the Codrex before Teridax shot it out, so it seems safe to assume that that is where it was shot from. I get the feeling that the codrex is in the middle of Karda Nui as well, and we know that Voya Nui is in the center of the Southern Continent. So basically I think that the mask was shot from the Codrex and up through Karda Nui and through Voya Nui. Mount Valmai is also in the center of Voya Nui, as well as the Chamber of Life, so maybe volcano served as a hole for the mask to go through as well, and then from there, it simply leaves through the dome of the southern continent and out into space. 6Based on all of those factors, I have theorized that when Mata Nui crashed into Aqua Magna, his system may have experienced a shock and sent out a pulse from the Codrex just like Teridax did. Because it was just kind of like a unintentional reaction, sort of like a twitch, it may have been overpowered and struck the entire area under Voya Nui and pushed the whole island with it, ripping it from the Southern Continent. From there, the whole island was shot out through that hole in the robot and came to rest on top of the water. And you know the rest from there, it simply floated for a while until it was anchored down by Mahri Nui. 7So what do you guys think, is this a plausible theory? And maybe it is worthy of asking Greg about?
8Sincerely, X-Ray.
91) Observation, he'd been watching the Matoran for 1000 years at that point. 102) We already know why Voya Nui shot up, from the impact of the Great Cataclysm.
111.) Well, yes, but the idea of playing kohlii with staves had only been around for a month or two. 122.) Yeah, the great cataclysm CAUSED
131) Where does it say that playing kolhii with staves was a new innovation that happened just before the movie?
141.) Well, kolhii was played pretty much like soccer until Hewkii popularized the use of the stave after the Bohrok Swarm Invasion. But then again, this occured in the Bohrok Online Videos, some of which is only partially cannon...
152.) Sorry, typing mistake. We know the great catyclsym RESULTED in Voya Nui rocketing up to the surface, but the theory details exactly how it happened. Please read.
16Oh, a few more things:
173.)How does Metru Nui's system of goverment work? 183a.) Can anyone rule it, like being elected Mayor, or are only Turaga allowed to be rulers? 193b.) Are there taxes? 203c.) Are there political parties, like conservatives and liberals? 213d.) Were the Makuta involved in the day-to-day running of the city, or were they more like ambassadors/diplomats/UN Reperasentitives?
22Well, that's all for now.
23Sincerely, X-Ray.
242) I did read. We already know how it rocketed up. 253a) Only Turaga. It's not a democracy. 263b) No 273c) No 283d) No, Makuta was there to make sure another civil war did not break out. He was not involved in the government's day to day running
29Ah well. I tried. Sorry DarkLordBane154, but no luck.
30Sincerely, X-Ray.