1QUOTE 2Dear Mr. Greg,
3I was attempting to compile the entire saga and noticed one annoying gap in the Mahri section: the battle in the Cord. Then I noticed it said there was a book that actually covered that area, Legends #7: Invasion, which was never published and the info inside it put in everyone's bios. But that doesn't really tell what HAPPENED, does it? I wanted to ask: Is there some way you could post the text of that book or send it to me somehow?
4The Mad Great Being
5Only 6000 words of the book were ever written, and that battle was not covered in that segment. I hadn't reached that point yet. And the book no longer exists -- the PC it was on died a long time ago.
3I was attempting to compile the entire saga and noticed one annoying gap in the Mahri section: the battle in the Cord. Then I noticed it said there was a book that actually covered that area, Legends #7: Invasion, which was never published and the info inside it put in everyone's bios. But that doesn't really tell what HAPPENED, does it? I wanted to ask: Is there some way you could post the text of that book or send it to me somehow?
4The Mad Great Being
5Only 6000 words of the book were ever written, and that battle was not covered in that segment. I hadn't reached that point yet. And the book no longer exists -- the PC it was on died a long time ago.
11. Did Mata Nui witnessed an eruption of a supervolcano?
22. Did the Matoran Universe robot had the ability to withstand volcanic ash?
33. How would the Great Beings feel about the AIs?
4Questions for contest 5:
54. Can Airwatcher talk in third person?
65. Can Kraata-Kal be feature?
76. Can a character use a Rahi specie name as an insult?
87. Can use the word "bar" as a codename for a new Dark Hunter?
98. Does the Shadow One sents a them of 5 or more or less Dark Hunters on a mission?
101) I suppose he could have 112) Well, if he witnessed such a thing and is still intact, one has to assume that he could survive that, right? 123) Probably intrigued 134) In third person? 145) Yes 156) Yes 167) That's up to you, it's your story 178) He sends as many as he feels are needed.
1Did you mean if Airwatcher talks like "Airwatcher no like that"?
1They didn't have a military but otherwise yeah...
13b.) Are there taxes?23b) No
3But then, I wonder, how is the Metru Nui government funded?
4Funding for what?
5Military, Infrastructure upkeep, Science programs, same things Earth's countries spend it on.
6Metru Nui was a communist society. They didn't pay their workers. Everyone worked for the common good, and reaped the benefits of everyone else's labor as a reward. That's why the Vahki were needed.
1In Soviet-Nui, disk throws you .
2Sorry, I couldn't resist. But I didn't know that it was communist . I always thought that they got payed in widgits. But communism actually makes sense for them. Huh. But this should probably be moved to the Official... erm... the official something or other topic. I don't know. Just not here please.
2Sorry, I couldn't resist. But I didn't know that it was communist . I always thought that they got payed in widgits. But communism actually makes sense for them. Huh. But this should probably be moved to the Official... erm... the official something or other topic. I don't know. Just not here please.
1So wait, do the workers get paid?
1Wow, I sure did start something .
Maybe we ought to ask Greg for a lesson in Bionicle Economics 101. But seriously. Communism is NOT the way to go. I mean, if all your benefits are planned out for you, then what's the point of going the extra mile? That's how capitalism works- incentive. I mean, of course they get paid. There are shops at which matoran and others buy things. How do they generate income, in this case, widgets? Of course they get paid. But then again, the lack of paper would make it difficult for the concept of time cards to exist... Go time tablets, cousin of the identity tablet . Speaking of which, I wonder what sort of goverment the Toa Empire had...
2Sincerely, X-Ray.

2Sincerely, X-Ray.
1Wow, I sure did start something . Maybe we ought to ask Greg for a lesson in Bionicle Economics 101. But seriously. Communism is NOT the way to go. I mean, if all your benefits are planned out for you, then what's the point of going the extra mile? That's how capitalism works- incentive. I mean, of course they get paid. There are shops at which matoran and others buy things. How do they generate income, in this case, widgets? Of course they get paid. But then again, the lack of paper would make it difficult for the concept of time cards to exist... Go time tablets, cousin of the identity tablet . Speaking of which, I wonder what sort of goverment the Toa Empire had...
2Sincerely, X-Ray.
3As far as we know, it was a Fascist state. Or at the very least a Totalitarianism. Either way, this doesn't belong in this topic.
1Hi Greg, 2In one of your previous PM reported in Greg's Official Dialogue, you said that Makuta's robotic Head was hit by a fragment of Acqua Magna (as shown in the comics). Now in JE, as in Mata Nui's Saga artwork, Makuta's head is literally crashed by the Whole Bota Magna.
3What has happened? You have changed your mind (and the book's 10th Chapter) in the meanwhile? 4Or the story was conceived as in JE from the start? 5Please let us know.. 6Thanks 7Luca S.
8JE was written way before the comic was, and it was written to coordinate with Mata Nui Saga. The colorist for DC colored the moon blue in the comic, which is how the whole Aqua Magna thing got started.
9[quote name='Toa Pohatu Mata' date='Apr 21 2010, 02:12 PM' post='6832314'] 10Just got this back from GregF, around eight minutes after sending it.
1As I specified to Greg, the problem does not lie in Aqua Vs Bota or light blue Vs Green that is indifferent for the story, but the real question is why Greg said it was a debris and now we discovered that is a whole planetoid?
2A debris can escape the sensor and only damage Metru Nui, Bota Magna wull crash Makuta's head like a watermelon and kill all the matorans
2A debris can escape the sensor and only damage Metru Nui, Bota Magna wull crash Makuta's head like a watermelon and kill all the matorans
1As I specified to Greg, the problem does not lie in Aqua Vs Bota or light blue Vs Green that is indifferent for the story, but the real question is why Greg said it was a debris and now we discovered that is a whole planetoid?
2A debris can escape the sensor and only damage Metru Nui, Bota Magna wull crash Makuta's head like a watermelon and kill all the matorans
3The way it was written, first it was Bota Magna (Journey's End), but that was corrected in the comic (Aqua Magna fragment).
1Actually, here are two reasons why the Matoran could have survived.
21.) They moved to different islands. 32.) The moon bashed the back of Makuta's skull. If tore out the core proccesor did not rip his head all the way though, the top side of his head (Metru Nui) would be generally unharmed.
21.) They moved to different islands. 32.) The moon bashed the back of Makuta's skull. If tore out the core proccesor did not rip his head all the way though, the top side of his head (Metru Nui) would be generally unharmed.
1Hello, Mr.Farshtey. I hope you are doing well. I just had a quick question about Makuta's death. In the comic, he was hit by a fragment of Aqua Magna, but in both the Mata Nui Saga and the Journey's End Novel, he is hit by Bota Magna. Which one is canon?
2Thank you .
3The original 2010 story bible simply says he was hit by one of the two other chunks of the planet. MNS and JE have it as Bota Magna, the comic colorist did it blue so it looked like Aqua Magna. The important point is that he was hit by a part of the one of the moons, not sure why it's important which one it was.
1BTW, about the whole Metru-Nui communist thing, I think I asked Greg a while back and he said the Matoran got paid for their work:
4I think instead of using taxes, the Turaga simply tells the Matoran what he'd like them to make or do for him. (i.e. Dumakuta wanted Vahi from Vakama, Dume wanted Vahki from Nuparu)
24. Are Matoran compensated for their work? (i.e. do they trade their results with other Matoran, or do they just do it because it's their duty?) 34) Yes, in widgets
4I think instead of using taxes, the Turaga simply tells the Matoran what he'd like them to make or do for him. (i.e. Dumakuta wanted Vahi from Vakama, Dume wanted Vahki from Nuparu)
1I think instead of using taxes, the Turaga simply tells the Matoran what he'd like them to make or do for him. (i.e. Dumakuta wanted Vahi from Vakama, Dume wanted Vahki from Nuparu)
2Good idea, but there are hundreds and hundreds of Matoran in Metru Nui. They couldn't have all done something.
3Oh, but an Onu Matoran job is being an archivist. You get paid for it if you do the job, and the Turaga doesn't want you to do anything special unless he says so.
1I think instead of using taxes, the Turaga simply tells the Matoran what he'd like them to make or do for him. (i.e. Dumakuta wanted Vahi from Vakama, Dume wanted Vahki from Nuparu)
2Good idea, but there are hundreds and hundreds of Matoran in Metru Nui. They couldn't have all done something.
3Actually, all of them did something. If they needed more Matoran for something, they'd just create them, and then find them something else.
1I think instead of using taxes, the Turaga simply tells the Matoran what he'd like them to make or do for him. (i.e. Dumakuta wanted Vahi from Vakama, Dume wanted Vahki from Nuparu)
2Good idea, but there are hundreds and hundreds of Matoran in Metru Nui. They couldn't have all done something.
3Actually, all of them did something. If they needed more Matoran for something, they'd just create them, and then find them something else.
4I think the tax discussion should be continued on some other forum, rather than The Official Greg Dialogue.
1Hello, Mr.Farshtey. I hope you are doing well. I just had a quick question about Makuta's death. In the comic, he was hit by a fragment of Aqua Magna, but in both the Mata Nui Saga and the Journey's End Novel, he is hit by Bota Magna. Which one is canon?
2Thank you .
3The original 2010 story bible simply says he was hit by one of the two other chunks of the planet. MNS and JE have it as Bota Magna, the comic colorist did it blue so it looked like Aqua Magna. The important point is that he was hit by a part of the one of the moons, not sure why it's important which one it was.
4It probably is bota magna, as in the comic, it was never said it was from Aqua Magna, but is in the MNs and JE.
1Sorry but I became obsessed with Gresh's satchel after JE 9.
2Hello Greg, just some trivial questions.
3What color is Gresh's satchel? (From JE?)
4How long has he carried it?
5How big is it?
6Do any other Glatorian have pouches?
7Like who?
81) Brown 92) He usually has it on his mount when traveling 103) Bout the size of a bookbag 114) Yes -- we know, for example, the Ackar was packing for a journey in the movie, so obviously he had to be packing stuff in something.
1Speaking of Ackar packing, is anyone else wondering about the shining, ornate necklace Ackar holds for a while in the "Ackar's Hut" scene of TLR? Doesn't look like something a guy like him would normally buy... it may be just a tiny movie detail, but it's fodder for a whole host of touching short stories about Ackar's love life, I'm sure...
2And it is pretty funny that the items just disappear as soon as they touch the Toa's back, yep.
Reminds me of SPIRIT's take on it in his MoL spoof:
4But we're getting off-topic. I sent a message to Greg asking a few trivial things, message tracker says he's read it, but he hasn't replied yet. I'll get it posted ASAP.

2And it is pretty funny that the items just disappear as soon as they touch the Toa's back, yep.

3Tahu: ...They're collapsible.
4But we're getting off-topic. I sent a message to Greg asking a few trivial things, message tracker says he's read it, but he hasn't replied yet. I'll get it posted ASAP.
1Hey Greg, I just had a few interesting concepts that I think are good questions.
21a) Are there seasons in the Matoran Universe? (I would assume no, because there would be no annual temperature changes, and Mata Nui would have no need for them.) 31b) And if not, are most places tropical climates in terms of temperature, or would certain places have colder climates and result in deciduous forests?
42) Did the island of Mata Nui have seasons? (I assume no on this one, and that it was located around Aqua Magna's equator, because the 2001-2003 story arc takes places over roughly a year, and there is no season change, as well as no deciduous plants or tress.)
53) Did Voya Nui have seasons? (I think this one may be a yes, because deciduous forests seem to be what is seen in the Voya Nui comics, though this may just be the way the artist drew it. Although judging by the size of the Great Spirit Robot, I would say that it would be possible for Voya Nui to be further from the equator.
64) And lastly, did/does 74a) Bara Magna have seasons? 84b) Aqua Magna have seasons? 94c) Bota Magna have seasons? 104d) Spherus Magna have seasons?
115) And on an unrelated note, do you think that a Mask of Weather could be a good mask power for the BS01 contest?
121A) Not really, no, not inside the robot 132) Yes, it did. It didn't have fall and winter like we in the northeast have, but even tropical islands have seasons where it is hotter or less hot. 143) Keep in mind that the plant life you are seeing is protodermis, they aren't "real" plants, so what kind they are really doesn't hint at seasons or no seasons. 154) Yes to all four 165) Yes
17I think that the seasonal stuff is pretty interesting and worth while. So we know that the island of Mata Nui went through seasons, just not big ones, as well as Voya Nui, and that the Great Spirit Robot did not have seasons.
1I think that the seasonal stuff is pretty interesting and worth while. So we know that the island of Mata Nui went through seasons, just not big ones, as well as Voya Nui, and that the Great Spirit Robot did not have seasons.
2I thought we already knew that, though? Either way, I guess it's always good to get confirmation.
1Wait a minute. There are seasons in the MU. I recall a book saying Dermis Shell Weather.
Blaze-Wind Master 1Wait a minute. There are seasons in the MU. I recall a book saying Dermis Shell Weather.
2Weather can mean something like a storm. It doesn't necessarily mean there are seasons, only storms on occasion.
Guardian Legend
3Solis Magna. I keep hearing that, where'd it come from? 4-G.L.
5When asked if the sun Spherus Magna orbits had a name, Greg called it "Solis Magna." Solis coming from the word Sol, meaning sun.
1And Solaris, which I beleive also means sun. Or I just play to much SONIC 06. But I'm pretty sure that it means sun.