1In JE, it says that the GBs are far smaller than Mata Nui.
1Regarding the last chapter of Journey's End (Great writing, by the way. Didn't realize I was missing so much with these novels, might have to raid Amazon and get the ones I missed), I have some guesses regarding the nature of Tahu's new powers:
21. Is there a connection to Tahu's new heat vision powers and the fact that he was fighting primarily Heat Vision Rahkshi? 32. Does the Golden armor give him all Rahkshi powers? 43. Does it give him the ability to absorb powers from enemies?
51) I would say no 62) Follow the story and find out 73) Not in general, no, because the GA is really of no use to him against anyone but Rahkshi
8Look closely at how he worded #3... "Not in general"... but #1 leads me to believe he didn't absorb the heat vision from the Rahkshi. Iiinteresting.
1Got this back.
27You know Jedi knight, after the answers he has given to us, I'd say he indeed absorbed the Rahskhi powers.
2Hello Greg, I hope you're good todayI've just read the Epilogue to Journey's End, which has been released today and I'd like to ask some questions about it. But before, let me tell you: I know this all came as a last minute thing, and, while some portions really felt rushed (I understand why) this was just... so well devoloped, so epic and so beautiful. I really mean it: The Unity, Duty, Destiny reference, Ackar's reflexion on himself and how Mata Nui's last wish is to find the Great Beings and tell them it was not their fault. I really enjoyed this ending, thanks for wirting it and thanks for giving us BIONICLE fans so many moments like this one in past present and future.
3Onto the questions... :
41) Tahu now has devoloped Heat Vision powers. Does he have some more surprises in store, or that's it all?
51b) Does he need the Golden Armor to access them?
62) Mata Nui's last wish is for the Toa and Glatorian to find the GBs and relieve them, as well as making them part of the society again. Will you explore this idea in the future with a serial?
73) I've noticed that Mata Nui has cured the beings residing in the sea with the powers of the Ignika. Has he cured other beings affected by the mutagen that were not on sea at the moment? (Lesovikk, Sarda, Idris, Hydraxon, etc.)
84) Mata Nui also restored Spherus Magna and made a new world out of it, reflourishing Bota Magna and Bara Magna and restoring Aqua Magna. Did he also find a way to recreate/restore the Northern Frost?
9And a no JE related question:
105) You said that you had plans for Light Teridax after the Mata Nui vs Makuta chapter. Did you refer to him battling shadow Takanuva's or something completely new? (also, do you plan to have him a protagonist of a serial a la Sahmad's Tale?)
11Thanks for everything,
131) Yes, he does 142) I can't discuss future storyline plans 153) Yes 164) Yes 175) Again, I can't discuss future plans
18Thanks for answering. I have some follow-ups
191) I just noticed, Heat Vision was a Rahkshi power. Does that mean he has the powers of those Rahkshi that were struck by the power of the GA?
202) Were the White Quartz Mountains destroyed too? In one scene it says the Black Spike, but then in the ending says the mountains.
21Also, the Yes you gave to Question 1, was for both 1 and 1b or just for number 1?
22Thanks again,
241) It was for 1. 1b is no. 251) Follow the story and find out 262) No
27You know Jedi knight, after the answers he has given to us, I'd say he indeed absorbed the Rahskhi powers.
1You know Jedi knight, after the answers he has given to us, I'd say he indeed absorbed the Rahskhi powers.
2Hmmm... could be useful, but how many Rahkshi are there actually going to be on Spherus Magna? Seems kind of useless to absorb a few powers once like that.
3Not if they are 42 powers. But still that would be going too far to have Tahu plus 42 powers + Kanohi. After Greg doesn't usually want super powerful characters, specially heroes.
1You know Jedi knight, after the answers he has given to us, I'd say he indeed absorbed the Rahskhi powers.
2Hmmm... could be useful, but how many Rahkshi are there actually going to be on Spherus Magna? Seems kind of useless to absorb a few powers once like that.
3There aren't many Rahkshi left now... but there were hundreds, if not more, Rahkshi that invaded Bara Magna... I'd say that if he absorbed their power, he'd be set for a while.
1Tahu probably won't use all the Rahkshi powers, either. Most of them aren't very Toa-like... especially the 6 that attacked Mata Nui in '03.
1Sorry I'm so slow in posting this. Figured I'd have been beaten.
7It's not questionable now.

2Heat vision, eh? Hmm.
3Did the Golden Armor enhance Tahu's own powers such that they are "all-encompassing" and he can do literally anything related to fire and heat? (Not that being a Toa of Fire wouldn't have made this possible anyways, but I guess heat vision doesn't count there... I myself find this one quite unlikely anyways.)
5Did it grant him the abilities of all of the Kraata it slayed?
6The second one.
7It's not questionable now.
1Sorry I'm so slow in posting this. Figured I'd have been beaten. ![]()
2Heat vision, eh? Hmm.
3Did the Golden Armor enhance Tahu's own powers such that they are "all-encompassing" and he can do literally anything related to fire and heat? (Not that being a Toa of Fire wouldn't have made this possible anyways, but I guess heat vision doesn't count there... I myself find this one quite unlikely anyways.)
5Did it grant him the abilities of all of the Kraata it slayed?
6The second one.
7It's not questionable now.
9Wow, that's quite interesting. I would have actually expected the first one to be the more accurate. Pretty nice.
1Oh my... Looks like we got super Rahkshi enhanced Tahu now. Why can I picture him creating a storm? Who needs Lewa and Gali those days now? 

1Sorry I'm so slow in posting this. Figured I'd have been beaten. ![]()
2Heat vision, eh? Hmm.
3Did the Golden Armor enhance Tahu's own powers such that they are "all-encompassing" and he can do literally anything related to fire and heat? (Not that being a Toa of Fire wouldn't have made this possible anyways, but I guess heat vision doesn't count there... I myself find this one quite unlikely anyways.)
5Did it grant him the abilities of all of the Kraata it slayed?
6The second one.
7It's not questionable now.
9So if the golden armor gives to Tahu the powers of the kraata it slayed, than that's a lot of powers because there were probably a lot of different types of Rahksi.
1I have some questions on the final chapter of Journey's end?
21 Are the mutated creatures in Aqua Magna the Prisoners of the pit?
32a Is Tahu's eye-based power a result of use of the Golden Armour? 4b If so is the power of the Armour to transfer the power of the rahkshi it incinerates to the user?
53 Are the Reptiles on Bota Magna the Bio-Mechancal Dinosaures?
61) Escaped prisoners, yes. Also fish and other creatures exposed to the mutagen 72) Yes 83) Too early to discuss
1Dear Greg,
21. On BS01, the "First Rahi" were a group of prehistoric giant rahi created by the great beings, some of which made it to metru nui. my questions is, was the giant rahi toa kongu awakened near Mahri Nui one of the first rahi? 32. Just asking, are you still getting a lot of pms recently?
51) I don't think so 62) It varies, as it always has. This is a busy time for a lot of people because they have finals coming up in a most cases, so the boards are not as active in general.
71. Just asking, any specific reason? It would clear up where it came from. 82. Did the golden armor give new powers to tahu, or is it the armor which has the power? 93. BS01 states that the rahkshi of heat vision are blinded after using their powers, yet I heard it was retconed. Which is true?
10Thanks again
111) Why does where it came from need to be cleared up, though? If we define every detail of the story, it loses its mystique. 122) Tahu, not the armor 133) I don't recall discussing that one way or the other with anyone.
1Wait a minute, doesn't that contradict what greg said here?
21. Is there a connection to Tahu's new heat vision powers and the fact that he was fighting primarily Heat Vision Rahkshi?31) I would say no
4Not really, because the number of the Rahkshi didn't affect whether Tahu got the power, it looks like.
1Hey Mr F, I had a question for you. We know that Lhikan's Kanohi Hau looks different than Tahu's, right? Are other masks like that? For instance, could there be a Toa somewhere that has an Akaku that looks different than Kopaka's? Or was Lhikan's a special case? 2Thanks .
4Yes, there could be.
5Just something I've been thinking about.

1Hey Greg,
2Juat a few questions.
31) How common are the materials that changed the Bohrok into Bohrok-Kal? 42) Do you know when the next serial update might be?
5A few questions about the energized protodermis and the Matoran Universe.
63) Is the energized protodermis inside the MU any different then the energized protodermis outside? 74) If so, how does it differ? 85) If no to #3: You've stated that Mata Nui can control what happens to a being when he/she is exposed to energized protodermis but not outside of the MU. This would mean that, to have this be possible, the Great Beings must have learned how to control what happens to those exposed or how to make something that can determine something like that. Am I correct? 96) Did the energized protodermis entity exist on Spherus Magna prior to the construction of the MU? 107) If so, would it have known the details of the Shattering? 118) If not, would Mata Nui have made it through his control over destinies?
12Thanks for your time.
131) I don't consider it common 142) As always, when I get it written 153) No 165) That's because Mata Nui sets the destinies of beings inside the MU. He does not for beings who are not from the MU. 176) Unknown
1Sorry I'm so slow in posting this. Figured I'd have been beaten. ![]()
2Heat vision, eh? Hmm.
3Did the Golden Armor enhance Tahu's own powers such that they are "all-encompassing" and he can do literally anything related to fire and heat? (Not that being a Toa of Fire wouldn't have made this possible anyways, but I guess heat vision doesn't count there... I myself find this one quite unlikely anyways.)
5Did it grant him the abilities of all of the Kraata it slayed?
6The second one.
7It's not questionable now.
9So if the golden armor gives to Tahu the powers of the kraata it slayed, than that's a lot of powers because there were probably a lot of different types of Rahksi.
10Though did it destroy all the Rahkshi in existence, or only the ones on Bara Magna?
1Sorry I'm so slow in posting this. Figured I'd have been beaten. ![]()
2Heat vision, eh? Hmm.
3Did the Golden Armor enhance Tahu's own powers such that they are "all-encompassing" and he can do literally anything related to fire and heat? (Not that being a Toa of Fire wouldn't have made this possible anyways, but I guess heat vision doesn't count there... I myself find this one quite unlikely anyways.)
5Did it grant him the abilities of all of the Kraata it slayed?
6The second one.
7It's not questionable now.
9So if the golden armor gives to Tahu the powers of the kraata it slayed, than that's a lot of powers because there were probably a lot of different types of Rahksi.
10Though did it destroy all the Rahkshi in existence, or only the ones on Bara Magna?
11Greg already said that only the Rahkshi on Bara Magna were destroyed not the ones inside the MU robot.
1So then, basically we need a list of the kinds of Rahkshi on Bara Magna. Where will we find that?
1So then, basically we need a list of the kinds of Rahkshi on Bara Magna. Where will we find that?
2The only place we find anything. 3Greg. 4But I doubt he'd give it to us...
5He probably hasn't written a list or decided which Rahkshi arrived, other than Heat Vision Rahkshi. We'll just have to wait and see.
1I doubt RoS is hoing to provide us with a full list of the Rahkshi on BM. That would be very hard to fir in, and extremely hard in Sahmad's Tale. 2I just thought of something: Let's say that there were Poison or Shadow or Anger or Fear or any other kind of Rahkshi with immoral powers on BM, and Tahu absorbed their powers. Now what happens? He has a bunch of immoral powers that he can't get rid of or use without the Matoran running away from him screaming" AHH . Rahkshi Toa . Help .".
1I doubt RoS is hoing to provide us with a full list of the Rahkshi on BM. That would be very hard to fir in, and extremely hard in Sahmad's Tale. 2I just thought of something: Let's say that there were Poison or Shadow or Anger or Fear or any other kind of Rahkshi with immoral powers on BM, and Tahu absorbed their powers. Now what happens? He has a bunch of immoral powers that he can't get rid of or use without the Matoran running away from him screaming" AHH . Rahkshi Toa . Help .".
3As Greg has said repeatedly, those powers can be used for good (ie. making a Rahi so afraid it runs away); it is only the user that makes the power immoral.
1I posted a set of Adaptive Armour pictures too. I don't think Greg would go for it. He'd say "Why does it matter?" 2And even if he said yes, you'd have an army of angry people after you like when Naho's mask was spontaniouly canonized. 3We know whatcolours the Toa are. To nit-pick which parts are which colours is just to try and assert that you're idea is right and lock out anyone else.
4Normally Im all for getting details sorted out. Story details and models are important, but the Toa Nuva are alot more important that Artahka or Alt Teridax. These characters are woven deep in the story since 2001 and their appearance is deeply personal. Everyone has a set image in their head and for one person's vision to be shoved down everyone elses throat is just a pretentious attack on everyone else.
4Normally Im all for getting details sorted out. Story details and models are important, but the Toa Nuva are alot more important that Artahka or Alt Teridax. These characters are woven deep in the story since 2001 and their appearance is deeply personal. Everyone has a set image in their head and for one person's vision to be shoved down everyone elses throat is just a pretentious attack on everyone else.
1Hi Greg, 2I've got just one for you today, for clearing something up:
31) So, Tahu's got heat vision powers now (when he's wearing the Golden Armor). Did the armor extract the power from the Heat Vision Rahkshi, or is it just an extra power of the armor? 41a) if the first, does that mean he's got other Rahkshi powers too?
5Thanks for your time,
71) From the heat vision Rahkshi 81a) Follow the story and find out
9I don't know if this is new or not, but I'll post it anyway...
1Hi Greg
2I've got some questions regarding the last chapter of JE and some other things that I've been wondering about
31- It was said that all of those who were mutated got cured and turned into amphibous beings. Does this also apply to the following: 41a- The remaining Barraki? 51b- And is Ehlek also amphibious now? Since he was already a waterbreather. 61c- Brutaka 71d- Karzahni 81e- Did he also restored Karzahni's mental state?
92- Did Mata Nui also cured the mutations of the BoM that they performed on the Av-Matoran of Karda Nui?
103- Is the moon that was visible from Aqua Magna still around? 113b- Is it maybe now a moon of Spherus Magna? Because it seems like a dull planet to me if there isn't any moon.
124- Since Glatorian and Skrall are distantly related, does that mean they can interbreed?
13That's all for now and thanks in advance
141A-1D) Yes 151E) No. 162) No 173) I don't recall if it was stated somewhere that that moon was one of the two chunks of the planet, so I can't answer at this point. 184) Why does this matter?
1A half Skrall warrior could have alot of story potential if you ask me.
1RE: rahkshi powers (sorry couldn't log in earlier)
2i doubt greg would remove such freedom from himself. if he keeps the other powers unknown, he can introduce one of 41 powers to be used at any time. otherwise he gets stuff like "why didnt he use power X in situation A". i don't think greg even knows the rahkshi himself.
3if two seperate races can interbreed they are one species. two species can not interbreed. so are skrall and glatorian species or races?
2i doubt greg would remove such freedom from himself. if he keeps the other powers unknown, he can introduce one of 41 powers to be used at any time. otherwise he gets stuff like "why didnt he use power X in situation A". i don't think greg even knows the rahkshi himself.
3if two seperate races can interbreed they are one species. two species can not interbreed. so are skrall and glatorian species or races?
1if two seperate races can interbreed they are one species. two species can not interbreed. so are skrall and glatorian species or races?
2A lion and a tiger can breed, but those children (Or whatever it's called it this case) can't become parents. Just saying.
3Actually, yes they can. According to Wikipedia, in 1943 in the Munich Hellabrunn Zoo, a liger/tigon had a child. It was of delicate health, but survived to adulthood. Wikipedia (which I know is of dubious accuracy) also says that male tigons are sterile while females are usually fertile.
1And it's relatively easy to clone females, but that is for another discussion.
2But yeah, I don't see why a Skrall and Glatorian couldn't. I mean, I doubt that they would, but they probably could. It would be a very interesting story point at least.
3But can a glatorian and an agori breed? Hm... I shall have to ask Greg, unless we already know.
2But yeah, I don't see why a Skrall and Glatorian couldn't. I mean, I doubt that they would, but they probably could. It would be a very interesting story point at least.
3But can a glatorian and an agori breed? Hm... I shall have to ask Greg, unless we already know.
1And it's relatively easy to clone females, but that is for another discussion.
2But yeah, I don't see why a Skrall and Glatorian couldn't. I mean, I doubt that they would, but they probably could. It would be a very interesting story point at least.
3But can a glatorian and an agori breed? Hm... I shall have to ask Greg, unless we already know.
4No, they are different species.