1Look, this is a pointless argument. It can go either way with equal legitimency to both sides. Someone just ask Greg, so as to stop the pointless spamming and slight trolling. Thank you

1Hi again. Some other questions. 21. Will Umbra, then, go to where the Ignika is kept to defend it? 32. What happened/will happen to the Stasis Toa after Teridax's death? 43. Does the Skakdi beast, being the fusion between the five piraka and Zyglak among the rest, keep their powers (including the elemental energy resistance of the Zyglak)? Would you assume it has a weapon? 54. Is the green cloud-shrouded being in RoS someone that somehow knew what would the fusion create and wanted to make it not happen, unkown that he/she was destined to be part of the fusion as well? 65. Does Hahli still have the charms and crystals wth her? 76. Is TSO dead? 87. Will there ever be a replacement for Matoro? Maybe the Stasis Toa?
9Thanks again for your time.
101) That would probably be his inclination 112) Depends. We don't know that the other Toa know he's there, to go rescue him. If they find out from one of the DH, or if they do know, I am sure they would mount a rescue operation. 123) No, it does not have their powers, nor does it carry a weapon. It doesn't need one. 134) No 145) I don't know what you're referring to 156) No, he is not. 167) I don't plan to replace him, no. The Toa teams won't be sticking together, they will be splitting up to help various Glatorian-Agori groups, so there is no need to fill his slot in the Mahri.
17I guess the server ate the message. If it didn't, sorry then. 18I was referring to the stones representing kolhii skilss and principles from MNOG2, but I guess they're not really important 19A few more questions, though. 201)Would you consider the Makuta stomp attack from MNS canon? 212)Is there a chance for Bionicle fans from fansites to continue the 2005 comic 22.5, the one which was only half completed detailing how did the Hordika saved Turaga Dume?
22Ah, and about the Skakdi beast contest...there is not going to be one anytime soon.
245) Ah, okay. I had nothing to do with MNOG or MNOG2, so I can't really answer questions on them. 251) Yes 262) Fans can do any kind of fan fiction they want, that's why it's called fan fiction.
272)I mean like a contest.
29Contests have to be suggested by BZP or BS01 staff, because they are the ones who run them.
1I'm sorry if others are asking this, but I can't take the argument in the OGD anymore.
2You said Lein died 265,000 years ago. Was this 265,000 years before Mata Nui's creation, the Great Cataclysm, or Mata Nui's arrival on Bara Magna?
3MN's arrival on Bara Magna
4Okay, so Lein died 165,000 years before Mata Nui's creation, 264,000 years before the Great Cataclysm, and 265,000 years before current story. 5The arguments can now stop.
1Hi again. Some other questions. 21. Will Umbra, then, go to where the Ignika is kept to defend it? 32. What happened/will happen to the Stasis Toa after Teridax's death? 43. Does the Skakdi beast, being the fusion between the five piraka and Zyglak among the rest, keep their powers (including the elemental energy resistance of the Zyglak)? Would you assume it has a weapon? 54. Is the green cloud-shrouded being in RoS someone that somehow knew what would the fusion create and wanted to make it not happen, unkown that he/she was destined to be part of the fusion as well? 65. Does Hahli still have the charms and crystals wth her? 76. Is TSO dead? 87. Will there ever be a replacement for Matoro? Maybe the Stasis Toa?
9Thanks again for your time.
101) That would probably be his inclination 112) Depends. We don't know that the other Toa know he's there, to go rescue him. If they find out from one of the DH, or if they do know, I am sure they would mount a rescue operation. 123) No, it does not have their powers, nor does it carry a weapon. It doesn't need one. 134) No 145) I don't know what you're referring to 156) No, he is not. 167) I don't plan to replace him, no. The Toa teams won't be sticking together, they will be splitting up to help various Glatorian-Agori groups, so there is no need to fill his slot in the Mahri.
17I guess the server ate the message. If it didn't, sorry then. 18I was referring to the stones representing kolhii skilss and principles from MNOG2, but I guess they're not really important 19A few more questions, though. 201)Would you consider the Makuta stomp attack from MNS canon? 212)Is there a chance for Bionicle fans from fansites to continue the 2005 comic 22.5, the one which was only half completed detailing how did the Hordika saved Turaga Dume?
22Ah, and about the Skakdi beast contest...there is not going to be one anytime soon.
245) Ah, okay. I had nothing to do with MNOG or MNOG2, so I can't really answer questions on them. 251) Yes 262) Fans can do any kind of fan fiction they want, that's why it's called fan fiction.
272)I mean like a contest.
29Contests have to be suggested by BZP or BS01 staff, because they are the ones who run them.
30You should PM the BSS.
1No, he shouldn't, because the BSS does not do contests.
1What other powers does the golden Armor give Tahu?
1Hey GregF, just some questions. 21. Can Psionics Toa induce nightmares in a sleeping opponent? 32. Would a Psionics Toa be able to sense a presence even while sleeping? Or would that been too powerful? 43. Does a Psionics Toa actually need a weapon to focus their powers? Or is it more like the Heat Vision Rahkshi staves, where simply holding a tool enables full use of their power? 54. Can Psionics Toa identify the types of minds that they sense? For instance, if a Psionics sensed two minds, a Matoran and a Vortixx, could it identify the difference between the two? 65. Was the Northern Frost a seperate region of Spherus Magna, or was it encompassed in the Bota Magna area? 76. You mentioned that there are other powers of the GA; as the Rahkshi have been defeated already in JE (chapter 10 was just released), does that mean these powers aren't combat related? 8Thanks.
91) I would say most likely yes 102) No 113) In general, no, though some use one out of habit or because of lack of experience 124) I tend to doubt it. They could tell the difference between a Rahi and a non-Rahi, but I don't think you are talking about vast differences in AI when it comes to Vortixx and Matoran, for example. A surface read of the mind would tell him who he was dealing with, though. 135) It's part of Bota Magna 146) The other powers relate to what happened to Tahu after use of the GA
1The nightmares thing is very cool.
1Hey GregF, just some questions. 21. Can Psionics Toa induce nightmares in a sleeping opponent? 32. Would a Psionics Toa be able to sense a presence even while sleeping? Or would that been too powerful? 43. Does a Psionics Toa actually need a weapon to focus their powers? Or is it more like the Heat Vision Rahkshi staves, where simply holding a tool enables full use of their power? 54. Can Psionics Toa identify the types of minds that they sense? For instance, if a Psionics sensed two minds, a Matoran and a Vortixx, could it identify the difference between the two? 65. Was the Northern Frost a seperate region of Spherus Magna, or was it encompassed in the Bota Magna area? 76. You mentioned that there are other powers of the GA; as the Rahkshi have been defeated already in JE (chapter 10 was just released), does that mean these powers aren't combat related? 8Thanks.
91) I would say most likely yes 102) No 113) In general, no, though some use one out of habit or because of lack of experience 124) I tend to doubt it. They could tell the difference between a Rahi and a non-Rahi, but I don't think you are talking about vast differences in AI when it comes to Vortixx and Matoran, for example. A surface read of the mind would tell him who he was dealing with, though. 135) It's part of Bota Magna 146) The other powers relate to what happened to Tahu after use of the GA
15Oh oh oh . We got new info here . Good job. Man, tomorrow can't come fast enough

1Here is some more questions:
21) Is Tren Krom still in the MU robot?
32) Since the Ignika cursed the Great Being from RoS, can it also remove the curse?
43) If Tahu was still in his 2001 form, would the golden armor look slightly different so it could fit on him?
54) Can the Toa Mata/ Toa Nuva become Turaga, since they were never matoran and/ or were transfored by EP?
65) Is the Mysterious Green Cloud from Ros someone or something we have already meet, or is it something entirely new?
76) Will the mystery or the Red Star be revealed?
87) Will Helryx transform into a Turaga, or is her destiny not yet fulfilled?
98) Did the Order of Mata Nui know that Mata Nui's mission was to reunite Spherus Magna?
109) Has Voporak taken the Vahi to the Shadowed One?
111) No one knows, he's disappeared. 122) Yes 133) Don't know. Not really relevant. 144) Yes. 155) I can't answer this 166) Which mystery is that? 177) I have no plans to transform her. 188) No 199) No, TSO is off doing something else at the moment.
1There are also other mysteries besides that like the origin of the Red Star lightning.
16) Will the mystery or the Red Star be revealed?26) Which mystery is that?
3You were refering to the beings in the star, right?
4I was referring to everything about the Red Star: Who made it? (Great Beings) What's it made of? (Protodermis) Who is in it? What is its function? Etc. Etc. Etc...
5We already know its function. The only mysteries are the beings inside and the Inika lightning.
1We also know it's made of Protodermis.
1Hey Greg,
21. I came up with a small theory regarding the Krana. You stated that Krana were used to override the programming of only MU inhabitants. My theory is that the Krana were to override an MU person if he/she somehow managed to wander onto the island of Mata Nui/camoflauge thing when Mata Nui was observing a certain world. The Krana would then take control of the person, perhaps when Mata Nui's preparing to rise and has unleashed the Bohrok to clean the island, and return the person safely to the inside of the MU. Am I right or completely off target?
32. A question about the substance used to create the Bohrok-Kal. How common is it? Teridax had to have been able to find it to create Kraata-Kal so it has to be somewhat common, even if it's still rare.
4I guess that's it.
61) You're mostly right. The controlled person would have wound up in the Bohrok nest with the Bohrok. 72) How can something be rare yet somewhat common? It can't be both.
8I think I figured out what the Krana are for... or did we know that already?
9Could just be part of their cleansing, they clear the island ten make sure nobody's still on th surface whn the robot stands up.
1And the beings inside are with all probability just the RS' analogues to the Matoran.
1He gives an awful lot of nerdy eferences that have me running over to wikipedia to see what hes talking about. (not that I dont get most of them anyway)
1Dear Greg,
21. Since the fragment that crashed Teridax's head was confirmed by the MNS saga as Bota Magna while the comic doesn't state which planet the fragment came from, that confirms that a Bota Magna frament, not an Aqua Magna, fragemnt hit Teridax's head, right?
32. Since Teridax fell on the black spike mountains, are they destroyed?
43. What are the other powers of the golden armor?
61) But I believe in the comic the fragment is colored blue, which is why people assumed it was Aqua Magna. Personally, I would simply say he was struck by an astral body - -which one it was is completely irrelevant to the story, really. If I pick up a rock and hit you with it, does it really matter WHICH rock it was? 72) A good portion, yes 83) Did you read the end of the story? The scene with Tahu?
91. Well, it would clarify which source (MNS or comic) was accurate.
103. You mean in the comic?
114. Didn't Bara Magna have two suns? If so, which is the other one called?
12Thanks again
131) Again, basically irrelevant. Two artistic interpretations of the same event, one where the fragment was blue, one where it was green, that's basically it. 143) No, JE. The Tahu scene does not happen in the comic. 154) Where did we say it had two suns?
16#4 was just to confirm a rumor I heard.
1Dear Greg,
21. Since the fragment that crashed Teridax's head was confirmed by the MNS saga as Bota Magna while the comic doesn't state which planet the fragment came from, that confirms that a Bota Magna frament, not an Aqua Magna, fragemnt hit Teridax's head, right?
32. Since Teridax fell on the black spike mountains, are they destroyed?
43. What are the other powers of the golden armor?
61) But I believe in the comic the fragment is colored blue, which is why people assumed it was Aqua Magna. Personally, I would simply say he was struck by an astral body - -which one it was is completely irrelevant to the story, really. If I pick up a rock and hit you with it, does it really matter WHICH rock it was? 72) A good portion, yes 83) Did you read the end of the story? The scene with Tahu?
91. Well, it would clarify which source (MNS or comic) was accurate.
103. You mean in the comic?
114. Didn't Bara Magna have two suns? If so, which is the other one called?
12Thanks again
131) Again, basically irrelevant. Two artistic interpretations of the same event, one where the fragment was blue, one where it was green, that's basically it. 143) No, JE. The Tahu scene does not happen in the comic. 154) Where did we say it had two suns?
16#4 was just to confirm a rumor I heard.
17You're thinking of Metru Nui, which had two suns (Mata Nui's eyes).
1So yeah, Tahu got a new power. It's on JE Chapter 11/Epilogue, that's been released today. But they showed him with only one new. I'm asking him if he got any others.
2DIT: Just got this back
2DIT: Just got this back

3Hello Greg, I hope you're good todayI've just read the Epilogue to Journey's End, which has been released today and I'd like to ask some questions about it. But before, let me tell you: I know this all came as a last minute thing, and, while some portions really felt rushed (I understand why) this was just... so well devoloped, so epic and so beautiful. I really mean it: The Unity, Duty, Destiny reference, Ackar's reflexion on himself and how Mata Nui's last wish is to find the Great Beings and tell them it was not their fault. I really enjoyed this ending, thanks for wirting it and thanks for giving us BIONICLE fans so many moments like this one in past present and future.
4Onto the questions... :
51) Tahu now has devoloped Heat Vision powers. Does he have some more surprises in store, or that's it all?
61b) Does he need the Golden Armor to access them?
72) Mata Nui's last wish is for the Toa and Glatorian to find the GBs and relieve them, as well as making them part of the society again. Will you explore this idea in the future with a serial?
83) I've noticed that Mata Nui has cured the beings residing in the sea with the powers of the Ignika. Has he cured other beings affected by the mutagen that were not on sea at the moment? (Lesovikk, Sarda, Idris, Hydraxon, etc.)
94) Mata Nui also restored Spherus Magna and made a new world out of it, reflourishing Bota Magna and Bara Magna and restoring Aqua Magna. Did he also find a way to recreate/restore the Northern Frost?
10And a no JE related question:
115) You said that you had plans for Light Teridax after the Mata Nui vs Makuta chapter. Did you refer to him battling shadow Takanuva's or something completely new? (also, do you plan to have him a protagonist of a serial a la Sahmad's Tale?)
12Thanks for everything,
141) Yes, he does 152) I can't discuss future storyline plans 163) Yes 174) Yes 185) Again, I can't discuss future plans
1Dear Greg,
21. Since the fragment that crashed Teridax's head was confirmed by the MNS saga as Bota Magna while the comic doesn't state which planet the fragment came from, that confirms that a Bota Magna frament, not an Aqua Magna, fragemnt hit Teridax's head, right?
32. Since Teridax fell on the black spike mountains, are they destroyed?
43. What are the other powers of the golden armor?
61) But I believe in the comic the fragment is colored blue, which is why people assumed it was Aqua Magna. Personally, I would simply say he was struck by an astral body - -which one it was is completely irrelevant to the story, really. If I pick up a rock and hit you with it, does it really matter WHICH rock it was? 72) A good portion, yes 83) Did you read the end of the story? The scene with Tahu?
91. Well, it would clarify which source (MNS or comic) was accurate.
103. You mean in the comic?
114. Didn't Bara Magna have two suns? If so, which is the other one called?
12Thanks again
131) Again, basically irrelevant. Two artistic interpretations of the same event, one where the fragment was blue, one where it was green, that's basically it. 143) No, JE. The Tahu scene does not happen in the comic. 154) Where did we say it had two suns?
16#4 was just to confirm a rumor I heard.
17You're thinking of Metru Nui, which had two suns (Mata Nui's eyes).
18In TLR two suns were rising as mata nui left vulcanus
1Ye gads, ze fans are crazy, no?
21. Can a Toa make a Toa stone if his or her destiny has not been achieved? 32. Can a toa stone function if the donating toa's destiny has not been achieved? 43. The Baterra attack people with quote unquote weapons. However, anything can be used as a weapon; a robe can become a garrote, a rock can become a club, a hand can become a precisely aimed martial killer. Why, then, don't the Baterra just kill everybody and be done with it? 54. Is the Makuta's ability to shapeshift inherent, or is it tied to their armor? That is to say, if a Makuta possessed a Vahki for some reason, would he be able to shapeshift the Vahki? 65. Would non-matoran ever have been sent to Karzahni for repairs?
7Well, thanks for taking time to answer pointless queries .
81) Sure. The Metru did. And Lhikan's destiny was to bring the Toa Metru into being, so he had not yet achieved that when he made the six Toa stones. 92) Yes 103) Because that is not how they were programmed. The Core War was not being fought with robes, and the Glatorian did not use martial arts. They used weapons. And if you were walking around carrying a rock, they probably would attack you, since there isn't really any reason to be doing that in a time of war other than to hit someone with it. 114) No, he would not. It is tied to their armor. 125) No
13On the two suns thing, it is astrologically possible for a moon to reflect enough sunlight that it could be considered a second sun. Maybe Aqua magna.
1Hey GregF, just a few questions. 21. In the epilogue of Journey's End, it states that those who were mutated by the mutagen in Aqua Magna were unmutated, but they could still breathe water. Does that mean they can breathe water and air like Nocturn did? 33. In JE, it states that there are large, biomechanical reptiles on Bota Magna. Are these the same biomechanical dinosaurs you were referring to some time back? 44. Were the list of names sent to Legal? 55. What was the average amount of time it would take for Legal to get back to you about the list of names? 6Thanks.
71) Or like the Mahri can 83) We'll find out when we get there. 94) Yes 105) Depends on how busy Legal is. I sent it off two days ago, but they also have HF lists I know they are looking at, so I don't know what priority BIONICLE is going to take.
111. Well, what I mean is can they now breathe both air and water or only water? Judging by your answer, it would be both.
121) If they could only breathe water, wouldn't they be screwed? They are standing some distance from Aqua Magna, after all.
131. Wait, I didn't mean the Toa Mahri.I meant the Pit prisoners that escaped into Aqua Magna. 146. The contest on the back page of Comic 7 is said to end on May 1st. How will winners be notified? 157. When will they be judged? 168. Are you going to look at every entry or will an assistant filter in entries?
171) Yes, I am making them amphibious too, in case I ever want to bring them into story 186) By mail, same as always 197) Probably mid-May 208) My assistant filters the entries for me. Some of the things we get in these contests are written in crayon, etc., and it's kind of pointless for me to spend time going through those.
1sir i have some Qs about JE if that ok
21. will the rest of 2010 be about looking for the great beings ?
32. will any water rahi get out of the MU ?
43. why did the mask of life not curse tahu when he held the mask of life in the air ?
54. have you made all your story plans up for the post JE ?
6thanks for your time sir
71) I cannot discuss future storyline plans 82) Yes 93) Because he was meant to touch it. 104) Nope. I make things up as I go.
11) Tahu, Ackar, and Kiina were not cursed when they touched the Ignika because they were destined to do so. Were they only destined to touch the Ignika that one time, or can they touch it agian with out being cursed? Can Tahu, Ackar, and Kiina touch the mask again and again without being cursed, or were they only allowed to touch it that one time?
21) Keep in mind that in addition to being destined to touch it, Mata Nui's mind dominates the mask, even in his current state. So he's not going to let the Ignika curse his friends. The Ignika answers to him.
1Hey Greg, I just have a couple quick questions.
21) Can a Great Rode detect if a Toa of Psionics is somewhere if she is masking herself with illusions? 31a) Arthron? 41b) Elda?
52) What other powers do the Golden Armor grant Tahu?
6thank you for your time. (BTW: Journey's End was brilliant .)
71) It's a good question. The simple answer is, yes, the masks could -- but the perceptions of the person wearing the mask might be so affected that what the mask is picking up is not registering with them, the same way Makuta's illusions blinded the Hagah to reality. 82) Time will tell
9I'm pretty sure 1 is new

1I have a few questions about the story(I understand if you can't answer them): 21. Are the GBs the size of Mata Nui, and the Matoran are like nanobots? Or are they around the size of a Toa, and Mata Nui is big to them to? 32. In Sahmuds Tale, is the disease really a disease, or more of a mental condition? 43. How did the Matoran survive the Mata Nui robot's getting crushed into a moon, and then dieing(were they in another part of the MU)?
51) I'm not allowed to discuss the nature of the Great Beings, on orders of LEGO HQ 62) Follow the story and find out 73) They wouldn't be able to survive the robot's dying for more than three days, since after three days the heat, light, etc. would all be off inside. That is why they have to evacuate. Some Metru Nui Matoran did die from the impact of the fragment, but most were saved from death by the fact that the stabilizers were still functioning for a minute or so after the impact -- in the same way that they survived the robot plunging from outer space into an ocean 1000 years ago.
8I thought he might say that about the first two and I was really wondering about the third.