1Hi Greg . How are you? I hope you´re fine. Reign of Shadows was an awesome Serial. JE was a great book, too. I´ve got some questions that have been in my mind lately...
21.We know Tahu received the power of all the Kraata the Golden Armor destroyed. And you once said Teridax sent more breeds of Rahkshi than the RoHV. How many Powers did Tahu aproximately get? 10 Kraata Powers? 5? 31a.The Golden Armor Hau is a regular Hau just in gold, right? 42.Why didn´t Mata Nui give the beings on Bota Magna (or even on Aqua Magna?) the ability to speak Agori? I feel sorry for Lewa and his "gang" on Bota Magna... 53.Do you already know what the serial "The Yesterday Quest" will be about? Maybe the new Toa serial? 64.When do you get your name list approved? Could you say one name of it, or do you want to show them to us fans after the list got approved? 75.Did the real name of The Shadowed One approved? Do you want to keep it a secret forever? 86.What will the inhabitants of Spherus Magna do with the Visorak or the remaining Rahkshi of they find them or get attacked by them? Kill them? Let them run? 97.What´s your favorite TV show? I think mine is Two and a Half Men or Detective Conan (you propably don´t know Detective Conan, do you?).
10Thanks for your time, Greg.
111) We'll see as time goes on -- short answer is as many as I need him to have for story 121a) Yes 132) He did, L, but the GB fortress is shielded against outside transmissions, and that's where Lewa was when Mata Nui did that. So essentially it couldn't get past the GB firewall. 143) It can't be the new Toa serial, because I don't have the approved list of names yet. 154) I can't discuss the names on it until they are approved, and I have no idea when I will get it back. Approving names for a dead line may not be on top of their priority list. 165) That's off an old name list, so yes, it is approved, but I have no plans to share it. 176) Same thing they would do with any dangerous predatory animal ... same thing we do with dangerous predatory animals. 187) Only show we really watch regularly here is Dr. Who. I like Mantracker too.
19(#5) WHAT? . What a waste of a valuable name for TSO. Might as well just use his name for some other character instead of keeping it secret for so long.
1It's been asked before. GregF always asks how do we know he hasn't done so already.
1Hi Greg . How are you? I hope you´re fine. Reign of Shadows was an awesome Serial. JE was a great book, too. I´ve got some questions that have been in my mind lately...
21.We know Tahu received the power of all the Kraata the Golden Armor destroyed. And you once said Teridax sent more breeds of Rahkshi than the RoHV. How many Powers did Tahu aproximately get? 10 Kraata Powers? 5? 31a.The Golden Armor Hau is a regular Hau just in gold, right? 42.Why didn´t Mata Nui give the beings on Bota Magna (or even on Aqua Magna?) the ability to speak Agori? I feel sorry for Lewa and his "gang" on Bota Magna... 53.Do you already know what the serial "The Yesterday Quest" will be about? Maybe the new Toa serial? 64.When do you get your name list approved? Could you say one name of it, or do you want to show them to us fans after the list got approved? 75.Did the real name of The Shadowed One approved? Do you want to keep it a secret forever? 86.What will the inhabitants of Spherus Magna do with the Visorak or the remaining Rahkshi of they find them or get attacked by them? Kill them? Let them run? 97.What´s your favorite TV show? I think mine is Two and a Half Men or Detective Conan (you propably don´t know Detective Conan, do you?).
10Thanks for your time, Greg.
111) We'll see as time goes on -- short answer is as many as I need him to have for story 121a) Yes 132) He did, L, but the GB fortress is shielded against outside transmissions, and that's where Lewa was when Mata Nui did that. So essentially it couldn't get past the GB firewall. 143) It can't be the new Toa serial, because I don't have the approved list of names yet. 154) I can't discuss the names on it until they are approved, and I have no idea when I will get it back. Approving names for a dead line may not be on top of their priority list. 165) That's off an old name list, so yes, it is approved, but I have no plans to share it. 176) Same thing they would do with any dangerous predatory animal ... same thing we do with dangerous predatory animals. 187) Only show we really watch regularly here is Dr. Who. I like Mantracker too.
19(#5) WHAT? . What a waste of a valuable name for TSO. Might as well just use his name for some other character instead of keeping it secret for so long.
20Greg's not going to reveal it because of the reaction most fans had when he revealed Makuta's name to be Teridax. Most fans didn't like that name, and so, because of this, he's not going to reveal it, for worry of fan reaction being negative.
1Actually, according to a poll made by Bonesii, most members liked the name Teridax.
1Hi Greg . How are you? I hope you´re fine. Reign of Shadows was an awesome Serial. JE was a great book, too. I´ve got some questions that have been in my mind lately...
21.We know Tahu received the power of all the Kraata the Golden Armor destroyed. And you once said Teridax sent more breeds of Rahkshi than the RoHV. How many Powers did Tahu aproximately get? 10 Kraata Powers? 5? 31a.The Golden Armor Hau is a regular Hau just in gold, right? 42.Why didn´t Mata Nui give the beings on Bota Magna (or even on Aqua Magna?) the ability to speak Agori? I feel sorry for Lewa and his "gang" on Bota Magna... 53.Do you already know what the serial "The Yesterday Quest" will be about? Maybe the new Toa serial? 64.When do you get your name list approved? Could you say one name of it, or do you want to show them to us fans after the list got approved? 75.Did the real name of The Shadowed One approved? Do you want to keep it a secret forever? 86.What will the inhabitants of Spherus Magna do with the Visorak or the remaining Rahkshi of they find them or get attacked by them? Kill them? Let them run? 97.What´s your favorite TV show? I think mine is Two and a Half Men or Detective Conan (you propably don´t know Detective Conan, do you?).
10Thanks for your time, Greg.
111) We'll see as time goes on -- short answer is as many as I need him to have for story 121a) Yes 132) He did, L, but the GB fortress is shielded against outside transmissions, and that's where Lewa was when Mata Nui did that. So essentially it couldn't get past the GB firewall. 143) It can't be the new Toa serial, because I don't have the approved list of names yet. 154) I can't discuss the names on it until they are approved, and I have no idea when I will get it back. Approving names for a dead line may not be on top of their priority list. 165) That's off an old name list, so yes, it is approved, but I have no plans to share it. 176) Same thing they would do with any dangerous predatory animal ... same thing we do with dangerous predatory animals. 187) Only show we really watch regularly here is Dr. Who. I like Mantracker too.
19(#5) WHAT? . What a waste of a valuable name for TSO. Might as well just use his name for some other character instead of keeping it secret for so long.
20Greg's not going to reveal it because of the reaction most fans had when he revealed Makuta's name to be Teridax. Most fans didn't like that name, and so, because of this, he's not going to reveal it, for worry of fan reaction being negative.
22I knew that already... But I still find it quite illogical and irrational to not tell us even after the Bionicle set line is over. No Bionicle name is terrible especially Teridax's. I liked his name, fit him very well. But I still rest my case. A waste of a approved name that cost a lot of money.
1I knew that already... But I still find it quite illogical and irrational to not tell us even after the Bionicle set line is over. No Bionicle name is terrible especially Teridax's. I liked his name, fit him very well. But I still rest my case. A waste of a approved name that cost a lot of money.2There was a big deal made when Teridax was revealed. Before hand, he was super mysterious being "the" Makuta. When we knew it was a species and not his name, it heightened the mystery, but was over hyped and people complained when the mystery was gone.
3With the TSO, we don't need to know his name since it isn't a species name, and none others will be needing his name to refer to him.
4Greg doesn't want to spoil the name mystery a second time

1Think about it; he needs new names for the Toa Team serial. He doesn't have the names list, and he probably won't have it for a while (legal is focusing on Hero Factory right now). So it's probably going to be the Protagonists serial.
2What's this Protagonists serial?
3A while back Greg made a topic where members listed their top 6 favorite protagonists. He said that he had some plans to make a serial based on that topic.
4that might be The Yesterday Quest
5Actually, that would be REALLY cool. Good thinking . But wait, didn't Greg already say that Yesterday quest wasn't protagonists or toa team serial though?
6He said the Toa Team serial is not the Yesterday Quest because he can't even start that one untill he has names. He didnt say it wasnt the protagonist serial though. It could be.
7Though I doubt this information is that new, it has cleared up some issues I've had: 8Hey Mr. Farshtey,
92)As Tahu was transformed by the Ignika, does that mean his destiny was not complete at Karda Nui?
102a. Does that mean the other Nuva have unfinished destinies?
114) Just to clarify, the Great Beings are not the same species as the Glatorian, correct?
12Thanks for your time . 13MakutaKlak
142) No, that's not what it means
154) I am not allowed to discuss the nature of the GBs
16Doesn't this seem suspicious? I mean, really, why didn't he just say they were different? Wouldn't that have been easier? I have a theory coming to mind...
17Assuming that you're theorizing that the Great Beings are Glatorian (or a branch of that), that wouldn't be possible. Lego had the Great Beings created for the 2001-2008 part of Bionicle and didn't create the Glatorian until 2009-ish. At least, that's what I remember reading.
182) Dunno if anybody thought of this, but the Toa Nuvas' destiny has always been to awaken Mata Nui, which they didn't do in Karda Nui. They were Going to, and they did all the didrty work leading up to it, but Toa Ignika performed the actual act of waking Mata Nui for them. 19Currently, Mata Nui is dormant inside the Mask of Life. If anyone ever needed him again, somebody (hintitty hint hint) would have to wake him up. Six somebodies who aren't Turaga Nuva yet because they still have yet to personally perform the act of waking Mata Nui.
204) Sure, the great beings were created for the story in 2001, but they were created as something very vague. Greg could easily have decided that they were the Glatorian species later.
21Im pretty sure we already know that, at the very least, they have a common ancestry.
1Dunno if anybody thought of this, but the Toa Nuvas' destiny has always been to awaken Mata Nui, which they didn't do in Karda Nui. They were Going to, and they did all the didrty work leading up to it, but Toa Ignika performed the actual act of waking Mata Nui for them. 2Currently, Mata Nui is dormant inside the Mask of Life. If anyone ever needed him again, somebody (hintitty hint hint) would have to wake him up. Six somebodies who aren't Turaga Nuva yet because they still have yet to personally perform the act of waking Mata Nui.
3Nope. Greg confirmed that the Toa Nuva did indeed complete their destiny, even though it was Toa Ignika who finished it. Greg said it's like if it was your destiny to dig a hole and you used a shovel to accomplish it. You still completed your destiny even if the shovel technically dug the hole. So think of Toa Ignika as the tool that the Toa Nuva used to awaken Mata Nui, in this case.
4Besides, it has already been established that even if a Toa were to complete his or her destiny, he or she could easily choose to stay a Toa and not become a Turaga. So just because the Toa Nuva are still Toa doesn't mean that their destiny isn't yet completed.
5Also, Mata Nui is probably capable of waking himself up, since I am pretty sure that Greg said Mata Nui is aware of what is going on outside the Ignika, even though he is dormant. So if some great trouble arises, Mata Nui could just make a new body for himself and go help his people with whatever trouble they might be having.
6In short, there's no reason to believe the Toa Nuva haven't completed their destiny when it has been established that they have and if some great trouble were to arise, Mata Nui would probably just get out of domancy and try to help them without anyone asking (at least that's what I think).
1Think about it; he needs new names for the Toa Team serial. He doesn't have the names list, and he probably won't have it for a while (legal is focusing on Hero Factory right now). So it's probably going to be the Protagonists serial.
2What's this Protagonists serial?
3A while back Greg made a topic where members listed their top 6 favorite protagonists. He said that he had some plans to make a serial based on that topic.
4that might be The Yesterday Quest
5Actually, that would be REALLY cool. Good thinking . But wait, didn't Greg already say that Yesterday quest wasn't protagonists or toa team serial though?
6He said the Toa Team serial is not the Yesterday Quest because he can't even start that one untill he has names. He didnt say it wasnt the protagonist serial though. It could be.
7Though I doubt this information is that new, it has cleared up some issues I've had: 8Hey Mr. Farshtey,
92)As Tahu was transformed by the Ignika, does that mean his destiny was not complete at Karda Nui?
102a. Does that mean the other Nuva have unfinished destinies?
114) Just to clarify, the Great Beings are not the same species as the Glatorian, correct?
12Thanks for your time . 13MakutaKlak
142) No, that's not what it means
154) I am not allowed to discuss the nature of the GBs
16Doesn't this seem suspicious? I mean, really, why didn't he just say they were different? Wouldn't that have been easier? I have a theory coming to mind...
17Assuming that you're theorizing that the Great Beings are Glatorian (or a branch of that), that wouldn't be possible. Lego had the Great Beings created for the 2001-2008 part of Bionicle and didn't create the Glatorian until 2009-ish. At least, that's what I remember reading.
182) Dunno if anybody thought of this, but the Toa Nuvas' destiny has always been to awaken Mata Nui, which they didn't do in Karda Nui. They were Going to, and they did all the didrty work leading up to it, but Toa Ignika performed the actual act of waking Mata Nui for them. 19Currently, Mata Nui is dormant inside the Mask of Life. If anyone ever needed him again, somebody (hintitty hint hint) would have to wake him up. Six somebodies who aren't Turaga Nuva yet because they still have yet to personally perform the act of waking Mata Nui.
204) Sure, the great beings were created for the story in 2001, but they were created as something very vague. Greg could easily have decided that they were the Glatorian species later.
21Im pretty sure we already know that, at the very least, they have a common ancestry.
22Mata Nui is fully aware of what's going on though. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think if his presence is ever needed he'll just create a body for himself, without anyone having to awaken him. Who knows, the new body might even look like the titan Mata Nui set this time round

1So... what is the destiny of Tahu? Because Kopaka said that their destiny have been completed D=
1So... what is the destiny of Tahu? Because Kopaka said that their destiny have been completed D=
2All of the Toa Nuva's destiny was to awaken Mata Nui. They technically completed their destiny at the end of 2008.
4Exactly. So what's this debate about?
5People think that they didn't complete their destiny because Toa Ignika technically did it.

1I have asked such questions before and GregF has stated: 2"It is much more likely that individuals have destinies than that teams have destinies. in my view. A team is an artificial construct. If a team has a destiny, it is because the individual members share that destiny."
3"It was Ignika's destiny to play a part in it, yes, but I think you can argue whether it was its ultimate destiny or not, or whether objects have ultimate destinies or not. I tend to think they do, but others can disagree."
3"It was Ignika's destiny to play a part in it, yes, but I think you can argue whether it was its ultimate destiny or not, or whether objects have ultimate destinies or not. I tend to think they do, but others can disagree."
1Exactly; The Team as whole had the destiny they completed in 2008, but each of them might have an other destiny. Like Tahu. He was destined to wear the Golden Armor.
1Exactly; The Team as whole had the destiny they completed in 2008, but each of them might have an other destiny. Like Tahu. He was destined to wear the Golden Armor.
2Um, that's not what GregF said. The Nuva's destiny was to wake up Mata Nui because that was Tahu's, Gali's, Kopaka's, Lewa's, Onua's and Pohatu's destinies.
3And Tahu was intended, not destined, to wear the GA.
1The fact that he wore it means he's destined to wear it.
1I really wish Greg would give us a definitive statement on how destiny works in BIONICLE.
1You should probably check out the Official Destiny Topic.
1He kinda has. From what I understand, he says that one's destiny is everything that they will do and everything that will happen to them. Then their is their Ultimate Destiny, which is the type of thing that say, Mata Nui would decide, and that's like the Nuva waking up Mata Nui, or Matoro sacrificing his life to save Mata Nui. I believe that he said objects have destinies, but not Ultimate Destinies.
2But remember, I'm just going by memory on this. I might be wrong on some points.
2But remember, I'm just going by memory on this. I might be wrong on some points.
1Dunno if anybody thought of this, but the Toa Nuvas' destiny has always been to awaken Mata Nui, which they didn't do in Karda Nui. They were Going to, and they did all the didrty work leading up to it, but Toa Ignika performed the actual act of waking Mata Nui for them. 2Currently, Mata Nui is dormant inside the Mask of Life. If anyone ever needed him again, somebody (hintitty hint hint) would have to wake him up. Six somebodies who aren't Turaga Nuva yet because they still have yet to personally perform the act of waking Mata Nui.
3Nope. Greg confirmed that the Toa Nuva did indeed complete their destiny, even though it was Toa Ignika who finished it. Greg said it's like if it was your destiny to dig a hole and you used a shovel to accomplish it. You still completed your destiny even if the shovel technically dug the hole. So think of Toa Ignika as the tool that the Toa Nuva used to awaken Mata Nui, in this case.
4Besides, it has already been established that even if a Toa were to complete his or her destiny, he or she could easily choose to stay a Toa and not become a Turaga. So just because the Toa Nuva are still Toa doesn't mean that their destiny isn't yet completed.
5Also, Mata Nui is probably capable of waking himself up, since I am pretty sure that Greg said Mata Nui is aware of what is going on outside the Ignika, even though he is dormant. So if some great trouble arises, Mata Nui could just make a new body for himself and go help his people with whatever trouble they might be having.
6In short, there's no reason to believe the Toa Nuva haven't completed their destiny when it has been established that they have and if some great trouble were to arise, Mata Nui would probably just get out of domancy and try to help them without anyone asking (at least that's what I think).
8Aww, well then I think Greg's really missing the ball on this one. It's a great opportunity for more story.
1Greg really doesn't need the backlash, especially since he is doing so much for us.
3I agree, to keep up the sory and to let us fans become a bigger part of bionicle is great, I honestly do not get what is so terrible about Teridax, I think it's a cool name.
4We're looking at a major fanbase here. People will always be dissapointed.
1Greg really doesn't need the backlash, especially since he is doing so much for us.
3I agree, to keep up the sory and to let us fans become a bigger part of bionicle is great, I honestly do not get what is so terrible about Teridax, I think it's a cool name.
4We're looking at a major fanbase here. People will always be dissapointed.
6No matter what he do, people will always be disappointed.
1Greg really doesn't need the backlash, especially since he is doing so much for us.
3I agree, to keep up the sory and to let us fans become a bigger part of bionicle is great, I honestly do not get what is so terrible about Teridax, I think it's a cool name.
4We're looking at a major fanbase here. People will always be dissapointed.
6No matter what he do, people will always be disappointed.
7Exactly. With a fan base at this size and with this variety, you get what I call "SONIC syndrome". Unfortunately, the BIONICLE fan base has a minor case of it. When some fans of a series first see the series, they latch on to it. At fist the like it like everyone else, but as it goes on, and for the longer it goes on, that percentage of the fan base that makes up "SONIC syndrome" refuses to like ANYTHING that is slightly different in ANY way from the original materials, no matter how small a detail is, and won't be happy no matter what. They then forget all about any flaws that they saw with the original series, and claim that it was perfect, and they can't believe how stupid the creators are for doing whatever it is that they are doing with the series, as a blind monkey would know how to keep the series just as good as it was in the old days. Again, BIONICLE has a minor case of this. Fortunately we dodged the bullet for the most part, and VERY few fans are like that, although the occasional one surfaces here, and the majority of the fan base will get a little bit of it every now and then. If you don't know why I call it "SONIC syndrome", well then you clearly haven't been on a SONIC fan site in a few years.
8But, I digress. We are starting to get off-topic.
1Ruined FOREVER is a phenomenon which all fanbases have in common. For the porpose of this example, I have used Transformers, one of the most easily dissatisfied fanbases around. (second perhaps only to the ever-evolving Star Trek) 2People will complain when new stuff is revealed, but get bored if everything is the same all the time.
3Luckily, there is only one Bionicle continuty, so we won't be dealing with GEEWUN.
5(thats not against any rules is it? linking to a wiki?)
3Luckily, there is only one Bionicle continuty, so we won't be dealing with GEEWUN.
5(thats not against any rules is it? linking to a wiki?)
1Hello, Mr. Farshtey . I hope you're doing O.K. I really liked that last chapter of RoS, it was really awesome. As you probably guessed, I have some questions.
21.) In Bionicle Legends 11: The Final Battle, Lewa tells a story about three matoran, a Nui-Rama swarm, and a basket of bula berries. One of the other toa (I don't recall whether it was Kopaka or Onua) says that he remembers Lewa telling another story involving three matoran, and manas crab, and a bucket. Apparently, this story was of reasonably gross content, as Kopaka or Onua said that after hearing the story, they couldn't get the image out of their head for a week, or something. My question is, what did this story entail? (The one about the three matoran, the manas crab, and a bucket)
32.) Are you into star wars?
43.) What do you think of bionicle getting canceled by lego?
5Thank you for your time.
71) I never wrote the story out, X, because it wasn't going to be told in the story. 82) Nope 93) I was disappointed, naturally, because I have been so heavily involved in it. But I also know that is the risk you take when you work on something you do not personally own. It belongs to LEGO, and they can keep it going or not as they so choose. The solution to that is to create my own story and my own universe that no one else owns.
10Ah man. Especially for number 1. The way the story was mentioned made it sound really funny.

1...That would actually be a really cool story contest.
1Poor Greg, it's naturally that he's disappointed.
1...or a comedy contest.
1Hello, Greg. I have a few questions for you concerning the Melding Alternate reality. I know that some of these aren't really important to the story right now, but I'd really like answer to them for a fan-fiction I'm making.
21. Do Rahkshi exist in the Melding universe, and if so, what is their role?
32. Are the Element Lords still in power in the Melding universe, or were they replaced by the Makuta due to their struggle over the energized protodermise?
43. If the last question is yes, did Tuma and the other leader Skrall take command of their tribe, or does one of the Makuta run the Rock Tribe now (Like in the alternate Spherus Magna seen in RoS)?
51) Yes, they do. They were servants of the Makuta, guards, scouts, that sort of thing. 62) The ELs are no longer in power, no 73) The Makuta oversee the tribes.
1Greg sound angry at the end...

2Hello again, Mr. Farshtey.
3Just some more questions.
4When Aqua Magna was reunited, What happend to the oribting celetial body? (The one that looks like a moon.) This one
5If Pahrak-Kal or Levak-Kal landed on Spherus Magna, what would be their first objective?
6When Bota Magna and Aqua Magna Combined, Did either of the moons opened up and spread out, or was half the moon crushed against SM?
71) Again, depends on how fast AM moved. If it moved too fast, the moon would have been ripped out of its orbit. 82) The Kal's only mission is to save the Bahrag, and the Bahrag don't need saving, so they would go to sleep. 93) I don't understand your question
10I'll use fruit as an example, BM is a melon, and Aqua magna and Bota magna are apples. If you put them together, all living things in between Bara Magna and Bota Magna would be crushed.
11When the two moons merged with BM, did the planets open up and unfold, flat onto BM? 12Or were all living things crushed between the planets?
13Also, what prevented the water from Aqua Magna to flood parts of Bara Magna and drown the inhabitants?
14Think of it this way -- you tear off a chunk of Earth, say with America on it, all the way down to the molten core. The top of the chunk is the surface of the Earth. So the sides of the chunk are what would have been the underground on Earth. Who's living there? Nobody. So if you put the chunk back in place, no one gets hurt.
15Another analogy. You have a little flag stick in a patch of your lawn. You dig up that patch. Now you have the flag sticking out of the grass, and on every side, the dirt that was underneath that grass. If you then put the divot back in the lawn, the flag is not harmed.
16As for Aqua Magna, what prevented it was me and the fact that Earth science only applies in BIONICLE when I want it to.
1Our planet has chasms and valleys accounting for a lot of water, leaving land mass. The same isn't hard to imagine for SM.
1I hope we get a little more backstory on that moon. It would be really cool if there were some trapped Agori on it.
15. Some of the Barraki's powers were gained by the mutation they underwent in the Pit. Now that they are no longer mutated and they can breathe air now, what happened to their mutation-gained powers? 26a. How goes the Who Am I contest? 36b. How many entries have passed the preliminary stage? 47. Artakha and Karzahni have met the Great Beings before, correct? 58. Did a Great Being personally hand over the Mask of Creation to Artakha after he fought with Karzahni? 69. Did some members of the Order of Mata Nui use codenames? I imagine so seeing as they were a secretive organization. 710. Are all the Shadow Takanuva dead at this point, including the ones seen in Destral?
85) They would lose them, naturally 96a) Just about done. 106b) I wound up with about 40 to look at. 117) We know they were made by the GBs, so in that sense, yes. 128) No. 139) Unknown. They were so secret that using a codename would actually have called attention to themselves. 1410) No.
1I can't help but be excited as to learning what the mystery character will end up being.