1Mi first "conversation" with Greg xD
10There's nothing important, I know.
2Hello Greg . I'm very excited to ask you 3I hope you'll answer me =)
41) It happened something special or important to Takadox since he left Artidax? 52) Will Strakk reappear in some serial? 63) The fourth chapter of Sahmad's Tale is done? When will be availble?
7Greetings from a Spanish.
81-2) Don't know at this point 93) No, it's not done yet
10There's nothing important, I know.
1We should make a "Cheer up Greg" topic because he has had a hard time with Bionicle ending and all that. 2Also he seems a bit sad if you think about some recent his posts. :\ just an idea.
3thats a very good idee i agrie greg deserves our compasion
4Preferably another Thank You Greg topic... after all, this is the best time - the first chapter has ended, and Bionicle wouldn't be half of what it is today without him.
1I hope you are doing well.
21. Could a Toa of Electricity change Matter to Antimatter?
32. What happened to the Krana- Kal after the Bohrak-Kals defeat? 42a. What happened to the Krana after the Island of Mata Nui's destruction?
53. Can the Krana control beings such as Zyglak, or Skrall?
64. Are the Bahrag susceptible to mind control (or any form of suggestion, verbal or Non-verbal), that might change what they believe their mission is?
75. Will we ever go back to alternate universes, such as the Kingdom, or the Toa Empire?
86. Will we ever enter a universe in which Teridax won, both in Mata Nui and on Bara Magna?
97. Would it be possible for Matoran Nuva to be created?
111) I don't believe we have ever said anti-matter exists in BIONICLE 122) Some escaped, some didn't 132a) Depends on where they were at the time 143) Zyglak, yes, Skrall, no 154) Yes 165) Don't know 176) I don't plan on that, no. 187) Probably
19Not sure if anything is new here, but the Bahrag having their minds controlled might be cool.
11.Do you guys know when you'll send the letters out?
21) Next week, probably
3Well, the contest is finished, all we have to do is wait and find out who won. I agree with everyone else who is saying they're looking forward to what that character will become.
4I don't doubt Greg, but I really hope it's not some crazy, over-powered, pshycotic freak who can fly and shoot lazer beams out of his mouth. Although it looks that way from the set...
11.Do you guys know when you'll send the letters out?
21) Next week, probably
3Well, the contest is finished, all we have to do is wait and find out who won. I agree with everyone else who is saying they're looking forward to what that character will become.
4I don't doubt Greg, but I really hope it's not some crazy, over-powered, pshycotic freak who can fly and shoot lazer beams out of his mouth. Although it looks that way from the set...
6Well, I agree with you there, GRESHIOS, but I'm also with you and not thinking Greg will allow that to be something ultra-mega-super- powerful like that. Just have to wait until......next.....week.....*Dies from suspense*

1So the Bahrag can be corrupted.... The possibilities of new enemies for the Toa/Glatorian are endless.
1I don't know if this is anything new. Just throwing this out there:
2QUOTE 3Hello, Mr. Farshtey. I'm sorry to bother you, but I was wondering something about Spherus Magna.
4The species from the MU have now migrated/are in the process of migrating to the planet of Spherus Magna.
5Mata Nui was responsible for bringing new sentient species into being. However, Mata Nui is now dormant inside the Ignika.
6Assuming the species from the MU do not live forever, and now that Mata Nui cannot create any more, won't all of the sentient species from the MU eventually die out? Or if not, how will the species live on?
7Thank you very much for your time.
8You're assuming Mata Nui had to be directly involved in creating new ones. He didn't. The Turaga, for example, once they were back in Metru Nui could have created more Matoran, even though Mata Nui was still asleep. All he did was create the initial members of species, he didn't have to create every single one. Remember, he was paying virtually no attention to what was going on inside of him for most of the last 100,000 years -- his focus was on the planets he was visiting.
11.Do you guys know when you'll send the letters out?
21) Next week, probably
3Well, the contest is finished, all we have to do is wait and find out who won. I agree with everyone else who is saying they're looking forward to what that character will become.
4I don't doubt Greg, but I really hope it's not some crazy, over-powered, pshycotic freak who can fly and shoot lazer beams out of his mouth. Although it looks that way from the set...
6Well, I agree with you there, GRESHIOS, but I'm also with you and not thinking Greg will allow that to be something ultra-mega-super- powerful like that. Just have to wait until......next.....week.....*Dies from suspense*
7WHAT .The descision is going to hapen next week .?
11.Do you guys know when you'll send the letters out?
21) Next week, probably
3Well, the contest is finished, all we have to do is wait and find out who won. I agree with everyone else who is saying they're looking forward to what that character will become.
4I don't doubt Greg, but I really hope it's not some crazy, over-powered, pshycotic freak who can fly and shoot lazer beams out of his mouth. Although it looks that way from the set...
6Well, I agree with you there, GRESHIOS, but I'm also with you and not thinking Greg will allow that to be something ultra-mega-super- powerful like that. Just have to wait until......next.....week.....*Dies from suspense*
7WHAT .The descision is going to hapen next week .?
8The decision has already been made. They're going to mail off the letters and stuff next week.
1I don't know if this is anything new. Just throwing this out there: 2QUOTE 3Hello, Mr. Farshtey. I'm sorry to bother you, but I was wondering something about Spherus Magna.
4The species from the MU have now migrated/are in the process of migrating to the planet of Spherus Magna.
5Mata Nui was responsible for bringing new sentient species into being. However, Mata Nui is now dormant inside the Ignika.
6Assuming the species from the MU do not live forever, and now that Mata Nui cannot create any more, won't all of the sentient species from the MU eventually die out? Or if not, how will the species live on?
7Thank you very much for your time.
8You're assuming Mata Nui had to be directly involved in creating new ones. He didn't. The Turaga, for example, once they were back in Metru Nui could have created more Matoran, even though Mata Nui was still asleep. All he did was create the initial members of species, he didn't have to create every single one. Remember, he was paying virtually no attention to what was going on inside of him for most of the last 100,000 years -- his focus was on the planets he was visiting.
9But the robot is dead, meaning they will probably have to find alternative methods in creating new MU beings.
1Well, I agree with you there, GRESHIOS, but I'm also with you and not thinking Greg will allow that to be something ultra-mega-super- powerful like that. Just have to wait until......next.....week.....*Dies from suspense*
2I can't wait either .A new character... thats just awesome.
1Hi Greg .
21) Why Botar had to die? He was important. 31.1) And Ancient? 42) Who is your favorite Toa Mahri? 53) We'll know the name of The Shadowed One some day? 64) Can you tell me what is the green cloud in Reign of Shadows (chapter 10)?
71) Sometimes characters, even important ones, have to die in a story to show graphically how bad the villains are. 81.1) Because Ancient was a traitor to the Dark Hunters and knew more about The Shadowed One than the Shadowed One wanted anyone to know 92) Matoro 103) No, you won't 114) Nope, that will get revealed in later story
1We should make a "Cheer up Greg" topic because he has had a hard time with Bionicle ending and all that. 2Also he seems a bit sad if you think about some recent his posts. :\ just an idea.
3thats a very good idee i agrie greg deserves our compasion
4Preferably another Thank You Greg topic... after all, this is the best time - the first chapter has ended, and Bionicle wouldn't be half of what it is today without him.
6Well lets get started .
1Has it been confirmed to be antidermis? If so, that basically proves it's some Makuta, as Zaktan wasn't antidermis.
1maybe it's Icarax he just got blown to pieces
1i dont think so greg said multiple times that al makuta exept miserix and alt teridax ar dead so that incudes icaraxor any other makuta
1I also wouldn't call his black armor green.
1Has it been confirmed to be antidermis? If so, that basically proves it's some Makuta, as Zaktan wasn't antidermis.
2Greg has specifically said that it isn't antidermis
3Well, I wouldn't call what's left of Icarax "antidermis".
4Argument killer: Ignika devolved Icarax from an Antedermis being, HE ISN'T ANTEDERMIS ANYMORE
1Has it been confirmed to be antidermis? If so, that basically proves it's some Makuta, as Zaktan wasn't antidermis.
2Greg has specifically said that it isn't antidermis
3Well, I wouldn't call what's left of Icarax "antidermis".
4Argument killer: Ignika devolved Icarax from an Antedermis being, HE ISN'T ANTEDERMIS ANYMORE
5Well, he kind of was made out of "solid antidermis" before.
1I know I posted it here. I already asked if it was Icarax, guys. It's not. And besides that, it doesn't matter what form of Antidermis it is (though you're right, he was not dispersed in a gaseous state, so it simply isn't possible at all) - it's been confirmed plenty of times to be not Antidermis at all.
1Hi Greg. 2I tried asking questions before, but I guess the server ate it. If not, then I'm sorry.
3Anyway, if you don't mind, I have some questions:
41. According to BS01, all beings have a balance of Light and Shadow. Does this apply to beings on Bara Magna, such as the Glatorian?
52. If I am correct, a being that is completely drained of light then wields the element of Shadow. But if a being is completely drained of shadow, would he wield light? For example, if Tahu somehow got rid of all of his shadow, would he become a Toa of light?
63. Do any Rahi have in light/shadow ballances? (Like Krahka or Keetongu)
74. Can the Kanohi Rua or Aki exist without being formed by the Kaita? (In other words, is it possible for a single Toa to running around with a Mask of Wisdom?)
85. Could Gali, Pohatu, and Lew form a Kaita? if so, would it be a different Kaita and a different Mask?
101) It was not stated originally in reference to Spherus Magna, but it does apply -- all intelligent beings have good and evil in them. The difference is that Matoran Universe characters can, in some cases, access this to use as a power. Spherus Magnans cannot. 112) Most likely, yes, but he would lose the ability to control fire. 123) Some do, most do not. Animals, as a whole, are not good or evil. 134) No 145) Yes and yes
15wasn't sure about the Aki and Rua thing so I went and asked.
1I guess that basically confirms that all elements aside from Light and Shadow are a mixture of good and evil.