1Blarg, I should have posted this sooner.
2Hello . I loved the first chapter for TYQ, and I have a few questions.
31: Was the machine made to kill Toa by any chance the "Who am I?" contest winner? 42: In the chapter, there's a Toa of Psionics, Iron, and Lightning. Orde is a Toa of Psionics, which are female, but he is decribed as male. Is this an error, or are Matoran/Toa/Turaga of Psionics female and male?
5Thank you .
71) No, it was not 82) Ah, the answer to that one is going to get interesting.
9I sent a follow up PM, asking how to pronounce their names.
11I guess I'll have to make that Toa making a cameo appearance in my storycontest entry a different element. Easy fix.
1Don't you get into sexism Greg. Don't make stereotypes about genders. I find it offending.
2Actually, it makes much more sense if they are sterotypes. These are robots, after all, so they must have distinct differences to warrant two different personality codings. The Great Beings based the two different functions and personalities on sterotypes, as they only needed them to perform different duties and didn't really need them to be "people". Females are just initially programmed for teaching and things like that, like, say, C-3PO is programmed for transilation. However, the males are programmed for fighting, just as, say, Wall-E, was made for cleanup. Now, that's not to say that male Matoran cannot teach, or females cannot fight, but their primary programming is otherwise.
4Except they're not robots.
5They were originally created to be, though. A glitch in the AI program made them more "human-like". Besides, what are they if they're not highly advanced robots?
62: In the chapter, there's a Toa of Psionics, Iron, and Lightning. Orde is a Toa of Psionics, which are female, but he is decribed as male. Is this an error, or are Matoran/Toa/Turaga of Psionics female and male?
72) Ah, the answer to that one is going to get interesting.
8Nice to see that Greg actually planned this one.
10Well, maybe (s)he didn't keep h(is/her) full mind while shut up in that Dark Hunter camp after all?
11Or that was Greg saying "Oops. This is going to be bad."
1Don't you get into sexism Greg. Don't make stereotypes about genders. I find it offending.
2Actually, it makes much more sense if they are sterotypes. These are robots, after all, so they must have distinct differences to warrant two different personality codings. The Great Beings based the two different functions and personalities on sterotypes, as they only needed them to perform different duties and didn't really need them to be "people". Females are just initially programmed for teaching and things like that, like, say, C-3PO is programmed for transilation. However, the males are programmed for fighting, just as, say, Wall-E, was made for cleanup. Now, that's not to say that male Matoran cannot teach, or females cannot fight, but their primary programming is otherwise.
4Except they're not robots.
5They were originally created to be, though. A glitch in the AI program made them more "human-like". Besides, what are they if they're not highly advanced robots?
62: In the chapter, there's a Toa of Psionics, Iron, and Lightning. Orde is a Toa of Psionics, which are female, but he is decribed as male. Is this an error, or are Matoran/Toa/Turaga of Psionics female and male?
72) Ah, the answer to that one is going to get interesting.
8Nice to see that Greg actually planned this one.
10Well, maybe (s)he didn't keep h(is/her) full mind while shut up in that Dark Hunter camp after all?
11Or that was Greg saying "Oops. This is going to be bad."
13Maybe Orde was female and somehow became male? Or maybe--dare I say it?--Psionics Matoran/Toa can transgender?
1Hey, Greg . I'm really quite impressed with "The Yesterday Quest"; it's a promising story thus far. A few questions, though:
21) Is Toa Orde being male a typo, or is Psionics a male/unigender Element now? 32) Why exactly are all of the new Toa's names in caps? 43) Are all of the Toa of Water from the MU currently working on moving things from Metru Nui, or just a select few? 54) How does Angonce feel about Marendar getting loose; does he think that the Toa can function in the society or does he believe that the robot should carry out its' task?
6Thanks again .
71) Not a typo. Keep reading, it's part of a mystery. 82) Cause of Microsoft Word. I put them in using the "find and replace" feature and it capped them all. 93) As many as can be spared to do it. 104) He is not happy about him being loose, it's more senseless slaughter in a planet that has already seen too much of it.
11Found these very interesting.
1Hey, Greg . I'm really quite impressed with "The Yesterday Quest"; it's a promising story thus far. A few questions, though:
21) Is Toa Orde being male a typo, or is Psionics a male/unigender Element now? 32) Why exactly are all of the new Toa's names in caps? 43) Are all of the Toa of Water from the MU currently working on moving things from Metru Nui, or just a select few? 54) How does Angonce feel about Marendar getting loose; does he think that the Toa can function in the society or does he believe that the robot should carry out its' task?
6Thanks again .
71) Not a typo. Keep reading, it's part of a mystery. 82) Cause of Microsoft Word. I put them in using the "find and replace" feature and it capped them all. 93) As many as can be spared to do it. 104) He is not happy about him being loose, it's more senseless slaughter in a planet that has already seen too much of it.
11Found these very interesting.
12Now this is certainly interesting.......
1Hello, Mr. Farshtey,
2I've just read the first TYQ chapter. I have now some questions for you about it:
31)Why were the new Toa names written in capital letters? Was it just to indicate the new names?
42)I'm surprised LEGO approved the name 'Chiara', being it a real Italian name. Do you know why?
53)Will Onua be included in this group searching for the Great Beings, or was he just telling them their mission?
64)We know these new Toa don't know each other, but it seems to me using Elemental Powers on each other is a bit extreme. Why did the Toa Nuva choose these Toa if they knew something like this could happen? Weren't they worried about the lack of Unity?
75)Why is Orde, a Toa of Psionics, male? Is it something that will be revealed later on? When?
86)Will the serial focus only on the new Toa, or also on other known characters? If so, will it focus:137)Will the serial eventually link up with the other two serials, Sahmad's Tale and the Toa team's serial?
- 9the Shadowed One's fate
- 10Tren Krom's fate
- 11the Toa Mahri, the Skakdi and the golden skinned creature
- 12the other missions the Toa have
148)Will you first write the Toa team's serial or the new chapter of Sahmad's tale?
159)Why does the group of Toa head first to Bota Magna to search for the Great Beings? Wouldn't it have been best to head for the Valley of the Maze?
16Thank you,
17Toa of Italy
181) No, just a Microsoft Word thing, because I used find and replace to put the names in 192) Yes. If the word is not trademarked, we can use it. The odds that Italy is going to sue us over using a common name is pretty remote. It would be like you writing a story with someone named Barbara in it -- are all the people named Barbara going to sue you for using their name? A lot of the Matoran names we used in 2004 were real names used in other countries. 203) I haven't decided yet. 214) I think they were chosen because they are rule-breakers by nature, and the feeling is that is what's needed for this mission. 225) It's part of another mystery. 236) I can't discuss future story plans. I can tell you there will be another serial starting soon that will cover some of those things. 247) I can rule out Sahmad's Tale here. 258) Probably the first chapter of the third serial will be next, then Sahmad's Tale, and then the next chapter of YQ. 269) Mata Nui has already been to the Valley of the Maze, that is where he got the power source for the prototype robot. The GBs weren't there.
1Hey, this probably isn't the only PM you got on this, but anyways...
21) Is Psionics a multi-gender element, or all-male? I was pretty sure they were all-female, but ORDE seems to prove me wrong. 32) You're not going to have the names in all caps for the whole serial, are you? 43) Onua mentioned Tahu Nuva. Has Tahu been de-Mataized? 54) Any chance you could give pronunciations for the new character names? (ORDE, CHIARA, ZARIA, Marendar)
61) The reason for a male Psionics Toa in what has been said up to now to be an all-female tribe gets revealed later 72) No, that was just a Microsoft word thing. 83) No, but Onua still seems him as Tahu Nuva. That's the name he has been calling him for months, and he is still the leader of the Nuva even if he is not a Nuva anymore. 94) I will, at some point, yes.
10Some new stuff here, namely 3.
1=/ Couldn't we have had a female Toa in an all-male tribe?
1Hi Greg,
2I found this while digging around in the old OGD.
3Since Takutanuva revived Jaller, is it possible that there is a part of Makuta inside him?
48) That is something I originally hoped to explore in 2007, now not sure I will have space to do so.
5What exactly did you hope to do in 2007 about this?
7I really don't remember, that was three years ago.
1Hi Greg,
2A few questions about The Yesterday Quest: 31- What exactly is Marendar? Mechanical, bio-mechanical or organic? 41b- About how big is he? 51c- What color is he? 61d- What powers does he have?
72- Is there a specific reason why Toa Orde is a male? 82b- If there is, when will we find out?
93- Did you already decided which weapons the new Toa will carry? 103b- And are their masks gonna be new ones or old ones?
11That's all for now and thanks in advance
121) Too early to discuss, wait for him to actually show up in the story 132) Yes 142b) In this story 153) Haven't decided yet on either
16I wanted to know more about Marendar
1Hi Greg.
2Just had a couple of quick questions about YTQ.
31. Onua referes to Tahu as Tahu Nuva. Although Tahu is now a Mata once more, has he retained the title of Nuva honorarily? 42. Is Marendar the "Who Am I?" contest character?
71) That is what Onua Nuva has been calling him for months, and he is still the leader of the Toa Nuva, so no reason Onua would suddenly start calling him Tahu Mata 82) No.
9#1 has already been answered above, but interesting to know that the Who Am I character is still unaccounted for.
1Hey, I just have a few questions for you this time:
21. Could Agnonce possibly make an attempt to contact the Toa and warn them about Marendar, or would that not be possible? 32. Is Marendar as or more powerful than a Makuta? 43a. How was Chiara able to electrocute the Colony Drones without harming them? 53b. I'm assuming killing Rahi is not against the Toa Code, correct? 64. Are Toa of Lighting more aggressive than Toa of Water?
7Thanks .
91) Why wouldn't it be possible? 102) I don't want to get into comparisons before he has even shown up in story 113a) She didn't electrocute them, that would have meant killing them. She just gave them a charge. Remember, they are mostly metal. 123b) Well, we saw Kopaka freeze one to death in 2001 134) I don't know ... I see the TOL in this story as being an individual, not necessarily a representative of her whole entire tribe
14Not much new stuff here.
15-Toa Nidhiki05
1Hey GregF, I have some questions concerning The Yesterday Quest that I hope you don't mind answering. 21. Why is Tahu Mata being referred to as Tahu Nuva? Doesn't Onua know he's been reverted? Or is he still considered a Nuva because of the team name, not for who he is? Or does this take place in an alternate universe?32. Does the Toa Nuva's history give them authority over the other Toa? In the serial, it seems that way. 43. It's stated that Chiara was never on a Toa Team. Was Zaria ever on a Toa Team? 54. If so, was it only a Toa Team full of Toa of Iron? I ask because it's stated that his friends were Toa of Iron. 66. For the sake of BS01, are Matoran/Toa/Turaga of Psionics (supposed to be) female? 7Thanks.
81) Because 1) that is how Onua Nuva has been referring to him for months, 2) he is still the leader of the Toa Nuva, and 3) he is in some ways more powerful than a Toa Nuva now, so 4) no need to start calling him Tahu Mata. And 5) none of these three Toa know he reverted, and it is possible Onua doesn't want them to know. I see it this way -- when Superman loses all his powers, everyone still calls him Superman. 92) More junior Toa would answer to them, yes. They were the leaders of the resistance 103) Yes 114) No, it was not. 126) Yup
1I liked the start of The Yesterday Quest, though I wish we had gotten a Toa of Jungle. I have question regarding Marendar. It seems rather ironic that the Great Beings would have expected the Toa to be traitors and not the Makuta, even though it was reversed. I mean, if Teridax hadn't betrayed Mata Nui in the way he did, wouldn't the Makuta, even if supposedly peaceful, prove just as much of a threat, if not more, to the peace of the reformed Spherus Magna?
2Anyways, I can't wait to see where this takes us.
31) Not necessarily, no. Because if the Makuta hadn't betrayed Mata Nui, things would have gone as they were supposed to -- the planet would have been reformed, Mata Nui would have shut down, and the Toa, Makuta etc. would have all shut down too. So the Makuta wouldn't be a threat to anyone.
1QUOTE 2QUOTE 3QUOTE 4Hi Greg . this time I´m not going to ask you questions. I have an offer you might be interested in. 5Well i know your birthday is the 14 of July and probably if The Yesterday Quest is posted before your birthday you´ll recieve a ton of questions and that would take up a lot of your time for celebrating your favorite day. 6Also I´ll be off Bzpower for ten days, so I need a week in advance, I would like to make a topic telling the Bzpers to don´t send you questions that day so you can have time to rest and relaxe. 7Would you be ok with it? 8thanks 9LordofBionicles
10Thanks, but no need. If I don't want to answer questions that day, I just won't come here.
11Ok Greg, thanks for telling me, but I just got one question i would like to ask you
12Let´s say I was on Spherus Magna and I encountered a Toa wearing a great Rau, could he use it to understand me?
13I would say yes.
14Holly Kanohi .that´s great
now you Know: If you end up on Spherus Magana, find a Toa wearing a kanohi Rau to communicate with everybody.
15Wait... GregF's birthday's on the 14th? Interesting. My birthday is on the 9th... Like tomorrow. Happy birthday to me . Turning 16 .
16I didn't know his birthday was on the 14th. Thats the same day as mine .
17My birthday is 15th, missed for one day.
18So, the Tentacle-dream-illusion-thingies is the character based on the hungarian folklore?
19Or the people who eats souls... who knows (besides Greg XD)
1Hello Mr. Farshtey. I haven't been following the storyline really close, but I've read The Yesterday Quest. It really seems an interesting serial. 2I have only one question. Well, it's not quite a question, but I've been wondering about Marendar. Since you said he is not the winner of the "Who am I?" contest I am curious:
3Is he by any chance the winning entry of BBC #53?
4I've always been wondering what was that for, and right now it seems to fit Marendar. I apologize if this question was answered before, I don't pay close attention to the OGD posts.
5Thanks in advance.![]()
6Answer's no.
7I really want to find out what was BBC #53 for. It haunts my dreams.
1Hello Mr. Farshtey. I haven't been following the storyline really close, but I've read The Yesterday Quest. It really seems an interesting serial. 2I have only one question. Well, it's not quite a question, but I've been wondering about Marendar. Since you said he is not the winner of the "Who am I?" contest I am curious:
3Is he by any chance the winning entry of BBC #53?
4I've always been wondering what was that for, and right now it seems to fit Marendar. I apologize if this question was answered before, I don't pay close attention to the OGD posts.
5Thanks in advance.![]()
6Answer's no.
1Hello Mr. Farshtey. I haven't been following the storyline really close, but I've read The Yesterday Quest. It really seems an interesting serial. 2I have only one question. Well, it's not quite a question, but I've been wondering about Marendar. Since you said he is not the winner of the "Who am I?" contest I am curious:
3Is he by any chance the winning entry of BBC #53?
4I've always been wondering what was that for, and right now it seems to fit Marendar. I apologize if this question was answered before, I don't pay close attention to the OGD posts.
5Thanks in advance.![]()
6Answer's no.
7I really want to find out what was BBC #53 for. It haunts my dreams.
8He probably wants a unique contest for Marendar. Or he want's to describe him first. 9-Redidax 10Serials Leader in Bionicle: Untold 11Are you ready for Rediglax Krom?
1Hello Mr. Farshtey. I haven't been following the storyline really close, but I've read The Yesterday Quest. It really seems an interesting serial. 2I have only one question. Well, it's not quite a question, but I've been wondering about Marendar. Since you said he is not the winner of the "Who am I?" contest I am curious:
3Is he by any chance the winning entry of BBC #53?
4I've always been wondering what was that for, and right now it seems to fit Marendar. I apologize if this question was answered before, I don't pay close attention to the OGD posts.
5Thanks in advance.![]()
6Answer's no.
7I really want to find out what was BBC #53 for. It haunts my dreams.
8He probably wants a unique contest for Marendar. Or he want's to describe him first. 9-Redidax 10Serials Leader in Bionicle: Untold 11Are you ready for Rediglax Krom?
12Or he is just toying with us.
1At least it seems Gelu will have a big role.
1I most certainly hope that we do NOT. He was JUST introduced, people. We haven't even actually SEEN the thing yet (metaphorically). For all anyone knows, his description won't even be something that could accurately be MOCed, for example (because MOCing contests always seem to win out over art ones...). Don't jump to it so soon, jeez.
1I'm glad that the Toa of Psionics thing isn't a retcon. But it's pretty confusing.
3At least we've got our first transgender Toa character. Very progressive.
4How do you know Orde is TG? He could have been a glitch or mutant among the Ce-Matoran.
5-Toa Nidhiki05
6Well, that's just one of the first explanations some of us think of. As a disclaimer (and side note, since you weren't talking to me), when I speculated earlier about him being a transgender, it is what it is: speculation. But anyway, I was also thinking of the possibility that he's just an anomaly. But that wouldn't be as much interesting, now would it?

1I'm glad that the Toa of Psionics thing isn't a retcon. But it's pretty confusing.
3At least we've got our first transgender Toa character. Very progressive.
4How do you know Orde is TG? He could have been a glitch or mutant among the Ce-Matoran.
5-Toa Nidhiki05
6Very true, or in his creation, in which he was supposed to be female, a complete accident happened that made him not be what he was supposed to be. 7(also I find it funny of how many people wanted a toa of psionics, but he is male

1I'm glad that the Toa of Psionics thing isn't a retcon. But it's pretty confusing.
3At least we've got our first transgender Toa character. Very progressive.
4How do you know Orde is TG? He could have been a glitch or mutant among the Ce-Matoran.
5-Toa Nidhiki05
6Well, that's just one of the first explanations some of us think of. As a disclaimer (and side note, since you weren't talking to me), when I speculated earlier about him being a transgender, it is what it is: speculation. But anyway, I was also thinking of the possibility that he's just an anomaly. But that wouldn't be as much interesting, now would it?
7I have no problem with him being TG, but that might be confusing to kids, so I personally doubt that it is likely; he is much more likely to be an anomaly IMO.
8-Toa Nidhiki05
1I'm glad that the Toa of Psionics thing isn't a retcon. But it's pretty confusing.
3At least we've got our first transgender Toa character. Very progressive.
4How do you know Orde is TG? He could have been a glitch or mutant among the Ce-Matoran.
5-Toa Nidhiki05
6It is also possible that he is from a parallel universe. However, we shouldn't speculate too much as then the explanation might not be as interesting as it would be otherwise.
1I'm glad that the Toa of Psionics thing isn't a retcon. But it's pretty confusing.
3At least we've got our first transgender Toa character. Very progressive.
4How do you know Orde is TG? He could have been a glitch or mutant among the Ce-Matoran.
5-Toa Nidhiki05
6It is also possible that he is from a parallel universe. However, we shouldn't speculate too much as then the explanation might not be as interesting as it would be otherwise.
7Aww, man. I had a great idea for what happened to him/her. I thought... nevermind. Anyway, would we be allowed to start a topic about what happened to Orde?