11. This one has been haunting me for a while: Could a really skilled Toa of Fire channel his power through his eyes? (Heat vision) 21b. Same thing, but for a Toa of Light with laser vision?
32. In TLR, no one seemed surprised when Mata Nui defended the GBs role when Kiina spoke against them while in the Secret Chamber, or, for that matter, questioned him on how he knew of them (as they believed he had come from another planet). Why was this? Does everyone in the whole Galactic Universe know of the GBs?
51) No 62) They were certainly "famous" on Spherus Magna, so it stands to reason the residents of SM might have believed their fame extended off-planet. After all, the Agori and Glatorian have no idea if the GBs projects might have involved other worlds as well.
1Hey Greg I have a few questions for you.
21. I heard you sent out the name list to be approved. Has it been approved yet?
32. I heard you were busy. What have you been busy with?
43. What characters have you based off of a character from another fiction series?
54. Is the end of Reign of Shadows gonna be shocking?
65. I read the rough draft of the script for the 5th movie. And I was wondering if you could tell me the full extent of Mata Nui's powers that he was gradually gaining?
76. Do you have any pets?
87. Have you seen the winner of the alternate Teridax contest?
98. I was looking at the shadowed one as a set and his head looked similar to a Vortixx. And then I looked at one of the comics and his face looked similar to a Glatorians head. Which one is canon?
109. If you had to revive any of the bionicle characters which one would it be?
1110. Is there a chance we get to see Ancient again even though hes dead?
1211. If you could have gotten any of the names that weren't approved, approved. Which one would it be?
13Thank you for your time .
141) No, takes time to do that 152) A lot of things. I have a lot of work to do at work and a lot of stuff to do at home. 163) Mostly, none. There are only so many character archtypes out there, so all of us who write end up with characters who fall into one of them and so can seem similar to each other. 174) Don't think so, no 185) Nope, because nothing beyond what you read was ever written. 196) No, I used to have cats, but my wife is allergic so I had to adopt them out 207) Nope 218) When did TSO appear in the comics? 229) If I had to pick one, I don't know ... I lean toward Matoro, but I think bringing him back would cheapen his sacrifice. 2310) I can't say absolutely not. You might. 2411) I really don't remember individual names that got shot down, so no way to answer this.
26I don't get it, Ancient's dead, how can we see him again? 27Reviving?
1Maybe flashbacks...But I think we won't see him again. Greg did say "You might."
1Greg said he isn't doing flashback stories. Unless it's in an other serial.
11)Do the Skrall, Glatorian and Agori have about the same lifespan?
22) How old Agori/Glatorian/Skrall is considered an adult (as Gresh is a young a Glatorian and is known to be at least 100 000 years old)?
33)We know that there's a "marriage" in MU, but is there any system resembling marriage in Spherus Magna?
44) Are any of the Agori/Glatorian/Skrall we know related?
55) We know that Skrall are born to a specific class, but how? Is it like every descendant of an elite Skrall is also either an elite Skrall or a female Skrall, or do they just randomly born as something?
66)What was the purpose of the genders in MU again?
71-2) No idea 83) Most likely 94) No 105) We know status is known at birth, how exactly is not something we have gotten into 116) Well, different genders bring different viewpoints and a different psychological approach to problems, thererfore both are needed. In the MU for the Matoran, the females tended to be the teachers, to be more spiritual, and to be the peacemakers ... more contemplative than combative, which is very similar to the difference in genders among humanity.
12Don't you get into sexism Greg. Don't make stereotypes about genders. I find it offending.
1He's not being sexist, he's just being realistic.
1There's a wonderful thing called generalizations. And you know what, we don't need to take it too seriously. There's a major difference between us and Matoran, so let's not take it personally. lol
1Hello Mr.Farsthey I hope you are having a good weekend,, 21. When a Toa of Gravity creates a black hole can he turn it off? Because it would be kinda a disadvantage to create a black hole is a major city and then not being a able to turn it off. 32. Can a Toa of Gravity create small black hole like say the size of the rim of a cup to suck weapons out of opponents hands? 43. Could you canonize that Bo is the prefix for plantlife; Bo could stand for Botany or Bota Magna? 54. Do Skrall have other secondary colors other than red or green like say orange or purple? 65. When will the Yesterday Quest serial begin? 76. Is it possible that the Great Beings were of the same species of Glatorian? 87. Prior to being mutated by the Pit was Pridak a Skakdi? Because he displayed all the characteristics of a Skakdi; brutal, vicious etc. 98. Could Kalmah be a Skakdi? 10Thank You for your time,
111) That would be a nova power. It wouldn't be something he would do normally, because for one thing, he would be sucked into it too. 122) See answer to #1 133) I don't need a prefix for it at this point 144) It's possible 155) I wrote chapter one yesterday, so as soon as Bink posts it 166) I can't discuss this 177) No, he was not. Pridak is described in one of the 2007 books as having been a model of physical perfection prior to his mutation. Skakdi are hardly that. 188. Unknown
111) That would be a nova power. It wouldn't be something he would do normally, because for one thing, he would be sucked into it too. 122) See answer to #1 133) I don't need a prefix for it at this point 144) It's possible 155) I wrote chapter one yesterday, so as soon as Bink posts it 166) I can't discuss this 177) No, he was not. Pridak is described in one of the 2007 books as having been a model of physical perfection prior to his mutation. Skakdi are hardly that. 188. Unknown
1Pridak seems a little too sly and manipulative to be a Skakdi. I mean yeah he was brutal and vicious, but he was dignified, calm, calculating.
1Hello Mr.Farsthey I hope you are having a good weekend,, 27. Prior to being mutated by the Pit was Pridak a Skakdi? Because he displayed all the characteristics of a Skakdi; brutal, vicious etc. 38. Could Kalmah be a Skakdi? 4Thank You for your time,
57) No, he was not. Pridak is described in one of the 2007 books as having been a model of physical perfection prior to his mutation. Skakdi are hardly that. 68. Unknown
7Thank goodness Pridak is not a skakdi . That would be kinda strange and a little sad.
8I have a bad feeling about how Greg said "Unknown".
1He's not being sexist, he's just being realistic.
2Yeah because there are psychological differences between males and females, even if they do not apply all to all males and females. Same applies to the Matoran.
4Though you may not agree with stereotyping, there's no denying the fact that there ARE psychological differences (this is scientifically proven). Men and women on Earth ARE likely to get different sorts of jobs. Don't forget that we get individuals in Bionicle such as Toa Helryx and Kiina, who don't follow the stereotype.
1Hello Mr.Farsthey I hope you are having a good weekend,, 27. Prior to being mutated by the Pit was Pridak a Skakdi? Because he displayed all the characteristics of a Skakdi; brutal, vicious etc. 38. Could Kalmah be a Skakdi? 4Thank You for your time,
57) No, he was not. Pridak is described in one of the 2007 books as having been a model of physical perfection prior to his mutation. Skakdi are hardly that. 68. Unknown
7Thank goodness Pridak is not a skakdi . That would be kinda strange and a little sad.
8I have a bad feeling about how Greg said "Unknown".
9It's been said before that each of the Barraki belong to their own unique species.
1Greg just said that none of them were the same species as each other. He said that some of them may of been species that we've already seen, such as Vortrixx, Steltians, or yes, even Skakdi (personally, I could see Caraper as being a Skakdi.).
1Think about it; he needs new names for the Toa Team serial. He doesn't have the names list, and he probably won't have it for a while (legal is focusing on Hero Factory right now). So it's probably going to be the Protagonists serial.
2What's this Protagonists serial?
3A while back Greg made a topic where members listed their top 6 favorite protagonists. He said that he had some plans to make a serial based on that topic.
4that might be The Yesterday Quest
5Good point
1Nonsense. He never said that those three Toa are part of the new Toa Team.
1Nonsense. He never said that those three Toa are part of the new Toa Team.
2That doesn't mean they aren't. Besides, I don't see why Greg would waste three more names when he already has to use six for the Toa Team (if it has six members; if not, this could be the whole team)
3Greg implied a while ago that the team might not have six members, and that the poll was to determine most popular elements, not team makeup.
1He's not being sexist, he's just being realistic.
2Yeah because there are psychological differences between males and females, even if they do not apply all to all males and females. Same applies to the Matoran.
4Though you may not agree with stereotyping, there's no denying the fact that there ARE psychological differences (this is scientifically proven). Men and women on Earth ARE likely to get different sorts of jobs. Don't forget that we get individuals in Bionicle such as Toa Helryx and Kiina, who don't follow the stereotype.
5Yeah, and just because someone comments on gender differences that you don't agree with, doesn't mean the person is trying to be sexist. Anyway, it's a lot tougher to tell what people trying to say on the internet since you don't know their tone for how they're saying what they're saying.
1the favourite protagonists existed so greg could -indeed- use them for the new serial. this means that they will most likely appear, doesn't mean they are the toa team or anything, since Axxon could've been included as well.
2the elements poll existed so greg knew which elements were favorite.
3lastly: there are many differences between men and women. these are well-known facts. more precise, less hot-headed, and various other things. the Great Beings included two genders to make a balance. the men are good for work and battle and all and know what to do in a time of peril. the women keep people together and cooperative.
4there are exceptions that prove the rule. but majority is majority. i keep laughing a the sentence "85% of the parents believe their child's intellect is above average"
2the elements poll existed so greg knew which elements were favorite.
3lastly: there are many differences between men and women. these are well-known facts. more precise, less hot-headed, and various other things. the Great Beings included two genders to make a balance. the men are good for work and battle and all and know what to do in a time of peril. the women keep people together and cooperative.
4there are exceptions that prove the rule. but majority is majority. i keep laughing a the sentence "85% of the parents believe their child's intellect is above average"
1My questions: 2Three questions, Greg: 31.What will happen to the inhabitants of the pocket deminsions of the Mata Nui robot?The Spectral Hau could get them out, I suppose. 42. Can a Mask of Mutation cure/do any of the following? 5a)Hordika Mutations? 6b)EP transformations? 7C)Effects of Makuta viruses? 8d)Roodaka's spinner? 9e)Give a being new powers? 103.Heat is a sub-power of fire.Is it also one of Plasma?Since plasma requires heat to be created, I would think so. 11The answers from Greg: 121) The spectral Hau won't be part of main story, it was for the children's book only. 132a) Probably 142b) No 152c) Yes 162d) Yes 172e) Yes 183) I am going to say no, simply because it would be redundant. 19One was vauge because it regards future story, but two is good to know.
1Hi GregF. I'm waiting with ansiety the first chapter of TYQ.
21) A member asked about Kalmah being a Skakdi and you said: "Unkown". Why did you said "unkown" if you said that the Barraki are from different species? 32) Who characters will appear in the first chapter TYQ? 43) The "new villian" is known by us? Is she/he from the MU or Spherus Magna?
51) I don't recall being asked that or answering that way. Someone asked me about Pridak being a Skakdi and I said no. None of the Barraki are Skakdi. 62) You'll find out when you read it 73) No, it is not someone who is known by you
1QUOTE 2QUOTE 3QUOTE 4Hi Greg . this time I´m not going to ask you questions. I have an offer you might be interested in. 5Well i know your birthday is the 14 of July and probably if The Yesterday Quest is posted before your birthday you´ll recieve a ton of questions and that would take up a lot of your time for celebrating your favorite day. 6Also I´ll be off Bzpower for ten days, so I need a week in advance, I would like to make a topic telling the Bzpers to don´t send you questions that day so you can have time to rest and relaxe. 7Would you be ok with it? 8thanks 9LordofBionicles
10Thanks, but no need. If I don't want to answer questions that day, I just won't come here.
11Ok Greg, thanks for telling me, but I just got one question i would like to ask you
12Let´s say I was on Spherus Magna and I encountered a Toa wearing a great Rau, could he use it to understand me?
13I would say yes.
14Holly Kanohi .
that´s great
now you Know: If you end up on Spherus Magana, find a Toa wearing a kanohi Rau to communicate with everybody.
10Thanks, but no need. If I don't want to answer questions that day, I just won't come here.
11Ok Greg, thanks for telling me, but I just got one question i would like to ask you
12Let´s say I was on Spherus Magna and I encountered a Toa wearing a great Rau, could he use it to understand me?
13I would say yes.
14Holly Kanohi .


1Greg, 2Like Po-Matoran, whose armour is a different colour depending on the region they're made, do you think it'd be okay if it was also like this for Fe-Matoran, with their armour being different colours of metal depending on the region? For example, some might also have some gold armour, whereas some are just grey, or maybe bronze-ish. Then, depending on how old they are, maybe some parts could rust. 3-K
4I don't have a big problem with that, but I don't think rusting is a good idea. If these are Matoran of Metal, they would put a premium on repairing any damage to their armor. They wouldn't walk around in damaged armor, anymore than a tailor walks around with a hole in his shirt.
1Hello Mr. Farshtey
21) When will know who is the character inspired in the hungarian folklore? 32) How many chapters will have Sahmad's Tale? 42.1) And when will be the next? 53) How reacted the Skakdi to the "help" of the Toa Toa Mahri (The last line in RoS 11)
61) You've already met them, they were in the last chapter of Sahmad's Tale 72) As many as it needs 83) When it's done 94) Well, the Mahri basically offered themselves up as slaves, so the Skakdi would probably see that as being as it should be
1Or gunmetal.
1Don't you get into sexism Greg. Don't make stereotypes about genders. I find it offending.
2Actually, it makes much more sense if they are sterotypes. These are robots, after all, so they must have distinct differences to warrant two different personality codings. The Great Beings based the two different functions and personalities on sterotypes, as they only needed them to perform different duties and didn't really need them to be "people". Females are just initially programmed for teaching and things like that, like, say, C-3PO is programmed for transilation. However, the males are programmed for fighting, just as, say, Wall-E, was made for cleanup. Now, that's not to say that male Matoran cannot teach, or females cannot fight, but their primary programming is otherwise.


1As you need female Matoran to be fighters so they can be Toa, and male Matoran to be teachers and whatnot to be Turaga.
1Don't you get into sexism Greg. Don't make stereotypes about genders. I find it offending.
2Actually, it makes much more sense if they are sterotypes. These are robots, after all, so they must have distinct differences to warrant two different personality codings. The Great Beings based the two different functions and personalities on sterotypes, as they only needed them to perform different duties and didn't really need them to be "people". Females are just initially programmed for teaching and things like that, like, say, C-3PO is programmed for transilation. However, the males are programmed for fighting, just as, say, Wall-E, was made for cleanup. Now, that's not to say that male Matoran cannot teach, or females cannot fight, but their primary programming is otherwise.
4Except they're not robots.
1Blarg, I should have posted this sooner.
9I sent a follow up PM, asking how to pronounce their names.
10
2Hello . I loved the first chapter for TYQ, and I have a few questions.
31: Was the machine made to kill Toa by any chance the "Who am I?" contest winner? 42: In the chapter, there's a Toa of Psionics, Iron, and Lightning. Orde is a Toa of Psionics, which are female, but he is decribed as male. Is this an error, or are Matoran/Toa/Turaga of Psionics female and male?
5Thank you .
71) No, it was not 82) Ah, the answer to that one is going to get interesting.
9I sent a follow up PM, asking how to pronounce their names.

1Blarg, I should have posted this sooner.
2Hello . I loved the first chapter for TYQ, and I have a few questions.
31: Was the machine made to kill Toa by any chance the "Who am I?" contest winner? 42: In the chapter, there's a Toa of Psionics, Iron, and Lightning. Orde is a Toa of Psionics, which are female, but he is decribed as male. Is this an error, or are Matoran/Toa/Turaga of Psionics female and male?
5Thank you .
71) No, it was not 82) Ah, the answer to that one is going to get interesting.
9I sent a follow up PM, asking how to pronounce their names.
11Did Orde screw up with his psionics powers and cause a glitch to himself causing him to have a male mind? Being able to control minds is a risky power.
1Don't you get into sexism Greg. Don't make stereotypes about genders. I find it offending.
2Actually, it makes much more sense if they are sterotypes. These are robots, after all, so they must have distinct differences to warrant two different personality codings. The Great Beings based the two different functions and personalities on sterotypes, as they only needed them to perform different duties and didn't really need them to be "people". Females are just initially programmed for teaching and things like that, like, say, C-3PO is programmed for transilation. However, the males are programmed for fighting, just as, say, Wall-E, was made for cleanup. Now, that's not to say that male Matoran cannot teach, or females cannot fight, but their primary programming is otherwise.
4Except they're not robots.
5They were originally created to be, though. A glitch in the AI program made them more "human-like". Besides, what are they if they're not highly advanced robots?
62: In the chapter, there's a Toa of Psionics, Iron, and Lightning. Orde is a Toa of Psionics, which are female, but he is decribed as male. Is this an error, or are Matoran/Toa/Turaga of Psionics female and male?
72) Ah, the answer to that one is going to get interesting.
8Nice to see that Greg actually planned this one.

