1Next target wont necessarily die. they could fight and win.
1Hi Greg.
21) Karzanhi was one of the powers that be? 32) If the Glatorian wore helmets, they can take them off? 43) What happened to the Tahu's team in the mission of Daxia? 54) Lariska can be considered as good or evil? 65) When will know what happened with Mazeka and Alt. Teridax?
71) Yes 82) Yes 93) A story we have not related yet 104) I don't really consider her to be either. 115) Well, we know they must be out of the MU by now or they would be dead.
12So... Artakha can be another of the powers that be.
1Hello Mr. Farshtey. Sorry to bother you , but I'm hoping that you'd be able to answer some questions that I have...
21) Since now the Toa Nuva are not in the Swamps and skies of Karda Nui did their Adaptive armor revert back to the way it was in the first place....Because I've heard that when in its default form it reverts to a state similar to the ordinary armor...But in some of the pictures that show The Golden armor being given to Tahu, he's in his Mistika form....
32) What powers did The Golden Armor gave Tahu when the energy released by the Golden Armor returned to him and gave him all of the Kraata powers that belonged to destroyed Kraata. I guess Heat vision is obvious but what else?
43)Who was the first Makuta ever created?? Was It Miserix? Or were there more then one Makuta created in the same time....
61) That's because the only sets the artists have to work from are the 2008 sets. We no longer have the 2002 sets around here to give an artist. 72) Too early to discuss 83) Don't know.
1Wait a minute. "You said if you read The Powers That Be with attention you can see the 'future victims' in the title?" So do we have to like scramble up the letters and it spells a characters name? Or just the relation of the title?
1Wait a minute. "You said if you read The Powers That Be with attention you can see the 'future victims' in the title?" So do we have to like scramble up the letters and it spells a characters name? Or just the relation of the title?
2No D: 3The tittle makes reference to the beings that are very important and had or have a lot of power, like Tren Krom or TSO.
1Are we allowed to post questions about GN 8? Spoilers are allowed on BS01, finally.

1I have not seen any BZPower staff member (who are the ones that matter here, by the way) say Graphic Novel 8 spoilers were never allowed or an extension was being set in place for a spoiler ban. Indeed, normal spoiler policy likely should have been followed all along. It was the member base that pushed not posting spoilers, which surprisingly worked rather well. Spoilers for the graphic novel are absolutely fine here.
2Also, if you wish to discuss The Powers That Be, take it elsewhere.
2Also, if you wish to discuss The Powers That Be, take it elsewhere.
1Hello Mr. Farsthey![]()
21) Did you know how many people are going to die in The Powers That Be? I know that you can't say future things, but I hope that you can give us a number of deaths. 32) I was reading your blog and I read an entry from 2007 and you said that you love be here and reply questions. Now, you still love that, correct? 43) What type of Steltian was introduced in the container of PE? (I mean, there are three types of Steltian: Voporak, Krekka and Sidorak) 54) I admire your job so much, so I was wondering THE PROCESS of making a chapter of a serial.
61) I'm not going to do that, no 72) If I didn't, why would I be here? I am not paid to do this. I do it cause I want to. 83) Krekka type 94) Not much to the process, really. Hopefully, when you ended the last chapter, you had some idea of what would happen next. Then you sit down and write and try to end on another cliffhanger.
14. Last question about 2001, wich battle took place first the Shadow Toa or the Manas?
24) I don't recall, that was nine years ago.
3Well, in BIONICLE Chronicles #1, the Toa Kaita have to fight the Manas first. After that, the Kaita are separated and the Toa have to face the Shadow Toa. Chronicles #1-3 and the MoL novel aren't 100% canon though, but I would go with that. So does BS01.
1GN 8 questions with spoiler tags

2Hey Greg, I have some questions about GN 8: 31. In the Skrall comic, was the wood that the agori brought to Tuma actually Baterra? Cuz I didn't really get that part.
42. In The Exile's Tale, Malum beat both Vastus and Strakk, correct? Just want some confirmations.
53. Is the Cordak blaster on Bara Magna, canon?
64. Tuma has his own GREEN rock steed?
75. Why is the Mata Nui robot in the shape of his Toa form? Wasn't it supposed to be the one Teridax possessed?
8I won't post this in the OGD, so don't worry.
91) Yes 102) I would have to go back and look at the book again, I haven't glanced at in weeks 113) No, it's artistic license 124) In the story, yes. Again, artistic license. 135) Because comic artists are not experts on BIONICLE. They don't look at everything else we do when they do their work. They look at the sets they have.
42. In The Exile's Tale, Malum beat both Vastus and Strakk, correct? Just want some confirmations.
53. Is the Cordak blaster on Bara Magna, canon?
64. Tuma has his own GREEN rock steed?
75. Why is the Mata Nui robot in the shape of his Toa form? Wasn't it supposed to be the one Teridax possessed?
8I won't post this in the OGD, so don't worry.
91) Yes 102) I would have to go back and look at the book again, I haven't glanced at in weeks 113) No, it's artistic license 124) In the story, yes. Again, artistic license. 135) Because comic artists are not experts on BIONICLE. They don't look at everything else we do when they do their work. They look at the sets they have.
1Hello Mr. Farshtey . Just some quick questions for you.
21: Before the Toa Hagah became Teridax's guard were their mask powers the same as they are now?
32: Is the Olmak Vezon stole fused to his face or absorbed into his body?
43: What is the deference, if any, between the Rahkshi power of Darkness and a Makuta's power over Shadow?
54id it Snow and rain in Metru Nui under normal circumstances?
64a: If no, then why was it storming on the Toa Metru's return back to Metru Nui in WoS?
75: How important is the 2004 story line to you? I personally think they are some of your best book, written. Do you think it is you best?
85a: If not then which story year(s) do you think are your best?
96: In the stasis Toa contest, is it OK if I have a member of Dume's team appear as a Turaga?
107: How do the Onu-Matoran of Metru-Nui actually get a Rahi into a stasis tube for the archives?
11Thanks a bundle for taking a look at this .
121) Yes 132) Absorbed into his body 143) Makuta's is more wide-ranging 154) That would be a fire extinguishing system 165) I have a soft spot in my heart for it because it is when I got to start writing books. 176) Yes 187) Sometimes with great difficulty
1Hello Mr.Farshtey I have a few questions about graphic novel 8, 21. In Graphic Novel 8 the Baterra are white but on BS01 it says they are silver, is this canon? 32. Also in GN8, Tuma is seen riding a green sand stalker, it this canon? 43. In GN8 the Element Lord of Water is seen with a sorta bubble on his head is this just a water bubble or actual glass? 54. In GN8 Malum is seen with a Cordak Blaster neer the end, is this canon? 65. Are all the element lords male? 76. In the map in Makuta's Guide to the Universe, their is a large island in Mata Nui's leg, is this a continent or an island because it's almost the size of the Northern Continent. 87. Who is older Gelu or Kiina? 9Thanks,
101) My assumption was that the blizzard and the lighting made them look white 112) That is artistic license 123) I don't believe it was intended to be glass, no 134) Again, artistic license 145) Not something that has been determined yet 156) Not a continent, no 167) They are probably around the same age
1Hello Mr.Farshtey I have a few questions about graphic novel 8, 21. In Graphic Novel 8 the Baterra are white but on BS01 it says they are silver, is this canon? 32. Also in GN8, Tuma is seen riding a green sand stalker, it this canon? 43. In GN8 the Element Lord of Water is seen with a sorta bubble on his head is this just a water bubble or actual glass? 54. In GN8 Malum is seen with a Cordak Blaster neer the end, is this canon? 65. Are all the element lords male? 76. In the map in Makuta's Guide to the Universe, their is a large island in Mata Nui's leg, is this a continent or an island because it's almost the size of the Northern Continent. 87. Who is older Gelu or Kiina? 9Thanks,
101) My assumption was that the blizzard and the lighting made them look white 112) That is artistic license 123) I don't believe it was intended to be glass, no 134) Again, artistic license 145) Not something that has been determined yet 156) Not a continent, no 167) They are probably around the same age
17It's a green rock steed, not a sand stalker.

1Hi Greg. I have a few questions regarding my entry for the Toa Varian contest.
21. You recently said that Xia most likely had a Toa team. What exactly would a Toa team have done on Xia? The Vortixx were known to have dealt with anyone who would pay them, and a Toa team would have only gotten in the way of that. 32. I plan on Varian having a Kanohi Rode, so I would like to clarify a few technical aspects of its usage. 42a. Example 1. In the Kingdom, Axonn uses his mask to see if main-universe Takanuva was lying about his identity. He then says, "He's not a shapeshifter. And he really does think he's Takanuva." In this case, he didn't exactly read the truth, only what Takanuva believes is the truth. Example 2. Brutaka avidly believes that Mata Nui died and abandoned his universe, which Axonn denies as a lie. This time, he read the real truth, not the version Brutaka believed. In which way does the Rode work? Or does it depend on the circumstances? 52b. I was also wondering if the Kanohi Rode can filter lies that the user says. For example, let's say that there is a rock under one of three cups. The Rode user says, "The rock is under the cup on the left," when the rock is really under the cup on the right. Will the mask flag the statement as a lie, or does it not work that way on the user? 63. Can we possibly use a former Toa Mangai (aka Naho, since the others are technically spoken for or unnamed) on Varian's team, or would you say no?
7Thank you very much for your time.
8~Lord Rahl~
91) Xia would also be a prime target for pirates and thieves, who might have seized control of the place so that weapons could only be made for them. 102a) Depends on the circumstances. Remember, in example one, he was reading someone from another dimension whose reality was completely different. The "truth" in Axonn's reality was not the same truth as in Takanuva's. 112b) Yes, it would mark that as a falsehood 123) If you set your story prior to the Mangai teaming up, you can.
13Some interesting updates on the Varian Contest. We have a potential plot for those who use the Toa Xia, and apparently Naho can be used as a character. I have to point out, though, that the Mangai were formed (according to BS01's timeline) 4000 years before present, whereas Varian was shown in stasis (and therefore the story must be set before) 7000 years before present, which means that the story has to be set at least 3000 years before the Mangai formed.
15EDIT: Or, apparently, after discussion with contest hosts, they can be used, but they can't actually be on the team. Bummer.

16~Lord Rahl~
1Hello Mr.Farshtey I have a few questions about graphic novel 8, 21. In Graphic Novel 8 the Baterra are white but on BS01 it says they are silver, is this canon? 32. Also in GN8, Tuma is seen riding a green sand stalker, it this canon? 43. In GN8 the Element Lord of Water is seen with a sorta bubble on his head is this just a water bubble or actual glass? 54. In GN8 Malum is seen with a Cordak Blaster neer the end, is this canon? 65. Are all the element lords male? 76. In the map in Makuta's Guide to the Universe, their is a large island in Mata Nui's leg, is this a continent or an island because it's almost the size of the Northern Continent. 87. Who is older Gelu or Kiina? 9Thanks,
101) My assumption was that the blizzard and the lighting made them look white 112) That is artistic license 123) I don't believe it was intended to be glass, no 134) Again, artistic license 145) Not something that has been determined yet 156) Not a continent, no 167) They are probably around the same age
17It's a green rock steed, not a sand stalker.But wait, the ELs are not determined to be males yet? interesting
And thanks for asking about Kiina and Gelu's ages.
18Yeah, I meant Rock Steed I alway confuse the two not sure why. The EL of Rock is male though because in GN8 I think the fire element lord sais you think to small brother or something like that.
11. How is it that MN never met Mata Nui 21b. If Gelu met MN would his weapons be changed because they do not appear to have any bone 32. Is Stars Takanuva in adaptive armor 42b. If he isn't, why does he have the same chest armor as Tahu 53. Is Mata Nui considered to be a glatorian 64. Since there are elite force Skrall, are there elite forces in the Sisters of the Skrall 75. Are the rest of the Toa Nuva still in adaptive armor
8Please respond![]()
9Toa Daiker
101) Do you mean Gelu, TD? Because Gelu showed up with the rest of the Glatorian in the mass attack on Roxtus, and Mata Nui left right after that for the north. So he did not personally meet every Glatorian who fought in the battle. 111b) The weapons are built around bone. 122) Takanuva does not have adaptive armor. 133) No. 144) No. The sisters are not a militaristic society. 155) Yes
16And yes, I did mean Gelu

17Toa Daiker
1Has Greg been known to ingore anybody? I tried sending him the same set of questions 3 times, and according to the message tracker, he read them all, but he never replied. Maybe I'm having really bad luck with the server?
1Has Greg been known to ingore anybody? I tried sending him the same set of questions 3 times, and according to the message tracker, he read them all, but he never replied. Maybe I'm having really bad luck with the server?
2Have you checked your settings to make sure you're able to recieve PM's?
3I didn't change anything, and I'm still getting PMs from other people.

1Has Greg been known to ingore anybody? I tried sending him the same set of questions 3 times, and according to the message tracker, he read them all, but he never replied. Maybe I'm having really bad luck with the server?
2Have you checked your settings to make sure you're able to recieve PM's?
3I didn't change anything, and I'm still getting PMs from other people.![]()
4Greg can't immediently respond to every PM he gets. He often reads them, then goes back and replies to them. However, if you haven't received a reply in over a week, then you might want to resend them. The server has been known to eat PMs...
1Has Greg been known to ingore anybody? I tried sending him the same set of questions 3 times, and according to the message tracker, he read them all, but he never replied. Maybe I'm having really bad luck with the server?
2Have you checked your settings to make sure you're able to recieve PM's?
3I didn't change anything, and I'm still getting PMs from other people.![]()
4Greg can't immediently respond to every PM he gets. He often reads them, then goes back and replies to them. However, if you haven't received a reply in over a week, then you might want to resend them. The server has been known to eat PMs...
5I've repeatedly sent Greg questions, and he hasn't replied at all. The last time I sent one to him was on July 19. Should I resend the questions?
1Has Greg been known to ingore anybody? I tried sending him the same set of questions 3 times, and according to the message tracker, he read them all, but he never replied. Maybe I'm having really bad luck with the server?
2Have you checked your settings to make sure you're able to recieve PM's?
3I didn't change anything, and I'm still getting PMs from other people.![]()
4Greg can't immediently respond to every PM he gets. He often reads them, then goes back and replies to them. However, if you haven't received a reply in over a week, then you might want to resend them. The server has been known to eat PMs...
5I've repeatedly sent Greg questions, and he hasn't replied at all. The last time I sent one to him was on July 19. Should I resend the questions?
6Yeah, probably.
1Has Greg been known to ingore anybody? I tried sending him the same set of questions 3 times, and according to the message tracker, he read them all, but he never replied. Maybe I'm having really bad luck with the server?
2Have you checked your settings to make sure you're able to recieve PM's?
3I didn't change anything, and I'm still getting PMs from other people.![]()
4Greg can't immediently respond to every PM he gets. He often reads them, then goes back and replies to them. However, if you haven't received a reply in over a week, then you might want to resend them. The server has been known to eat PMs...
5I've repeatedly sent Greg questions, and he hasn't replied at all. The last time I sent one to him was on July 19. Should I resend the questions?
6Don't sweat it guys. Greg told me in a pm that he wouldn't have time to answer questions for a while, as his wife is nine months pregnant and he's probably really busy with that.

1Has Greg been known to ingore anybody? I tried sending him the same set of questions 3 times, and according to the message tracker, he read them all, but he never replied. Maybe I'm having really bad luck with the server?
2Once he ignored mine. I got answered the 2nd time though. AAMOF the one he did respond to is right above your post. I'm pretty sure he got your message though.
3Toa Daiker
1Hello Mr.Farsthey, 21. I was just wondering BS01 sais that a Toa of Shadow and a Toa of Light can't make a Toa seal because their elements cancel each other out, but dosen't ice and fire cancel each other out too? 32. Did the Toa Metru have Suva? If so what would happen if they placed another Kanohi over their current one? (because in a previous PM you said that a Toa's mask automatically teleports to their Suva when they place another Kanohi on top) 43. Could you confirm that the Suva that was partly destroyed by the Piraka in 2006 was dedicated to Toa Jovan? 54. In Time Trap Vakama mentiones that time would "unrave"l if the Vahi were destroyed. Why did he mean by "unravel"? 65. Is Karda Nui and the Core Proccesor about at the same level in the MU? 7Thank You for your time,
81) Nope 92) No, they didn't. The Toa Metru did not have alternate masks they were using, so they had no need of one. 103) The suva on Voya Nui? No, I can't confirm that. 114) Simple. Let's say you get up from your computer right now and walk out the door. If time unravelled, the past would happen after the present, followed by the future, followed by the present again, followed by the past, etc. Things wouldn't happen in order. So you would get up, walk out the door, find yourself back in your chair ... then you would be outside the door ... then you would be back in your chair ... then it would be six months ago ... then five years from now ... then last week ... nothing would happen in the right order. 125) I believe the core processor, if I recall correctly, is in Mata Nui's head, so I would say no.[/QU
1I like how Greg just called one of the most complicated, confusing, and mind un-comprehend-able topics in all of science "simple".
1lol about the example.
1I like how Greg just called one of the most complicated, confusing, and mind un-comprehend-able topics in all of science "simple".
2LOL. Oh Greg...
3Here's some stuff:
41) This probably sounds like a nit-picky, over-obsessed fan question, but I was curious if you could give a rough description of how a Matoran "rebuilds" himself to make himself stronger? Is it a mental thing, or do they actually physically replace some of their mechanical parts?
51b) That being said, were the Matoran of Voya Nui unable to "rebuild" themselves because of the way Karzahni had altered them, or did they simply lack that discipline?
62) I know that Agori have some mechanical implants. Originally, these enhancements implanted by the Great Beings, correct?
72b) Some Agori were born after the Shattering, also correct? If my previous question was true, does that mean they were never given implants, or do the Agori have some means to enhance other Agori?
81) It's a physical rebuild, not a mental rebuild. 91b) They didn't have the raw materials to do it with, for one thing, plus they didn't know what all changes Karzahni had made and if their efforts would have killed them or not. 102) I am sure the earliest ones were, but as a rule, no, the GBs weren't doing it. 112b) Most implants are done by Agori and Glatorian for each other, usually by people with some healing skill like Berix had.
12Number 2 interests me. The Agori have a lot more ingenuity than I originally thought. I mean, you try giving someone mechanical implants, and tell me how easy it is .
1True enough. Human-like as they are, I occasionally forget that the Glatorian/Agori are as mayflies. xD
1Hello Mr. Farshtey
2In Graphic Novel #8 Kyry made an appearance in "All Our Sins Remembered" There his form looks different then the official winning entry. 3Is this because the drawers didn't know that there was an official model?
4That's exactly why. The artist did not spend time on BIONICLE fan sites or know such a contest had been held.
5That explains the difference between the GN#8 version and the winning model of 2009

1Nothing much, just a couple things I needed answered(And now I can think of no good in-story reason for MU inhabitants to have romantic love, so the argument is settled in my case)
10Kinda interesting, though.
11-I found the power, I lived the legend.
2Sorry to bother you, but I HAVE to ask you this(Sorry if there's some rule against this or anything)
3I was reading a locked topic about love in the MU universe just now, and I noticed that some people came up with the argument that they didn't have romantic love because they didn't need it, and you've said yourself that they didn't have it because they didn't need it, but if they didn't have anything they didn't need, then they wouldn't be what they are, they'd just be nanotech that would have presumably shut down after the MN robot finished its work. I thought it was described nicely in the great beings thoughts in The Powers that be, where the MU inhabitants became their own race instead of just nanotech.
4Also, something else I just thought of:
5Could Karzhani have been killed by Marendar?Maybe it had a glitch and started thinking all powerful beings were Toa?
6Anyway, please answer .
7(_)ELOM OUT(_)
81) The MU inhabitants had a glitch in their AI. But you can argue that the things they developed -- like loyalty, self-sacrifice, devotion to duty -- were vital to their success as a civlization. Romantic love, however, would not have been useful, as they had no need for it. Romantic love is useless to beings who do not need to physically procreate. Tahu and Gali holding hands in 2001 would be Tahu and Gali holding hands in 2010 -- it couldn't ever go beyond that. For both story and society, it's a dead end. 92) No, Karzahni was not killed by Marendar.
10Kinda interesting, though.
11-I found the power, I lived the legend.
1In refference to my PM that referrenced all my points made in This thread:
9I still think there should be a way that so many of those fanfics can be possible in the Bionicle Universe. But hey, at least now I know not to put any romance in my epics, lol.
3It is indeed possible to fall in love without reproduction -- no one questions that -- the question is, will romantic love exist in a society where there is no biological impulse to mate?
4Think about it -- up until the Middle Ages, what we think of as romantic love really didn't exist, or if it did, was not a focus. There was a biological urge to mate and an economic reason for it too -- if you had, for example, a farm, you needed kids to help work it. If you lived in a tribe, you needed new tribe member or your tribe would die out. It wasn't about hearts and flowers. Marriages were, in many cases, arranged.
5Matoran have no need to physically mate, no biological imperative, they are incapable of it. If more Matoran are needed to work, to fill out a tribe, or to simply keep the "species" going, then a Turaga okays the creation of more.
6Put it another way -- let's say you have a society on an island where food is plentiful, plants yield fruits and vegetables in abundance everywhere. That society has no need to hunt for food, so most likely would never develop the skills associated with hunting. On another island, where there is wild game but not as much plant life, the society has to develop hunting skills or starve. You can argue the inhabitants of island #1 COULD develop hunting skills -- but why WOULD they? They have no need of them. It is much, much more likely that they will learn skills that will be of some use to their society.
7One other point -- how many people do you know who know how to, say, churn their own butter? Probably not a lot, because as a society, we don't need to know that -- we buy butter at the store. At one time, lots of people knew how to do it, because if they wanted butter, they had to master it.
8Which brings us back to the central point -- all species develop skills and traits and concepts that their society needs to survive and thrive. For the Matoran, romantic love has no biological or societal value. Does that mean it is IMPOSSIBLE for it to develop? No. But you would have to put into place circumstances that would require the species to develop it for its survival, and then wait for the concept to take root, and no such circumstances exist.
9I still think there should be a way that so many of those fanfics can be possible in the Bionicle Universe. But hey, at least now I know not to put any romance in my epics, lol.
1But you have to remember that when Romantic love came about, and for most of it's history until recently, Romantic love had no connection to physical desire. People considered them to be 2 entirely separate things.