1Hello Greg.
21) How was the day? Have you worked a lot? I hope you wern't so busy. 32) There's only a female in the EL or there isn't? I think you can confirm now. 43) There's a confirmed prefix to the Shadow Matoran? 54) Do you think that the oncoming chapters of the serials will surprise us in a very big way? 65) Can you kill a Toa Nuva or Tahu? 'Cause I read in a site that you need a license or permit to kill them? 76) Were you sad when the Makuta of Karda Nui died?
81) Nope, I can't 93) There is a fan one, which I think is Kra 104) No idea, I don't know what it takes to surprise you 115) I needed permission to kill characters back when we were selling sets. Now that we aren't, I can do what I want. 126) No.
13Nothing important...
1Baterra stuff
21. Do the Baterra have any form of targeting HUD or target selector. 31a. If so do they have things like thermal sensors/vision to check for signs of heat given off by targets?
42. Will Baterra actively mask their own heat given off by them if the need arises, say if they are fighting a target with thermal sensors/vision.
53. About how much heat do Baterra give off compared to a Toa or Glatorian?
64. Can a Baterra pretty much shapeshift their weapon into pretty much anything bladed like a chainsaw or axe? 74a. Can a Baterra shapeshift their weapons into something blunt like a war hammer?
8Thank you so much once again for your time and have a nice day sir.
91) Yes 101a) Yes 112) Not something I am certain they need, since no one on Spherus Magna has thermal sensors or vision. Remember, they are dealing with organic beings, not Toa. 123) No idea. 134) Yes 144a) Yes
21. Do the Baterra have any form of targeting HUD or target selector. 31a. If so do they have things like thermal sensors/vision to check for signs of heat given off by targets?
42. Will Baterra actively mask their own heat given off by them if the need arises, say if they are fighting a target with thermal sensors/vision.
53. About how much heat do Baterra give off compared to a Toa or Glatorian?
64. Can a Baterra pretty much shapeshift their weapon into pretty much anything bladed like a chainsaw or axe? 74a. Can a Baterra shapeshift their weapons into something blunt like a war hammer?
8Thank you so much once again for your time and have a nice day sir.
91) Yes 101a) Yes 112) Not something I am certain they need, since no one on Spherus Magna has thermal sensors or vision. Remember, they are dealing with organic beings, not Toa. 123) No idea. 134) Yes 144a) Yes
15) Can you kill a Toa Nuva or Tahu? 'Cause I read in a site that you need a license or permit to kill them?
2Hunting permit?
3I was going to say the same thing. xD
4But now it's Tahu hunting season, I guess.
5Be good with him. Since he's a latin speaker

6Anywho, I'm starting to think one of the Toa Nuva will die. PLEASE NOT LEWA.
15) Can you kill a Toa Nuva or Tahu? 'Cause I read in a site that you need a license or permit to kill them?
2Hunting permit?
3I was going to say the same thing. xD
4But now it's Tahu hunting season, I guess.
5Be good with him. Since he's a latin speaker
6Anywho, I'm starting to think one of the Toa Nuva will die. PLEASE NOT LEWA.
7Yes, please.

15) Can you kill a Toa Nuva or Tahu? 'Cause I read in a site that you need a license or permit to kill them?
2Hunting permit?
3I was going to say the same thing. xD
4But now it's Tahu hunting season, I guess.
5Be good with him. Since he's a latin speaker
6Anywho, I'm starting to think one of the Toa Nuva will die. PLEASE NOT LEWA.
7And you... 8I wrote wrong that question? Because it seem that all of you are mocking me instead of tell me WHAT I wrote wrong or what seems "weird" for you...
15) Can you kill a Toa Nuva or Tahu? 'Cause I read in a site that you need a license or permit to kill them?
2Hunting permit?
3I was going to say the same thing. xD
4But now it's Tahu hunting season, I guess.
5Be good with him. Since he's a latin speaker
6Anywho, I'm starting to think one of the Toa Nuva will die. PLEASE NOT LEWA.
7And you... 8I wrote wrong that question? Because it seem that all of you are mocking me instead of tell me WHAT I wrote wrong or what seems "weird" for you...
9Nah, the question is fine. I think he was just throwing a joke. 10-R, Serials Leader in B. Untold-
1And you... 2I wrote wrong that question? Because it seem that all of you are mocking me instead of tell me WHAT I wrote wrong or what seems "weird" for you...
3That particular question wasn't improperly phrased, but the wording for "license or permit" just seemed strange. 4In case you're interested, though, your first sentence should be "I wrote that question wrong?". Don't ask me why, English is strange.
1And you... 2I wrote wrong that question? Because it seem that all of you are mocking me instead of tell me WHAT I wrote wrong or what seems "weird" for you...
3That particular question wasn't improperly phrased, but the wording for "license or permit" just seemed strange. 4In case you're interested, though, your first sentence should be "I wrote that question wrong?". Don't ask me why, English is strange.
5Actually, most people here, that aren't English do that.

15) Can you kill a Toa Nuva or Tahu? 'Cause I read in a site that you need a license or permit to kill them?
2Hunting permit?
3I was going to say the same thing. xD
4But now it's Tahu hunting season, I guess.
5Be good with him. Since he's a latin speaker
6Anywho, I'm starting to think one of the Toa Nuva will die. PLEASE NOT LEWA.
7That would hurt me to no end. Though maybe a candidate could be Pohatu. He's the type to make a sacrifice, and it'd be a rare chance to see Kopaka show emotion, since Pohatu is his closest friend.
15) Can you kill a Toa Nuva or Tahu? 'Cause I read in a site that you need a license or permit to kill them?
2Hunting permit?
3I was going to say the same thing. xD
4But now it's Tahu hunting season, I guess.
5Be good with him. Since he's a latin speaker
6Anywho, I'm starting to think one of the Toa Nuva will die. PLEASE NOT LEWA.
7That would hurt me to no end. Though maybe a candidate could be Pohatu. He's the type to make a sacrifice, and it'd be a rare chance to see Kopaka show emotion, since Pohatu is his closest friend.
8If Pohatu did die, I'd hope Greg would make it a similar death to the one Pohatu supposedly had in BC#4. It'd be a nice twist of irony.

15) Can you kill a Toa Nuva or Tahu? 'Cause I read in a site that you need a license or permit to kill them?
2Hunting permit?
3I was going to say the same thing. xD
4But now it's Tahu hunting season, I guess.
5Be good with him. Since he's a latin speaker
6Anywho, I'm starting to think one of the Toa Nuva will die. PLEASE NOT LEWA.
7That would hurt me to no end. Though maybe a candidate could be Pohatu. He's the type to make a sacrifice, and it'd be a rare chance to see Kopaka show emotion, since Pohatu is his closest friend.
8If Pohatu did die, I'd hope Greg would make it a similar death to the one Pohatu supposedly had in BC#4. It'd be a nice twist of irony.
9I don't see why any of the Nuva have to die. I mean, all of those guys- they've been with us since day one. If any of the characters have reached a level of awesomeness where they can't die, it's them.

15) Can you kill a Toa Nuva or Tahu? 'Cause I read in a site that you need a license or permit to kill them?
2Hunting permit?
3I was going to say the same thing. xD
4But now it's Tahu hunting season, I guess.
5Be good with him. Since he's a latin speaker
6Anywho, I'm starting to think one of the Toa Nuva will die. PLEASE NOT LEWA.
7That would hurt me to no end. Though maybe a candidate could be Pohatu. He's the type to make a sacrifice, and it'd be a rare chance to see Kopaka show emotion, since Pohatu is his closest friend.
8If Pohatu did die, I'd hope Greg would make it a similar death to the one Pohatu supposedly had in BC#4. It'd be a nice twist of irony.
9I don't see why any of the Nuva have to die. I mean, all of those guys- they've been with us since day one. If any of the characters have reached a level of awesomeness where they can't die, it's them.
11Agreed. It would pain me to see one of the only characters to consistently appear in all nine years die.
15) Can you kill a Toa Nuva or Tahu? 'Cause I read in a site that you need a license or permit to kill them?
2Hunting permit?
3I was going to say the same thing. xD
4But now it's Tahu hunting season, I guess.
5Be good with him. Since he's a latin speaker
6Anywho, I'm starting to think one of the Toa Nuva will die. PLEASE NOT LEWA.
7That would hurt me to no end. Though maybe a candidate could be Pohatu. He's the type to make a sacrifice, and it'd be a rare chance to see Kopaka show emotion, since Pohatu is his closest friend.
8If Pohatu did die, I'd hope Greg would make it a similar death to the one Pohatu supposedly had in BC#4. It'd be a nice twist of irony.
9I don't see why any of the Nuva have to die. I mean, all of those guys- they've been with us since day one. If any of the characters have reached a level of awesomeness where they can't die, it's them.
11Agreed. It would pain me to see one of the only characters to consistently appear in all nine years die.
13That's why it'd be awesome if one died. You'd actually feel sad. BTW, consistently appear in all nine years. I wouldn't call the Toa Nuva very consistent. They were hardly in it in 2004-2007 and a little in 2009-2010 (only Tahu really appeared in JE)
1Sorry to bother you, but I HAVE to ask you this(Sorry if there's some rule against this or anything)
2I was reading a locked topic about love in the MU universe just now, and I noticed that some people came up with the argument that they didn't have romantic love because they didn't need it, and you've said yourself that they didn't have it because they didn't need it, but if they didn't have anything they didn't need, then they wouldn't be what they are, they'd just be nanotech that would have presumably shut down after the MN robot finished its work. I thought it was described nicely in the great beings thoughts in The Powers that be, where the MU inhabitants became their own race instead of just nanotech.
3Also, something else I just thought of:
4Could Karzhani have been killed by Marendar?Maybe it had a glitch and started thinking all powerful beings were Toa?
5Anyway, please answer .
6(_)ELOM OUT(_)
71) The MU inhabitants had a glitch in their AI. But you can argue that the things they developed -- like loyalty, self-sacrifice, devotion to duty -- were vital to their success as a civlization. Romantic love, however, would not have been useful, as they had no need for it. Romantic love is useless to beings who do not need to physically procreate. Tahu and Gali holding hands in 2001 would be Tahu and Gali holding hands in 2010 -- it couldn't ever go beyond that. For both story and society, it's a dead end. 82) No, Karzahni was not killed by Marendar.
9LOL, I wonder what his wife would say about that?

15) Can you kill a Toa Nuva or Tahu? 'Cause I read in a site that you need a license or permit to kill them?
2Hunting permit?
3I was going to say the same thing. xD
4But now it's Tahu hunting season, I guess.
5Be good with him. Since he's a latin speaker
6Anywho, I'm starting to think one of the Toa Nuva will die. PLEASE NOT LEWA.
7That would hurt me to no end. Though maybe a candidate could be Pohatu. He's the type to make a sacrifice, and it'd be a rare chance to see Kopaka show emotion, since Pohatu is his closest friend.
8If Pohatu did die, I'd hope Greg would make it a similar death to the one Pohatu supposedly had in BC#4. It'd be a nice twist of irony.
9I don't see why any of the Nuva have to die. I mean, all of those guys- they've been with us since day one. If any of the characters have reached a level of awesomeness where they can't die, it's them.
11Agreed. It would pain me to see one of the only characters to consistently appear in all nine years die.
13That's why it'd be awesome if one died. You'd actually feel sad. BTW, consistently appear in all nine years. I wouldn't call the Toa Nuva very consistent. They were hardly in it in 2004-2007 and a little in 2009-2010 (only Tahu really appeared in JE)
14Well they did have a fairly major part in 06, and Gali Nuva Blog in 07.
15Sorry to bother you, but I HAVE to ask you this(Sorry if there's some rule against this or anything)
16I was reading a locked topic about love in the MU universe just now, and I noticed that some people came up with the argument that they didn't have romantic love because they didn't need it, and you've said yourself that they didn't have it because they didn't need it, but if they didn't have anything they didn't need, then they wouldn't be what they are, they'd just be nanotech that would have presumably shut down after the MN robot finished its work. I thought it was described nicely in the great beings thoughts in The Powers that be, where the MU inhabitants became their own race instead of just nanotech.
17Also, something else I just thought of:
18Could Karzhani have been killed by Marendar?Maybe it had a glitch and started thinking all powerful beings were Toa?
19Anyway, please answer .
20(_)ELOM OUT(_)
211) The MU inhabitants had a glitch in their AI. But you can argue that the things they developed -- like loyalty, self-sacrifice, devotion to duty -- were vital to their success as a civlization. Romantic love, however, would not have been useful, as they had no need for it. Romantic love is useless to beings who do not need to physically procreate. Tahu and Gali holding hands in 2001 would be Tahu and Gali holding hands in 2010 -- it couldn't ever go beyond that. For both story and society, it's a dead end. 222) No, Karzahni was not killed by Marendar.
23LOL, I wonder what his wife would say about that?
24I don't know, but he seems to be describing my love life.
1Don't forget that Pohatu was killed by Rahkshi in an alternate universe. I hope that Greg doesn't kill any of the Toa Nuva, but if he does Pohatu is the one that's most likely to die, followed by Lewa, Gali, and Tahu. Onua would probably survive, as would Kopaka.
1Don't forget that Pohatu was killed by Rahkshi in an alternate universe. I hope that Greg doesn't kill any of the Toa Nuva, but if he does Pohatu is the one that's most likely to die, followed by Lewa, Gali, and Tahu. Onua would probably survive, as would Kopaka.
2Takanuva before any of them. Saving Jaller from Goldy-Skak. HOW POETIC.
3But out of the Nuva, yeah, likely Pohatu first - provides motivation for a Kopaka revenge story that's for sure. Although, Lewa's rushing in to things could finally get him killed - or Onua killed in an attempt to save him.
1Oh I dunno, as much as I would miss him, I could see Kopaka dieing, if sacrificing himself to save Pohatu. For example, Goldy lizard man fires blast at Pohatu, Kopaka intercepts. I could see that.
1Okay, guys, let's try not to get too far off topic here. Besides, the current conversation is very depressing. 

11) Takanuva still hasn't completed his destiny, right? 22) Do you know what his destiny is? 33) What uses are there for Toa Power besides healing and creating toa stones? 44) Are the current serials supposed to last through 2011 as well? 55) If not, do you know how many serials we'll get next year? 66) Can you give me an estimate as for when the next serial will be out? 77) Will we hear from Takanuva in the serials? 88) Would Takauva and the Toa Mahri be considered veteran toa now?
91) Correct 102) Yes 113) Haven't seen any uses besides that yet, but obviously if you have no Toa power, you aren't a Toa. 124) No 135) Not at this point, no 146) Well, I expect to finish the chapter today, but Kelly is on vacation, so I don't know when it will be posted. 157) I don't know yet 168) Yes
91) Correct 102) Yes 113) Haven't seen any uses besides that yet, but obviously if you have no Toa power, you aren't a Toa. 124) No 135) Not at this point, no 146) Well, I expect to finish the chapter today, but Kelly is on vacation, so I don't know when it will be posted. 157) I don't know yet 168) Yes
1Here's my take on who's most likely to die:
26. Gali: Not gonna happen, there's one girl and five guys, GregF wouldn't kill her off. Besides, since the R-word has been forbidden in the plot, as we all know, Gali isn't about to become Gwen Stacy any time soon. 35. Kopaka: He's Greg's favorite character, and besides, he's next in line to become leader of the Nuva team. 44. Tahu: If this did happen, it probably would right near the end. Think about it, he's got a bunch of new powers that Greg probably wants to show off, and he's got to lead the village and all, so he's probably next in line to become the new Turaga Vakama 53. Onua: He's probably neutral on the scale, he might and he might not. But if the strongest Toa in existence kicks the bucket, The Terminuva better have one bad-### ending 62. Lewa: Sad thing is, this could happen. But unless he died by some really big sacrifice, it would make Lewa seem kinda weak, like he always needed someone to look after him. Although he has gotten much stronger compared to his time on Mata Nui, he's been getting into a lot of danger lately, first Tren Krom, then Teridax, then angry wild Agori 71. Pohatu: His friendly personality makes him the first to make a sacrifice, and like others have said, it'd be a chance to see Kopaka show emotion.
26. Gali: Not gonna happen, there's one girl and five guys, GregF wouldn't kill her off. Besides, since the R-word has been forbidden in the plot, as we all know, Gali isn't about to become Gwen Stacy any time soon. 35. Kopaka: He's Greg's favorite character, and besides, he's next in line to become leader of the Nuva team. 44. Tahu: If this did happen, it probably would right near the end. Think about it, he's got a bunch of new powers that Greg probably wants to show off, and he's got to lead the village and all, so he's probably next in line to become the new Turaga Vakama 53. Onua: He's probably neutral on the scale, he might and he might not. But if the strongest Toa in existence kicks the bucket, The Terminuva better have one bad-### ending 62. Lewa: Sad thing is, this could happen. But unless he died by some really big sacrifice, it would make Lewa seem kinda weak, like he always needed someone to look after him. Although he has gotten much stronger compared to his time on Mata Nui, he's been getting into a lot of danger lately, first Tren Krom, then Teridax, then angry wild Agori 71. Pohatu: His friendly personality makes him the first to make a sacrifice, and like others have said, it'd be a chance to see Kopaka show emotion.
1Here's my take on who's most likely to die:
26. Gali: Not gonna happen, there's one girl and five guys, GregF wouldn't kill her off. Besides, since the R-word has been forbidden in the plot, as we all know, Gali isn't about to become Gwen Stacy any time soon. 35. Kopaka: He's Greg's favorite character, and besides, he's next in line to become leader of the Nuva team. 44. Tahu: If this did happen, it probably would right near the end. Think about it, he's got a bunch of new powers that Greg probably wants to show off, and he's got to lead the village and all, so he's probably next in line to become the new Turaga Vakama 53. Onua: He's probably neutral on the scale, he might and he might not. But if the strongest Toa in existence kicks the bucket, The Terminuva better have one bad-### ending 62. Lewa: Sad thing is, this could happen. But unless he died by some really big sacrifice, it would make Lewa seem kinda weak, like he always needed someone to look after him. Although he has gotten much stronger compared to his time on Mata Nui, he's been getting into a lot of danger lately, first Tren Krom, then Teridax, then angry wild Agori 71. Pohatu: His friendly personality makes him the first to make a sacrifice, and like others have said, it'd be a chance to see Kopaka show emotion.
8This might be better in the official topic.

1Hey Greg, another member backing up my story:
2But you have to remember that when Romantic love came about, and for most of it's history until recently, Romantic love had no connection to physical desire. People considered them to be 2 entirely separate things.
3I'm just saying there's got to still be light out there for those fanfics. As E-123 Omega said, until 'recently' in history (aka the last few hundred years, I'd say), romantic love and physical desire were totally different things.
4I realize the wisdom of what you said, and it all does make sense, but so does what I'm saying.
5Anymore thoughts?
6Ah, but you are setting up your own contradiction -- "fanfics." Fanfics can do whatever they want, including love, because they are not official. That's what makes them fan fiction. How many fanfics are full of events that never happened in official continuity? No one is stopping fan fiction writers, who essentially write in an alternate universe of their own design, from doing what they want.
7There is no romantic love in the Matoran universe, period. The issue has been discussed to death over the years, and the policy is not changing. If you want to write romance stories and you want them to be "possible," then you need to write them about the Agori and Glatorian.
1Whoops, you're right, TheSkeletonMan939. Got a little carried away there. Anyway, here's some relevant information:
21. Since the Toa Nuva were transformed by the Energized Protodermis, and are different from normal Toa, would this affect Marendar's ''judgement'' in any way? 32. If any of the Glatorian (that were given elemental powers by Mata Nui) had children, would the children have elemental powers?
4Thanks for your time.
51) No. They still have Toa power and that is what Marendar keys in on. 62) I tend to think not.
1Hmm, okay, but would it be possible for a Matoran/Toa to fall in love with a Agori/Glatorian? Wouldn't work that well, but they are really similar beings.
2No, it would not be possible. Romantic love does not exist for the Matoran or Toa species.
3That sounds like it would be the most epic love story ever, though. Two beings, destined never to be together, from two different worlds...
1Hmm, okay, but would it be possible for a Matoran/Toa to fall in love with a Agori/Glatorian? Wouldn't work that well, but they are really similar beings.
2No, it would not be possible. Romantic love does not exist for the Matoran or Toa species.
3That sounds like it would be the most epic love story ever, though. Two beings, destined never to be together, from two different worlds...
4That exact situation was set up with Mata Nui and Kiina, but then he became a giant robot and left. :/ Anyway, like I said before, better not get too far off topic here.
1Hmm, okay, but would it be possible for a Matoran/Toa to fall in love with a Agori/Glatorian? Wouldn't work that well, but they are really similar beings.
2No, it would not be possible. Romantic love does not exist for the Matoran or Toa species.
3That sounds like it would be the most epic love story ever, though. Two beings, destined never to be together, from two different worlds...
4It's already been done. And it's known as one of the greatest love stories of all time.
5...No, I'm not talking about Twilight, ya stupid fangirls.
6And seriously guys, let's give Greg a break. The last thing we need to do is ask him to explain in detail how Agori/Glatorian babies are made.
1Hmm, okay, but would it be possible for a Matoran/Toa to fall in love with a Agori/Glatorian? Wouldn't work that well, but they are really similar beings.
2No, it would not be possible. Romantic love does not exist for the Matoran or Toa species.
3That sounds like it would be the most epic love story ever, though. Two beings, destined never to be together, from two different worlds...
4That exact situation was set up with Mata Nui and Kiina, but then he became a giant robot and left. :/ Anyway, like I said before, better not get too far off topic here.
5Excuse me, this is called Official Greg Discussion. That means we can acknowledge other people's posts. We don't need wanna-be moderators telling people to stay on topic after just ONE comment on someone's Greg-info.
6Although you're right, Kiina + disembodied giant robot is a pretty epic love story. xD
7Carry on.
1I say we should be able to talk about what we're doing in the thread instead of just posting dialogue.
1Edit: Double ><"
1Motherk Time Issuse.
91A-1c) It's a good question. What may happen is that when the hand gets cut off, an alternate time line may be created in which the present day mask wearer is missing a hand, but the wearer who summoned that past copy may not be affected. It depends on whether you believe altering the past alters the future, or, as in most comics, simply creates an alternate future. 102) If you dominate and enslave people, they rebel, or they may sabotage you. If you rely on people for your food and shelter, you don't want them hating you and maybe making it so that your food is all rotten or poisoned. It's the same reason gunfighters did not enslave towns in the old West, because you wind up spending all your time putting down rebellions.
11The Agori and Glatorian have a very good arrangement -- in return for food, shelter and supplies, the Glatorian protect the Agori. There is no need for them to dominate and enslave, just do their jobs.
2Mr. Fartshey, 3Im sorry to bother, you, but I got some issues I want to understand. I alredy sent these questions to you, but as I got no answer in 2 weeks I think the server just ate them.
4(1) Motherk time issues: 5(a) If the user summons a copy of himself from the past to beat an opponent, and the copy get hurt badly and/or in an permanent way during the battle (say, get his hand chopped off), will the user hand cease exist? (if so, is it possible that he will win hes opponent because he (the opponent) suffers from an injury caused him be the users hand? © if so, when the copy goes back to his time, is it possible that he will lose that battle because he didn`t have this hand ( as it gets chopped off in the future)?
6and to the easier questions:
7(2) Glatorian are stonger and bigger then the agori. how come they don`t dominate and inslave the agori? do they have some kind of aliance?
8An onest fan of you and your work, KakamaFreak
91A-1c) It's a good question. What may happen is that when the hand gets cut off, an alternate time line may be created in which the present day mask wearer is missing a hand, but the wearer who summoned that past copy may not be affected. It depends on whether you believe altering the past alters the future, or, as in most comics, simply creates an alternate future. 102) If you dominate and enslave people, they rebel, or they may sabotage you. If you rely on people for your food and shelter, you don't want them hating you and maybe making it so that your food is all rotten or poisoned. It's the same reason gunfighters did not enslave towns in the old West, because you wind up spending all your time putting down rebellions.
11The Agori and Glatorian have a very good arrangement -- in return for food, shelter and supplies, the Glatorian protect the Agori. There is no need for them to dominate and enslave, just do their jobs.
1Hello Greg.
21) Who is the "best" friend of Kopaka? 32) Why Mata Nui is currently in the mask instead of being a Toa and be protecting the others? 43) When will know who is the "Who am I?" character? 53.1) He will have a name? 64) Will know some day the destiny of Takanuva or will be a secret for ever? 75) And we'll know some day the aspect of the Great Beings or what they are? 86) What type of weapon has Kongu? A sword, a spear, etc?
91) Probably Pohatu 102) Because he feels that having one leader that everyone follows will lead Spherus Magna down the same path it went down before, when everyone was following the Element Lords. He wants people to build their own society, not look to him for everything. 113) When he/she/it shows up in a serial, which will be when it makes sense for he/she/it to show up in a serial 123.1) Yes 134) Depends on if his destiny becomes important to story 145) Don't know. Last I was told, which was earlier this year, I was not allowed to show the GBs. So unless that changes, I can't do it. 156) Any details on Kongu's equipment would be on biosector01.com
16I don't knew of that D: