11. Did you decide on your own to introduce Tren Krom?
22. Have you had this character planned out for a while, or was his introduction into the story a bit of a 'spur of the moment' kind of thing.
33. Is Tren Krom the most powerful being we've seen in the story so far? 43a. If no, then who is?
54. In the DM universe, I take it the OoMN and the Toa are enemies, is this correct?
65. Did DM Teridax and DM Krika know that Brutaka had been killed?
76. DM Jaller seems to worship the Toa Empire. How do you think he'd react if he knew that somewhere, he was a Toa?
87. Was Tren Krom created by the Great Beings?
98. You've said Matoran know Tren Krom the LEGEND, but not Tren Krom the BEING. What exactly is the legend of Tren Krom?
109. Has Spiriah actually become a slang word for failure as Roodaka indicates?
1110. When will we find out the regions of Chirox, Antroz, and Vamprah?
121) Yes. Because we not in this universe next year, I am trying to answer a lot of questions (like Tren Krom, origin of the Bohrok, etc.) this year as I can. 132) Most things I do are spur of the moment, that's how I stay interested in my work. 143) If you don't count Mata Nui, yes 154) No, not necessarily. But Brutaka has a temper -- if he ran across a Toa and the Toa got on his nerves, they may well have fought. 165) No 176) He'd probably be thrilled 187) Yes, he was 198) That gets explained in FoF 6 -- and check out MC 5, which should be up this week, for more Tren Krom ... and his connection to current events. 209) Yup 2110) You should have found out already, I just haven't had the spare time.
22Comments: 231. Reboot or not, I can't help but hear 'this is the last year.' 243. While most of us figured this was the case, now we have confirmation, Tren Krom is the most powerful being we've ever seen before. 256. I wonder how Jaller would feel if he saw his DM counterpart? 269. Sucks for Spiriah 2710. I was really hoping he'd give me at least one of the regions...
22. Have you had this character planned out for a while, or was his introduction into the story a bit of a 'spur of the moment' kind of thing.
33. Is Tren Krom the most powerful being we've seen in the story so far? 43a. If no, then who is?
54. In the DM universe, I take it the OoMN and the Toa are enemies, is this correct?
65. Did DM Teridax and DM Krika know that Brutaka had been killed?
76. DM Jaller seems to worship the Toa Empire. How do you think he'd react if he knew that somewhere, he was a Toa?
87. Was Tren Krom created by the Great Beings?
98. You've said Matoran know Tren Krom the LEGEND, but not Tren Krom the BEING. What exactly is the legend of Tren Krom?
109. Has Spiriah actually become a slang word for failure as Roodaka indicates?
1110. When will we find out the regions of Chirox, Antroz, and Vamprah?
121) Yes. Because we not in this universe next year, I am trying to answer a lot of questions (like Tren Krom, origin of the Bohrok, etc.) this year as I can. 132) Most things I do are spur of the moment, that's how I stay interested in my work. 143) If you don't count Mata Nui, yes 154) No, not necessarily. But Brutaka has a temper -- if he ran across a Toa and the Toa got on his nerves, they may well have fought. 165) No 176) He'd probably be thrilled 187) Yes, he was 198) That gets explained in FoF 6 -- and check out MC 5, which should be up this week, for more Tren Krom ... and his connection to current events. 209) Yup 2110) You should have found out already, I just haven't had the spare time.
22Comments: 231. Reboot or not, I can't help but hear 'this is the last year.' 243. While most of us figured this was the case, now we have confirmation, Tren Krom is the most powerful being we've ever seen before. 256. I wonder how Jaller would feel if he saw his DM counterpart? 269. Sucks for Spiriah 2710. I was really hoping he'd give me at least one of the regions...
2I just have some questions.
31. Is Tren Krom a Great Being?
42. Does Vanisher have anything to do with Destral moving from place to place? 5a. If so, what?
63. Will Kualas and Bomangas' Kanohi be revealed in DM?
74. Will any other Hagah appear in DM?
85. How many chapters will each winter serial have in all?
96. If a Kanohi Nuva became an Infected Mask, would it have stronger control over the wearer than a regular Infected Mask?
107. Theoretically, if Mata Nui wore any kind of Infected Mask, would a Makuta be able to control him?
11Thank you
121) No 132) No 143) Don't know yet 154) Don't know yet 165) 10 for FoF and MC, 9 for DM 176) No 187) Sorry, I don't have time for hypothetical questions. There's no proof Mata Nui even wears a mask.
192. If Vanisher's not the cause, I wonder what is.
207. I really couldn't see Mata Nui without a Mask.
1Hi Mr. Farshtey, I have some questions about Dark Mirror,
21. Is Krika's virus responsible for Takanuva's change in size as well as his ability to fly?
32. Are you going to reveal Bomonga and Kualus's mask powers? 42a. If yes to the above, are they preexisting masks?
53. Does Takanuva have his power lance now?
6Thanks a lot .
81) No. Takanuva's size change is related to the fact that the Av-Matoran are bigger than normal Matoran. 92) If I have room and reason to 103) Yes
11I bet he'll get it in Journey of Takanuva.
1I got some big news (I think)
47Disrupt one's power . 48That's awesome .
2Hey Greg, I just have a few questions. Would you please answer them?
31) Tren Krom is a legend, much like Mata Nui. He has immense power, more than Powered Up Tuyet and a 100 or so Makuta. You said its power rivals someone's we have seen. Is its power closer to Mata Nui's or Takutanuva's?
42) On a related note, is Tren Krom a he?
53) Do Kualus and Bomonga realize that Takanuva is lying since Bomonga killed Brutaka?
64) Are the Mistika Makuta's power from their Kanohi, or do they have a special power and their Kanohi power?
75) Krika will fly using the fine powder (in the real universe), right?
86) Same for Takanuva when he gets back I assume?
97) A minor outbreak has been going on at the OGD is the info from: 10Here 11and 12here
148) Teridax is at a place with a carving of a Hau at the end of BL9. You've said he's not at Daxia or Artakha. Is he on the Southern Continent?
158a) Is the place connected to Mata nui? 168b) The OoMN? 178c) Does the BoM know that he is there?
189) Since Brutaka is dead in the DM-verse, Takanuva needs a new way to get back home. Since the Olmak is a Kanohi, will Takanuva find someone with an Olmak? 199a) Possibly Tren Krom?
20Thank you. 21[=-PoI-=]
221) Closer to Mata Nui's 232) Tren Krom is sort of a he, sort of an it, but for sake of clarity, I call him a he 243) Follow the story and find out 254) Both 265) Wrong 276) Yes 287) What I have seen of it is, yes 298) I'm not going to discuss where he is 309) We don't know he's dead, only that Bomonga says he is. 319a) Tren Krom doesn't wear Kanohi. Tren Krom is older than the concept of Kanohi.
321) When you say closer, you mean it's between Takutanuva's and Mata Nui's, correct? 335) Is Krika's power (The disappearing thingy) used for flight? 345a) If not, does he wear a Kadin? 356) Is the permanent flight a "side affect" Krika forgot to mention? 366a) If Takanuva had stayed in the DM-verse, would the power have disappeared (i.e. Does the power stays because of the things he does to get back?) 377) It says Gorast's Kanohi is the mask of disruption. Is this "Disruption" closer to Molecular Disruption or Gavla's power? 389) Oh wow.
39Thank you. 40[=-PoI-=]
411) Yes 425) No 435a) No. All Makuta masks in summer are new, not masks we have referenced before. 446) He isn't going to have permanent flight. He is going to have flight for the duration of 2008 story, and that's it. 456a) It doesn't stay. 467) Actually, it has more to do with power use.
47Disrupt one's power . 48That's awesome .
14) About what level of power would you put Tren Krom on? Higher or lower than a Makuta?
24) I would say higher. 32) Possibly... Duplication? Cept' he can only do it to himself, not others.
42) Getting warmer
5So Bitil and the rest have new powers, eh? Maybe Krika's has something to do with flight... remember Greg saying that he can fly, he just had to be more creative with it?
6Wow. Even greater stuff.. I wonder how Tren Krom came into being.. and man. He's stronger than a Makuta? =O
7And I wonder what the Mistkuta's powers are.. what could be close to Duplication.. Hmmm..
8Well, he doesn't like to fight one on one, maybe mutiplication? Division? Hmmmmm... *DING* What if Bitil and the rest can share their powers?
9Hint. What is one of the things Quiksilver could do after getting his new powers in house of M? (from marvel.)
1Phanrak, actually pulling them out would possibly destroy his timeline, so probably making a copy of his past form, or he has some sort of permanent timeline that he can't screw up or destroy.
19)you said that you could kill a makuta buy peircing his amour and using a vision power to destroy the antidermis as it leaks out so for ex could tahu peirce mutrans amour and incenerat mutrans antidermis as it leaked out?
29) Yes, if he could pierce the armor
3An answer you gave to a member named Darkblade. 4But would Tahu have to pierce the armour? If antidermis is vulnerable to heat, couldn't Tahu just boil it inside the armour?
5No, the armor protects it. We don't want to make it that easy. Of course, the flip side of this argument is that it is all hypothetical, since Toa don't kill and would not do what the poster was suggesting.
1Phanrak, actually pulling them out would possibly destroy his timeline, so probably making a copy of his past form, or he has some sort of permanent timeline that he can't screw up or destroy.
2well if he pulled his past self out of the timeline at a particular second 3and put in back in at the same second 4then as long as there is something to erase his past selfs memories 5everything would be fine wouldnt it? 6also 7by past 8it could mean 3 seconds ago
1But still, a paradox could be made. I should ask him about that actually, but I think doing something like that would prove that paradox's don't exist, but still, pulling them out of their timelines would possibly alter the mind set of the past version, and upon return, their mind would be different, take different actions, and change the timeline. That is assuming no paradox is made.
1Some interesting stuff on Bionicle Legends#9, the Mistika Makuta's powers, and the web serials/biocast.
2Hello again, Greg. Before I begin I must say that Shadows in the Sky was one of my favorite legends books (I liked it so much that I read it twice) .
3These are some questions on Bionicle Legends#9.
41) When Gavla was drained of her light by Chirox, Tanma found her mutated. But you said that shadow matoran were mutated by Mutran, so how could she have transformed that quickly? 52) Is Icarax now a biomechanical being, or did he revert to his energy form when the Toa Ignika stopped? 63) Would you say Antroz and Icarax are similar in the way they think of Teridax's plan? (As in rather than using trickery and exploiting Toa, they should just grind the universe beneath their heels) 74) The place Teridax was at, was it Daxia?
8I also have some questions on the web serials/podcast.
95) If Trinuma is 9 feet tall, how tall is Icarax? 105a) Brutaka? 116) Is Tren Krom's power greater, lesser, or the same as that of a Great Being? 126a) Could perhaps he be the GB who went insane due to the Ignika's curse? (and the reason the rocks made the 200-foot high wall being due to the GB's curse of bringing whatever he touched to life) 137) Based on Dark Mirror #5, is Krika a master of viruses? 148) Is the flight virus how Takanuva's going to fly when he gets to Karda Nui? 158a) If so, how will he get more of the virus if it's only temporary?
16Finally, I have some questions on the 2008 Mistika discriptions.
179)183) Is there a limit to how many copies of himself Bitil can summon? 194) Would these copies have the Rahkshi powers?
203) Doesn't seem to be 214) Yes, why wouldn't they?
22In this case, couldn't Bitil just make billions of his past self (with shapeshifting and 40+ powers)? 2310) Is Bitil's power his mask power? 2411) Is Gorast's mask of disruption a refined version of the molecular disruption Rahkshi power, or is it closer to a Roporak's disruptor Rhotuka spinner? 2512) Based on Dark Mirror #5, I'm guessing that Krika uses the same type of flight virus in the swamp, right?
26Thanks Greg yet again for your anwsers .
271) Author's license, SR. I needed her to be in set form, so I had to take a shortcut in that scene. 282) He's biomechanical again 293) Yes, but Antroz is much more willing to just go along with it - if it works, he's for it. 304) Everyone keeps guessing that, but Teridax has no idea where Daxia is, so there's no way he could get there.
315) Easiest way to figure this out is put your Icarax next to your Phantoka Toa Nuva set, and assume the Toa is 7.2 feet tall. 325a) Same answer 336) I can't discuss the power levels of Great Beings 346b) No. There are no Great Beings anywhere in the Matoran universe. 357) All Makuta know how to work with viruses, because it is what they use to make Rahi 368) Yes 378a) Keep in mind what "temporary" means -- it could mean a few hours, a few days, a few weeks or more. You can hire a temp worker and have him around for six months. And the entire 2008 storyline takes place in a matter of days, so he won't need more virus. 389) Consider this, though -- as with any mask, your willpower dictates its effect. Even a Makuta's willpower would not be enough to summon a million or a billion of anything -- his brain would fry. Plus when you deal with those kind of numbers, they will start getting in each others way. In story, he rarely summons more than 50 or so at a time, and as soon as his concentration gets broken, they all disappear. 3910) Yes 4011) Neither 4112) Nope, wrong
1But still, a paradox could be made. I should ask him about that actually, but I think doing something like that would prove that paradox's don't exist, but still, pulling them out of their timelines would possibly alter the mind set of the past version, and upon return, their mind would be different, take different actions, and change the timeline. That is assuming no paradox is made.
2it is impossible to make a paradox though
3the past cannot be changed because if bitil did change the past he would have already changed to start with 4like 5if someone traveled back in time and made lhikan die in the DM universe 6their appearence would also cause a timeline change and they wouldnt exist anyway
7or we could use terry pratchetts theory
8"things just happen,what the heck"
1hey guys,i just send greg a q and maybe in a couple of days we will have the answer of taka's growing,the makutas' regions and how taka can kill a makuta very fast .
1Some interesting stuff on Bionicle Legends#9, the Mistika Makuta's powers, and the web serials/biocast.
2Hello again, Greg. Before I begin I must say that Shadows in the Sky was one of my favorite legends books (I liked it so much that I read it twice) .
3These are some questions on Bionicle Legends#9.
41) When Gavla was drained of her light by Chirox, Tanma found her mutated. But you said that shadow matoran were mutated by Mutran, so how could she have transformed that quickly? 52) Is Icarax now a biomechanical being, or did he revert to his energy form when the Toa Ignika stopped? 63) Would you say Antroz and Icarax are similar in the way they think of Teridax's plan? (As in rather than using trickery and exploiting Toa, they should just grind the universe beneath their heels) 74) The place Teridax was at, was it Daxia?
8I also have some questions on the web serials/podcast.
95) If Trinuma is 9 feet tall, how tall is Icarax? 105a) Brutaka? 116) Is Tren Krom's power greater, lesser, or the same as that of a Great Being? 126a) Could perhaps he be the GB who went insane due to the Ignika's curse? (and the reason the rocks made the 200-foot high wall being due to the GB's curse of bringing whatever he touched to life) 137) Based on Dark Mirror #5, is Krika a master of viruses? 148) Is the flight virus how Takanuva's going to fly when he gets to Karda Nui? 158a) If so, how will he get more of the virus if it's only temporary?
16Finally, I have some questions on the 2008 Mistika discriptions.
179)183) Is there a limit to how many copies of himself Bitil can summon? 194) Would these copies have the Rahkshi powers?
203) Doesn't seem to be 214) Yes, why wouldn't they?
22In this case, couldn't Bitil just make billions of his past self (with shapeshifting and 40+ powers)? 2310) Is Bitil's power his mask power? 2411) Is Gorast's mask of disruption a refined version of the molecular disruption Rahkshi power, or is it closer to a Roporak's disruptor Rhotuka spinner? 2512) Based on Dark Mirror #5, I'm guessing that Krika uses the same type of flight virus in the swamp, right?
26Thanks Greg yet again for your anwsers .
271) Author's license, SR. I needed her to be in set form, so I had to take a shortcut in that scene. 282) He's biomechanical again 293) Yes, but Antroz is much more willing to just go along with it - if it works, he's for it. 304) Everyone keeps guessing that, but Teridax has no idea where Daxia is, so there's no way he could get there.
315) Easiest way to figure this out is put your Icarax next to your Phantoka Toa Nuva set, and assume the Toa is 7.2 feet tall. 325a) Same answer 336) I can't discuss the power levels of Great Beings 346b) No. There are no Great Beings anywhere in the Matoran universe. 357) All Makuta know how to work with viruses, because it is what they use to make Rahi 368) Yes 378a) Keep in mind what "temporary" means -- it could mean a few hours, a few days, a few weeks or more. You can hire a temp worker and have him around for six months. And the entire 2008 storyline takes place in a matter of days, so he won't need more virus. 389) Consider this, though -- as with any mask, your willpower dictates its effect. Even a Makuta's willpower would not be enough to summon a million or a billion of anything -- his brain would fry. Plus when you deal with those kind of numbers, they will start getting in each others way. In story, he rarely summons more than 50 or so at a time, and as soon as his concentration gets broken, they all disappear. 3910) Yes 4011) Neither 4112) Nope, wrong
42Wait a sec - it's his mask power? Thats new... thought that was his "other" ability, and his mask was something different...
1Hello, Greg. I have questions concerning Bitil.
21. Concerning Bitil's power - According to a certain site, Bitil can call on his past selves to help him defeat his enemy. However, wouldn't this cause a paradox? Because if Bitil traveled back in time, retrieved himself, and went back to the fight, then wouldn't that alter if he was actually at the fight or not? Because if he brings himself into the future, there will be no Bitil in the past to go to fight. And so on, and so on. So wouldn't Bitil's time power alter the very universe itself?
32. How does Bitil call on his past selves? Explain to me how it works, if you're allowed to. 43. Could Bitil call on one of his selves that still could shapeshift and have 42 + powers? 54. How many more Bitils does Bitil regularly call? Three? Nineteen? A million? 65. Can Bitil control his past selves, or do they all fight with one another and go on a rampage?
7Thank you for your time.
81) He doesn't have to go back in time to retrieve another self, he summons them, and then he returns them to the same instant they were taken from. 92) Through his mask power 103) Yes 114) In story, the max we ever see him summon is I think 50 or so (I may be wrong, been a while since I wrote Book 10). There is a limit to how many he can summon, for the same reason Tahu Nuva can't use his Hau to shield everyone in the universe. At some point, you simply don't have the willpower for that big an effect. 125) No, he does not control them, but why would they fight with one another? That would make no sense. Bitil has and has had one goal, to see the Plan succeed. Past or future, that is what he is about. So they are all focused on the same goal.
13Bitil is the most infinitely awesomest Bionicle ever.

1This just in. My questions are in normal, answers in bold, comments below the message
211: Oh well. 222: Man, I really wanted those answers. I'm very impatient and I have not been a Brickmaster since 2006 so I hope someone that gets their Brickmasters early will post a high-res scan so I could print it out . 233) Ok 244)That makes sense, but I guess the Journey of Takanuva is in Fall because it really isn't important to the story. 255) Does anyone know? It looks like styrofoam. (I wish i could get one) 266) It's an overall defect (I responded to him with this info)
21) Is the Avohkah the Brickmaster exclusive set?
32) You said that Miserix would be a "Unorthodox" I have a few questions that you may or may not be able to answer 4A: Does the model have a kanohi? 5B: Is it a Kanohi we have seen so far or a new one, like Krakua's Suletu? 6C: Is the model Titan-sized or Toa-sized? 7D: How unorthodox is the model? Can you still look at it and tell it's a Makuta, or is completley different?
83) You told me in a PM that 1000 years untold was a BZP contest that the winning entries were sent to you for review. If Bzp held a similar contest would you allow the winning piece to become cannon?
94) If "Dark Mirror" takes place after Swamp of Secrets (slated for release in June/July) and after The Journey of Takanuva (slated for a fall release) why was it stated in the first part of the year?
105) What were the prototype masks shown a toy fair made out of? 11B: Is there any way to get a copy of these prototype masks from LEGO?
126) I don't know If you are aware of this, but the Mutran set has a slight error, making the head bob from left to right. I'm not whining , as I think it fits his character. I have a suggestion for "The Mutrans Chronicles" that would be similar to the explanation for Keetongu being on the "Dark Hunter" book. I think it would be cool if you mentioned that Mutran has a habit of shaking or bobbing his head when he thinks. It's just a suggestion (probally a dumb one) but, tell me your thoughts
13thanks 14~iVahi
151) No 162) You'll find out when you see it in May 173) Depends on the contest. I can't say yes until I know what it is, because what was suggested might conflict with things we already know about or have planned. 184) Because in second half of the year, Takanuva has to be in Karda Nui, because that is when his set comes out. It would have been too confusing to have him in the alt. universe on the web the same time he is in Karda Nui everywhere else. 195) No idea, I don't work in manufacturing, and no, prototypes are not made available. 206) Are you sure it's an overall defect? Or just in some sets?
211: Oh well. 222: Man, I really wanted those answers. I'm very impatient and I have not been a Brickmaster since 2006 so I hope someone that gets their Brickmasters early will post a high-res scan so I could print it out . 233) Ok 244)That makes sense, but I guess the Journey of Takanuva is in Fall because it really isn't important to the story. 255) Does anyone know? It looks like styrofoam. (I wish i could get one) 266) It's an overall defect (I responded to him with this info)
1It does that on all Makuta sets, iVahi.
1Unfortunately this is a general flaw in all the Winter Makuta sets. The head is wobbling from left to right. It is not only Mutran, it is a general "problem".
1So no paradox, but wouldn't the past form have the knowledge of the future I wonder? And my Mutran does the same, its a set thing.
1QUOTE 2Dear Greg, I have some questions here
31. Do the 3 makuta know that Brutaka was dead before sending Takanuva on his mission? 42. Will the flying virus on Takanuva only be temporary for Dark Mirror? 52a. How long does it last? 62b. Was Takanuva in a way, mutated by it? 73. What is the Frostelus's rhotuka power? 84. Where did the Av-Matoran live in Karda Nui when the Mata were there? 95. Could Takanuva take on 2 toa bu himself if he has 2 elements? 106. What would happen if Takanuva used up all his light elemental power? 116a. Will it regenerate light or will it be replaced by shadow?
121) No 132) Temporary for duration of 2008 story 142b) Not really, no 153) Varies. Every individual in a species does not necessarily have the same Rhotuka power, since the power comes from your own individual will. 164) On the ground, before there was a swamp 175) No more than any one Toa could take on two Toa. 186) Most likely, it would not regenerate
31. Do the 3 makuta know that Brutaka was dead before sending Takanuva on his mission? 42. Will the flying virus on Takanuva only be temporary for Dark Mirror? 52a. How long does it last? 62b. Was Takanuva in a way, mutated by it? 73. What is the Frostelus's rhotuka power? 84. Where did the Av-Matoran live in Karda Nui when the Mata were there? 95. Could Takanuva take on 2 toa bu himself if he has 2 elements? 106. What would happen if Takanuva used up all his light elemental power? 116a. Will it regenerate light or will it be replaced by shadow?
121) No 132) Temporary for duration of 2008 story 142b) Not really, no 153) Varies. Every individual in a species does not necessarily have the same Rhotuka power, since the power comes from your own individual will. 164) On the ground, before there was a swamp 175) No more than any one Toa could take on two Toa. 186) Most likely, it would not regenerate
1Warning: Bionicle Legends #9 spoiler .
24Hmm. Tren Krom is older than Artahka and Karzahni...
42) Is Tren Krom created after or before Artahka and Karzahni?
53) If Mata-Nui has a physical form, how does he control heat, gravity, etc and make sure it functions properly? Is it... 6a) He automaticaly does it, like how the heart pumps without you remaining focuss about it. 7He has to remain focuss. 8c) He's just the "Cartekaer", heat, gravity, etc happen by it self, and Mata-Nui just checks to see if its working. 9d) He doesn't have a physical form. 10e) You can't answer it.
114) Why couldn't Botar teleport himself over to Trinuma, and teleport both of them away when attacked by Icarax?
125) Could it be Mutran or another Makuta that made Tren Kron look "ugly"?
136) Are the summer/fall web serials decided? 14And could you tell me what? 15c) At least what your thinking on mabye doing?
167) What would the Hagah most likely do when they finish dealing with thins on Xia? Or is this one of those "Haven't really worried about it" questions?
172) Before 183) I can't discuss this 194) Because he was in the process of being killed. Icarax doesn't play around and give you chances to get away -- he kills you. 205) No. No Makuta has anything to do with Tren Krom's appearance. 216) Yes 226b-6c) Nope 237) The Hagah will have another mission to do, off of Xia.
24Hmm. Tren Krom is older than Artahka and Karzahni...
1not much new . . . 
31. Do the Makuta in the swamp have/use mask powers? They dont really look like they have masks. 42. How long would the flying effect last on Takanuva from the makuta virus? 53. What are the mahri doing now? 64. Im almost cirtain that this is a no but was Icrax blinded when Matoro died? Or was he on the BoM island then? 75. Can the Mistika nuva fly? or is it too early to answer that?
91) Yes and yes 102) Throughout the 2008 storyline 113) Guarding Metru Nui 124) No. Icarax was not in Karda Nui when Matoro died. 135) Yes, they can

31. Do the Makuta in the swamp have/use mask powers? They dont really look like they have masks. 42. How long would the flying effect last on Takanuva from the makuta virus? 53. What are the mahri doing now? 64. Im almost cirtain that this is a no but was Icrax blinded when Matoro died? Or was he on the BoM island then? 75. Can the Mistika nuva fly? or is it too early to answer that?
91) Yes and yes 102) Throughout the 2008 storyline 113) Guarding Metru Nui 124) No. Icarax was not in Karda Nui when Matoro died. 135) Yes, they can
1Nothing real new, just some Tren Krom stuff.
101) A lot of villains speak like that -- besides, Brutaka did ask who he was, he was answering him. 112) Closer to a bonfire than candle 123) Yes -- next chapter of MC 134a) No 144b) No 155) It certainly didn't help matters with Mutran 166) No, I would not call him a prototype, because Mata Nui is radically different from Tren Krom in virtually every way.
2Hi, Greg, just have some questions about Tren Krom.
31. Why does Tren Krom speak in the Third-Person? 42. You once said that if Mata Nui was a bonfire, a makuta would be a candle. What would you say Tren Krom is? 53. Will Tren Krom's appearence be described any further? 64a. Has Tren Krom always lived on his small island? 74b. Is he fused with it, almost like a shell? 85. Brutaka said he had to struggle to keep his sanity after seeing Tren Krom, assuming Mutran has seen him, is that why Mutran is a nut? 96. The big one, is Tren Krom a prototype for Mata Nui, I think this because he is older than Mata Nui, almost as strong, and if Tren Krom is a bit off center, it makes sense to replace him with Mata Nui.
101) A lot of villains speak like that -- besides, Brutaka did ask who he was, he was answering him. 112) Closer to a bonfire than candle 123) Yes -- next chapter of MC 134a) No 144b) No 155) It certainly didn't help matters with Mutran 166) No, I would not call him a prototype, because Mata Nui is radically different from Tren Krom in virtually every way.
1I was replaying the MNOLG recently, and i had a few questions about the cannon-ness of some of the things that happened...
21. Can matoran be compleatly frozen, then safely thawed, like Kopeke was? 32. Which toa would the gold Hau underneath the Sundial belong to? 43. Is the matoran that sells what look like actual bionicles cannon? 54. Is the cable car that connected Ta-Koro to Ko-Wahi cannon?
6Also, do your all writings (not just books) have to pass through some sort of internal censor before they are published?
81) No 92) No idea, I did not work on MNOG, and when it was designed, no one was planning on BIONICLE lasting more than one year. 103) No 114) No 125) The comic scripts are read by the Brand team before they are given to DC, and the books are read by our licensing dept. in Denmark.
why does MNOLG let me down so often?
21. Can matoran be compleatly frozen, then safely thawed, like Kopeke was? 32. Which toa would the gold Hau underneath the Sundial belong to? 43. Is the matoran that sells what look like actual bionicles cannon? 54. Is the cable car that connected Ta-Koro to Ko-Wahi cannon?
6Also, do your all writings (not just books) have to pass through some sort of internal censor before they are published?
81) No 92) No idea, I did not work on MNOG, and when it was designed, no one was planning on BIONICLE lasting more than one year. 103) No 114) No 125) The comic scripts are read by the Brand team before they are given to DC, and the books are read by our licensing dept. in Denmark.

1well guys,greg is answering q's very fast:
10coments: 111.oh,dang . well at least i tried . 122.yay . taka can kill the makutas . waiting for a reply of these one 133.oh my....
2um..hi greg,how are you going,i hope fine,sorry for bothering you but i have some q's:
31.can the secondary effect of the virus of taka is the change of size?
42.i have a theory of how to speed a makuta's death:let's say taka fights krika,so he peirces his armor and then when the antidermis is out taka does a nova blast,with the enormous amount of light,could the antidermis disipate?
53.you telled to a member that you can tell the antroz,chirox,and vamprah's region,but you don't have enough spare time,now,if you can answer this pm,can you tell me the regions?
6thanks for your time ^.^
71) No. His change in size is related to the reason Av-Matoran are so much bigger than normal Matoran 82) Yes, but a nova blast will also damage everyone around for miles. It might even blind other Toa or Matoran in the vicinity. On top of which, Toa don't kill. 93) I haven't determined them yet, because I have not had the time
10coments: 111.oh,dang . well at least i tried . 122.yay . taka can kill the makutas . waiting for a reply of these one 133.oh my....

1Mutran Chronicles 5 is up. It discusses Tren Krom. A LOT.

. 3Oh, and Meca One is correct. The game was used merely to attract people to the site and storyline, which was considered a revolution in modern-day use of both the internet and other resources. Let's face it, TLC had A LOT of money. They decided to experiment. It worked. Bio is here to this day. 4Although it still puzzles me as to why they don't do the same thing with other sub-brands. Maybe they're afraid that if those brands are successful, they will take away from Bio's profit? That, and maybe TLC is afraid that it won't work a second time... I don't know .


1Hey Greg, hope you've got soem time to answer some questions...![]()
21. To break a protodermis seal, could any six different toa do it, or does it have to be the same 6 elements or the same toa that cast it? 32. If Mata Nui's power is a bonfire, Makuta's power a candle, then what would you say Tren Krom's power to be akin to? 43. Artahka and Karzahni are older than Mata Nui, right? 53a. Are they older than Tren Krom as well? Or roughly the same? 64. DO Matoran know of Tren Krom the being? 75. Would a Zyglak be able to resist elemental stone and earth attacks as well, since they're elemental attacks (if kinetic based) 85a. If yes, then would the same mass of stone that's thrown (NOT ELEMENTALLY SUMMONED) hurt a Zyglak more? 96. Are all Zyglak, Seltians, etc mean/evil/corrupt/etc, or are there better examples of their species? 107. Would Krika turn on the BoM's plan if he truly believed that he could make a difference in doing so? 118. How would the Makuta 'evolve?' No changes in genetic material... unless they were doing a Lamarckian model? 129. Tren Krom would be only important in the serials, right? 1310. Iron Man or the Dark Knight?
141) Same six elements 152) Closer to Mata Nui than Makuta 163) Yes 173a) Younger 184) No, they know of Tren Krom the legend 195) I don't understand your question. 206) All Zyglak are. Steltians are simply out for personal profit. 217) Time will tell 228) They evolve because we decided they could. It's a fantasy story, we don't have to adhere to Earth science. 239) We'll see 2410) In terms of what?
255. Eg, would it hurt if Pohatu summoned a column of stone at slammed it at a Zyglak, or would the later just shrug it off (Elemental resistance)? Likewise, if Pohatu picked up a giant rock and threw it at the Zyglak, would it hurt more or equally? 2610. The movies.
275) Elemental resistance is not the same as elemental invulnerability. Resistance just means it takes longer/more for it to do damage to you than a normal being, but it will eventually do damage if you get hit with enough of it. 2810) I am going to both, and since I haven't seen either, I can't predict which will be better.
295. Well, I mean would it hurt on the same level as a blast of fire, or would it hurt more, as it's just a lump of rock?
305) Getting hit by a rock or burned by a match are always going to hurt in completely different ways. One burns you, one breaks bones, so I don't really understand your question.
315) Okay then, let's put it this way. Pohatu blasts Bob the Zyglak with 10 Kilograms of elementally summoned stone. Since it's EE, the Zyglak could shrug it off, somewhat. Then Fred the Toa picks up 10 kilograms of REGULAR rock from the ground, and hurls it at Bob at the same speed as Pohatu is blasting the Zyglak. WOuld it hurt more or equally?
32I see what you're asking. Answer's more, in this case, which is why it more likely in a case like this, Pohatu will manipulate existing rock to attack rather than creating new with his elemental power.
33Ah, thanks for that. Just wanted to clarify. Plus, when the matoran refer to Tren Krom the legend, do they cast him in a positive light or in a bad one, or would that be revealed later?
34Neither really ... more with awe
1Hey, I just had a few quick questions about the Mistika Makuta.
21) Wouldn't Bitil's mask cause a bit of an information problem? Would his past selves remember being summoned? 32) Is Krika's ability to disappear and reappear his mask power? 43) I'm assuming that Gorast's ability to suck light is NOT the Mask of Disruption, right?
5Thank you Greg.
61) No, they don't remember 72) No 83) Correct
9Not much, but I think number 1 clears up a few things about the "Bitil Paradox."
1some interesting stuff
25I wonder how krika flies
27Everyone has remember matoro sigs so i want to remember someone else. Remember brutaka. (I know it was only the DM brutaka but come on i want to remember him)
2Hi GregF,
3I have several questions.
41. 5QUOTE69) Consider this, though -- as with any mask, your willpower dictates its effect. Even a Makuta's willpower would not be enough to summon a million or a billion of anything -- his brain would fry. Plus when you deal with those kind of numbers, they will start getting in each others way. In story, he rarely summons more than 50 or so at a time, and as soon as his concentration gets broken, they all disappear.
7you answered that to a question in volvig bitil's powers. Does that mean Bitil's ability to summon versions of himself from different times is a mask power?
82.Everyone keeps making guesses about how Krika flies but to me it seems simple wouldn't he just use his gravity power(and maybe weather control to push himself around)?
93.is the tridax pod named after a makuta?
104.Were tridax pods around before shadow leeches(kind of like how zamor spheres were around before they were used to hold antidermis)?
115.Were the tridax pods invented by th BoM?
126. In BL9 the shadow leeches slither but in the set they don't look like they can slither.Dothe sets have have "newer" shadow leeches or did you make them slither in the book to make them seem more like kraata?
137.Since kraata are made from a makutas essence could a biomechanicle makuta like icarax make Kraata?
14thanks ahead of time,
161) Yes 172) Nope 183) No 194) Possibly 205) Yes 216) I like them better as more serpent like. The set versions are essentially "rolled up" shadow leeches, which then unroll once they are released 227) No.
24"Binary Scrabble was fundamentally flawed, since every combination of ones and zeroes made a word and it was impossible not to put all your tiles down every turn." -- Jasper Fforde, The Fourth Bear
25I wonder how krika flies

27Everyone has remember matoro sigs so i want to remember someone else. Remember brutaka. (I know it was only the DM brutaka but come on i want to remember him)
1Ooh, poor Icarax. Can't make any more Kraata, and Rahkshi
1Here're some questions I asked yesterday... A little interesting to me...
131)No comment 142)Awww... I don't recieve sets.... 153)Hopefully there'll be more books =)
2Hello, Mr Farshtey, I'm new here and I want to ask some questions. Well, here goes...
31)It is unknown how Matoran are made, correct?
42)About how much longer do you think Bionicle will go on?
53)Is there going to be a Bionicle book series after Legends?
63A)If so, what is it going to be called?
73Or is it not finalized yet?
8That's all for now. Thanks in advance .
91) Correct. 102) Impossible for me to predict. That is decided by fans like you and how many sets you buy. 113) Yes, most likely 123a) Hasn't been decided
131)No comment 142)Awww... I don't recieve sets.... 153)Hopefully there'll be more books =)
11) I hared that the Mistika Makuta are not multi-powered, is it true? 21)a. If yes, why? 32) Are the riders of Rockhoh T3, Jetra T6 and Axalara T9 riders Pohatu, Antroz and Lewa? 42)a. If yes why're they different? 53) What has happened to the Rahi that lived in Mata Nui now that the Bohrok have cleaned it? 64) Who is the actual leader of the BOM? 75) Now that Makuta Phantoka are blind, have they lost they heat vission avility and all their eyes powers? 86) Is Vultraz a Ta-Matoran, a Shadow-Matoran or an Av-Matoran? 97) How did Toa Ignikaget his Midak? 108) What is the zone of Mutran? 119) Is Lariska trully helping Brutaka or does she want to betray him? 129)a. If she is helping him has she betrayed the DH? 1310) Where did Takanuva get his titan body, is it Arthaka's adaptive armor or did somebody in the Pocket Dimmension mutate him or what? 1411) What are the four Barraki that are not in Brutaka's team doing now? 1512) What summer sets will you be geting?
171) Since the Mistika are summer sets, too early for me to discuss this. 182) Yes 192a) Again, summer sets, you'll get your answers then 203) Some no doubt fought the Bohrok and died, and the rest fled back down to Metru Nui. 214) Teridax 225) Yes 236) Shadow Matoran 247) He created it 258) Central portion of the southern continent 269) Lariska was hired to help him, so if she betrayed him, she would be executed by The Shadowed One for disobeying orders. No one would hire Dark Hunters if they couldn't trust them to get the job done. 2710) That gets revealed in summer as well 2811) Same thing they were doing prior to 2007 story, only without Matoran to hunt 2912) Too early to tell, they aren't out yet

171) Since the Mistika are summer sets, too early for me to discuss this. 182) Yes 192a) Again, summer sets, you'll get your answers then 203) Some no doubt fought the Bohrok and died, and the rest fled back down to Metru Nui. 214) Teridax 225) Yes 236) Shadow Matoran 247) He created it 258) Central portion of the southern continent 269) Lariska was hired to help him, so if she betrayed him, she would be executed by The Shadowed One for disobeying orders. No one would hire Dark Hunters if they couldn't trust them to get the job done. 2710) That gets revealed in summer as well 2811) Same thing they were doing prior to 2007 story, only without Matoran to hunt 2912) Too early to tell, they aren't out yet
1Just a few questions I got from Greg...
20Gladiator's species are lower then Krekka's?
Aqua I 
2Hi, Greg. Thanks for answering my last batch of questions, I just have a few more.
31) Where do Gladiator's species fit into Stelt's order of classes? Are they considered "dumb muscle" like Krekka's or are they closer to Voporak's level of status? 42) For the purposes of BS01, could we please have a pronunciation for Tren Krom? 53) Were the sheilds Bomonga and Kualus had in Dark Mirror Rhotuka Launching ones, or just regular sheilds? 64a) In Dark Mirror, would I be right in guessing the Makuta viruses were more about giving themselves and others special abilities? 74b) Are the viruses ever used for these purposes in 'our' universe? 85a) Do you judge in contests such as the Dark Hunter and Makuta Building contests? 95b) What happens if the contest requires a name or description and a winning model's name in unacceptable or it's biography clashes with the canon storyline? Would you just change it, would it be disqualified or what? 106) Since I've seen a few people asking you what books you've read, I thought I'd have a go.Have you read any of Phillip Pullman's 'His Dark Materials' series, or Eoin Colfer's 'Artemis Fowl' series?
11Thanks .
121) Gladiator was a slave on Stelt, so he would be considered a lower class there than Krekka's species. 132) Tren is pronounced like "when," Krom is pronounced like "bomb" 143) Rhotuka launching ones 154a) No. Makuta used viruses to create Rahi there the same way they did in our universe. 164b) Most likely they have been, we know for example that Spiriah did work on the Skakdi that led to them getting other powers. 175a) Yes 185b) If the model is not going to be part of storyline, then it really makes no difference what the name is. If it is going to be used in story, we just change the name to something that is approved, as we did with the Dark Hunters. If the character is, again, not going to be used in story, we read the essays for purposes of assessing creativity. If they are going to be used in story, we just edit the bios as needed. 196) I started reading Pullman, but didn't get very far into it, and never read Colfer. The little bit of fiction I have been reading lately has been Jasper Fforde and Robert Rankin, and I just finished Rick Atkinson's excellent history of the invasion of Italy in World War II, Day of Battle.
20Gladiator's species are lower then Krekka's?


1That is weird. But there are loads of mysteries in the Bionicle universe.
1HEY GREGF . 2I still have more questions after reading MC5
3In 2009 we will start a fresh new story right? But will we learn the remaining mysteries like Mata nui's location, BOM curse, creatures inside red star, blade burrowers, krana? 4We won't be in this universe in 2009, so many of those things will not be relevant to the story we are telling and the place we are. For example, krana will never have appeared there, so why would we be talking about them? 51. So everything will be kept a mystery? 62.Is Tren Krom more powerful than Artahka and Karzahni? 73.Is it possible he was a prototype of Arthaka, Karzahni and Mata nui but was a failure like karzahni plant. 84.Is Tren krom evil or does he hate Mata nui since he gave Mutran the "ammunition" to fire Teridaxs "weapon". 95.Are you aloud to tell your family and relatives about future Bionicle plans or do you keep that secret. 106.When will Teridax's place name be revealed? 117.Would you say the ignika is not a combat mask like hau. 128. Can Tren Krom control Vahi better than Teridax and Vakama?
13Thanks for taking your time to answer these.
141) Some things will, some things won't. We still have 9 months left in 2008 for me to address things. 152) Yes 163) No, he's not a prototype of anything, really 174) Ah, but did he do it knowing what the Makuta had in mind? Or in the process of his probing Mutran's mind, did Mutran simply see the secrets of the universe in his? 185) My relatives are not into BIONICLE, so wouldn't understand or care. There aren't any kids or teens in my family. 196) His location will be revealed before the end of the year, I believe 207) It can be, I mean, you can use it to kill someone. 218) Tren Krom does not wear Kanohi, so it's irrelevant
22cmments: 231.Yes . more will be revealed. 242.WOW . 253.Ok so now we know. 264.hmm. 275.ok 286.Yippy . Our universe will rock. 297.ok just wanted to know 309.I understand.
3In 2009 we will start a fresh new story right? But will we learn the remaining mysteries like Mata nui's location, BOM curse, creatures inside red star, blade burrowers, krana? 4We won't be in this universe in 2009, so many of those things will not be relevant to the story we are telling and the place we are. For example, krana will never have appeared there, so why would we be talking about them? 51. So everything will be kept a mystery? 62.Is Tren Krom more powerful than Artahka and Karzahni? 73.Is it possible he was a prototype of Arthaka, Karzahni and Mata nui but was a failure like karzahni plant. 84.Is Tren krom evil or does he hate Mata nui since he gave Mutran the "ammunition" to fire Teridaxs "weapon". 95.Are you aloud to tell your family and relatives about future Bionicle plans or do you keep that secret. 106.When will Teridax's place name be revealed? 117.Would you say the ignika is not a combat mask like hau. 128. Can Tren Krom control Vahi better than Teridax and Vakama?
13Thanks for taking your time to answer these.
141) Some things will, some things won't. We still have 9 months left in 2008 for me to address things. 152) Yes 163) No, he's not a prototype of anything, really 174) Ah, but did he do it knowing what the Makuta had in mind? Or in the process of his probing Mutran's mind, did Mutran simply see the secrets of the universe in his? 185) My relatives are not into BIONICLE, so wouldn't understand or care. There aren't any kids or teens in my family. 196) His location will be revealed before the end of the year, I believe 207) It can be, I mean, you can use it to kill someone. 218) Tren Krom does not wear Kanohi, so it's irrelevant
22cmments: 231.Yes . more will be revealed. 242.WOW . 253.Ok so now we know. 264.hmm. 275.ok 286.Yippy . Our universe will rock. 297.ok just wanted to know 309.I understand.