1Hello Greg. It's nice to be able to interview you again.
21) Can you tell us something about the member of the Order who was in Mahri Nui? 32) Should this issue have been resolved in Invasion? 43) You said that Icarax killed Botar only because he sees someone powerful he doesn't know as a threat. It is Icarax's hobby to kill people he doesn't know? 54) Brutaka transported Takanuva because Botar was dead at that time, correct? 65) So Brutaka took a part of Botar's job? 76) In MNOG II, we see Akhmou rebuilt. It is canon? 87) If yes, why did the Turaga even rebuilt him? 98) Did Axonn find a safe place for Voyatoran and Mahritoran? 109) We know that species like Vortixx or Sidorak's are not exactly friend of the Matoran, or at last are not interested in the universe fate. What about species like Axonn's? 1110) If Axonn asked his people (from his species) to welcome the Voyatoran, would they agree? 1211) Not exactly a Bionicle question, but in a recent French comic, a warrior girl was called Xia. Could it be a problem? 1312) Would you say that Hydraxon is alive? I mean, there is someone who looks like Hydraxon, who thinks he is Hydraxon, who has Hydraxon's memory, and Hydraxon's skills. Unless you introduce souls, what is the difference between Hydraxon II and a resurrected Hydraxon "contaminated" by Dekar's memory? 1413) When I asked you why the Order didn't capture Hydraxon II, you said he has a job to do - tracking down Pit escapees. So they agree to let him do the job of the real Hydraxon? 1514) If the Leader gave orders to him, would Hydraxon II obey? 1615) Just to be sure: is Trinuma the leader? 1716) Any hope to see Shadow Stealer this year in serials? Because as one of the Brotherhood greatest fear after Takanuva, I think he is a little underused.
18Thank you .
191) No info exists on him, since he was never going to play a part in story 202) No. Invasion took place in the cord, not on Mahri Nui 213) People he doesn't know who just made major arms deals with the Vortixx, yes 224) Even had Botar been alive, he would not have been around, he would have been busy elsewhere at that time. 236) I have no info on MNOG2, I had nothing to do with the game 248) Yes, Voya Nui 259) No idea, we haven't met them in story yet 2610) No need to, the Matoran are fine on Voya Nui, that's where they belong. 2711) No, the name was legally cleared and used by us before they used it, but I doubt we trademarked it for use in comics. And if we did not, no reason they can't use it. 2812) Because one is the original and one is a copy. If I duplicate Bob, and then kill Bob, is the copy really Bob? No, he wasn't born as Bob was, and he hasn't actually experienced what Bob had, he only has the same memories. Memories can be imperfect -- we alter our memories in subtle ways all the time over the years -- actual experience is different. 2913) Why not? It's efficient, right? 3014) Why wouldn't he? Hydraxon still sees himself as an OOMN member. 3115) No. Trinuma is not the leader of the OOMN. The leader gets revealed in Book 10 3216) You are the only person who's asked to see him -- I have been trying to focus first on characters I have gotten a lot of demand for, or ones involved in long-standing mysteries that need to get cleared up. But you never know.
1Forgot about Shadow Stealer. I hope he gets in the story, or at least we hear what happened with him and TSO.
1Nothing too big...
21) If six Toa went Nova all at the same time, would it be an explosion of Protodermis? 31a) Would the only way to break it be the same six Toa going Nova again?
42) Will a regular Toa usually live or die when they go Nova? Jaller said he was going to die, and seemed set on it, but Gali went Nova and lived. Was that just because she was a Nuva?
53) What would happen with a Stone Nova? Would massive boulders fly everywhere, or would pure stone just envelope everything?
64) If Taky went Nova, you said the Makuta would be dying, but not dead. Would their armour have been destroyed in the explosion, and their energy weakened? Allowing someone to kill them easily?
75) If a Ta-Toa went Nova, would that be able to kill a Makuta? I'm guessing it would get so hot that their armour would vaporize, and so would their energy.
86) Can Protosteel melt? Say, if you hit it with a Plasma burst? Or could it stand up to it? 96a) Could a laser from Taky punch a hole in it? 106b) Could Nocturn mangle it?
117) Is TK Biomechanicle or Organic?
12I really appreciate you taking the time to read this, Greg.
13Thanks .
141) It would encase everything for miles around in solid protodermis 151a) I don't think a nova blast would be necessary 162) Ah, but think about it -- Gali was unleashing a torrent of water and wearing a Mask of Water Breathing so she wouldn't drown. Jaller would have vaporized the water for miles, maybe hundreds of miles or more around, and he breathed water. He would have suffocated. 173) Probably the latter 184) They would certainly be severely weakened, yes 195) Possibly, if the Makuta was taken unawares. But since Toa don't kill, this is unlikely to happen 206) Yes 216a) Yes 226b) Mmmm, not sure on that 237) That gets revealed later on
1Hey . Krakua isn't the only one .
2Dear Greg, Here are some questions I am interested in,
31. Does Spiriah have his tridax pod right now? 41a. If not how did he get it? 51b. If yes, when did he get it? 62. Is Trem Krom evil? 73. Has Karzahni been sent to the Pit right now (since his mind can't tell the OoMN anything)? 84. Is Krakua the only OoMN agent in Metru Nui right now? 95. When Bitil summons his past selves, are they in the form before he was locked in his form and how do they know why they are called there? 105a. Do they forget about being summoned when they are sent back? 116. Is it true that a toa nuva dislikes his memories (heard from a rumor)? 127. Who are the nynah ghosts? 137a. Like Artakha? 147b. Matoran? 157c. Something we haven't seen before? 167d. Spirits?? 178. If Takanuva uses up all his light power, then shadow will fill up that space and Takanuva will become a complete toa of shadow?
18Sorry about #7 but please try to answer it , Thanks .
191) No, and he will get it later in story 202) Follow the story and find out 213) No. 224) No 235) In some cases, they are, in some cases, they're not, and he has to tell them why they're there. 245a) Yes 256) Most intelligent beings have some memories they wish they didn't have. 267) The Nynrah ghosts are craftsmen 278) Yes. But he has had enough training from the Nuva to know how not to use up his elemental power
2Dear Greg, Here are some questions I am interested in,
31. Does Spiriah have his tridax pod right now? 41a. If not how did he get it? 51b. If yes, when did he get it? 62. Is Trem Krom evil? 73. Has Karzahni been sent to the Pit right now (since his mind can't tell the OoMN anything)? 84. Is Krakua the only OoMN agent in Metru Nui right now? 95. When Bitil summons his past selves, are they in the form before he was locked in his form and how do they know why they are called there? 105a. Do they forget about being summoned when they are sent back? 116. Is it true that a toa nuva dislikes his memories (heard from a rumor)? 127. Who are the nynah ghosts? 137a. Like Artakha? 147b. Matoran? 157c. Something we haven't seen before? 167d. Spirits?? 178. If Takanuva uses up all his light power, then shadow will fill up that space and Takanuva will become a complete toa of shadow?
18Sorry about #7 but please try to answer it , Thanks .
191) No, and he will get it later in story 202) Follow the story and find out 213) No. 224) No 235) In some cases, they are, in some cases, they're not, and he has to tell them why they're there. 245a) Yes 256) Most intelligent beings have some memories they wish they didn't have. 267) The Nynrah ghosts are craftsmen 278) Yes. But he has had enough training from the Nuva to know how not to use up his elemental power
1Let's face it, TLC had A LOT of money.
2Actually, from what I've heard, they had lost a lot of money in 2001, mostly because of Galidor and the fact that they were making dozens of new molds for SW. Making a System model mold is a lot more expensive than a Bionicle mold, because the System mold is higher-quality plastic. Go check-the System pieces should be feel harder and tougher.
3Hi. I have just one question.
4Someone asked what the Frostelus's Rhotuka is. You said it varies. Does that mean if a sentient species has a Rhotuka, it varies, but for a Rahi, they have a natural Rhotuka already set (Vohtorak all had one Rhotuka power, Keelerak all had one Rhotuka power, etc.)
5Exactly. Look at the Toa Hagah, for example. Six members of the same species, but their Rhotuka powers were all different.
1hello, Greg, just a few questions:
21. Do the Great Beings actively manage the Bionicle Universe, or are they more hands off? 3a.if Mata Nui died, would the Great Beings step in to bring balance to the world, or would they let it be destroyed?
42. About how many Makuta are in existence right now in the story?
53. Does Takanuva's Makuta virus enable him to do anything besides fly? Or is it classified information?
64. Are Makuta's Kanohi made out of Kanoka disks like Toa masks?
75. Since Takanuva was attacked by shadow leeches and has a dark nature now, which side will he fight on? Nuva or Makuta?
86. I was just wondering, the past few years in Bionicle, the story has put less stress on the fact that Toa can have multiple masks, and i kinda miss those colectible mask packs. Will there be more mask packs in the future?
97. Kind of a random question, but do you like anime?
101) The Great Beings are not in the Matoran universe and have no idea what's going on there, anymore than you would know what was going on with a LEGO model in your bedroom while you're at work or school. 112) More than 10 123) Just fly 134) Most likely not 145) Nuva 156) It is something that has been discussed here, but the mask packs did not sell well in 2001-2002. We got stuck with a lot of them. So given that, it's hard to convince the powers that be that doing them again is a good idea. A lot of the people who I know have asked for them to come back also admit they don't buy sets anymore and wouldn't be buying them, so that's not a convincing business case. 167) Not really, no.
21. Do the Great Beings actively manage the Bionicle Universe, or are they more hands off? 3a.if Mata Nui died, would the Great Beings step in to bring balance to the world, or would they let it be destroyed?
42. About how many Makuta are in existence right now in the story?
53. Does Takanuva's Makuta virus enable him to do anything besides fly? Or is it classified information?
64. Are Makuta's Kanohi made out of Kanoka disks like Toa masks?
75. Since Takanuva was attacked by shadow leeches and has a dark nature now, which side will he fight on? Nuva or Makuta?
86. I was just wondering, the past few years in Bionicle, the story has put less stress on the fact that Toa can have multiple masks, and i kinda miss those colectible mask packs. Will there be more mask packs in the future?
97. Kind of a random question, but do you like anime?
101) The Great Beings are not in the Matoran universe and have no idea what's going on there, anymore than you would know what was going on with a LEGO model in your bedroom while you're at work or school. 112) More than 10 123) Just fly 134) Most likely not 145) Nuva 156) It is something that has been discussed here, but the mask packs did not sell well in 2001-2002. We got stuck with a lot of them. So given that, it's hard to convince the powers that be that doing them again is a good idea. A lot of the people who I know have asked for them to come back also admit they don't buy sets anymore and wouldn't be buying them, so that's not a convincing business case. 167) Not really, no.
11) Is the place where Teridax is right now somewhere we know about? 2cool.gif Somewhere in the Matoran Universe? 3c) Something to do with Mata Nui at all? 4d) Something to do with a New Body? 5e) Will he willingly die here as his destiny?
62) Icarax, Chirox, and Vamprah have disappeared... any clues to wear they are or what happened to them?
73) What is the Makuta's equivalent to a Nova Blast? Can all Makuta perform this?
84) Now that Icarax is biomechanical would you say it is far easier to kill him?
62) Icarax, Chirox, and Vamprah have disappeared... any clues to wear they are or what happened to them?
73) What is the Makuta's equivalent to a Nova Blast? Can all Makuta perform this?
84) Now that Icarax is biomechanical would you say it is far easier to kill him?
95) Does Takanuva's size change have something to do with Karda Nui's energy?
106) When you said that Brutaka had trouble keeping his sanity when he saw Tren Krom, do u mean that Tren Krom is ugly, scary, or something else?
117) Does Tren Krom wear masks? Can he wear them?
128) Will Vultraz and Mazeka be in any books? 13cool.gif Comics? 14c) Serials?
159) How come Mazeka is a store exclusive and Vultraz is not?
1610) When Taka saw the Kraahkan is DM, was it in it's 2003 Form, 2004 Form, or a differant form?
1711) In DM, did Brutaka and Axonn ever meet? Were they still on Voya Nui?
1812) When the Ignika was on Vezon's head it was Silver correct? What made it turn back to a gold colour?
1913) When you say that where Teridax is will "Rock the Toa's Universe" do u mean it as a figure of speech or as a literal saying? 20b)Like as in he makes the Matoran Universe rock breaking it off from the domes and onto the surface thus leading into 2009?
21Thanks in Advance biggrin.gif
221) Not someplace we have ever been to or referenced in story. 232) Yes, they show up again in Bionicle Legends #10. Mutran's shadow burst was to give them cover for a withdrawal, that's all. 243) Makuta cannot do nova blasts, only Toa can. 254) Actually, no. With a regular Makuta, if you can pierce his armor and find a way to either incinerate his energy or simply prevent it from getting into a new body for a few weeks, the Makuta dies. So that doesn't seem that much harder to me than killing a bio-mechanical Makuta.
265) Yes 276) Beyond ugly and beyond scary 287) No, he does not. The only masks that existed when he was created were non-powered Matoran masks. 298) Most likely, in a serial only. 309) Not something I have info on. Those decisions are made by the marketing people, not me. 3110) 2003 form. He wouldn't recognize it in any other form. 3211) Yes and yes. Anything that happened in our universe more than 3500 years ago also happened in the DM universe. 3312) The defeat of the Piraka and Vezon, and thus the ending of the threat to the mask. 3413) First off, you can't break the Matoran universe off of the domes, the Matoran universe is the domes. And it's meant figuratively.
1Hi Mr. Farshety, I have a few random questions.
21) If The Mountain on Xia is Mutran's pet rock "all grown up," why don't the Xians remember it getting bigger and eating them?
32) Does DM Mata Nui object to the Toa Empire? 42a) If so, why doesn't he do something about it?
53) Would DM Dark Hunters be considered good? 63a) If not, would the OoMN be the only force for good?
74) If a Kanohi's shape doesn't matter, then why does a crack cause it to stop working?
85) With regard to the Kanohi Faxon, what is the difference between a power and a natural ability?
96) Were Makuta considered noble before 80,000 years ago? 106a) If not, did they at least act noble for the most part?
117) When did the Makuta evolve into energy?
128) Did14possess Matoro's body at some point?13Teridax
159) I heard that the current naming system is being abandoned next year. What does that mean?
16Thank you for your time.
171) Well, they know it eats those who try to scale it, that's why it's a rite of passage to climb it. As for not remembering its origin, Mutran left it there more than 80,000 years ago, that's a long time, and we don't know how many of today's Vortixx were around then. 182) No, not really. What are the Toa doing? They are destroying potential threats to the orderly working of the universe so that the Matoran can work. What is there for Mata Nui to object to? 193) DM aren't good or bad, in any universe, really -- they're amoral. They work for whoever pays them. If the Toa hired DH to, say, stop marauding zyglak and save a village, the DH would do that, as long as they were paid. If someone else hired them to destroy the village, they would do that too -- as long as they were paid. 203a) We haven't dealt with the OOMN in this universe, so too soon to tell. But a lot of the things the Toa Empire does -- like killing off their enemies wholescale -- the OOMN does in our universe, and you already said you consider the Toa Empire to be bad. 214) Because there's a difference between shape and damage. A friend of mine might have a car and I might have one, and they are totally different shapes and colors, but they still work the same. But if I get into an accident and smash a headlight, now mine doesn't work the same as his. 225) Basically, a power would be something like laser vision or electric bolts .. a natural ability would be size or breathing or the ability to see. 236) I don't know if noble is the right word -- prior to the Matoran civil war, Matoran have very little in the way of dealings with Makuta. They were seen as skilled scientists who created Rahi, for the most part, but they did not impact Matoran daily life at that time. 247) Long time ago 258) Yes, in the unpublished BIONICLE Legends: Invasion book 269) Well, our current naming system is very Polynesian-based, particularly the names from the early years ... next year, it won't be.
1hello greg im new here and i just have one question.
2would the reason why many toa sets are using only blasters and not swords or axes because kids today are into guns more and would most likely be moved toward it?
3i came up with this realizing how todays age is full of gun-slingers and not so many sword-weilders
2would the reason why many toa sets are using only blasters and not swords or axes because kids today are into guns more and would most likely be moved toward it?
3i came up with this realizing how todays age is full of gun-slingers and not so many sword-weilders
1hello greg im new here and i just have one question.
2would the reason why many toa sets are using only blasters and not swords or axes because kids today are into guns more and would most likely be moved toward it?
3i came up with this realizing how todays age is full of gun-slingers and not so many sword-weilders
4Greg doesn't actually visit this topic Darkrai but i'd be glad to tell you what he would say, he would most like say that its the set designers choice and he has no say in it.
1Teridax doesn't know where Mata Nui is. 

310) This will certainly be a "Can't answer this" but somehow I doubt Teridax is at Mata Nui's location right now. I mean the place was heavily guarded and since Mata Nui never communicates with anyone in his universe directly, why should he have guards? He would somehow have to communicate with them to have an efficient protection. If Mata Nui is awake he is certainly capable of defending himself somehow anyway and would not need guards. Since he is asleep someone would have sent guards there - most likely on command of the Order- but the Order doesn't know Mata Nui's location either. So I doubt Teridax is where Mata Nui is sleeping. Makes sense? 410) Yes, it does
1He said "makes sense," not "that's true."
6And these two are from Binkmeister:
7I have two questions for you:
81: Will there be a new online animation in this year?
9Not Flash, but there will be some web-only CGI movies throughout the second half of 2008.
102: If so, will it have the Phantoka (Toa and Makuta) and the Mistika (Toa and Makuta)?
11It will have things you never imagined you'd see.
12- Bink
15Look through this topic, and you'll find a quote saying Mata Nui himself could appear in them. That's just the beginning.

7And these two are from Binkmeister:
8I have two questions for you:
91: Will there be a new online animation in this year?
10Not Flash, but there will be some web-only CGI movies throughout the second half of 2008.
112: If so, will it have the Phantoka (Toa and Makuta) and the Mistika (Toa and Makuta)?
12It will have things you never imagined you'd see.
13- Bink
15Look through this topic, and you'll find a quote saying Mata Nui himself could appear in them. That's just the beginning.
1Hello Greg,
21.) Is Tren Krom biomechanical?
32.) You've said several times through the years that the Makuta just have a better understanding of the details of the universe than anybody else. Is this mainly because of the info Mutran gained access to after his encounter? Or were they just always that way?
43.) We know how the original Krana were made. Any plans to show how the Bahrag make them?
54.) I'm 99% sure you can't say anything on this, but here goes. I believe you once said that a 2009 serial might keep us informed on the happenings of this universe, because you didn't see any reason why we would never go back to it (paraphrasing,) or something. But recently, you've been trying to clear up old mysteries before we move on to a new place. Has it been decided that the Matoran universe will really be over for good after 2008, or what?
6Thanks a lot .
71) No 82) It's in large part because of what Mutran learned 93) Nope. Not relevant to the story I'm telling this year, and we're not in this universe next year. 104) No, it has not. That is why I said I saw no reason we might not return to this universe and these characters at some point in future.
21.) Is Tren Krom biomechanical?
32.) You've said several times through the years that the Makuta just have a better understanding of the details of the universe than anybody else. Is this mainly because of the info Mutran gained access to after his encounter? Or were they just always that way?
43.) We know how the original Krana were made. Any plans to show how the Bahrag make them?
54.) I'm 99% sure you can't say anything on this, but here goes. I believe you once said that a 2009 serial might keep us informed on the happenings of this universe, because you didn't see any reason why we would never go back to it (paraphrasing,) or something. But recently, you've been trying to clear up old mysteries before we move on to a new place. Has it been decided that the Matoran universe will really be over for good after 2008, or what?
6Thanks a lot .
71) No 82) It's in large part because of what Mutran learned 93) Nope. Not relevant to the story I'm telling this year, and we're not in this universe next year. 104) No, it has not. That is why I said I saw no reason we might not return to this universe and these characters at some point in future.
1Hmmm... Interesting. Mutran got some of Trenny's powers?
1Teridax doesn't know where Mata Nui is.
2Anyway:310) This will certainly be a "Can't answer this" but somehow I doubt Teridax is at Mata Nui's location right now. I mean the place was heavily guarded and since Mata Nui never communicates with anyone in his universe directly, why should he have guards? He would somehow have to communicate with them to have an efficient protection. If Mata Nui is awake he is certainly capable of defending himself somehow anyway and would not need guards. Since he is asleep someone would have sent guards there - most likely on command of the Order- but the Order doesn't know Mata Nui's location either. So I doubt Teridax is where Mata Nui is sleeping. Makes sense? 410) Yes, it does
5but it was obvious. mata nui's symbol is a hau . teridax might had stumbled where mata nui was but might had not known it was mata nui near there.
1» Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Teridax doesn't know where Mata Nui is. ![]()
2Anyway:310) This will certainly be a "Can't answer this" but somehow I doubt Teridax is at Mata Nui's location right now. I mean the place was heavily guarded and since Mata Nui never communicates with anyone in his universe directly, why should he have guards? He would somehow have to communicate with them to have an efficient protection. If Mata Nui is awake he is certainly capable of defending himself somehow anyway and would not need guards. Since he is asleep someone would have sent guards there - most likely on command of the Order- but the Order doesn't know Mata Nui's location either. So I doubt Teridax is where Mata Nui is sleeping. Makes sense? 410) Yes, it does
5but it was obvious. mata nui's symbol is a hau . teridax might had stumbled where mata nui was but might had not known it was mata nui near there.
6Ever thought that Greg was trying to crate suspense???
7besides these quotes prove you wrong:
82) Is the mask carving Teridax is at, linked to the great spirit Mata Nui, in any way? 92) I would say no
107a) Does MoMN know where Mata Nui is? 117a) No
12So please finally get it: Teridax is NOT where Mata Nui is . . . . .
1hello greg im new here and i just have one question.
2would the reason why many toa sets are using only blasters and not swords or axes because kids today are into guns more and would most likely be moved toward it?
3i came up with this realizing how todays age is full of gun-slingers and not so many sword-weilders
4Greg doesn't actually visit this topic Darkrai but i'd be glad to tell you what he would say, he would most like say that its the set designers choice and he has no say in it.
5oh well imagine my embaressment hahahahahahahahahahaha

1Hello, GregF, I believe this PM got lost in transistion. Also, Wonderful Job on the Latest Fedaration of Fear chapter. 2I have a few Questions about Trinuma and Some that I hope you can answer them...
31) Will Trinuma ever appear in storyline again? 42) Is Trinuma Male or Female? 53) Is Trinuma the Leader of The Order of Mata Nui? 64) Will Trinuma Be a set?
75) Do you consider Tren Krom A Great Spirit (A Mistake of the Great Beings) 86) What did Tren Krom mean by "Now show me Your power"?- To Brutaka 97) What Is the Vahi going to be Used for in Dark Mirror? 108) Is The Staff of Artahka in Dark Mirror? 119) Or the Mask that Matoro wore while being a Toa Mahri? 1210) With Brutaka Dead in Dark Mirror, will Takanuva use his Kanohi instead? 1311) In Dark Mirror is the Vahi complete? 1412) Do You Like to Play Cards?
15Thank You for your time, Sir, and have A wonderful Day.
161) Don't know yet 172) Not something I have worried about 183) No 194) No 205) No 216) Well, Brutaka threatened him, didn't he? He told Tren Krom that the entity didn't know what power he was facing -- so TK grabbed him and said, "Now show me your power." 227) I can't discuss future storyline 238) It exists, yes 249) May exist somewhere, unknown 2510) Depends on if he can find his Kanohi. It's a big universe. 2611) Yes 2712) Not really, no
31) Will Trinuma ever appear in storyline again? 42) Is Trinuma Male or Female? 53) Is Trinuma the Leader of The Order of Mata Nui? 64) Will Trinuma Be a set?
75) Do you consider Tren Krom A Great Spirit (A Mistake of the Great Beings) 86) What did Tren Krom mean by "Now show me Your power"?- To Brutaka 97) What Is the Vahi going to be Used for in Dark Mirror? 108) Is The Staff of Artahka in Dark Mirror? 119) Or the Mask that Matoro wore while being a Toa Mahri? 1210) With Brutaka Dead in Dark Mirror, will Takanuva use his Kanohi instead? 1311) In Dark Mirror is the Vahi complete? 1412) Do You Like to Play Cards?
15Thank You for your time, Sir, and have A wonderful Day.
161) Don't know yet 172) Not something I have worried about 183) No 194) No 205) No 216) Well, Brutaka threatened him, didn't he? He told Tren Krom that the entity didn't know what power he was facing -- so TK grabbed him and said, "Now show me your power." 227) I can't discuss future storyline 238) It exists, yes 249) May exist somewhere, unknown 2510) Depends on if he can find his Kanohi. It's a big universe. 2611) Yes 2712) Not really, no
1Hey Greg, great job with the recent chapters in the Mutran Chronicles and Dark Mirror. I just a few questions:
201) Since Norik's and Iruini's Spears had powers of their own, can we assume that so do the rest of the Hagah? 3ANSWER: Yes 402) Do you plan on including Gaaki and Pouks in any of the serials? 5ANSWER: Probably 603) When did Takanuva trade his Light Staff for a Power Lance? 7ANSWER: I haven't revealed that yet 804) Is Takanuva in his normal size in Dark Mirror? 9ANSWER: Yes 1005) Do any Toa secretly oppose Tuyet in Dark Mirror? 11ANSWER: We'll see 1206) Krika seems to be a bit different from the other Makuta. I wouldn't say he'd join forces with the Toa but would he oppose Teridax in anyway? 13ANSWER: If he saw a point to it, he might. Krika is a cynic ... he, in general, has a hard time believing that anything will change what seems destined to happen. 1407) When did the Hagah become guardians of the BoM? 15ANSWER: Different teams of Hagah have served different Makuta over time, dating to not long after the Matoran civil war. 1608) Is it safe to assume that Miserix was unofficial Makuta of Destral (since he used as a base and all)? 17ANSWER: I'm going to say no, because then the question would become why isn't Teridax the Makuta of Destral too? 1809) Are the Hagah still in Xia in the main universe? Or did they finally leave? 19ANSWER: Still there 2010) Are Tahtorak and the Kanohi Dragin still fighting or have they been caught? 21ANSWER: Still fighting 2211) Are the Vortixx rebuilding? 23ANSWER: Not yet 2412) Did any Rahi make it back to Metru Nui after the Bohrok cleansed the island? What about the Rahi Nui? 25ANSWER: Rahi Nui was underground and not affected by the Bohrok, so odds are he is still there. Yes, other Rahi made it back 2613) So Krika can fly? 27ANSWER: Yes 2814) Was Tren Krom involved in the Great Cataclysm in any way? Does he play a significant role this year? 29ANSWER: No, and as for his role, you will have to follow the story 3015) Does the old Toa Fortress still exist or was it destroyed by the Frostleus? 31ANSWER: Destroyed 3216) Is Idris still a water breather or was she changed back into an air breather? 33ANSWER: The only thing that could change her back is the Mask of Life, which is kind of busy at the moment 3417) Are the Mahri aware of Takanuva's disappearance? Are they doing anything about it? 35ANSWER: Aware, yes, but what can they do? He could be anywhere and they can't abandon Metru Nui 3618) Are they aware that Krakua is in town? What about the Turaga? 37ANSWER: No, and no 3819) What are the Turaga doing now? 39ANSWER: Same thijng they are always doing 4020) When will more be revealed about the new vehicles? 41ANSWER: When they are actually coming out 4221) Do you plan on turning the Shadow Matoran back to regular Matoran? 43ANSWER: I can't discuss future storyline plans 4422) If Vican could transform into a Toa, would he be able of weilding both Air and Shadow powers? 45ANSWER: No. He is a shadow Matoran, that means he only has access to shadow. 4623) When will Mazeka be released? 47ANSWER: Summer 4824) What are the Nynrah Ghosts? Do they exist in the Swamp? 49ANSWER: No, they are craftsmen who exist outside of Karda Nui 5025) Where is Axxon currently? 51ANSWER: Voya Nui 5226) Who will replace Botar now that he is dead? 53ANSWER: Probably someone else from his species 5427) What is Miserix's mask power? 55ANSWER: Hasn't been revealed yet 5628) Will you reveal The Shadowed One's real name? 57ANSWER: I see no reason to, it's not relevant to the story.
58Thank you for your time. It's really cool that we as fans get to do this since I doubt any other fanbase gets to ask questions directly to the person responsible.
59See answers above. 60Greg
61Interesting note on the Hagah.
1Good evening Greg.I would like to ask you a few questions,if you don't mind.
21:When I read "Beware the Bohrok" earlier today,I noticed that when Tahu fell into the protodermis....
3QUOTE 4An immense heat swept through his body,his blood boiling and white hot flames flickering behind his eyelids.
5Does this confirm that Biomechanical beings have blood or did you over ride Hapka's decision? 6B:If yes does this also mean that Biomechanical beings have hearts?
72:For the sake of knowing(and for the wiki) ,could you tell us Trinuma's colour?
83:Gali and Onua don't carry melee weapons in the Swamp.Correct?
94o you have a favorite Toa Tool?
105:Have you tried to keep a certain style of fighting to certain characters or is it more like basic combat for the Toa?
116:Any reason why you wanted Matau to turn dark in 2005?
127:Is Mizerix a standard humanoid?
138:Can you tell us Mizerix's colours?
149:What exactly is Axonns pure energy power?Is it simply a blast of force?
1510:May I request that Keetongu makes an appearance in a web serial?(Assuming enoough members ask of course)
16Thank you.
171) Hapka was not on the BIONICLE story team, so now and then she put stuff into the books that didn't make sense. Same way that the first draft of the script for the third BIONICLE movie kept referring to the Toa as "robots." 182) Actually, I can give you a scoop today -- it looks like Trinuma will be a combo model this year. 193) Gali doesn't, I believe Onua has a shield (and since you can hit people with a shield, I count it as a melee weapon) 204) No 215) No, I do so little melee combat in BIONICLE that I don't worry about restricting characters to certain styles 226) It would have made sense, as he was the one portrayed as the most vain and the one who was portrayed as wanting to be a Toa for the glory. Denied both, I could see him turning. Vakama was neither, so his change made no sense to me. 237-8) Miserix is a Makuta, and Makuta are shapeshifters -- they can look how they like. 249) Yes 2510) Most likely he will in summer, probably in biocast as it looks right now
26So it appears Trinuma will be a combiner.
1Here's some interesting stuff on Tren Krom, hope this helps

2Dear Mr. F,
3First, hope you have a great Easter.
5Tren Krom:
61) Is he organic, as opposed to Biomechanical?
72) In the Mutran Chronicals you say: "he walked through the universe in the throws of its birth." Would this be the Domed Universe or the whole universe, planets, space, etc. 82a) In the same vein, would the stars you mentioned by real stars (gas, lightyear distances etc) or the stars of Metru-Nui?
93) Is he the Great Being who touched the mask of life and went nuts? 103a) Was he ever a Great Being? 113b) Did he ever interact with the Great Beings at any time.
124) Is his concisness bound into his island? (i.e. is the island part of his body?)
135) Is Mutran nuts because of his encounter with Tren Krom?
146) Is Mutrans description of him the best we are going to get? 156a) If not, will you give it to us in FoF or will you do it on BZP?
167) Will we ever learn more about him? (Past, powers, asscociates etc) 177a) If so, when?
18Great Beings
198) Which would you describe the GBs more as: a race of highly advanced mortals, or higher, god-like beings?
209) If they are god-like, have any ever "fallen" (like The Fall of the Angels from The Bible) 219a) If so, what happened to them? *coughtrenkromcouth*
2210) Would you describe the GBs as: malevolant, benevolant, or ambivalent? 2310a) What about Mata-Nui?
24Kanohi Ignika
2511) Do the GBs create a mask of life for every one of their universes? 2611a) If no, then why did they create one for the Bionicle Universe?
2712) Is the Domed Universe special to the GBs 2812a) If yes, does that mean that they'll return one day?
2913) Could you tell me where they are? (I doubt it)
30Qs from my Bro
3114) Who is the Makuta of Destral?
3215) Will Tren Krom be stronger than Takutanuva?
3316) Will there be a Tren Krom set?
3417) Have we seen the last of Keetongu?
35Thank you for your time:
36Yr Srvnt 37~Leviathen
381) He is organic 392) Domed universe 402A) Stars of Metru Nui 413) No 423a) No 433b) Yes 444) No 455) Partly 466) There will probably be more in FoF 477) FoF 488-10) I can't discuss the nature of the Great Beings 4911) We have no evidence that the GBs have created other universes, it's only a possibility 5012) It is, yes 5112b) Unlikely 5213) Nope 5314) Hasn't been identified 5415) Yes 5516) No 5617) Most likely not
57Thanks a lot. Here are some questions that these have raised in my mind:
58Reply Questions
591-2b) Does that mean that Tren Krom is from somewhere on the planet outside and migrated into the Domes?
603b) If the above is true, then his associations with the Great Beings meeting them as the universe was made?
618-10a) What's such a big deal about meeting the Great Beings.
6217) Will Keetongu return for the final battle? To extract his revenge on the BoM for killing his kind?
63Some New Ones
641) Is the reboot more or less than the switch from '03-'04?
652) If we exit the domed universe, will we see more beings like Tren-Krom?
663) Does Makuta Teridax plan to be alive and functional to rule the universe, or is his currant mission kind of a kamakazi type thing?
67Thanks 68~leviathen
691) No 708) The GBs are one of the areas of story I am not allowed to discuss 7117) We'll see
721) More 732) TK is not from outside of the universe 743) His mission is not a suicide mission
1Hey . Krakua isn't the only one .
2Dear Greg, Here are some questions I am interested in,
31. Does Spiriah have his tridax pod right now? 41a. If not how did he get it? 51b. If yes, when did he get it? 62. Is Trem Krom evil? 73. Has Karzahni been sent to the Pit right now (since his mind can't tell the OoMN anything)? 84. Is Krakua the only OoMN agent in Metru Nui right now? 95. When Bitil summons his past selves, are they in the form before he was locked in his form and how do they know why they are called there? 105a. Do they forget about being summoned when they are sent back? 116. Is it true that a toa nuva dislikes his memories (heard from a rumor)? 127. Who are the nynah ghosts? 137a. Like Artakha? 147b. Matoran? 157c. Something we haven't seen before? 167d. Spirits?? 178. If Takanuva uses up all his light power, then shadow will fill up that space and Takanuva will become a complete toa of shadow?
18Sorry about #7 but please try to answer it , Thanks .
191) No, and he will get it later in story 202) Follow the story and find out 213) No. 224) No 235) In some cases, they are, in some cases, they're not, and he has to tell them why they're there. 245a) Yes 256) Most intelligent beings have some memories they wish they didn't have. 267) The Nynrah ghosts are craftsmen 278) Yes. But he has had enough training from the Nuva to know how not to use up his elemental power
28Very nice info there, especially #4 and #7.
1A few random tidbits answered. Got same day response, too .
2Good day to you, Mr Greg. I'd like to ask you a few questions:
31- Since the Makuta do not make their masks out of kanoka discs, what do they make them out of?
42- Since the Makuta originally served Mata Nui, does this mean that they first had different masks than they had now, or that they wear the same ones they first had? I ask this question because the likes of the Jutlin seem rather destructive for them to have had at the time.
53- Because Takanuva is now part shadow, is it possible that a Makuta could weaken his light side and stengthen his shadow side by hitting him with elemental shadow, or channeling it into him?
64- In Dark Mirror, alt-Brutaka is dead, but is his mask still lying around somewhere, or destroyed? If there are possibly no other Olmaks (since the only bearer we know is Brutaka) how can he get back to 'our' pocket dimension? By the fluke that 'our' Brutaka finds the right portal?
75- I recall you mentioning somewhere a while ago that the Toa Ignika has the mind of a "sheltered toddler", yet apparentely to some 'stat' figures (see near bottom of this page for instance), he has a mind of 14, which is rather high compared to other characters. Is it that he's smart, but just lacks emotional control, much like a young child? Or is that 'stat' figure false?
86- What sort of things can the Toa Ignika do with its powers? Sap life, mutate beings, kill them, empower them etc?
97- Is it possible for the Toa Ignika to bring any inanimate object to life? Can it reanimate dead beings?
108- Was the Great Being that was locked up for going insane (due to an Ignika curse) in the Bionicle Universe?
11Thank you for your time.
121) Hasn't been revealed, but it is quite likely that other Toa like Lesovikk, Dume, and others who were not native to Metru Nui also did not have their masks made from Kanoka 132) Yes, they did, and consider this - you have a Matoran village on a wooded island. There's a huge storm and tons of trees fall, cutting off the roads leading in and out of the village. You can have the Matoran work for days trying to clear the trees -- or you can use the Jutlin and make the trees rot rapidly so that the obstacles are cleared. 143) Hitting him with shadow would not do that, because the shadow would not be going into him, anymore than if you hit someone with a laser beam you are adding light to them. 154) Follow the story and find out 165) I have known plenty of people who had incredibly high IQs and were quite brilliant, but also very naive and immature. I have also met a lot of smart people who, in the grand scheme of things, are still pretty much "sheltered" because they have never been exposed to any other viewpoints but theirs and their family's. 176) And evolve them, and devolve them 187) It cannot reanimate the dead, no. It can bring life to objects providing those objects have some organic molecules in them. 198) No GBs are in the BIONICLE universe, no. It would be sort of like asking, "Is Makuta Desaima inside that LEGO model he built?"
1Hi Mr. Farshtey, I have some questions,
21. Does the word Bionicle mean anything to the Matoran?
32. Why does everyone except the BOM call Teridax Makuta?
43. If the Av-Matoran homeland fell into Karda Nui during the great cataclysm, does that mean Voya Nui was near there?
54.67.Since kraata are made from a makutas essence could a biomechanicle makuta like icarax make Kraata?
77) No.
8Does this mean the Makuta evolved into energy before 80,000 years ago, since they used Rahkshi in their armies to defeat the Barraki?
9Thanks a lot .
111) It must, as Vakama has used it in conversation in all the movies 122) Because no one outside of the BOM knows his true name. 133) Voya Nui was part of the roof of the Karda Nui dome, just as Mata Nui is the roof of the Metru Nui dome. 144) They were using a much more time-consuming and difficult means of producing something akin to kraata at that time, which were not solidified Makuta essence and were nowhere near as efficient.
1A few random tidbits answered. Got same day response, too .
2Good day to you, Mr Greg. I'd like to ask you a few questions:
31- Since the Makuta do not make their masks out of kanoka discs, what do they make them out of?
42- Since the Makuta originally served Mata Nui, does this mean that they first had different masks than they had now, or that they wear the same ones they first had? I ask this question because the likes of the Jutlin seem rather destructive for them to have had at the time.
53- Because Takanuva is now part shadow, is it possible that a Makuta could weaken his light side and stengthen his shadow side by hitting him with elemental shadow, or channeling it into him?
64- In Dark Mirror, alt-Brutaka is dead, but is his mask still lying around somewhere, or destroyed? If there are possibly no other Olmaks (since the only bearer we know is Brutaka) how can he get back to 'our' pocket dimension? By the fluke that 'our' Brutaka finds the right portal?
75- I recall you mentioning somewhere a while ago that the Toa Ignika has the mind of a "sheltered toddler", yet apparentely to some 'stat' figures (see near bottom of this page for instance), he has a mind of 14, which is rather high compared to other characters. Is it that he's smart, but just lacks emotional control, much like a young child? Or is that 'stat' figure false?
86- What sort of things can the Toa Ignika do with its powers? Sap life, mutate beings, kill them, empower them etc?
97- Is it possible for the Toa Ignika to bring any inanimate object to life? Can it reanimate dead beings?
108- Was the Great Being that was locked up for going insane (due to an Ignika curse) in the Bionicle Universe?
11Thank you for your time.
121) Hasn't been revealed, but it is quite likely that other Toa like Lesovikk, Dume, and others who were not native to Metru Nui also did not have their masks made from Kanoka 132) Yes, they did, and consider this - you have a Matoran village on a wooded island. There's a huge storm and tons of trees fall, cutting off the roads leading in and out of the village. You can have the Matoran work for days trying to clear the trees -- or you can use the Jutlin and make the trees rot rapidly so that the obstacles are cleared. 143) Hitting him with shadow would not do that, because the shadow would not be going into him, anymore than if you hit someone with a laser beam you are adding light to them. 154) Follow the story and find out 165) I have known plenty of people who had incredibly high IQs and were quite brilliant, but also very naive and immature. I have also met a lot of smart people who, in the grand scheme of things, are still pretty much "sheltered" because they have never been exposed to any other viewpoints but theirs and their family's. 176) And evolve them, and devolve them 187) It cannot reanimate the dead, no. It can bring life to objects providing those objects have some organic molecules in them. 198) No GBs are in the BIONICLE universe, no. It would be sort of like asking, "Is Makuta Desaima inside that LEGO model he built?"
20Desaima? Cool name. I like it better than 'Teridax'.
21And I like number eight. Would that be possible the bionicle universe is inside the GB's land? o.o
1Okay, I have some questions that have either recently popped up, or have been bugging me for a while:
21. You recently said that each member of a certain intelligent species would each have a different Rhotuka power, and you were talking about Frostelus. Are those guys more intelligent than meets the eye? 31a. Would you consider them a sapient race?
42. From BS01:
5Pronunciation 6I noticed we didn't have a pronunciation for Tren Krom, so I asked Greg for an official one, but I'm not sure how to put it on the article...
72) For the purposes of BS01, could we please have a pronunciation for Tren Krom? 82) Tren is pronounced like "when," Krom is pronounced like "bomb"
10I know, but how do we make that match our style?
11What do you think would be a good way to display Tren Krom's pronunciation?
123. Due to the fact that Nidhiki and Tuyet dwelled in Metru Nui, did the Ta-Matoran ever forge masks of Stealth or Intangibility? And with the current presence of the Volitak, Faxon, Arthron, Garai, and Zatth, and the knowledge of the Tryna, Suletu, Calix, Elda, Iden, Kadin, Sanok, Rode and Olmak in Metru Nui, might they try to forge them now? (Sorry about all the masks I mentioned, I just like to list things.)
134. They seem to use the same method of Mask-Making on Artakha as they do on Metru Nui (you lnow, with the same designs, and the fact that the Great Disks were forged in Artakha and have powers that exist on Metru Nui). Could a Metru Nui Matoran, using only disks that exist there, forge an Avohkii or a Kraahkan?
145. Another last Mask-Making question: Could a version of the Ignika be made in Matoran, Great, or Noble power level? 155a. This seems more likely, as the disk combination is known, but same question for Vahi.
166.Could a Skakdi be drained of all their Light (assuming they have any), could they use Shadow powers on their own, or would they have to do it combined with another? 176a. Do Skakdi have light? (I'm guessing everyone except Shadow Matoran and Makuta do.)
187. We have seen Vortixx use Shadow powers, so would using a Shadow Leech on them be just an easier way to tap into their inner darkness?
198. Zyglak have never been seen to be able to use elemental powers at all. However, could they do it if attacked by a Shadow Leech?
209. Similar question (sorry): Is it possible to make a Shadow Rahi?
2110. For the sake of the BS01 Wiki, could we make a page for Tracker's pet bull and name it "Energy Bull?" I could swear I saw it referred to that once...
2211. You said there is going to be a combiner in May's magazine. Do you have any intention on making it a Makuta?
2312. So I can get a better image in mind, do Venom eels have fangs?
2413. Is the illustration of the Venom Eel seen in the comics its canonical appearance?
2514. Is the Venom Eel biomechanical or completely organic? Because in City of the Lost it says that they have metallic armor...
2615. The Ancient Sea Behemoth, it says that it looks like it is half-whale. Can it be assumed that it has a whale-like tail?
27That's all...for now.
291) Well, I don't consider them Rahi, if that's what you're asking 302) My suggestion would be you look up the pronunciation of when and bomb in the dictionary and use a similar phonetic pronunciation for these words. 313) They might not have the ability -- what power a mask has depends on the liquid proto and the purity of it. If the liquid proto around Metru Nui does not lend itself to creating those masks or the purification process does not, then those masks can't be created there. 324) Doubtful. 335) No and no 346) All sapient beings have at least some light, but would have to think about whether they could use shadow on their own 357) I don't understand your question. You have seen Roodaka use shadow powers, what other Vortixx have you seen do it? 368) Offhand, I would say no 379) Good question. Light and shadow in this universe seem to be tied to morality and good/evil -- animals have no morality or concept of good/evil, so I would have to say no. 3810) Well, it's not called that in the DH Guide, so not sure where you would have seen it referred to that way. 3911) No, it's not a Makuta, it's a Rahi. 4012) Don't think so 4113) Yes 4214) Biomechanical 4315) I never really saw it as having a tail
1One question why does the rider of axalara T9 have a spiky head behind his mask?