1I'm just saying by giving the Nuva/Taka invulnerability, you have sacrificed realism. I find realism more important to a decent story over repetitive problems.
2Lord of the Rings was fair game. Anyone could die, just not many did. Star Wars nearly every single Jedi died, in different scenarios, but that's not repetitive. Its realistic. I'm looking for death, but guaranteeing that there is no chance for it is not wise. I'm not saying some of the Nuva/Taka have to die, but telling us months ahead of time they're safe is stupid.
3That's like saying in the prequel trilogy of Star Wars that Obi-Wan, Yoda, the droids, etc. are "invulnerable" because you know they appear in the original trilogy which takes place afterwards, and thusly the prequel trilogy was unrealistc (and you've already suggested that by way of the Jedi massacre in Return of the Sith that it wasn't). They can die (in fact, Yoda and Obi-Wan both did die in the orignal trilogy, despite coming back as ghosts later), but it doesn't mean they will. Similarly, just becuase Greg said that the Nuva won't die doesn't mean they can't die at some point in the future, and I would hardly say it makes the story any more unrealistic than it would've been had Greg not shared that with us (the alternative being that Greg doesn't answer any questions except those asking him to reiterate pre-established information).
1Fine guys, I just want to end this, because this could potentially be on its own separate topic, and the discussion doesn't belong here. The point I was really trying to make was it was a lousy spoiler. K? Sorry Greg, but it was.
1Fine guys, I just want to end this, because this could potentially be on its own separate topic, and the discussion doesn't belong here. The point I was really trying to make was it was a lousy spoiler. K? Sorry Greg, but it was.
2Sorry dude but if you really didn't want the story to be spoiled then you shouldn't have dove into the deep end of the pool of spoilers. You set yourself up for that one.
3It definitely is to be expected for Greg to not kill off another major character because it's just trite. He's been original with all of the story from what I've seen thus far and he continues to deliver as planned.
1This year the worse scenario is the villains winning and for that to happen the Nuva need to be alive. There are much worse things that can happen. 

1Death is not the worse thing that could happen,severely injured is bad too,so is pain.
1Hey again, got some more questions for you...
21. If a Toa of Gravity was experienced enough with his element, could he manipulate/bend the gravity around him to achieve flight?The toa I'm writting about is able to and I wanted to see if that was a canon-worthy ability.
32. Could a Toa of Sonics perform something similar to a Makuta Power Scream?
43. Any new info on summer serials yet?
54. Is Mazeka a Ko-Matoran?
65. Are there Toa other than Krakua that are employed under the Order of Mata Nui?
76. Could vehicles similar to Axalara, Jetrax, and Rockoh be manufactured elsewhere than Artakha, like on Xia?
87. Do you plan to bring Toa Norik and Iruini into Dark Mirror, seeing as you brought in the rest of the Hagah.
98. Do you know if the instructions for Trinuma will be featured in the July magazine or will they be online?
109. For Bionicle Legends 11, you stated: "You can expect an epic battle, a shock ending that makes [2007]'s look mild AND leads directly into the new direction of 2009, and the return of some old favorite characters." Could this be a hint for the return of the Toa Mata?
1110. Could a Makuta overshadow an Exo-Toa? (seeing as it is technically a robot and a powered exoskeleton)
1211. Did all the Brotherhood's Toa Hagah teams carry spears?
1312. Could Space be a legendary element? There was a forum here on BZP about it. Maybe like the power to move planets and stars. Bend space, twist time, warp reality; all that good stuf.
14Thanks, until next time. 15Oh and one suggestion: Artidax would be a cool name for the Makuta of Artakha.
161) Yes 172) Same impact, but not via his mouth, via his hands 183) Nope 194) I haven't seen the set, so couldn't say 205) We'll get to that later 216) Doubt it 227) I don't really have "plans," I write as I go and just let the story take me where it wants to go. 238) They will be online, via a Club code provided in the May LEGO BrickMaster magazine. 249) No. The book focuses on the Toa Nuva, not the Toa Mata, and there would be no point in depowering the Nuva at the end of the story (that wouldn't be much of a reward for what they have done, make them less powerful Toa). 2510) Yes, because an Exo-Toa does have AI and is capable of acting on its own, so it technically is a functioning robot like Maxilos was 2611) No 2712) I got asked this yesterday, and have two notes on it. One, I have no time or room to do that, since we are not in the Matoran universe next year. And two, even the people who support doing this don't have a clear idea of what the element is or would do. Space is a "place" basically -- it's the expanse in which matter resides and things occur, but it does not control that matter or make those things occur. It's a setting rather than a force. And if the people who want us to do this aren't clear on what the element is, how would the fans less wired in than you guys are ever get it?
1Hi. These are just some questions I forgot.
21) Do Bionicles cry?
32) Storyline-wise, we've never really seen behind a toa or matorans mask, if you look at the movies. So I was wondering whether underneath the mask they look completely different to the sets or basically the same.
43) A while ago, you said that since the Makuta have never met Vezon before, then would that mean that they could somewhat say that Vezon had hidden abilities or something? Or a dangerous history?
54) I know that the Makuta don't nescessarily hate each other, but is it possible maybe that they have something of a disliking of a particular Makuta, but they can still stand to work with them? If they do then who?
65) A while ago, I asked what the strange substance was that Avak found after Zaktan had dealt with the Toa of Plasma. You said that it hadn't been revealed. Will it be revealed soon? 75a) Is the Toa of Plasma in question, still alive?
86) Did Umbra have a life before guarding the MoLi?
97) MoMN's name will soon be revealed, but my question is, will it be revealed as someone talking to MoMN (If he's still alive) someone thinking about him or someone talking about him, using his name.
108) Will there be a death at the end of this year too?
119) In the swamp of secrets, will the secret be an artifact or a living being or Kanohi?
1210) The creatures in the red star, do they, by any chance, have anything to do with the Ignika? 1310a) If so, then do they have anything to do with the countdown?
1411) Does Toa Ignika go by the same code as the Toa? By that I mean, is he willing to kill if he get's the chance?
1512) If a Toa goes nova, everything around this toa dies, right? If so, then does the toa who went nova survive, or do they go with everything else?
161) I tend to doubt it, since I do not believe they would have tear ducts. 172) The same 183) Yes 194) Various ones have clashed at times with various others, but the only one they all dislike is Spiriah. 205) No. It's not relevant to current story and there really is no way to work it in. 215a) Hasn't been revealed 226) No 237) Another Makuta talking about him 248-9) I can't discuss future storyline 2510) No 2611) He is capable of killing, because he is not a Toa -- he just wants to be -- and he doesn't really understand how living beings work or why you wouldn't kill an enemy. 2712) Depends -- Gali went nova in Karzahni and the other Toa didn't die, because she shared her water-breathing power with them.
284) In the Mutran chronicles, Mutran said how he will give a dangerous experiment to Chirox as a gift and later he said how they were good friends. Wouldn't that mean that there is something of a disliking between the two, however small?
2912) But would the toa who went nova still live, not necessarily with water but with something like fire?
30And just two I forgot.
311) Karzahni is currently more insane than before. Is it possible that the OoMN can restore him to his usual self and if they can, then will they, because it seems to make more sense to have a prisoner who isn't insane to one who will lash out if spooked.
322) Should the federation of fear survive there mission, then what will the OoMN do with them?
334) Professional rivalry, yes 3412) Yes 351) No, they don't have the ability to do this. They'll lock him up the same way we do the criminally insane 362) Most likely imprison them
371) Axonn healed Gali. Or is that just a power of his species? 382) Really? Takadox, Roodaka, Brutaka and Spiriah I can understand but to my knowledge, Vezon hasn't really done anything wrong. Or is there something I'm missing out?
391) Yes, he did -- but Karzahni healed would still be a murderous creep, so why would you waste the time and energy to do that for him? 402) Vezon took the Mask of Life, attempted to kill the Toa Inika, and then (in the unpublished book from last year) attempted to kill them again while they were traveling down the cord. How many attempts at killing Toa do you give him before you lock him up?
411) Maybe it would be better than a raging hulk of madness, trying to kill his own shadow when it moves. 422) ...He may have a point there...
1Alas, something bad's going to happen when Mata wakes up.
2I'm curious about these Nynrah, the creators of the Exo-Toa and Fohrok. I wonder if any live on Metru Nui...
3Something bad can happen when Mata Nui wakes up.
4And It's unlikely the Nynrah live in Metru Nui.
5It's still a possibly, remember they are craty and stealthy little Matorans. They could be hiding anywhere.
1Alas, something bad's going to happen when Mata wakes up.
2I'm curious about these Nynrah, the creators of the Exo-Toa and Fohrok. I wonder if any live on Metru Nui...
3Something bad can happen when Mata Nui wakes up.
4And It's unlikely the Nynrah live in Metru Nui.
5It's still a possibly, remember they are craty and stealthy little Matorans. They could be hiding anywhere.
6If they hid in Metru Nui, all that "the city needs to be repopulated" thing would've been pointless, wouldn't it?
1Got some good stuff .
271. 'Kay, got that ironed out. 282. Okay, so she is willing to throw them, but she won't waste them against ordinary enemies. Makes sense. 293. Awww...but I want an unarmed combat specialist... 304. Okay. 315. THEORY TIME . 326. Huh...okay, so it's a byproduct of something important rather than an actual service-providing substance... 337. Sweet . Too bad he never used it... 348. Smart Toa. Smart, ambitious, unscrupulous, power-hungry Toa. 359. Ah well. Guess that'll forever remain undetermined.
36Personally, I think 5 is the most interesting... *runs off to formulate theory*
Master of the Rahkshi 
21. First off, was Naho the Toa who ran for help during the Dark Hunter/Toa war? 31) Yes
42. So, Lariska has protosteel daggers. Am I correct in assuming that these are combat daggers rather than her usual throwing ones? Because I can't see her throwing away something as valuable as protosteel if there's a chance she can't retrieve it. 52) She can throw them, but they are not what she normally uses for throwing, they are reserved for foes where you really need protosteel to do damage. So against Makuta, you would throw them.
63. In The Mutran Chronicles, it's mentioned that Miserix attacks Teridax with his 'gauntlet'. Does this mean that there's something special about this gauntlet, or is it just that Miserix prefers to go unarmed? 73) Nothing special about it, he is simply channeling his power through his hand in that scene.
89) In the MNOLG, there is a Book of Chronicles that records events in video format for playback. Is this item canon? 99) That seems way beyond the tech level that was present on Mata Nui, to me.
104. Could it be something they brought with them from Metru Nui? 114) I really prefer just to ignore it. Outside of the jumbo screens in Metru Nui, which are canon because they were in the movie, we haven't seen anything like that even in Metru Nui.
125. I think you said that Metru Nui was a channel for Karda Nui; it took energy from the Core and provided it to other parts of the Matoran universe. Is it possible there are other locations that perform to same function? 135) Yes 145a. Worth a shot: Does Mata Nui receive and depend on this energy from Metru Nui? 155a) It's sort of a two-way street 165b. If so, does this mean that when the Matoran stop working, the energy distribution stops? 175b) That is definitely one thing that happens, yes
186. Do you know when we will find out about the function the Pit mutagen serves in the universe? Or is that mystery shelved indefinitely? 196) It serves the same function that radiation serves at a nuclear plant .. it's simply a byproduct.
207. Once upon a time, I believe it was said that Karzahni had the ability to repair himself if he gets physically damaged. Is this still canon? 217) Yes
228. Is the fact that Tuyet murdered Matoran still a secret in the Alternate Dimension? I imagine that if word got out, the Order would try to figure out some way to bring her down, Nui Stone or no. 238) Correct, with Lhikan dead and Nidhiki on her side, the murders were pinned on the Dark Hunters and gave her a perfect excuse to order a crusade to wipe the DH out.
249. Was it ever ironed out what the Silver Masks of Wisdom from 2001 actually were? I've seen at least three theories and can't find anything to back up or disprove them. 259) Not by me.
271. 'Kay, got that ironed out. 282. Okay, so she is willing to throw them, but she won't waste them against ordinary enemies. Makes sense. 293. Awww...but I want an unarmed combat specialist... 304. Okay. 315. THEORY TIME . 326. Huh...okay, so it's a byproduct of something important rather than an actual service-providing substance... 337. Sweet . Too bad he never used it... 348. Smart Toa. Smart, ambitious, unscrupulous, power-hungry Toa. 359. Ah well. Guess that'll forever remain undetermined.
36Personally, I think 5 is the most interesting... *runs off to formulate theory*

17.Is Takanuva's size increase permanent or can he be returned to normal size at the end of this year?
27) If he leaves Karda Nui, he will go back to his normal size
3That could have something to do with the nature of the Av-Matoran. 4I mean the fact that the Karda Nui Matoran are bigger than other Matoran types. 5Man, Av-Matoran are so becoming my favourite elemental beings .
1So there can't be any shockers without anyone dying? And just because someone won't die doesn't mean that they're invulnerable.
2That's not what I'm saying. I'm saying a war normally isn't serious if you don't get some serious casualties on both sides. I've always found it corny how the good guys always get out nearly unscathed (last year wasn't so bad about this), while the bad guys get their ### kicked. In war, a general doesn't simply go "HAY BAD DUDES, WE FIGHT NOW, BUT YOU CAN'T KILL OUR GUYS, CUZ U DID THAT LAST WEEK, K?"
3Just doesn't work that way. I'm just saying by giving the Nuva/Taka invulnerability, you have sacrificed realism. I find realism more important to a decent story over repetitive problems.
4Lord of the Rings was fair game. Anyone could die, just not many did. Star Wars nearly every single Jedi died, in different scenarios, but that's not repetitive. Its realistic. I'm looking for death, but guaranteeing that there is no chance for it is not wise. I'm not saying some of the Nuva/Taka have to die, but telling us months ahead of time they're safe is stupid.
5And I agree, the universe could end, but then probably everyone would escape safely somewhere else, and live happily ever after. In the end, either sacrifices are made by heroes, or everyone goes on to live happily into the sunset. Its just how these things go. Everyone should be fair game, not just the bad guys.
6Yeah but also, hundreds of toa were killed in bionicle. by the makuta. We didn't know most of them, but neither did we know most of the jedi who were killed.
7And I think we should ease off the PM's to greg a little 'cause he's busy and we would like the makuta regions.
1Hello sir, I just have this quick question. 2We know you've been busy, and as I've said in my blog entry we should give you a week off of PMs so you can get caught up. Would you like that? I mean we know you're human and can only do so much, and we do know you like PMs, but still, you have many yet by the sound of it, so please give confirmation if you'd like us to stop PMing you for a set amount of time so you can get caught up. Just say the word and I'll do my best to enforce it with others who aren't desperatly PMing you almost daily for answers. 3I hope that you will ask for the week off, we value you here and want you to keep answering our (seemingly) unending questions, and with what, 50 Pms daily? I don't think you deserve that, working for Lego, writing the books and serials, possibly writing some of your own books as it said in your blog entry and being married. You deserve this.
4And just let me say thank you for putting up with those who keep PMing you on a possible daily basis.
5That is very kind of you, thank you.
6I won't ask for it just now, but I may well ask for it in a couple of months. I just bought a house today (you are the first person to hear that news), so my wife and I will be moving in early summer and I will probably be offline for a little bit ... so that will be a good time for folks to take a little break.
8Ok, but should we at least hold off on PMs as one member suggested in my blog?
9No, we are okay for now, B -- like I said, probably toward end of May, early June I will need a break.
1Hi Greg
2I just have a few questions:
31. What is/was Lesovikk's destiny? 4a. Has it been fulfilled?
52. I read on BS01 that the Hagah were already Toa before working for MoMN. Prior to becoming Hagah, were any of the Toa on the same team? 6a. If so, who?
73. Which Toa team does Takanuva prefer working with? The Nuva or the Mahri?
84. You've said that Vultraz found the entrance to Karda Nui but didn't tell the Makuta. Do they know that he lied to them? 9a. If so, has he been punished?
105. Do the Makuta know that the effects of a shadow leech can be reversed? 11a. If so, do they know how? 12b. If the answer to 'a' is 'yes,' have they taken precautions against it?
13Thank you for your time.
141) If it isn't fulfilled -- and it isn't -- it would make no sense for me to tell you what it is and ruin storyline. 152) No 163) He really hasn't worked with the Mahri much, since all they were doing was guarding Metru Nui. 174) He didn't lie, he just didn't tell them. They never asked him, "Hey, did you find the core?" 185) No and no
19I find 1. interesting. I thought his destiny might have been to defeat Karzahni. Since we're not in this universe next year, does anyone else think Lesovikk might be in a summer serial?
1Hi Greg
2I just have a few questions:
31. What is/was Lesovikk's destiny? 4a. Has it been fulfilled?
52. I read on BS01 that the Hagah were already Toa before working for MoMN. Prior to becoming Hagah, were any of the Toa on the same team? 6a. If so, who?
73. Which Toa team does Takanuva prefer working with? The Nuva or the Mahri?
84. You've said that Vultraz found the entrance to Karda Nui but didn't tell the Makuta. Do they know that he lied to them? 9a. If so, has he been punished?
105. Do the Makuta know that the effects of a shadow leech can be reversed? 11a. If so, do they know how? 12b. If the answer to 'a' is 'yes,' have they taken precautions against it?
13Thank you for your time.
141) If it isn't fulfilled -- and it isn't -- it would make no sense for me to tell you what it is and ruin storyline. 152) No 163) He really hasn't worked with the Mahri much, since all they were doing was guarding Metru Nui. 174) He didn't lie, he just didn't tell them. They never asked him, "Hey, did you find the core?" 185) No and no
19I find 1. interesting. I thought his destiny might have been to defeat Karzahni. Since we're not in this universe next year, does anyone else think Lesovikk might be in a summer serial?
20No because he already defeated Karzahni. I think it's something else maybe revealed in summer.
1First of all, good day
2How are you this day?
3Should'nt chain lighting be a sub power of electricity li vacuum-air?
4Should'nt power scream be sub power of sonics?
5Do sea squid have to mate to reproduce an d lay eggs?
6If aturaga of light is a bulb, a Toa a sun could a an av-matoran be a lantern?
7what element mazeka is?
8youve said that the "paper" items on Mnolg and Mnolg II are not canon, why dont you say they are made of papyrus like protodermis, after all papyrus is carveable?
9In Bl7 the scroll is described white, but old paper is yellowish or tan, is recently created?
10Is Nikila going to appear in DM, after all you named her and she only appeared in a vision in a chapter of DoD?
111) And a Toa of Lightning could use chain lightning, as a Toa of Air could create a vacuum. But Makuta are not Toa and do not have the wide control of electricity a Toa of Lightning would have, they can do chain lightning, period.
122) Same answer. Makuta do not have a general sonic power the way a Toa of Sonics would, they have one specific power. So your question would be relevant if we were suggesting a Toa of Power Scream, but we're not.
133) Evidently, since Kalmah had a cave full of eggs he was watching over. We do not, though, know that they resulted from mating or from some other kind of reproduction.
144) Yes
155) I haven't seen the set, so don't know yet.
166) Where does the papyrus come from? The plants on Mata Nui are made of protodermis, not normal plant fibre like we have.
177) Again, our paper yellows with age -- but we are not in our universe, so our rules do not apply.
188) Not something I have decided one way or the other
19For those of the wiki an av-matoran is a lantern
2How are you this day?
3Should'nt chain lighting be a sub power of electricity li vacuum-air?
4Should'nt power scream be sub power of sonics?
5Do sea squid have to mate to reproduce an d lay eggs?
6If aturaga of light is a bulb, a Toa a sun could a an av-matoran be a lantern?
7what element mazeka is?
8youve said that the "paper" items on Mnolg and Mnolg II are not canon, why dont you say they are made of papyrus like protodermis, after all papyrus is carveable?
9In Bl7 the scroll is described white, but old paper is yellowish or tan, is recently created?
10Is Nikila going to appear in DM, after all you named her and she only appeared in a vision in a chapter of DoD?
111) And a Toa of Lightning could use chain lightning, as a Toa of Air could create a vacuum. But Makuta are not Toa and do not have the wide control of electricity a Toa of Lightning would have, they can do chain lightning, period.
122) Same answer. Makuta do not have a general sonic power the way a Toa of Sonics would, they have one specific power. So your question would be relevant if we were suggesting a Toa of Power Scream, but we're not.
133) Evidently, since Kalmah had a cave full of eggs he was watching over. We do not, though, know that they resulted from mating or from some other kind of reproduction.
144) Yes
155) I haven't seen the set, so don't know yet.
166) Where does the papyrus come from? The plants on Mata Nui are made of protodermis, not normal plant fibre like we have.
177) Again, our paper yellows with age -- but we are not in our universe, so our rules do not apply.
188) Not something I have decided one way or the other
19For those of the wiki an av-matoran is a lantern
4I think your being I bit modest about you and what you mean to Bionicle. in 2001 Bionicle had a bit of misery to it by 2003 it was so interesting that I could not get enough. When you came in you worked with in the fer rules that were there and made a real story out of very little. If I were you I would be very proud of Bionicle and be just dieing to go all out with it.1Hey Greg I was just looking at you blog and the responses and I got to thinking how much I would hate it if someone was telling me what to do with my stories. So how do you feel about LEGO and schoolastic having control over Bionicle? Also if you have the freedom to do what ever you wanted what would Bionicle be like?
2Well, first off, Scholastic really has no control over BIONICLE -- they can control how many books they want to do and what size, but they have no say in story. As for LEGO -- LEGO created BIONICLE (I wasn't here when it was first created) and owns it -- so it's really no different than the work I used to do for Star Wars and Indiana Jones at the game company. It's licensed publishing -- you're writing about an intellectual property someone else owns -- or, to be more basic, it's their bat, their ball, and their ballpark, so they make the rules. If you don't want to play that way, then you don't do this kind of writing, you stick to just writing your own stuff. (I gotta tell you, though -- even when you are writing something of your own, you will wind up with an editor or a publisher telling you what to change and how to change it. That's the nature of the biz.)
5I appreciate your comments, but you know, "dying to go all out" with something you don't own is just going to leave you frustrated. I enjoy the freedom I have to play with story now, which is much more than I had four years ago or so, but if I really want to have complete freedom, that's when I work on my own, non-LEGO stuff.
6OK I think I see what your saying. You have not gotten to attached to Bionicle because you know it will never really be yours.
7To an extent, that's correct -- I spend a lot of my time on BIONICLE, at work and at home, so I would definitely grieve if it was gone. At the same time, I have no control over it -- if LEGO took me off it tomorrow, that would be that and I would have to deal with it. I get to work on it as long as they are happy with what I am doing.
1Hi GregF,
2Some questions:
31. Where/when did Takanuva get his Power Lance?
42. We know the mask powers of Bitil and Gorast, could you give us Krika's mask power?
53. Miserix is trapped on an island, but who trapped him there? I mean, lots of Rahi, chambers you can't teleport through, gotta be a rough place and I can imagine a Makuta wouldn't have the time to build such an island?
64. Do you think Brutaka will be sent to the Pit as well, after the FoF team finishes their mission?
75. Has Brutaka completed his destiny yet?
91) That is going to have to be the subject of a side story this summer 102) Repulsion 113) Krika is the one who imprisoned him there 124) No. Brutaka is back to being an OOMN member, he is doing this mission under their auspices. 135) No
1Hello, I just have a few questions-
21. As Kodan is alive in the Tuyetverse, might there be a chance of seeing him in Dark Mirror?
32. Was it ever established what mask was worn by Kodan?
43. Could you tell me what general part of the Bioverse the Tren Krom Peninsula is? [northwest, east, central, a dome north of Zakaz, etc.]
54. Do Odina and Daxia have Makuta assigned to those places? If so, will we see either of them this year?
61) Possible 72) I don't believe so, no 83) Haven't decided yet 94) No. The Makuta don't even know Daxia exists, so they certainly wouldn't be overseeing it.
21. As Kodan is alive in the Tuyetverse, might there be a chance of seeing him in Dark Mirror?
32. Was it ever established what mask was worn by Kodan?
43. Could you tell me what general part of the Bioverse the Tren Krom Peninsula is? [northwest, east, central, a dome north of Zakaz, etc.]
54. Do Odina and Daxia have Makuta assigned to those places? If so, will we see either of them this year?
61) Possible 72) I don't believe so, no 83) Haven't decided yet 94) No. The Makuta don't even know Daxia exists, so they certainly wouldn't be overseeing it.
1Hey Greg,
21.) Can Kanohi-capable beings other than Toa make use of a Suva?
32.) Vamprah just recently found Karda Nui right? And we know that the Makuta there are playing some kind of time-table balancing act with what the Nuva are trying to acomplish. So what would have happened if the Mata's canisters hadn't malfunctioned and they got to Karda Nui a long time ago?
4Thanks a lot .
51) I tend to think not, I think we would like to keep that special for Toa 62) It would have definitely impacted things, because although the Makuta did not cause the malfunction, their timing did benefit from it. I think the Plan would have been radically revised had the same events happened a thousand years earlier.
1Antroz is going to die . . . . . . . . . NO, i hope he gets fixed.
2What gave you that idea?![]()
3I read it somewhere on this sight. In bl9, his armor got broken, he is leaking . . . . . . . . . . . . . .![]()
4Oh, that. Well, this isn't even where to post it.![]()
5Yes it is, it was in a question and other people said it to, so dont get mad at me.

1Some stuff, nothing too interesting:
2My questions:
9Greg's answer:
12Like I said, nothing really interesting in my opinion.
2My questions:
3Hello, Mr. Farshtey. Today I have two questions for you today:
41) Is it possible that, in the DMverse(That's what I call the Dark Mirror universe) that the Toa of Plasma that Zaktan did something to could still be alive and maybe is a ally of Lesovikk?
51a) If so, could that Toa of Plasma appear at some point in the DM and be named(Even though the Toa of Plasma wasn't that important)?
62) Do you know what type of bug/insect the set designer's based Krika off?
7Thanks for taking time off your very busy job to answer the questions of BIONICLE fans like me .
9Greg's answer:
101) He could be alive, but where he is and what he's doing is not something I have thought about. 112) Nope
12Like I said, nothing really interesting in my opinion.
1Hm... Krika's mask is Repulsion. I think I have an idea what it looks like - anyone seen The Force Unleashed cover? That would probably be pretty accurate... and as far as Brutaka's destiny, I gurantee you it has something to do with Miserix. If not, pretend I never said anything. 

1I have a theory about Mazeka and Vultraz:
2Vultraz and Mazeka are in the summer serials as enemies... I think... Well, what if they once were best friends? Even better worked together, and were members of the Nynrah Ghosts. Vultraz was not only a craftsman, but also a very skilled tracker. So the Brotherhood of Makuta tries to buy his services to find Karda Nui, but he knows how the Brotherhood executed some of the other Nynrah, so he naturally refuses. Then Vultraz is corrupted, and enters Brotherhood services by a "change of attitude". He discovers Karda Nui and finds it, but stays there, and Vamprah finds it. Mazeka and Vultraz both have vehicles, but Mazeka put a tracking device on Vultraz's vehicle, so Mazeka also finds Karda Nui. Which leads up to the summer serial Mazeka stars in.
3Either way, it is only a theory I came up with. Feel free to point out flaws. It relates to the OGD because of the constant Q's about Vultraz, Mazeka, and the Nynrah Ghosts.
Captain raven575 
2Vultraz and Mazeka are in the summer serials as enemies... I think... Well, what if they once were best friends? Even better worked together, and were members of the Nynrah Ghosts. Vultraz was not only a craftsman, but also a very skilled tracker. So the Brotherhood of Makuta tries to buy his services to find Karda Nui, but he knows how the Brotherhood executed some of the other Nynrah, so he naturally refuses. Then Vultraz is corrupted, and enters Brotherhood services by a "change of attitude". He discovers Karda Nui and finds it, but stays there, and Vamprah finds it. Mazeka and Vultraz both have vehicles, but Mazeka put a tracking device on Vultraz's vehicle, so Mazeka also finds Karda Nui. Which leads up to the summer serial Mazeka stars in.
3Either way, it is only a theory I came up with. Feel free to point out flaws. It relates to the OGD because of the constant Q's about Vultraz, Mazeka, and the Nynrah Ghosts.

1Nevermind, Takua the wanderer said what I was about to say.
1I have a theory about Mazeka and Vultraz:
2Vultraz and Mazeka are in the summer serials as enemies... I think... Well, what if they once were best friends? Even better worked together, and were members of the Nynrah Ghosts. Vultraz was not only a craftsman, but also a very skilled tracker. So the Brotherhood of Makuta tries to buy his services to find Karda Nui, but he knows how the Brotherhood executed some of the other Nynrah, so he naturally refuses. Then Vultraz is corrupted, and enters Brotherhood services by a "change of attitude". He discovers Karda Nui and finds it, but stays there, and Vamprah finds it. Mazeka and Vultraz both have vehicles, but Mazeka put a tracking device on Vultraz's vehicle, so Mazeka also finds Karda Nui. Which leads up to the summer serial Mazeka stars in.
3Either way, it is only a theory I came up with. Feel free to point out flaws. It relates to the OGD because of the constant Q's about Vultraz, Mazeka, and the Nynrah Ghosts.
4Captain raven575
5That wouldn't go here. Even though it relates (Not by much, it's not something to relate to), it would go in a sepreate topic.
Katuko 1I was browsing the Official Greg Discussion topic when I came across a few interesting questions/answers I would like to elaborate on.
21a) The Nynrah Ghosts have been confirmed to be Matoran who worked for the BoM, and who made the Exo-Toa and Fohrok. They also modified the Makuta armor, correct? 3b ) If yes, is it safe to assume that not all of the Nynrah were Fohrok builders, since they were put to death for sabotaging their own creations? I know at least some of the Nynrah are still alive. 4c ) If the Nynrah are Matoran, is "Nynrah" (ignoring the "Ghost" part) simply a name for their group, like Nuva and Hagah are for the Toa? 5d ) Finally, does "Nynrah" mean "inventor", "creator", "craftsman" or something similar?
62a) After transforming into energy, did the Makuta's armor really need to be modified, or was it simply done to make sure their abilities could be utilized properly in their new form? 7b ) If it was necessary to stop the Antidermis from leaking out, and the transformation was gradual, how does that work out? Wouldn't some already-converted energy leak out? 8c ) If all their mass converted slowly at once, would it go like this? 9Biomechanical Makuta -> Softer, gooey form -> Gaseous Energy 10d ) When Icarax was devolved, you compared his pain to sticking your foot into a shoe that's way too small. Does this mean that the modified armor is smaller than the original, since the Makuta wouldn't need the space anymore, and the extra metal would only slow them down?
113) Kanoka Disks are made from purified, liquid Protodermis. These disks were then forged into Kanohi by Ta-Matoran in Metru Nui's forges. However, during this process they lost a lot of energy, and any disk below level 7 would become powerless masks. This always seemed strange to me, as it would be easier to just make Kanohi molds and pour the purified Protodermis directly into them, making it much easier to create powerful Kanohi. Since they are able to make perfect Kanoka disk molds, why not Kanohi molds? Besides, it would decrease production time and make it less likely to mess up.
131) Correct 141b) Correct 151c) No, it's a name for where they live 161d) See 1c 172) Basically, it was streamlined -- it didn't need to be as bulky if there was no muscle or organs in it 182b) Not enough to matter 192c) Yes 202d) Bingo 213) Because we needed an explanation for why Matoran masks have no powers.
1So... Nynrah is a name of they home? Nynrah Nui don't sound good 

1Hm... Krika's mask is Repulsion.
2Where did you hear that?
4Scroll up a bit and see

1Hey, Greg. I have some questions that I was hoping you could answer.
21. This is about Tuyet. On BS01 it says that you said she should be considered mentally unstable because she was only trying to gain power to defeat the Brotherhood and the Dark Hunters. If the Brotherhood never revealed itself to be evil until the time of the Toa Metru - which would have been several (possibly hundred) years into the future - why would she think that they need to be defeated?
32. The Toa Nuva can not become Turaga, correct? Yet they still have access to their Toa Power, right? What would happen if one or all of them used up all of their TP and then they fulfilled their destiny?
43. Do you know Vultraz's origional element?
54. In DM, Teridax wears an infected Hau. Is this the same mask that he wore in the main Bionicle dimension before wearing the Kraahkan?
61) For the same reason that in our universe, Toa were noting down info on their strengths and weaknesses on the Makoki stones, just in case -- because they were extremely powerful, and anyone that powerful is a potential threat.
72) The Toa Nuva cannot become Turaga until they fulfill their destiny and choose to give up their Toa power. If one were to give up all his Toa power and then fulfilled his destiny, he would become a Turaga Nuva. But normally it works the other way around, because you aren't using raw Toa power that often, you are using elemental power most of the time.
83) Yes, fire.
94) He always wore the Kraahkan in our dimension.
10Nothing extrodinary. Though I swear I remember seeing a post by someone saying that the Nuva couldn't become Turaga since they were never Matoran... Hm...
1Hello, Mr.Farshty. I have a few more questions for you today.
21) You have stated muliple times that Av-Matoran are statistically more likely to become Toa and yet there have been at least dozens, probably hundreds of Ice, Fire, Stone, Gravity, ext. over the years and only one Toa of Light. How does that make them statistically more likely?
32) What level of builders are the Nynrah Ghosts compared to Artakha and Xia?
43) Is the Unity, Duty, Destiny symbol a galaxy? It looks like one, and I believe you recently stated that the map includes the Matoran Universe but is far larger then just that.
54) Is Icarax the most skilled, battle-wise, of the Makuta, or just the most skilled we know of?
65) Why was Teridax given the Mask of Shadows if he was not the original leader?
76) Will the Makuta make any more appearences in DM? Judging by the mini description that you gave before it started I got the impression that they would be really important...evil heroes I suppose.
87) Why would the GB's bother with Tren Krom? Why not just bring Mata-Nui into existance at the beginning? Did they not know what they would need him to be like untill the Universe was complete, or is the process of creating Mata-Nui a long one and Tren Krom was much quicker to make (he does seem kind of just thrown together) so they used him until the precess was complete, or some other thing that I can't think of?
9As always, thank you very much.
101) Statistically more likely does not mean "have already achieved their destiny." How do you know that 50 or 100 years down the road, there aren't going to suddenly be 300 or 400 Toa of Light running around? Matoran become Toa when it is their time to do so. 112) I would say not as good as Artakha, but better than Xia. 123) It's a map, I can't say more than that 134) He would definitely be up there with the best 145) Mask of Shadows has nothing to do with being the leader, it never has had. It's not a symbol of leadership. 156) We'll see 167) Work on places like Metru Nui started before Mata Nui existed and that was the only way it could be done, so something had to exist to keep Metru Nui intact until Mata Nui was brought to life.
171) Then how do they know that Av-Matoran are statistically more likely? 182) I guessed as much. 193) Drn... 204) I see... 215) But I'm pretty sure that I remember them saying that it is a sybol of power (wich is why Icarax wanted it) so wouldn't that be for the leader? 226) We'll see... 237) Oh I get it . That makes perfect sence.