13) I personaly think this isn't the best answer, our president doesn't do those things but he heads the things that head the things that do do these thing, as well as derectly helps in things like taxes and laws that do efect those things. And those "big things" that greg mentions aren't as big as Mata Nui's conserns, Mata Nui's conserns are so beyond the lives of the matotran that I think that the matoran didn't know he exsisted they would never notice his effects.
2Well, obviously enough, you think wrong. The Matoran are well aware of Mata-Nui's role in their lives. That's why they revere him. You can't argue it, it's storyline fact. Besides, the President is not a direct manipulator of taxes -or- laws. That'd be our little Senate/House arrangement. He can Veto, but he's not the one making them or approving them. You missed the entire analogy, and yet somehow made the point yourself: He is the very head of several major organizations that have no direct affect on your life, and yet also directly effect how your local community is and the like. Mata-Nui is the same.35) I hate to contradict Greg like this but again I have argues: 4-Humans have inteligence that let them succeed all the animals, we don't nead claws and speed, we are also the top of the food-chain but matoran are not, things don't eat them, for the most part, but other species often dominate them. 5-"as important to the world as we all seem to think we are" our importance to the world is aruable, while the matoran's is given
6I think you're grossly overestimating your own natural abilities there. The only reason we have dominated our little sphere of rock is because of past success in using that brain; if you were in a natural environment your brain is only going to do so much. You've also got thousands of years of innovation that helped shape your world so you never have to realize how ungainly your own abilities are. Plus, Matoran have a natural ability to help them fight threats as well, the ability to become a Toa. That's their defense right there.
7Maybe I over-estimated our presedents role in our lives, I don't think I did, but that doesn't matter the point is the matoran would probably take the things Mata Nui did for granted if they never new, for thousands of years humans never worried what controled the air, gravity and cosmic things, but just accepted these things and got on with there lives, of course scienists did this, but these people were not the overall population. But you are right, the matoran's knolage and respect for Mata Nui is given and can't be changed, so there isn't much in speculating about it.
8How am I overestimating our inteligence? Isn't the fact that we are writing these things profe enough that we are more inteligent than animals. Isn't the idea that we built apon thousands of generations of knowlage show we are inteligent. Sure if one or to people was born in the wood with no posibuility to find civilization, he would never get far in intelegence, but with a large group of people and wait some hundred generations genrations and you will see evidence of human inteligence for sure. But with animals this never happens. To summerize this, the ability to pass on information from generation to generation is a part of our inteligence. 9But also that isn't the point either, the point is that we are, for the most part, dominant in the animal kindom. We don't nead as much protection as the matoran that aren't dominant in the bionicles world, and like I said human importance is ARGUABLE, but matoran importance is GIVEN. You are right about the Toa though.
10Don't need protection? So, you'd be fine if they took your house, the police, let the animals in zooz out, destroyed all weapons, and you were stuck in a jungle with only food and stalked by dosens of wild animals? We've forgotten how to survive outside of citys, in non-controlled enviroments. There are some who have re-learned, but they are far the minority. If someone was born in the jungle, they wouldn't know how to count to 3, but they'd know how to survive without appliances or supermarkets, and can you say you can do that? Intelligence isn't just learnt at school, and animals in many ways are smarter than us. They don't have wars, or crime, and everything they do they just do to stay alive. no unneeded violence like we have. We arent automatically smart just because our ancestors invented the things that keep us alive.
11I actually have seen ant wars...just saying
13) I personaly think this isn't the best answer, our president doesn't do those things but he heads the things that head the things that do do these thing, as well as derectly helps in things like taxes and laws that do efect those things. And those "big things" that greg mentions aren't as big as Mata Nui's conserns, Mata Nui's conserns are so beyond the lives of the matotran that I think that the matoran didn't know he exsisted they would never notice his effects.
2Well, obviously enough, you think wrong. The Matoran are well aware of Mata-Nui's role in their lives. That's why they revere him. You can't argue it, it's storyline fact. Besides, the President is not a direct manipulator of taxes -or- laws. That'd be our little Senate/House arrangement. He can Veto, but he's not the one making them or approving them. You missed the entire analogy, and yet somehow made the point yourself: He is the very head of several major organizations that have no direct affect on your life, and yet also directly effect how your local community is and the like. Mata-Nui is the same.35) I hate to contradict Greg like this but again I have argues: 4-Humans have inteligence that let them succeed all the animals, we don't nead claws and speed, we are also the top of the food-chain but matoran are not, things don't eat them, for the most part, but other species often dominate them. 5-"as important to the world as we all seem to think we are" our importance to the world is aruable, while the matoran's is given
6I think you're grossly overestimating your own natural abilities there. The only reason we have dominated our little sphere of rock is because of past success in using that brain; if you were in a natural environment your brain is only going to do so much. You've also got thousands of years of innovation that helped shape your world so you never have to realize how ungainly your own abilities are. Plus, Matoran have a natural ability to help them fight threats as well, the ability to become a Toa. That's their defense right there.
7Maybe I over-estimated our presedents role in our lives, I don't think I did, but that doesn't matter the point is the matoran would probably take the things Mata Nui did for granted if they never new, for thousands of years humans never worried what controled the air, gravity and cosmic things, but just accepted these things and got on with there lives, of course scienists did this, but these people were not the overall population. But you are right, the matoran's knolage and respect for Mata Nui is given and can't be changed, so there isn't much in speculating about it.
8How am I overestimating our inteligence? Isn't the fact that we are writing these things profe enough that we are more inteligent than animals. Isn't the idea that we built apon thousands of generations of knowlage show we are inteligent. Sure if one or to people was born in the wood with no posibuility to find civilization, he would never get far in intelegence, but with a large group of people and wait some hundred generations genrations and you will see evidence of human inteligence for sure. But with animals this never happens. To summerize this, the ability to pass on information from generation to generation is a part of our inteligence. 9But also that isn't the point either, the point is that we are, for the most part, dominant in the animal kindom. We don't nead as much protection as the matoran that aren't dominant in the bionicles world, and like I said human importance is ARGUABLE, but matoran importance is GIVEN. You are right about the Toa though.
10Don't need protection? So, you'd be fine if they took your house, the police, let the animals in zooz out, destroyed all weapons, and you were stuck in a jungle with only food and stalked by dosens of wild animals? We've forgotten how to survive outside of citys, in non-controlled enviroments. There are some who have re-learned, but they are far the minority. If someone was born in the jungle, they wouldn't know how to count to 3, but they'd know how to survive without appliances or supermarkets, and can you say you can do that? Intelligence isn't just learnt at school, and animals in many ways are smarter than us. They don't have wars, or crime, and everything they do they just do to stay alive. no unneeded violence like we have. We arent automatically smart just because our ancestors invented the things that keep us alive.
11I actually have seen ant wars...just saying
12ANT WARS . That's insane .
13) I personaly think this isn't the best answer, our president doesn't do those things but he heads the things that head the things that do do these thing, as well as derectly helps in things like taxes and laws that do efect those things. And those "big things" that greg mentions aren't as big as Mata Nui's conserns, Mata Nui's conserns are so beyond the lives of the matotran that I think that the matoran didn't know he exsisted they would never notice his effects.
2Well, obviously enough, you think wrong. The Matoran are well aware of Mata-Nui's role in their lives. That's why they revere him. You can't argue it, it's storyline fact. Besides, the President is not a direct manipulator of taxes -or- laws. That'd be our little Senate/House arrangement. He can Veto, but he's not the one making them or approving them. You missed the entire analogy, and yet somehow made the point yourself: He is the very head of several major organizations that have no direct affect on your life, and yet also directly effect how your local community is and the like. Mata-Nui is the same.35) I hate to contradict Greg like this but again I have argues: 4-Humans have inteligence that let them succeed all the animals, we don't nead claws and speed, we are also the top of the food-chain but matoran are not, things don't eat them, for the most part, but other species often dominate them. 5-"as important to the world as we all seem to think we are" our importance to the world is aruable, while the matoran's is given
6I think you're grossly overestimating your own natural abilities there. The only reason we have dominated our little sphere of rock is because of past success in using that brain; if you were in a natural environment your brain is only going to do so much. You've also got thousands of years of innovation that helped shape your world so you never have to realize how ungainly your own abilities are. Plus, Matoran have a natural ability to help them fight threats as well, the ability to become a Toa. That's their defense right there.
7Maybe I over-estimated our presedents role in our lives, I don't think I did, but that doesn't matter the point is the matoran would probably take the things Mata Nui did for granted if they never new, for thousands of years humans never worried what controled the air, gravity and cosmic things, but just accepted these things and got on with there lives, of course scienists did this, but these people were not the overall population. But you are right, the matoran's knolage and respect for Mata Nui is given and can't be changed, so there isn't much in speculating about it.
8How am I overestimating our inteligence? Isn't the fact that we are writing these things profe enough that we are more inteligent than animals. Isn't the idea that we built apon thousands of generations of knowlage show we are inteligent. Sure if one or to people was born in the wood with no posibuility to find civilization, he would never get far in intelegence, but with a large group of people and wait some hundred generations genrations and you will see evidence of human inteligence for sure. But with animals this never happens. To summerize this, the ability to pass on information from generation to generation is a part of our inteligence. 9But also that isn't the point either, the point is that we are, for the most part, dominant in the animal kindom. We don't nead as much protection as the matoran that aren't dominant in the bionicles world, and like I said human importance is ARGUABLE, but matoran importance is GIVEN. You are right about the Toa though.
10Don't need protection? So, you'd be fine if they took your house, the police, let the animals in zooz out, destroyed all weapons, and you were stuck in a jungle with only food and stalked by dosens of wild animals? We've forgotten how to survive outside of citys, in non-controlled enviroments. There are some who have re-learned, but they are far the minority. If someone was born in the jungle, they wouldn't know how to count to 3, but they'd know how to survive without appliances or supermarkets, and can you say you can do that? Intelligence isn't just learnt at school, and animals in many ways are smarter than us. They don't have wars, or crime, and everything they do they just do to stay alive. no unneeded violence like we have. We arent automatically smart just because our ancestors invented the things that keep us alive.
11I actually have seen ant wars...just saying
12ANT WARS . That's insane .
13Its true, they were fighting termites, found em under a rock, seriously edit:did I just say seriously? *looks*fudge...
1That's a common occurrence. 2And animals have no crime because they have no morals- If they were truly superior in those ways to people, would any of them cannibalize each other?
3animals do have morals 4if not 5why would your pet dog lick your cuts clean if it had no moral values 6if it had no morality then it would smell the blood and start gnawing your leg off
7your saying that cannibals dont eat each other? 8so according to you 9some ancient tribes have no moral values
10personally i think that is a stupid idea 11animals even have a heirachal system 12animals simply have no crime because to them 13if everyone gets a fair share of a sheeps carcass 14then everythings fine
15edit: 16soo 17your dog ate another dog?
1Uh, guys?
2Could we get back on topic? I know Greg is going to be gone for the whole week, but this thing about Gods and Human dominice sounds like it should be on the Discovery Channel.I'm not sure if this is the greatest idea, to get in to these kind of discussions...
3Religious discussion actually is even forbidden on BZP. And philosophical stuff like human dominice - if there is room for it on BZP, then in the COT Forum. Although I understand that a comparison between the Matoran and human role in their respective universes ultimately will end in philosophical discussions, this is called "Offical Greg Discussion" and not "Advanced Philosophy", as interesting as the topic may be (and it also is to me).
4Well, to add some Greg stuff to the discussion--
5Hi Greg 6while browsing BS01, some questions about the Matoran language came to my mind
71) Is "Umbra" really the Matoran term for "darkest part of a shadow?" 82) Is "Voya" officially the Matoran word for "journey" 93) I've found two different translations for "Mahri" on the web: "on the coast" and "sea." Which one is the official one? 104) What's the official meaning of "Karda" (if there is any) 115) Does Tridak mean "pod" or is there no official translation 126) Since we got a translation for "Cordak (blasters)", I assume there also is a translation for "Midak." If so, what is it? 137) Since the winter sets are called "Spirits of the Air", will the summer sets be called "Spirits of the Swamp" or something similar? 148) Is there an official meaning for "zya" (you know, the word Hydraxon used to make Spinax attack Maxilos/Makuta)?
15And something else: 169) Will you write more stories like The Many Deaths Of Toa Tuyet? I really liked it, and I'm anxious to see more stuff like that. Probably something with all those DH from the guidebook? 1710) Is ist possible that Lesovikk fought in the Toa-DH war, since he tried to do some good to compensate his failure? Would make sense to me, since he travelled the whole universe and got as far north as Karzahni, so he also could have found his way to Metru Nui.
18Thanks, 19NtM
201) Yup 212) It hasn't been stated officially, but that's my opinion. 223) I lean toward sea, but again, it has never been stated officially in story 234) Core 245) There is no official translation - -I doubt very much it means pod 256) Gets revealed later on, I believe 267) I can't discuss summer sets 278) Yes -- means "attack" 289) Depends on if I have time. That one was done at Bink's request for a project BZP was planning to raise money for the site. I enjoyed working on it, but I don't have a lot of time with the comics, the books, the magazines, and the serials to write. 2910) No.
30And, a little more interesting:
31Hi Greg 32I've got some questions again
331) When are the next chapters of the serials scheduled to appear on the web? 342) Did the Staff of Artakha also repair the Great Furnace, since it had been destroyed by the Morbuzakh plant? If not, did the Matoran repair it? 353) Is Vican from Metru Nui? 364) About when did Krakua become a Toa? I know it happened during the time of the Inika/Mahri, but when? Could you name an event or a book that happens simultaneously with his transformation? 375) Will Krakua's "besieged island fortress" become important? 386) When does Dark Mirror take place? Before Bionicle Legends#9, betwen Bionicle Legends#9 and #10, after Bionicle Legends#10, between two chapters of one of the novels? 397) Will you feature the MoMN's real name in the Mutran Chronicles? 408) Last year you said you'd feature a BoM timeline in the January Mag. As far as I could find out, this wasn't the case (otherwise some members would have posted it, right?). So why not? 419) German Magazines feature the name Nocturn written with 'k' instead of 'c' (=> Nocturn) and Carapar written 'Karapar.' Are those mistakes or are they allowed to use this? I mean, these names would have to be cleared legal, wouldn't they?
42Thanks, 43NtM
441) I believe the next chapters of Dark Mirror and Mutran are scheduled for next week, and then FoF the week after. 452) The Matoran would have had to repair it. The Staff only fixed what the GC destroyed. 463) No 474) Happened around Book 7 485) We'll see, it won't figure into 2008. Remember, we never said how far in the future he was when he made that call to the past. 496) Between Bionicle Legends #10 and Bionicle Legends #11, since Bionicle Legends #10 and #9 take place at roughly the same time. 507) I may have to, but I will cross that bridge when I come to it 518) Because the decision was made on a higher level than me that what was needed more was an FAQ on the Makuta for newer fans who didn't remember 2001-2003, and that was in the BrickMaster issue. 529) I have no involvement with what's going on in Germany or why they are doing thator who at LEGO is doing the approvals for that content, so not something I can speak to.
1From an early post, which stated that "at least one" Makuta was opposed to attacking Mata Nui, I tend to think Miserix may not be as black-hearted as the rest of the Brotherhood. I haven't seen any evidence, thus far, of Miserix opposing Mata Nui or his will. Here's a long shot: Maybe the OoMN wants to recruit him...? 

1Here's my whole 2009 discussion with Greg so far. Please note that the first quote is from Greg, not me.
12This could be important, as it could mean that the characters we know and love are travelling to another island on the surface like Mata Nui.
2What's your basis for feeling you aren't going to like 2009?
4Well, you said it wouldn 't take place in a domed universe.
6I've kinda softened up on 2009, as I really have no idea what's gonna go on in 2009.
7You probably can't answer this, but will BIONICLE still be about biomechanical beings? And will we EVER go back to this universe?
8By the way, I'll probably always like BIONICLE, because I always have, ever since 2001 "before it was 'cool,'" when my friends introduced it to me.
9So, don't woory about me, or any other hardcore fans, as we'll probably always like you and your stories and toys.
10Fair enough -- but I'd point out to you that 2001-2003 did not take place in a domed universe, either. Island of Mata Nui was not in a dome.
11Right you are.
12This could be important, as it could mean that the characters we know and love are travelling to another island on the surface like Mata Nui.
1EDIT: How did this happen? Please ignore my double post.
1From an early post, which stated that "at least one" Makuta was opposed to attacking Mata Nui, I tend to think Miserix may not be as black-hearted as the rest of the Brotherhood. I haven't seen any evidence, thus far, of Miserix opposing Mata Nui or his will. Here's a long shot: Maybe the OoMN wants to recruit him...?
2Yeah, they probrably would recruit Miserix, but if he isn't the only Makuta that opposed the Plan then i think the Female Makuta may have some thoughts against the plan.
1From an early post, which stated that "at least one" Makuta was opposed to attacking Mata Nui, I tend to think Miserix may not be as black-hearted as the rest of the Brotherhood. I haven't seen any evidence, thus far, of Miserix opposing Mata Nui or his will. Here's a long shot: Maybe the OoMN wants to recruit him...?
2Yeah, they probrably would recruit Miserix, but if he isn't the only Makuta that opposed the Plan then i think the Female Makuta may have some thoughts against the plan.
3But she's a summer canister. If she opposed MoMN, she would certainly not be around for this mission, if not dead.
1The summer makuta is following the plan, he/she just doesn't think it's a really good idea.
1Just got these...
12Awww, I wanted to see a Toa of Iron.
2Hi Greg, heres a few questions...
31) In the "reboot" in 2009, is there going to be a major change in characters, or are there still going to have the Matoran, Toa, and Turaga as the main species/characters, or are there going to be a new breed of hero's and villian's?
42) Are the Matoran/Toa/Turaga part of the same species or whenever a Matoran changes into a Toa or a Toa turns into a Turaga they are actually changing in species type?
53) You have said that a Toa of Iron could create protosteel armor if they knew how to. Do the Makuta know where a Matoran of Iron is so that they could use EP to turn him into a Toa, and use his powers to create a new set of armor for MoMN?
64)How do keep track of all of you little Bionicle connector pieces? When I MOC I always lose mine.
7Thanks in advance.
81) I can't discuss 2009 92) They are all related species, yes 103) EP would not turn a Matoran into a Toa, most likely it would destroy him. We have seen Toa stones and the Avohkii and lightning froim the red star create Toa, but the Makuta have no way to know which Matoran are destined to be Toa and when they are destined to transform. 114) My recommendation would be that you invest in some small Tupperwares to keep the pieces in.
12Awww, I wanted to see a Toa of Iron.

1From an early post, which stated that "at least one" Makuta was opposed to attacking Mata Nui, I tend to think Miserix may not be as black-hearted as the rest of the Brotherhood. I haven't seen any evidence, thus far, of Miserix opposing Mata Nui or his will. Here's a long shot: Maybe the OoMN wants to recruit him...?
2Yeah, they probrably would recruit Miserix, but if he isn't the only Makuta that opposed the Plan then i think the Female Makuta may have some thoughts against the plan.
3But she's a summer canister. If she opposed MoMN, she would certainly not be around for this mission, if not dead.
4yeah, but if you look earlier on in this topic someone asked Greg about if there was a makuta that didnt like the plan but still went with it and Greg answered yes. And then he was asked if it was a summer set and Greg replied yes, that's why i think its the Female Makuta.
1That's a common occurrence. 2And animals have no crime because they have no morals- If they were truly superior in those ways to people, would any of them cannibalize each other?
3They only eat one another if its in their nature, and their nature is to survive. it is only when nessesary that they do things humans may find heartless.
1Just got these...
2Hi Greg, heres a few questions...
31) In the "reboot" in 2009, is there going to be a major change in characters, or are there still going to have the Matoran, Toa, and Turaga as the main species/characters, or are there going to be a new breed of hero's and villian's?
42) Are the Matoran/Toa/Turaga part of the same species or whenever a Matoran changes into a Toa or a Toa turns into a Turaga they are actually changing in species type?
53) You have said that a Toa of Iron could create protosteel armor if they knew how to. Do the Makuta know where a Matoran of Iron is so that they could use EP to turn him into a Toa, and use his powers to create a new set of armor for MoMN?
64)How do keep track of all of you little Bionicle connector pieces? When I MOC I always lose mine.
7Thanks in advance.
81) I can't discuss 2009 92) They are all related species, yes 103) EP would not turn a Matoran into a Toa, most likely it would destroy him. We have seen Toa stones and the Avohkii and lightning froim the red star create Toa, but the Makuta have no way to know which Matoran are destined to be Toa and when they are destined to transform. 114) My recommendation would be that you invest in some small Tupperwares to keep the pieces in.
12Awww, I wanted to see a Toa of Iron.
13There is nothing that says you wont...
1That's a common occurrence. 2And animals have no crime because they have no morals- If they were truly superior in those ways to people, would any of them cannibalize each other?
3They only eat one another if its in their nature, and their nature is to survive. it is only when nessesary that they do things humans may find heartless.
4Exactly, but people have always warred with and killed each other. It's our nature and they have their own. Do you think that they view our crimes as significantly as we do?
1Sorry, I forgot to post these pm's i got back from greg. They may be stuff you all ready found out.
2I have a few questions...again
31) Did Matoro know Tuyet when he lived on Metru Nui? I ask this because Matoro said she seemed familiar. "Half buried in rubble was a Kanohi Mask of Power, one who's shape of which look vaguely familiar."-Into the darkness chapter 2
42) Do the Toa Nuva have to reawaken Mata Nui ASAP or could they stall to prevent the BOM from achiveing their goal?
53) In the Alternate Universe, do the Toa still work in teams like the Toa Mata or Hagha or just who they are assigned to work with (sort of like TSO pairing up opposite DH together)?
64) Could the SoA repair the SoF?
75) Where exactly did the EP come from that leaked onto Mata Nui?
86) Were there other tasks that the Toa Nuva had to complete besides Freeing the bohrok, finding the SoA, finding the HotV,etc.?
97) who exactly found Spiriah?
108) Are Jerbraz, Tobduk, or Johmak the nine foot tall warrior from the Toa Nuva Blog?
119) Was Krakua in Metru Nui to tell Takanuva of his mission?
1210) I read there are 56 Toa. Does this include Spinner, Prototype, or Savage?
1311) I know you work on the story part and not on the sets, so i know you might not be able to answer this question, but if toa are still blue, red, white, etc, could there be a that they can control a different element? 14Ex White-Sonic, Blue-Iron, Black-Magnetism, Green-Plantlife, red-electricity, brown-Plasma
1512) Could Hydraxon control masks but chooses not to wear one?
1613) How many Toa were on Jovan's team?
1714) If Mata Nui is waken up too late for the BoM, would their plan still work?
1815) Does Jaller know what the Toa Nuva did at Karzahni? If no, would he look for Lhikan's mask?
191) Matoro was a Matoran there at the time, but his memories of Metru Nui, like those of all the Matoran, are vague at best. 202) The Nuva have no reason to believe that the BOM would want Mata Nui awakened, thus no reason to stall. 213) Yes, they do still work in teams 224) No. The Staff of Fusion is ash that has blown away with the wind, there is nothing for the SoA to work with. 235) Hasn't been revealed 246) No 257) We'll get to that 268) No 2710) No, because they are not Toa, they are Dark Hunters. Toa are heroes. 2811) I think that would prove confusing for most fans. 2912) Yes 3013) Oh, I don't recall what was said about that, it was a long time ago. 3114) Late's not a problem. 3215) No, how would he know that? And no, he has to guard Metru Nui, he can't go off on personal quests.
331) in the alternate universe- Voya-Nui is part of the main land, Their is no mutagen arounf the pit, The Universe Core has no swamp nor Av-matoran, mata nui is a barren rock, and any other problem caused by the GC has not occoured. just outdated sort of?
342) Say a thousand years later after the bohork cleaned mata-nui that a tree starts growing. would the bahrag just send a small group of bohrok to get rid of it or would they all wake up just to get rid of a plant?
353) Where is the island of Stelt? is it north south east or west of metru nui?
364) Roodaka and Spirah seemed to dislike going to Stelt, Are Makuta big customers or allies with the people of stelt?
375) Spirah left the visorak in charge of Zakaz for a short while. Did Spirah go to Destral or else where? if so why?
381) Correct, anything caused by the GC never happened. 392) The Bahrag don't make this decision. There is an automatic signal that gets sent when it is time for them to go clean. 403) South. Metru Nui is the furthest northern island, and there is nothing to the east or west of it. Everything is south of it. 414) Stelt is a major port, a lot of people go in and out of it. But Roodaka's issue here is not the BOM, it's the fact that she had Sidorak killed and Sidorak came from Stelt, so his clan would want revenge. 425) He had other things to do. It's sort of like boiling water. You don't sit and stare at the pot while it's heating up, you do other things
431) What is the re-education center in Ga-Metru? 442)a)-why is Karzahni helping the Toa? 45b)If Karzahni is in Metru Nui, does that mean his Matoran are with him? 463) Takanuva said he is heading to the archives, is he going to get help from Krahka? If not, will he come across the sundial? 474)Will we learn The Shadowed One's real name this year? 485)I read that TSO has respect for Takanuva. If this is true, why does he want him killed? 496) Was The Spear of Fusion created by the BOM, Dark Hunters, or Arthaka? 507)When Vamprah seen Matoro using the mask, did he know what was happening? 518)Does the Island that Miserix currently on have a name? 529)how long has Vican been a servent to Mutran? 5310)Did any Makuta watch over a area before they were given a bigger role. 54a) I'm guessing Makuta also watched over other beings besides the matoran, or did the makuta monitor them so they wouldn't harm the matoran?
551) Ga-Metru was always the site of the Matoran schools in our universe, so it makes sense to have it there 562) What choice does he have? If he doesn't do what the Toa want, they will destroy him and his realm. 572b) His Matoran were freed a long time go. 583) You'll find out in Chapter Three 594) No. It's not important to the story 605) You can respect an enemy, doesn't mean you don't want him out of the way. 616) I don't think that has been revealed yet 627) Vamprah never saw him. Vamprah was flying beneath him at the time and never noticed his presence. 638) Yes 649) Not all that long 6510) The Makuta didn't start monitoring regions until the Matoran civil war, 79,500 years ago
661) In the Alternate universe could Takanuva meet with himself as a matoran? 67b- Are the DarkHunters and Makuta protagonists? 68c- If so do the Makuta still plan to overrun Mata Nui
692) Can Toa Ignika cure the Barraki, Brutaka, and Toa Mahri into their old forms?
703) Does The BOM want the same weapon the Toa Nuva are looking for? Do they know of the weapon at all?
714) Do the Midak Blasters work outside of Karda Nui?
725) Will there eventually be another Bionicle World Book?
731) A possibility, if the Takua of that universe is still alive 74They are the only fighters for freedom left in that universe 75c) That's really not an option. Remember, Tuyet's actions predated Makuta's attack on Mata Nui. With the Toa in control of the universe, the Makuta don't have the means to make such an attack and it really would not benefit them to do so. Mata Nui isn't the problem, the Toa are. 762) It could, yes 773) Keep in mind that a weapon can be many things, including knowledge 784) Yes, though possibly not as well and in places like the zone of darkness they would not work at all 795) We are batting around the idea of another guidebook for 2009, but probably not an atlas.
80That is all
2I have a few questions...again
31) Did Matoro know Tuyet when he lived on Metru Nui? I ask this because Matoro said she seemed familiar. "Half buried in rubble was a Kanohi Mask of Power, one who's shape of which look vaguely familiar."-Into the darkness chapter 2
42) Do the Toa Nuva have to reawaken Mata Nui ASAP or could they stall to prevent the BOM from achiveing their goal?
53) In the Alternate Universe, do the Toa still work in teams like the Toa Mata or Hagha or just who they are assigned to work with (sort of like TSO pairing up opposite DH together)?
64) Could the SoA repair the SoF?
75) Where exactly did the EP come from that leaked onto Mata Nui?
86) Were there other tasks that the Toa Nuva had to complete besides Freeing the bohrok, finding the SoA, finding the HotV,etc.?
97) who exactly found Spiriah?
108) Are Jerbraz, Tobduk, or Johmak the nine foot tall warrior from the Toa Nuva Blog?
119) Was Krakua in Metru Nui to tell Takanuva of his mission?
1210) I read there are 56 Toa. Does this include Spinner, Prototype, or Savage?
1311) I know you work on the story part and not on the sets, so i know you might not be able to answer this question, but if toa are still blue, red, white, etc, could there be a that they can control a different element? 14Ex White-Sonic, Blue-Iron, Black-Magnetism, Green-Plantlife, red-electricity, brown-Plasma
1512) Could Hydraxon control masks but chooses not to wear one?
1613) How many Toa were on Jovan's team?
1714) If Mata Nui is waken up too late for the BoM, would their plan still work?
1815) Does Jaller know what the Toa Nuva did at Karzahni? If no, would he look for Lhikan's mask?
191) Matoro was a Matoran there at the time, but his memories of Metru Nui, like those of all the Matoran, are vague at best. 202) The Nuva have no reason to believe that the BOM would want Mata Nui awakened, thus no reason to stall. 213) Yes, they do still work in teams 224) No. The Staff of Fusion is ash that has blown away with the wind, there is nothing for the SoA to work with. 235) Hasn't been revealed 246) No 257) We'll get to that 268) No 2710) No, because they are not Toa, they are Dark Hunters. Toa are heroes. 2811) I think that would prove confusing for most fans. 2912) Yes 3013) Oh, I don't recall what was said about that, it was a long time ago. 3114) Late's not a problem. 3215) No, how would he know that? And no, he has to guard Metru Nui, he can't go off on personal quests.
331) in the alternate universe- Voya-Nui is part of the main land, Their is no mutagen arounf the pit, The Universe Core has no swamp nor Av-matoran, mata nui is a barren rock, and any other problem caused by the GC has not occoured. just outdated sort of?
342) Say a thousand years later after the bohork cleaned mata-nui that a tree starts growing. would the bahrag just send a small group of bohrok to get rid of it or would they all wake up just to get rid of a plant?
353) Where is the island of Stelt? is it north south east or west of metru nui?
364) Roodaka and Spirah seemed to dislike going to Stelt, Are Makuta big customers or allies with the people of stelt?
375) Spirah left the visorak in charge of Zakaz for a short while. Did Spirah go to Destral or else where? if so why?
381) Correct, anything caused by the GC never happened. 392) The Bahrag don't make this decision. There is an automatic signal that gets sent when it is time for them to go clean. 403) South. Metru Nui is the furthest northern island, and there is nothing to the east or west of it. Everything is south of it. 414) Stelt is a major port, a lot of people go in and out of it. But Roodaka's issue here is not the BOM, it's the fact that she had Sidorak killed and Sidorak came from Stelt, so his clan would want revenge. 425) He had other things to do. It's sort of like boiling water. You don't sit and stare at the pot while it's heating up, you do other things
431) What is the re-education center in Ga-Metru? 442)a)-why is Karzahni helping the Toa? 45b)If Karzahni is in Metru Nui, does that mean his Matoran are with him? 463) Takanuva said he is heading to the archives, is he going to get help from Krahka? If not, will he come across the sundial? 474)Will we learn The Shadowed One's real name this year? 485)I read that TSO has respect for Takanuva. If this is true, why does he want him killed? 496) Was The Spear of Fusion created by the BOM, Dark Hunters, or Arthaka? 507)When Vamprah seen Matoro using the mask, did he know what was happening? 518)Does the Island that Miserix currently on have a name? 529)how long has Vican been a servent to Mutran? 5310)Did any Makuta watch over a area before they were given a bigger role. 54a) I'm guessing Makuta also watched over other beings besides the matoran, or did the makuta monitor them so they wouldn't harm the matoran?
551) Ga-Metru was always the site of the Matoran schools in our universe, so it makes sense to have it there 562) What choice does he have? If he doesn't do what the Toa want, they will destroy him and his realm. 572b) His Matoran were freed a long time go. 583) You'll find out in Chapter Three 594) No. It's not important to the story 605) You can respect an enemy, doesn't mean you don't want him out of the way. 616) I don't think that has been revealed yet 627) Vamprah never saw him. Vamprah was flying beneath him at the time and never noticed his presence. 638) Yes 649) Not all that long 6510) The Makuta didn't start monitoring regions until the Matoran civil war, 79,500 years ago
661) In the Alternate universe could Takanuva meet with himself as a matoran? 67b- Are the DarkHunters and Makuta protagonists? 68c- If so do the Makuta still plan to overrun Mata Nui
692) Can Toa Ignika cure the Barraki, Brutaka, and Toa Mahri into their old forms?
703) Does The BOM want the same weapon the Toa Nuva are looking for? Do they know of the weapon at all?
714) Do the Midak Blasters work outside of Karda Nui?
725) Will there eventually be another Bionicle World Book?
731) A possibility, if the Takua of that universe is still alive 74They are the only fighters for freedom left in that universe 75c) That's really not an option. Remember, Tuyet's actions predated Makuta's attack on Mata Nui. With the Toa in control of the universe, the Makuta don't have the means to make such an attack and it really would not benefit them to do so. Mata Nui isn't the problem, the Toa are. 762) It could, yes 773) Keep in mind that a weapon can be many things, including knowledge 784) Yes, though possibly not as well and in places like the zone of darkness they would not work at all 795) We are batting around the idea of another guidebook for 2009, but probably not an atlas.
80That is all
1Miserix isn't really "good;" he just doesn't like the plan because he feels it's too risky.
2Also, there's nothing to suggest that it's the female Makuta who is against the plan, it could be any one of the three. 
3Oh, and I think it's been revealed that the Brotherhood made the Spear, but I'm not sure.

3Oh, and I think it's been revealed that the Brotherhood made the Spear, but I'm not sure.

1You there, MCFarion; Takanuva DID meet-up with himself, like, one Dark Mirror ago.
1BARRAKIMATT, you have to PM your questions to Greg via the link on the first post of this topic.
2But I'll try to answer your questions: 31. Defending Metru Nui. 42. If you want to know about types, there's 42 that have appeared in the story, not including the Noble masks, Nuva masks, Toa Kaita masks, or Golden Masks. 53. What about him? 64. There will be a model of him in the summer.

2But I'll try to answer your questions: 31. Defending Metru Nui. 42. If you want to know about types, there's 42 that have appeared in the story, not including the Noble masks, Nuva masks, Toa Kaita masks, or Golden Masks. 53. What about him? 64. There will be a model of him in the summer.

1hi greg, i was wondering if you could answer my questions. thank in advance.
21. what will the toa mahri do now? 32. how many masks are there all together up until now? 43. what about the MoMN? 54. what does Miserix look like?
7Like Adventurer said, you have to PM Greg your questions. But they can all be answered.
81. Protecting Metru Nui 92. A bunch. There's a whole Matoran universe out there. 103. That's one of the things that he can't discuss. 114. That's another thing he can't discuss.
1From an early post, which stated that "at least one" Makuta was opposed to attacking Mata Nui, I tend to think Miserix may not be as black-hearted as the rest of the Brotherhood. I haven't seen any evidence, thus far, of Miserix opposing Mata Nui or his will. Here's a long shot: Maybe the OoMN wants to recruit him...?
2The OoMN doesn't take in BoM members.

1From an early post, which stated that "at least one" Makuta was opposed to attacking Mata Nui, I tend to think Miserix may not be as black-hearted as the rest of the Brotherhood. I haven't seen any evidence, thus far, of Miserix opposing Mata Nui or his will. Here's a long shot: Maybe the OoMN wants to recruit him...?
2The OoMN doesn't take in BoM members.![]()
3Well, he's a former member, and they took Spiriah, didn't they?
4-VtG, the guy who just made a Manutri revamp.
1From an early post, which stated that "at least one" Makuta was opposed to attacking Mata Nui, I tend to think Miserix may not be as black-hearted as the rest of the Brotherhood. I haven't seen any evidence, thus far, of Miserix opposing Mata Nui or his will. Here's a long shot: Maybe the OoMN wants to recruit him...?
2The OoMN doesn't take in BoM members.![]()
3Well, he's a former member, and they took Spiriah, didn't they?
4-VtG, the guy who just made a Manutri revamp.
5They didn't recruit Spiriah, they put him in a suicide team who don't have to know what the OOMN is.
1hi greg, i was wondering if you could answer my questions. thank in advance.
21. what will the toa mahri do now? 32. how many masks are there all together up until now? 43. what about the MoMN? 54. what does Miserix look like?
7BARRAKIMAT, you have to PM Greg (Username: GregF) to ask him your questions. He doesn't check this topic. But don't worry if he doesn't respond for a while - he's gone on a meeting till Friday.
8But I think I can answer a few of these, as they have been asked before-- 91) They will stay in Metru Nui and guard the city 102) Well, I didn't count, but you could count them on your own. Just go to the Kanohi page of BS01, where you will find a list. 113) The current status of the MoMN is something Greg doesn't want to reveal before the story gets to it. 124) Last I heard, Miserix will be a combiner in summer, so I'd suggest you'll wait.
14EDIT: Aww, didn't notice that Teebert already responded to that - sorry

1It hasn't been confirmed that Miserix is a combiner. 

1Does anyone know what the mistika are? cuz they had a page on biosector but it was blank
1That's a leaked name Pencoin and Keonshade, so you might want to edit it out.
1From an early post, which stated that "at least one" Makuta was opposed to attacking Mata Nui, I tend to think Miserix may not be as black-hearted as the rest of the Brotherhood. I haven't seen any evidence, thus far, of Miserix opposing Mata Nui or his will. Here's a long shot: Maybe the OoMN wants to recruit him...?
2The OoMN doesn't take in BoM members.![]()
3Well, he's a former member, and they took Spiriah, didn't they?
4-VtG, the guy who just made a Manutri revamp.
5I wouldn't say he is good. I think he just doesn't agree because he doesn't want to except the consequensces if they fail.